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Protocol I The Ba ic Doctrine Protocol II Econo"ic War Protocol III #ethod of Con$ue t Protocol I% #ateriali " Re&lace Reli'ion Protocol % De &oti " and #odern Pro're Protocol %I Ta(e)O*er Techni$ue Protocol %II World)Wide War Protocol %III Pro*i ional +o*ern"ent Protocol I, Re)education Protocol , Pre&arin' for Po-er Protocol ,I The Totalitarian State Protocol ,II Control of the Pre Protocol ,III Di traction Protocol ,I% A ault on Reli'ion Protocol ,% Ruthle Su&&re ion Protocol ,%I Brain-a hin' Protocol ,%II A.u e of Authorit/ Protocol ,%III Arre t of O&&onent Protocol ,I, Ruler and Peo&le Protocol ,, Financial Pro'ra""e Protocol ,,I Loan and Credit Protocol ,,II Po-er of +old Protocol ,,III In tillin' O.edience Protocol ,,I% 0ualitie of the Ruler PREFACE The author of thi tran lation of the fa"ou Protocol -a hi" elf a *icti" of the Re*olution1 He had li*ed for "an/ /ear in Ru ia and -a "arried to a Ru ian lad/1 A"on' hi other acti*itie in Ru ia he had .een for a nu".er of /ear a Ru ian Corre &ondent of the #ORNIN+ POST2 a &o ition -hich he occu&ied -hen the Re*olution .ro(e out2 and hi *i*id de cri&tion of e*ent in Ru ia -ill till .e in the recollection of "an/ of the reader of that 3ournal1 Naturall/ he -a in'led out for the an'er of the So*iet1 On the da/ that Ca&tain Cro"ie -a "urdered ./ 3e- 2 %ictor #ar den -a arre ted and thro-n into the Peter)Paul Pri on2 e4&ectin' e*er/ da/ to ha*e hi na"e called out for e4ecution1 Thi 2 ho-e*er2 he e ca&ed2 and e*entuall/ he -a allo-ed to return to En'land *er/ "uch of a -rec( in .odil/ health1 Ho-e*er2 he reco*ered under treat"ent and the de*oted care of hi -ife and friend 1 One of the fir t thin' he undertoo(2 a oon a he -a a.le2 -a thi tran lation of the Protocol 1 #r1 #ar den -a e"inentl/ -ell $ualified for the -or(1 Hi inti"ate ac$uaintance -ith Ru ia2 Ru ian life and the Ru ian lan'ua'e on the one hand2 and hi "a ter/ of a ter e literar/ En'li h t/le on the other2 &laced hi" in a &o ition of ad*anta'e -hich fe- other could clai"1 The con e$uence i that -e ha*e in hi *er ion an e"inentl/ reada.le -or(2 and thou'h the u.5ect)"atter i o"e-hat for"le 2 #r1 #ar den6 literar/ touch re*eal the thread runnin' throu'h the t-ent/)four Protocol 1 It "a/ .e aid -ith truth that thi -or( -a carried out at the co t of #r1 #ar den6 o-n life6 .lood1 He told the -riter of thi Preface that he could not tand "ore than an hour at a ti"e of hi -or( on

it in the Briti h #u eu"2 a the dia.olical &irit of the "atter -hich he -a'ed to turn into En'li h "ade hi" &o iti*el/ ill1 #r1 #ar den6 connection -ith the #ORNIN+ POST -a not e*ered ./ hi return to En'land2 and he -a -ell enou'h to acce&t the &o t of &ecial corre &ondent of that 5ournal in the uite of H1R1H12 the Prince of Wale on hi E"&ire tour1 Fro" thi he returned -ith the Prince2 a&&arentl/ in "uch .etter health2 .ut -ithin a fe- da/ of hi landin' he -a ta(en uddenl/ ill2 and died after a *er/ .rief illne 1 #a/ thi -or( .e hi cro-nin' "onu"ent7 In it he ha &erfor"ed an i""en e er*ice to the En'li h) &ea(in' -orld2 and there can .e little dou.t that it -ill ta(e it &lace in the fir t ran( of the En'li h *er ion of 8THE PROTOCOLS of the #eetin' of the LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION18 INTROD9CTION Of the Protocol the" el*e little need .e aid in the -a/ of introduction1 The .oo( in -hich the/ are e".odied -a & hed ./ Ser'/ei Nilu in Ru ia in :;<=1 A co&/ of thi i in the Briti h #u eu" .earin' the date of it rece&tion2 Au'u t :<2 :;<>1 All co&ie that -ere (no-n to e4i t in Ru ia -ere de tro/ed in the ?eren (/ re'i"e2 and under hi ucce or the &o e ion of a co&/ ./ an/one in So*iet land -a a cri"e ufficient to en ure the o-ner6 of .ein' hot on i'ht1 The fact i in it elf ufficient &roof of the 'enuinene of the Protocol 1 The 3e-i h 5ournal 2 of cour e2 a/ that the/ are a for'er/2 lea*in' it to .e under tood that Profe or Nilu 2 -ho e".odied the" in a -or( of hi o-n2 had concocted the" for hi o-n &ur&o e 1 #r1 Henr/ Ford2 in an inter*ie- & hed in the Ne- @or( WORLD2 Fe.ruar/ :Ath2 :;B:2 &ut the ca e for Nilu ter el/ and con*incin'l/ thu C 8The onl/ tate"ent I care to "a(e a.out the PROTOCOLS i that the/ fit in -ith -hat i 'oin' on1 The/ are i4teen /ear old2 and the/ ha*e fitted the -orld ituation u& to thi ti"e1 THE@ FIT IT NOW18 Indeed the/ do7 The -ord 8Protocol8 i'nifie a &reci 'u""ed on to the front of a docu"ent2 a draft of a docu"ent2 "inute of &roceedin' 1 In thi in tance2 8Protocol8 "ean "inute of the &roceedin' of the #eetin' of the Learned Elder of Zion1 The e Protocol 'i*e the u. tance of addre e deli*ered to the inner"o t circle of the Ruler of Zion1 The/ re*eal the con*erted &lan of action of the 3e-i h Nation de*elo&ed throu'h the a'e and edited ./ the Elder the" el*e u& to date1 Part and u""arie of the &lan ha*e .een & hed fro" ti"e to ti"e durin' the centurie a the ecret of the Elder ha*e lea(ed out1 The clai" of the 3e- that the Protocol are for'erie i in it elf an ad"i ion of their 'enuinene 2 for the/ NE%ER ATTE#PT TO ANSWER THE FACTS corre &ondin' to the THREATS -hich the Protocol contain2 and2 indeed2 the corre &ondence .et-een &ro&hec/ and fulfill"ent i too 'larin' to .e et a ide or o. cured1 Thi the 3e- -ell (no- and therefore e*ade1 The &re u"&tion i tron' that the Protocol -ere i ued2 or rei ued2 at the Fir t Zioni t Con're held at Ba le in :D;A under the &re idenc/ of the Father of #odern Zioni "2 the late Theodore HerEl1 There ha .een recentl/ & hed a *olu"e of HerEl6 8Diarie 28 a tran lation of o"e &a a'e -hich a&&eared in the 3EWISH CHRONICLE of 3ul/ :F2 :;BB1 HerEl 'i*e an account of hi fir t *i it to En'land in :D;=2 and hi con*er ation -ith Colonel +old "id2 a 3e- .rou'ht u& a a Chri tian2 an officer in the En'li h Ar"/2 and at heart a 3eNationali t all the ti"e1 +old "id u''e ted to HerEl that the .e t -a/ of e4&ro&riatin' the En'li h ari tocrac/2 and o de tro/in' their &o-er to &rotect the &eo&le of En'land a'ain t 3e- do"ination2 -a to &ut e4ce i*e ta4e on the land1 HerEl thou'ht thi an e4cellent idea2 and it i no- to .e found definitel/ e".odied in Protocol %I7 The a.o*e e4tract fro" HerEl6 DIAR@ i an e4tre"el/ i'nificant .it of e*idence .earin' on the

e4i tence of the 3e- World Plot and authenticit/ of the Protocol 2 .ut an/ reader of intelli'ence -ill .e a.le fro" hi o-n (no-led'e of recent hi tor/ and fro" hi o-n e4&erience to confir" the 'enuinene of e*er/ line of the"2 and it i in the li'ht of thi LI%IN+ co""ent that all reader are in*ited to tud/ #r1 #ar den6 tran lation of thi terri.l/ inhu"an docu"ent1 And here i another *er/ i'nificant circu" tance1 The &re ent ucce or of HerEl2 a leader of the Zioni t "o*e"ent2 Dr1 WeiE"ann2 $uoted one of the e a/in' at the end)off .an$uet 'i*en to Chief Ra..i HertE on >2 :;B<1 The Chief Ra..i -a on the &oint of lea*in' for HIS E"&ire tour of H1R1H12 the Prince of Wale 1 And thi i the 8 a/in'8 of the Sa'e -hich Dr1 WeiE"ann $uotedC 8A .eneficent &rotection -hich +od ha in tituted in the life of the 3e- i that He ha di &er ed hi" all o*er the -orld18 G3EWISH +9ARDIAN2 Oct1 D2 :;B<1H Noco"&are thi -ith the la t clau e of .ut one of Protocol ,I1 8+od ha 'ranted to u 2 Hi Cho en Peo&le2 the 'ift of di &er ion2 and fro" thi 2 -hich a&&ear to all e/e to .e our -ea(ne 2 ha co"e forth all our tren'th2 -hich ha no- .rou'ht u to the thre hold of o*erei'nt/ o*er all the -orld18 The re"ar(a.le corre &ondence .et-een the e &a a'e &ro*e e*eral thin' 1 It &ro*e that the Learned Elder e4i t1 It &ro*e that Dr1 WeiE"ann (no- all a.out the"1 It &ro*e that the de ire for a 8National Ho"e8 in Pale tine i onl/ ca"oufla'e and an infinite i"al &art of the 3e-6 real o.5ect1 It &ro*e that the 3e- of the -orld ha*e no intention of ettlin' in Pale tine or an/ e&arate countr/2 and that their annual &ra/er that the/ "a/ all "eet 8Ne4t @ear in 3eru ale"8 i "erel/ a &iece of their characteri tic "a(e).elie*e1 It al o de"on trate that the 3e- are no- a -orld "enace2 and that the Ar/an race -ill ha*e to do"icile the" &er"anentl/ out of Euro&e11 WHO ARE THE ELDERS! Thi i a ecret -hich ha not .een re*ealed1 The/ are the Hidden hand1 The/ are not the 8Board of De&utie 8 Gthe 3e-i h Parlia"ent in En'landH or the 89ni*er al I raelite Alliance8 -hich it in Pari 1 But the late Walter Rathenau of the All'e"einer Electricitaet +e ell chaft ha thro-n a little li'ht on the u.5ect and dou.tle he -a in &o e ion of their na"e 2 .ein'2 in all li(elihood2 one of the chief leader hi" elf1 Writin' in the WIENER FREIE PRESSE2 Dece".er BF2 :;:B2 he aidC 8Three hundred "en2 each of -ho" (no- all the other 2 'o*ern the fate of the Euro&ean continent2 and the/ elect their ucce or fro" their entoura'e18 In the /ear :DFF2 on the e*e of the 3e-i h Re*olution of :DFD2 Ben5a"in Di raeli2 -ho e real na"e -a I rael2 and -ho -a a 8da"&ed28 or .a&tiEed 3e-2 & hed hi no*el2 CONIN+SB@2 in -hich occur thi o"inou &a a'eC 8The -orld i 'o*erned ./ *er/ different &er ona'e fro" -hat i i"a'ined ./ tho e -ho are not .ehind the cene 18 And he -ent on to ho- that the e &er ona'e -ere all 3e- 1 No- that Pro*idence ha .rou'ht to the li'ht of da/ the e ecret Protocol all "en "a/ clearl/ ee the hidden &er ona'e &ecified ./ Di raeli at -or( 8.ehind the cene 8 of all the +o*ern"ent 1 Thi re*elation entail on all -hite &eo&le the 'ra*e re &on i.ilit/ of e4a"inin' and re*i in' A9 FOND their attitude to-ard the Race and Nation -hich .oa t of it ur*i*al o*er all E"&ire 1 Note I1 ) 8A'entur8 and 8The Political18 There are t-o -ord in thi tran lation -hich are unu ual2 the -ord 8A+ENT9R8 and 8&olitical8 u ed a a u. tanti*e2 A+ENT9R a&&ear to .e a -ord ado&ted fro" the ori'inal and it "ean the -hole .od/ of a'ent and a'encie "ade u e of ./ the Elder 2 -hether "e".er of the tri.e or their +entile tool 1 B/ 8the Political8 #r1 #ar den "ean 2 not e4actl/ the 8.od/ &olitic8 .ut the entire "achiner/ of &olitic 1 Note II ) The S/".olic Sna(e of 3udai "1 Protocol III o&en -ith a reference to the S/".olic Sna(e of 3udai "1 In hi E&ilo'ue to the :;<= Edition of the Protocol 2 Nilu 'i*e the follo-in' intere tin' account of thi /".olC 8Accordin' to the record of ecret 3e-i h Zioni "2 Solo"on and other 3e-i h learned "en alread/2 in ;B; B1C12 thou'ht out a che"e in theor/ for a &eaceful con$ue t of the -hole uni*er e ./ Zion1

A hi tor/ de*elo&ed2 thi che"e -a -or(ed out in detail and co"&leted ./ "en -ho -ere u. e$uentl/ initiated in thi $ue tion1 The e learned "en decided ./ &eaceful "ean to con$uer the -orld for Zion -ith the l/ne of the S/".olic Sna(e2 -ho e head -a to re&re ent tho e -ho ha*e .een initiated into the &lan of the 3e-i h ad"ini tration2 and the .od/ of the Sna(e to re&re ent the 3e-i h &eo&le ) the ad"ini tration -a al-a/ (e&t ecret2 E%EN FRO# THE 3EWISH NATION ITSELF1 A thi Sna(e &enetrated into the heart of the nation -hich it encountered it under"ined and de*oured all the non)3e-i h &o-er of the e State 1 It i foretold that the Sna(e ha till to fini h it -or(2 trictl/ adherin' to the de i'ned &lan2 until the cour e -hich it ha to run i clo ed ./ the return of it head to Zion and until2 ./ thi "ean 2 the Sna(e ha co"&leted it round of Euro&e and ha encircled it ) and until2 ./ dint of enchainin' Euro&e2 it ha enco"&a ed the -hole -orld1 Thi it i to acco"&li h ./ u in' e*er/ endea*or to u.due the other countrie ./ an ECONO#ICAL CON09EST1 The return of the head of the Sna(e to Zion can onl/ .e acco"&li hed after the &o-er of all the So*erei'n of Euro&e ha .een laid lo-2 that i to a/2 -hen ./ "ean of econo"ic cri e and -hole ale de truction effected e*er/-here2 there hall ha*e .een .rou'ht a.out a &iritual de"oraliEation and a "oral corru&tion2 chiefl/ -ith the a i tance of 3e-i h -o"en "a $ueradin' a French2 Italian 2 etc11 The e are the ure t &reader of licentiou ne into the li*e of the leadin' "en at the head of nation 1 A "a& of the cour e of the S/".olic Sna(e i ho-n a follo- C ) It fir t ta'e in Euro&e -a in FB; B1C1 in +reece2 -here2 a.out the ti"e of Pericle 2 the Sna(e fir t tarted eatin' into the &o-er of that countr/1 The econd ta'e -a in Ro"e in the ti"e of Au'u tu 2 a.out >; B1C11 The third in #adrid in the ti"e of Charle %2 in A1D1 :==B1 The fourth in Pari a.out :A;<2 in the ti"e of Loui ,%I1 The fifth in London fro" :D:F on-ard Gafter the do-nfall of Na&oleonH1 The i4th in Berlin in :DA: after the Franco)Pru ian -ar1 The e*enth in St1 Peter .ur'2 o*er -hich i dra-n the head of the Sna(e under the date of :DD:1 IThi 8Sna(e8 i no- .ein' dra-n throu'h the A"erica and in the 9nited State of A"erica2 it i .een &artiall/ identified a the 8Coun el on Forei'n Relation 8 GC1F1R1H and the 8Tri) Lateral Co""i ion8J1 All the e State -hich the Sna(e tra*er ed ha*e had the foundation of their con titution ha(en2 +er"an/2 -ith it a&&arent &o-er2 for"in' no e4ce&tion to the rule1 In econo"ic condition 2 En'land and +er"an/ are &ared2 .ut onl/ till the con$ue t of Ru ia i acco"&li hed ./ the Sna(e2 on -hich at &re ent Ii1e12 :;<=J all it effort are concentrated1 The further cour e of the Sna(e i not ho-n on thi "a&2 .ut arro- indicate it ne4t "o*e"ent to-ard #o co-2 ?ieft and Ode a1 It i no- -ell (no-n to u to -hat e4tent the latter citie for" the centurie of the "ilitant 3e-i h race1 Con tantino&le i ho-n a the la t ta'e of the Sna(e6 cour e .efore it reache 3eru ale"1 GThi "a& -a dra-n /ear .efore the occurrence of the 8@oun' Tur(8 ) i1e12 3e-i h ) Re*olution in Tur(e/H1 den1 Note III1 ) The ter" 8+o/i"28 "eanin' +entile or non)3e- 2 i u ed throu'hout the Protocol and i retained ./ #r1 #ar 1 PROTOCOLS OF THE #EETIN+S OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION PROTOCOL No1 : :1 1111Puttin' a ide fine &hra e -e hall &ea( of the i'nificance of each thou'htC ./ co"&ari on and deduction -e hall thro- li'ht u&on urroundin' fact 1 B1 What I a" a.out to et forth2 then2 i our / te" fro" the t-o &oint of *ie-2 that of our el*e and that of the +O@I# Ii1e12 non) 3e- J1

K1 It "u t .e noted that "en -ith .ad in tinct are "ore in nu".er than the 'ood2 and therefore the .e t re ult in 'o*ernin' the" are attained ./ *iolence and terrori ation2 and not ./ acade"ic di cu ion 1 E*er/ "an ai" at &o-er2 e*er/one -ould li(e to .eco"e a dictator if onl/ he could2 and rare indeed are the "en -ho -ould not .e -illin' to acrifice the -elfare of all for the a(e of ecurin' their o-n -elfare1 F1 What ha re trained the .ea t of &re/ -ho are called "en! What ha hitherto! er*ed for their 'uidance

=1 In the .e'innin' of the tructure of ociet/2 the/ -ere u.5ected to .rutal and .lind forceL after -ord ) to La-2 -hich i the a"e force2 onl/ di 'ui ed1 I dra- the conclu ion that ./ the la- of nature ri'ht lie in force1 >1 Political freedo" i an idea .ut not a fact1 Thi idea one "u t (no- ho- to a&&l/ -hene*er it a&&ear nece ar/ -ith thi .ait of an idea to attract the "a e of the &eo&le to one6 &art/ for the &ur&o e of cru hin' another -ho i in authorit/1 Thi ta ( i rendered ea ier of the o&&onent ha hi" elf .een infected -ith the idea of freedo"2 SO)CALLED LIBERALIS#2 and2 for the a(e of an idea2 i -illin' to /ield o"e of hi &o-er1 It i &reci el/ here that the triu"&h of our theor/ a&&ear L the lac(ened rein of 'o*ern"ent are i""ediatel/2 ./ the la- of life2 cau'ht u& and 'athered to'ether ./ a ne- hand2 .ecau e the .lind "i'ht of the nation cannot for one in'le da/ e4i t -ithout 'uidance2 and the ne- authorit/ "erel/ fit into the &lace of the old alread/ -ea(ened ./ li.erali "1 +OLD A1 In our da/ the &o-er -hich ha re&laced that of the ruler -ho -ere li.eral i the &o-er of +old1 Ti"e -a -hen Faith ruled1 The idea of freedo" i i"&o i.le of realiEation .ecau e no one (noho- to u e it -ith "oderation1 It i enou'h to hand o*er a &eo&le to elf)'o*ern"ent for a certain len'th of ti"e for that &eo&le to .e turned into a di or'aniEed "o.1 Fro" that "o"ent on -e 'et internecine trife -hich oon de*elo& into .attle .et-een cla e 2 in the "id t of -hich State .urn do-n and their i"&ortance i reduced to that of a hea& of a he 1 D1 Whether a State e4hau t it elf in it o-n con*ul ion 2 -hether it internal di cord .rin' it under the &o-er of e4ternal foe ) in an/ ca e it can .e accounted irretrie*a.le lo tC IT IS IN O9R POWER1 The de &oti " of Ca&ital2 -hich i entirel/ in our hand 2 reache out to it a tra- that the State2 -ill/) nill/2 "u t ta(e hold ofC if not ) it 'oe to the .otto"1 ;1 Should an/one of a li.eral "ind a/ that uch reflection a the a.o*e are i""oral2 I -ould &ut the follo-in' $ue tion C If e*er/ State ha t-o foe and if in re'ard to the e4ternal foe it i allo-ed and not con idered i""oral to u e e*er/ "anner and art of conflict2 a for e4a"&le to (ee& the ene"/ in i'norance of &lan of attac( and defen e2 to attac( hi" ./ ni'ht or in u&erior nu".er 2 then in -hat -a/ can the a"e "ean in re'ard to a -or e foe2 the de tro/er of the tructure of ociet/ and the co""on-eal2 .e called i""oral and not &er"i i.le! :<1 I it &o i.le for an/ ound lo'ical "ind to ho&e -ith an/ ucce to 'uide cro-d ./ the aid of rea ona.le coun el and ar'u"ent 2 -hen an/ o.5ection or contradiction2 en ele thou'h it "a/ .e2 can .e "ade and -hen uch o.5ection "a/ find "ore fa*or -ith the &eo&le2 -ho e &o-er of rea onin' are u&erficial! #en in "a e and the "en of the "a e 2 .ein' 'uided olel/ ./ &ett/ &a ion 2 &altr/ .elief 2 tradition and enti"ental theore" 2 fall a &re/ to &art/ di en ion2 -hich hinder an/ (ind of a'ree"ent e*en on the .a i of a &erfectl/ rea ona.le ar'u"ent1 E*er/ re olution of a cro-d de&end u&on a chance or &ac(ed "a5orit/2 -hich2 in it i'norance of &olitical ecret 2 &ut forth o"e ridiculou re olution that la/ in the ad"ini tration a eed of anarch/1 ::1 The &olitical ha nothin' in co""on -ith the "oral1 The ruler -ho i 'o*erned ./ the "oral i

not a (illed &olitician2 and i therefore un ta.le on hi throne1 He -ho -i he to rule "u t ha*e recour e .oth to cunnin' and to "a(e).elie*e1 +reat national $ualitie 2 li(e fran(ne and hone t/2 are *ice in &olitic 2 for the/ .rin' do-n ruler fro" their throne "ore effecti*el/ and "ore certainl/ than the "o t &o-erful ene"/1 Such $ualitie "u t .e the attri.ute of the (in'do" of the +O@I#2 .ut -e "u t in no -i e .e 'uided ./ the"1 #I+HT IS RI+HT :B1 Our ri'ht lie in force1 The -ord 8ri'ht8 i an a. tract thou'ht and &ro*ed ./ nothin'1 The -ord "ean no "ore thanC +i*e "e -hat I -ant in order that there./ I "a/ ha*e a &roof that I a" tron'er than /ou1 :K1 Where doe ri'ht .e'in! Where doe it end! :F1 In an/ State in -hich there i a .ad or'aniEation of authorit/2 an i"&er onalit/ of la- and of the ruler -ho ha*e lo t their &er onalit/ a"id the flood of ri'ht e*er "ulti&l/in' out of li.erali "2 I find a ne- ri'ht ) to attac( ./ the ri'ht of the tron'2 and to catter to the -ind all e4i tin' force of order and re'ulation2 to recon truct all in titution and to .eco"e the o*erei'n lord of tho e -ho ha*e left to u the ri'ht of their &o-er ./ la/in' the" do-n *oluntaril/ in their li.erali "1 :=1 Our &o-er in the &re ent totterin' condition of all for" of &o-er -ill .e "ore in*inci.le than an/ other2 .ecau e it -ill re"ain in*i i.le until the "o"ent -hen it ha 'ained uch tren'th that no cunnin' can an/ lon'er under"ine it1 :>1 Out of the te"&orar/ e*il -e are no- co"&elled to co""it -ill e"er'e the 'ood of an un ha(a.le rule2 -hich -ill re tore the re'ular cour e of the "achiner/ of the national life2 .rou'ht to nau'ht ./ li.erali "1 The re ult 5u tifie the "ean 1 Let u 2 ho-e*er2 in our &lan 2 direct our attention not o "uch to -hat i 'ood and "oral a to -hat i nece ar/ and u eful1 :A1 Before u i a &lan in -hich i laid do-n trate'icall/ the line fro" -hich -e cannot de*iate -ithout runnin' the ri ( of eein' the la.or of "an/ centurie .rou'ht to nau'ht1 :D1 In order to ela.orate ati factor/ for" of action it i nece ar/ to ha*e re'ard to the ra calit/2 the lac(ne 2 the in ta.ilit/ of the "o.2 it lac( of ca&acit/ to under tand and re &ect the condition of it o-n life2 or it o-n -elfare1 It "u t .e under tood that the "i'ht of a "o. i .lind2 en ele and unrea onin' force e*er at the "erc/ of a u''e tion fro" an/ ide1 The .lind cannot lead the .lind -ithout .rin'in' the" into the a./ L con e$uentl/2 "e".er of the "o.2 u& tart fro" the &eo&le e*en thou'h the/ hould .e a a 'eniu for -i do"2 /et ha*in' no under tandin' of the &olitical2 cannot co"e for-ard a leader of the "o. -ithout .rin'in' the -hole nation to ruin1 :;1 Onl/ one trained fro" childhood for inde&endent rule can ha*e under tandin' of the -ord that can .e "ade u& of the &olitical al&ha.et1 B<1 A &eo&le left to it elf2 i1e12 to u& tart fro" it "id t2 .rin' it elf to ruin ./ &art/ di en ion e4cited ./ the &ur uit of &o-er and honor and the di order ari in' therefro"1 I it &o i.le for the "a e of the &eo&le cal"l/ and -ithout &ett/ 5ealou ie to for" 5ud'"ent2 to deal -ith the affair of the countr/2 -hich cannot .e "i4ed u& -ith &er onal intere t! Can the/ defend the" el*e fro" an e4ternal foe! It i unthin(a.leL for a &lan .ro(en u& into a "an/ &art a there are head in the "o.2 lo e all ho"o'eneit/2 and there./ .eco"e unintelli'i.le and i"&o i.le of e4ecution1 WE ARE DESPOTS B:1 It i onl/ -ith a de &otic ruler that &lan can .e ela.orated e4ten i*el/ and clearl/ in uch a -a/ a to di tri.ute the -hole &ro&erl/ a"on' the e*eral &art of the "achiner/ of the StateC fro" thi the

conclu ion i ine*ita.le that a ati factor/ for" of 'o*ern"ent for an/ countr/ i one that concentrate in the hand of one re &on i.le &er on1 Without an a. olute de &oti " there can .e no e4i tence for ci*iliEation -hich i carried on not ./ the "a e .ut ./ their 'uide2 -ho oe*er that &er on "a/ .e1 The "o. i a*a'e2 and di &la/ it a*a'er/ at e*er/ o&&ortunit/1 The "o"ent the "o. eiEe freedo" in it hand it $uic(l/ turn to anarch/2 -hich in it elf i the hi'he t de'ree of a*a'er/1 BB1 Behold the alcoholic ani"al 2 .e"u ed -ith drin(2 the ri'ht to an i""oderate u e of -hich co"e alon' -ith freedo"1 It i not for u and our to -al( that road1 The &eo&le of the +O@I# are .e"u ed -ith alcoholic li$uor L their /outh ha 'ro-n tu&id on cla ici " and fro" earl/ i""oralit/2 into -hich it ha .een inducted ./ our &ecial a'ent ) ./ tutor 2 lac(e/ 2 'o*erne e in the hou e of the -ealth/2 ./ cler( and other 2 ./ our -o"en in the &lace of di i&ation fre$uented ./ the +O@I#1 In the nu".er of the e la t I count al o the o)called 8 ociet/ ladie 28 *oluntar/ follo-er of the other in corru&tion and lu4ur/1 BK1 Our counter i'n i ) Force and #a(e).elie*e1 Onl/ force con$uer in &olitical affair 2 e &eciall/ if it .e concealed in the talent e ential to tate "en1 %iolence "u t .e the &rinci&le2 and cunnin' and "a(e).elie*e the rule for 'o*ern"ent -hich do not -ant to la/ do-n their cro-n at the feet of a'ent of o"e ne- &o-er1 Thi e*il i the one and onl/ "ean to attain the end2 the 'ood1 Therefore -e "u t not to& at deceit and treacher/ -hen the/ hould er*e to-ard the attain"ent of our end1 In &olitic one "u t (no- ho- to eiEe the &ro&ert/ of other -ithout he itation if ./ it -e ecure u."i ion and o*erei'nt/1 BF1 Our State2 "archin' alon' the &ath of &eaceful con$ue t2 ha the ri'ht to re&lace the horror of -ar ./ le noticea.le and "ore ati factor/ entence of death2 nece ar/ to "aintain the terror -hich tend to &roduce .lind u."i ion1 3u t .ut "ercile e*erit/ i the 'reate t factor of tren'th in the StateC not onl/ for the a(e of 'ain .ut al o in the na"e of dut/2 for the a(e of *ictor/2 -e "u t (ee& to the &ro'ra""e of *iolence and "a(e).elie*e1 The doctrine of $uarin' account i &reci el/ a tron' a the "ean of -hich it "a(e u e1 Therefore it i not o "uch ./ the "ean the" el*e a ./ the doctrine of e*erit/ that -e hall triu"&h and .rin' all 'o*ern"ent into u.5ection to our u&er) 'o*ern"ent1 It i enou'h for the" to (no- that -e are too "ercile for all di o.edience to cea e1 WE SHALL END LIBERT@ B=1 Far .ac( in ancient ti"e -e -ere the fir t to cr/ a"on' the "a e of the &eo&le the -ord 8Li.ert/2 E$ualit/2 Fraternit/28 -ord "an/ ti"e re&eated ince the e da/ ./ tu&id &oll) &arrot -ho2 fro" all ide around2 fle- do-n u&on the e .ait and -ith the" carried a-a/ the -ell).ein' of the -orld2 true freedo" of the indi*idual2 for"erl/ o -ell 'uarded a'ain t the &re ure of the "o.1 The -ould).e -i e "en of the +O@I#2 the intellectual 2 could not "a(e an/thin' out of the uttered -ord in their a. tractedne L did not ee that in nature there i no e$ualit/2 cannot .e freedo"C that Nature her elf ha e hed ine$ualit/ of "ind 2 of character 2 and ca&acitie 2 5u t a i""uta.l/ a he ha e hed u.ordination to her la- C ne*er to&&ed to thin( that the "o. i a .lind thin'2 that u& tart elected fro" a"on' it to .ear rule are2 in re'ard to the &olitical2 the a"e .lind "en a the "o. it elf2 that the ade&t2 thou'h he .e a fool2 can /et rule2 -herea the non)ade&t2 e*en if he -ere a 'eniu 2 under tand nothin' in the &olitical ) to all tho e thin' the +O@I# &aid no re'ardL /et all the ti"e it -a .a ed u&on the e thin' that d/na tic rule re tedC the father &a ed on to the on a (no-led'e of the cour e of &olitical affair in uch -i e that none hould (no- it .ut "e".er of the d/na t/ and none could .etra/ it to the 'o*erned1 A ti"e -ent on2 the "eanin' of the d/na tic tran ference of the true &o ition of affair in the &olitical -a lo t2 and thi aided the ucce of our cau e1 B>1 In all corner of the earth the -ord 8Li.ert/2 E$ualit/2 Fraternit/28 .rou'ht to our ran( 2 than( to our .lind a'ent 2 -hole le'ion -ho .ore our .anner -ith enthu ia "1 And all the ti"e the e -ord -ere can(er)-or" at -or( .orin' into the -ell).ein' of the +O@I#2 &uttin' an end e*er/-here to &eace2 $uiet2 olidarit/ and de tro/in' all the foundation of the +O@A State 1 A /ou

-ill ee later2 thi hel&ed u to our triu"&hC it 'a*e u the &o i.ilit/2 a"on' other thin' 2 of 'ettin' into our hand the "a ter card ) the de truction of the &ri*ile'e 2 or in other -ord of the *er/ e4i tence of the ari tocrac/ of the +O@I#2 that cla -hich -a the onl/ defen e &eo&le and countrie had a'ain t u 1 On the ruin of the eternal and 'enealo'ical ari tocrac/ of the +O@I# -e ha*e et u& the ari tocrac/ of our educated cla headed ./ the ari tocrac/ of "one/1 The $ualification for thi ari tocrac/ -e ha*e e hed in -ealth2 -hich i de&endent u&on u 2 and in (no-led'e2 for -hich our learned elder &ro*ide the "oti*e force1 BA1 Our triu"&h ha .een rendered ea ier ./ the fact that in our relation -ith the "en2 -ho" -e -anted2 -e ha*e al-a/ -or(ed u&on the "o t en iti*e chord of the hu"an "ind2 u&on the ca h account2 u&on the cu&idit/2 u&on the in atia.ilit/ for "aterial need of "anL and each one of the e hu"an -ea(ne e 2 ta(en alone2 i ufficient to &aral/Ee initiati*e2 for it hand o*er the -ill of "en to the di &o ition of hi" -ho ha .ou'ht their acti*itie 1 BD1 The a. traction of freedo" ha ena.led u to &er uade the "o. in all countrie that their 'o*ern"ent i nothin' .ut the te-ard of the &eo&le -ho are the o-ner of the countr/2 and that the te-ard "a/ .e re&laced li(e a -orn)out 'lo*e1 B;1 It i thi &o i.ilit/ of re&lacin' the re&re entati*e of the &eo&le -hich ha &laced at our di &o al2 and2 a it -ere2 'i*en u the &o-er of a&&oint"ent1 Protocol No1 B :1 It i indi &en a.le for our &ur&o e that -ar 2 o far a &o i.le2 hould not re ult in territorial 'ain C -ar -ill thu .e .rou'ht on to the econo"ic 'round2 -here the nation -ill not fail to &ercei*e in the a i tance -e 'i*e the tren'th of our &redo"inance2 and thi tate of thin' -ill &ut .oth ide at the "erc/ of our international A+ENT9RL -hich &o e e "illion of e/e e*er on the -atch and unha"&ered ./ an/ li"itation -hat oe*er1 Our international ri'ht -ill then -i&e out national ri'ht 2 in the &ro&er en e of ri'ht2 and -ill rule the nation &reci el/ a the ci*il la- of State rule the relation of their u.5ect a"on' the" el*e 1 B1 The ad"ini trator 2 -ho" -e hall choo e fro" a"on' the &u.lic2 -ith trict re'ard to their ca&acitie for er*ile o.edience2 -ill not .e &er on trained in the art of 'o*ern"ent2 and -ill therefore ea il/ .eco"e &a-n in our 'a"e in the hand of "en of learnin' and 'eniu -ho -ill .e their ad*i er 2 &eciali t .red and reared fro" earl/ childhood to rule the affair of the -hole -orld1 A i -ell (no-n to /ou2 the e &eciali t of our ha*e .een dra-in' to fit the" for rule the infor"ation the/ need fro" our &olitical &lan fro" the le on of hi tor/2 fro" o. er*ation "ade of the e*ent of e*er/ "o"ent a it &a e 1 The +O@I# are not 'uided ./ &ractical u e of un&re5udiced hi torical o. er*ation2 .ut ./ theoretical routine -ithout an/ critical re'ard for con e$uent re ult 1 We need not2 therefore2 ta(e an/ account of the" ) let the" a"u e the" el*e until the hour tri(e 2 or li*e on ho&e of ne- for" of enter&ri in' &a ti"e2 or on the "e"orie of all the/ ha*e en5o/ed1 For the" let that &la/ the &rinci&al &art -hich -e ha*e &er uaded the" to acce&t a the dictate of cience Gtheor/H1 It i -ith thi o.5ect in *ie- that -e are con tantl/2 ./ "ean of our &re 2 arou in' a .lind confidence in the e theorie 1 The intellectual of the +O@I# -ill &uff the" el*e u& -ith their (no-led'e and -ithout an/ lo'ical *erification of the" -ill &ut into effect all the infor"ation a*aila.le fro" cience2 -hich our A+ENT9R &eciali t ha*e cunnin'l/ &ieced to'ether for the &ur&o e of educatin' their "ind in the direction -e -ant1 DESTR9CTI%E ED9CATION K1 Do not u&&o e for a "o"ent that the e tate"ent are e"&t/ -ord C thin( carefull/ of the ucce e -e arran'ed for Dar-ini "2 #ar4i "2 NietE che)i "1 To u 3e- 2 at an/ rate2 it hould .e &lain to ee -hat a di inte'ratin' i"&ortance the e directi*e ha*e had u&on the "ind of the +O@I#1

F1 It i indi &en a.le for u to ta(e account of the thou'ht 2 character 2 tendencie of the nation in order to a*oid "a(in' li& in the &olitical and in the direction of ad"ini trati*e affair 1 The triu"&h of our / te" of -hich the co"&onent &art of the "achiner/ "a/ .e *ariou l/ di &o ed accordin' to the te"&era"ent of the &eo&le "et on our -a/2 -ill fail of ucce if the &ractical a&&lication of it .e not .a ed u&on a u""in' u& of the le on of the &a t in the li'ht of the &re ent1 =1 In the hand of the State of to)da/ there i a 'reat force that create the "o*e"ent of thou'ht in the &eo&le2 and that i the Pre 1 The &art &la/ed ./ the Pre i to (ee& &ointin' our re$uire"ent u&&o ed to .e indi &en a.le2 to 'i*e *oice to the co"&laint of the &eo&le2 to e4&re and to create di content1 It i in the Pre that the triu"&h of freedo" of &eech find it incarnation1 But the +O@I# State ha*e not (no-n ho- to "a(e u e of thi forceL and it ha fallen into our hand 1 Throu'h the Pre -e ha*e 'ained the &o-er to influence -hile re"ainin' our el*e in the hadeL than( to the Pre -e ha*e 'ot the +OLD in our hand 2 not-ith tandin' that -e ha*e had to 'ather it out of the ocean of .lood and tear 1 But it ha &aid u 2 thou'h -e ha*e acrificed "an/ of our &eo&le1 Each *icti" on our ide i -orth in the i'ht of +od a thou and +O@I#1 PROTOCOL No1 K :1 To)da/ I "a/ tell /ou that our 'oal i no- onl/ a fe- te& off1 There re"ain a "all &ace to cro and the -hole lon' &ath -e ha*e trodden i read/ no- to clo e it c/cle of the S/".olic Sna(e2 ./ -hich -e /".oliEe our &eo&le1 When thi rin' clo e 2 all the State of Euro&e -ill .e loc(ed in it coil a in a &o-erful *ice1 B1 The con titution cale of the e da/ -ill hortl/ .rea( do-n2 for -e ha*e e hed the" -ith a certain lac( of accurate .alance in order that the/ "a/ o cillate ince antl/ until the/ -ear throu'h the &i*ot on -hich the/ turn1 The +O@I# are under the i"&re ion that the/ ha*e -elded the" ufficientl/ tron' and the/ ha*e all alon' (e&t on e4&ectin' that the cale -ould co"e into e$uili.riu"1 But the &i*ot ) the (in' on their throne ) are he""ed in ./ their re&re entati*e 2 -ho &la/ the fool2 di trau'ht -ith their o-n uncontrolled and irre &on i.le &o-er1 Thi &o-er the/ o-e to the terror -hich ha .een .reathed into the &alace 1 A the/ ha*e no "ean of 'ettin' at their &eo&le2 into their *er/ "id t2 the (in' on their throne are no lon'er a.le to co"e to ter" -ith the" and o tren'then the" el*e a'ain t ee(er after &o-er1 We ha*e "ade a 'ulf .et-een the far) eein' So*erei'n Po-er and the .lind force of the &eo&le o that .oth ha*e lo t all "eanin'2 for li(e the .lind "an and hi tic(2 .oth are &o-erle a&art1 K1 In order to incite ee(er after &o-er to a "i u e of &o-er -e ha*e et all force in o&&o ition one to another2 .rea(in' u& their li.eral tendencie to-ard inde&endence1 To thi end -e ha*e tirred u& e*er/ for" of enter&ri e2 -e ha*e ar"ed all &artie 2 -e ha*e et u& authorit/ a a tar'et for e*er/ a".ition1 Of State -e ha*e "ade 'ladiatorial arena -here a lot of confu ed i ue contend 1111 A little "ore2 and di order and .an(ru&tc/ -ill .e uni*er al 1111 F1 Ba..ler 2 ine4hau ti.le2 ha*e turned into oratorical conte t the ittin' of Parlia"ent and Ad"ini trati*e Board 1 Bold 5ournali t and un cru&ulou &a"&hleteer dail/ fall u&on e4ecuti*e official 1 A.u e of &o-er -ill &ut the final touch in &re&arin' all in titution for their o*erthro- and e*er/thin' -ill fl/ (/-ard under the .lo- of the "addened "o.1 PO%ERT@ O9R WEAPON =1 All &eo&le are chained do-n to hea*/ toil ./ &o*ert/ "ore fir"l/ than e*er1 The/ -ere chained ./ la*er/ and erfdo"L fro" the e2 one -a/ and another2 the/ "i'ht free the" el*e 1 The e could .e ettled -ith2 .ut fro" -ant the/ -ill ne*er 'et a-a/1 We ha*e included in the con titution uch ri'ht a to the "a e a&&ear fictitiou and not actual ri'ht 1 All the e o)called 8Peo&le Ri'ht 8 can e4i t

onl/ in idea2 an idea -hich can ne*er .e realiEed in &ractical life1 What i it to the &roletariat la.orer2 .o-ed dou.le o*er hi hea*/ toil2 cru hed ./ hi lot in life2 if tal(er 'et the ri'ht to .a..le2 if 5ournali t 'et the ri'ht to cri..le an/ non en e ide ./ ide -ith 'ood tuff2 once the &roletariat ha no other &rofit out of the con titution a*e onl/ tho e &itiful cru". -hich -e flin' the" fro" our ta.le in return for their *otin' in fa*or of -hat -e dictate2 in fa*or of the "en -e &lace in &o-er2 the er*ant of our A+ENT9R 111 Re&u.lican ri'ht for a &oor "an are no "ore than a .itter &iece of iron/2 for the nece it/ he i under of toilin' al"o t all da/ 'i*e hi" no &re ent u e of the"2 .ut the other hand ro. hi" of all 'uarantee of re'ular and certain earnin' ./ "a(in' hi" de&endent on tri(e ./ hi co"rade or loc(out ./ hi "a ter 1 WE S9PPORT CO##9NIS# >1 The &eo&le2 under our 'uidance2 ha*e annihilated the ari tocrac/2 -ho -ere their one and onl/ defen e and fo ter) "other for the a(e of their o-n ad*anta'e -hich i in e&ara.l/ .ound u& -ith the -ell).ein' of the &eo&le1 No-ada/ 2 -ith the de truction of the ari tocrac/2 the &eo&le ha*e fallen into the 'ri& of "ercile "one/)'rindin' coundrel -ho ha*e laid a &itile and cruel /o(e u&on the nec( of the -or(er 1 A1 We a&&ear on the cene a alle'ed a*iour of the -or(er fro" thi o&&re ion -hen -e &ro&o e to hi" to enter the ran( of our fi'htin' force ) Sociali t 2 Anarchi t 2 Co""uni t ) to -ho" -e al-a/ 'i*e u&&ort in accordance -ith an alle'ed .rotherl/ rule Gof the olidarit/ of all hu"anit/H of our SOCIAL #ASONR@1 The ari tocrac/2 -hich en5o/ed ./ la- the la.or of the -or(er 2 -a intere ted in eein' that the -or(er -ere -ell fed2 health/2 and tron'1 We are intere ted in 5u t the o&&o ite ) in the di"inution2 the ?ILLIN+ O9T OF THE +O@I#1 Our &o-er i in the chronic hortne of food and &h/ ical -ea(ne of the -or(er .ecau e ./ all that thi i"&lie he i "ade the la*e of our -ill2 and he -ill not find in hi o-n authoritie either tren'th or ener'/ to et a'ain t our -ill1 Hun'er create the ri'ht of ca&ital to rule the -or(er "ore urel/ than it -a 'i*en to the ari tocrac/ ./ the le'al authorit/ of (in' 1 D1 B/ -ant and the en*/ and hatred -hich it en'ender -e hall "o*e the "o. and -ith their hand -e hall -i&e out all tho e -ho hinder u on our -a/1 ;1 WHEN THE HO9R STRI?ES FOR O9R SO%EREI+N LORD OF ALL THE WORLD TO BE CROWNED IT IS THESE SA#E HANDS WHICH WILL SWEEP AWA@ E%ER@THIN+ THAT #I+HT BE A HINDRANCE THERETO1 :<1 The +O@I# ha*e lo t the of thin(in' unle &ro"&ted ./ the u''e tion of our &eciali t 1 Therefore the/ do not ee the ur'ent nece it/ of -hat -e2 -hen our (in'do" co"e 2 hall ado&t at once2 na"el/ thi 2 that IT IS ESSENTIAL TO TEACH IN NATIONAL SCHOOLS ONE SI#PLE2 TR9E PIECE OF ?NOWLED+E2 THE BASIS OF ALL ?NOWLED+E ) THE ?NOWLED+E OF THE STR9CT9RE OF H9#AN LIFE2 OF SOCIAL E,ISTENCE2 WHICH RE09IRES DI%ISION OF LABOR2 AND2 CONSE09ENTL@2 THE DI%ISION OF #EN INTO CLASSES AND CONDITIONS1 It i e ential for all to (no- that OWIN+ TO DIFFERENCE IN THE OB3ECTS OF H9#AN ACTI%IT@ THERE CANNOT BE AN@ E09ALIT@2 that he2 -ho ./ an/ act of hi co"&ro"i e a -hole cla 2 cannot .e e$uall/ re &on i.le .efore the la- -ith hi" -ho affect no one .ut onl/ hi o-n honor1 The true (no-led'e of the tructure of ociet/2 into the ecret of -hich -e do not ad"it the +O@I#2 -ould de"on trate to all "en that the &o ition and -or( "u t .e (e&t -ithin a certain circle2 that the/ "a/ not .eco"e a ource of hu"an ufferin'2 ari in' fro" an education -hich doe not corre &ond -ith the -or( -hich indi*idual are called u&on to do1 After a thorou'h tud/ of thi (no-led'e2 the &eo&le -ill *oluntaril/ u."it to authorit/ and acce&t uch &o ition a i a&&ointed the" in the State1 In the &re ent tate of (no-led'e and the direction -e ha*e 'i*en to it de*elo&"ent of the &eo&le2 .lindl/ .elie*in' thin' in &rint ) cheri he ) than( to &ro"&tin' intended to "i lead and to it o-n i'norance ) a .lind hatred to-ard all condition -hich it con ider a.o*e it elf2 for it ha no under tandin' of the "eanin' of cla and condition1

3EWS WILL BE SAFE ::1 THIS HATRED WILL BE STILL F9RTHER #A+NIFIED B@ THE EFFECTS of an ECONO#IC CRISES2 -hich -ill to& dealin' on the e4chan'e and .rin' indu tr/ to a tand till1 We hall create ./ all the ecret u.terranean "ethod o&en to u and -ith the aid of 'old2 -hich i all in our hand 2 A 9NI%ERSAL ECONO#IC CRISES WHEREB@ WE SHALL THROW 9PON THE STREETS WHOLE #OBS OF WOR?ERS SI#9LTANEO9SL@ IN ALL THE CO9NTRIES OF E9ROPE1 The e "o. -ill ru h deli'htedl/ to hed the .lood of tho e -ho"2 in the i"&licit/ of their i'norance2 the/ ha*e en*ied fro" their cradle 2 and -ho e &ro&ert/ the/ -ill then .e a.le to loot1 :B1 8O9RS8 THE@ WILL NOT TO9CH2 BECA9SE THE #O#ENT OF ATTAC? WILL BE ?NOWN TO 9S AND WE SHALL TA?E #EAS9RES TO PROTECT O9R OWN1 :K1 We ha*e de"on trated that &ro're -ill .rin' all the +O@I# to the o*erei'nt/ of rea on1 Our de &oti " -ill .e &reci el/ thatL for it -ill (no- ho-2 ./ -i e e*eritie 2 to &acificate all unre t2 to cauteriEe li.erali " out of all in titution 1 :F1 When the &o&ulace ha een that all ort of conce ion and indul'ence are /ielded it2 in the a"e na"e of freedo" it ha i"a'ined it elf to .e o*erei'n lord and ha tor"ed it -a/ to &o-er2 .ut2 naturall/ li(e e*er/ other .lind "an2 it ha co"e u&on a ho t of tu".lin' .loc( 1 IT HAS R9SHED TO FIND A +9IDE2 IT HAS NE%ER HAD THE SENSE TO RET9RN TO THE FOR#ER STATE and it ha laid do-n it &leni&otentiar/ &o-er at O9R feet1 Re"e".er the French Re*olution2 to -hich it -a -e -ho 'a*e the na"e of 8+reat8C the ecret of it &re&aration are -ell (no-n to u for it -a -holl/ the -or( of our hand 1 := E*er ince that ti"e -e ha*e .een leadin' the &eo&le fro" one di enchant"ent to another2 o that in the end the/ hould turn al o fro" u in fa*or of that ?IN+)DESPOT OF THE BLOOD OF ZION2 WHO# WE ARE PREPARIN+ FOR THE WORLD1 :>1 At the &re ent da/ -e are2 a an international force2 in*inci.le2 .ecau e if attac(ed ./ o"e -e are u&&orted ./ other State 1 It i the .otto"le ra calit/ of the +O@I# &eo&le 2 -ho cra-l on their .ellie to force2 .ut are "ercile to-ard -ea(ne 2 un &arin' to fault and indul'ent to cri"e 2 un-illin' to .ear the contradiction of a free ocial / te" .ut &atient unto "art/rdo" under the *iolence of a .old de &oti " ) it i tho e $ualitie -hich are aidin' u to inde&endence1 Fro" the &re"ier) dictator of the &re ent da/2 the +O@I# &eo&le uffer &atientl/ and .ear uch a.u e a for the lea t of the" the/ -ould ha*e .eheaded t-ent/ (in' 1 :A1 What i the e4&lanation of thi &heno"enon2 thi curiou incon e$uence of the "a e of the &eo&le in their attitude to-ard -hat -ould a&&ear to .e e*ent of the a"e order! :D1 It i e4&lained ./ the fact that the e dictator -hi &er to the &eo&le throu'h their a'ent that throu'h the e a.u e the/ are inflictin' in5ur/ on the State -ith the hi'he t &ur&o e ) to ecure the -elfare of the &eo&le 2 the international .rotherhood of the" all2 their olidarit/ and e$ualit/ of ri'ht 1 Naturall/ the/ do not tell the &eo&le that thi unification "u t .e acco"&li hed onl/ under our o*erei'n rule1 :;1 And thu the &eo&le conde"n the u&ri'ht and ac$uit the 'uilt/2 &er uaded e*er "ore and "ore that it can do -hat oe*er it -i he 1 Than( to thi tate of thin' 2 the &eo&le are de tro/in' e*er/ (ind of ta.ilit/ and creatin' di order at e*er/ te&1 B<1 The -ord 8freedo"8 .rin' out the co""unitie of "en to fi'ht a'ain t e*er/ (ind of force2 a'ain t e*er/ (ind of authorit/ e*en a'ain t +od and the la- of nature1 For thi rea on -e2 -hen -e co"e into our (in'do"2 hall ha*e to era e thi -ord fro" the le4icon of life a i"&l/in' a &rinci&le of

.rute force -hich turn "o. into .loodthir t/ .ea t 1 B:1 The e .ea t 2 it i true2 fall a lee& a'ain e*er/ ti"e -hen the/ ha*e drun( their fill of .lood2 and at uch ti"e can ea il/ .e ri*eted into their chain 1 But if the/ .e not 'i*en .lood the/ -ill not lee& and continue to tru''le PROTOCOL No1 F :1 E*er/ re&u.lic &a e throu'h e*eral ta'e 1 The fir t of the e i co"&ri ed in the earl/ da/ of "ad ra'in' ./ the .lind "o.2 to ed hither and thither2 ri'ht and leftC the econd i de"a'o'/ fro" -hich i .orn anarch/2 and that lead ine*ita.l/ to de &oti " ) not an/ lon'er le'al and o*ert2 and therefore re &on i.le de &oti "2 .ut to un een and ecretl/ hidden2 /et ne*erthele en i.l/ felt de &oti " in the hand of o"e ecret or'aniEation or other2 -ho e act are the "ore un cru&ulou ina "uch a it -or( .ehind a creen2 .ehind the .ac( of all ort of a'ent 2 the chan'in' of -ho" not onl/ doe not in5uriou l/ affect .ut actuall/ aid the ecret force ./ a*in' it2 than( to continual chan'e 2 fro" the nece it/ of e4&andin' it re ource on the re-ardin' of lon' er*ice 1 B1 Who and -hat i in a &o ition to o*erthro- an in*i i.le force! And thi i &reci el/ -hat our force i 1 +ENTILE "a onr/ .lindl/ er*e a a creen for u and our o.5ect 2 .ut the &lan of action of our force2 e*en it *er/ a.idin')&lace2 re"ain for the -hole &eo&le an un(no-n "/ ter/1 WE SHALL DESTRO@ +OD K1 But e*en freedo" "i'ht .e har"le and ha*e it &lace in the State econo"/ -ithout in5ur/ to the -ell).ein' of the &eo&le if it re ted u&on the foundation of faith in +od2 u&on the .rotherhood of hu"anit/2 unconnected -ith the conce&tion of e$ualit/2 -hich i ne'ati*ed ./ the *er/ la- of creation2 for the/ ha*e e hed u.ordination1 With uch a faith a thi a &eo&le "i'ht .e 'o*erned ./ a -ard hi& of &ari he 2 and -ould -al( contentedl/ and hu".l/ under the 'uidin' hand of it &iritual &a tor u."ittin' to the di &o ition of +od u&on earth1 Thi i the rea on -h/ IT IS INDISPENSABLE FOR 9S TO 9NDER#INE ALL FAITH2 TO TEAR O9T OF THE #IND OF THE 8+O@I#8 THE %ER@ PRINCIPLE OF +OD)HEAD AND THE SPIRIT2 AND TO P9T IN ITS PLACE ARITH#ETICAL CALC9LATIONS AND #ATERIAL NEEDS1 F1 In order to 'i*e the +O@I# no ti"e to thin( and ta(e note2 their "ind "u t .e di*erted to-ard indu tr/ and trade1 Thu 2 all the nation -ill .e -allo-ed u& in the &ur uit of 'ain and in the race for it -ill not ta(e note of their co""on foe1 But a'ain2 in order that freedo" "a/ once for all di inte'rate and ruin the co""unitie of the +O@I#2 -e "u t &ut indu tr/ on a &eculati*e .a i C the re ult of thi -ill .e that -hat i -ithdra-n fro" the land ./ indu tr/ -ill li& throu'h the hand and &a into &eculation2 that i 2 to our cla e 1 =1 The inten ified tru''le for u&eriorit/ and hoc( deli*ered to econo"ic life -ill create2 na/2 ha*e alread/ created2 di enchanted2 cold and heartle co""unitie 1 Such co""unitie -ill fo ter a tron' a*er ion to-ard the hi'her &olitical and to-ard reli'ion1 Their onl/ 'uide i 'ain2 that i +old2 -hich the/ -ill erect into a *erita.le cult2 for the a(e of tho e "aterial deli'ht -hich it can 'i*e1 Then -ill the hour tri(e -hen2 not for the a(e of attainin' the 'ood2 not e*en to -in -ealth2 .ut olel/ out of hatred to-ard the &ri*ile'ed2 the lo-er cla e of the +O@I# -ill follo- our lead a'ain t our ri*al for &o-er2 the intellectual of the +O@I#1 PROTOCOL No1 = :1 What for" of ad"ini trati*e rule can .e 'i*en to co""unitie in -hich corru&tion ha &enetrated e*er/-here2 co""unitie -here riche are attained onl/ ./ the cle*er ur&ri e tactic of e"i)

-indlin' tric( L -here loo ene rei'n C -here "oralit/ i "aintained ./ &enal "ea ure and har h la- .ut not ./ *oluntaril/ acce&ted &rinci&le C -here the feelin' to-ard faith and countr/ are'ated ./ co "o&olitan con*iction ! What for" of rule i to .e 'i*en to the e co""unitie if not that de &oti " -hich I hall de cri.e to /ou later! We hall create an inten ified centraliEation of 'o*ern"ent in order to 'ri& in our hand all the force of the co""unit/1 We hall re'ulate "echanicall/ all the action of the &olitical life of our u.5ect ./ ne- la- 1 The e la- -ill -ithdraone ./ one all the indul'ence and li.ertie -hich ha*e .een &er"itted ./ the +O@I#2 and our (in'do" -ill .e di tin'ui hed ./ a de &oti " of uch "a'nificent &ro&ortion a to .e at an/ "o"ent and in e*er/ &lace in a &o ition to -i&e out an/ +O@I# -ho o&&o e u ./ deed or -ord1 B1 We hall .e told that uch a de &oti " a I &ea( of i not con i tent -ith the &ro're da/ 2 .ut I -ill &ro*e to /ou that i i 1 of the e

K1 In the ti"e -hen the &eo&le loo(ed u&on (in' on their throne a on a &ure "anife tation of the -ill of +od2 the/ u."itted -ithout a "ur"ur to the de &otic &o-er of (in' C .ut fro" the da/ -hen -e in inuated into their "ind the conce&tion of their o-n ri'ht the/ .e'an to re'ard the occu&ant of throne a "ere ordinar/ "ortal 1 The hol/ unction of the Lord6 Anointed ha fallen fro" the head of (in' in the e/e of the &eo&le2 and -hen -e al o ro..ed the" of their faith in +od the "i'ht of &o-er -a flun' u&on the treet into the &lace of &u.lic &ro&rietor hi& and -a eiEed ./ u 1 #ASSES LED B@ LIES F1 #oreo*er2 the art of directin' "a e and indi*idual ./ "ean of cle*erl/ "ani&ulated theor/ and *er.ita'e2 ./ re'ulation of life in co""on and all ort of other $uir( 2 in all -hich the +O@I# under tand nothin'2 .elon' li(e-i e to the &eciali t of our ad"ini trati*e .rain1 Reared on anal/ i 2 o. er*ation2 on delicacie of fine calculation2 in thi &ecie of (ill -e ha*e no ri*al 2 an/ "ore than -e ha*e either in the dra-in' u& of &lan of &olitical action and olidarit/1 In thi re &ect the 3e uit alone "i'ht ha*e co"&ared -ith u 2 .ut -e ha*e contri*ed to di credit the" in the e/e of the unthin(in' "o. a an o*ert or'aniEation2 -hile -e our el*e all the -hile ha*e (e&t our ecret or'aniEation in the hade1 Ho-e*er2 it i &ro.a.l/ all the a"e to the -orld -ho i it o*erei'n lord2 -hether the head of Catholici " or our de &ot of the .lood of Zion7 But to u 2 the Cho en Peo&le2 it i *er/ far fro" .ein' a "atter of indifference1 =1 FOR A TI#E PERHAPS WE #I+HT BE S9CCESSF9LL@ DEALT WITH B@ A COALITION OF THE 8+O@I#8 OF ALL THE WORLDC .ut fro" thi dan'er -e are ecured ./ the di cord e4i tin' a"on' the" -ho e root are o dee&l/ eated that the/ can ne*er no- .e &luc(ed u&1 We ha*e et one a'ain t another the &er onal and national rec(onin' of the +O@I#2 reli'iou and race hatred 2 -hich -e ha*e fo tered into a hu'e 'ro-th in the cour e of the &a t t-ent/ centurie 1 Thi i the rea on -h/ there i not one State -hich -ould an/-here recei*e u&&ort if it -ere to rai e it ar"2 for e*er/ one of the" "u t .ear in "ind that an/ a'ree"ent a'ain t u -ould .e un&rofita.le to it elf1 We are too tron' ) there i no e*adin' our &o-er1 THE NATIONS CANNOT CO#E TO E%EN AN INCONSIDERABLE PRI%ATE A+REE#ENT WITHO9T O9R SECRETL@ HA%IN+ A HAND IN IT1 >1 PER #E RE+ES RE+NANT1 8It i throu'h "e that ?in' rei'n18 And it -a aid ./ the &ro&het that -e -ere cho en ./ +od Hi" elf to rule o*er the -hole earth1 +od ha endo-ed u -ith 'eniu that -e "a/ .e e$ual to our ta (1 Were 'eniu in the o&&o ite ca"& it -ould till tru''le a'ain t u 2 .ut e*en o2 a ne-co"er i no "atch for the old)e hed ettlerC the tru''le -ould .e "ercile .et-een u 2 uch a fi'ht a the -orld ha ne*er een1 A/e2 and the 'eniu on their ide -ould ha*e arri*ed too late1 All the -heel of the "achiner/ of all State 'o ./ the force of the en'ine2 -hich i in our hand 2 and that en'ine of the "achiner/ of State i ) +old1 The cience of &olitical econo"/ in*ented ./ our learned elder ha for lon' &a t .een 'i*in' ro/al &re ti'e to ca&ital1 #ONOPOL@ CAPITAL

A1 Ca&ital2 if it i to co)o&erate untra""eled2 "u t .e free to e h a "ono&ol/ of indu tr/ and tradeC thi i alread/ .ein' &ut in e4ecution ./ an un een hand in all $uarter of the -orld1 Thi freedo" -ill 'i*e &olitical force to tho e en'a'ed in indu tr/2 and that -ill hel& to o&&re the &eo&le1 No-ada/ it i "ore i"&ortant to di ar" the &eo&le than to lead the" into -arC "ore i"&ortant to u e for our ad*anta'e the &a ion -hich ha*e .ur t into fla"e than to $uench their fireC "ore i"&ortant to eradicate the"1 THE PRINCIPLE OB3ECT OF O9R DIRECTORATE CONSISTS IN THISC TO DEBILITATE THE P9BLIC #IND B@ CRITICIS#L TO LEAD IT AWA@ FRO# SERIO9S REFLECTIONS CALC9LATED TO ARO9SE RESISTANCEL TO DISTRACT THE FORCES OF THE #IND TOWARDS A SHA# FI+HT OF E#PT@ ELO09ENCE1 D1 In all a'e the &eo&le of the -orld2 e$uall/ -ith indi*idual 2 ha*e acce&ted -ord for deed 2 for THE@ ARE CONTENT WITH A SHOW and rarel/ &au e to note2 in the &u.lic arena2 -hether &ro"i e are follo-ed ./ &erfor"ance1 Therefore -e hall e h ho- in titution -hich -ill 'i*e elo$uent &roof of their .enefit to &ro're 1 ;1 We hall a u"e to our el*e the li.eral &h/ io'no"/ of all &artie 2 of all direction 2 and -e hall 'i*e that &h/ io'no"/ a %OICE IN ORATORS WHO WILL SPEA? SO #9CH THAT THE@ WILL E,HA9ST THE PATIENCE OF THEIR HEARERS AND PROD9CE AN ABHORRENCE OF ORATOR@1 :<1 IN ORDER TO P9T P9BLIC OPINION INTO O9R HANDS WE #9ST BRIN+ IT INTO A STATE OF BEWILDER#ENT B@ +I%IN+ E,PRESSION FRO# ALL SIDES TO SO #AN@ CONTRADICTOR@ OPINIONS AND FOR S9CH LEN+TH OF TI#E AS WILL S9FFICE TO #A?E THE 8+O@I#8 LOSE THEIR HEADS IN THE LAB@RINTH AND CO#E TO SEE THAT THE BEST THIN+ IS TO HA%E NO OPINION OF AN@ ?IND IN #ATTERS POLITICAL2 -hich it i not 'i*en to the &u.lic to under tand2 .ecau e the/ are under tood onl/ ./ hi" -ho 'uide the &u.lic1 Thi i the fir t ecret1 ::1 The econd ecret re$ui ite for the ucce of our 'o*ern"ent i co"&ri ed in the follo-in'C To "ulti&l/ to uch an e4tent national failin' 2 2 &a ion 2 condition of ci*il life2 that it -ill .e i"&o i.le for an/one to (no- -here he i in the re ultin' chao 2 o that the &eo&le in con e$uence -ill fail to under tand one another1 Thi "ea ure -ill al o er*e u in another -a/2 na"el/2 to odi cord in all &artie 2 to di locate all collecti*e force -hich are till un-illin' to u."it to u 2 and to di coura'e an/ (ind of &er onal initiati*e -hich "i'ht in an/ de'ree hinder our affair1 THERE IS NOTHIN+ #ORE DAN+ERO9S THAN PERSONAL INITIATI%EC if it ha 'eniu .ehind it2 uch initiati*e can do "ore than can .e done ./ "illion of &eo&le a"on' -ho" -e ha*e o-n di cord1 We "u t o direct the education of the +O@I# co""unitie that -hene*er the/ co"e u&on a "atter re$uirin' initiati*e the/ "a/ dro& their hand in de &airin' i"&otence1 The train -hich re ult fro" freedo" of action a& the force -hen it "eet -ith the freedo" of another1 Fro" thi colli ion ari e 'ra*e "oral hoc( 2 di enchant"ent 2 failure 1 B@ ALL THESE #EANS WE SHALL SO WEAR DOWN THE 8+O@I#8 THAT THE@ WILL BE CO#PELLED TO OFFER 9S INTERNATIONAL POWER OF A NAT9RE THAT B@ ITS POSITION WILL ENABLE 9S WITHO9T AN@ %IOLENCE +RAD9ALL@ TO ABSORB ALL THE STATE FORCES OF THE WORLD AND TO FOR# A S9PER)+O%ERN#ENT1 In &lace of the ruler of to)da/ -e hall et u& a .o'e/ -hich -ill .e called the Su&er)+o*ern"ent Ad"ini tration1 It hand -ill reach out in all direction li(e ni&&er and it or'aniEation -ill .e of uch colo al di"en ion that it cannot fail to u.due all the nation of the -orld1 PROTOCOL No1 > :1 We hall oon .e'in to e h hu'e "ono&olie 2 re er*oir of colo al riche 2 u&on -hich e*en2 lar'e fortune of the +O@I# -ill de&end to uch an e4tent that the/ -ill 'o to the .otto" to'ether -ith

the credit of the State on the da/ after the &olitical "a h 111 B1 @ou 'entle"en here &re ent -ho are econo"i t 2 5u t tri(e an e ti"ate of the i'nificance of thi co".ination7 111 K1 In e*er/ &o i.le -a/ -e "u t de*elo& the i'nificance of our Su&er)+o*ern"ent ./ re&re entin' it a the Protector and Benefactor of all tho e -ho *oluntaril/ u."it to u 1 F1 The ari tocrac/ of the +O@I# a a &olitical force2 i dead ) We need not ta(e it into accountL .ut a landed &ro&rietor the/ can till .e har"ful to u fro" the fact that the/ are elf) ufficin' in the re ource u&on -hich the/ li*e1 It i e ential therefore for u at -hate*er co t to de&ri*e the" of their land1 Thi o.5ect -ill .e .e t attained ./ increa in' the .urden u&on landed &ro&ert/ ) in loadin' land -ith de.t 1 The e "ea ure -ill chec( land) holdin' and (ee& it in a tate of hu".le and unconditional u."i ion1 =1 The ari tocrat of the +O@I#2 .ein' hereditaril/ inca&a.le of contentin' the" el*e -ith little2 -ill ra&idl/ .urn u& and fiEEle out1 WE SHALL ENSLA%E +ENTILES >1 At the a"e ti"e -e "u t inten i*el/ &atroniEe trade and indu tr/2 .ut2 fir t and fore"o t2 &eculation2 the &art &la/ed ./ -hich i to &ro*ide a counter&oi e to indu tr/C the a. ence of &eculati*e indu tr/ -ill "ulti&l/ ca&ital in &ri*ate hand and -ill er*e to re tore a'riculture ./ freein' the land fro" inde.tedne to the land .an( 1 What -e -ant i that indu tr/ hould drain off fro" the land .oth la.or and ca&ital and ./ "ean of &eculation tran fer into our hand all the "one/ of the -orld2 and there./ thro- all the +O@I# into the ran( of the &roletariat1 Then the +O@I# -ill .o- do-n .efore u 2 if for no other rea on .ut to 'et the ri'ht to e4i t1 A1 To co"&lete the ruin of the indu tr/ of the +O@I# -e hall .rin' to the a i tance of &eculation the lu4ur/ -hich -e ha*e de*elo&ed a"on' the +O@I#2 that 'reed/ de"and for lu4ur/ -hich i -allo-in' u& e*er/thin'1 WE SHALL RAISE THE RATE OF WA+ES WHICH2 HOWE%ER2 WILL NOT BRIN+ AN@ AD%ANTA+E TO THE WOR?ERS2 FOR2 AT THE SA#E TI#E2 WE SHALL PROD9CE A RISE IN PRICES OF THE FIRST NECESSARIES OF LIFE2 ALLE+IN+ THAT IT ARISES FRO# THE DECLINE OF A+RIC9LT9RE AND CATTLE)BREEDIN+C WE SHALL F9RTHER 9NDER#INE ARTF9LL@ AND DEEPL@ SO9RCES OF PROD9CTION2 B@ ACC9STO#IN+ THE WOR?ERS TO ANARCH@ AND TO DR9N?ENNESS AND SIDE B@ SIDE THEREWITH TA?IN+ ALL #EAS9RE TO E,TIRPATE FRO# THE FACE OF THE EARTH ALL THE ED9CATED FORCES OF THE 8+O@I#18 D1 IN ORDER THAT THE TR9E #EANIN+ OF THIN+S #A@ NOT STRI?E THE 8+O@I#8 BEFORE THE PROPER TI#E WE SHALL #AS? IT 9NDER AN ALLE+ED ARDENT DESIRE TO SER%E THE WOR?IN+ CLASSES AND THE +REAT PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONO#@ ABO9T WHICH O9R ECONO#IC THEORIES ARE CARR@IN+ ON AN ENER+ETIC PROPA+ANDA PROTOCOL No1 A :1 The inten ification of ar"a"ent 2 the increa e of &olice force ) are all e ential for the co"&letion of the afore"entioned &lan 1 What -e ha*e to 'et at i that there hould .e in all the State of the -orld2 .e ide our el*e 2 onl/ the "a e of the &roletariat2 a fe- "illionaire de*oted to our intere t 2 &olice and oldier 1 B1 Throu'hout all Euro&e2 and ./ "ean of relation -ith Euro&e2 in other continent al o2 -e "u t create fer"ent 2 di cord and ho tilit/1 Therein -e 'ain a dou.le ad*anta'e1 In the fir t &lace -e (ee&

in chec( all countrie 2 for the/ -ill (no- that -e ha*e the &o-er -hene*er -e li(e to create di order or to re tore order1 All the e countrie are accu to"ed to ee in u an indi &en a.le force of coercion1 In the econd &lace2 ./ our intri'ue -e hall tan'le u& all the thread -hich -e ha*e tretched into the ca.inet of all State ./ "ean of the &olitical2 ./ econo"ic treatie 2 or loan'ation 1 In order to ucceed in thi -e "u t u e 'reat cunnin' and &enetration durin' ne'otiation and a'ree"ent 2 .ut2 a re'ard -hat i called the 8official lan'ua'e28 -e hall (ee& to the o&&o ite tactic and a u"e the "a ( of hone t/ and co"&lacenc/1 In thi -a/ the &eo&le and 'o*ern"ent of the +O@I#2 -ho" -e ha*e tau'ht to loo( onl/ at the out ide -hate*er -e &re ent to their notice2 -ill till continue to acce&t u a the .enefactor and a*iour of the hu"an race1 9NI%ERSAL WAR K1 We "u t .e in a &o ition to re &ond to e*er/ act of o&&o ition ./ -ar -ith the nei'h.or of that countr/ -hich dare to o&&o e u C .ut if the e nei'h.or hould al o *enture to tand collecti*el/ to'ether a'ain t u 2 then -e "u t offer re i tance ./ a uni*er al -ar1 F1 The &rinci&al factor of ucce in the &olitical i the ecrec/ of it underta(in' C the -ord hould not a'ree -ith the deed of the di&lo"at1 =1 We "u t co"&el the 'o*ern"ent of the +O@I# to ta(e action in the direction fa*ored ./ our -idel/ concei*ed &lan2 alread/ a&&roachin' the de ired con u""ation2 ./ -hat -e hall re&re ent a &u.lic o&inion2 ecretl/ &ro"oted ./ u throu'h the "ean of that o)called 8+reat Po-er8 ) THE PRESS2 WHICH2 WITH A FEW E,CEPTIONS THAT #A@ BE DISRE+ARDED2 IS ALREAD@ ENTIREL@ IN O9R HANDS1 In a -ord2 to u" u& our / te" of (ee&in' the 'o*ern"ent of the 'o/i" in Euro&e in chec(2 -e hall ho- our tren'th to one of the" ./ terrori t atte"&t and to all2 if -e allo- the &o i.ilit/ of a 'eneral ri in' a'ain t u 2 -e hall re &ond -ith the 'un of A"erica or China or 3a&an1 PROTOCOL No1 D :1 We "u t ar" our el*e -ith all the -ea&on -hich our o&&onent "i'ht e"&lo/ a'ain t u 1 We "u t earch out in the *er/ fine t hade of e4&re ion and the (nott/ &oint of the le4icon of la5u tification for tho e ca e -here -e hall ha*e to &ronounce 5ud'"ent that "i'ht a&&ear a.nor"all/ audaciou and un5u t2 for it i i"&ortant that the e re olution hould .e et forth in e4&re ion that hall ee" to .e the "o t e4alted "oral &rinci&le ca t into le'al for"1 Our directorate "u t urround it elf -ith all the e force of ci*iliEation a"on' -hich it -ill ha*e to -or(1 It -ill urround it elf -ith &u.lici t 2 &ractical 5uri t 2 ad"ini trator 2 di&lo"at and2 finall/2 -ith &er on &re&ared ./ a &ecial u&er)educational trainin' IN O9R SPECIAL SCHOOLS1 The e &er on -ill ha*e con onance of all the ecret of the ocial tructure2 the/ -ill (no- all the lan'ua'e that can .e "ade u& ./ &olitical al& and -ord L the/ -ill .e "ade ac$uainted -ith the -hole under ide of hu"an nature2 -ith all it en iti*e chord on -hich the/ -ill ha*e to &la/1 The e chord are the ca t of "ind of the +O@I#2 their tendencie 2 hort)co"in' 2 *ice and $ualitie 2 the &articularitie of cla e and condition 1 Needle to a/ that the talented a i tant of authorit/2 of -ho" I &ea(2 -ill .e ta(en not fro" a"on' the +O@I#2 -ho are accu to"ed to &erfor" their ad"ini trati*e -or( -ithout 'i*in' the" el*e the trou.le to thin( -hat it ai" i 2 and ne*er con ider -hat it i needed for1 The ad"ini trator of the +O@I# i'n &a&er -ithout readin' the"2 and the/ er*e either for "ercenar/ rea on or fro" a".ition1 B1 We hall urround our 'o*ern"ent -ith a -hole -orld of econo"i t 1 That i the rea on -h/ econo"ic cience for" the &rinci&al u.5ect of the teachin' 'i*en to the 3e- 1 Around u a'ain -ill .e a -hole con tellation of .an(er 2 indu triali t 2 ca&itali t and ) THE #AIN THIN+ ) #ILLIONAIRES2 BECA9SE IN S9BSTANCE E%ER@THIN+ WILL BE SETTLED B@ THE 09ESTION

OF FI+9RES1 K1 For a ti"e2 until there -ill no lon'er .e an/ ri ( in entru tin' re &on i.le &o t in our State to our .rother)3e- 2 -e hall &ut the" in the hand of &er on -ho e &a t and re&utation are uch that .et-een the" and the &eo&le lie an a./ 2 &er on -ho2 in ca e of di o.edience to our in truction 2 "u t face cri"inal char'e or di a&&ear ) thi in order to "a(e the" defend our intere t to their la t 'a &1 PROTOCOL No1 ; :1 In a&&l/in' our &rinci&le let attention .e &aid to the character of the &eo&le in -ho e countr/ /ou li*e and actL a 'eneral2 identical a&&lication of the"2 until uch ti"e a the &eo&le hall ha*e .een re) educated to our &attern2 cannot ha*e ucce 1 But ./ a&&roachin' their a&&lication cautiou l/ /ou -ill ee that not a decade -ill &a .efore the "o t tu..orn character -ill chan'e and -e hall add a ne&eo&le to the ran( of tho e alread/ u.dued ./ u 1 B1 The -ord of the li.eral2 -hich are in effect the -ord of our "a onic -atch-ord2 na"el/2 8Li.ert/2 E$ualit/2 Fraternit/28 -ill2 -hen -e co"e into our (in'do"2 .e chan'ed ./ u into -ord no lon'er of a -atch-ord2 .ut onl/ an e4&re ion of ideali "2 na"el/2 into 8The ri'ht of li.ert/2 the dut/ of e$ualit/2 the ideal of .rotherhood18 That i ho- -e hall &ut it2 ) and o -e hall catch the .ull ./ the horn 111 DE FACTO -e ha*e alread/ -i&ed out e*er/ (ind of rule e4ce&t our o-n2 althou'h DE 39RE there till re"ain a 'ood "an/ of the"1 No-ada/ 2 if an/ State rai e a &rote t a'ain t u it i onl/ PRO FOR#A at our di cretion and ./ our direction2 for THEIR ANTI)SE#ITIS# IS INDISPENSABLE TO 9S FOR THE #ANA+E#ENT OF O9R LESSER BRETHREN1 I -ill not enter into further e4&lanation 2 for thi "atter ha for"ed the u.5ect of re&eated di cu ion a"on' t u 1 3EWISH S9PER)STATE K1 For u there are not chec( to li"it the ran'e of our acti*it/1 Our Su&er)+o*ern"ent u. i t in e4tra)le'al condition -hich are de cri.ed in the acce&ted ter"inolo'/ ./ the ener'etic and forci.le -ord ) Dictator hi&1 I a" in a &o ition to tell /ou -ith a clear con cience that at the &ro&er ti"e -e2 the la-)'i*er 2 hall e4ecute 5ud'"ent and entence2 -e hall la/ and -e hall &are2 -e2 a head of all our troo& 2 are "ounted on the teed of the leader1 We rule ./ force of -ill2 .ecau e in our hand are the fra'"ent of a once &o-erful &art/2 no- *an$ui hed ./ u 1 AND THE WEAPONS IN O9R HANDS ARE LI#ITLESS A#BITIONS2 B9RNIN+ +REEDINESS2 #ERCILESS %EN+EANCE2 HATREDS AND #ALICE1 F1 IT IS FRO# 9S THAT THE ALL)EN+9LFIN+ TERROR PROCEEDS1 WE HA%E IN O9R SER%ICE PERSONS OF ALL OPINIONS2 OF ALL DOCTRINES2 RESTORATIN+ #ONARCHISTS2 DE#A+O+9ES2 SOCIALISTS2 CO##9NISTS2 AND 9TOPIAN DREA#ERS OF E%ER@ ?IND1 We ha*e harne ed the" all to the ta (C EACH ONE OF THE# ON HIS OWN ACCO9NT IS BORIN+ AWA@ AT THE LAST RE#NANTS OF A9THORIT@2 IS STRI%IN+ TO O%ERTHROW ALL ESTABLISHED FOR# OF ORDER1 B/ the e act all State are in tortureL the/ e4hort to tran$uilit/2 are read/ to acrifice e*er/thin' for &eaceC B9T WE WILL NOT +I%E THE# PEACE 9NTIL THE@ OPENL@ AC?NOWLED+E O9R INTERNATIONAL S9PER)+O%ERN#ENT2 AND WITH S9B#ISSI%ENESS1 =1 The &eo&le ha*e rai ed a ho-l a.out the nece it/ of ettlin' the $ue tion of Sociali " ./ -a/ of an international a'ree"ent1 DI%ISION INTO FRACTIONAL PARTIES HAS +I%EN THE# INTO O9R HANDS2 FOR2 IN ORDER TO CARR@ ON A CONTESTED STR9++LE ONE #9ST HA%E #ONE@2 AND THE #ONE@ IS ALL IN O9R HANDS1 >1 We "i'ht ha*e rea on to a&&rehend a union .et-een the 8clear) i'hted8 force of the +O@ (in'

on their throne and the 8.lind8 force of the +O@ "o. 2 .ut -e ha*e ta(en all the needful "ea ure a'ain t an/ uch &o i.ilit/C .et-een the one and the other force -e ha*e erected a .ul-ar( in the ha&e of a "utual terror .et-een the"1 In thi -a/ the .lind force of the &eo&le re"ain our u&&ort and -e2 and -e onl/2 hall &ro*ide the" -ith a leader and2 of cour e2 direct the" alon' the road that lead to our 'oal1 A1 In order that the hand of the .lind "o. "a/ not free it elf fro" our 'uidin' hand2 -e "u t e*er/ no- and then enter into clo e co""union -ith it2 if not actuall/ in &er on2 at an/ rate throu'h o"e of the "o t tru t/ of our .rethren1 When -e are ac(no-led'ed a the onl/ authorit/ -e hall di cu -ith the &eo&le &er onall/ on the "ar(et2 &lace 2 and -e hall in truct the" on $ue tin' of the &olitical in uch -i e a "a/ turn the" in the direction that uit u 1 D1 Who i 'oin' to *erif/ -hat i tau'ht in the *illa'e chool ! But -hat an en*o/ of the 'o*ern"ent or a (in' on hi throne hi" elf "a/ a/ cannot .ut .eco"e i""ediatel/ (no-n to the -hole State2 for it -ill .e &read a.road ./ the *oice of the &eo&le1 ;1 In order to annihilate the in titution of the +O@I# .efore it i ti"e -e ha*e touched the" -ith craft and delicac/2 and ha*e ta(en hold of the end of the &rin' -hich "o*e their "echani "1 The e &rin' la/ in a trict .ut 5u t en e of orderL -e ha*e re&laced the" ./ the chaotic licen e of li.erali "1 We ha*e 'ot our hand into the ad"ini tration of the la-2 into the conduct of election 2 into the &re 2 into li.ert/ of the &er on2 B9T PRINCIPALL@ INTO ED9CATION AND TRAININ+ AS BEIN+ THE CORNERSTONES OF A FREE E,ISTENCE1 CHRISTIAN @O9TH DESTRO@ED :<1 WE HA%E FOOLED2 BE#9SED AND CORR9PTED THE @O9TH OF THE 8+O@I#8 B@ REARIN+ THE# IN PRINCIPLES AND THEORIES WHICH ARE ?NOWN TO 9S TO BE FALSE ALTHO9+H IT IS THAT THE@ HA%E BEEN INC9LCATED1 ::1 A.o*e the e4i tin' la- -ithout u. tantiall/ alterin' the"2 and ./ "erel/ t-i tin' the" into contradiction of inter&retation 2 -e ha*e erected o"ethin' 'randio e in the -a/ of re ult 1 The e re ult found e4&re ion in the fact that the INTERPRETATIONS #AS?ED THE LAWC after-ard the/ entirel/ hid the" fro" the e/e of the 'o*ern"ent o-in' to the i"&o i.ilit/ of "a(in' an/thin' out of the tan'led -e. of le'i lation1 :B1 Thi i the ori'in of the theor/ of cour e of ar.itration1 :K1 @ou "a/ a/ that the +O@I# -ill ri e u&on u 2 ar" in hand2 if the/ 'ue -hat i 'oin' on .efore the ti"e co"e L .ut in the We t -e ha*e a'ain t thi a "aneu*er of uch a&&allin' terror that the *er/ toute t heart $uail ) the under'round 2 "etro&olitan 2 tho e u.terranean corridor -hich2 .efore the ti"e co"e 2 -ill .e dri*en under all the ca&ital and fro" -hence tho e ca&ital -ill .e .lo-n into the air -ith all their or'aniEation and archi*e 1 PROTOCOL No1 :< :1 To)da/ I .e'in -ith a re&etition of -hat I aid .efore2 and I BE+ @O9 TO BEAR IN #IND THAT +O%ERN#ENTS AND PEOPLE ARE CONTENT IN THE POLITICAL WITH O9TSIDE APPEARANCES1 And ho-2 indeed2 are the +O@I# to &ercei*e the underl/in' "eanin' of thin' -hen their re&re entati*e 'i*e the .e t of their ener'ie to en5o/in' the" el*e ! For our &olic/ it i of the 'reate t i"&ortance to ta(e co'niEance of thi detailL it -ill .e of a i tance to u -hen -e co"e to con ider the di*i ion of authorit/ of &ro&ert/2 of the d-ellin'2 of ta4ation Gthe idea of concealed ta4e H2 of the refle4 force of the la- 1 All the e $ue tion are uch a ou'ht not to .e touched u&on directl/ and o&enl/ .efore the &eo&le1 In ca e -here it i indi &en a.le to touch u&on the" the/ "u t not .e

cate'oricall/ na"ed2 it "u t "erel/ .e declared -ithout detailed e4&o ition that the &rinci&le of conte"&orar/ la- are ac(no-led'ed ./ u 1 The rea on of (ee&in' ilence in thi re &ect i that ./ not na"in' a &rinci&le -e lea*e our el*e freedo" of action2 to dro& thi or that out of it -ithout attractin' noticeL if the/ -ere all cate'oricall/ na"ed the/ -ould all a&&ear to ha*e .een alread/ 'i*en1 B1 The "o. cheri he a &ecial affection and re &ect for the 'eniu e of &olitical &o-er and acce&t all their deed of *iolence -ith the ad"irin' re &on eC 8ra call/2 -ell2 /e 2 it i ra call/2 .ut it6 cle*er7 111 a tric(2 if /ou li(e2 .ut ho- craftil/ &la/ed2 ho- "a'nificentl/ done2 -hat i"&udent audacit/78 111 O9R +OAL ) WORLD POWER K1 We count u&on attractin' all nation to the ta ( of erectin' the ne- funda"ental tructure2 the &ro5ect for -hich ha .een dra-n u& ./ u 1 Thi i -h/2 .efore e*er/thin'2 it i indi &en a.le for u to ar" our el*e and to tore u& in our el*e that a. olutel/ rec(le audacit/ and irre i ti.le "i'ht of the &irit -hich in the &er on of our acti*e -or(er -ill .rea( do-n all hindrance on our -a/1 F1 WHEN WE HA%E ACCO#PLISHED O9R CO9P D6ETAT WE SHALL SA@ THEN TO THE %ARIO9S PEOPLESC 8E%ER@THIN+ HAS +ONE TERRIBL@ BADL@2 ALL HA%E BEEN WORN O9T WITH S9FFERIN+1 WE ARE DESTRO@IN+ THE CA9SES OF @O9R TOR#ENT ) NATIONALITIES2 FRONTIERS2 DIFFERENCES OF COINA+ES1 @O9 ARE AT LIBERT@2 OF CO9RSE2 TO PRONO9NCE SENTENCE 9PON 9S2 B9T CAN IT POSSIBL@ BE A 39ST ONE IF IT IS CONFIR#ED B@ @O9 BEFORE @O9 #A?E AN@ TRIAL OF WHAT WE ARE OFFERIN+ @O918 111 THEN WILL THE #OB E,ALT 9S AND BEAR 9S 9P IN THEIR HANDS IN A 9NANI#O9S TRI9#PH OF HOPES AND E,PECTATIONS1 %OTIN+2 WHICH WE HA%E #ADE THE INSTR9#ENT WHICH WILL SET 9S ON THE THRONE OF THE WORLD B@ TEACHIN+ E%EN THE %ER@ S#ALLEST 9NITS OF #E#BERS OF THE H9#AN RACE TO %OTE B@ #EANS OF #EETIN+S AND A+REE#ENTS B@ +RO9PS2 WILL THEN HA%E SER%ED ITS P9RPOSES AND WILL PLA@ ITS PART THEN FOR THE LAST TI#E B@ A 9NANI#IT@ OF DESIRE TO #A?E CLOSE AC09AINTANCE WITH 9S BEFORE CONDE#NIN+ 9S1 =1 TO SEC9RE THIS WE #9ST HA%E E%ER@BOD@ %OTE WITHO9T DISTINCTION OF CLASSES AND 09ALIFICATIONS2 in order to e h an a. olute "a5orit/2 -hich cannot .e 'ot fro" the educated &ro&ertied cla e 1 In thi -a/2 ./ inculcatin' in all a en e of elf)i"&ortance2 -e hall de tro/ a"on' the +O@I# the i"&ortance of the fa"il/ and it educational *alue and re"o*e the &o i.ilit/ of indi*idual "ind &littin' off2 for the "o.2 handled ./ u 2 -ill not let the" co"e to the front nor e*en 'i*e the" a hearin'L it i accu to"ed to li ten to u onl/ -ho &a/ it for o.edience and attention1 In thi -a/ -e hall create a .lind2 "i'ht/ force -hich -ill ne*er .e in a &o ition to "o*e in an/ direction -ithout the 'uidance of our a'ent et at it head ./ u a leader of the "o.1 The &eo&le -ill u."it to thi re'i"e .ecau e it -ill (no- that u&on the e leader -ill de&end it earnin' 2 'ratification and the recei&t of all (ind of .enefit 1 >1 A che"e of 'o*ern"ent hould co"e read/ "ade fro" one .rain2 .ecau e it -ill ne*er .e clinched fir"l/ if it i allo-ed to .e &lit into fractional &art in the "ind of "an/1 It i allo-a.le2 therefore2 for u to ha*e co'niEance of the che"e of action .ut not to di cu it le t -e di tur. it artfulne 2 the interde&endence of it co"&onent &art 2 the &ractical force of the ecret "eanin' of each clau e1 To di cu and "a(e alteration in a la.or of thi (ind ./ "ean of nu"erou *otin' i to i"&re u&on it the ta"& of all ratiocination and "i under tandin' -hich ha*e failed to &enetrate the de&th and ne4u of it &lottin'1 We -ant our che"e to .e forci.le and uita.l/ concocted1 Therefore WE O9+HT NOT TO FLIN+ THE WOR? OF +ENI9S OF O9R +9IDE to the fan' of the "o. or e*en of a elect co"&an/1 A1 The e che"e -ill not turn e4i tin' in titution u& ide do-n 5u t /et1 The/ -ill onl/ effect chan'e in their econo"/ and con e$uentl/ in the -hole co".ined "o*e"ent of their &ro're 2 -hich -ill thu .e directed alon' the &ath laid do-n in our che"e 1

POISON OF LIBERALIS# D1 9nder *ariou na"e there e4i t in all countrie a&&ro4i"atel/ one and the a"e thin'1 Re&re entation2 #ini tr/2 Senate2 State Council2 Le'i lati*e and E4ecuti*e Cor& 1 I need not e4&lain to /ou the "echani " of the relation of the e in titution to one another2 .ecau e /ou are a-are of all thatL onl/ ta(e note of the fact that each of the a.o*e)na"ed in titution corre &ond to o"e i"&ortant function of the State2 and I -ould .e' /ou to re"ar( that the -ord 8i"&ortant8 I a&&l/ not to the in titution .ut to the function2 con e$uentl/ it i not the in titution -hich are i"&ortant .ut their function 1 The e in titution ha*e di*ided u& a"on' the" el*e all the function of 'o*ern"ent ) ad"ini trati*e2 le'i lati*e2 e4ecuti*e2 -herefore the/ ha*e co"e to o&erate a do the or'an in the hu"an .od/1 If -e in5ure one &art in the "achiner/ of State2 the State fall ic(2 li(e a hu"an .od/2 and 111 -ill die1 ;1 When -e introduced into the State or'ani " the &oi on of Li.erali " it -hole &olitical co"&le4ion under-ent a chan'e1 State ha*e .een eiEed -ith a "ortal illne ) .lood &oi onin'1 All that re"ain i to a-ait the end of their death a'on/1 :<1 Li.erali " &roduced Con titutional State 2 -hich too( the &lace of -hat -a the onl/ afe'uard of the +O@I#2 na"el/2 De &oti "L and A CONSTIT9TION2 AS @O9 WELL ?NOW2 IS NOTHIN+ ELSE B9T A SCHOOL OF DISCORDS2 "i under tandin' 2 $uarrel 2 di a'ree"ent 2 fruitle &art/ a'itation 2 &art/ -hi" ) in a -ord2 a chool of e*er/thin' that er*e to de tro/ the &er onalit/ of State acti*it/1 THE TRIB9NE OF THE 8TAL?ERICS8 HAS2 NO LESS EFFECTI%EL@ THAN THE PRESS2 CONDE#NED THE R9LERS TO INACTI%IT@ AND I#POTENCE2 and there./ rendered the" u ele and u&erfluou 2 for -hich rea on indeed the/ ha*e .een in "an/ countrie de&o ed1 THEN IT WAS THAT THE ERA OF REP9BLICS BECO#E POSSIBLE OF REALIZATIONL AND THEN IT WAS THAT WE REPLACED THE R9LER B@ A CARICAT9RE OF A +O%ERN#ENT ) B@ A PRESIDENT2 TA?EN FRO# THE #OB2 FRO# THE #IDST OF O9R P9PPET CREAT9RES2 OR SLA%ES1 Thi -a the foundation of the "ine -hich -e ha*e laid under the +O@ &eo&le2 I hould rather a/2 under the +O@ &eo&le 1 WE NA#E PRESIDENTS ::1 In the near future -e hall e h the re &on i.ilit/ of &re ident 1 :B1 B/ that ti"e -e hall .e in a &o ition to di re'ard for" in carr/in' throu'h "atter for -hich our i"&er onal &u&&et -ill .e re &on i.le1 What do -e care if the ran( of tho e tri*in' for &o-er hould .e thinned2 if there hould ari e a deadloc( fro" the i"&o i.ilit/ of findin' &re ident 2 a deadloc( -hich -ill finall/ di or'aniEe the countr/! 111 :K1 In order that our che"e "a/ &roduce thi re ult -e hall arran'e election in fa*or of uch &re ident a ha*e in their &a t o"e dar(2 undi co*ered tain2 o"e 8Pana"a8 or other ) then the/ -ill .e tru t-orth/ a'ent for the acco"&li h"ent of our &lan out of fear of re*elation and fro" the natural de ire of e*er/one -ho ha attained &o-er2 na"el/2 the retention of the &ri*ile'e 2 ad*anta'e and honor connected -ith the office of &re ident1 The cha".er of de&utie -ill &ro*ide co*er for2 -ill &rotect2 -ill elect &re ident 2 .ut -e hall ta(e fro" it the ri'ht to &ro&o e ne-2 or "a(e chan'e in e4i tin' la- 2 for thi ri'ht -ill .e 'i*en ./ u to the re &on i.le &re ident2 a &u&&et in our hand 1 Naturall/2 the authorit/ of the &re ident -ill then .eco"e a tar'et for e*er/ &o i.le for" of attac(2 .ut -e hall &ro*ide hi" -ith a "ean of elf)defen e in the ri'ht of an a&&eal to the &eo&le2 for the deci ion of the &eo&le o*er the head of their re&re entati*e 2 that i to a/2 an a&&eal to that o"e .lind la*e of our ) the "a5orit/ of the "o.1 Inde&endentl/ of thi -e hall in*e t the &re ident -ith the ri'ht of declarin' a tate of -ar1 We hall 5u tif/ thi la t ri'ht on the 'round that the &re ident a chief of the -hole ar"/ of the countr/ "u t ha*e it at hi di &o al2 in ca e of need for the defen e of the ne- re&u.lican con titution2 the ri'ht to defend -hich -ill .elon' to hi" a the re &on i.le

re&re entati*e of thi con titution1 :F1 It i ea / to under tand the" in the e condition the (e/ of the hrine -ill lie in our hand 2 and no one out ide our el*e -ill an/ lon'er direct the force of le'i lation1 :=1 Be ide thi -e hall2 -ith the introduction of the ne- re&u.lican con titution2 ta(e fro" the Cha".er the ri'ht of inter&olation on 'o*ern"ent "ea ure 2 on the &rete4t of &re er*in' &olitical ecrec/2 and2 further2 -e hall ./ the ne- con titution reduce the nu".er of re&re entati*e to a "ini"u"2 there./ &ro&ortionatel/ reducin' &olitical &a ion and the &a ion for &olitic 1 If2 ho-e*er2 the/ hould2 -hich i hardl/ to .e e4&ected2 .ur t into fla"e2 e*en in thi "ini"u"2 -e hall nullif/ the" ./ a tirrin' a&&eal and a reference to the "a5orit/ of the -hole &eo&le 111 9&on the &re ident -ill de&end the a&&oint"ent of &re ident and *ice)&re ident of the Cha".er and the Senate1 In tead of con tant e ion of Parlia"ent -e hall reduce their ittin' to a fe- "onth 1 #oreo*er2 the &re ident2 a chief of the e4ecuti*e &o-er2 -ill ha*e the ri'ht to u""on and di ol*e Parlia"ent2 and2 in the latter ca e2 to &rolon' the ti"e for the a&&oint"ent of a ne- &arlia"entar/ a e".l/1 But in order that the con e$uence of all the e act -hich in u. tance are ille'al2 hould not2 &re"aturel/ for our &lan 2 u&on the re &on i.ilit/ e hed ./ u e of the &re ident2 WE SHALL INSTI+ATE #INISTERS AND OTHER OFFICIALS OF THE HI+HER AD#INISTRATION ABO9T THE PRESIDENT TO E%ADE HIS DISPOSITIONS B@ TA?IN+ #EAS9RES OF THEIR OWN2 for doin' -hich the/ -ill .e "ade the ca&e'oat in hi &lace 111 Thi &art -e e &eciall/ reco""end to .e 'i*en to .e &la/ed ./ the Senate2 the Council of State2 or the Council of #ini ter 2 .ut not to an indi*idual official1 :>1 The &re ident -ill2 at our di cretion2 inter&ret the en e of uch of the e4i tin' la- a ad"it of *ariou inter&retationL he -ill further annul the" -hen -e indicate to hi" the nece it/ to do o2 .e ide thi 2 he -ill ha*e the ri'ht to &ro&o e te"&orar/ la- 2 and e*en ne- de&arture in the 'o*ern"ent con titutional -or(in'2 the &rete4t .oth for the one and the other .ein' the re$uire"ent for the u&re"e -elfare of the State1 WE SHALL DESTRO@ :A1 B/ uch "ea ure -e hall o.tain the &o-er of de tro/in' little ./ little2 te& ./ te&2 all that at the out et -hen -e enter on our ri'ht 2 -e are co"&elled to introduce into the con titution of State to &re&are for the tran ition to an i"&erce&ti.le a.olition of e*er/ (ind of con titution2 and then the ti"e i co"e to turn e*er/ for" of 'o*ern"ent into O9R DESPOTIS#1 :D1 The reco'nition of our de &ot "a/ al o co"e .efore the de truction of the con titutionL the "o"ent for thi reco'nition -ill co"e -hen the &eo&le 2 utterl/ -earied ./ the irre'ularitie and inco"&etence ) a "atter -hich -e hall arran'e for ) of their ruler 2 -ill cla"orC 8A-a/ -ith the" and 'i*e u one (in' o*er all the earth -ho -ill unite u and annihilate the cau e of di order ) frontier 2 nationalitie 2 reli'ion 2 State de.t ) -ho -ill 'i*e u &eace and $uiet -hich -e cannot find under our ruler and re&re entati*e 18 :;1 But /ou /our el*e &erfectl/ -ell (no- that TO PROD9CE THE POSSIBILIT@ OF THE E,PRESSION OF S9CH WISHES B@ ALL THE NATIONS IT IS INDISPENSABLE TO TRO9BLE IN ALL CO9NTRIES THE PEOPLE6S RELATIONS WITH THEIR +O%ERN#ENTS SO AS TO 9TTERL@ E,HA9ST H9#ANIT@ WITH DISSENSION2 HATRED2 STR9++LE2 EN%@ AND E%EN B@ THE 9SE OF TORT9RE2 B@ STAR%ATION2 B@ THE INOC9LATION OF DISEASES2 B@ WANT2 SO THAT THE 8+O@I#8 SEE NO OTHER ISS9E THAN TO TA?E REF9+E IN O9R CO#PLETE SO%EREI+NT@ IN #ONE@ AND IN ALL ELSE1 B<1 But if -e 'i*e the nation of the -orld a .reathin' &ace the "o"ent -e lon' for i hardl/ li(el/ e*er to arri*e1

PROTOCOL No1 :: :1 The State Council ha .een2 a it -ere2 the e"&hatic e4&re ion of the authorit/ of the rulerC it -ill .e2 a the 8 ho-8 &art of the Le'i lati*e Cor& 2 -hat "a/ .e called the editorial co""ittee of the laand decree of the ruler1 B1 Thi 2 then2 i the &ro'ra" of the ne- con titution1 We hall "a(e La-2 Ri'ht and 3u tice G:H in the 'ui e of &ro&o al to the Le'i lati*e Cor& 2 GBH ./ decree of the &re ident under the 'ui e of 'eneral re'ulation 2 of order of the Senate and of re olution of the State Council in the 'ui e of "ini terial order 2 GKH and in ca e a uita.le occa ion hould ari e ) in the for" of a re*olution in the State1 K1 Ha*in' e hed a&&ro4i"atel/ the #OD9S A+ENDI -e -ill occu&/ our el*e -ith detail of tho e co".ination ./ -hich -e ha*e till to co"&lete the re*olution in the cour e of the "achiner/ of State in the direction alread/ indicated1 B/ the e co".ination I "ean the freedo" of the Pre 2 the ri'ht of a ociation2 freedo" of con cience2 the *otin' &rinci&le2 and "an/ another that "u t di a&&ear for e*er fro" the "e"or/ of "an2 or under'o a radical alteration the da/ after the &ro"ul'ation of the ne- con titution1 It i onl/ at the "o"ent that -e hall .e a.le at once to announce all our order 2 for2 after-ard 2 e*er/ noticea.le alteration -ill .e dan'erou 2 for the follo-in' rea on C if thi alteration .e .rou'ht in -ith har h e*erit/ and in a en e of e*erit/ and li"itation 2 it "a/ lead to a feelin' of de &air cau ed ./ fear of ne- alteration in the a"e directionL if2 on the other hand2 it .e .rou'ht in a en e of further indul'ence it -ill .e aid that -e ha*e reco'niEed our o-n -ron')doin' and thi -ill de tro/ the &re ti'e of the infalli.ilit/ of our authorit/2 or el e it -ill .e aid that -e ha*e .eco"e alar"ed and are co"&elled to ho- a /ieldin' di &o ition2 for -hich -e hall 'et no than( .ecau e it -ill .e u&&o ed to .e co"&ul or/ 111 Both the one and the other are in5uriou to the &re ti'e of the ne- con titution1 What -e -ant i that fro" the fir t "o"ent of it &ro"ul'ation2 -hile the &eo&le of the -orld are till tunned ./ the acco"&li hed fact of the re*olution2 till in a condition of terror and uncertaint/2 the/ hould reco'niEe once for all that -e are o tron'2 o ine4&u'na.le2 o u&er)a.undantl/ filled -ith &o-er2 that in no ca e hall -e ta(e an/ account of the"2 and o far fro" &a/in' an/ attention to their o&inion or -i he 2 -e are read/ and a.le to cru h -ith irre i ti.le &o-er all e4&re ion or "anife tation thereof at e*er/ "o"ent and in e*er/ &lace2 that -e ha*e eiEed at once e*er/thin' -e -anted and hall in no ca e di*ide our &o-er -ith the" 111 Then in fear and tre".lin' the/ -ill clo e their e/e to e*er/thin'2 and .e content to a-ait -hat -ill .e the end of it all1 WE ARE WOL%ES F1 The +O@I# are a floc( of hee&2 and -e are their -ol*e 1 And /ou (no- -hat ha&&en -hen the -ol*e 'et hold of the floc(! 1111 =1 There i another rea on al o -h/ the/ -ill clo e their e/e C for -e hall (ee& &ro"i in' the" to 'i*e .ac( all the li.ertie -e ha*e ta(en a-a/ a oon a -e ha*e $uelled the ene"ie of &eace and ta"ed all &artie 1111 >1 It i not -orth to a/ an/thin' a.out ho- lon' a ti"e the/ -ill .e (e&t -aitin' for thi return of their li.ertie 1111 A1 For -hat &ur&o e then ha*e -e in*ented thi -hole &olic/ and in inuated it into the "ind of the +O@ -ithout 'i*in' the" an/ chance to e4a"ine it underl/in' "eanin'! For -hat2 indeed2 if not in order to o.tain in a rounda.out -a/ -hat i for our cattered tri.e unattaina.le ./ the direct road! It i thi -hich ha er*ed a the .a i for our or'aniEation of SECRET #ASONR@ WHICH IS NOT ?NOWN TO2 AND AI#S WHICH ARE NOT E%EN SO #9CH AS S9SPECTED B@2 THESE 8+O@8 CATTLE2 ATTRACTED B@ 9S INTO THE 8SHOW8 AR#@ OF #ASONIC LOD+ES IN ORDER TO THROW D9ST IN THE E@ES OF THEIR FELLOWS1

D1 +od ha 'ranted to u 2 Hi Cho en Peo&le2 the 'ift of the di &er ion2 and in thi -hich a&&ear in all e/e to .e our -ea(ne 2 ha co"e forth all our tren'th2 -hich ha no- .rou'ht u to the thre hold of o*erei'nt/ o*er all the -orld1 ;1 There no- re"ain not "uch "ore for u to .uild u& u&on the foundation -e ha*e laid1 PROTOCOL No1 :B :1 The -ord 8freedo"28 -hich can .e inter&reted in *ariou -a/ 2 i defined ./ u a follo- ) B1 Freedo" i the ri'ht to do -hat -hich the la- allo- 1 Thi inter&retation of the -ord -ill at the &ro&er ti"e .e of er*ice to u 2 .ecau e all freedo" -ill thu .e in our hand 2 ince the la- -ill a.oli h or create onl/ that -hich i de ira.le for u accordin' to the afore aid &ro'ra"1 K1 We hall deal -ith the &re in the follo-in' -a/C -hat i the &art &la/ed ./ the &re to)da/! It er*e to e4cite and infla"e tho e &a ion -hich are needed for our &ur&o e or el e it er*e elfi h end of &artie 1 It i often *a&id2 un5u t2 "endaciou 2 and the "a5orit/ of the &u.lic ha*e not the li'hte t idea -hat end the &re reall/ er*e 1 We hall addle and .ridle it -ith a ti'ht cur.C -e hall do the a"e al o -ith all &roduction of the &rintin' &re 2 for -here -ould .e the en e of 'ettin' rid of the attac( of the &re if -e re"ain tar'et for &a"&hlet and .oo( ! The &roduce of &u.licit/2 -hich no-ada/ i a ource of hea*/ e4&en e o-in' to the nece it/ of cen orin' it2 -ill .e turned ./ u into a *er/ lucrati*e ource of inco"e to our StateC -e hall la- on it a &ecial ta"& ta4 and re$uire de&o it of caution)"one/ .efore &er"ittin' the e h"ent of an/ or'an of the &re or of &rintin' office L the e -ill then ha*e to 'uarantee our 'o*ern"ent a'ain t an/ (ind of attac( on the &art of the &re 1 For an/ atte"&t to attac( u 2 if uch till .e &o i.le2 -e hall inflict fine -ithout "erc/1 Such "ea ure a ta"& ta42 de&o it of caution)"one/ and fine ecured ./ the e de&o it 2 -ill .rin' in a hu'e inco"e to the 'o*ern"ent1 It i true that &art/ or'an "i'ht not &are "one/ for the a(e of &u.licit/2 .ut the e -e hall hut u& at the econd attac( u&on u 1 No one hall -ith i"&unit/ la/ a fin'er on the aureole of our 'o*ern"ent infalli.ilit/1 The &rete4t for to&&in' an/ &u.lication -ill .e the alle'ed &lea that it i a'itatin' the &u.lic "ind -ithout occa ion or 5u tification1 I BE+ @O9 TO NOTE THAT A#ON+ THOSE #A?IN+ ATTAC?S 9PON 9S WILL ALSO BE OR+ANS ESTABLISHED B@ 9S2 B9T THE@ WILL ATTAC? E,CL9SI%EL@ POINTS THAT WE HA%E PRE) DETER#INED TO ALTER1 WE CONTROL THE PRESS F1 NOT A SIN+LE ANNO9NCE#ENT WILL REACH THE P9BLIC WITHO9T O9R CONTROL1 E*en no- thi i alread/ .ein' attained ./ u ina "uch a all ne- ite" are recei*ed ./ a fea'encie 2 in -ho e office the/ are focu ed fro" all &art of the -orld1 The e a'encie -ill then .e alread/ entirel/ our and -ill 'i*e &u.licit/ onl/ to -hat -e dictate to the"1 =1 If alread/ no- -e ha*e contri*ed to &o e our el*e of the "ind of the +O@ co""unitie to uch an e4tent the the/ all co"e near loo(in' u&on the e*ent of the -orld throu'h the colored 'la e of tho e &ectacle -e are ettin' a tride their no e L if alread/ no- there i not a in'le State -here there e4i t for u an/ .arrier to ad"ittance into -hat +O@ tu&idit/ call State ecret C -hat -ill our &o ition .e then2 -hen -e hall .e ac(no-led'ed u&re"e lord of the -orld in the &er on of our (in' of all the -orld 1111 >1 Let u turn a'ain to the F9T9RE OF THE PRINTIN+ PRESS1 E*er/ one de irou of .ein' a & her2 li.rarian2 or &rinter2 -ill .e'ed to &ro*ide hi" elf -ith the di&lo"a in tituted therefore2 -hich2 in ca e of an/ fault2 -ill .e i""ediatel/ i"&ounded1 With uch "ea ure THE INSTR9#ENT OF THO9+HT WILL BECO#E AN ED9CATI%E #EANS ON THE HANDS OF O9R

+O%ERN#ENT2 WHICH WILL NO LON+ER ALLOW THE #ASS OF THE NATION TO BE LED ASTRA@ IN B@)WA@S AND FANTASIES ABO9T THE BLESSIN+S OF PRO+RESS1 I there an/ one of u -ho doe not (no- that the e &hanto" .le in' are the direct road to fooli h i"a'inin' -hich 'i*e .irth to anarchical relation of "en a"on' the" el*e and to-ard authorit/2 .ecau e &ro're 2 or rather the idea of &ro're 2 ha introduced the conce&tion of e*er/ (ind of e"anci&ation2 .ut ha failed to e h it li"it 1111 All the o)called li.eral are anarchi t 2 if not in fact2 at an/ rate in thou'ht1 E*er/ one of the" in huntin' after &hanto" of freedo"2 and fallin' e4clu i*el/ into licen e2 that i 2 into the anarch/ of &rote t for the a(e of &rote t 1111 FREE PRESS DESTRO@ED A1 We turn to the &eriodical &re 1 We hall i"&o e on it2 a on all &rinted "atter2 ta"& ta4e &er heet and de&o it of caution) "one/2 and .oo( of le than K< heet -ill &a/ dou.le1 We hall rec(on the" a &a"&hlet in order2 on the one hand2 to reduce the nu".er of "a'aEine 2 -hich are the -or t for" of &rinted &oi on2 and2 on the other2 in order that thi "ea ure "a/ force -riter into uch len'th/ &roduction that the/ -ill .e little read2 e &eciall/ a the/ -ill .e co tl/1 At the a"e ti"e -hat -e hall & h our el*e to influence "ental de*elo&"ent in the direction laid do-n for our &rofit -ill .e chea& and -ill .e read *oraciou l/1 The ta4 -ill .rin' *a&id literar/ a".ition -ithin .ound and the lia.ilit/ to &enaltie -ill "a(e literar/ "en de&endent u&on u 1 And if there hould .e an/ found -ho are de irou of -ritin' a'ain t u 2 the/ -ill not find an/ &er on ea'er to &rint their &roduction in &rint the & her or &rinter -ill ha*e to a&&l/ to the authoritie for &er"i ion to do o1 Thu -e hall (no- .eforehand of all tric( &re&arin' a'ain t u and hall nullif/ the" ./ 'ettin' ahead -ith e4&lanation on the u.5ect treated of1 D1 Literature and 5ournali " are t-o of the "o t i"&ortant educati*e force 2 and therefore our 'o*ern"ent -ill .eco"e &ro&rietor of the "a5orit/ of the 5ournal 1 Thi -ill neutraliEe the in5uriou influence of the &ri*atel/)o-ned &re and -ill &ut u in &o e ion of a tre"endou influence u&on the &u.lic "ind 1111 If -e 'i*e &er"it for ten 5ournal 2 -e hall our el*e found thirt/2 and o on in the a"e &ro&ortion1 Thi 2 ho-e*er2 "u t in no -i e .e u &ected ./ the &u.lic1 For -hich rea on all 5ournal & hed ./ u -ill .e of the "o t o&&o ite2 in a&&earance2 tendencie and o&inion 2 there./ creatin' confidence in u and .rin'in' o*er to u $uite un u &iciou o&&onent 2 -ho -ill thu fall into our tra& and .e rendered har"le 1 ;1 In the front ran( -ill tand or'an of an official character1 The/ -ill al-a/ intere t 2 and therefore their influence -ill .e co"&arati*el/ in i'nificant1 tand 'uard o*er our

:<1 In the econd ran( -ill .e the e"i)official or'an 2 -ho e &art it -ill .e to attac( the te&id and indifferent1 ::1 In the third ran( -e hall et u& our o-n2 to all a&&earance2 off &o ition2 -hich2 in at lea t one of it or'an 2 -ill &re ent -hat loo( li(e the *er/ anti&ode to u 1 Our real o&&onent at heart -ill acce&t thi i"ulated o&&o ition a their o-n and -ill ho- u their card 1 :B1 All our ne- &a&er -ill .e of all &o i.le co"&le4ion ) ari tocratic2 re&u.lican2 re*olutionar/2 e*en anarchical ) for o lon'2 of cour e2 a the con titution e4i t 1111 Li(e the Indian idol 8%i hnu8 the/ -ill ha*e a hundred hand 2 and e*er/ one of the" -ill ha*e a fin'er on an/ one of the &u.lic o&inion a re$uired1 When a &ul e $uic(en the e hand -ill lead o&inion in the direction of our ai" 2 for an e4cited &atient lo e all &o-er of 5ud'"ent and ea il/ /ield to u''e tion1 Tho e fool -ho -ill thin( the/ are re&eatin' the o&inion of a ne- &a&er of their o-n ca"& -ill .e re&eatin' our o&inion or an/ o&inion that ee" de ira.le for u 1 In the *ain .elief that the/ are follo-in' the or'an of their &art/ the/ -ill2 in fact2 follo- the fla' -hich -e han' out for the"1 :K1 In order to direct our ne- &a&er "ilitia in thi en e -e "u t ta(e &ecial and "inute care in or'aniEin' thi "atter1 9nder the title of central de&art"ent of the &re -e hall in titute literar/

'atherin' at -hich our a'ent -ill -ithout attractin' attention i ue the order and -atch-ord of the da/1 B/ di cu in' and contro*ertin'2 .ut al-a/ u&erficiall/2 -ithout touchin' the e ence of the "atter2 our or'an -ill carr/ on a ha" fi'ht fu illade -ith the official ne- &a&er olel/ for the &ur&o e of 'i*in' occa ion for u to e4&re our el*e "ore full/ than could -ell .e done fro" the out et in official announce"ent 2 -hene*er2 of cour e2 that i to our ad*anta'e1 :F1 THESE ATTAC?S 9PON 9S WILL ALSO SER%E ANOTHER P9RPOSE2 NA#EL@2 THAT O9R S9B3ECTS WILL BE CON%INCED TO THE E,ISTENCE OF F9LL FREEDO# OF SPEECH AND SO +I%E O9R A+ENTS AN OCCASION TO AFFIR# THAT ALL OR+ANS WHICH OPPOSE 9S ARE E#PT@ BABBLERS2 ince the/ are inca&a.le of findin' an/ u. tantial o.5ection to our order 1 ONL@ LIES PRINTED :=1 #ethod of or'aniEation li(e the e2 i"&erce&ti.le to the &u.lic e/e .ut a. olutel/ ure2 are the .e t calculated to ucceed in .rin'in' the attention and the confidence of the &u.lic to the ide of our 'o*ern"ent1 Than( to uch "ethod -e hall .e in a &o ition a fro" ti"e to ti"e "a/ .e re$uired2 to e4cite or to tran$uiliEe the &u.lic "ind on &olitical $ue tion 2 to &er uade or to confu e2 &rintin' no- truth2 no- lie 2 fact or their contradiction 2 accordin' a the/ "a/ .e -ell or ill recei*ed2 al-a/ *er/ cautiou l/ feelin' our 'round .efore te&&in' u&on it 1111 WE SHALL HA%E A S9RE TRI9#PH O%ER O9R OPPONENTS SINCE THE@ WILL NOT HA%E AT THEIR DISPOSITION OR+ANS OF THE PRESS IN WHICH THE@ CAN +I%E F9LL AND FINAL E,PRESSION TO THEIR %IEWS o-in' to the afore aid "ethod of dealin' -ith the &re 1 We hall not e*en need to refute the" e4ce&t *er/ u&erficiall/1 :>1 Trial hot li(e the e2 fired ./ u in the third ran( of our &re 2 in ca e of need2 -ill .e ener'eticall/ refuted ./ u in our e"i)official or'an 1 :A1 E*en no-ada/ 2 alread/2 to ta(e onl/ the French &re 2 there are for" -hich re*eal "a onic olidarit/ in actin' on the -atch-ordC all or'an of the &re are .ound to'ether ./ &rofe ional ecrec/L li(e the au'ur of old2 not one of their nu".er -ill 'i*e a-a/ the ecret of hi ource of infor"ation unle it .e re ol*ed to "a(e announce"ent of the"1 Not one 5ournali t -ill *enture to .etra/ thi ecret2 for not one of the" i e*er ad"itted to &ractice literature unle hi -hole &a t ha o"e di 'raceful ore or other 1111 The e ore -ould .e i""ediatel/ re*ealed1 So lon' a the/ re"ain the ecret of a fe- the &re ti'e of the 5ournali t attac( the "a5orit/ of the countr/ ) the "o. folloafter hi" -ith enthu ia "1 :D1 Our calculation are e &eciall/ e4tended to the &ro*ince 1 It i indi &en a.le for u to infla"e there tho e ho&e and i"&ul e -ith -hich -e could at an/ "o"ent fall u&on the ca&ital2 and -e hall re&re ent to the ca&ital that the e e4&re ion are the inde&endent ho&e and i"&ul e of the &ro*ince 1 Naturall/2 the ource of the" -ill .e al-a/ one and the a"e ) our 1 WHAT WE NEED IS THAT2 9NTIL S9CH TI#E AS WE ARE IN THE PLENIT9DE POWER2 THE CAPITALS SHO9LD FIND THE#SEL%ES STIFLED B@ THE PRO%INCIAL OPINION OF THE NATIONS2 I1E12 OF A #A3ORIT@ ARRAN+ED B@ O9R A+ENT9R1 What -e need i that at the & /cholo'ical "o"ent the ca&ital hould not .e in a &o ition to di cu an acco"&li hed fact for the i"&le rea on2 if for no other2 that it ha .een acce&ted ./ the &u.lic o&inion of a "a5orit/ in the &ro*ince 1 :;1 WHEN WE ARE IN THE PERIOD OF THE NEW RE+I#E TRANSITIONAL TO THAT OF O9R ASS9#PTION OF F9LL SO%EREI+NT@ WE #9ST NOT AD#IT AN@ RE%ELATION B@ THE PRESS OF AN@ FOR# OF P9BLIC DISHONEST@L IT IS NECESSAR@ THAT THE NEW RE+I#E SHO9LD BE THO9+HT TO HA%E SO PERFECTL@ CONTENDED E%ER@BOD@ THAT E%EN CRI#INALIT@ HAS DISAPPEARED 111 Ca e of the "anife tation of cri"inalit/ hould re"ain (no-n onl/ to their *icti" and to chance -itne e ) no "ore1 PROTOCOL No1 :K

:1 The need for dail/ force the +O@I# to (ee& ilence and .e our hu".le er*ant 1 A'ent ta(en on to our &re fro" a"on' the +O@I# -ill at our order di cu an/thin' -hich it i incon*enient for u to i ue directl/ in official docu"ent 2 and -e "ean-hile2 $uietl/ a"id the din of the di cu ion o rai ed2 hall i"&l/ ta(e and carr/ throu'h uch "ea ure a -e -i h and then offer the" to the &u.lic a an acco"&li hed fact1 No one -ill dare to de"and the'ation of a "atter once ettled2 all the "ore o a it -ill .e re&re ented a an i"&ro*e"ent 111 And i""ediatel/ the &re -ill di tract the current of thou'ht to-ard 2 ne- $ue tion 2 Gha*e -e not trained &eo&le al-a/ to .e ee(in' o"ethin' ne-!H1 Into the di cu ion of the e ne- $ue tion -ill thro- the" el*e tho e of the .rainle di &en er of fortune -ho are not a.le e*en no- to under tand that the/ ha*e not the re"ote t conce&tion a.out the "atter -hich the/ underta(e to di cu 1 0ue tion of the &olitical are unattaina.le for an/ a*e tho e -ho ha*e 'uided it alread/ for "an/ a'e 2 the creator 1 B1 Fro" all thi /ou -ill ee that in ee"in' the o&inion of the "o. -e are onl/ facilitatin' the -or(in' of our "achiner/2 and /ou "a/ re"ar( that it i not for action .ut for -ord i ued ./ u on thi or that $ue tion that -e ee" to ee( a&&ro*al1 We are con tantl/ "a(in' &u.lic declaration that -e are 'uided in all our underta(in' ./ the ho&e2 5oined to the con*iction2 that -e are er*in' the co""on -eal1 WE DECEI%E WOR?ERS K1 In order to di tract &eo&le -ho "a/ .e too trou.le o"e fro" di cu ion of $ue tion of the &olitical -e are no- &uttin' for-ard -hat -e alle'e to .e ne- $ue tion of the &olitical2 na"el/2 $ue tion of indu tr/1 In thi &here let the" di cu the" el*e ill/7 The "a e are a'reed to re"ain inacti*e2 to ta(e a re t fro" -hat the/ u&&o e to .e &olitical G-hich -e trained the" to in order to u e the" a a "ean of co".atin' the +O@ 'o*ern"ent H onl/ on condition of .ein' found ne- e"&lo/"ent 2 in -hich -e are &re' the" o"ethin' that loo( li(e the a"e &olitical o.5ect1 In order that the "a e the" el*e "a/ not 'ue -hat the/ are a.out WE F9RTHER DISTRACT THE# WITH A#9SE#ENTS2 +A#ES2 PASTI#ES2 PASSIONS2 PEOPLE6S PALACES 1111 SOON WE SHALL BE+IN THRO9+H THE PRESS TO PROPOSE CO#PETITIONS IN ART2 IN SPORT IN ALL ?INDSC the e intere t -ill finall/ di tract their "ind fro" $ue tion in -hich -e hould find our el*e co"&elled to o&&o e the"1 +ro-in' "ore and "ore di accu to"ed to reflect and for" an/ o&inion of their o-n2 &eo&le -ill .e'in to tal( in the a"e tone a -e .ecau e -e alone hall .e offerin' the" ne- direction for thou'ht 111 of cour e throu'h uch &er on a -ill not .e u &ected of olidarit/ -ith u 1 F1 The &art &la/ed ./ the li.eral 2 uto&ian drea"er 2 -ill .e finall/ &la/ed out -hen our 'o*ern"ent i ac(no-led'ed1 Till uch ti"e the/ -ill continue to do u 'ood er*ice1 Therefore -e hall continue to direct their "ind to all ort of *ain conce&tion of fanta tic theorie 2 ne- and a&&arentl/ &ro're i*eC for ha*e -e not -ith co"&lete ucce turned the .rainle head of the +O@I# -ith &ro're 2 till there i not a"on' the +O@I# one "ind a.le to &ercei*e that under thi -ord lie a de&arture fro" truth in all ca e -here it i not a $ue tion of "aterial in*ention 2 li(e a fallaciou idea2 er*e to o. cure truth o that none "a/ (no- it e4ce&t u 2 the Cho en of +od2 it 'uardian 1 =1 When2 -e co"e into our (in'do" our orator -ill e4&ound 'reat &ro.le" -hich ha*e turned hu"anit/ u& ide do-n in order to .rin' it at the end under our .eneficent rule1 >1 Who -ill e*er u &ect then that ALL THESE PEOPLES WERE STA+E)#ANA+ED B@ 9S ACCORDIN+ TO A POLITICAL PLAN WHICH NO ONE HAS SO #9CH AS +9ESSED AT IN THE CO9RSE OF #AN@ CENT9RIES! PROTOCOL No1 :F

:1 When -e co"e into our (in'do" it -ill .e unde ira.le for u that there hould e4i t an/ other reli'ion than our of the One +od -ith -ho" our de tin/ i .ound u& ./ our &o ition a the Cho en Peo&le and throu'h -ho" our a"e de tin/ i united -ith the de tinie of the -orld1 We "u t therefore -ee& a-a/ all other for" of .elief1 If thi 'i*e .irth to the athei t -ho" -e ee to)da/2 it -ill not2 .ein' onl/ a tran itional ta'e2 interfere -ith our *ie- 2 .ut -ill er*e a a -arnin' for tho e 'eneration -hich -ill hear(en to our &reachin' of the reli'ion of #o e 2 that2 ./ it ta.le and thorou'hl/ ela.orated / te" ha .rou'ht all the &eo&le of the -orld into u.5ection to u 1 Therein -e hall e"&ha iEe it "/ tical ri'ht2 on -hich2 a -e hall a/2 all it educati*e &o-er i .a ed 1111 Then at e*er/ &o i.le o&&ortunit/ -e hall & h article in -hich -e hall "a(e co"&ari on .et-een our .eneficent rule and tho e of &a t a'e 1 The .le in' of tran$uilit/2 thou'h it .e a tran$uilit/ forci.l/ .rou'ht a.out ./ centurie of a'itation2 -ill thro- into hi'her relief the .enefit to -hich -e hall &oint1 The error of the +O@I# 'o*ern"ent -ill .e de&icted ./ u in the "o t *i*id hue 1 We hall i"&lant uch an a.horrence of the" that the &eo&le -ill &refer tran$uilit/ in a tate of erfdo" to tho e ri'ht of *aunted freedo" -hich ha*e tortured hu"anit/ and e4hau ted the *er/ ource of hu"an e4i tence2 ource -hich ha*e .een e4&loited ./ a "o. of ra call/ ad*enturer -ho (no- not -hat the/ do 1111 9SELESS CHAN+ES OF FOR#S OF +O%ERN#ENT TO WHICH WE INSTI+ATED THE 8+O@I#8 WHEN WE WERE 9NDER#ININ+ THEIR STATE STR9CT9RES2 WILL HA%E SO WEARIED THE PEOPLES B@ THAT TI#E THAT THE@ WILL PREFER TO S9FFER AN@THIN+ 9NDER 9S RATHER THAN R9N THE RIS? OF END9RIN+ A+AIN ALL THE A+ITATIONS AND #ISERIES THE@ HA%E +ONE THRO9+H1 WE SHALL FORBID CHRIST B1 At the a"e ti"e -e hall not o"it to e"&ha iEe the hi torical "i ta(e of the +O@ 'o*ern"ent -hich ha*e tor"ented hu"anit/ for o "an/ centurie ./ their lac( of under tandin' of e*er/thin' that con titute the true 'ood of hu"anit/ in their cha e after fanta tic che"e of ocial .le in' 2 and ha*e ne*er noticed that the e che"e (e&t on &roducin' a -or e and ne*er a .etter tate of the uni*er al relation -hich are the .a i of hu"an life 1111 K1 The -hole force of our &rinci&le and "ethod -ill lie in the fact that -e hall &re ent the" and e4&ound the" a a &lendid contra t to the dead and deco"&o ed old order of thin' in ocial life1 F1 Our &hilo o&her -ill di cu all the hortco"in' of the *ariou .elief of the 8+O@I#28 B9T NO ONE WILL E%ER BRIN+ 9NDER DISC9SSION O9R FAITH FRO# ITS TR9E POINT OF %IEW SINCE THIS WILL BE F9LL@ LEARNED B@ NONE SA%E O9RS WHO WILL NE%ER DARE TO BETRA@ ITS SECRETS1 =1 IN CO9NTRIES ?NOWN AS PRO+RESSI%E AND ENLI+HTENED WE HA%E CREATED A SENSELESS2 FILTH@2 ABO#INABLE LITERAT9RE1 For o"e ti"e after our entrance to &o-er -e hall continue to encoura'e it e4i tence in order to &ro*ide a tellin' relief ./ contra t to the &eeche 2 &art/ &ro'ra"2 -hich -ill .e di tri.uted fro" e4alted $uarter of our 1111 Our -i e "en2 trained to .eco"e leader of the +O@I#2 -ill co"&o e &eeche 2 &ro5ect 2 "e"oir 2 article 2 -hich -ill .e u ed ./ u to influence the "ind of the +O@I#2 directin' the" to-ard uch under tandin' and for" of (no-led'e a ha*e .een deter"ined ./ u 1 PROTOCOL No1 := :1 When -e at la t definitel/ co"e into our (in'do" ./ the aid of CO9PS D6ETAT &re&ared e*er/-here for one and the a"e da/2 after definitel/ ac(no-led'ed Gand not a little ti"e -ill &a .efore that co"e a.out2 &erha& e*en a -hole centur/H -e hall "a(e it our ta ( to ee that a'ain t u uch thin' a &lot hall no lon'er e4i t1 With thi &ur&o e -e hall la/ -ithout "erc/ all -ho ta(e ar" Gin handH to o&&o e our co"in' into our (in'do"1 E*er/ (ind of ne- in titution of an/thin' li(e a ecret ociet/ -ill al o .e &uni hed -ith deathL tho e of the" -hich are no- in e4i tence2 are (no-n

to u 2 er*e u and ha*e er*ed u 2 -e hall di .and and end into e4ile to continent far re"o*ed fro" Euro&e1 IN THIS WA@ WE SHALL PROCEED WITH THOSE 8+O@8 #ASONS WHO ?NOW TOO #9CHL uch of the e a -e "a/ for o"e rea on &are -ill .e (e&t in con tant fear of e4ile1 We hall &ro"ul'ate a la- "a(in' all for"er "e".er of ecret ocietie lia.le to e4ile fro" Euro&e a the center of rule1 B1 Re olution of our 'o*ern"ent -ill .e final2 -ithout a&&eal1 K1 In the +O@ ocietie 2 in -hich -e ha*e &lanted and dee&l/ rooted di cord and &rote tanti "2 the onl/ &o i.le -a/ of re torin' order i to e"&lo/ "ercile "ea ure that &ro*e the direct force of authorit/C no re'ard "u t .e &aid to the *icti" -ho fall2 the/ uffer for the -ell).ein' of the future1 The attain"ent of that -ell).ein'2 e*en at the e4&en e of acrifice 2 i the dut/ of an/ (ind of 'o*ern"ent that ac(no-led'e a 5u tification for it e4i tence not onl/ it &ri*ile'e .ut it'ation 1 The &rinci&al 'uarantee of ta.ilit/ of rule i to confir" the aureole of &o-er2 and thi aureole i attained onl/ ./ uch a "a5e tic infle4i.ilit/ of "i'ht a hall carr/ on it face the e".le" of in*iola.ilit/ fro" "/ tical cau e ) fro" the choice of +od1 S9CH WAS2 9NTIL RECENT TI#ES2 THE R9SSIAN A9TOCRAC@2 THE ONE AND ONL@ SERIO9S FOE WE HAD IN THE WORLD2 WITHO9T CO9NTIN+ THE PAPAC@1 Bear in "ind the e4a"&le -hen Ital/2 drenched -ith .lood2 ne*er touched a hair of the head of Sulla -ho had &oured forth that .loodC Sulla en5o/ed an a&otheo i for hi "i'ht in hi"2 .ut hi intre&id return to Ital/ rin'ed hi" round -ith in*iola.ilit/1 The &eo&le do not la/ a fin'er on hi" -ho h/&notiEe the" ./ hi darin' and tren'th of "ind1 SECRET SOCIETIES F1 #eanti"e2 ho-e*er2 until -e co"e into our (in'do"2 -e hall act in the contrar/ -a/C -e hall create and "ulti&l/ free "a onic lod'e in all the countrie of the -orld2 a. or. into the" all -ho "a/ .eco"e or -ho are &ro"inent in &u.lic acti*it/2 for the e lod'e -e hall find our &rinci&al intelli'ence office and "ean of influence1 All the e lod'e -e hall .rin' under one central ad"ini tration2 (no-n to u alone and to all other a. olutel/ un(no-n2 -hich -ill .e co"&o ed of our learned elder 1 The lod'e -ill ha*e their re&re entati*e -ho -ill er*e to creen the a.o*e) "entioned ad"ini tration of #ASONR@ and fro" -ho" -ill i ue the -atch-ord and &ro'ra"1 In the e lod'e -e hall tie to'ether the (not -hich .ind to'ether all re*olutionar/ and li.eral ele"ent 1 Their co"&o ition -ill .e "ade u& of all trata of ociet/1 The "o t ecret &olitical &lot -ill .e (no-n to u and fall under our 'uidin' hand on the *er/ da/ of their conce&tion1 A#ON+ THE #E#BERS OF THESE LOD+ES WILL BE AL#OST ALL THE A+ENTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICE ince their er*ice i for u irre&lacea.le in the re &ect that the &olice i in a &o ition not onl/ to u e it o-n &articular "ea ure -ith the in u.ordinate2 .ut al o to creen our acti*itie and &ro*ide &rete4t for di content 2 ET CETERA1 =1 The cla of &eo&le -ho "o t -illin'l/ enter into ecret ocietie are tho e -ho li*e ./ their -it 2 careeri t 2 and in 'eneral &eo&le2 "o tl/ li'ht)"inded2 -ith -ho" -e hall ha*e no difficult/ in dealin' and in u in' to -ind u& the "echani " of the "achine de*i ed ./ u 1 If thi -orld 'roa'itated the "eanin' of that -ill .e that -e ha*e had to tir u& in order to .rea( u& it too 'reat olidarit/1 B9T IF THERE SHO9LD ARISE IN ITS #IDST A PLOT2 THEN AT THE HEAD OF THAT PLOT WILL BE NO OTHER THAN ONE OF O9R #OST TR9STED SER%ANTS1 It i natural that -e and no other hould lead #ASONIC acti*itie 2 for -e (no- -hither -e are leadin'2 -e (no- the final 'oal of e*er/ for" of acti*it/ -herea the +O@I# ha*e (no-led'e of nothin'2 not e*en of the i""ediate effect of actionL the/ &ut .efore the" el*e 2 u uall/2 the "o"entar/ rec(onin' of the ati faction of their elf) o&inion in the acco"&li h"ent of their thou'ht -ithout e*en re"ar(in' that the *er/ conce&tion ne*er .elon'ed to their initiati*e .ut to our in ti'ation of their thou'ht 1111 +ENTILES ARE ST9PID >1 The +O@I# enter the lod'e out of curio it/ or in the ho&e ./ their "ean to 'et a ni..le at the

&u.lic &ie2 and o"e of the" in order to o.tain a hearin' .efore the &u.lic for their i"&ractica.le and 'roundle fanta ie C the/ thir t for the e"otion of ucce and a&&lau e2 of -hich -e are re"ar(a.l/ 'enerou 1 And the rea on -h/ -e 'i*e the" thi ucce i to "a(e u e of the ni'h conceit of the" el*e to -hich it 'i*e .irth2 for that in en i.l/ di &o e the" to a i"ilate our u''e tion -ithout .ein' on their 'uard a'ain t the" in the fullne of their confidence that it i their o-n infalli.ilit/ -hich i 'i*in' utterance to their o-n thou'ht and that it i i"&o i.le for the" to .orrotho e of other 1111 @ou cannot i"a'ine to -hat e4tent the -i e t of the +O@I# can .e .rou'ht to a tate of uncon ciou nai*ete in the &re ence of thi condition of hi'h conceit of the" el*e 2 and at the a"e ti"e ho- ea / it i to ta(e the heart out of the" ./ the li'hte t ill) ucce 2 thou'h it .e nothin' "ore than the to&&a'e of the a&&lau e the/ had2 and to reduce the" to a la*i h u."i ion for the a(e of -innin' a rene-al of ucce 1111 B@ SO #9CH AS O9RS DISRE+ARD S9CCESS IF ONL@ THE@ CAN CARR@ THRO9+H THEIR PLANS2 B@ SO #9CH THE 8+O@I#8 ARE WILLIN+ TO SACRIFICE AN@ PLANS ONL@ TO HA%E S9CCESS1 Thi & /cholo'/ of their "ateriall/ facilitate for u the ta ( of ettin' the" in the re$uired direction1 The e ti'er in a&&earance ha*e the oul of hee& and the -ind .lo- freel/ throu'h their head 1 We ha*e et the" on the ho../)hor e of an idea a.out the a. or&tion of indi*idualit/ ./ the /".olic unit of COLLECTI%IS# 1111 The/ ha*e ne*er /et and the/ ne*er -ill ha*e the en e to reflect that thi ho../)hor e i a "anife t *iolation of the "o t i"&ortant la- of nature2 -hich ha e hed fro" the *er/ creation of the -orld one unit unli(e another and &reci el/ for the &ur&o e of in titutin' indi*idualit/ 1111 A1 If -e ha*e .een a.le to .rin' the" to uch a &itch of tu&id .lindne i it not a &roof2 and an a"aEin'l/ clear &roof2 of the de'ree to -hich the "ind of the +O@I# i unde*elo&ed in co"&ari on -ith our "ind! Thi it i 2 "ainl/2 -hich 'uarantee our ucce 1 +ENTILES ARE CATTLE D1 And ho- far) eein' -ere our learned elder in ancient ti"e -hen the/ aid that to attain a eriou end it .ehoo*e not to to& at an/ "ean or to count the *icti" acrificed for the a(e of that end 1111 We ha*e not counted the *icti" of the eed of the +O@ cattle2 thou'h -e ha*e acrificed "an/ of our o-n2 .ut for that -e ha*e no- alread/ 'i*en the" uch a &o ition on the earth a the/ could not e*en ha*e drea"ed of1 The co"&arati*el/ "all nu".er of the *icti" fro" the nu".er of our ha*e &re er*ed our nationalit/ fro" de truction1 ;1 Death i the ine*ita.le end for all1 It i .etter to .rin' that end nearer to tho e -ho hinder our affair than to our el*e 2 to the founder of thi affair1 WE E,EC9TE #ASONS IN S9CH WISE THAT NONE SA%E THE BROTHERHOOD CAN E%ER HA%E A S9SPICION OF IT2 NOT E%EN THE %ICTI#S THE#SEL%ES OF O9R DEATH SENTENCE2 THE@ ALL DIE WHEN RE09IRED AS IF FRO# A NOR#AL ?IND OF ILLNESS 11111 ?no-in' thi 2 e*en the .rotherhood in it turn dare not &rote t1 B/ uch "ethod -e ha*e &luc(ed out of the "id t of #ASONR@ the *er/ root of &rote t a'ain t our di &o ition1 While &reachin' li.erali " to the +O@ -e at the a"e ti"e (ee& our o-n &eo&le and our a'ent in a tate of un$ue tionin'l/ u."i ion1 :<1 9nder our influence the e4ecution of the la- of the +O@I# ha .een reduced to a "ini"u"1 The &re ti'e of the la- ha .een e4&loded ./ the li.eral inter&retation introduced into thi &here1 In the "o t i"&ortant and funda"ental affair and $ue tion 2 39D+ES DECIDE AS WE DICTATE TO THE#2 ee "atter in the li'ht -here-ith -e enfold the" for the ad"ini tration of the +O@I#2 of cour e2 throu'h &er on -ho are our tool thou'h -e do not a&&ear to ha*e an/thin' in co""on -ith the" ) ./ ne- &a&er o&inion or ./ other "ean 1111 E*en enator and the hi'her ad"ini tration acce&t our coun el 1 The &urel/ .rute "ind of the +O@I# i inca&a.le of u e for anal/ i and o. er*ation2 and till "ore for the fore eein' -hither a certain "anner of ettin' a $ue tion "a/ tend1 ::1 In thi difference in ca&acit/ for thou'ht .et-een the +O@I# and our el*e "a/ .e clearl/ di cerned the eal of our &o ition a the Cho en Peo&le and of our hi'her $ualit/ of hu"anne 2 in contradi tinction to the .rute "ind of the +O@I#1 Their e/e are o&en2 .ut ee nothin' .efore the"

and do not in*ent Gunle &erha& 2 "aterial thin' H1 Fro" thi it i &lain that nature her elf ha de tined u to 'uide and rule the -orld1 WE DE#AND S9B#ISSION :B1 When co"e the ti"e of our o*ert rule2 the ti"e to "anife t it .le in'2 -e hall re"a(e all le'i lature 2 all our la- -ill .e .rief2 &lain2 ta.le2 -ithout an/ (ind of inter&retation 2 o that an/one -ill .e in a &o ition to (no- the" &erfectl/1 The "ain feature -hich -ill run ri'ht throu'h the" i u."i ion to order 2 and thi &rinci&le -ill .e carried to a 'randio e hei'ht1 E*er/ a.u e -ill then di a&&ear in con e$uence of the re &on i.ilit/ of all do-n to the lo-e t unit .efore the hi'her authorit/ of the re&re entati*e of &o-er1 A.u e of &o-er u.ordinate to thi la t in tance -ill .e o "ercile l/ &uni hed that none -ill .e found an4iou to tr/ e4&eri"ent -ith their o-n &o-er 1 We hall follo- u& 5ealou l/ e*er/ action of the ad"ini tration on -hich de&end the "ooth runnin' of the "achiner/ of the State2 for lac(ne in thi &roduce lac(ne e*er/-hereL not a in'le ca e of ille'alit/ or a.u e of &o-er -ill .e left -ithout e4e"&lar/ &uni h"ent1 :K1 Conceal"ent of 'uilt2 conni*ance .et-een tho e in the er*ice of the ad"ini tration ) all thi (ind of e*il -ill di a&&ear after the *er/ fir t e4a"&le of e*ere &uni h"ent1 The aureole of our &o-er de"and uita.le2 that i 2 cruel2 &uni h"ent for the li'hte t infrin'e"ent2 for the a(e of 'ain2 of it u&re"e &re ti'e1 The ufferer2 thou'h hi &uni h"ent "a/ e4ceed hi fault2 -ill count a a oldier fallin' on the ad"ini trati*e field of .attle in the intere t of authorit/2 &rinci&le and la-2 -hich do not &er"it that an/ of tho e -ho hold the rein of the &u.lic coach hould turn a ide fro" the &u.lic hi'h-a/ to their o-n &ri*ate &ath 1 FOR E,A#PLES O9R 39D+ES WILL ?NOW THAT WHENE%ER THE@ FEEL DISPOSED TO PL9#E THE#SEL%ES ON FOOLISH CLE#ENC@ THE@ ARE %IOLATIN+ THE LAW OF 39STICE WHICH IS INSTIT9TED FOR THE E,E#PLAR@ EDIFICATION OF #EN B@ PENALTIES FOR LAPSES AND NOT FOR DISPLA@ OF THE SPIRIT9AL 09ALITIES OF THE 39D+ES 1111 Such $ualitie it i &ro&er to ho- in &ri*ate life2 .ut not in a &u.lic $uare -hich i the educationall/ .a i of hu"an life1 :F1 Our le'al taff -ill er*e not .e/ond the a'e of ==2 fir tl/ .ecau e old "en "ore o. tinatel/ hold to &re5udiced o&inion 2 and are le ca&a.le of u."ittin' to ne- direction 2 and econdl/ .ecau e thi -ill 'i*e u the &o i.ilit/ ./ thi "ea ure of ecurin' ela ticit/ in the chan'in' of taff2 -hich -ill thu the "ore ea il/ .end under our &re ureC he -ho -i he to (ee& hi &lace -ill ha*e to 'i*e .lind o.edience to de er*e it1 In 'eneral2 our 5ud'e -ill .e elected ./ u onl/ fro" a"on' tho e -ho thorou'hl/ under tand that the &art the/ ha*e to &la/ i to &uni h and a&&l/ la- and not to drea" a.out the "anife tation of li.erali " at the e4&en e of the educational che"e of the State2 a the +O@I# in the e da/ i"a'ine it to .e 1111 Thi "ethod of hufflin' the taff -ill er*e al o to e4&lode an/ collecti*e olidarit/ of tho e in the a"e er*ice and -ill .ind all to the intere t of the 'o*ern"ent u&on -hich their fate -ill de&end1 The /oun' 'eneration of 5ud'e -ill .e trained in certain *iere'ardin' the inad"i i.ilit/ of an/ a.u e that "i'ht di tur. the e hed order of our u.5ect a"on' the" el*e 1 :=1 In the e da/ the 5ud'e of the +O@I# create indul'ence to e*er/ (ind of cri"e 2 not ha*in' a 5u t under tandin' of their office2 .ecau e the ruler of the &re ent a'e in a&&ointin' 5ud'e to office ta(e no care to inculcate in the" a en e of dut/ and con ciou ne of the "atter -hich i de"anded of the"1 A a .rute .ea t let out it /oun' in earch of &re/2 o do the +O@I# 'i*e to the" for -hat &ur&o e uch &lace -a created1 Thi i the rea on -h/ their 'o*ern"ent are .ein' ruined ./ their o-n force throu'h the act of their o-n ad"ini tration1 :>1 Let u .orro- fro" the e4a"&le of the re ult of the e action /et another le on for our 'o*ern"ent1 :A1 We hall root out li.erali " fro" all the i"&ortant trate'ic &o t of our 'o*ern"ent on -hich de&end the trainin' of u.ordinate for our State tructure1 Such &o t -ill fall e4clu i*el/ to tho e

-ho ha*e .een trained ./ u for ad"ini trati*e rule1 To the &o i.le o.5ection that the retire"ent of old er*ant -ill co t the Trea ur/ hea*il/2 I re&l/2 fir tl/2 the/ -ill .e &ro*ided -ith o"e &ri*ate er*ice in &lace of -hat the/ lo e2 and2 econdl/2 I ha*e to re"ar( that all the "one/ in the -orld -ill .e concentrated in our hand 2 con e$uentl/ it i not our 'o*ern"ent that ha to fear e4&en e1 WE SHALL BE CR9EL :D1 Our a. oluti " -ill in all thin' .e lo'icall/ con ecuti*e and therefore in each one of it decree our u&re"e -ill .e re &ected and un$ue tiona.l/ fulfilledC it -ill i'nore all "ur"ur 2 all di content of e*er/ (ind and -ill de tro/ to the root e*er/ (ind of "anife tation of the" in act ./ &uni h"ent of an e4e"&lar/ character1 :;1 We hall a.oli h the ri'ht of ce ation2 -hich -ill .e tran ferred e4clu i*el/ to our di &o al ) to the co'niEance of hi" -ho rule 2 for -e "u t not allo- the conce&tion a"on' the &eo&le of a thou'ht that there could .e uch a thin' a a deci ion that i not ri'ht of 5ud'e et u& ./ u 1 If2 ho-e*er2 an/thin' li(e thi hould occur2 -e hall our el*e ca ate the deci ion2 .ut inflict there-ith uch e4e"&lar/ &uni h"ent on the 5ud'e for lac( of under tandin' of hi dut/ and the &ur&o e of hi a&&oint"ent a -ill &re*ent a re&etition of uch ca e 1111 I re&eat that it "u t .e .orn in "ind that -e hall (no- e*er/ te& of our ad"ini tration -hich onl/ need to .e clo el/ -atched for the &eo&le to .e content -ith u 2 for it ha the ri'ht to de"and fro" a 'ood 'o*ern"ent a 'ood official1 B<1 O9R +O%ERN#ENT WILL HA%E THE APPEARANCE OF A PATRIARCHAL PATERNAL +9ARDIANSHIP ON THE PART OF O9R R9LER1 Our o-n nation and our u.5ect -ill di cern in hi &er on a father carin' for their e*er/ need2 their e*er/ act2 their e*er/ inter)relation a u.5ect one -ith another2 a -ell a their relation to the ruler1 The/ -ill then .e o thorou'hl/ i".ued -ith the thou'ht that it i i"&o i.le for the" to di &en e -ith thi -ard hi& and 'uidance2 if the/ -i h to li*e in &eace and $uiet2 THAT THE@ WILL AC?NOWLED+E THE A9TOCRAC@ OF O9R R9LER WITH A DE%OTION BORDERIN+ ON 8APOTHEOSIS28 e &eciall/ -hen the/ are con*inced that tho e -ho" -e et u& do not &ut their o-n in &lace of authorit/2 .ut onl/ .lindl/ e4ecute hi dictate 1 The/ -ill .e re5oiced that -e ha*e re'ulated e*er/thin' in their li*e a i done ./ -i e &arent -ho de ire to train children in the cau e of dut/ and u."i ion1 For the &eo&le of the -orld in re'ard to the ecret of our &olit/ are e*er throu'h the a'e onl/ children under a'e2 &reci el/ a are al o their 'o*ern"ent 1 B:1 A /ou ee2 I found our de &oti " on ri'ht and dut/C the ri'ht to co"&el the e4ecution of dut/ i the direct'ation of a 'o*ern"ent -hich i a father for it u.5ect 1 It ha the ri'ht of the tron' that it "a/ u e it for the .enefit of directin' hu"anit/ to-ard that order -hich i defined ./ nature2 na"el/2 u."i ion1 E*er/thin' in the -orld i in a tate of u."i ion2 if not to "an2 then to circu" tance or it o-n inner character2 in all ca e 2 to -hat i tron'er1 And o hall -e .e thi o"ethin' tron'er for the a(e of 'ood1 BB1 We are'ed -ithout he itation to acrifice indi*idual 2 -ho co""it a .reach of e hed order2 for in the e4e"&lar/ &uni h"ent of e*il lie a 'reat educational &ro.le"1 BK1 When the ?in' of I rael et u&on hi acred head the cro-n offered hi" ./ Euro&e he -ill .eco"e &atriarch of the -orld1 The indi &en a.le *icti" offered ./ hi" in con e$uence of their uita.ilit/ -ill ne*er reach the nu".er of *icti" offered in the cour e of centurie ./ the "ania of "a'nificence2 the e"ulation .et-een the +O@ 'o*ern"ent 1 BF1 Our ?in' -ill .e in con tant co""union -ith the &eo&le 2 "a(in' to the" fro" the tri.une &eeche -hich fa"e -ill in that a"e hour di tri.ute o*er all the -orld1 PROTOCOL No1 :>

:1 In order to effect the de truction of all collecti*e force e4ce&t our -e hall e"a culate the fir t ta'e of collecti*i " ) the 9NI%ERSITIES2 ./ reeducatin' the" in a ne- direction1 THEIR OFFICIALS AND PROFESSORS WILL BE PREPARED FOR THEIR B9SINESS B@ DETAILED SECRET PRO+RA#S OF ACTION FRO# WHICH THE@ WILL NOT WITH I##9NIT@ DI%ER+E2 NOT B@ ONE IOTA1 THE@ WILL BE APPOINTED WITH ESPECIAL PRECA9TION2 AND WILL BE SO PLACED AS TO BE WHOLL@ DEPENDENT 9PON THE +O%ERN#ENT1 B1 We hall e4clude fro" the cour e of in truction State La- a al o all that concern the &olitical $ue tion1 The e u.5ect -ill .e tau'ht to a fe- doEen of &er on cho en for their &ree"inent ca&acitie fro" a"on' the nu".er of the initiated1 THE 9NI%ERSITIES #9ST NO LON+ER SEND O9T FRO# THEIR HALLS #IL? SOPS CONCOCTIN+ PLANS FOR A CONSTIT9TION2 LI?E A CO#ED@ OR A TRA+ED@2 B9S@IN+ THE#SEL%ES WITH 09ESTIONS OF POLIC@ IN WHICH E%EN THEIR OWN FATHERS NE%ER HAD AN@ POWER OF THO9+HT1 K1 The ill)'uided ac$uaintance of a lar'e nu".er of &er on -ith $ue tion of &olit/ create uto&ian drea"er and .ad u.5ect 2 a /ou can ee for /our el*e fro" the e4a"&le of the uni*er al education in thi direction of the +O@I#1 We "u t introduce into their education all tho e &rinci&le -hich ha*e o .rilliantl/ .ro(en u& their order1 But -hen -e are in &o-er -e hall re"o*e e*er/ (ind of di' u.5ect fro" the cour e of education and hall "a(e out of the /outh o.edient children of authorit/2 lo*in' hi" -ho rule a the u&&ort and ho&e of &eace and $uiet1 WE SHALL CHAN+E HISTOR@ F1 Cla ici " a al o an/ for" of tud/ of ancient hi tor/2 in -hich there are "ore .ad than 'ood e4a"&le 2 -e hall re&lace -ith the tud/ of the &ro'ra" of the future1 We hall era e fro" the "e"or/ of "en all fact of &re*iou centurie -hich are unde ira.le to u 2 and lea*e onl/ tho e -hich de&ict all the error of the 'o*ern"ent of the +O@I#1 The tud/ of &ractical life2 of the'ation of order2 of the relation of &eo&le one to another2 of a*oidin' .ad and elfi h e4a"&le 2 -hich &read the infection of e*il2 and i"ilar $ue tion of an educati*e nature2 -ill tand in the forefront of the teachin' &ro'ra"2 -hich -ill .e dra-n u& on a e&arate &lan for each callin' or tate of life2 in no -i e 'eneraliEin' the teachin'1 Thi treat"ent of the $ue tion ha &ecial i"&ortance1 =1 Each tate of life "u t .e trained -ithin trict li"it corre &ondin' to it de tination and -or( in life1 The OCCASIONAL +ENI9S HAS ALWA@S #ANA+ED AND ALWA@S WILL #ANA+E TO SLIP THRO9+H INTO OTHER STATES OF LIFE2 B9T IT IS THE #OST PERFECT FOLL@ FOR THE SA?E OF THIS RARE OCCASIONAL +ENI9S TO LET THRO9+H INTO RAN?S FOREI+N TO THE# THE 9NTALENTED WHO TH9S ROB OF THEIR PLACES WHO BELON+ TO THOSE RAN?S B@ BIRTH OR E#PLO@#ENT1 @O9 ?NOW @O9RSEL%ES IN WHAT ALL THIS HAS ENDED FOR THE 8+O@I#8 WHO ALLOWED THIS CR@IN+ ABS9RDIT@1 >1 In order that he -ho rule "a/ .e eated fir"l/ in the heart and "ind of hi u.5ect it i nece ar/ for the ti"e of hi acti*it/ to in truct the -hole nation in the chool and on the "ar(et &lace a.out thi "eanin' and hi act and all hi .eneficent initiati*e 1 A1 We hall a.oli h e*er/ (ind of freedo" of in truction1 Learner of all a'e ha*e the ri'ht to a e".le to'ether -ith their &arent in the educational e h"ent a it -ere in a clu.C durin' the e a e".lie 2 on holida/ 2 teacher -ill read -hat -ill &a a free lecture on $ue tion of hu"an relation 2 of the la- of e4a"&le 2 of the &hilo o&h/ of ne- theorie not /et declared to the -orld1 The e theorie -ill .e rai ed ./ u to the ta'e of a do'"a of faith a a traditional ta'e to-ard our faith1 On the co"&letion of thi e4&o ition of our &ro'ra" of action in the &re ent and the future I -ill read /ou the &rinci&le of the e theorie 1 D1 In a -ord2 (no-in' ./ the e4&erience of "an/ centurie that &eo&le li*e and are 'uided ./ idea 2 that the e idea are i".i.ed ./ &eo&le onl/ ./ the aid of education &ro*ided -ith e$ual ucce for all

a'e of 'ro-th2 .ut of cour e ./ *ar/in' "ethod 2 -e hall -allo- u& and confi cate to our o-n u e the la t cintilla of inde&endence of thou'ht2 -hich -e ha*e for lon' &a t .een directin' to-ard u.5ect and idea u eful for u 1 The / te" of .ridlin' thou'ht i alread/ at -or( in the o)called / te" of teachin' ./ OB3ECT LESSONS2 the &ur&o e of -hich i to turn the +O@I# into unthin(in' u."i i*e .rute -aitin' for thin' to .e &re ented .efore their e/e in order to for" an idea of the" 1111 In France2 one of our .e t a'ent 2 Bour'eoi 2 ha alread/ "ade &u.lic a ne- &ro'ra" of teachin' ./ o.5ect le on 1 PROTOCOL No1 :A :1 The &ractice of ad*ocac/ &roduce "en cold2 cruel2 &er i tent2 un&rinci&led2 -ho in all ca e ta(e u& an i"&er onal2 &urel/ le'al tand&oint1 The/ ha*e the in*eterate to refer e*er/thin' to it *alue for the defen e and not to the &u.lic -elfare of it re ult 1 The/ do not u uall/ decline to underta(e an/ defen e -hate*er2 the/ tri*e for an ac$uittal at all co t 2 ca*ilin' o*er e*er/ &ett/ cru4 of 5uri &rudence and there./ the/ de"oraliEe 5u tice1 For thi rea on -e hall et thi &rofe ion into narro- fra"e -hich -ill (ee& it in ide thi &here of e4ecuti*e &u.lic er*ice1 Ad*ocate 2 e$uall/ -ith 5ud'e 2 -ill .e de&ri*ed of the ri'ht of co""unication -ith liti'antL the/ -ell recei*e .u ine onl/ fro" the court and -ill tud/ it ./ note of re&ort and docu"ent 2 defendin' their client after the/ ha*e .een interro'ated in court on fact that ha*e a&&eared1 The/ -ill recei*e an honorariu" -ithout re'ard to the $ualit/ of the defen e1 Thi -ill render the" "ere re&orter on la-).u ine in the intere t of 5u tice and a counter&oi e to the &roctor -ho -ill .e the re&orter in the intere t of &ro ecutionL thi -ill horten .u ine .efore the court 1 In thi -a/ -ill .e e hed a &ractice of hone t un&re5udiced defen e conducted not fro" &er onal intere t .ut ./ con*iction1 Thi -ill al o2 ./ the -a/2 re"o*e the &re ent &ractice of corru&t .ar'ain .et-een ad*ocation to a'ree onl/ to let that ide -in -hich &a/ "o t 11111 WE SHALL DESTRO@ THE CLER+@ B1 WE HA%E LON+ PAST TA?EN CARE TO DISCREDIT THE PRIESTHOOD OF 8+O@I#28 and there./ to ruin their "i ion on earth -hich in the e da/ "i'ht till .e a 'reat hindrance to u 1 Da/ ./ da/ it influence on the &eo&le of the -orld i fallin' lo-er1 FREEDO# OF CONSCIENCE HAS BEEN DECLARED E%ER@WHERE2 SO THAT NOW ONL@ @EARS DI%IDE 9S FRO# THE #O#ENT OF THE CO#PLETE WREC?IN+ OF THAT CHRISTIAN RELI+IONC a to other reli'ion -e hall ha*e till le difficult/ in dealin' -ith the"2 .ut it -ould .e &re"ature to &ea( of thi no-1 We hall act clericali " and clerical into uch narro- fra"e a to "a(e their influence "o*e in retro're i*e &ro&ortion to it for"er &ro're 1 K1 When the ti"e co"e finall/ to de tro/ the &a&al court the fin'er of an in*i i.le hand -ill &oint the nation to-ard thi court1 When2 ho-e*er2 the nation flin' the" el*e u&on it2 -e hall co"e for-ard in the 'ui e of it defender a if to a*e e4ce i*e .lood hed1 B/ thi di*er ion -e hall &enetrate to it *er/ .o-el and .e ure -e hall ne*er co"e out a'ain until -e ha*e 'na-ed throu'h the entire tren'th of thi &lace1 F1 THE ?IN+ OF THE 3EWS WILL BE THE REAL POPE OF THE 9NI%ERSE2 THE PATRIARCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL CH9RCH IThe Antichri t!!J1 =1 But2 IN THE #EANTI#E2 -hile -e are reeducatin' /outh in ne- traditional reli'ion and after-ard in our 2 WE SHALL NOT O%ERTL@ LA@ A FIN+ER ON E,ISTIN+ CH9RCHES2 B9T WE SHALL FI+HT A+AINST THE# B@ CRITICIS# CALC9LATED TO PROD9CE SCHIS# 1111 >1 In 'eneral2 then2 our conte"&orar/ &re -ill continue to CON%ICT State affair 2 reli'ion 2 inca&acitie of the +O@I#2 al-a/ u in' the "o t un&rinci&led e4&re ion in order ./ e*er/ "ean to lo-er their &re ti'e in the "anner -hich can onl/ .e &racticed ./ the 'eniu of our 'ifted tri.e 1111

A1 Our (in'do" -ill .e an a&olo'ia of the di*init/ %i hnu2 in -ho" i found it &er onification ) in our hundred hand -ill .e2 one in each2 the &rin' of the "achiner/ of ocial life1 We hall ee e*er/thin' -ithout the aid of official &olice -hich2 in that co&e of it ri'ht -hich -e ela.orated for the u e of the +O@I#2 hinder 'o*ern"ent fro" eein'1 In our &ro'ra" ONE)THIRD OF O9R S9B3ECTS WILL ?EEP THE REST 9NDER OBSER%ATION fro" a en e of dut/2 on the &rinci&le of *olunteer er*ice to the State1 It -ill then .e no di 'race to .e a &/ and infor"er2 .ut a "eritC unfounded denunciation 2 ho-e*er2 -ill .e cruell/ &uni hed that there "a/ .e de*elo&"ent of a.u e of thi ri'ht1 D1 Our a'ent -ill .e ta(en fro" the hi'her a -ell a the lo-er ran( of ociet/2 fro" a"on' the ad"ini trati*e cla -ho &end their ti"e in a"u e"ent 2 editor 2 &rinter and & her 2 .oo( eller 2 cler( 2 and ale "en2 -or("en2 coach"en2 lac(e/ 2 et cetera1 Thi .od/2 ha*in' no ri'ht and not .ein' e"&o-ered to ta(e an/ action on their o-n account2 and con e$uentl/ a &olice -ithout an/ &o-er2 -ill onl/ -itne and re&ortC *erification of their re&ort and arre t -ill de&end u&on a re &on i.le 'rou& of controller of &olice affair 2 -hile the actual act of arre t -ill .e &erfor"ed ./ the 'endar"erie and the "unici&al &olice1 An/ &er on not denouncin' an/thin' een or heard concernin' $ue tion of &olit/ -ill al o .e char'ed -ith and "ade re &on i.le for conceal"ent2 if it .e &ro*ed that he i 'uilt/ of thi cri"e1 ;1 39ST AS NOWADA@S O9R BRETHREN2 ARE OBLI+ED AT THEIR OWN RIS? TO DENO9NCE TO THE ?ABAL APOSTATES OF THEIR OWN FA#IL@ or "e".er -ho ha*e .een noticed doin' an/thin' in o&&o ition to the ?ABAL2 SO IN O9R ?IN+DO# O%ER ALL THE WORLD IT WILL BE OBLI+ATOR@ FOR ALL O9R S9B3ECTS TO OBSER%E THE D9T@ OF SER%ICE TO THE STATE IN THIS DIRECTION1 :<1 Such an or'aniEation -ill e4tir&ate a.u e of authorit/2 of force2 of e*er/thin' in fact -hich -e ./ our coun el 2 ./ out theorie of the u&erhu"an ri'ht of "an2 ha*e introduced into the cu to" of the +O@I# 1111 But ho- el e -ere -e to &rocure that increa e of cau e &redi &o in' to di order in the "id t of their ad"ini tration! 1111 A"on' the nu".er of tho e "ethod one of the "o t i"&ortant i ) a'ent for the re toration of order2 o &laced a to ha*e the o&&ortunit/ in their di inte'ratin' acti*it/ of de*elo&in' and di &la/in' their e*il inclination ) o. tinate elf)conceit2 irre &on i.le e4erci e of authorit/2 and2 fir t and fore"o t2 *enalit/1 PROTOCOL No1 :D :1 When it .eco"e nece ar/ for u to tren'then the trict "ea ure of ecret defen e Gthe "o t fatal &oi on for the &re ti'e of authorit/H -e hall arran'e a i"ulation of di order or o"e "anife tation of di content findin' e4&re ion throu'h the co) o&eration of 'ood &ea(er 1 Round the e &ea(er -ill a e".le all -ho are /"&athetic to hi utterance 1 Thi -ill 'i*e u the &rete4t for do"iciliar/ &rere$ui ition and ur*eillance on the &art of our er*ant fro" a"on' the nu".er of the +O@I# &olice 1111 B1 A the "a5orit/ of con &irator act of lo*e for the 'a"e2 for the a(e of tal(in'2 o2 until the/ co""it o"e o*ert act -e hall not la/ a fin'er on the" .ut onl/ introduce into their "id t o. er*ation ele"ent 1111 It "u t .e re"e".ered that the &re ti'e of authorit/ i le ened if it fre$uentl/ di co*er con &iracie a'ain t it elfC thi i"&lie a &re u"&tion of con ciou ne of -ea(ne 2 or2 -hat i till -or e2 of in5u tice1 @ou are a-are that -e ha*e .ro(en the &re ti'e of the +O@ (in' ./ fre$uent atte"&t u&on their li*e throu'h our a'ent 2 .lind hee& of our floc(2 -ho are ea il/ "o*ed ./ a fe- li.eral &hra e to cri"e &ro*ided onl/ the/ .e &ainted in &olitical color 1 WE HA%E CO#PELLED THE R9LERS TO AC?NOWLED+E THEIR WEA?NESS IN AD%ERTISIN+ O%ERT #EAS9RES OF SECRETE DEFENSE AND THEREB@ WE SHALL BRIN+ THE PRO#ISE OF A9THORIT@ TO DESTR9CTION1

K1 Our ruler -ill .e ecretl/ &rotected onl/ ./ the "o t in i'nificant 'uard2 .ecau e -e hall not ad"it o "uch a a thou'ht that there could e4i t a'ain t hi" an/ edition -ith -hich he i not tron' enou'h to contend and i co"&elled to hide fro" it1 F1 If -e hould ad"it thi thou'ht2 a the +O@I# ha*e done and are doin'2 -e hould IPSO FACTO .e i'nin' a death entence2 if not for our ruler2 at an/ rate for hi d/na t/2 at no di tant date1 +O%ERN#ENT B@ FEAR =1 Accordin' to trictl/ enforced out-ard a&&earance our ruler -ill e"&lo/ hi &o-er onl/ for the ad*anta'e of the nation and in no -i e for hi o-n or d/na tic &rofit 1 Therefore2 -ith the o. er*ance of thi decoru"2 hi authorit/ -ill .e re &ected and 'uarded ./ the u.5ect the" el*e 2 it -ill recei*e an a&otheo i in the ad"i ion that -ith it i .ound u& the -ell).ein' of e*er/ citiEen of the State2 for u&on it -ill de&end all order in the co""on life of the &ac( 1111 >1 O%ERT DEFENSE OF THE ?IND AR+9ES WEA?NESS IN THE OR+ANIZATION OF HIS STREN+TH1 A1 Our ruler -ill al-a/ .e a"on' the &eo&le and .e urrounded ./ a "o. of a&&arentl/ curiou "en and -o"en2 -ho -ill occu&/ the front ran( a.out hi"2 to all a&&earance ./ chance2 and -ill re train the ran( of the re t out of re &ect a it -ill a&&ear for 'ood order1 Thi -ill o- an e4a"&le of re traint al o in other 1 If a &etitioner a&&ear a"on' the &eo&le tr/in' to hand a &etition and forcin' hi -a/ throu'h the ran( 2 the fir t ran( "u t recei*e the &etition and .efore the e/e of the &etitioner &a it to the ruler2 o that all "a/ (no- that -hat i handed in reache it de tination2 that con e$uentl/2 there e4i t a control of the ruler hi" elf1 The aureole of &o-er re$uire for i e4i tence that the &eo&le "a/ .e a.le to a/C 8If the (in' (ne- of thi 28 orC 8the (in' -ill hear it18 D1 WITH THE ESTABLISH#ENT OF OFFICIAL DEFENSE2 THE #@STICAL PRESTI+E OF A9THORIT@ DISAPPEARSC 'i*en a certain audacit/2 and e*er/one count hi" elf "a ter of it2 the edition) "on'er i con ciou of hi tren'th2 and -hen occa ion er*e -atche for the "o"ent to "a(e an atte"&t u&on authorit/ 1111 For the +O@I# -e ha*e .een &reachin' o"ethin' el e2 .ut ./ that *er/ fact -e are ena.led to ee -hat "ea ure of o*ert defen e ha*e .rou'ht the" to 1111 ;1 CRI#INALS WITH 9S WILL BE ARRESTED AT THE FIRST2 "ore or le 2 -ell)'rounded S9SPICIONC it cannot .e allo-ed that out of fear of a &o i.le "i ta(e an o&&ortunit/ hould .e 'i*en of e ca&e to &er on u &ected of a &olitical la& e of cri"e2 for in the e "atter -e hall .e literall/ "ercile 1 If it i till &o i.le2 ./ tretchin' a &oint2 to ad"it a recon ideration of the "oti*e cau e in i"&le cri"e 2 there i no &o i.ilit/ of e4cu e for &er on occu&/in' the" el*e -ith $ue tion in -hich no.od/ e4ce&t the 'o*ern"ent can under tand an/thin' 1111 And it i not all 'o*ern"ent that under tand true &olic/1 PROTOCOL No1 :; :1 If -e do not &er"it an/ inde&endent da..lin' in the &olitical -e hall on the other hand encoura'e e*er/ (ind of re&ort or &etition -ith &ro&o al for the 'o*ern"ent to e4a"ine into all (ind of &ro5ect for the a"elioration of the condition of the &eo&leL thi -ill re*eal to u the defect or el e the fanta ie of our u.5ect 2 to -hich -e hall re &ond either ./ acco"&li hin' the" or ./ a -i e re.utt"ent to &ro*e the hort i'htedne of one -ho 5ud'e -ron'l/1 B1 Sedition)"on'erin' i nothin' "ore than the /a&&in' of a la&) do' at an ele&hant1 For a 'o*ern"ent -ell or'aniEed2 not fro" the &olice .ut fro" the &u.lic &oint of *ie-2 the la&)do' /a& at the ele&hant in entire uncon ciou ne of it tren'th and i"&ortance1 It need no "ore than to ta(e a 'ood e4a"&le to ho- the relati*e i"&ortance of .oth and the la&)do' -ill cea e to /a& and -ill -a'

their tail the "o"ent the/ et e/e on an ele&hant1 K1 In order to de tro/ the &re ti'e of heroi " for &olitical cri"e -e hall end it for trial in the cate'or/ of thie*in'2 "urder2 and e*er/ (ind of a.o"ina.le and filth/ cri"e1 Pu.lic o&inion -ill then confu e in it conce&tion of thi cate'or/ of cri"e -ith the di 'race attachin' to e*er/ other and -ill .rand it -ith the a"e conte"&t1 F1 We ha*e done our .e t2 and I ho&e -e ha*e ucceeded to o.tain that the +O@I# hould not arri*e at thi "ean of contendin' -ith edition1 It -a for thi rea on that throu'h the Pre and in &eeche 2 indirectl/ ) in cle*erl/ co"&iled chool) .oo( on hi tor/2 -e ha*e ad*erti ed the "art/rdo" alle'ed to ha*e .een accredited ./ edition)"on'er for the idea of the co""on-eal1 Thi ad*erti e"ent ha increa ed the contin'ent of li.eral and ha .rou'ht thou and of +O@I# into the ran( of our li*e toc( cattle1 PROTOCOL No1 B< :1 To)da/ -e hall touch u&on the financial &ro'ra"2 -hich I &ut off to the end of "/ re&ort a .ein' the "o t difficult2 the cro-nin' and the deci i*e &oint of our &lan 1 Before enterin' u&on it I -ill re"ind /ou that I ha*e alread/ &o(en .efore ./ -a/ of a hint -hen I aid that the u" total of our action i ettled ./ the $ue tion of fi'ure 1 B1 When -e co"e into our (in'do" our autocratic 'o*ern"ent -ill a*oid2 fro" a &rinci&le of elf) &re er*ation2 en i.l/ .urdenin' the "a e of the &eo&le -ith ta4e 2 re"e".erin' that it &la/ the &art of father and &rotector1 But a State or'aniEation co t dear it i nece ar/ ne*erthele to o.tain the fund re$uired for it1 It -ill2 therefore2 ela.orate -ith &articular &recaution the $ue tion of e$uili.riu" in thi "atter1 K1 Our rule2 in -hich the (in' -ill en5o/ the le'al fiction that e*er/thin' in hi State .elon' to hi" G-hich "a/ ea il/ .e tran lated into factH2 -ill .e ena.led to re ort to the la-ful confi cation of all u" of e*er/ (ind for the re'ulation of their circulation in the State1 Fro" thi follo- that ta4ation -ill .e t .e co*ered ./ a &ro're i*e ta4 on &ro&ert/1 In thi "anner the due -ill .e &aid -ithout traitenin' or ruinin' an/.od/ in the for" of a &ercenta'e of the a"ount of &ro&ert/1 The rich "u t .e a-are that it i their dut/ to &lace a &art of their u&erfluitie at the di &o al of the State ince the State 'uarantee the" ecurit/ of &o e ion of the re t of their &ro&ert/ and the ri'ht of hone t 'ain 2 I a/ hone t2 for the control o*er &ro&ert/ -ill do a-a/ -ith on a le'al .a i 1 F1 Thi ocial refor" "u t co"e fro" a.o*e2 for the ti"e i ri&e for it ) it i indi &en a.le a a &led'e of &eace1 WE SHALL DESTRO@ CAPITAL =1 The ta4 u&on the &oor "an i a eed of re*olution and -or( to the detri"ent of the State -hich i huntin' after the triflin' i "i in' the .i'1 0uite a&art fro" thi 2 a ta4 on ca&itali t di"ini he the 'ro-th of -ealth in &ri*ate hand in -hich -e ha*e in the e da/ concentrated it a a counter&oi e to the 'o*ern"ent tren'th of the +O@I# ) their State finance 1 >1 A ta4 increa in' in a &ercenta'e ratio to ca&ital -ill 'i*e "uch lar'er re*enue than the &re ent indi*idual or &ro&ert/ ta42 -hich i u eful to u no- for the ole rea on that it e4cite trou.le and di content a"on' the +O@I#1 A1 The force u&on -hich our (in' -ill re t con i t in the e$uili.riu" and the 'uarantee of &eace2 for the a(e of -hich thin' it i indi &en a.le that the ca&itali t hould /ield u& a &ortion of their inco"e for the a(e of the ecure -or(in' of the "achiner/ of the State1 State need "u t .e &aid ./

tho e -ho -ill not feel the .urden and ha*e enou'h to ta(e fro"1 D1 Such a "ea ure -ill de tro/ the hatred of the &oor "an for the rich2 in -ho" he -ill ee a nece ar/ financial u&&ort for the State2 -ill ee in hi" the or'aniEer of &eace and -ell).ein' ince he -ill ee that it i the rich "an -ho i &a/in' the nece ar/ "ean to attain the e thin' 1 ;1 In order that &a/er of the educated cla e hould not too "uch di tre the" el*e o*er the ne&a/"ent the/ -ill ha*e full account 'i*en the" of the de tination of tho e &a/"ent 2 -ith the e4ce&tion of uch u" a -ill .e a&&ro&riated for the need of the throne and the ad"ini trati*e in titution 1 :<1 He -ho rei'n -ill not ha*e an/ &ro&ertie of hi o-n once all in the State re&re ented hi &atri"on/2 or el e the one -ould .e in contradiction to the otherL the fact of holdin' &ri*ate "ean -ould de tro/ the ri'ht of &ro&ert/ in the co""on &o e ion of all1 ::1 Relati*e of hi" -ho rei'n 2 hi heir e4ce&ted2 -ho -ill .e "aintained ./ the re ource of the State2 "u t enter the ran( of er*ant of the State or "u t -or( to o.tain the ri'ht to &ro&ert/L the &ri*ile'e of ro/al .lood "u t not er*e for the &oilin' of the trea ur/1 :B1 Purcha e2 recei&t of "one/ or inheritance -ill .e u.5ect to the &a/"ent of a ta"& &ro're i*e ta41 An/ tran fer of &ro&ert/2 -hether "one/ or other2 -ithout e*idence of &a/"ent of thi ta4 -hich -ill .e trictl/ re'i tered ./ na"e 2 -ill render the for"er holder lia.le to &a/ intere t on the ta4 fro" the "o"ent of tran fer of the e u" u& to the di co*er/ of hi e*a ion of declaration of the tran fer1 Tran fer docu"ent "u t .e &re ented -ee(l/ at the local trea ur/ office -ith notification of the na"e2 urna"e and &er"anent &lace of re idence of the for"er and the ne- holder of the &ro&ert/1 Thi tran fer -ith re'i ter of na"e "u t .e'in fro" a definite u" -hich e4ceed the ordinar/ e4&en e of .u/in' and ellin' nece arie 2 and the e -ill .e u.5ect to &a/"ent onl/ ./ a ta"& i"&o t of a definite &ercenta'e of the unit1 :K1 3u t tri(e an e ti"ate of ho- "an/ ti"e +O@I# State 1 WE CA9SE DEPRESSIONS :F1 The State e4che$uer -ill ha*e to "aintain a definite co"&le"ent of re er*e u" 2 and all that i collected a.o*e that co"&le"ent "u t .e returned into circulation1 On the e u" -ill .e or'aniEed &u.lic -or( 1 The initiati*e in -or( of thi (ind2 &roceedin' fro" State ource 2 -ill .lind the -or(in' cla fir"l/ to the intere t of the State and to tho e -ho rei'n1 Fro" the e a"e u" al o a &art -ill .e et a ide a re-ard of in*enti*ene and &roducti*ene 1 :=1 On no account hould o "uch a a in'le unit a.o*e the definite and freel/ e ti"ated u" .e retained in the State Trea urie 2 for "one/ e4i t to .e circulated and an/ (ind of ta'nation of "one/ act ruinou l/ on the runnin' of the State "achiner/2 for -hich it i the lu.ricantL a ta'nation of the lu.ricant "a/ to& the re'ular -or(in' of the "echani "1 :>1 The u. titution of intere t).earin' &a&er for a &art of the to(en of e4chan'e ha &roduced e4actl/ thi ta'nation1 The con e$uence of thi circu" tance are alread/ ufficientl/ noticea.le1 :A1 A court of account -ill al o .e in tituted ./ u 2 and in it the ruler -ill find at an/ "o"ent a full accountin' for State inco"e and e4&enditure2 -ith the e4ce&tion of the current "onthl/ account2 not /et "ade u&2 and that of the &recedin' "onth2 -hich -ill not /et ha*e .een deli*ered1 :D1 The one and onl/ &er on -ho -ill ha*e no intere t in' the State i it o-ner2 the ruler1 Thi i -h/ hi &er onal control -ill re"o*e the &o i.ilit/ of lea(a'e of e4tra*a'ance 1 uch ta4e a the e -ill co*er the re*enue of the

:;1 The re&re entati*e function of the ruler at rece&tion for the a(e of eti$uette2 -hich a. or. o "uch in*alua.le ti"e2 -ill .e a.oli hed in order that the ruler "a/ ha*e ti"e for control and con ideration1 Hi &o-er -ill not then .e &lit u& into fractional &art a"on' ti"e) er*in' fa*orite -ho urround the throne for it &o"& and &lendor2 and are intere ted onl/ in their o-n and not in the co""on intere t of the State1 B<1 Econo"ic cri e ha*e .een &roducer ./ u for the +O@I# ./ no other "ean than the -ithdra-al of "one/ fro" circulation1 Hu'e ca&ital ha*e ta'nated2 -ithdra-in' "one/ fro" State 2 -hich -ere con tantl/'ed to a&&l/ to tho e a"e ta'nant ca&ital for loan 1 The e loan .urdened the finance of the State -ith the &a/"ent of intere t and "ade the" the .ond la*e of the e ca&ital 1111 The concentration of indu tr/ in the hand of ca&itali t out of the hand of "all "a ter ha drained a-a/ all the 5uice of the &eo&le and -ith the" al o the State 1111 B:1 The &re ent i ue of "one/ in 'eneral doe not corre &ond -ith the re$uire"ent &er head2 and cannot therefore ati f/ all the need of the -or(er 1 The i ue of "one/ ou'ht to corre &ond -ith the 'ro-th of &o&ulation and there./ children al o "u t a. olutel/ .e rec(oned a con u"er of currenc/ fro" the da/ of their .irth1 The re*i ion of i ue i a "aterial $ue tion for the -hole -orld1 BB1 @O9 ARE AWARE THAT THE +OLD STANDARD HAS BEEN THE R9IN OF THE STATES WHICH ADOPTED IT2 FOR IT HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO SATISF@ THE DE#ANDS FOR #ONE@2 THE #ORE SO THAT WE HA%E RE#O%ED +OLD FRO# CIRC9LATION AS FAR AS POSSIBLE1 +ENTILE STATES BAN?R9PT BK1 With u the tandard that "u t .e introduced i the co t of -or(in')"an &o-er2 -hether it .e rec(oned in &a&er or in -ood1 We hall "a(e the i ue of "one/ in accordance -ith the nor"al re$uire"ent of each u.5ect2 addin' to the $uantit/ -ith e*er/ .irth and u.tractin' -ith e*er/ death1 BF1 The account -ill .e "ana'ed ./ each de&art"ent Gthe French ad"ini trati*e di*i ionH2 each circle1 B=1 In order that there "a/ .e no dela/ in the &a/in' our of "one/ for State need the u" and ter" of uch &a/"ent -ill .e fi4ed ./ decree of the rulerL thi -ill do a-a/ -ith the &rotection ./ a "ini tr/ of one in titution to the detri"ent of other 1 B>1 The .ud'et of inco"e and e4&enditure -ill .e carried out ide ./ ide that the/ "a/ not .e o. cured ./ di tance one to another1 BA1 The refor" &ro5ected ./ u in the financial in titution and &rinci&le of the +O@I# -ill .e clothed ./ u in uch for" a -ill alar" no.od/1 We hall &oint out the nece it/ of refor" in con e$uence of the di orderl/ dar(ne into -hich the +O@I# ./ their irre'ularitie ha*e &lun'ed the finance 1 The fir t irre'ularit/2 a -e hall &oint out2 con i t in their .e'innin' -ith dra-in' u& a in'le .ud'et -hich /ear after /ear 'ro- o-in' to the follo-in' cau eC thi .ud'et i dra''ed out to half the /ear2 then the/ de"and a .ud'et to &ut thin' ri'ht2 and thi the/ e4&end in three "onth 2 after -hich the/ a ( for a u&&le"entar/ .ud'et2 and all thi end -ith a li$uidation .ud'et1 But2 a the .ud'et of the follo-in' /ear i dra-n u& in accordance -ith the u" of the total addition2 the annual de&arture fro" the nor"al reache a "uch a =< &er cent in a /ear2 and o the annual .ud'et i tre.led in ten /ear 1 Than( to uch "ethod 2 allo-ed ./ the carele ne of the +O@ State 2 their trea urie are e"&t/1 The &eriod of loan u&er*ene 2 and that ha -allo-ed u& re"ainder and .rou'ht all the +O@ State to .an(ru&tc/1 BD1 @ou under tand &erfectl/ that econo"ic arran'e"ent of thi (ind2 -hich ha*e .een u''e ted to the +O@I# ./ u 2 cannot .e carried on ./ u 1

B;1 E*er/ (ind of loan &ro*e infir"it/ in the State and a -ant of under tandin' of the ri'ht of the State1 Loan han' li(e a -ord of Da"ocle o*er the head of ruler 2 -ho2 in tead of ta(in' fro" their u.5ect ./ a te"&orar/ ta42 co"e .e''in' -ith out tretched &al" of our .an(er 1 Forei'n loan are leeche -hich there i no &o i.ilit/ of re"o*in' fro" the .od/ of the State until the/ fall off of the" el*e or the State flin' the" off1 But the +O@ State do not tear the" offL the/ 'o on in &er i tin' in &uttin' "ore on to the" el*e o that the/ "u t ine*ita.l/ &eri h2 drained ./ *oluntar/ .lood)lettin'1 T@RANN@ OF 9S9R@ K<1 What al o indeed i 2 in u. tance2 a loan2 e &eciall/ a forei'n loan! A loan i ) an i ue of 'o*ern"ent .ill of e4chan'e containin' a &ercenta'e'ation co""en urate to the u" of the loan ca&ital1 If the loan .ear a char'e of = &er cent2 then in t-ent/ /ear the State *ainl/ &a/ a-a/ in intere t a u" e$ual to the loan .orro-ed2 in fort/ /ear it i &a/in' a dou.le u"2 in i4t/ ) tre.le2 and all the -hile the de.t re"ain an un&aid de.t1 K:1 Fro" thi calculation it i o.*iou that -ith an/ for" of ta4ation &er head the State i .alin' out the la t co&&er of the &oor ta4&a/er in order to ettle account -ith -ealth forei'ner 2 fro" -ho" it ha .orro-ed "one/ in tead of collectin' the e co&&er for it o-n need -ithout the additional intere t1 KB1 So lon' a loan -ere internal the +O@I# onl/ huffled their "one/ fro" the &oc(et of the &oor to tho e of the rich2 .ut -hen -e .ou'ht u& the nece ar/ &er on in order to tran fer loan into the e4ternal &here2 all the -ealth of State flo-ed into our ca h) .o4e and all the +O@I# .e'an to &a/ u the tri.ute of u.5ect 1 KK1 If the u&erficialit/ of +O@ (in' on their throne in re'ard to State affair and the *enalit/ of "ini ter or the -ant of under tandin' of financial "atter on the &art of other rulin' &er on ha*e "ade their countrie de.tor to our trea urie to a"ount $uite i"&o i.le to &a/ it ha not .een acco"&li hed -ithout2 on our &art2 hea*/ e4&enditure of trou.le and "one/1 KF1 Sta'nation of "one/ -ill not .e allo-ed ./ u and therefore there -ill .e no State intere t) .earin' &a&er2 e4ce&t a one &er) cent erie 2 o that there -ill .e no &a/"ent of intere t to leeche that uc( all the tren'th out of the State1 The ri'ht to i ue intere t).earin' &a&er -ill .e 'i*en e4clu i*el/ to indu trial co"&anie -ho -ill find no difficult/ in &a/in' intere t out of &rofit 2 -herea the State doe not "a(e intere t on .orro-ed "one/ li(e the e co"&anie 2 for the State .orro- to &end and not to u e in o&eration 1 K=1 Indu trial &a&er -ill .e .ou'ht al o ./ the 'o*ern"ent -hich fro" .ein' a no- a &a&er of tri.ute ./ loan o&eration -ill .e tran for"ed into a lender of "one/ at a &rofit1 Thi "ea ure -ill to& the ta'nation of "one/2 &ara itic &rofit and idlene 2 all of -hich -ere u eful for u a"on' the +O@I# o lon' a the/ -ere inde&endent .ut are not de ira.le under our rule1 K>1 Ho- clear i the unde*elo&ed &o-er of thou'ht of the &urel/ .rute .rain of the +O@I#2 a e4&re ed in the fact that the/ ha*e .een .orro-in' fro" u -ith &a/"ent of intere t -ithout e*er thin(in' that all the a"e the e *er/ "one/ &lu an addition for &a/"ent of intere t "u t .e 'ot ./ the" fro" their o-n State &oc(et in order to ettle u& -ith u 1 What could ha*e .een i"&ler than to ta(e the "one/ the/ -anted fro" their o-n &eo&le! KA1 But it i a &roof of the 'eniu of our cho en "ind that -e ha*e contri*ed to &re ent the "atter of loan to the" in uch a li'ht that the/ ha*e e*en een in the" an ad*anta'e for the" el*e 1 KD1 Our account 2 -hich -e hall &re ent -hen the ti"e co"e 2 in the li'ht of centurie of

e4&erience 'ained ./ e4&eri"ent "ade ./ u on the +O@ State 2 -ill .e di tin'ui hed ./ clearne and definitene and -ill ho- at a 'lance to all "en the ad*anta'e of our inno*ation 1 The/ -ill &ut an end to tho e a.u e to -hich -e o-e our "a ter/ o*er the +O@I#2 .ut -hich cannot .e allo-ed in our (in'do"1 K;1 We hall o hed'e a.out our / te" of accountin' that neither the ruler nor the "o t in i'nificant &u.lic er*ant -ill .e in a &o ition to di*ert e*en the "alle t u" fro" it de tination -ithout detection or to direct it in another direction e4ce&t that -hich -ill .e once fi4ed in a definite &lan of action1 F<1 And -ithout a definite &lan it i i"&o i.le to rule1 #archin' alon' an undeter"ined road and -ith undeter"ined re ource .rin' to ruin ./ the -a/ heroe and de"i'od 1 F:1 The +O@ ruler 2 -ho" -e once u&on a ti"e ad*i ed hould .e di tracted fro" State occu&ation ./ re&re entati*e rece&tion 2 o. er*ance of eti$uette2 entertain"ent 2 -ere onl/ creen for our rule1 The account of fa*orite courtier -ho re&laced the" in the &here of affair -ere dra-n u& for the" ./ our a'ent 2 and e*er/ ti"e 'a*e ati faction to hort) i'hted "ind ./ &ro"i e that in the future econo"ic and i"&ro*e"ent -ere fore een 1111 Econo"ic fro" -hat! Fro" ne- ta4e ! ) -ere $ue tion that "i'ht ha*e .een .ut -ere not a (ed ./ tho e -ho read our account and &ro5ect 1 FB1 @ou (no- to -hat the/ ha*e .een .rou'ht ./ thi carele ne 2 to -hat &itch of financial di order the/ ha*e arri*ed2 not-ith tandin' the a toni hin' indu tr/ of their &eo&le 1 PROTOCOL No1 B: :1 To -hat I re&orted to /ou at the la t "eetin' I hall no- add a detailed e4&lanation of internal loan 1 Of forei'n loan I hall a/ nothin' "ore2 .ecau e the/ ha*e fed u -ith national "one/ of the +O@I#2 .ut for our State there -ill .e no forei'ner 2 that i 2 nothin' e4ternal1 B1 We ha*e ta(en ad*anta'e of the *enalit/ of ad"ini trator and lac(ne of ruler to 'et our "one/ t-ice2 thrice and "ore ti"e o*er2 ./ lendin' to the +O@ 'o*ern"ent "one/ -hich -ere not at all needed ./ the State 1 Could an/one do the li(e in re'ard to u ! 1111 Therefore2 I hall onl/ deal -ith the detail of internal loan 1 K1 State announce that uch a loan i to .e concluded and o&en u. cri&tion for their o-n .ill of e4chan'e2 that i 2 for their intere t).earin' &a&er1 That the/ "a/ .e -ithin the reach of all the &rice i deter"ined at fro" a hundred to a thou andL and a di count i "ade for the earlie t u. 1 Ne4t da/ ./ artificial "ean the &rice of the" 'oe u&2 the alle'ed rea on .ein' that e*er/one i ru hin' to .u/ the"1 In a fe- da/ the trea ur/ afe are a the/ a/ o*erflo-in' and there6 "ore "one/ than the/ can do -ith1 The u. cri&tion2 it i alle'ed2 co*er "an/ ti"e o*er the i ue total of the loanL in thi lie the -hole ta'e effect ) loo( /ou2 the/ a/2 -hat confidence i ho-n in the 'o*ern"ent6 .ill of e4chan'e1 F1 But -hen the co"ed/ i &la/ed out there e"er'e the fact that a and an e4ceedin'l/ .urden o"e ha .een created1 For the &a/"ent of intere t it .eco"e nece ar/ to ha*e recour e to ne- loan 2 -hich do not -allo- u& .ut onl/ add to the ca&ital de.t1 And -hen thi credit i e4hau ted it .eco"e nece ar/ ./ ne- ta4e to co*er2 not the loan2 B9T ONL@ THE INTEREST ON IT1 The e ta4e are a e"&lo/ed to co*er a 1111 =1 Later co"e the ti"e for con*er ion 2 .ut the/ di"ini h the &a/"ent of intere t -ithout co*erin' the de.t2 and .e ide the/ cannot .e "ade -ithout the con ent of the lender L on announcin' a con*er ion a &ro&o al i "ade to return the "one/ to tho e -ho are not -illin' to con*ert their &a&er1 If e*er/.od/ e4&re ed hi un-illin'ne and de"anded hi "one/ .ac(2 the 'o*ern"ent -ould .e

hoo(ed on their o-n file and -ould .e found in ol*ent and una.le to &a/ the &ro&o ed u" 1 B/ 'ood luc( the u.5ect of the +O@ 'o*ern"ent 2 (no-in' nothin' a.out financial affair 2 ha*e al-a/ &referred lo e on e4chan'e and di"inution of intere t to the ri ( of ne- in*e t"ent of their "one/ 2 and ha*e there./ "an/ a ti"e ena.led the e 'o*ern"ent to thro- off their houlder a of e*eral "illion 1 >1 No-ada/ 2 -ith e4ternal loan 2 the e tric( cannot .e &la/ed ./ the +O@I# for the/ (no- that -e hall de"and all our "one/ .ac(1 A1 In thi -a/ in ac(no-led'ed .an(ru&tc/ -ill .e t &ro*e to the *ariou countrie the a. ence of an/ "ean .et-een the intere t of the &eo&le and of tho e -ho rule the"1 D1 I .e' /ou to concentrate /our &articular attention u&on thi &oint and u&on the follo-in'C no-ada/ all internal loan are con olidated ./ o)called fl/in' loan 2 that i 2 uch a ha*e ter" of &a/"ent "ore or le near1 The e de.t con i t of "one/ &aid into the a*in' .an( and re er*e fund 1 If left for lon' at the di &o ition of a 'o*ern"ent the e fund e*a&orate in the &a/"ent of intere t on forei'n loan 2 and are &laced ./ the de&o it of e$ui*alent a"ount of RENTS1 ;1 And the e la t it i -hich &atch u& all the lea( in the State trea urie of the +O@I#1 :<1 When -e a cend the throne of the -orld all the e financial and i"ilar hift 2 a .ein' not in accord -ith our intere t 2 -ill .e -e&t a-a/ o a not to lea*e a trace2 a al o -ill .e de tro/ed all "one/ "ar(et 2 ince -e hall not allo- the &re ti'e of our &o-er to .e ha(en ./ fluctuation of &rice et u&on our *alue 2 -hich -e hall announce ./ la- at the &rice -hich re&re ent their full -orth -ithout an/ &o i.ilit/ of lo-erin' or rai in'1 GRai in' 'i*e the &rete4t for lo-erin'2 -hich indeed -a -here -e "ade a .e'innin' in relation to the *alue of the +O@I#1H ::1 We hall re&lace the "one/ "ar(et ./ 'randio e 'o*ern"ent credit in titution 2 the o.5ect of -hich -ill .e to fi4 the &rice of indu trial *alue in accordance -ith 'o*ern"ent *ie- 1 The e in titution -ill .e in a &o ition to flin' u&on the "ar(et fi*e hundred "illion of indu trial &a&er in one da/2 or to .u/ u& for the a"e a"ount1 In thi -a/ all indu trial underta(in' -ill co"e into de&endence u&on u 1 @ou "a/ i"a'ine for /our el*e -hat i""en e &o-er -e hall there./ ecure for our el*e 1 PROTOCOL No1 BB :1 In all that ha o far .een re&orted ./ "e to /ou2 I ha*e endea*ored to de&ict -ith care the ecret of -hat i co"in'2 of -hat i &a t2 and of -hat i 'oin' on no-2 ru hin' into the flood of the 'reat e*ent co"in' alread/ in the near future2 the ecret of our relation to the +O@I# and of financial o&eration 1 On thi u.5ect there re"ain till a little for "e to add1 B1 IN O9R HANDS IS THE +REATEST POWER OF O9R DA@ ) +OLDC IN TWO DA@S WE CAN PROC9RE FRO# O9R STOREHO9SES AN@ 09ANTIT@ WE #A@ PLEASE1 K1 Surel/ there i no need to ee( further &roof that our rule i &rede tined ./ +od! Surel/ -e hall not fail -ith uch -ealth to &ro*e that all that e*il -hich for o "an/ centurie -e ha*e had to co""it ha er*ed at the end of end the cau e of true -ell) .ein' ) the .rin'in' of e*er/thin' into order! Thou'h it .e e*en ./ the e4erci e of o"e *iolence2 /et all the a"e it -ill .e e hed1 We hall contri*e to &ro*e that -e are .enefactor -ho ha*e re tored to the rent and "an'led earth the true 'ood and al o freedo" of the &er on2 and there-ith -e hall ena.le it to .e en5o/ed in &eace and $uiet2 -ith &ro&er di'nit/ of relation 2 on the condition2 of cour e2 of trict o. er*ance of the la- e hed ./ u 1 We hall "a(e &lain there-ith that freedo" doe not con i t in di i&ation and in the ri'ht of un.ridled licen e an/ "ore than the di'nit/ and force of a "an do not con i t in the ri'ht of e*er/one

to &ro"ul'ate de tructi*e &rinci&le in the nature of freedo" of con cience2 e$ualit/ and a li(e2 that freedo" of the &er on in no -i e con i t in the ri'ht to a'itate one elf and other ./ a.o"ina.le &eeche .efore di orderl/ "o. 2 and that true freedo" con i t in the in*iola.ilit/ of the &er on -ho honora.l/ and trictl/ o. er*e all the la- of life in co""on2 that hu"an di'nit/ i -ra&&ed u& in con ciou ne of the ri'ht and al o of the a. ence of ri'ht of each2 and not -holl/ and olel/ in fanta tic i"a'inin' a.out the u.5ect of one6 E+O1 F1 One authorit/ -ill .e 'loriou .ecau e it -ill .e all)&o-erful2 -ill rule and 'uide2 and not "uddle alon' after leader and orator hrie(in' the" el*e hoar e -ith en ele -ord -hich the/ call 'reat &rinci&le and -hich are notin' el e2 to &ea( hone tl/2 .ut uto&ian 1111 Our authorit/ -ill .e the cro-n of order2 and in that i included the -hole ha&&ine of "an1 The aureole of thi authorit/ -ill in &ire a "/ tical .o-in' of the (nee .efore it and a re*erent fear .efore it of all the &eo&le 1 True force "a(e no ter" -ith an/ ri'ht2 not e*en -ith that of +odC none dare co"e near to it o a to ta(e o "uch a a &an fro" it a-a/1 PROTOCOL No1 BK :1 That the &eo&le "a/ .eco"e accu to"ed to o.edience it i nece ar/ to inculcate le on of hu"ilit/ and therefore to reduce the &roduction of article of lu4ur/1 B/ thi -e hall i"&ro*e "oral -hich ha*e .een de.a ed ./ e"ulation in the &here of lu4ur/1 We hall ree h "all "a ter &roduction -hich -ill "ean la/in' a "ine under the &ri*ate ca&ital of "anufacture 1 Thi i indi &en a.le al o for the rea on that "anufacturer on the 'rand cale often "o*e2 thou'h not al-a/ con ciou l/2 the thou'ht of the "a e in direction a'ain t the 'o*ern"ent1 A &eo&le of "all "a ter (no- nothin' of une"&lo/"ent and thi .ind hi" clo el/ -ith e4i tin' order2 and con e$uentl/ -ith the fir"ne of authorit/1 For u it &art -ill ha*e .een &la/ed out the "o"ent authorit/ i tran ferred into our hand 1 Drun(enne al o -ill .e &rohi.ited ./ la- and &uni ha.le a a cri"e a'ain t hu"anne of "an -ho i turned into a .rute under the influence of alcohol1 B1 Su.5ect 2 I re&eat once "ore2 'i*e .lind o.edience onl/ to the tron' hand -hich i a. olutel/ inde&endent of the"2 for in it the/ feel the -ord of defen e and u&&ort a'ain t ocial cour'e 1111 What do the/ -ant -ith an an'elic &irit in a (in'! What the/ ha*e to ee in hi" i the &er onification of force and &o-er1 K1 The u&re"e lord -ho -ill re&lace all no- e4i tin' ruler2 dra''in' in their e4i tence a"on' ocietie de"oraliEed ./ u 2 ocietie that ha*e denied e*en the authorit/ of +od2 fro" -ho e "id t .read out on all ide the fire of anarch/2 "u t fir t of all &roceed to $uench thi all)de*ourin' fla"e1 Therefore he -ill .e'ed to (ill off tho e e4i tin' ocietie 2 thou'h he hould drench the" -ith hi o-n .lood2 that he "a/ re urrect the" a'ain in the for" of re'ularl/ or'aniEed troo& fi'htin' con ciou l/ -ith e*er/ (ind of infection that "a/ co*er the .od/ of the State -ith ore 1 F1 Thi Cho en One of +od i cho en fro" a.o*e to de"oli h the en ele force "o*ed ./ in tinct and not rea on2 ./ .ruti hne and hu"anne 1 The e force no- triu"&h in "anife tation of and e*er/ (ind of *iolence under the "a ( of &rinci&le of freedo" and e*er/ (ind of *iolence under the "a ( of &rinci&le of freedo" and ri'ht 1 The/ ha*e o*erthro-n all for" of ocial order to erect on the ruin of the throne of the ?in' of the 3e- L .ut their &art -ill .e &la/ed out the "o"ent he enter into hi (in'do"1 Then it -ill .e nece ar/ to -ee& the" a-a/ fro" hi &ath2 on -hich "u t .e left no (not2 no &linter1 =1 Then -ill it .e &o i.le for u to a/ to the &eo&le of the -orldC +i*e than( to +od and .o- the (nee .efore hi" -ho .ear on hi front the eal of the &rede tination of "an2 to -hich +od hi" elf ha led hi tar that none other .ut Hi" "i'ht free u fro" all the .efore)"entioned force and e*il 1

PROTOCOL No1 BF :1 I &a earth1 no- to the "ethod of confir"in' the d/na tic root of ?in' Da*id to the la t trata of the

B1 Thi confir"ation -ill fir t and fore"o t .e included in that -hich to thi da/ ha re ted the force of con er*ati " ./ our learned elder of the conduct of the affair of the -orld2 in the directin' of the education of thou'ht of all hu"anit/1 K1 Certain "e".er of the eed of Da*id -ill &re&are the (in' and their heir 2 electin' not ./ ri'ht of herita'e .ut ./ e"inent ca&acitie 2 inductin' the" into the "o t ecret "/ terie of the &olitical2 into che"e of 'o*ern"ent2 .ut &ro*idin' al-a/ that none "a/ co"e to (no-led'e of the ecret 1 The o.5ect of thi "ode of action i that all "a/ (no- that 'o*ern"ent cannot .e entru ted to tho e -ho ha*e not .een inducted into the ecret &lace of it art 1111 F1 To the e &er on onl/ -ill .e tau'ht the &ractical a&&lication of the aforena"ed &lan ./ co"&ari on of the e4&erience of "an/ centurie 2 all the o. er*ation on the &olitico)econo"ic "o*e and ocial cience ) in a -ord2 all the &irit of la- -hich ha*e .een un ha(a.l/ e hed ./ nature her elf for the re'ulation of the relation of hu"anit/1 =1 Direct heir -ill often .e et a ide fro" a cendin' the throne if in their ti"e of trainin' the/ fri*olit/2 oftne and other $ualitie that are the ruin of authorit/2 -hich render the" inca&a.le of 'o*ernin' and in the" el*e dan'erou for (in'l/ office1 >1 Onl/ tho e -ho are unconditionall/ ca&a.le for fir"2 e*en if it .e to cruelt/2 direct rule -ill recei*e the rein of rule fro" our learned elder 1 A1 In ca e of fallin' ic( -ith -ea(ne of -ill or other for" of inca&acit/1 (in' "u t ./ la- hand o*er the rein of rule to ne- and ca&a.le hand 1 D1 The (in'6 &lan of action for the current "o"ent2 and all the "ore o for the future2 -ill .e un(no-n2 e*en to tho e -ho are called hi clo e t coun elor 1 ?IN+ OF THE 3EWS ;1 Onl/ the (in' and the three -ho tood &on or for hi" -ill (no- -hat i co"in'1 :<1 In the &er on of the (in' -ho -ith un.endin' -ill i "a ter of hi" elf and of hu"anit/ all -ill di cern a it -ere fate -ith it "/ teriou -a/ 1 None -ill (no- -hat the (in' -i he to attain ./ hi di &o ition 2 and therefore none -ill dare to tand acro an un(no-n &ath1 ::1 It i under tood that the .rain re er*oir of the (in' "u t corre &ond in ca&acit/ to the &lan of 'o*ern"ent it ha to contain1 It i for thi rea on that he -ill a cend the throne not other-i e than after e4a"ination of hi "ind ./ the afore aid learned elder 1 :B1 That the &eo&le "a/ (no- and lo*e their (in'2 it i indi &en a.le for hi" to con*er e in the "ar(et)&lace -ith hi &eo&le1 Thi en ure the nece ar/ clinchin' of the t-o force -hich are nodi*ided one fro" another ./ u ./ the terror1 :K1 Thi terror -a indi &en a.le for u till the ti"e co"e for .oth the e force under our influence1 e&aratel/ to fall

:F1 The (in' of the 3e- "u t not .e at the "erc/ of hi &a ion 2 and e &eciall/ of en ualit/C on no ide of hi character "u t he 'i*e .rute in tinct &o-er o*er hi "ind1 Sen ualit/ -or e than all el e

di or'aniEe the ca&acitie of the "ind and clearne and "o t .rutal ide of hu"an acti*it/1

of *ie- 2 di tractin' the thou'ht to the -or t

:=1 The &ro& of hu"anit/ in the &er on of the u&re"e lord of all the -orld of the hol/ eed of Da*id "u t acrifice to hi &eo&le all &er onal inclination 1 :>1 Our u&re"e lord "u t .e of an e4e"&lar/ irre&roacha.le1

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