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March 19, 2014 Dear Member: We are pleased to inform you our shul has become a satellite facility

of the Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning. In that capacity, we will be hosting, at 11 East 11th Street, a new Skirball course, David Hartman: From Living Covenant to the God Who Hates Lies. The course will be taught on six consecutive Tuesday evenings, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, commencing Tuesday, April 29. Enclosed for your information is Skirballs course catalog for the spring term, which includes a description of this course. The subject of the course, Rabbi David Hartman, was a US-born rabbi and philosopher, who founded the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, and whose liberal strand of Orthodox Judaism placed him among the more original and outspoken Orthodox thinkers in Israeli public life. This course will shed light on what Hartman meant by his Living Covenant and how Hartmans attempts to forge an alliance between liberalism and Orthodoxy both united and divided his fellow Jews. Professor Daniel Rynhold, Associate Professor of Modern Jewish Philosophy at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University, will teach this fascinating course. Professor Rynhold, who served as scholar-in-residence at CSFA on Rosh Hodesh Elul last year, is a brilliant and engaging teacher and scholar. Educated at the Universities of Cambridge and London, Professor Rynhold was a fixture on the adult education circuit in England before coming to New York. He is the author of Two Models of Jewish Philosophy: Justifying Ones Practices, and An Introduction of Medieval Jewish Philosophy. Although Skirballs standard registration fee for this course is $240, Skirball will waive the fee entirely for CSFA members who register for the course. (CSFA encourages members to make voluntary contributions to Skirball, although such contributions are not required for registration.) To register for the course, please mail the attached registration form (along with any voluntary contribution payable by check or credit card), to The Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue, 11 East 11th Street, New York, NY 10003 (and note Skirball in the memo section of any check). To register for any other offering in the enclosed Skirball catalog, please follow the directions in the enclosed Skirball catalog. This is going to be a wonderful and thought-provoking course. I hope to see there. LShalom, Jeremy Medows, President


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Please register me for the Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning class, David Hartman: From Living Covenant to the God Who Hates Lies which will be held at CSFA on Tuesday nights, April 29, May 6,13,20,27, and June 10 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. In lieu of a registration fee, please find my contribution of $________________. ( ) Check enclosed. Checks should be made payable to CSFA and note Skirball in the memo section of the check ( ) Please charge my credit card: ( ) American Express ( ) MasterCard ( ) Visa Card Number: Expiration Date: Signature:

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