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The content of this service document is the subject of inteectu! "ro"ert# ri$hts reserved b# Det Nors%e Verit!s AS &DNV'( The user
!cce"ts th!t it is "rohibited b# !n#one ese but DNV !nd)or its icensees to offer !nd)or "erform c!ssific!tion* certific!tion !nd)or
verific!tion services* incudin$ the issu!nce of certific!tes !nd)or dec!r!tions of conformit#* +ho# or "!rt#* on the b!sis of !nd)or
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The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version
No( ./(01
F!ti$ue Stren$th !nd 2tim!te C!"!cit#
Chec% of Cont!iner Vesses Incudin$ the
Effect of S"rin$in$ !nd 3hi""in$
42L5 1/0.
DNV is ! $ob! "rovider of %no+ed$e for m!n!$in$ ris%( Tod!#* s!fe !nd res"onsibe business conduct is both ! icense
to o"er!te !nd ! com"etitive !dv!nt!$e( Our core com"etence is to identif#* !ssess* !nd !dvise on ris% m!n!$ement( From
our e!din$ "osition in certific!tion* c!ssific!tion* verific!tion* !nd tr!inin$* +e deveo" !nd !""# st!nd!rds !nd best
"r!ctices( This he"s our customers s!fe# !nd res"onsib# im"rove their business "erform!nce( DNV is !n inde"endent
or$!nis!tion +ith dedic!ted ris% "rofession!s in more th!n 0// countries* +ith the "ur"ose of s!fe$u!rdin$ ife* "ro"ert#
!nd the environment(
Classification Notes
C!ssific!tion Notes !re "ubic!tions th!t $ive "r!ctic! inform!tion on c!ssific!tion of shi"s !nd other objects( E6!m"es
of desi$n soutions* c!cu!tion methods* s"ecific!tions of test "rocedures* !s +e !s !cce"t!be re"!ir methods for some
com"onents !re $iven !s inter"ret!tions of the more $ener! rue re-uirements(
7 Det Nors%e Verit!s AS 4u# 1/0.
An# comments m!# be sent b# e8m!i to
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to
such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount eual to ten times the fee charged for the service in uestion, provided that
the maximum compensation shall never exceed !"D # million.
In this provision $Det Norske Veritas$ shall mean the %oundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf
of Det Norske Veritas.
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

&hanges , -age (
This is ! ne+ document(
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

&ontents , -age .
1. Introdction ........................................................................................................................................... !
0(0 3hi""in$ !nd s"rin$in$((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((9
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". For#at for Hll Girder Ulti#ate Stren$t% ......................................................................................... &
1(0 Introduction(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((<
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.(0 Introduction(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?
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.(. @ode test "rocedures ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0/
.(; Numeric! simu!tion "rocedures ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((00
.(9 Fu sc!e me!surements ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((00
.(: Im"ic!tion of other c!ss not!tions ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((01
+. Esti#ate of Ulti#ate Stren$t% ........................................................................................................... 1"
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;(. Nonine!r finite eement !n!#sis* ACAD2S ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((01
;(; Erocedures for cont!iner vesses(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0.
!. Fati$e Assess#ent .............................................................................................................................. 1'
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,. References ............................................................................................................................................ 1,
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.* Introduction , -age /
1 Introdction
1.1 W%i--in$ and s-rin$in$
Shi"s !re often considered to be ri$id or stiff structures* +hich do not deform in +!ves( In re!it# the shi"s !re
fe6ibe !nd deforms in +!ves(
The stiffness of the structure !nd the mass distribution !on$ the hu $irder c!n be re$!rded !s ! sim"e m!ss8
s"rin$ s#stem* +hich is !ssoci!ted +ith ! natural frequency( E6"osed to +!ve o!ds* the hu $irder m!# vibr!te
+ith its n!tur! fre-uenc#( The vibr!tion m!# be e6cited b# nonlinear im"usive +!ve o!ds such !s bo+ f!re8*
stem8* bottom8 or stern slamming* +hich e!ds to sudden vibr!tions( This is referred to !s whipping( The
vibr!tion m!# !so be e6cited b# osci!tin$ +!ve o!ds* +hich m!# e!d to reson!nce vibr!tions( This is
referred to !s springing( S"rin$in$ c!n be c!used b# both linear !nd nonlinear e6cit!tion* +here the encounter
fre-uenc# or the sum of t+o encounter fre-uencies coincides +ith the n!tur! fre-uenc# of the hu $irder( The
damping is t#"ic!# o+* so !fter ! +hi""in$ event the vibr!tion dec!#s so+# !nd m!# !st for m!n# seconds
!nd even minutes( Lo+ d!m"in$ +i !so $ive si$nific!nt vibr!tion eves even thou$h the reson!nce e6cit!tion
is o+( 3hi""in$ !nd s"rin$in$ m!# therefore occur more or ess continuous# !nd simut!neous# !nd c!n
therefore be difficut to distin$uish( Their re!tive im"ort!nce m!# !so de"end on desi$n &fe6ibiit# !nd
sh!"e'* o!din$ condition &o+ or hi$h dr!ft !nd trim' !nd +!ve condition &s"eed* se! st!te !nd he!din$'( From
! conse-uence "oint of vie+* the t+o "henomen! m!# often be referred to !s wave induced vibrations* +hich
both c!n be visu!# observed !nd fet on bo!rd* es"eci!# in the hi$h su"erstructure( The !ssoci!ted o!ds !re
often referred to !s high frequency o!ds* +hich c!n be com"!red to the convention! +!ve o!ds* +hich is
referred to !s wave frequency loads(
It is reco$nised th!t vesses m!# h!ve m!n# n!tur! fre-uencies !nd corres"ondin$ vibr!tion modes( The
$overnin$ vibr!tion mode is the vertical 2-node vibration mode* +hich is !ssoci!ted +ith the o+est n!tur!
vibr!tion fre-uenc# in most c!ses( The n!tur! fre-uenc# m!# be in the order of /(9 8 0 AF* +hie the +!ve
fre-uenc# o!ds !re !n order of m!$nitude ess &/(/9 8 /(0 AF'( The 18node vibr!tion mode is most e!si#
e6cited !nd $ives the !r$est vibr!tion bendin$ moment !midshi"s( The vibr!tion mode !nd the corres"ondin$
distribution of the vertic! vibr!tion bendin$ moment !re iustr!ted in Fi$ure 080( It resembes the enveo"e
curve of vertic! +!ve bendin$ moment( Other modes m!# ho+ever !so contribute for ver# !r$e vesse
Fi$re 1.1
U--er -lot refers to ".node /ertical /i0ration #ode and t%e lo1er -lot is t%e associated /ertical 0endin$
#o#ent distri0tion. T%e illstration is 0ased on a nor#ali2ed %o#o$eneos s%i-.
Numeric! c!cu!tions of +!ve o!ds !nd section! o!ds on ! shi" !re no+!d!#s fre-uent# used in desi$n
!ssessment of shi"s( This is b!sed on the !ssum"tion th!t the shi" is ri$id* !nd m!n# codes e6ist for this
"ur"ose( The resutin$ +!ve o!ds !re referred to !s the wave frequency loading( There is ho+ever not m!n#
reco$nised "ro$r!ms* +hich c!n h!nde fe6ibe structures !nd the mutu! inter!ction bet+een the +!ve o!ds
!nd the structur! res"onse( These "ro$r!ms !re referred to !s hydroelastic codes* !nd for shi"s the numeric!
descri"tion of the nonlinear +!ve o!ds c!usin$ s"rin$in$ !nd +hi""in$ is ch!en$in$ !nd the resutin$
vibr!tion eve is not ver# !ccur!te +ithout "ro"er v!id!tion)tunin$( Even the +!ve fre-uenc# o!din$ +i be
ch!n$ed usin$ ! h#droe!stic code(
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.* Introduction , -age 0
It h!s been reco$nised th!t +hi""in$ !nd s"rin$in$ incre!se the f!ti$ue !nd e6treme o!din$( Coth "henomen!
incre!se the f!ti$ue o!din$* +hie on# the +hi""in$ is considered to incre!se the e6treme o!din$
si$nific!nt#( Coth the f!ti$ue stren$th !nd the co!"se c!"!cit# !re !ddressed herein(
Re$!rdin$ e6treme o!din$* the +hi""in$ is su"erim"osed on the st!tic +!ve o!din$ &sti +!ter +!ve o!din$'
!nd the +!ve fre-uenc# o!din$( These three o!d com"onents m!%e u" the tot! o!din$* +hich shoud be ess
th!n the co!"se stren$th &c!"!cit#'(
Re$!rdin$ f!ti$ue o!din$* the s"rin$in$ !nd +hi""in$ !re both su"erim"osed on the +!ve fre-uenc# o!din$(
The vibr!tion !nd +!ve fre-uenc# res"onse !re re!ted to t+o different fre-uenc# re$imes* !nd the# !re +ide#
s"re!d on the fre-uenc# sc!e( For such bro!d b!nded "rocesses* the f!ti$ue c#ces !re counted b# R!info+
countin$* +hich is the reco$niFed !""ro!ch to est!bish the f!ti$ue o!din$ histor#( First the f!ti$ue d!m!$e is
c!cu!ted for the tot! stress &+!ve fre-uenc# stress G hi$h fre-uenc# stress'* +hich defines the total damage(
Second#* the f!ti$ue d!m!$e is estim!ted for the +!ve fre-uenc# stress referred to !s the wave damage( The
difference bet+een the tot! !nd +!ve d!m!$e m!%es u" the vibration damage( In "r!ctice it is the vibr!tion on
to" of the +!ve fre-uenc# o!din$ th!t m!%es u" the si$nific!nt "!rt of the vibr!tion d!m!$e(
The b!sis for the em"iric! re!tions h!ve been fu sc!e me!surements* +hich !ccounts for re! ife e6"erience*
!nd mode tests( In mode tests re!istic !ssum"tions h!ve been m!de in testin$ !nd ev!u!tion of the resuts to
!void too conserv!tive estim!tes of the effect of +hi""in$ !nd s"rin$in$( Ne$ectin$ re!istic !ssum"tions in
mode testin$ !nd numeric! simu!tions m!# e!d to too hi$h vibr!tion eve !nd conse-uent# unnecess!r#
conserv!tive sc!ntin$s(
In ! mode tests !nd fu sc!e me!surements !ssessed* the effect of +!ve induced vibr!tions h!s been
si$nific!nt for the cont!iner vesses !nd com"!r!be +ith the +!ve o!din$( The +hi""in$ h!s been domin!tin$
the vibr!tion res"onse in both the f!ti$ue !nd e6treme o!din$(
1." O03ecti/e
It is desir!be to %no+ the s!fet# m!r$in for e6istin$* ne+ !nd nove desi$ns* !nd to ensure th!t the s!fet#
m!r$in is sufficient !$!inst hu $irder co!"se in m!in desi$n tr!des( This document "rovides ! "rocedure to
estim!te the s!fet# m!r$in for the c!r$o hod !re!( It incudes !n estim!te of the effect of +hi""in$ b!sed on
em"iric! re!tions* +hich c!n be used in e!r# desi$n to $et ! $ood first estim!te of the sc!ntin$s(
S!tisf#in$ these re-uirements +i "rovide ! vesse +ith ! co!"se stren$th +hich is e-u! to or better th!n the
minimum industr# st!nd!rd( The intention is ho+ever not to be too conserv!tive* "rovidin$ ! "otenti! of stee
s!vin$s for ! hu $irder not o"timiFed(
This document m!# be used !s b!sis to "rovide !n estim!te of the s!fet# m!r$in* +hich subse-uent# c!n be
used in !ssessment of o"er!tion! me!sures to im"rove the s!fet# m!r$in in re! o"er!tion( It m!# for inst!nce
be used !s in"ut to m!ture !nd !""roved hu monitorin$ s#stems* +hich incudes me!surements of st!tic !nd
d#n!mic o!ds incudin$ +hi""in$(
3hie the e6treme o!din$ !nd co!"se stren$th is re!ted to s!fet#* the +!ve induced vibr!tions !so contribute
to f!ti$ue o!din$* +hich is ! second!r# concern re!ted to m!inten!nce !nd re"!ir costs( 3hi""in$ !nd
s"rin$in$ is thereb# !so re!ted to econom#(
This document m!# be used to incude the effect of the +!ve induced vibr!tion in the f!ti$ue !ssessment in
e!r# desi$n b!sed on em"iric! re!tions of the vibr!tion contribution( The em"iric! re!tions !re incor"or!ted
into the st!nd!rd f!ti$ue !ssessment "rocedures outined in CN./(<( Ao+ to !ssess the effect of the vibr!tion
!on$ the hu !s +e !s the effect of tr!de is described(
@ore !dv!nced "rocedures for estim!tin$ the contribution from +hi""in$ !nd s"rin$in$ !re !so brief#
outined( These !re b!sed on mode tests* numeric! !n!#sis !nd fu sc!e me!surements( The# c!n be usefu
for nove desi$ns or +hen d!t! from simi!r vesses !re !v!i!be( The mode tests !nd numeric! "rocedures
for f!ti$ue !nd e6treme o!d !re re!ted(
1.' Sco-e
Em"iric! re!tions !re "rovided for cont!iner vesses of !n# siFe(
The em"iric! re!tions !re restricted to +hi""in$ for e6treme o!din$ !nd +hi""in$ !nd s"rin$in$ for f!ti$ue
o!din$( In both c!ses the effect of the vertic! 18node vibr!tion mode !nd the corres"ondin$ bendin$ moment
is su"erim"osed on the vertic! +!ve bendin$ moment( Assessment of other modes re-uires s"eci!
consider!tions* but c!n in most c!ses be ne$ected(
The !ssessment of s!fet# m!r$in !$!inst co!"se shoud be c!rried out !t minimum three oc!tions !on$ the
hu $irder( Cross sections of interest !re norm!# re$!rded to be cose to midshi" section* one in the !ft shi"
&cose to !ft -u!rter en$th' !nd one in the fore shi" &cose to for+!rd -u!rter en$th'( These oc!tions shoud
cover the m!in "!rt of the hu $irder +ith res"ect to ch!n$e in sc!ntin$s* c!"!cit# !nd o!ds( If there !re !r$e
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.# %ormat for Hull 1irder !ltimate "trength , -age 2
ch!n$es in the on$itudin! bendin$ stiffness more oc!tions m!# be necess!r#* for inst!nce !ft !nd for+!rd of
the su"erstructure on ! t+in is!nd desi$n( On# the vertic! bendin$ moment +ith +hi""in$ in s!$$in$ !nd
ho$$in$ needs to be considered !nd oc! d#n!mic effects c!n be disre$!rded(
The !ssessment of the f!ti$ue d!m!$e +ith s"rin$in$ !nd +hi""in$ is restricted to the midshi" re$ion !nd to
on$itudin! m!teri! &stiffeners !nd "!tes' !nd h!tch co!min$s)corners( A method to determine the e6tent of
the effect &conse-uence' of the vibr!tion is described( In most c!ses it is sufficient to consider the midshi"
section in combin!tion +ith the enveo"e curve of the f!ti$ue +!ve bendin$ moment +ithin the H"!r!eI
midshi" "!rt(
For nove desi$ns mode tests or numeric! c!cu!tions shoud be c!rried out in order to est!bish the vibr!tion
contribution( Atern!tive#* fu sc!e me!surements c!n be used +hen d!t! for sister vesses or simi!r siFed
vesses !re !v!i!be( The numeric! c!cu!tions re-uire th!t the domin!tin$ e6cit!tion mech!nism is incuded*
i(e( !s ! minimum the bo+ f!re im"!cts(
1.+ Strctre of doc#ent
The m!in "!rt of this document st!rts +ith Sec(1 definin$ !n im"roved c!"!cit# formu!tion +hich differs
si$ht# from other references( Sec(. !ddresses the e6treme o!d side !nd Sec(; !ddresses the co!"se stren$th
side( On the o!d side em"iric! re!tions !re e6"ressed* but for nove desi$ns !so numeric! !nd mode test
!tern!tives !re outined( Aso on the stren$th side there m!# be si$ht# different !""ro!ches* !nd the stren$th
estim!tes !re brief# discussed versus !v!i!be toos !s +e !s $ener! toos( In Sec(9 the f!ti$ue !ssessment
"rocedures !re described( Em"iric! re!tions !re incuded* but !so !tern!tive me!ns to derive the em"iric!
f!ctors !re brief# outined( In Sec(: some references re!ted to the effect of vibr!tion on f!ti$ue !nd e6treme
o!din$ !s +e !s utim!te c!"!cit# !ssessment !re isted( @!n# of these h!ve "rovided b!sis for deveo"ment
of this document(
1.! Acron4#s
This section ists the !bbrevi!tions* !cron#ms !nd nomenc!ture used in this document but not e6"!ined
CN C!ssific!tion Note
DNV Det Nors%e Verit!s
IACS Intern!tion! Associ!tion of C!ssific!tion Societies
2R S00 2nified Re-uirements* Stren$th* Section 00
REC .; Recommend!tion no( .;
LRFD Lo!d !nd Resist!nce F!ctor Desi$n
OS Offshore St!nd!rd
CSR8A A!rmoniFed Common Structur! Rues
Rues DNV Rues for C!ssific!tion of Shi"s
" For#at for Hll Girder Ulti#ate Stren$t%
".1 Introdction
The utim!te c!"!cit# chec% is ! chec% of the stren$th bein$ !r$er th!n the o!d !nd the chec% is c!rried out on
the vertic! bendin$ moment on#* considered to be the critic! f!iin$ mode(
The stren$th h!s been reduced b# ! s!fet# f!ctor re!ted to the v!ri!tion in stren$th comin$ from uncert!inties
in the stren$th !ssessment( F!ctors i%e m!teri! "ro"erties* im"erfections !nd !mount of corrosion m!# "!# !
In the s!me m!nner ! s!fet# f!ctor is !ssoci!ted +ith the o!ds in order to incre!se the o!ds( The uncert!inties
m!# be re!ted to s"eci! se! conditions not considered in desi$n* the effect of s"eed !nd nonine!r effects in
e6treme res"onse situ!tions* the "rob!biit# of o!ds bein$ e6ceeded* uncert!int# in c!r$o +ei$ht !nd s"eci!
o!d effects +hich m!# not be "ro"er# !ccounted for in desi$n( The st!tic !nd d#n!mic o!d is h!nded +ith
different s!fet# f!ctors !nd combin!tions( The e6treme st!tic o!din$ +ith its res"ective incre!se is not
e6"ected to occur !t the s!me time !s the d#n!mic e6treme +ith its res"ective incre!se(
From this the utim!te chec% is ! chec% of ! reduced stren$th sti bein$ !r$er th!n !n incre!sed o!d( This is
!ssoci!ted +ith !n !cce"t!be !nd o+ "rob!biit# of occurrence(
The form!t foo+s the form!t used in desi$n of some other shi" t#"es* but here it is m!de ! bit more $ener!
!nd the effect of +hi""in$ is e6"icit# incuded( The form!t is often referred to !s the Lo!d !nd Resist!nce
F!ctor Desi$n &LRFD' method for inst!nce in DNV8OS8C0/1* in the Rues or in CSR8A(
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.# %ormat for Hull 1irder !ltimate "trength , -age 3
"." General for#at
The utim!te c!"!cit# form!t incudin$ +hi""in$ !""ic!be both for the ho$$in$ !nd s!$$in$ chec% is !s

K Vertic! hu $irder utim!te bendin$ c!"!cit# from -u!si8st!tic o!din$* in %Nm !t the hu tr!nsverse
section considered(

= E!rti! s!fet# f!ctor for the vertic! hu $irder utim!te bendin$ c!"!cit# to be t!%en e-u! toJ



= E!rti! s!fet# f!ctor for the vertic! hu $irder utim!te bendin$ c!"!cit#* coverin$ m!teri!*
$eometric !nd stren$th "rediction uncert!inties

= E!rti! s!fet# f!ctor for the vertic! hu $irder utim!te bendin$ c!"!cit#* coverin$ the effect of
doube bottom bendin$
K Eermissibe sti +!ter bendin$ moment* in %Nm* in se!$oin$ condition

= E!rti! s!fet# f!ctor for the sti +!ter bendin$ moment
K Vertic! +!ve bendin$ moment* in %Nm* !t the hu tr!nsverse section considered +ith reference to

= E!rti! s!fet# f!ctor for the vertic! +!ve bendin$ moment

= E!rti! s!fet# f!ctor reducin$ the effectiveness of +hi""in$ durin$ co!"se !s understood !s the
d#n!mic co!"se effect* to be t!%en e-u! toJ

K 0(/ uness !n!#sedL but bet+een 0(/ !nd /(/ +hen !n!#sed for ! s"ecific shi"

= E!rti! s!fet# f!ctor for the !ddition! +hi""in$ contribution
0(/ !nd defined !sJ
K Desi$n +!ve bendin$ moment from em"iric! re!tions* mode tests* numeric! !n!#sis or fu sc!e
d!t! incudin$ the effect of +hi""in$(
This formu!tion h!s some im"ic!tions( First of ! the d#n!mic effect of the short dur!tion +hi""in$ c#ces
is chosen to be re!ted to the o!din$ !nd not the stren$th* +hie in re!it# it is more on the stren$th* but !so !s
! resut of inter!ction( This is convenient* bec!use the utim!te bendin$ c!"!cit# c!n then be estim!ted b!sed
on st!tic consider!tions* +hich is b!sed on st!nd!rd "r!ctise(
The +hi""in$ contribution c!n !so be understood to be the difference bet+een the "!rti! s!fet# f!ctor for
* !nd for the vertic! +!ve bendin$ moment*
* incudin$ the reduction f!ctor
( In re!it#* the
m!6imum desi$n moment +hen +hi""in$ is incuded occurs often for ! different condition &se! st!te* he!din$
!nd shi" s"eed' th!n the condition $ivin$ m!6imum +!ve desi$n moment &M

'* +hich !so m!# h!ve
some +hi""in$( The !st condition is referred to !s the IACS 2R S00 condition for +!ve bendin$ moment*
+hie the former refers to ! sm!er but more re!istic se! st!te !t hi$her s"eed( To !void considerin$ utim!te
c!"!cit# chec%s for t+o se"!r!te conditions* i(e( the 2R S00 condition !nd the condition +ith e6treme
+hi""in$* the t+o c!ses h!ve been mer$ed( The +hi""in$ f!ctor*
* is set re!tive to the IACS 2R S00 +!ve
bendin$ moment(
The +hi""in$ f!ctor
h!s to !t e!st be !s !r$e !s the "!rti! s!fet# f!ctor
( The reduction of the
effectiveness of +hi""in$ is on# !""ied to this difference* !nd not !""ied to the -u!si8st!tic +!ve o!din$(
The reduction f!ctor
+i thereb# be si$ht# mise!din$* !nd im"# ! !r$er reduction th!n the true
effectiveness of the +hi""in$ for the +hi""in$ c!se(
+i !so h!ve to be determined on ! c!se b# c!se b!sis*
uness it +i become +e documented throu$h d#n!mic co!"se studies* +hich +i not become the st!nd!rd
!n!#sis in the ne!r future(
3hen the reduction f!ctor
is /* then the formu!tion +i be !s the ori$in! formu!tion seen in DNV8OS8
C0/1* the Rues or IACS CSR8A( The c!cu!tions of the utim!te bendin$ c!"!cit# !nd the o!ds !re subjects
for the ne6t section(

mox _




&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.( 4xtreme 5oading , -age 6
' E(tre#e )oadin$
'.1 Introdction
The m!6imum vertic! bendin$ moment incudin$ +hi""in$ to be used in desi$n c!n be derived in v!rious
+!#s( For the "ur"ose of e!r# desi$n* in order to $et ! $ood first estim!te of the !ddition! effect* em"iric!
re!tions !re convenient( These !re ho+ever b!sed on "revious e6"erience b!sed on ! mi6ture of mode tests
!nd fu sc!e me!surements !nd to ! ess de$ree numeric! c!cu!tions( The com"e6it#* time consum"tion*
costs !nd !ccur!c# of these methods v!ries !nd +i on# be !ddressed brief# in the foo+in$( In ! res"ects*
the !im is to estim!te the +hi""in$ contribution
'." E#-irical relations for container /essels
These !re sender shi"s +ith boc% coefficient in the order of /(: !nd +ith ! vesse s"eed in the r!n$e of 1/ to
1? %nots( The shi" en$th v!ries from !bout ?/ to ;// meters* +hie those beo+ 1./ meters !re re$!rded !s
feeders( L!r$er shi"s tend to $o f!ster* h!ve ! o+er n!tur! "eriod for the vertic! 18node mode !nd the# !re
re$!rded to be more fe6ibe( The bo+ $eometr# +ith the bo+ f!re !n$e* * is considered the most im"ort!nt
f!ctor* foo+ed b# vesse s"eed* &* !nd fe6ibiit# re"resented b# the en$th* (( The "ost8E!n!m!6 !nd 2tr!
L!r$e Cont!iner vesses tend to h!ve hi$her bo+ f!re !n$e th!n E!n!m!6 vesses* but the !r$est vesses m!#
not h!ve the !r$est bo+ f!re !n$es(
K bo+ f!re !n$e in &de$rees' !ccordin$ to DNV Rues for C!ssific!tion of Shi"s* Et(. Ch(0 Sec(< E0/.(
This is c!cu!ted !t /(/9 ( !ft of FE !nd bet+een sti +!ter ine !nd u""er dec% &hence not the oc! !n$e'(
( K rue en$th in &m'
& K contr!ct s"eed !t desi$n dr!ft !t >9M @CR !nd 09M se! m!r$in in &%nots'
If the contr!ct s"eed* &
* is s"ecified !t !nother 6M @CR !nd #M se! m!r$in* it c!n be converted b# the
foo+in$ formu! &sim"istic'J
The +hi""in$ contribution* +hich !""ies to both +hi""in$ contribution in s!$$in$ !nd ho$$in$* is estim!ted b#J
K ;(>. 0/
K 00//
K ;(0
K B/(0?
The minimum +hi""in$ f!ctor &!midshi"s' isJ

K 0(.
From AE to midshi"* the +hi""in$ contribution is %e"t const!nt* +hie for+!rd of midshi" section it is reduced
to+!rds the bo+ in the foo+in$ +!#J
At !n# "osition the +hi""in$ f!ctor is e-u! or $re!ter th!n
The foo+in$ "!rti! s!fet# f!ctors !re definedJ

K 0(1

K 0(/

K 0(/

K 0(0
S"eci! consider!tions !re re$!rded necess!r# for vesses +ith one or more of the foo+in$ ch!r!cteristicsJ
N Len$th bet+een "er"endicu!rs O .9/ m
N Co+ f!re !n$e O 99P
N Vesse desi$n s"eed !t >9M @CR O 19 %nots(
I = u.9u4I
1 +y 1uu
x 1uu

= 1 +k
(I +k
)(I +k

(xI) = 1 +(y
1) sin (n x I) when x > I2
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.( 4xtreme 5oading , -age *)
'.' 5odel test -rocedres
@ode testin$ is ! science of its o+n( To obt!in usefu resuts +ith the desired -u!it#* ! fe+ recommend!tions
!re considered necess!r#( These !re isted in the foo+in$J
N A reco$nised testin$ f!ciit# shoud be used(
N The mode shoud h!ve ! re!istic fe6ibiit# for the vertic! 18node mode* but shoud !so incude the
.8node !nd ;8node vertic! bendin$ mode !s ! minimum(
N The t!r$et n!tur! fre-uenc# shoud be re!istic(
N The d!m"in$ &structur! !nd h#drod#n!mic' shoud be confirmed in +!ter !t Fero !nd for+!rd s"eed before
!nd !fter the testin$* !nd the d!m"in$ r!tio shoud be re!istic(
N The mode tests shoud !t minimum me!sure the vertic! bendin$ moment !t three on$itudin! oc!tions
!s +e !s the vesse s"eed !nd se! st!te(
N Re!istic se! st!tes to "roduce re!istic e6treme res"onse shoud be covered b# the testin$ sco"e* i(e( the
mi6ture of se! st!te !nd for+!rd s"eed shoud be re!istic* but ne$ectin$ hi$h vount!r# s"eed reduction(
Sm! re!istic vount!r# s"eed reduction m!# be !cce"t!be(
N The minimum fu sc!e dur!tion for e!ch se! st!te is h!f !n hour* but for the se! st!te confirmed to "roduce
the i%e# hi$hest res"onse* dur!tion u" to minimum 1 hours but "refer!b# . hours shoud be considered(
N The tests shoud be c!rried out in he!d se!s !s ! minimum(
N The sco"e shoud incude "!nnin$* revie+ of contr!cts* su"ervision !nd !ssessment of the mode test in
!ddition to construction of the mode !nd e6ecution of the test "ro$r!m( Si$ht ch!n$es to the testin$ sco"e
m!# be e6"ected !nd shoud be !cce"t!be b!sed on the observed resuts(
'.'.1 5odel constrction
The mode shoud be m!de fe6ibe in order to re"roduce ! re!istic vibr!tion sh!"e for the 18node mode !nd
+ith ! re!istic n!tur! s"rin$in$ fre-uenc#( The !ccur!c# of the .8 !nd ;8node mode is considered ess
im"ort!nt( The t!r$et s"rin$in$ fre-uenc# c!n be estim!ted from finite eement modein$ incudin$ !dded
m!ss or from em"iric! re!tions(
Sensors shoud be combined to estim!te the vertic! bendin$ moment !t three on$itudin! "ositions !on$ the
hu( The $ob! !6i! force m!# !so contribute in the me!surements !nd shoud be incuded in the
me!surement d!t!( The s!m"in$ r!te shoud be sufficient# hi$h !so to c!"ture hi$her modes &.8node !nd ;8
node'* +ith ! minimum of > time ste"s for the "eriod !ssoci!ted +ith the ;8node n!tur! "eriod(
The d!m"in$ shoud be estim!ted in +!ter !nd shoud be re!istic( For cont!iner shi"s ! d!m"in$ r!tio of
0 to .M is re$!rded re!istic de"endin$ on vesse siFe !nd number of cont!iners( The !ccur!c# of the d!m"in$
is more im"ort!nt for f!ti$ue d!m!$e th!n for e6treme o!din$(
If the mode is to+ed* the to+in$ ines or s"rin$s shoud not !ffect the structur! res"onse si$nific!nt#(
'.'." Testin$ conditions
The combin!tion of se! st!tes !nd for+!rd s"eed shoud be re!istic to !chieve re!istic e6treme res"onse( E($(
tests in 0:m si$nific!nt +!ve hei$ht !nd !t Fero %nots !re not re$!rded re!istic* but the r!n$e of < to 0/ m
si$nific!nt +!ve hei$ht shoud !s ! minimum be incuded( This me!ns th!t it is necess!r# both to find the se!
st!tes +hich m!# contribute to the e6treme res"onse* but !so to find the correct s"eed &+ithout hi$h vount!r#
reduction' in these se! st!tes( For ! stron$ nonine!r e6cit!tion i%e +hi""in$ im"!ct* this m!# not be str!i$ht
for+!rd !nd the +orst se! st!te tends to differ from e6"ect!tions b!sed on ine!r !n!#sis b!sed on IACS REC .;(
If there is no !v!i!be numeric! too to determine the se! st!tes* +hich is e6"ected to "roduce the e6treme
res"onse* ! set of sufficient se! st!tes shoud be s"ecified to cover ! r!n$e of hi$h re!istic se! st!tes !s +e !s
the r!n$e of s"eeds !nd "e!% "eriods for these se! st!tes( Cre!%in$ se! st!tes !re not re$!rded necess!r#(
As ! b!sis* se! st!tes in he!d se! +hich foo+s the 1/ #e!rs contour curve of the North At!ntic IACS sc!tter
di!$r!m m!# be reev!nt( Further* se! st!tes in he!d se! on$ crested +!ves* +hich numeric!# "roduce the
s!me ine!r short term res"onse durin$ h!f !n hour !s the IACS v!ues for the vertic! bendin$ moments
!midshi"s* !re re$!rded reev!nt( It m!# be necess!r# to v!r# the "e!% "eriods of the +!ve s"ectr! to find the
combined m!6imum res"onse of +!ve o!din$ !nd +hi""in$ res"onse* +hich m!# be tri$$ered !t different
+!ve en$ths !nd vesse s"eed combin!tions(
'.'.' E(tra-olation of reslts
The dur!tion of the re!istic se! st!tes shoud be estim!ted from the reev!nt sc!tter di!$r!ms* !nd the resuts
from the mode tests shoud be e6tr!"o!ted to the estim!ted dur!tions( 3hen considerin$ he!din$* it c!n be
!ssumed th!t he!d se! tests cover the he!din$ r!n$e of he!d se! ./( This im"ies th!t if testin$ in bo+
-u!rterin$ se!s is reev!nt* this shoud be c!rried out !so !t ;9(
It is "refer!be th!t for !t e!st one of the se! st!tes "roducin$ hi$h res"onse* the h!f hour test is re"e!ted 9
times* but +ith r!ndom +!ve $ener!tion( This c!n be used to est!bish the v!ri!tion in the m!6imum res"onse
incudin$ +hi""in$(
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.( 4xtreme 5oading , -age **
The +hi""in$ !m"ific!tion shoud be estim!ted b!sed on ! on$ term v!ue corres"ondin$ to ! return "eriod
of 1/ to 19 #e!rs &0/
"rob!biit# eve of bein$ e6ceeded'* +hich is considered sufficient( The most "rob!be
e6treme v!ue is !cce"t!be( The +hi""in$ f!ctor is estim!ted versus IACS 2R S00 +!ve bendin$ moment(
'.+ N#erical si#lation -rocedres
Numeric! toos m!# be used !s !n !tern!tive to mode tests* "rovided the# !re re$!rded !s sufficient#
!ccur!te incudin$ the ri$ht e6cit!tion mech!nisms !nd the ri$ht re"resent!tion of h#drod#n!mic !nd structur!
inter!ction* i(e( incude h#droe!stic effects(
Eer 1/01 there !re no numeric! codes* +hich !re re$!rded !s !ccur!te( Ao+ever* some toos !re re$!rded more
usefu th!n others( In "!rticu!r* the# m!# be usefu for screenin$ of critic! se! st!tes !nd for trend !ssessment
!nd "!r!meter sensitivit#( Reco$nised toos m!# be used to "roduce !bsoute v!ues !nd desi$n o!ds(
For reco$nised toos* the s!me "rocedures !s for mode tests m!# be foo+ed( In !ddition* it m!# be more cost
effective +hen considerin$ other he!din$s !nd on$er simu!tions( Lon$ !nd re"etitive simu!tions +ith
different re!is!tions of the s!me se! st!te !re usefu to reduce the uncert!int#(
'.! Fll scale #easre#ents
Fu sc!e me!surements m!# be -uite usefu !s !n !tern!tive to est!bish em"iric! re!tions !nd desi$n v!ues*
"rovided th!t the me!surement d!t! cover
N A sufficient# on$ me!surement "eriod to re"resent the incre!se of the e6treme res"onse due to +hi""in$(
N The me!sured d!t! comes from ! shi" desi$n +hich is re"resent!tive for the s"ecific shi"(
N The tr!de is reev!nt for the tr!de of the s"ecific shi"(
The fu sc!e me!surements for obt!inin$ usefu d!t! in decision su""ort shoud "refer!b# be c!rried out usin$
!""roved hu monitorin$ s#stem !ccordin$ to DNV Rues for C!ssific!tion of Shi"s E!rt : Ch!"ter 00 'ull
monitoring systems( S#stems !""roved to the 1//9 revision incude f!ti$ue !nd e6treme o!din$ +ith the effect
of vibr!tion incuded* but it shoud !so be ensured th!t me!sured r!+ !nd st!tistic! d!t! is stored !nd c!n be
submitted to shore for further !ssessment(
As ! recommend!tion* there !re tod!# t+o reco$niFed su""iers +ho h!ve been !""roved b# DNV !nd th!t !re
deiverin$ ne+ s#stems( The n!mes of ! reco$niFed su""ier shoud be incuded in the shi" s"ecific!tion in
!ddition to the s"ecific!tion of ! hu monitorin$ s#stem* to ensure th!t subst!nd!rd s#stems !re not inst!ed(
It is difficut to s"ecif# +e defined s"ecific criteri!* since this de"ends on +h!t the me!surements cont!in of
usefu d!t!( The m!6imum me!sured bendin$ moment +ith +hi""in$ shoud !s ! minimum e6ceed >/M of the
IACS 2R S00 +!ve bendin$ moment in both s!$$in$ !nd ho$$in$* other+ise e6treme o!ds h!ve not been
encountered #et(
One #e!r of effective me!surements !re considered !s !n !bsoute minimum to !ccount for se!son! v!ri!tions*
but it is !so ! necessit# th!t the me!surement d!t! cont!ins se! st!tes* +hich m!# be re$!rded !s re!istic!#
encountered !nnu! storms !nd in the ri$ht he!din$ re!tive to the vesse( An !nnu! storm in stern se!s +ith
o+ +hi""in$ contribution is for e6!m"e not ! $ood b!sis for desi$n v!ues* +hie such ! storm in he!d se!s
m!# be reev!nt( Further* the storm needs to "roduce hi$h structur! res"onse* +hich shoud be re$!rded !s
!nnu! structur! res"onse( This me!ns th!t it is not sufficient +ith ! hi$h se! st!te* but it h!s to be the ri$ht
unf!vour!be combin!tion of +!ve hei$ht* +!ve "eriod* he!din$ !nd vesse s"eed( One #e!r of me!surements
in ! s"ecific tr!de m!# thereb# not be sufficient to "roduce structur! res"onse +hich c!n be re$!rded !s ! $ood
b!sis for e6treme res"onse +ith 1/ #e!r return "eriod( Erefer!b# the me!surement d!t! shoud cont!in more
th!n ; #e!rs of me!surements( A $ood !""ro!ch coud be to h!ve ; sister shi"s s!iin$ in the s!me tr!de for 0
#e!r( In this +!#* it is ! hi$her i%eihood of c!"turin$ the ri$ht combin!tion of he!din$* se! st!te !nd vesse
s"eed +ithin ! short "eriod(
The tr!de is !so im"ort!nt* me!nin$ th!t the severit# of !nnu! storms in one tr!de m!# differ si$nific!nt#
from !nother tr!de( It is im"ort!nt* th!t the !nnu! res"onse me!sured is usefu !s ! b!sis for the e6treme
res"onse definin$ the desi$n v!ue( A h!rsh tr!de is de"endent on the unf!vour!be combin!tion of shi" desi$n)
siFe* o"er!tion! "rofie !nd +!ve environment( For ! sm! shi"* North At!ntic +ith on$ +!ves m!# for
inst!nce not be re$!rded !s the +orst tr!de* even thou$h it m!# be re$!rded !s the +orst tr!de for !r$e shi"s(
For the m!6imum +hi""in$ res"onse the "rob!biit# of the stee" se! st!tes m!tters(
The me!sured d!t! shoud come from ! shi" desi$n !nd shi" siFe +hich is re"resent!tive for the s"ecific shi"*
for +hich the desi$n v!ues !re to be estim!ted( For cont!iner vesses the vesse s"eed* en$th !nd bo+ f!re
!n$e shoud not devi!te too much( To be more "recise* the !ver!$e v!ue for the three "!r!meters shoud not
devi!te +ith more th!n 0/M !nd the sin$e v!ue +ith not more th!n 1/M( For cont!iner vesses the sc!in$
coud be b!sed on the em"iric! re!tion for
for the me!sured !nd considered shi"(
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.. 4stimate of !ltimate "trength , -age *#
'., I#-lication of ot%er class notations
'.,.1 CSA notation
CSA not!tion im"ies th!t the vertic! bendin$ moment !re direct# c!cu!ted !s !n !tern!tive to IACS 2R
S00 vertic! bendin$ moments b!sed on IACS REC .; "rocedures( This me!ns th!t for ! s"ecific shi" the
uncert!int# in the h#drod#n!mic o!din$ h!s been reduced !nd the s!fet# m!r$in !ssoci!ted +ith the vertic!
bendin$ moment*
* c!n be reduced( Erovided th!t the direct# c!cu!ted bendin$ moment is e-u! to or
e6ceeds the rue b!sed vertic! bendin$ moment* the "!rti! s!fet# f!ctor for the vertic! bendin$ moment
c!n be reduced b# /(0* e($( me!nin$ th!t it is reduced from 0(1 to 0(0( The direct# c!cu!ted bendin$ moments
!re then re"!cin$ the IACS 2R S00 bendin$ moments(
'.,." H5ON notation
A@ON not!tion im"ies th!t !n !""roved hu monitorin$ s#stem is inst!ed on bo!rd( It is re-uired th!t both
the document!tion for the s"ecific shi"s !nd the inst!!tion !re !""roved !nd th!t the s#stem is m!int!ined !nd
!nnu! ins"ected( The dis"!# on the brid$e $ives ! +!rnin$ to the officer on +!tch +hen the o!din$ is
e6ceedin$ >/M !nd 0//M of the IACS 2R S00 o!din$( It incudes the effect of +hi""in$* !nd it incre!ses the
!+!reness of the !ctu! hu o!din$ incudin$ the effect of +hi""in$( As ! conse-uence the ris% of overo!din$
is reduced( Due to the reduced ris% of overo!din$ incudin$ +hi""in$* the !ddition! +hi""in$ contribution
c!n be reduced b# ./M* i(e(J
+ Esti#ate of Ulti#ate Stren$t%
+.1 Introdction
The stren$th* me!nin$ the utim!te co!"se c!"!cit#* M

* needs to be estim!ted( The estim!te c!n be b!sed on

sim"ified toos considerin$ !n!#tic!# or semi8!n!#tic!# the stren$th of the individu! on$itudin!
members &"!te* stiffeners !nd "!nes'* +hich m!%es u" the tr!nsverse cross section* !nd summin$ u" their
contribution to the cross section! co!"se stren$th( DNVQs too in this res"ect is referred to !s A2LS( Another
!tern!tive is to run ! nonine!r finite eement "ro$r!m on "!rt of the hu( ACAD2S is norm!# used b# DNV(
The !tter is re$!rded !s more !ccur!te !nd is ! more $ener! too* but the former method is much f!ster !nd
the DNV too h!s "roved to be -uite !ccur!te in m!n# c!ses(
+." HU)S Hll $irder Ulti#ate )i#it State
A2LS is ! com"uteriFed buc%in$ mode reco$nised b# the Societ#( A2LS determines the individu! buc%in$
c!"!cit# of thin8+!ed stiffened "!te structures b!sed on E2LS &E!ne 2tim!te Limit St!te' code !nd
summ!rises the individu! "!ne stren$th to estim!te the utim!te c!"!cit# of ! tr!nsverse cross section in the
hu $irder( The methodoo$# is the s!me for ! shi" t#"es* but the !ssum"tions in "!rticu!r re!ted to
corrosion !ddition v!r# ! bit bet+een the different rues( Sin$e ste" A2LS is norm!# used !s ! b!sis* but
mutiste" methods !nd nonine!r finite eement !n!#sis m!# be o"tion!( The sin$e ste" method is e6"ected
si$ht# conserv!tive(
+.' Nonlinear finite ele#ent anal4sis6 A7A8US
The utim!te s!$$in$ !nd ho$$in$ bendin$ c!"!cit# of the hu $irder m!# be !ssessed usin$ reco$nised non8
ine!r FE "ro$r!ms( One of these "ro$r!ms is ACAD2S* +hich is reco$nised b# the Societ#( It is ho+ever not
on# the "ro$r!m itsef* but the "rocedure +hich is im"ort!nt( The "rocedure is on# outined brief#(
+.'.1 9rocedre and rele/ant effects
The most $ener!# used method to !ssess the hu $irder utim!te moment c!"!cit# is to derive the non8ine!r
moment8curv!ture re!tionshi" b# increment!# incre!sin$ the bendin$ curv!ture of the hu section bet+een
t+o !dj!cent tr!nsverse fr!mes !nd then identif#in$ the m!6imum moment !on$ this curve !s the utim!te
bendin$ c!"!cit#* M

Such modes !re to consider ! the reev!nt effects im"ort!nt to the non8ine!r res"onse +ith due
consider!tions ofJ
!' non8ine!r $eometric! beh!viour
b' ine!stic m!teri! beh!viour
c' $eometric! im"erfections !nd residu! stresses &$eometric! out8of f!tness of "!te !nd stiffeners'
d' simut!neous# !ctin$ o!dsJ
= 1 +u.7 (y
1) y

&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec./ %atigue 7ssessment , -age *(
N bi8!6i! com"ression
N bi8!6i! tension
N she!r !nd !ter! "ressure(
e' bound!r# conditions
f' inter!ctions bet+een buc%in$ modes
$' inter!ctions bet+een structur! eements such !s "!tes* stiffeners* $irders etc(
h' "ost8buc%in$ c!"!cit#(
+.+ 9rocedres for container /essels
For cont!iner vesses the utim!te c!"!cit# is b!sed on H!s buitI sc!ntin$s( Reference is m!de to DNV Rues
Et(9 Ch(1 Sec(: C( The hu $irder utim!te c!"!cit# is com"uted !ccordin$ to A2LS !nd this is done in ho$$in$
!nd s!$$in$ condition( The s!fet# f!ctor for the stren$th is !so incre!sed versus the Rues(
! Fati$e Assess#ent
!.1 Ho1 to inclde t%e effect of /i0ration
The effect of vibr!tion is to be !""ied to the sim"ified f!ti$ue !ssessment(
It is !ssumed th!t the vibr!tion stress is "ut on to" of the +!ve stress from the vertic! +!ve bendin$ moment
on#( The vertic! +!ve stress is then !djusted b#

K vibr!tion f!ctor* +hich re"resents ! correction of the +!ve stress consistent +ith the !ddition! vibr!tion
d!m!$e &from +hi""in$ !nd s"rin$in$' for the intended desi$n !re!* norm!# !ssumed to be 3ord
3ide( The correction f!ctor !ssumes ! +!ve he!din$s of e-u! "rob!biit#(

K denotes the +!ve stress
from vertic! bendin$ moment !s determined !ccordin$ to Sec 9(1(0 in
CN./(< for the on$itudin! structure det!i considered(
The vibr!tion f!ctor
is $iven !s
+here the subscri"t i refers to the o!din$ condition* i(e( o!ded
or b!!st condition(
K +!ve d!m!$e*
K vibr!tion d!m!$e !nd
m K inverse so"e of the SN8curve consistent +ith the estim!te of the d!m!$es(
The vibr!tion f!ctor c!n be estim!ted b!sed on em"iric! re!tions* mode tests* numeric! !n!#sis or fu sc!e
me!surements( In ! res"ects* the !im is to estim!te the vibr!tion f!ctor
!""ic!be for re!istic &even'
he!din$ distribution(
!." A--lication of t%e /i0ration factor
In the most sim"ified !""ro!ch* usefu for e!r# desi$n* the
is muti"ied +ith the +!ve stress from the
vertic! bendin$ moment* +hich is defined in Section : of CN./(<(
It is ho+ever convenient to utiiFe the direct# c!cu!ted vertic! +!ve bendin$ moment to+!rds the for+!rd
!nd !ft "!rt of the c!r$o !re!( A reduction f!ctor* f
+,-* c!n be est!bished b!sed on the direct# c!cu!ted
moment distribution !on$ the hu
K Direct# c!cu!ted +!ve bendin$ moment for "osition , from AE for o!din$ condition i( The moment
is t!%en out !t ! "rob!biit# eve of e6ceed!nce of 0/
The f
+,- is !""ied !s ! reduction f!ctor to the m!6imum vertic! +!ve bendin$ moment !midshi"s( It thereb#
vw vib v
/ ( 0
* *

= m
i w
i vib i w
i vib
" "

(x) =
max (H

&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec./ %atigue 7ssessment , -age *.
re"!ces the moment distribution f!ctor )
&ho+ever )
m!# be used in the soft+!re* !nd then this need to
be !ccounted for'( The f
+,-* i(e( the norm!iFed bendin$ moment distributions for b!!st !nd c!r$o condition*
is iustr!ted in Fi$ure 980(
Fi$re !.1
Redction factor6 f
6 as a fnction of len$t% in 0allast and car$o condition :an e(a#-le;.
The stress from the vertic! bendin$ moment is no+ c!cu!ted !s
denotes the +!ve stress
!s determined !ccordin$ to Sec 9(1(0 of CN./(< for the on$itudin!
structure det!i considered* but +here )
K0(/ in Sec :(1(0 of CN./(<* consistent +ith the m!6imum moments
!.' Effect of t%e trade
St!nd!rd desi$n tr!de is 3ord 3ide( If !nother s"ecific tr!de is s"ecified b# the o+ner)#!rd in !$reement +ith
c!ss* the environment! f!ctor* f
* c!n be estim!ted( This c!n !so be usefu if !nother +!ve source th!n $ob!
+!ve st!tistics !re to be used or sm! vesses !re intended for h!rsh desi$n tr!de* since the re!tion bet+een
3ord 3ide !nd North At!ntic m!# differ from e6"erience +ith !r$e vesses( The f
shoud then re"!ce the
f!ctor in Sec( ;(:(; of CN./(<* +here f
K /(> for 3ord 3ide tr!de(
The environment! f!ctor f
is est!bished for the vesse or for ! simi!r vesse b# com"onent stoch!stic f!ti$ue
!n!#sis( For convenience it is sufficient to consider on# the vertic! +!ve bendin$ moment( The f!ti$ue
d!m!$e is c!cu!ted for the North At!ntic !nd the !ctu! sc!tter di!$r!m for ! ife time of 1/ #e!rs* !nd for
both o!din$ conditions &!s the route s"ecific sc!tter di!$r!m m!# !so differ for the t+o o!din$ conditions due
to s!iin$ restrictions'( This $ives the foo+in$ d!m!$esJ
K D!m!$e for b!!st cond( in !ctu! tr!de
K D!m!$e for c!r$o cond( in !ctu! tr!de
K D!m!$e for b!!st cond( in North At!ntic
K D!m!$e for c!r$o cond( in North At!ntic(

level Vertical Bending Moment
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350
Ship Length from AP [m]


Ballast Cargo
vw vib d v
f =
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec./ %atigue 7ssessment , -age */
The "!rt time in the different conditions is denoted p
* +here i . b for b!!st !nd i . c for c!r$o( The "!rt time is
t!%en from Sec(. of CN./(< or !s s"ecified( The environment! f!ctor is estim!ted in the foo+in$ "rinci"e +!#J
3here m c!n be t!%en !s .* !nd re"resents most of the f!ti$ue sensitive +eded det!is(
!.+ E#-irical relations
Em"iric! vibr!tion f!ctor for cont!iner vesses h!ve been b!sed on fu sc!e me!surements !nd mode test !nd
is su""osed to cover ! siFe r!n$e from ?/ m to ;// m in en$th( If nothin$ ese is st!ted* the sim"ified f!ti$ue
is c!rried out +ith the o!din$ conditions s"ecified in Sec( .(9 of CN./(<( The
is for !n# o!din$ condition
estim!ted !sJ
K bo+ f!re !n$e in &de$rees' !ccordin$ to DNV Rues for C!ssific!tion of Shi"s* Et(. Ch(0 Sec(< E0/.(
This is c!cu!ted !t /(/9 ( !ft of FE !nd bet+een sti +!ter ine !nd u""er dec% &hence not the oc! !n$e'(
m K .
( K rue en$th in &m'
& K contr!ct s"eed !t desi$n dr!ft !t >9M @CR !nd 09M se! m!r$in in &%nots'(
If the contr!ct s"eed* &
* is s"ecified !t !nother ,M @CR !nd yM se! m!r$in* it c!n be converted b# the
foo+in$ formu! &sim"istic'
The formu! for
refects th!t the most im"ort!nt "!r!meter is the bo+ f!re !n$e* foo+ed b# vesse s"eed
!nd the e!st im"ort!nt "!r!meter is en$th(
For cont!iner vesses the f!ti$ue !ssessment +ith the effect of vibr!tion shoud be b!sed on 3ord 3ide tr!de*
uness ! s"ecific tr!de is s"ecified b# the o+ner)#!rd(
The f!ctor c!n be considered !s const!nt !on$ the hu $irder(
Other vibr!tion modes i%e torsion !re ne$ected in the sim"ified f!ti$ue !ssessment(
For h!tch corners* the vibr!tion f!ctor is on# !""ied !s ! correction to +!ve stress from vertic! bendin$
moment !nd not torsion(
!.! 5odel tests -rocedre
3hie em"iric! re!tions !re usefu in e!r# desi$n* the most !ccur!te +!# of est!bishin$
* is b# mode
tests( This !ssumes th!t the st!te8of8the8!rt "rocedure is foo+ed(
Another benefit of mode tests is th!t the vibr!tion f!ctor
c!n be estim!ted !on$ the vesse* +hie the
em"iric! re!tions !ssume ! const!nt v!ue in the c!r$o !re!(
In $ener! much of the s!me re-uirements to mode tests for e6treme o!din$ !""# to mode tests for f!ti$ue
!ssessment( The tested se! st!tes shoud cover more th!n 9/M of the tot! f!ti$ue d!m!$e incudin$ +!ve
induced vibr!tions( @ode tests in on$ crested he!d se!s shoud be converted to short crested se!s in !
he!din$s( If the he!din$ distribution s"ecified differs from even he!din$ distribution* this c!n be !ccounted for(
!., N#erical calclation -rocedre
Numeric! !n!#sis c!n re"!ce mode tests +ith the s!me "rocedures* but coud cover more he!din$s( It is
c /0 c b /0 b
c a c b a b
p " p "
p " p "
* *
* *

( )( )
0? ( /
0 ( ;
0/ ;. ( <
t!n& 0
. 1 0

+ + + + =

) ) & ) ( )

0// )
0// ) 0
?/; ( /

& &
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.0 8eferences , -age *0
re$!rded ess !ccur!te th!n mode tests* but c!n sti be ! $ood !tern!tive in order to estim!te shi" s"ecific
f!ctors( This !ssumes th!t the st!te8of8the8!re "rocedure is foo+ed !nd th!t the numeric! too is tuned for the
"!rticu!r vesse desi$n(
The st!te8of8the8!rt h#droe!stic toos tod!# !re re$!rded most usefu for cont!iner vesses +ith si$nific!nt bo+
f!re !n$e +ith domin!tin$ +hi""in$ im"!cts(
!.& Fll scale #easre#ents
The uncert!inties in the encountered +!ve environment in different tr!des !re consider!be in mode tests !nd
numeric! !n!#sis( E($( the effect of routin$ c!n be si$nific!nt !nd the !ssumed +!ve conditions c!n differ
from re! ife( Fu sc!e me!surements of simi!r shi"s on simi!r tr!des c!n !so be b!sis for estim!tion of
f!ctors for sister vesses or simi!r desi$ns(
The re-uired me!surement "eriod for !n estim!te of the vibr!tion f!ctor for f!ti$ue is ess th!n for e6treme
o!din$( A minimum of 0 #e!r of me!surements in the reev!nt tr!de is re-uired(
, References
E6!m"es of ! fe+ references re!ted to f!ti$ue !nd e6treme o!din$ +ith s"rin$in$)+hi""in$ !nd co!"se
stren$th !ssessment !re $iven beo+( The# incude references !so for other shi" t#"es* but the "rinci"es !re
inde"endent on shi" t#"e(
)0) Sheinber$* R(* Ce!r#* C(* St!mb!u$h* K( !nd Storh!u$* =(J 1nvestigation of %ave 1mpact and %hipping
!esponse on the 2atigue (ife and ltimate $trength of a $emi-"isplacement 3atrol #oat* FAST 1/00*
Aonouu* A!+!ii* 2SA* Se"tember 1/00(
)1) Storh!u$* =(* Eettersen* T(A(* Om!* N( R Comber$* C(J The effect of wave induced vibration on fatigue
loading and the safety margin against collapse on two (/4 vessels* A#droe!sticit# in @!rine
Technoo$#* To%#o* Se"t( 1/01(
).) Ae$$eund* S(E(* Storh!u$* =( R Choi C8KJ 2ull scale measurements of fatigue and e,treme loading
including whipping on an 5677T8 3ost 3anama, container vessel in 0sia to 8urope trade*
O@AE1/008 ;?.<>* 4une 0?81;* 1/00* Rotterd!m* The Nether!nds(
);) Storh!u$* =(* Choi* C(K(* @o!n* T( R Aermundst!d* O(A(* 9onsequence of whipping and springing on
fatigue for a 5677T8 container vessel in different trades based on model tests* ERADS 1/0/* The 00th
Int( S#m"( on Er!ctic! Desi$n of Shi"s !nd Other Fo!tin$ Structures* 0?81; Se"tember* 1/0/* Rio de
4!neiro* Cr!Fi(
)9) Storh!u$* =(* @!enic!* S(* 4un$* C(A(* Shu* S( R Aermundst!d* O(A(* 9onsequence of whipping and
springing on fatigue and e,treme loading for a :;777T8 container vessel based on model tests*
ERADS 1/0/* The 00th Int( S#m"( on Er!ctic! Desi$n of Shi"s !nd Other Fo!tin$ Structures* 0?81;
Se"tember* 1/0/* Rio de 4!neiro* Cr!Fi(
):) Storh!u$* =(* Derb!nne* D* Choi* C(K(* @o!n* T( R Aermundst!d* O(A(J 8ffect of whipping on fatigue
and e,treme loading of a :;777T8 container vessel in bow quartering seas based on model tests*
O@AE1/008;?.</* 4une 0?81;* 1/00* Rotterd!m* The Nether!nds(
)<) Storh!u$* =(* The <<77 T8 container vessel M$9 /apoli bro)e its bac)* but did whipping contribute=*
A#droe!sticit# in @!rine Technoo$#* South!m"ton* Se"t( 1//?(
)>) Storh!u$* =(* Ae$$eund* S(E( R @!thisen* 4(* Model test and full scale measurements of whipping on
container vessels in the /orth 0tlantic* O@AE1//?8<?01<* A!+!ii* 4une* 1//?(
)?) Storh!u$* =(* Ae$$eund* S(E( !nd @!thisen* 4(* Measurements of whipping onboard two container
vessels operating in the /orth 0tlantic* Co6shi" conference* A!mbur$* 1//>(
)0/) Storh!u$* =(* @oe* E(* Eorte!* R(C(* Neto* T(=(* Aves* N(L(C(* E!r%* S(=(* Lee* D(K( !nd Kim* 5(J 2irst
>cean going ships with springing and whipping included in the ship design* O@AE1/008;?.::* 4une
0?81;* 1/00* Rotterd!m* The Nether!nds(
)00) Steen* E(* Storh!u$* =(* Ki""enes* 4(* S!do* O(* Austefjord* A( !nd Du$st!d* =(* ltimate strength
assessment of the engine room area of the container vessel M$9 /apoli - ?anuary 277@ 1ncident*
Tr!ns!ction RINA* Desi$n !nd o"er!tion of cont!iner vesses* 2K* 4u#* 1//>(
)01) Storh!u$* =( !nd Ae$$eund* S(E(* Measurements of %ave 1nduced &ibrations and 2atigue (oading
>nboard Two 9ontainer vessels operating in harsh wave environment* Tr!ns!ctions of RINA* Desi$n
R O"er!tion of Cont!iner Vesses* 1//>(
)0.) @!thisen* 4(* Kjedst!di* R(* @oe E( !nd Storh!u$* =(* 'ull girder vibration effects in bending stresses
measured under harsh* stationary conditions* Eroceedin$s of RINA* C@E R Sh!n$h!i SNA@E*
Intern!tion! S#m"osium on Shi" Desi$n R Construction* 1>81?th of November* 1//<(
)0;) Storh!u$* =(* @oe* E(* !nd Lo"es* T(A(E(* %hipping measurements onboard a midsiAe container vessel
operating in the /orth 0tlantic* Eroceedin$s of RINA* C@E R Sh!n$h!i SNA@E* Intern!tion!
S#m"osium on Shi" Desi$n R Construction* 1>81?th of November* 1//<(
)09) Storh!u$* =(* Vidic8Eerunovic* 4(* RTdin$er* F* Aotsm!r%* =(* Aemers* 4(C( R =u* U(K(* $pringing/
whipping response of a large ocean going vessel - 0 comparison between numerical simulations and
&lassification Notes ' No. ().*#, +uly #)*(

"ec.0 8eferences , -age *2
full-scale measurements* Eroceedin$s of .rd Intern!tion! Conference on A#droe!sticit# in @!rine
Technoo$#* O6ford* 2K* Se"tember 1//.(
)0:) @oe* E(* Aotsm!r%* =( R Storh!u$* =(* 2ull scale measurements of the wave induced hull girder
vibrations of an ore carrier trading in the /orth 0tlantic* Eroceedin$s of Conference on Desi$n R
O"er!tion of Cu% C!rriers* RINA* 0>80?th October* 1//9* London(
)0<) Storh!u$* =(* @oe* E( R Aotsm!r%* =* Measurements of wave induced hull girder vibrations of an ore
carrier in different trades* 4ourn! of O@AE1//<(
)0>) Storh!u$* =( R @o!n* =(* $pringing/whipping !esponse of a (arge >cean-going &essel - 1nvestigated
by an 8,perimental Method* Eroceedin$s of ;th Intern!tion! Conference on A#droe!sticit# in @!rine
Technoo$#* 3u6i* Chin!* Oct( 1//:(
)0?) Storh!u$* =( R @o!n* T(* The effect of bow shape on the springing/whipping response of a large ocean-
going vessel- investigated by an e,perimental method* O@AE1//<* S!n Die$o(
)1/) Storh!u$* =( R @o!n( T* $pringing/whipping response of a large ocean-going vessel- investigated by
an e,perimental method* ERADS1//<* Aouston(
)10) Drummen* I(* Storh!u$* =(* @oe* E( R @o!n( T(* 8,perimental and full scale investigation of the
importance of fatigue damage due to wave-induced vibration stress in a container vessel* Eroceedin$s
of Conference on Desi$n !nd o"er!tion of Cont!iner vesses* RINA* November 10811nd* 1//:(
)11) Drummen* I(* Storh!u$* =( R @o!n* T(* 8,perimental and /umerical 1nvestigation of 2atigue "amage
in a 9ontainership in 'ead $eas* 4ourn! of @!rine Science R Technoo$#* 1//<* 4!"!n(

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