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DOD 08108t2013

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Pursuant to TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. Art. 49.15, this Court finds that

it is

authorized to conduct an inquest into the death of Melany Lizabeth parker, DOB 02/04/1986' whose body was found in Marfa, Presidio County, Texas at approximately
12:30 am on August 8, 2013. The body was lbund on the Union pacific Railroad tracks

approximately 150 feet east of the Russsell Street crossing.

The Court viewed the video from the locomotive of the UPRR, of the er.ent. The video shows that as the UPRR train proceeds west to east through Marfa, there
comes into view a body lying on the railroad kacks. The body is that of a young female,

lying down on her left side, using the south rail as a pillow, her head lying on the south
rail, her body lying between the rails, and facing toward the west, (the direction from which the train is coming). The body goes out of frame before there is the iryrpact
between her and the train (the video is available frorn upRR).

After the train conductor was able to identify the object

as a body, he


stopped the train- l,ocal law enforcement authorities were contacted, and the body


Melany Parker vvas located under the stopped train. Her skull had been crushed by the
train, and her body also suffered other severe injuries. Her left arrn was severed, and was

found 15-20 feet away from her body, east of her body, near where her purse and cell

phone was found' This court ordered that the body be taken to the EI paso county

medical examiner's office for a detennination of cause of death.

An investigation by the Presidio county sheriffs office and the g3d District Attomey's office' determi,ed that Melany Parker had spent approximately three hoursfi'onl 9:00 pm to 12:00 am, at the Lost Horse saloou, drinking rvith her husbanclJohn
Rayburn, and other friends. Ms. Parker paid the bar tab of $56.50

at :Z:atam,

using a

Mastercard of Joh, Rayburn's ending in 9209. According to John Rayburn, Ms. parker leli the bar alone' to walk home. Ms. Par*er had visited with {r-iends for a coupre of minutes after paying the bar tab. Mr. Rayburn hung out with friends for a period of time, the, Ieft to go horne. when Mr. Raybum reft the bar, the upRR train was stopped.
The UPRR tirnelog retlects that the body of Ms. parker rvas struck on the tracks at l):23 am, August g, 20r3. The rocation of Ms. parker,s body was approximatery two blocks south of the Lost Horse Saloon_ The Presidio county s.o. interviewed persons identified to them as havi,g personal contact with Melany Parker the night of August 7-g,2013. witnesses fi-om the Lost Horse saloon were able to confirm that Ms. parker had been at the bar tliat eveni,g. No witnesses reported seeing Ms' Parker after she left the bar on foot. No witnesses
reported seeing Ms. Parker with any other person after she left the bar.

The Medicar Exami,er's Autopsy

r3-s4,conducted by Juan u. Co,tin, M.D.,

EI Paso county Medical Examiner, is attached. It is the opinion of the medical examiner that Melany Parker died from injuries fiicm being run over by a trai,. The manner of
death is suicide. The toxicology report, frorn tissue samples retrieved fi.orn Ms. parker.s

liver' reflect that Ms' Parker had an alcohol level in her body at the time of her death of

26a mg'/100 gms'' or '026' In Texas, one is presumed to be regaily intoxicated

has a breath or blood alcohol level


a person

of '08. Dr. contin told the office of the g3.d District

Attomey that Dr' contin noted no injuries to the body of Ms. parker which appeared to be from foul play' or i,flicted by a third party. Dr. conti, stated that alr the injuries he fotrnd on the bocly of Ms' Parker rvere consisterit rvith trre injtrries resulti,g bei,g run over by a train.
John Raybum made a written statement dated 0g/27/2013,and was interviewed on 08/1712013' Mr' Raybum told Investigator Kevin Ficke that Ms. parker, six weeks before her death, jumped out of their car when she arrived home, tord her husband she was going to "kill myself by letting the train hit me, and she started running.,. Another time' 2-3 rveeks before the train struck Melany, whe, Jolur Rayburn came home fiorn the bar' Melany told him that she had been walking on the railroad tracks, and her foot got sfuck' whe, the train was stopped the,ight of August g, 2013, John parker drove to the train rvhen Mela'y was not at home, due to the fact that Merany had previously
threatened to commit suicide by trainMerany,s journal, in her raptop, tarked about suicide (accordi,g to her husband)' John Raybum confirmed that

Mela,y had depressio,,

mental issues, and was taking medication fbr her depression.

A review of Melany Parker's records from the presidio county Health center
(where she also worked), reflect the foilowing


rrer,redical crrart:

' l2/a2/z0r I

patient has depression, suicidar thoughts


12l19l20l I Patient is suicidal, has headaches, has history of depression

3' 07/19/zorz patie,t has a,xiety, depression, excessive

4. A4/02/2013 patient has migraines


5- 04/29/zar3 patient has depression, has been having suicidar thoughts

6. A5/16/2013 patient has anxiety

7. AS/29/2013 patient has depression

8. A6126/2A13 patient,s depression is worse: '?atient states trrat her depression is the same and possibry a rittre \I'orse- patienr states that she stil does have suicidir ihoughts tlru 'vuurvru({r but deniesaplan." Ms' Parker reported a family history of depression in both her mother and father. Ms. Parker was trcated for depression with medication, and was apparently taking such medication through the time of her death. Ms. Parker submitted her resignation from the PCHS on August 7,2013,the date of her death.
The investigation by the Presidio county sheriffs otrce disclosed no evidence


foul play' No witness carne forward, or was found, reporting any conduct i,dicati,g that a hornicide occurred' The cause of death reported by presidio county sheriff Danny Dominguez was suicide' The cause of death reported by Medical Examiner Juan Contin
lvas suicide-

No credible evidence from any source has been found indicating that the death Melany Parker was anything other than suicide.



L 2'

The deceased person rvas Melany parker. The bodl, was found at r2:30-rz:40 am on August g,2013, r 50 feet east

of the Russelr street crossing on the upRR, in Marf4 presidio county,


3. 4.

The inquest was held on October 3,2013. The persons wrro provided information were presidio county srreriff Danny Dominguez,

pcso chief Deputy

Joer Nunez, Jorrn Rayburn, g3d

District Attorney Rod ponton, g3'd District Attorney Investigator Kevin

Ficke, and UpRR investigator Marco Basza.

5. 6' '

The autopsy report is attached. There is no suspect in the death of Melany parker. tt is the determination

of this Court that no homicide occu:red.


The cause of death is suicide- suicide shall be noted as the cause of death on the death certificate of Melany par*er.

Respectfully Submi tted,


J.P., Precinct One Presidis County Courthouse Marta, Texas ?g843 t432)72,%483t

Documents attached:

l. 2. 3. 4' 5.


Documeuts filed John Rayburn statement

Presidio County Sheriffs Office report Medieal records of Melaay Farker irom Presidio County Health gervices Lost Horse Saloon receipt (g:19 pm lZ:01u*i

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