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You have to find out following things: - Room volume

- Requested Temperature and Humidity You have to find out the absolute humidity (g/kg) with the Mollier-Diagram.
- Air changing and "outside conditions" (= very special point) - Is there only "normal" air changing (storage room), means no HVAC system with fresh air: You should use the air changing rates I refer below in my excel file. If they open the doors from time to time, use the double value. And you should use as "outside conditions" the conditions of the area around that room. That can be outside, but that can also be the building around this room. - or is there any HVAC system that brings fresh air (or at Air conditioning: pretreated air, chilled air) in that room? How many cbm/h? For Excample: 500 cbm/h comes from an AC-plant (pretreated fresh air, no recirculating) with 20C / 80% r.h.. Means: air changing is 1 and outside conditions are 20C/ 80% r.h. = 11,6 g/kg If you want to calculate a safety (as I do at any time), you should calculate with nearly maximum humidity at the temperature the AC-plant will hold. In this case for excample: 20C / 95% r.h. = 14,5 g/kg (thats because extremely wet outside conditions are possible and then perhaps the AC-unit can not hold that 80%. We even has to calculate with the "worst case". - You should also consider the working poeple in that room. Write the quantity of people and see below in my Excel file how much water they bring in the room at which kind of work. (The calculation is for 24 hrs. If there are 4 peoples in the room for 8 hours you can calculate 1,3 peoples during 24 hrs. But I calculate with the max. quantity of people, because its one more safety point. And while the peoples are in that room, the calculated capacity is necessary. We have not that time to remove the humidity from the people during the next hours. We want to remove it soon.) Calculation for swimming pools: The capacity we need in swimming pool rooms depending on the water surface, water temp., room temp. and requested humidity. To find out the evaporation in swimming pools we only need that diagram "swiming pool". You can read the evapoartion there and you have to chose a unit with that capacity at the requested conditions.

Perhitungan Dalam Menghitung Kebutuhan Untuk Menanggulangi Kelembaban Udara di Laboratorium Room volume ruangan Suhu rel. Humidity abs. humidity air changings *: Outside conditions 180 20 50 7.4 5 cbm C % r.h. g/kg per hour



kalkulasi fresh air / udara luar dalam kg setiap jam: volume ruangan 180 cbm cbm x x spec. Weight 1.2 kg/cbm kg/cbm x x air changing xh 5 xh



kalkulasi humidity dikarenakan perubahan udara/air changing: (Outside cond. 14 g/kg g/kg request condition inside) 7.4 g/kg) x x kg/h 1080



kalkulasi humidity karena jumlah orang di dalam ruangan: Jumlah orang 5 x water each hour * 50



sum humidity:




ltr. / 24 h

You has to chose a unit with this capacity at the mentioned (requested!) conditions!

Remark: * air changing for storage rooms: up to 200 cbm = 200 up to 2500 cbm = 2500 up to 5000 cbm = 5000 up to 10000 cbm = 10000 up to 25000 cbm = 25000 up to 40000 cbm = 40000 up to 60000 cbm =

0.25 0.2 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.1 0.08

Outside conditions: if nothing other is indicated, we rely on 12 - 14 g/kg and/or conditions climatic in accordance with the available ones * humidity because of poeple in that room: In addition, the humidity resulting as a result must be considered if persons are in the room. This is always required if an especially low humidity value should be held in the room. office work approx. 40 g water each hour easy physical work approx. 50 g water each hour heavy physical work approx. 130 g water each hour

Determination of the daily vaporization at open water surfaces:


(L. per sqm per day)

Relative humidity (r.h.)

M o ll i e r - h - x - D i a g r a m m

f r fe u c h te L u ft - D r u c k

1 .0 1 3 b a r

-1 5


-1 0

1 0

1 5

2 0

l .

t h a lp

2 5


10 0 %

90 % 3 0

80 %

70 % 3 5

t e

1 .1 5

k g /m 3
60 %

4 0

50 %

T e
5% 10 % 15 % 20 % 30 % 40 %

m 0 2 4 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 p g g g g g e
W a sse r

/ k

/ k

/ k

/ k

/ k

r a t u r

/ k

/ k

/ k

/ k

/ k

/ k

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