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International Guide on Aviation

Above & Beyond

Types and choices of private aircraft travel. I have consolidated the different services and types of
aircraft offered on the market today, and would love to go into detail if more information is required.
Many business and holiday travellers today are finding that the use of private business jets make
economlc sense by galns ln boLh Llme, and efflclency. 1he ablllLy Lo Lravel on ones own schedule, Lo fly
directly without the need to stop at a hub and transfer, and Lo brlng ones colleagues (or cusLomers) lnLo
a quiet and private work environment translates to higher profits, and greater efficiencies.
The private jet industry is currently in a significant growth period and it is clear that flying by this mode
is not just an avenue for the top 1 %. So what Types of Services are available for Private Jet
AdHoc Charter
Card Membership Programmes
Fractional Ownership
Outright Ownership

1. AdHoc Charter
An Economical and Flexible On Demand Charter in the most appropriate aircraft.
Payment Type: One Off Flight Payment according to size and type of aircraft used, distance involved and
duration of travel.
Rates for private charter flights may vary depending on the following:
Charter flight itinerary: The dates you are planning to travel, your airports of departure & arrival, and if
there are any stops on the way creating a multiple leg flight.
Aircraft availability: Many flights are booked using planes directly from the airport of departure.
Sometimes it ends up being more cost effective having to re--position an aircraft from a different
location to pick you up from your preferred airport and accommodate your flight.
Aircraft type: Different trips require different aircraft type. The length of your trip, the amount of
passengers you are traveling with, or distance you will be traveling, could change what type of plane
that is needed. You could use a smaller turbo prop airplane to go from one state to another but if you
want to visit a different continent, you will surely need a heavy jet.
Sometimes your flight is just to beat the traffic and a helicopter charter is your best bet. If you are an
experienced flyer, you may even have a preferred make or model of plane.
Catering: One of the best parts about flying private you get to choose exactly what you want on board,
whether it be your favourite wine, cheese & fruit platter, pancakes for dinner, fish or steak, (If you are
requesting, remember to include these in your quote.)
Ground Transportation: Although the operator will not provide this service directly, this can be arranged
a third party vendor.
International fees when traveling abroad: When flying to or from countries it is expected that other
countries have fees unique to their land and these are passed on directly to the flyer, as they are taxes.
Customs fees & cross border fees (where applicable): These are the main factors that can influence
private jet charter rates. Other fees that may also influence private jet charter rates may include, but are
noL llmlLed Lo Lhe followlng (you should expecL LhaL Lhese are auLomaLlcally bullL lnLo Lhe lllghL lee"
section and will not be itemized);
Landing fees: Each time the plane lands there are miscellaneous fees associated with towing the
airplane, and ramp fees. These change by aircraft size and location.
Fuel prices: This factor changes daily and varies between airports.
Additional crew fees: If you are on a flight, or just have many hours of non--stop flying throughout the
day, it is possible that additional pilots or flight attendants are required by the aviation laws. These are
added in automatically for safety purposes.
Incidental fees: Incidental fees such as flight phone charges, de--icing, and pet clean up fees are
normally billed at actuals after your flight has completed, or can be charged directly to your credit card.

2. Card Membership Programmes
Established for customers who make several short trips during the year. Clients prepay for a set number
of flight hours (typically between 25 and 50) in the chosen category of aircraft, which can range from
light to large cabin jets Another option is a card specific to one aircraft model. Additional hours can be
purchased if required and the upgrading or downgrading of aircraft types is usually an option.
Only occupied flight hours are deducted from card balances; charges are not levied for aircraft
positioning. While availability and access are guaranteed, an important factor when choosing a jetcard
provider is to read the small print very carefully for hidden extras and conditions. Jetcards offer a simple
solution for those people who wish to negotiate the cost of their private jet annually and strike a deal
with one single supplier.

3. Fractional Ownership
Having originated in the US, fractional ownership is now also popular with some European and Middle
East jet users, although the appeal has diminished somewhat since the arrival of jetcards. Fractional
schemes require a high degree of commitment. Customers buy an up--front ownership share in an
aircraft pro-- rated according to its market price and then pay monthly management fees for
malnLenance and crew. AddlLlonal Charges made for fllghL hours flown and exLras and lnclude fuel
surcharges. Shares tend to start at 1/16 of the aircraft for about 50 flight hours a year and a purchased
for a fixed term (usually five years) before being sold back at market value, less a remarketing fee.
Upgrades or downgrades are sometimes offered across a particlpaLlng companys fracLlonal fleeL, and
short notice aircraft availability is guaranteed. Selecting an aircraft usually depends on two factors -
passenger capacity, and aircraft range.
The larger the capacity and longer the range, the higher the capital fee and ongoing charges. Share costs
are split in a linear fashion and can range from a few hundred thousand dollars to several million. Be
mindful of the true exposure to depreciation of the capital cost and long--term contract without exit

4. Outright Ownership
High--net--worth individuals, corporations and senior executives often purchase their own jet for the
total flexibility that comes with owning your own asset. Whereas a minimum investment of USD$ 2.5
million is needed to acquire even a light cabin jet those with long range capacities can cost as much as
USD $50 million before the annual cost of employing crew, undertaking maintenance and the actual cost
incurred in flight. Such fixed costs of operation can be significantly reduced by contracting out spare
hours through a private management Aircraft Company with a proven track record. If the aircraft is
undergoing maintenance or is inappropriate for a flight due to range or charter passenger capacity, then
a good management company will provide alternative options for owners to meet their varied needs.
Satisfaction levels are very high, and new users soon become addicted to the lifestyle, but fully
understand the financial implications of any commitments you make.

5. Read The Fine Print
All private flying options are viable and some frequent flyers use more than one approach. Of the four
options there is no best or worst scenario, each depends greatly on your requirements and I suggest you
talk in--depth with a qualified professional which would best support your requirements. There is more
to flying by private jet than simply calculating the hourly usage involved?


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