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Generali was founded in November 1831, in Trieste Italy. The company was started with maritime insurances.

Trieste's port has a major position on the Adriatic sea coast. It was a chief port of the AustroHungarian Empire and center of shipping and commerce of that time. Today, the Company is one of the leading companies in the global insurance and financial markets. Generali subsidiaries and agencies are located in more than 40 countries worldwide, with widespread coverage of Western Europe and North and South America. In Italy, France and Germany, Generali has a leading position in insurance sales. The Company is among the top insurance groups in Spain, Switzerland, Austria and Israel. Its presence in East Europe is permanent and constant. In the Far East Generali has been active since 1980. In Asia besides having offices in Japan and Hong-Kong, recently the company has opened in India and China. In China it has become one of the leading insurance groups in non-life businesses over a period of just few years. Generali shares were first listed in 1857 on the Stock exchange of Trieste. Twenty years later, the company started to pay out dividends annualy and since then it has never stopped, not even during the world wars or other serious financial crises. Over time, Generali shares have become stabile and reliable investment for all. Secondly, Generali has a company in Serbia - Delta Generali. It was founded in 1998, but it was not the first appearance of Generali in Serbia. The office in Serbia has been open since 1838 and operated until the end of World War II. Delta Generali Insurance is a member of the Generali Group. The company has separated parts: life insurance and non-life insurance business. Life insurance programs put emphasis on a savings life insurance plan, private health insurance and voluntary pension fund and scholarship fund. In the field of life insurance programs one of the most common is the program Complete Pro. The characteristics of insurance program Complete Pro: This is a personal life insurance program with the insurance in the case of serious illness, in addition to savings and financial security for the insured person and his/her family. This program provides funds in the case of serious disease. These funds may be used to cover medical expenses. - Savings life insurance plan. Retirement. - After a period of insurance the entire insured sum is paid off in one amount or periodicaly in equal amounts; - In the case of death by sickness the entire insured sum is paid off; ( to your legal inheritors/successor or to added person in insurance contract ) - In the case of death due to accident the double insured sum is paid off; - In the event of serious illness the entire insured amount is paid off; The insured person choosees the progress of payments: monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or one-time. Serious illness that are covered by insurance: myocardial infarction; coronary artery bypass surgery; tumors / cancers; a stroke; kidney failure; organ transplantation; multiple sclerosis; paralysis; blindness, and many more serious diseases that I didn't mention. Complete pro is the most popular life insurence program giving us complete security in those unsecured times. As you know life is a journey that takes many twists and turns along the way. The direction your future takes is coloured by the choices you make at the key times. Those who make the most of their opportunities are the individuals that plan for the inevitable and prepare for the unexpected. The lack of certainty as to what the future holds should not stop you from planning ahead. Whatever you plan for your future, it is almost certain that you will need financial resources available at the right time to achieve the things you want - need. Finally I would like to thank all of you, and I would be glad to answer any of your questions.

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