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Dr. ANJAIAH, Asst.Professor University Central Library Dravidian University-KUPPAM (A.P) Mail: anjaiahlib@gmail. !m M!bile: "#$$#%&$'$(#

(ABSTRACT) )he *nternet has n!+-a-days be !me an im,!rtant !m,!nent in a ademi instit-ti!ns as it ,lays a ,iv!tal r!le in meeting the in.!rmati!n and !mm-ni ati!n needs !. instit-ti!ns and st-dents !mm-nity *t ma/es it ,!ssible t! a ess a +ide range !. in.!rmati!n0 s- h as -,-t!-date resear h re,!rts0 .r!m any+here in the +!rld. *t als! enables st-dents and a ademi instit-ti!ns t! disseminate in.!rmati!n t! a +ider a-dien e ar!-nd the gl!be thr!-gh having +eb sites and a +ay t! sear h them and !rgani1e the !-t,-t. *nternets are l!!se amalgamati!n !. !m,-ter net+!r/s inter !nne ted +!rld+ide thr!-gh several ba /b!ne net+!r/s. *t emerges as the ed- ati!nal t!!l by being a g!!d s!-r e !. getting the right in.!rmati!n and s!l-ti!n t! ,r!blems in an a ademi envir!nment. C!re resear h .indings have been tra ed t! the -niversities and a,,li ati!n !. these inn!vati!ns has res-lted in tremend!-s gains t! !-ntry2s e !n!my a !rding t! A+!leye0 3iyanb!la and 4ladi,! (5##%). )he *nternet ,r!vides a ess t! -nlimited s!-r es !. in.!rmati!n and sear h engines is !ntin-!-sly being advan ed t! ,r!vide e..i ient +ays t! hel, -sers t! .ind +hat they +ant. )he *nternet eases and in reases a ess t! a large am!-nt !. data0 saves time and m!ney0 and !btains an !,,!rt-nity t! !ns-lt several e6,erts +ith a single re7-est and greater inde,enden e .r!m s,e i.i times and ,la es .!r in.!rmati!n see/ing. )he *nternet ma/es it ,!ssible .!r -sers t! have a ess t! large v!l-mes !. in.!rmati!n irres,e tive !. their ge!gra,hi al l! ati!n. )he ,resent st-dy s!-ght t! determine the e6tent !. internet a ess and -se by 4DL st-dents !. *894U and Dr.:;A4U ;egi!nal Centers0 +hi h are l! ated in <arangal Distri t. A des ri,tive 7-esti!nnaire s-rvey +as em,l!yed t! !btain data .r!m a sam,le !. '## P!st-8rad-ates (P8) and Under 8rad-ates (U8) -ndergrad-ate. <ith a t!tal !. =## validly ret-ned re,resenting res,!nse rate !. >(?. )he res-lts sh!+ed that alm!st all the res,!ndents ($>.&?) had a essed the internet0 +ith mean internet -se e6,erien e !. ' t! 5 years. Maj!rity !. the res,!ndents0 i.e. (&? a essed the *nternet .r!m yber a.@s0 .!ll!+ed by h!mes (A$?).)he 4DLst-dents -sed internet m!stly .!r !mm-ni ati!n ($#.&?)0 d!ing lass assignments ('=.(?)0 t! -,-t!-date s-bje t /n!+ledge (=5.$?) and t! s-,,lement !-rse materials ('(?).BmailCs! ial net +!r/s s- h as .a e b!!/0 lin/indin +as als! -sed t! !mm-ni ate !r share m!stly +ith their .ell!+ learnersC.riends (>5.#?)0 .!ll!+ed by a ademi

!-nsell!rs (A#?). ;es,!ndents !btained a ademi in.!rmati!n m!stly by -sing sear h engines and by ty,ing the +eb address dire tly. 8!!gle +as the m!st -sed sear h engine0 .!ll!+ed by Dah!!0 AltaEista and 3 h!lar 8!!gle. )he maj!r .a t!rs that hinder a ess and -se !. internet by 4DL st-dents +ere identi.ied as sl!+ness !. the server0 .re7-ent ,!+er !-tage and high !st !. -sage. )he st-dy sh!+ed that the 4,en Universities needs t! ,-t -, a,,r!,riate distan e ed- ati!n ,!li ies that +ill .a ilitate !,tim-m -se !. the *nternet by establishment !. !m,-ter enters at ;CsC3Cs. Als! there is the need t! !nd- t .re7-ently training ,r!grammes .!r !ng!ing ed- ati!nal ,r!grammes !n -se !. internet res!-r es .!r the 4DL st-dents t! have the s/ills t! e..i iently s!-r e .!r in.!rmati!n t! s-,,!rt their learning. Obj !"#$ % &' "( S")*+, )he main !bje tive is t! e6amine the a ess and -se !. the *nternetC+eb res!-r es by 4DL st-dents at regi!nal enters !. *894U and D;.:;A4U0 <arangal Distri t0 Andra PradeshF 3,e i.i !bje tives are: t! /n!+ the ,-r,!ses !. -sing the *nternet by 4DL 3t-dents t! determine h!+ !.ten the 4DL st-dents -se the *nternet t! st-dy the l! ati!n !. the *nternet .a ility m!st .re7-ently -sed t! /n!+ the *nternet res!-r es m!stly a ess and -se by the 4DL st-dents t! investigate the ,r!blems en !-ntered +ith *nternet -se t! ,r!vide !nstr- tive s-ggesti!ns .!r e..e tively -se !. *nternet res!-r es by the learners based !n the ,resent st-dy. R % -r!( D %#./, )he data .!r this st-dy +as a 7-ired by -sing a s-rvey 7-esti!nnaire !ntaining b!th !,en and l!sed ended 7-esti!ns. *t !nsists !. thirteen 7-esti!ns. )he .irst ,art !. the 7-esti!nnaire in l-ded dem!gra,hi in.!rmati!n. )he se !nd ,art in l-ded 7-esti!ns ab!-t the availability !. ele tr!ni res!-r es and the ability t! -se them0 +hile the third ,art as/ed 7-esti!ns ab!-t the -se !. ele tr!ni res!-r es and .inally as/ed 7-esti!ns .!r the e..e tive -se !. e-res!-r es. )he 7-esti!ns +ere ,re-tested. G!ll!+--, 7-esti!ns +ere -sed .!r lari.i ati!n and hanges +ere made therea.ter. H-esti!nnaires +ere .illed in by the res,!ndents and the 7-esti!ns +ere e6,lained i. re7-ired. Additi!nal in.!rmati!n +as als! !btained +ith an in.!rmal intervie+ and !bservati!ns. A th!r!-gh revie+ !. related literat-re !n the *nternet +ill be !nd- ted. G!-r h-ndred res,!ndents +ere re7-ested t! ta/e ,art in the s-rvey .r!m the ;egi!nal Centers (;Cs) !. *894U and Dr.:;A4U0 <arangal Distri t0 Andra Pradesh is sele ted rand!mly. )he res,!nses re eived .r!m three h-ndred distan e learners +ith the re,!se rate !. && ,er ent. Dr. B.R. A0b *1-r O2 / U/#$ r%#"+ (BRAOU) Pr&'#3 , )he University0 initially /n!+n as Andhra Pradesh 4,en University0 ame int! being !n 5&th A-g-st A$%5 thr!-gh an A t !. Andhra Pradesh 3tate Legislat-re (AP4U A t0 A$%5)0 s-bse7-entlyF the University +as renamed as Dr. :.;. Ambed/ar 4,en University !n >th De ember A$$A by the 8!vernment !. Andhra Pradesh (AP4U A t0 A$$5). )he establishment !. this University0 the .irst !. its /ind in *ndia0 heralded an era !. a..irmative a ti!n !n the ,art !. the 8!vernment .!r ,r!viding !,,!rt-nities !. higher ed- ati!n t! all se ti!ns !. s! iety and atering t! the hanging individ-al and s! ial needs. Ien e the m!tt! !. the University is Bd- ati!n .!r all. *n A$%=0 the University started .-n ti!ning +ith a m!dest learner enr!lment !. &0=5A and 55 3t-dy Centres. 3in e then there has been a steady gr!+th in inta/e and an in rease in the n-mber !. 3t-dy Centres. *n 5##A the enr!lment is ab!-t A la/h and the n-mbers !.

3t-dy Centres have in reased t! A=>. )he t!tal n-mber !. st-dents !n r!lls in all the ,r!grams is ab!-t '0 (#0###. 9!+ the t!tal st-dy entres in reased -,t! 5##. )!day0 as +e stand at the thresh!ld !. the t+enty .irst year !. the e6isten e !. this University0 the 7-esti!n 2 <hy !,en learning2 is neither ne essary n!r relevant. )he .! -s has shi.ted .r!m 2<hy2 t! 2I!+2 and 2<hat2. )he University0 thr!-gh its !+n e6,erien es and e6,erimentati!n has inn!vated and standardi1ed the tea hing learning ,ra ti es and ,r!vided 7-ality ed- ati!n0 +hi h is a e,ted by ,eer a ademi s and ,r!s,e tive em,l!yers. *t is ne essary n!+ t! .-rther enhan e the 7-ality !. the learning material and ,r!m!te system-based resear h. T( C-02)%, L! ated !n a ,an!rami elevated site !. (=.&= a res in J-bilee Iills0 the University h!-ses im,ressive b-ildings0 green la+ns and tree-lined r!ads. *n additi!n t! the Administrative0 3t-dent 3-,,!rt 3ervi es0 A ademi and AEP;C b-ildings0 the am,-s has an e6tensive Pla1a0 a C!n.eren e Iall0 an A-dit!ri-m and 8;ADB -m 8-esth!-se. )he KU-:and earth stati!n is als! l! ated in the University am,-s. )he ,resent am,-s has s !,e .!r a,,li ati!n !. ne+ te hn!l!gies in distan e ed- ati!n and .!r inter-lin/ing !. its l! al areas thr!-gh L! al Area 9et+!r/ (LA9) and Cam,-s and 3t-dy Centres thr!-gh <ide Area 9et+!r/ (<A9). )he 3tate :an/ !. Iyderabad has a bran h !. the am,-s. )he *ndira 8andhi 9ati!nal 4,en University (*894U)0 established by an A t !. Parliament in A$%(0 has !ntin-!-sly striven t! b-ild an in l-sive /n!+ledge s! iety thr!-gh in l-sive ed- ati!n. *t has tried t! in rease the 8r!ss Bnr!lment ;ati! (8B;) by !..ering high-7-ality tea hing thr!-gh the 4,en and Distan e Learning (4DL) m!de. )he University began by !..ering t+! a ademi ,r!grammes in A$%>0 i.e.0 Di,l!ma in Management and Di,l!ma in Distan e Bd- ati!n0 +ith a strength !. '0(5% st-dents. )!day0 it serves the ed- ati!nal as,irati!ns !. !ver ' milli!n st-dents in *ndia and =& !ther !-ntries thr!-gh 5A 3 h!!ls !. 3t-dies and a net+!r/ !. &> regi!nal entres0 ar!-nd =0### learner s-,,!rt entres and &> !verseas entres. )he University !..ers ab!-t '$# erti.i ate0 di,l!ma0 degree and d! t!ral ,r!grammes0 +ith strength !. nearly '5# .a -lty members and a ademi sta.. at the head7-arters and regi!nal entres and ab!-t =&0### a ademi !-nsell!rs .r!m !nventi!nal instit-ti!ns !. higher learning0 ,r!.essi!nal !rganisati!ns0 and ind-stry am!ng !thers. T( 0-/*-" &' "( U/#$ r%#"+ #% "&, Pr!vide a ess t! higher ed- ati!n t! all segments !. the s! ietyF 4..er high-7-ality0 inn!vative and need-based ,r!grammes at di..erent levels0 t! all th!se +h! re7-ire themF ;ea h !-t t! the disadvantaged by !..ering ,r!grammes in all ,arts !. the !-ntry at a..!rdable !stsF and Pr!m!te0 !!rdinate and reg-late the standards !. ed- ati!n !..ered thr!-gh !,en and distan e learning in the !-ntry. )! a hieve the t+in !bje tives !. +idening a ess .!r all se ti!ns !. s! iety and ,r!viding !ntin-al ,r!.essi!nal devel!,ment and training t! all se t!rs !. the e !n!my0 the University -ses a variety !. media and latest te hn!l!gy in im,arting ed- ati!n. )his is re.le ted in the .!rm-lated visi!n !. *894U0 /ee,ing its !bje tives in .! -s0 +hi h reads.

A!-* 0#! Pr&.r-00 %, )he 3 h!!l is !..ering .r!m Certi.i ate0 Di,l!ma0 U80 P8 K ;esear h Pr!grammes.W b S#" , 444.br-&).&r. T( I/*#r- G-/*(# N-"#&/-3 O2 / U/#$ r%#"+ (IGNOU56789) 5 A Pr&'#3 , )he *ndira 8andhi 9ati!nal 4,en University0 the 9ati!nal ;es!-r e Centre .!r 4,en and Distan e Learning0 +ith internati!nal re !gniti!n and ,resen e0 shall ,r!vide seamless a ess t! s-stainable and learner- entri 7-ality ed- ati!n0 s/ill -, gradati!n and training t! all by -sing inn!vative te hn!l!gies and meth!d!l!gies and ens-ring !nvergen e !. e6isting systems .!r large-s ale h-man res!-r e devel!,ment0 re7-ired .!r ,r!m!ting integrated nati!nal devel!,ment and gl!bal -nderstanding. )he University has made a signi.i ant mar/ in the areas !. higher ed- ati!n0 !mm-nity ed- ati!n and !ntin-al ,r!.essi!nal devel!,ment. )he University has been net+!r/ing +ith re,-ted ,-bli instit-ti!ns and ,rivate enter,rises .!r enhan ing the ed- ati!nal !,,!rt-nities being !..ered by it. As a +!rld leader in distan e ed- ati!n0 it has been !n.erred +ith a+ards !. e6 ellen e by the C!mm!n+ealth !. Learning (C4L)0 Canada0 several times. *n Jan-ary 5#A#0 it +as listed A5th in the +eb!metri ran/ing !. *ndian -niversities0 based !n the alibre !. its ,resen e !n the *nternet. )he University is !mmitted t! 7-ality in tea hing0 resear h0 training and e6tensi!n a tivities0 and a ts as a nati!nal res!-r e entre .!r e6,ertise and in.rastr- t-re in the 4DL system. )he University has established the Centre .!r B6tensi!n Bd- ati!n0 9ati!nal Centre .!r Disability 3t-dies and 9ati!nal Centre .!r *nn!vati!n in Distan e Bd- ati!n0 t! .! -s !n s,e i.i learner gr!-,s and enri h the distan e learning system. )he Distan e Bd- ati!n C!-n il !. the University hel,s in reg-lating and maintaining the 4DL system in the !-ntry. <ith the la-n h !. Bd-3at (a satellite dedi ated !nly t! ed- ati!n) !n 5#th 3e,tember0 5##'0 and the establishment !. the *nter-University C!ns!rti-m0 the University has -shered in a ne+ era !. te hn!l!gy-enabled ed- ati!n in the !-ntry. )!day0 there are A=' a tive t+!-+ay vide!- !n.eren ing entresF all the regi!nal entres and high enr!lment st-dy entres have been ,r!vided +ith net+!r/ !nne tivity0 +hi h has made it ,!ssible t! transa t intera tive digital !ntent. Bm,hasis is n!+ being laid !n devel!,ing intera tive m-ltimedia and !nline learning0 and adding val-e t! the traditi!nal distan e ed- ati!n delivery m!de +ith m!dern te hn!l!gy-enabled ed- ati!n +ithin the .rame+!r/ !. blended learning. As ,art !. this endeav!-r0 several ,r!grammes are being !..ered .-ll-time !n am,-s0 at the head7-arters0 s!me regi!nal entres and at !ther instit-ti!ns !. re,-te +ith +hi h *894U has agreements .!r this ,-r,!se. )he University als! has a !nsiderable internati!nal ,resen e0 as has been said earlier. *t en !-rages and .-nds the ,arti i,ati!n !. its .a -lty in internati!nal !n.eren es and seminars0 and !rganises several internati!nal !n.eren es t!!. )here are reg-lar visits !. .!reign s h!lars0 .!r delivering le t-res !r t! intera t +ith .a -lty. )he University has given !,yright !r ,ermissi!n t! many .!reign instit-ti!ns t! ada,tCad!,tC-se its learning materials0 a,art .r!m !..ering its a ademi ,r!grammes a r!ss the +!rld thr!-gh ,artnershi, arrangements. 4ver the years0 *894U has lived -, t! the !-ntryLs e6,e tati!ns !. ,r!viding ed- ati!n t! the marginalised se ti!ns !. s! iety. Gree !. !st ed- ati!n is being ,r!vided t! all jail inmates a r!ss the !-ntry. A large n-mber !. 3CC3) st-dents have been admitted t! vari!-s ,r!grammes !. the University.

An inn!vative :a hel!r !. Arts ,r!gramme in A,,lied 3ign Lang-age has been la-n hed in !llab!rati!n +ith the University !. Central Lan ashire (U LA9) !. :ritain. )he ,r!gramme is the .irst-!.-its-/ind in the +!rld. V#%#&/ : ;#%%#&/ V#%#&/, *894U0 the 9ati!nal ;es!-r e Centre .!r 4,en and Distan e Learning (4DL)0 +ith internati!nal re !gniti!n and ,resen e0 shall ,r!vide seamless a ess t! s-stainable and learner- entri 7-ality ed- ati!n0 s/ill -,gradati!n and training t! all by -sing inn!vative te hn!l!gies and meth!d!l!gies and ens-ring !nvergen e !. e6isting systems .!r massive h-man res!-r e re7-ired .!r ,r!m!ting integrated nati!nal devel!,ment and gl!bal -nderstanding. ;#%%#&/, )! advan e .r!ntiers !. /n!+ledge and ,r!m!te its disseminati!n thr!-gh s-stainable 4,en and Distan e Learning systems0 seamlessly a essible t! all0 in l-ding th!se hithert! -nrea hed0 .r!m am!ng +h!m the leaders and inn!vat!rs !. t!m!rr!+ +ill emerge0 the University shall: 3trengthen the devel!,ment !. the 9ati!nal ;es!-r e Centre as a ,r!a tive r!le m!del .!r high-7-ality and learner- entri 4,en and Distan e Learning systemF 3hare ,r!.essi!nal a,abilities and res!-r es t! im,r!ve standards !. distan e ed- ati!n in the !-ntryF Peri!di ally assess and a redit instit-ti!ns !. 4,en and Distan e Learning t! ,r!m!te entres !. e6 ellen e in the !-ntryF Devel!, net+!r/s0 -sing emerging te hn!l!gies and meth!ds0 +ith gl!bal rea h .!r e..e tive ,r!gramme deliveryF Pr!vide an intelligent and .le6ible system !. ed- ati!n t! meet the hallenges !. a ess and e7-ity0 and +!r/ t!+ards devel!,ment !. a /n!+ledge s! ietyF G!rge !nvergen e !. all systems and +!r/ .!r seamless ed- ati!n a r!ss nati!nal b!-ndaries t! devel!, gl!bal !llab!rati!n and ,artnershi,F )a/e ed- ati!n t! the hithert! -nrea hed and ,r!m!te !mm-nity ,arti i,ati!n .!r l! al devel!,ment thr!-gh li.e- !,ing s/illsF Pr!vide s,e i.i need-based ed- ati!n and training !,,!rt-nities .!r !ntin-!-s ,r!.essi!nal devel!,ment and s/ill -,gradati!n t! in-servi e ,r!.essi!nalsF and 3trive t!+ards !ntin-!-s devel!,ment !. meth!ds and strategies .!r resear h and devel!,ment .!r generati!n !. /n!+ledge in .r!ntier areas0 in l-ding 4,en and Distan e Learning. R .#&/-3 : S")*+ C /"r %, At Present0 there are =' ;egi!nal and =### and ab!ve st-dy entres are +!r/ing -nder the -mbrella !. *894U. S!(&&3% &' IGNOU, Presently0 *894U has 5' di..erent s h!!ls. A!-* 0#! 2r&.r-00 %, *894U !..ering Certi.i ate Level t! resear h level Pr!grammes. R .#&/-3 C /"r , H+* r-b-* (678<) = Br# ' I/'&r0-"#&/, )he ;egi!nal Centre at Iyderabad +as established in Jan-aryA$%>. )his ;egi!nal Centre !vers the )elangana Distri ts (e6 e,t Khammam Distri t) and ;ayalseema Distri t (e6 e,t Chitt!!r Distri t) !. Andhra Pradesh. )his ;egi!nal Centre +as .!rmally ina-g-rated !n 5nd Gebr-ary A$%> by Late Pr!.ess!r 8 ;am ;eddy0 .!-nder Ei eChan ell!r0 *894U. )he ;egi!nal Centre had ( 3t-dy Centres in A$%> and admitted ('& st-dents int! t+! ,r!grammes vi1.0 Di,l!ma in Distan e Bd- ati!n and Di,l!ma in Management Pr!grammes. 4ver the years it has established (# 3t-dy Centres C

Pr!gramme 3t-dy Centres !..ering m!re than =## ,r!grammes la-n hed by the University. 4-t !. (# 3t-dy Centres established in the 3tate0 A# are reg-lar 3t-dy Centres and '# are Pr!gramme 3t-dy Centres. *894U ;egi!nal Centre0 Iyderabad has emerged as !ne !. the largest *894U ;egi!nal Centre +ith -m-lative enr!lment r!ssing 5.# la/h .ig-re. At the time !. its in e,ti!n in the year A$%> *894U ;egi!nal Centre Iyderabad atered t! ed- ati!nal needs !. the entire state !. Andhra Pradesh. As the enr!lment .!r vari!-s ,r!grammes in reased the J-risdi ti!n !. the ;egi!nal Centre has been divided int! t+! ;egi!ns in the state !. Andhra Pradesh. )h-s .r!m J-ly 5##% !n+ards the J-risdi ti!n !. Iyderabad ;egi!nal Centre aters t! the .!ll!+ing distri ts !. Andhra Pradesh : Iyderabad0 ;anga ;eddy0 Meda/0 9alg!nda0 <arangal0 Karimnagar0 9i1amabad0 Adilabad0 Mahab!!b 9agar0 K-rn!!l0 Kada,a0 Ananta,-r (All distri ts !. )elangana e6 e,t Khammam and all distri ts !. ;ayalseema e6 e,t Chitt!!r0 9ell!re). 3t-dents .r!m the C!astal Distri ts0 Chitt!!r0 9ell!re and Khammam have t! a,,ly t! ;egi!nal Centre0 Eijaya+ada .!r admissi!ns and !ther in.!rmati!n ab!-t their registrati!n. )he ;egi!nal Centre is headed by the ;egi!nal Dire t!r +h! is s-,,!rted by a team !. A ademi 0 Administrative and s-,,!rting sta... A!-* 0#! Pr&.r00 %: )he 3 h!!l is !..ering .r!m Certi.i ate Di,l!ma0 U8 t! P8 level. W b S#" , 444.#./&).&r. D-"- A/-3+%#% -/* I/" r2r "-"#&/, )he res,!ndents +ere h!sen as sam,le .rame+!r/ .!r the ,resent ase st-dy .r!m *894U and Dr. :;A4U the t+! leading 4,enCDistan e Bd- ati!n *nstit-ti!ns and they +ere administered 7-esti!nnaires .ramed !n the s-bje t !. resear h. )he res,!ndents +ere as/ed t! e6,ress their vie+s0 !,ini!ns and !mments !n vari!-s as,e ts related t! the Library 3-,,!rt 3ervi es in l-ding the im,!rtant areas li/e0 ade7-a y !. library servi es0 -se !. m!dern te hn!l!gi al devi es as aids t! libraries0 .-n ti!nal as,e ts !. the library0 et . G /* r54#% D#%"r#b)"#&/, A detailed analysis !. the data and its inter,retati!n is ,resented bel!+ in the .!rm !. tables and gra,hs. )he ,arti -lars !. the sam,le st-died .!r this resear h +!r/ is ,resented bel!+. T-b3 , 6 G /* r54#% D#%"r#b)"#&/ &' "( R %2&/* /"% P r! /"-. &' r %2&/* /"% Male ><9 (&A.AA) Gemale 6<9 (=%.%$) )!tal ?9@ (6@@.@@) )he ab!ve table indi ates that !-t !. the t!tal sam,le !. '(#0 maj!rity !. the res,!ndents i.e.0 5>( (&A.AA ,er ent) +ere male st-dents +hile !nly A>( (=%.% ,er ent) !. the res,!ndents +ere .emale. 4bvi!-sly0 in !,en and distan e ed- ati!n system there are m!re male members0 +h! are ta/ing advantage !. ,er-sing !. their ed- ati!nal g!als thr!-gh distan e ed- ati!n +hile .emale members !. the s! iety are lagging behind in this regard. )his an be attrib-ted t! the ,revailing s! ial !nditi!ns0 .amily res,!nsibilities0 ,!verty et .0 +hi h are ,r!bably .emale se ti!ns !. the s! iety .r!m ma/ing -se !. the !,,!rt-nities ,r!vided by the !,en ed- ati!nal system in *ndia. S3. N&. A 5 = G /* r R %2&/* /"%

A. Gr&)2 &' "( R %2&/* /"%, *t +as attem,ted t! .ind !-t the age gr!-,s !. the distant learners +h! +ere !ntin-ing their ed- ati!n thr!-gh 4,en University system !. ed- ati!n. )he data !lle ted .!r this ,-r,!se has been ,resented bel!+. T-b3 , >, A. Gr&)2 &' "( R %2&/* /"% S3. N&. A 5 = ' (. A. A%-5( 5&-=( =&-'( '&-)!tal N&. &' R %2&/* /"% 5(# %( &% '> '(# P r! /"-. &' R %2&/* /"% (((.(() (A%.%%) (A(.AA) (A#.'') (A##)

A ,er-sal at the ab!ve table reveals that maj!rity !. the res,!ndents i.e.0 ((.(( ,er ent are in the y!-nger age gr!-, !. A%-5( years. )his is0 in a +ay0 a g!!d sign +herein the y!-nger generati!n !. st-dents +h! have .!r s!me reas!n dis !ntin-ed their st-dies are !ming .!r+ard t! e6,l!re their ed- ati!nal g!als thr!-gh 4,en University system. Ab!-t A$ ,er ent !. the distan e learners are !. the age gr!-, !. 5&-=( years. *t is als! .!-nd that !nly A#.'' ,er ent !. res,!ndents are in the age gr!-, !. '& years and ab!ve. )his sh!+s that even the individ-als in the higher age gr!-, are als! interested in ,-rs-ing ed- ati!n -nder distan e m!de thr!-gh0 a small se ti!n !. them. R %#* /"#-3 S"-")% &' "( R %2&/* /"%, )he data ,ertaining t! the nat-re !. residen e !. the res,!ndents as t! +hether they are -rbanites !r r-ralities has been !lle ted and the same is ,resented bel!+ table. T-b3 , A R %#* /"#-3 S"-")% &' "( R %2&/* /"% S3. N&. A 5 = '. N-")r &' R %#* /! Eillage Mandal City )!tal N&. &' R %2&/* /"% 6<8 6>> 69@ ?9@ B &' R %2&/* /"% (=$.(() (5>.AA) (==.==) (A##)

Gr!m the ab!ve table it is lear that maj!rity !. the res,!ndents i.e.0 =$.(( ,er ent are .r!m villages. )his is a healthy sign that the r-ral ,e!,le are n!+ re !gni1ing the im,!rtan e !. ed- ati!n and are sh!+ing interest in ,er-sing their ed- ati!n -nder distan e m!de. *t is !bserved the ,er entage !. res,!ndents residing in mandal area is als! .airly g!!d i.e.0 5>.AA ,er ent. )hat is0 ,e!,le lives in villages and mandals availing the 4,en University system .!r !ntin-ing their ed- ati!n !nstit-tes &&.&& ,er ent0 +hi h is the largest se ti!n !. the res,!ndents. )his is .!ll!+ed by ==.== ,er ent !. the res,!ndents residing in ities. )his is !bvi!-sly d-e t! the .a t that the res,!ndents

residing in ities have m!re in.!rmati!n and /n!+ledge ab!-t the areer and ed- ati!nal aven-es and als! have better a ess t! the ed- ati!nal .a ilities. Pr&.r-00 &' S")*+ &' "( R %2&/* /"%, )he res,!ndents and their ,r!gramme !. st-dy are ,resented bel!+. T-b3 , ?, Pr&.r-00 &' S")*+ &' "( R %2&/* /"% S. C&)r% R %2&/* /"% B &' r %2&/* /"% N&. A Certi.i ateCDi,l!ma =( ( >.>#) 5 :.A. C :.C!m. A(& (='.&&) = :.Bd. C :.L.*.3 . >( (A&.&&) ' M.A.CM.C!m. A#' (5=.AA) (. M.C.A.CM.L.*.3 . %# (A>.>>) &. )!tal '(# (A##.##) )he ab!ve table reveals that maj!rity !. res,!ndents i.e.0 ='.&& ,er ent are ,er-sing grad-ati!n !-rses li/e :.A. C :.C!m.0 +hile !nly >.># ,er ent !. the res,!ndents are ,er-sing Di,l!ma !-rses. 5=.AA ,er ent !. the res,!ndents are ,-rs-ing P.8. Pr!grammes. )he res,!ndents ,-rs-ing ,r!.essi!nal !-rses li/e :.Bd.0 :.L.*.3 .0 M.C.A.0 M.L.*.3 . C!nstit-te =>.'= ,er ent !. the t!tal sam,le. )his sh!+s that the ,r!.essi!nal !-rses !..ered by the 4,en and Distan e Bd- ati!n instit-ti!ns have been getting g!!d res,!nse .!r the ,r!.essi!nal !-rses.

T-b3 66, T+2 &' C&33 !"#&/ A$-#3-b3 #/ S")*+ C /"r L#br-r# % S3. N&. N-")r &' C&33 !"#&/ P r! /"-. A 5 = ' ( & > )e6t :!!/s ;e.eren e :!!/s Maga1inesCJ!-rnals CD-;4M Database A-di!-Eis-al material 4ther !lle ti!ns )!tal (5A.AA) (='.'') (5>.==) ((.(&) (%.##) (=.(&) (A##.##)

)he ab!ve table reveals that m!st !. the b!!/s i.e.0 ='.'' ,er ent are re.eren e b!!/s that are available in the libraries !. the st-dy enters0 +hile !nly 5A.AA ,er ent !. the b!!/s are te6tb!!/s. *t is signi.i ant t! n!te that 5>.== ,er ent !. the !lle ti!n !. the libraries at the st-dy entres is Maga1inesCJ!-rnals0 +hi h are -se.-l .!r a 7-iring the -rrent /n!+ledge !n a s-bje ts .!r -,dating the in.!rmati!n !. the learners. *t is ,ertinent t! n!te that !nly % ,er ent !. the !lle ti!ns !. the libraries !nstit-te A-di!-Eis-al material and (.(& ,er ent CD-;4Ms !lle ti!ns. )his is indi ati!n that the libraries !. distan e ed- ati!n instit-tes are yet t! be devel!,ed in the matter !. ,r!viding the m!dern tea hing and learning material. T-b3 6?, A$-#3-b#3#"+ &' CI/" r/ "D A!! %% F-!#3#"+ -" "( S")*+ C /" r% A$-#3-b#3#"+ &' I/" r/ " '-!#3#"+
IGNO Available 9!t Available )!tal A( A&> A%5 B &' R %2&/* /"% (%.5') ($A.>&) (A##.##?)

R %2&/* /"%
BRAOU >= A$( 5&% B &' R %2&/* /"% (5>.5') (>5.>&) (A##.##) T&"-3 %%(A$.(&?) =&5(%#.''?) '(#(A##?)

)he ab!ve table sh!+s that large maj!rity !. the res,!ndents i.e.0 %#.'' ,er ent (i.e.0 $A.>( ,er ent in the ase !. *894U and >5.>> ,er ent in ase !. Dr. :;A4U) have stated that *nternet .a ilities are n!t available at the st-dy enters0 +hile %.5' ,er ent !. *894U and 5>.5' ,er ent Dr. :;A4U have stated that M*nternetL .a ility is available. 4n the +h!le0 it an be said that *nternet0 is n!t yet .-lly made -se !. by the distan e ed- ati!n instit-ti!ns in *ndia. *n .a t0 the .a ilities li/e *nternet are m!st r- ial0 and vital .!r the Distan e Bd- ati!nal *nstit-ti!ns0 as the learners are s attered and +ide s,read. *t is an e..e tive t!!l .!r disseminating the ,r!grammes and s hed-les !. Distan e Bd- ati!n *nstit-ti!ns0 t! the learners at their d!!rste,s. T-b3 >E, IT F-!#3#"# % -" S")*+ C /" r%
S3. N&. I/" r/ " : F-F F-!#3#"+ I/%"#")"#&/% A$-#3-b3 A 5 = *894U Dr. :;A4U )!tal 6? 66 >9 B (>.&$) ('.A#) ((.(&) N&" A$-#3-b3 6E8 >9< ?>9 B ($5.=A) ($(.$#) ($'.'') T&"-3 68>(?@.??B) >E8(97.9EB) ?9@ (6@@B)

Gr!m the ab!ve table0 it be !mes lear that maj!rity !. the res,!ndents i.e.0 $'.'' ,er ent !. *894U and D;. :;A4U have stated that *) .a ilities are n!t available0 +hile (.(& !. the ,er ent !. the res,!ndents !. *894U and Dr. :;A4U have stated that *) .a ilities are available at the 3t-dy CentreCregi!nal anters. *t has been .!-nd that the *) .a ilities are mainly being made available at the Iead7-arters !. these instit-ti!ns +hile alm!st all the st-dy enters are still la / internet0 email and .a6 et .0 .a ilities.

*t has been !bserved that as !. n!+ the *) .a ilities are !n.ined !nly t! the -rban enters !r the ;egi!nal Centres +hile the 3t-dy Centres l! ated at r-ral areas are still t! rea, the bene.its !. *) .a ilities. U"#3#"+ &' IT S r$#! %, *t has been attem,ted t! e6,l!re the vie+s !. the distan e learners thr!-gh the 7-esti!nnaire !n the iss-e !. -tility !r -se.-lness !. *) based servi es and -se !. internet0 e-mail0 .a60 et . )he rea ti!ns . the res,!ndents is ,resented in the table 9!.5> bel!+. T-b3 ><, U"#3#"+ &' IT S r$#! %
S3. N&. A 5 = IT S r$#! % IGNOU Use.-l 9!t Use.-l )!tal A>% #' A%5 B ($>.%#) (5.5#) ('#.'') R %2&/* /"% BRA&U 5#> &A 5&% B (>>.5=) (55.>>) (($.(&) T&"-3 =%( (%(.(&?) &( (A'.''?) '(# (A##?)

)he ab!ve table reveals that a large maj!rity (%(.(& ,er ent) !. the learners i.e.0 $>.%# ,er ent !. *894U and D;. :;A4U res,e tively have stated that the *) 3ervi es are -se.-l the a ademi ,r!grammes and in the administrative +!r/ !. the instit-ti!ns0 +hile !nly A'.'' ,er ent !. res,!ndents !,ined that the *) servi es may n!t be -se.-l in the !-rsesC ,r!grammes they are ,-rs-ing. 4n the +h!le0 it an be said that the Distan e Learners are n!+ m!re in lined t! -se the *) servi es .!r m!re easy and better a ess t! the in.!rmati!n ,ertaining t! their st-dies. *t is ,ertinent t! n!te that the demand .!r intr!d- ti!n !. *) .a ility is m!re .r!m a se ti!n !. learners0 +h! are ,ers-ing ,r!.essi!nal !-rses li/e Master !. C!m,-ter A,,li ati!ns (MCA). T 3 -/* V#* & C&/' r /! S r$#! %, )he -se !. tele !n.eren ing and vide! !n.eren ing servi es !..ered by the t+! -niversities t! its learners has been .!-nd !-t and ,resented in the table 9!.5% bel!+:

T-b3 >8, U% &' T 3 -/* V#* & C&/' r /! S r$#! % S. N& U% &' T 3 /V#* & S r$#! % IGNOU
A 5 Availing 9!t Availing A== '$

R %2&/* /"% B
(>=.#%) (5&.$5)

T&"-3 B
(&$.>%) (=#.55) =5#(>A.AA ?) A=#(5%.%% ?)

A%> %A







*t be !mes lear .r!m the ab!ve table that large maj!rity !. the res,!ndents (i.e.0 >A.'5 ,er ent) +hi h in l-des >=.#% ,er ent !. *894U0 &$.>% ,er ent !. Dr. :;A4U are ma/ing -se !. the )eleCEide! C!n.eren e .a ility !..ered by the *894U and Dr. :;A4U0 +hile !nly (5$.(% ,er ent) +hi h in l-des 5&.$5 ,er ent !. *894U0 =#.55 ,er ent !. Dr. :;A4U the res,!ndents have stated that they are n!t -tili1ing the )eleCEide! C!n.eren es !..ered by these instit-ti!ns. 4n the +h!le it is 7-ite signi.i ant t! n!te that m!re and m!re learners are !ming .!r+ard t! s!lve their a ademi and administrative grievan es thr!-gh )eleCEide! C!n.eren ing. A !rdingly0 *894U and Dr. :;A4U sh!-ld strive m!re t! e6,and )eleCEide C!n.eren ing servi es and ma/e them m!re ,!,-lar0 as it is the m!st e..e tive and m!re ,!+er.-l t!!l t! rea h the +idest ,!ssible n-mber !. learners at the sh!rtest ,!ssible time. T( N *% &' D#%"-/! L -r/ r%, )he learners !. distan e ed- ati!n system vi1.0 *894U and Dr. :;A4U have ,re.erred the .!ll!+ing servi es .r!m their res,e tive libraries in the !rder ,re.eren e. )hey are: i) Lending 3ervi e ii) Ph!t! !,ying 3ervi e iii) ;e.eren e 3ervi e iv) 9e+ Arrivals Dis,lay v) Literat-re 3ear h 3ervi e vi) *nter-Library L!an 3ervi e O"( r S).. %"#&/% O'' r * b+ "( R %2&/* /"%, Ginally0 the res,!ndents +ere as/ed t! ma/e s,e i.i s-ggesti!ns t! im,r!ve the Library 3-,,!rt 3ervi es. A !rdingly0 .!ll!+ing s-ggesti!ns have emerged .r!m the res,!nses !. the learners0 ateg!ry-+ise: A) S")*+ C /"r L#br-r+: H-ali.ied Librarians have t! be a,,!inted !n ,ermanent basis in the libraries at the st-dy enters .!r a..e tive library servi es t! distant learners. MPh!t! !,ying servi e .a ilityL is t! be ,r!vided. H-esti!n ,a,ers !. ,revi!-s years e6aminati!n have t! be ,reserved and maintained in library. MLibrary 3ervi e CellL and MCareer 8-idan e CellL is t! be established t! g-ide the learners. M*nter-Library L!anL .a ility is t! be ,r!vided .!r the bene.it !. learners !. distan e ed- ati!n system. B) U/#$ r%#"+ L#br-r# %, )here sh!-ld be !!rdinati!n bet+een !nventi!nal University Libraries and 3t-dy CentreC ;egi!nal Centre Libraries t! ,r!vide better servi e !r in.!rmati!n res!-r es !r materials t! the distan e learners. C)I/" r/ ", E50-#3 -/* FAG '-!#3#"# %, *nternet0 B-mail and Ga6 .a ilities have t! be ,r!vided t! the learners !. distan e ed- ati!n. )he st-dy entre library have t! be interlin/ed .!r the ,-r,!se !. res!-r e sharing thr!-gh M<ide Area 9et+!r/L (<A9) .a ility. D) O"( r S r$#! %,

M!bile Library 3ervi es sh!-ld be ,r!vided t! the learners +h! are residing in rem!te areas. Literat-re 3ear h 3ervi e0 :ibli!gra,hi 3ervi es have t! be ,r!vided by the Libraries !. distan e ed- ati!n system. M)ele,h!ne )-t!ring Ga ilityL has t! be ,r!vided t! s!lve their ,r!blems and save their time and m!ney. C&/!3)%#&/%/S).. %"#&/%,

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