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The University of Leeds

School of Civil Engineering Reference

Sheet No: 1 of 13 Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

1. Actions and given data: %t i# re&!ire to e#ign a #'""etricall' reinforce concrete col!"n to carr' the follo$ing e#ign !lti"ate loa effect#: A(ial )oa * 1+,0 -N En "o"ent at top of col!"n * 10, -N" En "o"ent at ba#e of col!"n * 0 .en ing i# abo!t one a(i# onl'/ 0herefore1 the fir#t or er "o"ent# are #ho$n in fig!re213

Figure (1): First order moments. %t i# a##!"e that the col!"n oe# not e(perience an' #$a' effect#1 then the e#ign $ill be for Braced column. 0he effective height# of the col!"n i# a##!"e to be ta-en a# 4/," abo!t both a(e# 2i/e/ le' * le5 * 4/,"3 0he creep coefficient1 6ef * 0/+/ 1. Initial assumptions : %t i# re&!ire to "a-e initial rea#onable a##!"ption# abo!t "aterial# an the cro##-#ectional i"en#ion# of the col!"n an the area of reinforce"ent are to be !#e / %t i# e##ential to ta-ing into acco!nt 2fire7e(po#!re con ition#7cover3 an all re&!ire"ent# to pro !ce a e#ign that i# econo"ical1 b!il able1 !rable an #afe 2!n er all cre ible #it!ation#3/ 2.1 General assumption: 0he e#ign $or-ing life of the #tr!ct!re i# ,0 'ear#/
Sheet No: 2 of 13

The University of Leeds

School of Civil Engineering Reference

Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

0able 8/1 : .S EN 1++2-1-1:2008 EN 1++2-1 -1 12008 2E3

Cla!#e 3/2/2233 .S EN 1++2-1-1:2008 EN 1++2-1 -1 12008 2E3

Normal quality control is put in place. The max aggregate size is: dg = 2 mm (! "2 mm). #ssuming the exposure condition due to $orrosion induced %y car%onation is &$1 (dry) The recommended 'tructural $lass ((or design )or*ing li(e o( + years) is ', #ssuming 1 hour (ire resistance required (or.

0able 3/39Str!ct!ral ele"ent# e#ign "an!al $or-ing $ith E!roco e#:

2.2 Materials assumptions: -urocode 2 permits to use a .arious steel yielding grades ranging (rom , /0a to 1 /0a. Class H is the normally speci(ied $lass. 'o2 the characteristic (y* can %e ta*en as + /0a. 3i is originally assumed the concrete is )ith strength class $2+4" . 3n order to o%tain an adequate concrete dura%ility2 the re(erence (min.) concrete strength class (or exposure class &$1 is $2 42+5 the resistance class adopted ($2+4" ) is suita%le as it is higher than the re(erence strength class. 3t is recommended to do modi(ications to the structural class. Then2 (orm ta%le 4.3N (or concrete strength class 6 " 4"7 the class o( structural )ill reduce %y 1. There(ore2 the structural class is

0able 3/10 9Str!ct!ral ele"ent# e#ign "an!al $or-ing $ith E!roco e#:

9Cla!#e 8/8/1/22,3 an 0able 8/3N : .S EN 1++2-1-1:2008 EN 1++2-1 -1 12008 2E3

structural class is S3

fck = MPa


0able 3/; 9Str!ct!ral ele"ent# e#ign "an!al $or-ing $ith E!roco e#:


%ecoming S3. #s the design calculations are al)ays %ased on (c* )hich is the cylinder compressi.e strength and it is the lo)er o( the t)o .alues in the grade designation: There(ore5 (c* = 2+ /0a2 The partial (actor m (or concrete and steel used in rein(orced concrete design are : #t 89' : c (or $oncrete = 1.+ 5 ' (or 'teel =1.1+ #t '9' : c (or $oncrete = 1 5 ' (or 'teel =1 Sheet No: 3 of 13 The University of Leeds
School of Civil Engineering Reference Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

There(ore: (cd = .:+;(2+41.+) = 11.17/0a (y* = + /0a 5 (yd= (+ 41.1+)= ,",.: /0a

(cd *16/64>?a (yd *838/; >?a

Section 3/11 9Str!ct!ral ele"ent# e#ign "an!al $or-ing $ith E!roco e#:

2.3 !"e Cross#Sectional $imensions of t"e column: 3nitial dimensions are normally determined %y ta*ing into account requirements (or dura%ility and (ire resistance and it is not practical to cast .ertical columns smaller than 2 &2 mm. <ence2 #ssuming : 9arge dimension =,+ mm5 'mall Ac *1,4,00""2 dimension ="+ mm. There(ore2 (gross section o( the column)=Ac *1,4,00""2
A# * 8;2, ""2

.S EN 1++2-1-1:2008 EN 1++2-1 -1 12008 2E3 2EC2 cla!#e 8/83 Cla!#e 8/8/1/1 223 E(p/ 28/13 Cla!#e 8/8/1/2

2.4%einforcement in t"e column : #ssuming the longitudinal %ars are & no. H325 and the lin*s are ' at 1'( mm. There(or 5 A# * 8;2, ""2 3. Concrete cover :
The nominal .alue (or

concrete can %e determined (rom : No"inal cover: Cno" * C"in < =C

E(p/ 28/23

Cla!#e 8/8/1/3 Cla!#e 8/8/1/2233@ 0able 8/2

Cla!#e 8/8/1/2 263 Cla!#e 8/8/1/2 243 Cla!#e 8/8/1/2 2;3

=here2 $min is: The minimum concrete co.er2 )hich shall %e pro.ided in order to ensure: The sa(e transmission o( %ond (orces. The protection o( the steel against corrosion (dura%ility). #n adequate (ire resistance >according to )*N 1++2-1-23/ $min can %e determined (rom: $min = max ?$ min2%5 $ min2dur @ c dur2 2 A c dur2st B c dur2add 5 c de. C For the a%o.e equation : The c de. (allo)ance in design (or de.iation)= 1 mm $ min2% = minimum due to %ond requirement 2the minimum $ min2% = diameter o( %ar. c dur2 2 The recommended .alue is mm. c dur2st 2. The recommended .alue is mm. c dur2add 2The recommended .alue is mm.
Sheet No: 8 of 13 Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

The University of Leeds

School of Civil Engineering Reference
Cla!#e 8/8/1/2 2,3

".1 Design the (or en.ironmental condition and dura%ility c dur2:
The amount o( necessary to

0able 8/8N: -EC2

0able 8/2:EC2

0able 8/8N: EC2

protect rein(orcement against corroA sion depends on the exposure condiA tions and quality o( the concrete used. $ min2dur = minimum due to en.ironmental conditions. 3n this example2 the en.ironmental condition is assumed to %e class &$1. Then2 the minimum concrete (or &$1 is equal to 1 mm (or modi(ied 'tructural $lass '"2 cmin2dur=1 Concrete co+er for t"e links The minimum co.er2 cmin2% due to %ond = diaA meter o( %ar. cmin2% = : mm cmin2dur = 1 mm <ence: cmin = max (cmin2%5 cmin2dur @ cdur2 A cdur2st A

E(p/28/23: EC2

E(p/28/13: EC2

0able 8/2- EC2 0able 8/8N - EC2

cdur2add5 1 mm) max (: 5 1 @ B B 5 1 mm) = 1 mm then : cnom = cmin @ cde. = 1 @ 1 = 2 mm . Concrete co+er for lon,itu$inal reinforcement -ars: c min2% = Diameter o( %ar = "2mm. c min2dur = 1 mm . <ence: From E(p/28/23 c min = max ("25 1 @ B B 5 1 mm) ="2mm . From E(p/28/13 cnom = cmin @ cde. = "2 @ 1 = ,2 mm . For the ordinary rein(orcement %ars2 the diaA meter (or lin*s is reduced The concrete (or lin*s is ,2 A : = ", mm. say $2nom ="+mm to lin*s . $2


The University of Leeds

School of Civil Engineering Reference
.S EN 1++2-1-2:2008 EN 1++2-1-2:2008 2E3 2EC2 -cla!#e ,/33 cla!#e ,/3/2 223 @ cla!#e ,/3/3233

Sheet No: , of 13 Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

".2 Design (or (ire resistance requirement :


Table 5.1 Concise EC2

%raced %uilding structures )here the required 'tandard (ire exposure is higher than " minutes2 the e((ecti.e length l o,fi may %e ta*en as 2+ l (or intermediate (loors and 2+ l 6 l 2(i 6 27l (or the upper (loor2 )here l is the actual length o( the column (centre to centre)E From the gi.en data: -((ecti.e heights o( the column=7.+m. lo = (actor F clear height = 7+ mm $onser.ati.ely2 choose to use ta%ular method. For critical direction condition 2 at top and condition " at %ottom (pinned support). Then2 the (actor is .G+ There(ore 2 the clear height = 7.+4 .G+ =7.:Gm The e((ecti.e length o( column in (ire lo2(i = .+F clear height There(ore: (or (ire resistance the e((ecti.e

.S EN 1++2-1-2:2008 EN 1++2-1-2:2008 2E3

cla!#e ,/3/2

heights o( the column is: lo2(i= .+F7.:G= ".G+m. a) $hec* .alidity o( using /ethod . :

.S EN 1++2-1-2:2008 EN 1++2-1-2:2008 2E3 cla!#e ,/3/3

$hec* i( lo2(i 6 ". m

#s lo2(i H " m /ethod # is not adequate. %) $hec* .alidity o( using /ethod /.

.S EN 1++2-1-2:2008 EN 1++2-1-2:2008 2E3 E(p/ 2,/;a3

Ac *1,4,00""2 A# * 8;2, ""2

Determine parameters n2 2 e and chec* (i. n = N(*$ fi 0 )(.1).cfc$ 2 .sf3$44 n = .7 F 1G+ 4 .7 (Ac F cc F (c* 4 $ @ A# F (y* 4 ') .S EN 1++2-1-2:2008 EN 1++2-1-2:2008 2E3 = .7F1G+ F 1 " 4 .7 (1,4,00F .:+ F 2+ 4 ,/3/3223 1.+ @ 8;2,F + 4 1.1+) .S EN 1++2-1-2:2008 =1"1+4 .7 (22"1.2+@ 2 G7.:") EN 1++2-1-2:2008 2E3 E(p/ 2,/;b3 n= .,+ = .sf3$ 0 .cfc$ 5 1.( = 8;2,F838/; 4 1,4,00F16/64 = .7GG .: ! 1 OK e = M(*$ fi 0 N(*$ fi = >1 + 4 .7 F 1G+ I F1 =71.G 77 Sheet No: 6 of 13 The University of Leeds
School of Civil Engineering Reference
clause 4.6.2 Concise EC2

n= .,+
fc *16/64>?a f' *838/; >?a B* .: e*44

Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing


0he li"iting val!e# of e:

.S EN 1++2-1-2:2008 EN 1++2-1-2:2008 2E3 E(p/ 2,/;c3

.S EN 1++2-1-2:2008 EN 1++2-1-2:2008 2E3

= .1+F%= .1+F"+ =+2.+ Jr 2 emax .2+F%= .2+F"+ =:7.+ =hen2 .1+% ! e ! .2+%2 /ethod K is satisA (ying to %e used. (i = lo2(i 4 i )here lo2(i = ".G+m. i = radius o( gyration = h 4 ".,1 (or a rectangular section (i = ".G+m F1 4 ("+ 4 ".,1)a%out yA fi=36 y axis="G (i = ".G+m F1 4 (,+ 4 ".,1) a%out zAz axis=" .11 #%out yAy axis is critical2 = "G H " Lthis is pro.ed that the column is slenderM. !"en /S *N 16627172 .nne8 C !a-les C1 7 C6 are to -e use$. From ta%le $+ ( = .+2 e = .2+%): A##!"e col!"n e(po#e to fire on "ore than one #i e

an Stan ar fire re#i#tance i# R60/ For = ! interpolate "et#een n=!. and n=!.$ n= ." %2min = 1+ 2 a = "+ (minimum .alA ues are used) n= .,+ %2minN 2 a =N mmm n= .+ %2min = 2+ 2 a = "+ (minimum .alA ues are used) % min =22+mm2 a = "+mm (or O1 at n= .,+ For = %! interpolate "et#een n=!& and n=!.$ n= ." %2min = 2 2 a = " (minimum .alA ues are used) n= .,+ %min=N 2 a = N n= .+ %min = " 2 a= "+(minimum .alues are used )% min = 27+ mm2 a="".7+ (or O1 at n= .,+ 'ence &interpolate "et#een = ! and = %! = " %2min = 22+mm 2 a = "+ mm = "G %2min = N 2 a = N mm = , %2min =27+ mm 2 a = "".7+ mm %2min = 27 mm 2 a = "".G mm (or = "G and = .+ From ta%le $: ( =12 e = .2+%) For = ! interpolate "et#een n=!. and n=!.$ n= ." %2min =1+ 2 a=" mm (minimum .alA ues are used) n= .,+ %2min N 2 a = N mm n= .+ %2min=2 2 a= , mm (minimum .alA ues are used) % min = 17:.+mm2 a "7.+ mm (or O1 at n= .,+ For = %! interpolate "et#een n=!& and n=!.$ n= ." %2min=1+ 2a=, mm(minimum .alA ues are used) n= .,+ %2min N 2 a = N mm n= .+ %2min = 2+ 2 a =2+(minimum .alues are used) % min =22+mm 2 a =2:.7+ mm (or O1 at n= n= .,+ The University of Leeds
School of Civil Engineering Reference Sheet No: 4 of 13 Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

interpolate bet$een = " and = , = " %2min =17:.+mm2 a = "".7+ = "G %2min = N 2 a =N mm = , %2min =22+mm2 a = 2:.7+ mm mm

%2min = 22 ." mm 2 a =2G.2+mm (or = "G and =1 Then interpolate "et#een ( =!.$ and ( =1 = .+ %2min= 27 mm2 a = a = "".G mm = .: %2min= N 2 a=N =1 %2min= 22 ."mm2 a=2G.2+mm %2min =2, .1: mm and a = "1.11 mm . There(ore 2 the small dimension shall not %e less than 2, .1: mm and the (or (ire resistance also shall not less than "1.11 mm Thus2 the assumption (or %="+ mm is satis(y. #nd2 the to %e su((icient (or all requirements is "+ mm. 3. Structural design: 0he #econ or er effect# "a' be ignore if the col!"n #len erne## i# belo$ a certain val!e Cli" / )i"iting #len erne## ratio1 Cli" 1can be calc!late fro" the ne(t e(pre##ion : Cli" * 20 A.C 7 n0/, B* .: $here: A * 1 7 21 < 0/2Def3 * 1 7 21 < 0/2(0/+3*0/;84 . * 21 < 2 A#f' 7 Acfc 3 0/, * 21 < 2B30/, B* 0/; a# before . * 21 < 2 E 0/;3 0/,* 1/61 C * 1/4 F r" $here r" * >o1 7 >o21 >o1 * 01 then r" * 0 C * 1/4 .S EN 1++2-1-1:2008 n * NE 7 Acfc EN 1++2-1 -1 12008 2E3 *1+,0 E 103 7 23,0 E 8,0 E 0/;, E 2, 7 1/,3*0/;4 Cla!#e ,/;/3/2 Cli" * 20 E 0/;84E 1/61E 1/4 7 20/;43 0/, E(p/ 2,/183 Cli"* 8+/41 )hec* Actual slenderness ratios: 0he effective length* lo*4/," Slen erne## ratio1 C * l0 7 i Ghere : i * ra i!# of g'ration Sheet No: ; of 13 The University of Leeds
School of Civil Engineering Reference Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

.S EN 1++2-1-1:2008 EN 1++2-1 -1 12008 2E3

cla!#e ,/;/3/1213 E(p/ 2,/13N3

#len erne## ratio# are : C' *24/,70/3,3 E3/86*48/18 H8+/41 C5*24/,70/8,3 E3/86*,4/4 H 8+/41

No"inal c!rvat!re "etho ba#e on 9Reinforce Concrete e#ign to E!roco e 2 .oo- :

A# both C H Cli" the col!"n i# #len er1 an C' i# critical/ 0he col!"n i# con#i ere a# #len er col!"n/ Ience1 the no"inal c!rvat!re "etho $ill be !#e to e#ign the col!"n1 $here the #econ For er "o"ent i# a e to the fir#t or er "o"ent to give the total col!"n e#ign "o"ent/ >t * no"inal 2n or er "o"ent * Ne E etot Ghere 1 etot* ee < ea< e2 Since: ee i# E&!ivalent eccentricit' ea i# the acci ental eccentricit' e2 i# the #econ or er eccentricit' 0he top an botto" eccentricitie# are : eo2* M o 2 N *

eo2*,8"" eo1*0""


10, x 10 3 = ,3/;8 m m 1+,0

M o1 eo1* N = 0 mm Ed

E&!ivalent eccentricit' * 20/6 eo2 < 0/8 eo13 J 0/8 eo2 20/6 x , 3 /; 8< 0/8203 J 0/82 ,3/; 8 20/6 x , 3 /; 8< 0/8203*32/308

ee* 32"" ea* 1 +mm

*21/,36 0/82 ,3/; 8

0herefore the e&!ivalent eccentricit' i# ee* 32/308"" .' ta-ing v a# 2 0 0 the acci ental eccentricit' i# :
ey ea* v x 2 = 200 x 2 = 1;/4, m m


0he #econ or er eccentricit' i#:

e2* K

2 x 1 03,00

K 2 l2 o f


e2= + , mm
2, 48/18

-1*1<20/3,< 200 1,0 3 Def*1<20/3,< 200 1,0 3( 0/+ -1* 0/+; J1/ 0hen 1 !#e -1*1 * c1no" < lin- < D 7 2 * 3,<;<3272 *,+"" *3,0-,+ *2+1"" Gith -2*1 for initial val!e/
1 x 1 x 4,00 2 x ,00 =+8/6 m m 2 x 103,00 x 2+1

f ck


etot* ee < ea< e2 *32<1+<+, *186

The University of Leeds
School of Civil Engineering Reference Sheet No: + of 13 Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

etot * 186"" De#ign total "o"ent >t * no"inal 2n or er "o"ent * NE E etot >t *1+,0E186E10 -3 *2;8/4 KN" A# * ,+"" 7h *,+ 73,0* 0/16; 0hen1 the chart for
Concise EC2


7h*0/1, can be !#e a# #ho$n in the

fig!re 223/

Lig!re 223 e#ign col!"n chart for 7h*0/2 Lor :

N Ed 1+,0 x 103 = ! b f c k 8,0 x 3,0 x 2, *0/8+
M" !b f ck

2;8/4 x 106 *0/206 2 8,0 x 3,0 x 2,

ck #s f y k b! f



An K2* 0/41 0he ne$ val!e K2i# !#e to calc!late e2 an >t for the #econ iteration/ 0he e#ign chart i# again !#e to



ck #s f y k b! f

an a ne$ val!e of K2 a# #ho$n in table

213/ 0he iteration# are contin!e !ntil the val!e# of K2 in the la#t col!"n are beco"ing ver' clo#e $hich give# a rea#onable agree"ent /%n thi# e#ign 1it occ!r# after t$o iteration# Sheet No: 10of 13 The University of Leeds
School of Civil Engineering Reference 0able 213 K2 iteration 0rail No/ 1 2 Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

1 0/41


186 11;/2


M" !b f ck

ck #s f y k b! f

0/41 0/6+

2;8/4 230/,

0/20 0/14

0/6; 0/,6

So1 the #teel area re&!ire i#

#s =

0/,6 b ! f c k * 8810 ""2 f yk

Ac *1,4,00""2 A# * 8;2, ""2

0hen the provi e area of #teel A# * 8;2, ""2 i# #ati#f'ing / An -2*0/6+ A# a chec- on the final val!e of -2 interpolate fro" the eign chart:

N bal * 0/2+ f c k Ac
N bal * *0/2+ F2+F1,4,00F10 -3 * 1181/;4, KN

N ud *0/,64 f c k Ac<0/;4 f yk A#
N ud *20/,64F2+F1,4,00@ .:7F+
* 8331/834, KN * K2* N
N u d N b al ud N E $

F,:2+ ) F10 -3

8 3 3 1 /8 8 3 3 1 /8

1 1 8 1 /; 4 , 1 + , 0

* 0/48

K2 fro" e#ign chart can be accepte a# it clo#e to the final

val!e obtaine fro" e&!ation above/ 0he #"all ifferent 20/0,3 bet$een the val!e# of K2 calc!late fro" the e&!ation an the e#ign chart i# beca!#e the chart !#e $a# for 7h *0/1, b!t1 in fact the val!e of 7h


i# 0/16;/

The University of Leeds

School of Civil Engineering Reference

Sheet No: 11 of 13 Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

De#ign #!""ar'

Dra$ing #ho!l be here:

6I 32 I; lin-# M1;0cc 3, cover to lin-# Chec- Reinforce"ent re&!ire"ent# :

3'truct- -$2 ($oncrete) Design /anual

/inimum area o( rein(orcement is gi.en %y the greater o(: .1:N or ."P o( the gross crossAsectional area o( the concrete . J* satis(y. 9ongitudinal %ars should not %e less than 12mm diameter. (The used %ars are <"2) . $olumns should %e pro.ided )ith lin*s )hose diameter should not %e less than oneAquarter the diameter o( the largest longitudinal %ar nor less than 1mm.(the used diameter (or lin*s "24,=:mm) The maximum spacing o( lin*s should %e the lesser o(: Q 12 times the diameter o( the smallest compresA sion %ar ="F"2 =":,mm Q the least dimension o( the column="+ mm Q " mm. The spacing used is 1: mm )hich is less than " mm and satis(y all conditions.


The University of Leeds

School of Civil Engineering Reference

Sheet No: 12 of 13 Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

S!""ar' of the alternative atte"pting : 0he initially atte"pte $a# b' !#ing : %=, mm5 h="+ mm. #c = 1, mm2(gross section o( the column). #nd #ssuming the longitudinal %ars are & no. H325 the lin*s are ' at 1'( mm. !"e +alue o-taine$ for t"at solution are : n=(.41 (= .:G& the cover = $mm &
Cli"* 8+ C' *24/,70/3,3(3/86*48/18 H8+ C5*24/,70/83(3/86*68/;4 H 8+ -1* 0/+;R1 K2*1

* c1no" < lin- < D 7 2 * 3,<;<3272 *,+"" *3,0-,+ *2+1""

1 x 1 x 4,00 2 x ,00 =+, m m 2 x 103,00 x 2+1

etot* ee < ea< e2 * 32/308< 1; /4 , < + , *186""/

De#ign total "o"ent >t * no"inal 2n or er "o"ent = N-d >t *1+,0( 188/,88(10 -3 *2;8/4 KN"


N Ed 1+,0x 103 = ! b f c k 800 x 3,0 x 2, *0/,,4 0/,4

M" !b f ck

2;8/4 x 106 *0/23 2 800 x 3,0 x 2,


7h *,+ 73,0* 0/16;1 the e#ign chart for

7h *0/1,

$a# !#e / 0he #!""ar' of re#!lt# i# #ho$n in table 223

0able 223 re#!lt# fro" e#ign chart for 3,0E800"" col!"n/ ck M" 0rail >t K2 e2 etot 2 #s f y k No/ !b f b! f



1 2

1 0/41


186 11;

2;8/4 230/2

0/23 0/1+


0/41 0/63

The solution )as not satis(ying %ecause o( the area o( steel required is higher that area pro.ided in the section .so2 and the section is not adequate (or resistance the applied (orces
#s = 0/41 b ! f c k = 8+40 m m 2 > ,:2+mm pro.ided f yk
Sheet No: 13of 13 Date:16 -April -2012 Job title : Reinforce Concrete Col!"n De#ign to EC2 Calc!lation an Dra$ing Re#!lt#

The University of Leeds

School of Civil Engineering Reference

Kigger section )as also attempted2 )ith "+ mm %y 1 mm2 %ut it )as not an economic solution. #s the concrete area )as adequate to sustain the loads2 %ut the pro.ided steel area used )as %ig comparing )ith the required steel area.
#s = 0/3 b ! f c k = 31,0 m m 2 ,:2+ mm2 pro.ided. f yk

$onclusion : From all the attempted solution 2 the column o( ,+ mm F"+ can %e consider as an economical2 %uilda%le2 dura%le and sa(e design. 3( the steel is more expensi.e than concrete 2it is accepted to use large sections o( concrete and reduce the pro.ided steel area as possi%le %ut not less than the minimum area required %y the code o( design .There(ore2 the column )ith 1 F"+ dimensions can %e also adequate %ut )e need to reduce the amount o( steel %y using 2 %ars o( <2+ (G:2mm2) and , %ars o( <"2 ("217mm2) )hich together pro.ided (,1GGmm2) . that could %e %etter than to consuming (,:2+mm2) i( 1<"2 %ars are
used .



K' -N 1GG2A1A1:2 K' -N 1GG2A1A2:2

, E!roco e 2: De#ign of concrete #tr!ct!re# F ?art 1-1: Neneral , E!roco e 2: De#ign of concrete #tr!ct!re# F ?art 1-2: Neneral

r!le# an r!le# for b!il ing#/

r!le# - Str!ct!ral fire e#ign/ Conci#e E!roco e 2 for the e#ign of in-#it! concrete fra"e b!il ing to .S EN 1++2-11:2008 an it# National Anne(: 200,1 Nara'anan R S an Noo chil CI 1 0he concrete Centre 12006/ Dra'cott/0. LStr!ct!ral ele"ent# e#ign "an!al $or-ing $ith E!roco e#O2 e / Nreat .ritain /El#evier )t /200+ EPRQCQDE 2 GQRKED ERA>?)ES/ %Str!ctE >an!al for the e#ign of reinforce concrete b!il ing #tr!ct!re to E!roco e 21 %n#tit!tion of #tr!ct!ral Engineer#1 0he %n#tit!tion of Civil Engineer# 2000/

>o#le' . et al / Reinforce Concrtet e#ign to E!roco e 216 th 1 palgrave "ac"illan/

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