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ABAP dump analysis, 442 free selection, 443 simple selection, 442 Active users, 433 Adding additional systems, 916 icon group, 917 SAP logon, 918 Alert Analysis, 418 Alert messages, 516 Alert monitor alert threshold, 515 Alert Monitor, 414 Alert threshold, changing, 515 also see New User, 929 Annual tasks database, 83 notes, 83 operating system, 83 other, 83 The R/3 System, 82

Background jobs create and schedule, 1015 housekeeing jobs, 1024 in-Error, 438 performance factors, 1024 regularly scheduled jobs, 1023 to be processed, 438 user ID, 1023 Backup, 33 adjust backup frequency, 35 archive logs, 39, 342 choosing and implementing strategy, 321 database, 38, 339 database recommendations, 315 database restore options, 315 design principles, 32 determine the number of tapes required, 338 examples, 38 factors determining strategy, 32 frequency, 38 full server], 67 handling tapes, 318 hardware compression, 35 initialize tapes, 331 labeling tapes, 316 offline, 34 offsite storage, 319 on-demand types, 37

online, 34 online and offline redo logs, 315 onsite storage, 319 operating system level, 39 other considerations, 35 parallel options, 35 performance, 35, 311 reasons to restore, 310 restore and recovery performance, 310 restore and recovery strategy, 310 retention recommendations, 320 retention requirements, 320 return codes, 49. See Return codes scheduled types, 37 setting the parameter file, 329 skipping index tablesapces, 35 steps to designing strategy, 33 tape storage, 319 tapes, number to backup, 338 tracking and documenting tapes, 316 tracking tapes, 317 types, 37 Backup components hardware, 322 software, 322 Backup recommendations operating system level files, 316 Batch input jobs, 438 Books, A7, A11 BRARCHIVE, 337 BRBACKUP, 334 Buffers, 450 definition, 450 hit ratio, 451 swaps, 451 Business requirements examples, 24 performance, 310 who provides?, 24

CAR files, 1343 Change control, 125 Check Application Servers Are Up, 413 Check spool. See Transaction SP01 Checking consumable supplies, 68 critical supplies, 68 Checking the database, 148 Checklists, 43, 52, 62, 82, 107 Cleaning the tape drive, 518 Client copy, 1147, 1148 copy, 1155 create, 1151

System Administration Made Easy



delete, 1160 Client-independent change, 113 Critical tasks database, 49 operating system level backups, 410 verify backups were successful, 47 verify R/3 is running, 47

creating, 27

EarlyWatch session, 1346

Failed updates, 419. See Update Terminates File space usage, 512 Filespace old transport files, 79 Forms Detailed Online Service System Note Record, 124 General Online Service System Note Record, 123 Sample Transport Request Form, 127 User Change Request, 96

Daily critical tasks, 47. See Critical tasks Daily tasks critical tasks, 43 database, 45 notes, 46 operating system, 46 other, 46 R/3, 43 Database, 452, 78, 815 checking, 511 database alert, 452 database test restores, 78 error logs, 454 growth, 66 DBA Scheduling, 142 Deleting a user's session. See Transaction SM04 Design principles effective backup and recovery strategy, 32 Disaster definition, 22 Disaster recovery backup sites, 216 benefits of planning, 23 business continuation, 214 business requirements, 24. See Business requirements common scenarios, 28 corrupt database, 28 crash kit, 211 creating a plan, 24 creating recovery script, 210 expected downtime, 25 goal, 22 hardware failure, 28 loss or destruction of the server facility, 28 major steps to recovery, 210 other considerations, 216 planning, 23 recovery script, 29 recovery time, 25 scenarios, 27 script documentation, 212 software, 213 staffing, 26 testing your procedure, 215 up or downstream applications, 216 Disaster recovery testing objectives, 215 who participates, 216 Disaster recovery types, 27 offsite, 27 onsite, 27 Disaster scenarios

General Information, 11 Guidebook prerequisites, 13 target audience, 12 whats new, 12

Hardware or a system monitor paging system, 516 High availability (HA) options, 23 Hot packages, 1116 applying, 1117 Hot Packages object conflicts, 1142 regression testing, 1143 Housekeeing jobs, 1024

Index tablespaces, 35 Initializing archive tapes, 335

Job Monitor, graphical, 429

Kernel upgrade, 1144

Legal change patches, 1116 Locking dangerous transactions, 89 Locking or unlocking, 929 password reset, 928 prohibited password table, 934 Locking/unlocking


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service connection, 1322 system passwords, 1163 Locks, 431 definition, 431

Maintenance contracts, 710 MaxExtents value, 57 Memory defragmentation, 65 Minimizing disaster opportunities how, 217 Modifying the production system, 88 Monitoring and Plotting database growth, 54 Monthly tasks database, 62 notes, 64 operating system, 62 other, 63 the R/3 System, 62 mySAP, A14

New user copying an existing user, 919 creating from "scratch", 923 New user setup installing frontend software, 97 installing SAPgui, 98 prerequisites, 97

Online Service System, 132 connecting to, 133 entering customer messages in, 1311 error messages, 136 finding notes in, 137 getting message status, 1316 service connection, 1322 Online Service System notes, 344, 1143, 1149, 133, 1344 managing notes, 122 Operating system, 456, 79 changing the alert threshold, 515 checking file system space usage, 512 cleaning old transport files, 79 NT event log, 459 performing a full server backup, 67 reviewing file system usage, 67 system logs, 456 Operations modes, 1060 Other backup considerations backup to disk, 36 mirrored disks, 36 tape device performance, 37

resetting, 928 security parameters for, 77 standards, 77 system, 1163 table of prohibited, 934 Performance backup options, 312 factors affecting backup, 311 faster devices, 312 parallel backup, 313 recovery, 312 use of disks and tapes, 314 Performance, R/3, 445, 450 Plotting database growth, 66 Policies archives, 324 backup frequency, 323 checking database integrity, 325 storage location, 324 supplementary backups, 324 tape labeling, 325 tape retention, 323 verifying backups, 325 Policies and procedures, 93 system administration, 95 user administration, 93 Prerequisites, 11, 13 user, 13 Printing/Spool System, 1027 Procedures archiving, 326 backup, 326 database check, 326 monitoring/controlling, 326 roles and responsibilities, 326 verifying backups, 326 Production refresh strategies, 1146 Profile definition, 1115 Generator, 92 system, 118 Profile parameters, system setting, 118

Quarterly tasks, 72 database, 72 operating system, 73 other, 73 The R/3 System, 72

R/3 System Administrator requirements of, 18 R/3 System Administrator roles, 16 external to R/3, 17 factors that determine, 16 within R/3, 16 R/3 System Guidelines asking for help, 19

Passwords easy, 76

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changes during critical periods, 114 checklists, 111 database access, 114 minimize changes, 113 Murphys Law, 117 networking with customers and consultants, 116 non-SAP activity, 115 preventive maintenance, 112 proper documentation, 110 single points of failure, 115 the KISS Method, 110 using appropriate tools, 112 Recovery after R/3 returns, 214 hardware, 327 integration with company's disaster planning, 214 offsite, 214 software, 327 Recovery script business continuation, 214 Refreshing systems from production, 1146 Registering a developer and an object, 1326 Retrieving files from SAP, SAPSERV4, 1333 Return codes, 49 transport, 1047, 1049

uninterrupted power supply (UPS), 15 users logging on, 16 Software, Prerequisite database installation, 15 operating system installation, 15 utility software installation, 15 Spool, 436, 59, 1027 Staffing the recovery group coordinating technical recovery, 26 Starting R/3, 105 Stopping R/3, 107, 1014 Supplies, 68 System, 15 assumptions, 15 System guidelines, 18 protect the System, 19 System log, 423 System message creating, 102 editing, 104 System monitor, 516 System, Prerequisite hardware, 15 infrastructure, 15 software, 15

SAP resources, A7 SAPDBA, 328, 335, 146 SAPgui installation from the Presentation CD, 915 new system added, 916 SAPgui installation, 99 SAPNet, 1345, A9 SAPSERV4, 1333 Scheduling database tasks DBA planning calendar, 144 Security auto logout, 431 NT audit function, 459 password expiration time, 77 password length, 77 password lockout, 77 password standards, 77 permission creep, 84 SAP* and DDIC, 86 security reports, 87 segregation of duties, 85 sharing of user IDs, 433 valid named users, 74 Security and profile audit access to SAP* or DDIC, 86 permission creep, 84 segregation of duties, 85 user security audit, 87 Service connection, 1322 Service Level Agreements, 32 Session, delete user, 933 Short dump. See ABAP dump Software R/3 System, 16

Table maintenance, 1072 Target audience, 12 customer person, 12 SAP R/3 administrator, 12 team, 12 the junior consultant, 12 the system administrator, 12 Task types nonscheduled, 119 regularly scheduled, 118 The R/3 System, 74, 84, 105 backups, 74, 84 eliminating easy passwords, 76 passwords with RZ10, 77 security, 74 security and profile audit, 84 starting, 105 stopping, 107 Time master clock, 1025 time zone conversion, 1026 TMS, 1036 tp, 1037, 1045 Training classes, A8 Transaction AL02, 45, 452 AL08, 432, 433, 435 AL16, 46, 456 dangerous, 89 DB02, 54, 55, 62 DB12, 43, 49, 52 DB13, 452, 142 DB16, 452 OS06, 46, 457

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OSS1, 133 RZ01, 429 RZ02, 44 RZ04, 1067 RZ10, 72, 77, 118 RZ20, 43, 414, 425, 452, 52, 513 SA38, 58 SCC4, 83, 115 SE03, 83, 113 SE10, 1039 SE38, 58 SM01, 83, 814 SM02, 44, 102 SM04, 432, 433, 434 SM12, 44, 431, 432 SM13, 43, 419, 420, 433 SM21, 44, 423, 424, 442, 105 SM31, 72, 1072 SM35, 44, 438 SM37, 44, 427, 433, 72, 94 SM50, 43, 44, 433, 440, 441 SM51, 43, 44, 413, 433, 440 SP01, 44, 436, 52, 59 SPAD, 1027 SPAM, 1130 ST02, 45, 450, 451 ST03, 45, 445, 447 ST04, 45, 454 ST22, 45, 426, 442 SU01, 72, 74, 919 SU02, 82, 85 SU03, 82, 85 useful, A2 Transport directory checks, 79 Transporting objects, 511, 1036 add to buffer, 1044, 1051 importing, 1044 log, 1045, 1046, 1058 Managing transports, 125 OS method, 1036 releasing requests, 1039 special transports, 1038 standard process, 1037 TMS method, 1036

User administration, 93 User groups, 92, 931 creating, 932

Web sites, A14 Weekly tasks database, 52 notes, 53 operating system, 52 other, 53 the R/3 System, 52 Whats new, 12 Work processes, 440 system with application servers, 440 without application servers, 441 Workload analysis of the system, 445

Update terminates managing, 421 problems with short dumps, 422 user training, 423 UPS, 460 shutdown process, 711 User assumptions, 13 database level, 14 locking or unlocking, 929 maintain, 926 operating system level, 13 setup, 97, 919 system, 15 the R/3 System level, 13

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