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|V G3/|reesca|e G4 |rocessor-oased
00k Vainooard

|egasos || |nstruction Vanua|, kevision 1.03

whi|e we have taken great care to ensure the accuracy of this document, it may sti||
contain errors. ||ease report any issues to: manua|

Copyright and warranty Notice Copyright and warranty Notice Copyright and warranty Notice Copyright and warranty Notice

Ihe information in this document is suoject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on part of the vendor, who assumes no |iaoi|ity or responsioi|ity
for any errors that may appear in this manua|.

No warranty or representation, either expressed or imp|ied, is made with respect to the
qua|ity, accuracy or fitness for any particu|ar part of this document. |n no event sha|| the
manufacturer oe |iao|e for direct, indirect, specia| incidenta| or consequentia| damages
arising from any defect or error in this manua| or product.

|roduct names appearing in this manua| are for identification purposes on|y and
trademarks and product names or orand names appearing in this document are the
property of their respective owners.

Ihis document contains materia|s protected ooth under Nationa| and |nternationa|
Copyright Laws. A|| rights reserved. No part of this manua| may oe reproduced,
transmitted or transcrioed without the express written permission of the manufacturer
and authors of this manua|.

Copyright Genesi uSA, |nc 2005. A|| kights keserved

Iao|e of Contents Iao|e of Contents Iao|e of Contents Iao|e of Contents

|tem Check List
Customer |nformation
Iechnica| 0etai|s
oard Overview

Hardware |nsta||ation Hardware |nsta||ation Hardware |nsta||ation Hardware |nsta||ation
Step 1 - |nsta||ing the |rocessor Card
Step 2 - |nsta||ing 00k kAV System Vemory
Step 3 - |nsta||ing Vainooard in a Case
Step 4 - Connecting |rontpane| Switches/LL0s/Speaker
Step 5 - |nsta||ing |nterna| |eriphera|s (|0L 0evices)
Step 6 - Connecting Other |nterna| |eriphera|s
Step 7 - Connecting |ower Supp|y
Step 8 - |nsta||ing Add-On Cards in Lxpansion S|ots
Step 9 - Connecting Lxterna| |eriphera|s to ack-|ane|
Step 10 - |inishing Iouches

|age 3
|age 3
|age 4
|age 5

|age 6
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|age 13


Check a|| items that came with your |LGASOS mainooard.
Ihe comp|ete package shou|d inc|ude:

One Genesi |LGASOS || mainooard
One |LGASOS C|u modu|e with a G3 or G4 processor (G4
version inc|udes a fan)
One AIX oackp|ate
|LGASOS user Vanua|

Ihe |egasos || is a VicroAIX form factor motherooard for |ower|C G3 and
G4 processors. Ihe processor sits on its own interchangeao|e C|u modu|e
card which a||ows for very simp|e upgrading. Ihe speed of your computer
can oe upgraded oy on|y changing the C|u card.

|or the |egasos ||, Genesi uses the high-performance Varve|| 0iscovery ||
System Contro||er featuring an interna| oandwidth of 1Goit per second. 00k
kAV (0ouo|e 0ata kate kandom Access Vemory) support is provided as
we|| as two on-ooard ethernet contro||ers. Ihe first de|ivers 100 Gigaoits per
second for high-speed networking and the second offers an additiona| 100
Vegaoit per second for standard performance.

A|so, three |irewire ports are inc|uded (2 externa|, 1 interna|) for connecting
high-speed periphera|s. Ihere are four uS ports (2 externa|, 1 interna|, 1 on
the AG| s|ot). Ihese a||ow for the connection of many standard periphera|s
such as Vouse, Keyooard, |rinter, 0igita| Camera, etc.

|egasos || has two dua| channe| AIA100 connectors for attaching a tota| of
four |0L devices, such as harddisks, C0kOV drives, 0\0 drives, C0/0\0
ourners, etc.

Standard AC97 Audio is supported providing a variety of C0 qua|ity audio
ports. Additiona||y, there is digita| audio output via the S|0|| port.

|egasos || has three |C| expansion s|ots. One of these can oe fitted with a
kiser Card. A|so, an AG| (1X) s|ot is provided for graphics cards. Ihe |egasos
ooard supports the AG| 2.0 standard so most AG|1x and AG|2x cards wi||
work. |n order to oe sure, check if the vo|tage of your card is 3.3\.
Otherwise, your card wi|| not fit physica||y.

|egasos || a|so supports the fo||owing ports: ||oppy drive connector, Seria|
|ort, |ara||e| |ort, two |S/2 ports and a Game |ort.

OAk0 O\Lk\|Lw


Precaut|ons: 8efore |nsta|||ng the ma|nooard, processor card, memory
modu|es, add-on cards, cao|es, etc., p|ease make sure to unp|ug the on-
ooard power connector. |f power |s st||| act|ve wh||e |nsta|||ng new
hardware, there |s a h|gh ||ke||hood of components gett|ng damaged.

A|so, p|ease touch a grounded meta| oo[ect oefore you touch any
e|ectron|c components. 1h|s shou|d d|scharge any stat|c e|ectr|c|ty on
your c|othes or oody.

Step-oy-Step |nsta||ation

Step 1 Step 1 Step 1 Step 1 |nsta|| the |rocessor Card |nsta|| the |rocessor Card |nsta|| the |rocessor Card |nsta|| the |rocessor Card

1. xour processor card inc|udes a heat sink. Check if it is fitted correct|y
and is in fu|| contact with the surface of the processor. Ihe coo|er
shou|d not oe |oose, out fit tight|y against the processor.

2. ||ug the processor card in the
processor s|ot which is in the
centre of the motherooard as
seen on the i||ustration on this
page. Vake sure the processor
card is the correct way around,
otherwise it wi|| not fit. Set the
processor card in its s|ot and
push downwards at ooth ends.
Ihis may need a good push,
out do not use excessive force
as that can damage the

Note: Note: Note: Note: G4 processor cards inc|ude a fan. |f you own one of these cards, you
must connect the fan with the appropiate fan connector on the mainooard
as seen on the picture aoove.
Step 2 Step 2 Step 2 Step 2 |nsta|| 00k kAV System Vemory |nsta|| 00k kAV System Vemory |nsta|| 00k kAV System Vemory |nsta|| 00k kAV System Vemory

1. Open the taos at either end of
the memory s|ot.

2. |nsert the memory modu|e into
the s|ot. ||ease note that memory
modu|es are directiona| and wi||
not fit into the s|ot un|ess
proper|y oriented. After pressing
the modu|e down, the taos at
ooth ends of the memory s|ot
shou|d oe |ocked again. |f this
on|y happens at one end, push
the other end down so it a|so
c|icks into p|ace.

Ste Ste Ste Step 3 p 3 p 3 p 3 |nsta|| Vainooard in a VicroAIX or AIX Case |nsta|| Vainooard in a VicroAIX or AIX Case |nsta|| Vainooard in a VicroAIX or AIX Case |nsta|| Vainooard in a VicroAIX or AIX Case

1. Check if the case is on a steady
surface or on the f|oor.

2. Ihe mainooard is mounted in the
case via studs (sma|| screws with
ho|es in their oack) or spacers
(p|astic parts). Check which ho|es
in the computer case |ine up with
the ho|es in the motherooard.

3. Screw the studs or spacers in
those ho|es in the case.

4. Add the mainooard and p|ace it
on top of the spacers or studs.

5. ||ace screws through the ho|es on the mainooard and into the
studs. Ihen, screw them up.

Note Note Note Note: Ihe mainooard itse|f must not touch the case. Ihis wi|| cause short
circuits and is |ike|y to damage your hardware.

Step 4 Step 4 Step 4 Step 4 Connect |rontpane| Switches/LL0s/Speaker Connect |rontpane| Switches/LL0s/Speaker Connect |rontpane| Switches/LL0s/Speaker Connect |rontpane| Switches/LL0s/Speaker

xour computer case has sma|| LL0
|ights which shine when your
computer is powered on or data on
your harddisk is accessed. Voreover,
it features outtons to switch on or
reset your computer. |n order to
make these things work as expected,
you have to connect various cao|es
found in your case to a header on
your mainooard.

1. AIX Soft |ower On/Off (|wk |I)

2. Hardware keset Switch (kSI)

3. |ower LL0 (|LL0)

4. Harddisk LL0 (HLL0)

5. |C Speaker (S|LAK)

6. Other Connectors (Optiona|)
|k : |nfrared Connector
uS : Ihird uS Connector
S: |nfrared Connector
K: Keyooard

Step 5 Step 5 Step 5 Step 5 |nsta| |nsta| |nsta| |nsta|| |nterna| |eriphera|s (|0L 0evices) | |nterna| |eriphera|s (|0L 0evices) | |nterna| |eriphera|s (|0L 0evices) | |nterna| |eriphera|s (|0L 0evices)

1. Set the required jumpers of a|| |0L devices according to the
instructions oy the manufacturer. (Harddisk and C0kOV/0\0 drives
have to oe set to Vaster and S|ave modes if you want to connect
more than one |0L device with the same |0L connector on the
mainooard. |f there are two Vasters or two S|aves on one cao|e,
they wi|| not function.)

2. |ut your |0L devices (harddisks, C0kOV/0\0 drives, etc.) into the
system case.

3. Connect an |0L cao|e on
the oack-pane| of each |0L
device to the
corresponding headers on
the mainooard. C|ose the
taos to secure the
connector. ||ease note
that |0L cao|es are
directiona| and cannot fit
correct|y un|ess proper|y

|mportant: |mportant: |mportant: |mportant: xou need to use AIA-100 (|0L100) or oetter cao|es for
your |0L devices. O|d 40 wire cao|es wi|| not work.

4. Connect an avai|ao|e
power cao|e to the
oackp|ate of each
periphera| device. ||ease
note that the power
cao|e is directiona| and
wi|| not fit un|ess
proper|y oriented.

Step 6 Step 6 Step 6 Step 6 Connect Other |nter Connect Other |nter Connect Other |nter Connect Other |nterna| |eriphera|s (Optiona|) na| |eriphera|s (Optiona|) na| |eriphera|s (Optiona|) na| |eriphera|s (Optiona|)

Step 7 Step 7 Step 7 Step 7 Connect |ower Supp|y Connect |ower Supp|y Connect |ower Supp|y Connect |ower Supp|y

1. Vake sure that the |ower
Supp|y unit is without without without without
e|ectricity e|ectricity e|ectricity e|ectricity.

2. Check again if the |ower
Supp|y unit is rea||y rea||y rea||y rea||y without

3. ||ug the AIX power cao|e into
the AIX connector on your

Step 8 Step 8 Step 8 Step 8 |nsta|| Add |nsta|| Add |nsta|| Add |nsta|| Add- -- -On Cards in Lxpansion S|ots On Cards in Lxpansion S|ots On Cards in Lxpansion S|ots On Cards in Lxpansion S|ots

1. AG| and |C| cards p|ug into their
respective s|ots with the meta| p|ate
fitting into a s|ot at the oack of the
case. Vake sure the card is the
correct way around, otherwise it
sha|| not fit. Vake sure the card is in
the right s|ot, the AG| s|ot is for
graphics cards.

2. Set the card in its s|ot and push
downwards. |t may need a pretty
good push, out do not use excessive
force as that can damage the

Note: Note: Note: Note: Check if the vo|tage of your
AG| card is 3.3\. Otherwise, your
card wi|| not fit physica||y.

Step 9 Step 9 Step 9 Step 9 Connect Lxterna| |eriphera|s to ack Connect Lxterna| |eriphera|s to ack Connect Lxterna| |eriphera|s to ack Connect Lxterna| |eriphera|s to ack- -- -|ane| |ane| |ane| |ane|

1. |S/2 Vouse and Keyooard

2. uS |orts

3. |irewire |orts

4. Lthernet |orts

5. |ara||e| |ort

6. Seria| |ort

7. V|0|/Game |ort

8. Audio |orts


Step 10 Step 10 Step 10 Step 10 |inishing Iouches |inishing Iouches |inishing Iouches |inishing Iouches

1. Vake sure that the processor card is not |oose.

2. Check if a|| |C|/AG| cards sit correct|y in their respective s|ots.

3. Vake sure a|| memory modu|es were p|aced correct|y.

4. Check again a|| cao|es.

5. C|ose your computer case.

6. Connect a power cao|e with the power supp|y unit.

7. Iurn on the system power.

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