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Doing What He Wills (11:07)

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibandi, Sohbat of the 1st of October, 2013 .


Marhaban, O yaran of Shahi Mardan. "Falhukmu Lillahi l-Aliyi l-Kabir." (40:12). "The Judgement belongs to Allah Almighty." Ya Jabbar, Ya Qahhar. Ya Sattar, Ya Sattar. Ya Rahman Ya Rahman. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim. "Wa Lillahi l-'Asma'u l-Husna" (7:180). The Most beautiful Names belong to Allah Almighty. Give (attribute to Him) beautiful Names. O Ghaffar, O Jabbar. O Subhan, O Sultan. Allahu Akbar. Wa Lillahi l-'Asma'u l-Husna Fad'uhu Biha. (7:180) The most beautiful Names belong to Allahu Dhu-l Jalal,(call on them) belong to Allahu Dhu-l Jalal... Make dua with them. Let us make dua also. Go ahead O Shahi Mardan. Your yaran admire you. May our hearts open, may they open. May our hearts open, O Shahi Mardan. Go ahead, go ahead. Let us say what opens the doors of earths & Heavens- Bismillahi rRahmani r-Rahim. Let us always say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O Man! O Man! "Wa Khuliqa l-'Insanu Da'ifaan" (4:28). Man was created weak. Who is AlJabbar and Al-Qahhar is Allahu Dhu-l Jalal. "Wa Lillahi l-'Asma'u l-Husna"- The most beautiful Names belong to Him. Let us make munajat/pray with them and open up. May we open up in these holy days. Let us pray when the hujjaj-e kiram walk to Arafat, we may also walk together with those caravans. What is our origin? Our origin is to be the Caliph of Allah Almighty. The Caliph - It is not with the Angels. Allah Almighty said "'Inni Ja'ilun Fi l-'Ardi Khalifatan" (2:30). Allah Almighty said "'Inni Ja'ilun Fi l-'Ardi Khalifatan"- I am going to make a caliph on earth. Allahu Akbar. The Angels said: "Make it from us". He said "No, your station is different and this I will create is different- he is my caliph". Allahu Akbar. "He will represent Me. He will represent Me. I am Al-Azimu-s Shan" said Allah Almighty. Go ahead O Shahi Mardan, your yaran admire you. "Wa Khuliqa l-'Insanu Da'ifaan". (4:28) Man was created weak. Al Qawiyu l-Mateen (the Strong & the Firm) is Allah Almighty. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Allah. MashaAllahu kana wa ma lam yasha' lam yakun - What Allah says happens. The good days come and pass. Man passes as well as the good days. Man stays in the Paradises eternally, he is the caliph. Man is the caliph. O our Lord! O our Allah Who makes the days and suns rise, may You grant us Your Generous Grants. And You already did. Troubles come and happiness/relief comes too. Man does not remain in one state, it is as Allah wants. It is as "Yaf'alu ma yasha'u wa yahkumu ma yurid" -(He does as He wishes and Judges as He likes). Go ahead, O our Sultan- our Ummu Hiram Sultan, may you send us imdad/support. We are weak, may you send us support. And the support comes. Go ahead O Shahi Mardan. Your yaran admire you. Let us say, Allah Allah Allah. Who says Allah is never left deprived. O Shahi Mardan, your yaran admire you. I am asking for it. Allah Almighty Jalla Jalaluhu- He is Allahu Dhu-l Jalal


Who is the Absolute Possessor of Azamat & Qudrah. Yaf'alu ma yashau- He does what He likes & does not do what he doesn't like. The Judgment belongs to Him. Go ahead O Shahi Mardan. There are the servants who run to the Presence of Allahu Dhu-l Jalal and beg for maghfirah/forgiveness. We are all begging, asking. "Ask for it" he says. Ask for it and He opens. "Faalun lima yurid" (85:16) - He does whatever He likes". Go ahead O Shahi Mardan, your yaran admire you. How beautiful, how beautiful- what beauties Allah Almighty grants. Yaf'alu ma yashau wa yahkumu ma yurid. He is making this world upside down. The Judgment belongs to Him. It is His Judgment. The judgment does not belong to us- the Judgment belongs to our Lord, it belongs to the Possessor of Azamat & Qudrat. He afflicted (mankind) since Prophet Adam. Prophet Adam was tested- he was sent to dunya from Paradise. The Judgment belongs to Allah- belongs to Dhu-l Jalali wa-l Ikram. Azamat & Qudrat belongs to our Lordthere is nothing with us. He can afflict also, He does whatever He likes. It is "Yaf'alu ma yurid". Acknowledge, acknowledge your Lord. He does whatever He likes. The servant is ajiz/weak. He wants the servant to know his limit. Don't claim to be jabbar. Mankind has turned into jabbar/tyrants now. Jabbar, meaning they are eager to burn and destroy. Allah Almighty does not like His servants to be tyrants. Pharaoh said to Prophet Moses: "O Moses! Do you want to be jabbar on earth?"(28:19) When he(pharoah) says "Jabbar", he is referring to himself. He is referring to himself, he says "being Jabbar is with me". Hasha. "'In Turidu 'Illa 'An Takuna Jabbaran Fi l-'Ardi". (28:19) "O Moses! Do you want to be jabbar on earth?". Being Jabbar/The Compeller belongs to Allah Almighty, no one else has it. O our Lord! You are the Subhan, You are the Sultan. Azamat-e Kibriya belongs to you, from pre-eternal up to eternal. O our Lord! We are Your weak servants. He is Who takes away our weakness from us. Otherwise the servant is weak. "'In Turidu 'Illa 'An Takuna Jabbaraan Fi Al-'Ardi"- O Moses, do you want to be jabbar on earth? No, the Jabbar/Subduer attribute belongs to Allahu Dhu-l Jalal. Don't claim to be great! Don't claim to be great! Allah Jalla Jalaluhu, Jallat Azamatuhu. Our Lord gives & our Lord takes. He makes one a sultan if He likes & makes him a weak servant if He likes. He does whatever He likes. Allahu Dhu-l Jalal is "fa'alun lima yurid". He does whatever He wants. Acknowledge your Lord. Rububiyyah/the Lordship belongs to Allah Almighty. Know your limit. You get whipped when you don't know. They may beat you, a whip comes. O our Lord, our Subhan. O yaran of Shahi Mardan. Your yaran admire you. O our Lord! May You please treat us with Your Lutf/Gentleness. We are weak. Being weak, ajz is the servant's attribute while being Qadir is Allah's. Go ahead O Shahi Mardan. Your yaran admire you. Allah Who is "Fa'alun lima yurid".(85:16) (He does what He wants) Allah, Allahu Dhu-l Jalal. Don't kick and stomp, you can't be anything. No, you can't be anything unless He grants it. He is Al-Qadir and AlMuqtadir, Al Mu'ti-l Wahhab. He is Allah Who grants and Who does not regard what He grants as a favour, Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Go ahead O Shahi Mardan. If there is ihsan/excellence on us it is the Kindness & Generosity of Allah Almighty. He may grant or take.



May Allah grant us the honour of akhirah. Dunya honour has no value, not at all. The dunya honour has no value. O Man! Know that the honour of dunya is not an honour. The real honour is the honour in akhirah. O our Lord! We are weak servants. No matter how much power you have, you are still weak, still doomed. Don't claim to be jabbar. Being Jabbar belongs to Allah Almighty. The holy one said like this: "I sought in the assembly of the knowledgeable ones. Knowledge comes last. Only adab, only adab". The people of 'irfan/knowledge, they are the holy ones. They are the ones who have barakah. And here, Shahi Mardan is from them. They are saying like this- The assembly of the knowledgeable ones, the ones who are honoured in dunya and in Heavens are the ones who have adab. Keep your adab. Keep your adab. O our Lord. He is saying- Shahi Mardan is saying - May You send us Your servants who will teach us adab. Man draws near to his Lord with adab, he becomes beloved to His Lord. With adab he may draw near to Allah Almighty and become beloved and is loved- with adab. Go ahead O Shahi Mardan. Your yaran admire you. May You grant us power, O Lord. May You grant us dignity, O Lord. May You grant us hope & strength. May You make it easy on us to keep Your adab, O Lord. May Allah not make us from the tyrants. May He accept us for His servanthood. We don't want anything, we only want the honour of servanthood. O our Lord, may You accept us for Your servanthood. Yaf'alu ma yurid wa yahkumu ma yashau - He judges for what He likes and Allah Almighty judges as He likes. Allahu Akbar. Adab, only adab. Why was shaytan expelled? Because of its lack of adab. It acted without adab. It said "No, I won't make sajda" and it developed bad adab towards its Lord. It became without adab and when it became without adab, it got expelled. Allahu Allah Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah Allahu Hasbi. O our Lord, may You grant us the adab of Your holy servants. We are weak O Lord. May You send us Your servants who will make us firm on Your servanthood. May You send us Your clean servants. A weak servant, abdun ajiz. (Mawlana sings) "Whoever says 'Allah' may enter today the rose gardens of Paradise, they may enter today". (Qasida by Ismail Hakki Toprak Effendi). May our hearts open and we be in joy. O our Lord! O our Lord! We are weak servants. Irham dha'fana - May You show Mercy for our weakness. We are weak servants who are in need of Mercy. Let us say, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. It takes away your weakness. Allahu Akbar. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and it takes away your weakness. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. You are Subhan O Lord. May You write our names too together with Your believing servants who flow to Al-Bayt Al-Mu'azzama on this holy day. May the troubles on us be lifted off and we open up- we be in joy, we be filled with joy. Allah Almighty grants joy. "Fa'alun Lima Yuridu" (85:16)- He does what He wills. Allah Allah. He can make you smile or cry- both of them are Mercy. May He write our names together with the hujjaj-e kiram who flow to Al-Bayt Al-Mu'azzam. May the troubles on us be lifted off. May shaytan who is jealous of the children of Adam be left deprived. The children of Adam are honoured. Their enemy shaytan is dishonoured. O our Lord, we are asking from Your Honour, from Your Lutf. May we open up, get happy and be in joy. O our Lord! O Shahi Mardan. Your way is beautiful, your way is clean.



Your way is pure. Allah Almighty wants cleanliness. May He write our names from the clean ones. For the honour of the believers who are flowing to Al-Ka'aba Al-Muazzama today, may You write our names too together with them, O Lord. May our names be written together with them too. O our Lord, may our power increase. May our love & longing for Your servanthood increase, O Lord. We want love, O Lord. We want from Your muhabba/love, O Lord. How beautiful it is to love You, to respect You, O our Allah! May the burdens on us be lifted off. May we reach to the Ka'aba. The Ka'aba, it is Al-Ka'aba Al-Muazzama. May our hearts open up. May our body & soul be filled with love. You are the one Who grants life. We are weak servants. If You grant life, we survive. If You don't, we pass away. O our Lord! Your yaran want to come Your Presence with honour. O yaran- O yaran of Shahi Mardan. Allah Allah. May we open up. May our hearts be filled with joy. Allah Almighty does not like to crush His servant, son. He doesn't like to crush, He likes to grant. "Come to My Ka'aba" He says. "Come to My Ka'aba and ask. I may grant you whatever you ask for". O our Lord. You are Subhan, You are Sultan. O holy hujjaj-e kiram, how beautifully have you reached. O my Lord Who makes the sun rise! May You fill our hearts with Nur. May our Almighty Lord fill us with Nur. We are asking for it. We are asking for it. "Ask for it & I may grant" He says. "If you don't ask, I don't grant. Ask & I may grant". O Shahi Mardan, your yaran admire you. How beautiful. Adab. Adab. Adab makes Man reach the highest station. Let us ask. Our Almighty Lord takes away or grants, as He likes. What is it that we ask for? Allah Almighty knows what we ask for. We ask for our servanthood- we perform servanthood & find honour. The honour of Man is with servanthood. Be a servant and find honour. How beautiful. Today the hujjaj-e kiram are flowing & running, flowing & running to His Al-Bayt Al-Mu'azzam. "Come to My Mu'azzam Bayt. O My servants, come. I am Who revives the dead. I am who feeds the poor. I am Who grants honour to who asks for honour. I am Who grants long life to who asks for it". O our Lord, we are weak servants. May You grant us. May You grant us, O Lord. Allahu Allah Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah Allahu Hasbi. Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. You know. You know what is the best- You know whatever is the best for Your servants. Ya muhawwil al hawli wal ahwal hawwil haalana ila ahsani l-hal. (O Changer of states) May You dress on us a beautiful state, O Lord. He may take you out of troubles or make you fall into troubles. May Allah not make us fall into troubles. We are weak servants. Our Allah Who is Al-Qawiyyu-l Mateen knows our weakness. Go ahead O Shahi Mardan, your yaran admire you. Let us say Allah, let us say Bismillah. Let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Fatiha. Allah Allah Allah. May we open up insha Allah.



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