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2012 Oracle Corporation

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Oracle BI 11g Diagnostics Oracle BI

Adam Bloom Oracle BI Product Manager

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

2012 Oracle Corporation

! Overview of Diagnostics and Logging Functionality ! Troubleshooting an issue (using security as an example)
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2012 Oracle Corporation

Overview of Diagnostics and Logging Functionality

BI Fusion Middleware Weblogic

2012 Oracle Corporation

The BI Logging and Diagnostics Landscape

FMW Logging and Diagnostics
DMS Dynamic Monitoring Service DFW - Diagnostic Framework ECID Execution Context ID ODL - Diagnostic Logging

BI Logging and Diagnostics

BI Logging

RDA Remote Diagnostic Agent

Weblogic Logging and Diagnostics

WLDF Weblogic Diagnostic Framework Weblogic Logging

2012 Oracle Corporation

The BI Logging and Diagnostics Landscape

FMW Logging and Diagnostics
DMS Dynamic Monitoring Service DFW - Diagnostic Framework ECID Execution Context ID ODL - Diagnostic Logging

BI Logging and Diagnostics

BI Logging

RDA Remote Diagnostic Agent

Weblogic Logging and Diagnostics

WLDF Weblogic Diagnostic Framework Weblogic Logging

2012 Oracle Corporation

BI-Specific Logging and Diagnostics

Book: BI System Administrator's Guide Chapter 8 Section: Diagnosing and Resolving Issues in Oracle Business Intelligence

! Lists various tools you can use with doc links ! Explains log files and log configuration settings for those logs. ! Specifics on BI Server Query log and a Log Viewer utility ! Specifcs on OBIPS logging configuration ! Information on using odbc/jdbc for looking at the BI Server

2012 Oracle Corporation

The BI Logging and Diagnostics Landscape

FMW Logging and Diagnostics
DMS Dynamic Monitoring Service DFW - Diagnostic Framework ECID Execution Context ID ODL - Diagnostic Logging

BI Logging and Diagnostics

BI Logging

RDA Remote Diagnostic Agent

Weblogic Logging and Diagnostics

WLDF Weblogic Diagnostic Framework Weblogic Logging

2012 Oracle Corporation

WebLogic Logging and Diagnostics (in brief)

Book: Configuring Log Files and Filtering Log Messages for Oracle WebLogic Server Section: Understanding WebLogic Logging Services

! Explains how WLS logging works and the differences between the various WLS logs

2012 Oracle Corporation

Weblogic Diagnostic Framework

Book: Configuring and Using the Diagnostics Framework for Oracle WebLogic Server

WLDF provides features for monitoring and diagnosing problems in running WebLogic Server instances and clusters and in applications deployed to them.
!Integration with Oracle Jrockit !Diagnostic Image Capture !Captures and persists data events, log records, and metrics from server instances and applications. !InstrumentationAdds diagnostic code to WebLogic Server instances and the applications running on them to execute diagnostic actions at specified locations in the code. !HarvesterCaptures metrics from run-time MBeans, including WebLogic Server MBeans and custom MBeans, which can be archived and later accessed for viewing historical data. !Watches and Notifications !Monitoring Dashboard !Logging servicesManage logs
2012 Oracle Corporation

Weblogic Diagnostic Framework

The WebLogic Diagnostics Framework (WLDF) provides a diagnostic feature that allows MBean attributes to be "harvested" and monitored for specific conditions. This provides a pro-active way of monitoring activity in your environment allowing you to setup notifications (i.e. email, JMX notification) when the condition is triggered. DMS exposes DMS data using MBeans and so we can take advantage of this feature. For example, we could configure WLDF to create a DFW incident (you could also setup an email notification) whenever the StarWarsAlliance "forceBalance" metric turns to "BAD" indicating that there is more bad than good in the galaxy...

2012 Oracle Corporation

The BI Logging and Diagnostics Landscape

FMW Logging and Diagnostics
DMS Dynamic Monitoring Service DFW - Diagnostic Framework ECID Execution Context ID ODL - Diagnostic Logging

BI Logging and Diagnostics

BI Logging

RDA Remote Diagnostic Agent

Weblogic Logging and Diagnostics

WLDF Weblogic Diagnostic Framework Weblogic Logging

2012 Oracle Corporation

Fusion Middleware Logging and Diagnostics

Book: Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide Chapter 12 Section: Managing Log Files and Diagnostic Data

! ! ! !

ODL Diagnostic Logging Execution Context (ECID) DFW Diagnostic Framework DMS Dynamic Monitoring Service

2012 Oracle Corporation

ODL - Background
Inconsistent Oracle Diagnostic Logs
! 9i and 10g buffet of log formats, locations, contents, timestamps, config methods, command line tools, rotation schemes, file names, tags, etc. ! Oracles merger and acquisition strategy adds complexity

11g Goal: achieve consistent mechanics

2012 Oracle Corporation

ODL: Oracle Diagnostic Logging

1.! OJDL: plugin for java.util.logging and log4j. emits standard format and rotates logs 2.! JMX MBeans and wlst commands for config and query of logs 3.! EM UI for config and query of logs 4.! Support for C components as well
! ! C components emit their own ODL logs with rotation and ECIDs C component logs queryable

2012 Oracle Corporation

ODL Features
! EM UI and wlst command line tool
! wlst listLogs, displayLogs, getLogLevel, setLogLevel, listLoggers, listLogHandlers, configureLogHandler

! Search
! by message type, by ECID, by ! ! recent messages or within a time range

! Summarize by message type or component ID ! Constrain by server, by application ! Configure

! Log location ! Log level ! Log rotation with time or size threshold

2012 Oracle Corporation

Consistent Format and Location

[2008-09-28T23:22:52.388-07:00] [server_soa] [NOTIFICATION] [SOA-3453] [oracle.soa.mediator.service.common.functions] [tid: 11] [ecid: 0000HmgkkARF4E8Jviu1V118s7Cu00000 1,0] [APP: soa-infra] Successful SOA Initialization
[tstamp] [component id] [type:level] [mesg-id] [module id]
([field-name: field-value])* message-text

Log location:


2012 Oracle Corporation

Why develop the ExecutionContext feature?

A single request to a system may involve many components on many servers.


OHS ExecutionContext facilitates the passing of context information between the components: DB

!Allows diagnostic information from components to be correlated !Allows values to be passed between components
2012 Oracle Corporation

Some challenges remain

! Hundreds of individually configured loggers ! Need debugging strategies and processes ! For weblogic we don't have full integration yet. We can search weblogic logs, but it has separate log files, configuration and log format.

2012 Oracle Corporation

FMW Diagnostic Framework

DFW is a diagnostic feature that detects critical failures and captures relevant diagnostics (logs, metrics, WLS server image, dumps and more) into "Incidents". An Incident represents a single occurrence of critical problem, usually a problem that requires interaction and data sharing between the customer and Oracle Support. DFW reduces the time for issue resolution by automatically capturing targeted diagnostics at the time of failure. You can also create incidents manually. Incident data can be analyzed onsite by. Customers can also check for related issues on or create Service Requests and upload Incident data to Oracle Support.

2012 Oracle Corporation

Metrics and Monitoring in Brief


2012 Oracle Corporation

DMS basics
! DMS has been used to measure metrics in Oracle AS since the old OAS version of the product ! Similar to V$ views in RDBMS: summary data, always on ! Measures a wide variety of events consistently with low cost ! Data summaries available via EM, command line tools, Servlets, MBeans, etc.

11g Achievements:
! ! ! ! ! Monitoring of distributed Weblogic domains JMX integration (multiple ways) Integration with the new OPMN (for non-JEE components) Most parts of 11g FMW are now instrumented with DMS A snapshot of DMS data is captured with RDA

2012 Oracle Corporation

DMS: Dynamic Monitoring Service

In each monitored server:
! ! ! ! ! FMW developers use DMS Java and C APIs to instrument individual components. DMS code within each server computes individual metrics and keeps the values in server memory. A DMS Spy (Servlet) in each server exports the metrics. DMS code discovers and collects metrics from distributed domain of servers. (via JMX for JEE servers, via OPMN for non-JEE) DMS computes additional, aggregate metric values ! Summaries across distributed servers (e.g., aggregate throughput) ! Summaries over time (e.g., rates) DMS MBean (JMX) provides access to the metrics

In the central Weblogic Admin Server:

Admin Clients access the DMS MBeans: wlst, EM, generic JMX clts

2012 Oracle Corporation

Monitoring BI Performance Metrics

BI System Administrator's Guide Chapter 7 Using Fusion Middleware Control to View Common Performance Metrics querycaching.htm#BCGJIBJD ! Using EM console for looking at metrics

2012 Oracle Corporation

Capturing Metrics Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API

System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Capturing Metrics Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API admin_api.htm#CDEJJAAH In addition to the Metrics Browser in Fusion Middleware Control, you can view metrics for Oracle Business Intelligence using the Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) and WLST commands. This section describes how to use these methods. This is Mikes Python script for getting metrics into a spreadsheet.

2012 Oracle Corporation

Troubleshooting an issue (using security as an example)

2012 Oracle Corporation

Architecture Overview
WebLogic BI Publisher Security Service

Identity Store Policy Store



Credential Store

LDAP (OID) or File-based.


OBIPS OBIS Scheduler

System User Connection

2012 Oracle Corporation

The most Important Config Files and Logs

Component BI Server Config Location
BIInstance/configuration/ OracleBIServerComponent/ coreapplication_obis1/ NQSConfig.INI BIInstance/configuration/ OracleBIPresentationServicesCo mponent/ coreapplication_obips1/ instanceconfig.xml

Managed by EM and manual

Log File
BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/ OracleBIServerComponent/ coreapplication_obis1/ nqserver.log BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/ OracleBIPresentationServicesComp onent/coreapplication_obips1/ sawlog0.log

BI Presentation Services

EM and manual

BI Security Web Service Managed Server (Weblogic) Security Providers


EM Weblogic Console

BIDomain/servers/bi_server1/ logs/bi_server1-diagnostic.log BIDomain/servers/bi_server1/ logs/bi_server1.log BIDomain/servers/bi_server1/ logs/bi_server1-diagnostic.log BIDomain/servers/bi_server1/ logs/bi_server1.out

OPSS Security Providers



BIDomain/servers/bi_server1/ logs/bi_server1.log BIDomain/servers/bi_server1/ logs/bi_server1-diagnostic.log BIDomain/servers/bi_server1/ logs/bi_server1.out

2012 Oracle Corporation

Troubleshooting, Diagnostics
When (e.g.) a User is Unable to Login: ! Understand the end-to-end scenario including the expected behavior ! Work through the Causes of User cannot Login with reference to the BI Security Troubleshooting guide to isolate the problem ! Check and fix any configuration issues For issues that remain: ! Enable additional logging as appropriate ! Search logs for errors with the aim of identifying the two components between which the error is occurring

2012 Oracle Corporation

Causes of User cannot Login Part 1

Authenticator Mis-configured

Check the correct, BI certified Authenticator is configured for the Identity Store Check users are visible in Weblogic Console Check Groups are visible in Weblogic Console Check a user with appropriate permissions can login to the Weblogic console Check the ordering and control flags on Authenticators
Continued on next slide

Only one User Affected

Wrong credentials Account locked or expired

UserID has changed but GUID has not

Unable to Login

Check Account used for LDAP connection has sufficient privileges Ensure user and group Base DNs are correct
Ensure from Name Filter queries are correct

Check all JEE applications are running Check all BI System processes are running Check Identity Store is available

Ensure the attributes specified (including User GUID) match what is in your LDAP store WebLogic Admin user moved to LDAP and cannot boot WebLogic Check Weblogic has been re-started after any config changes
Authenticator Mis-configured (second-level issues)

Communication failure

2012 Oracle Corporation

Causes of User cannot Login Part 2

BI System User authentication Failure

Check BI System User account exists and has correct roles. Check BI System User is in sync with credential store Check BI System User account in underlying identity store Ensure Embedded WebLogic LDAP replication of BI System User credential change has not failed

Oracle Web Services Manager errors

Database error issues connecting to the MDSOWSM schema created on install

Issues with the OracleSystemUser account OWSM uses to access its resources

Still Unable to Login

BI - the Authentication provider which refer to the BI user population including the BI System User must be set first of the highest strength control flag in the order of providers
BI and later as above, or virtualize = true must be set

If the attributes specified for username or guid have been set to something other than the default for the Weblogic Authenticator, ensure the OPSS configuration matches. If using a SQL Authenticator, make sure the Adapters are configured correctly

BI and later if virtualize = true and the underlying Identity Store requires SSL, check libOVD is configured correctly

Check Weblogic has been restarted after any config changes

Identity Store Provider (OPSS) mis-configured

2012 Oracle Corporation

Introducing the BI Security Diagnostics Helper

The Oracle BI Security Diagnostics Helper is a JEE application that helps diagnose possible configuration issues which may prevent your users from being able to log in to your Oracle BI system.

2012 Oracle Corporation

Creating a Clean Set of Logs

Doc ID 1434514.1 ! Set appropriate log levels, stop all processes, clear logs then re-start and re-produce the error ! Collect config.xml and jps-config.xml and adapters.os_xml (if using multiple Authenticators i.e. virtualize=true) ! Work through the logs in the following order:
! OBIPS (saw.log) ! OBIS (NQServer.log) ! Managed Server .out (Admin Server if using a Simple Install from ! Managed Server .log (Admin Server if using a Simple Install from ! Managed Server diagnostic log (Admin Server if using a Simple Install from ! Domain and Admin Server logs for MDS errors ! Identify error with timestamps and cross-reference between log files (maybe via EM ECID) ! Identify the root cause error
2012 Oracle Corporation


Turning on Additional Logging for Security

Suggested additional Loggers to use: ! The BI Security Service Logger ! oracle.ods for tracing when virtualize=true (the logger is only registered after setting virtualize=true) ! oracle.idm.userroleapi The logger for User Role API interaction (needs to be manually enabled) Other security-related loggers that may be of use: ! oracle.jps.common - The OPSS Logger for generic errors ! oracle.jps.* !* ! oracle.wsm.* - The OWSM Logger

2012 Oracle Corporation

Turning on unlisted loggers

2012 Oracle Corporation

Q ! & ! A !
2012 Oracle Corporation

Turning on logging

2012 Oracle Corporation

2012 Oracle Corporation

Log Configuration BI Security Service

2012 Oracle Corporation

Log Configuration BI Security Service

2012 Oracle Corporation

Additional Logging Options

! Fusion Middleware Control's Selective Tracing feature can be used at a User level in ! This may require additional settings in DOMAIN_HOME/bin/
! JAVA_OPTIONS=Djava.util.logging.manager=or acle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLLog Manager ${JAVA_OPTIONS} export JAVA_OPTIONS FMWCONFIG_CLASSPATH= $ {FMWCONFIG_CLASSPATH} ${CLASSPATHSEP}$ {ORACLE_COMMON_HOME} /modules/oracle.odl_11.1.1/ ojdl.jar export FMWCONFIG_CLASSPATH

2012 Oracle Corporation

Selective Tracing
! E10285_01/core.1111/e10105/logs.htm#i1021621 ! Sometimes you need more information to troubleshoot a problem than it is usually recorded in the logs. One way to achieve that is to increase the level of messages logged by one or more components. For example, you can set the logging level to TRACE:1 or TRACE:32, as described in Section 12.4.3, which results in more detailed messages being written to the log files. This is referred to as tracing
2012 Oracle Corporation

Diagnostics Spy display/fmwdiag/Diagnostics +Spy

2012 Oracle Corporation

ODL and Weblogic Logging asengwiki/display/fmwdiag/Integration +of+Weblogic+and+ODL+logging asengwiki/display/fmwdiag/WLDF+FMW +Diagnostic+Framework+Integration

2012 Oracle Corporation

Fusion Middleware Diagnostics Overview Our team provides portable frameworks used for diagnosability in Fusion Middleware. Key project areas include ODL (logging), DMS (performance metrics), Execution Context (ECID), and DFW (Diagnosability Framework). We also integrate FMW with related diagnostic frameworks and tools such as RDA (Support's Remote Diagnostic Agent framework), ADR (EM's Automated Diagnostic Repository), WLDF (WebLogic's Diagnostic Framework) and Enterprise Manager. Finally we create and administer diagnosability standards for the FMW Development Process.
2012 Oracle Corporation

What is an ExecutionContext - RID

Relationship ID RID 0:1:1 0 0:1

0:1:2 0:1:3
The ECID is constant for this piece of work: 0:1 0 0:1:1 0:1:2 0:1:3

But the RID is unique for each sub-task The set of all ExecutionContexts sharing the same ECID is called a Family

2012 Oracle Corporation

What is an ExecutionContext - The Map(s)

Global map of values +

Local map of values

2012 Oracle Corporation

Creating an Incident Manually diagnostics.htm#BEICCEGD Creating an Incident Manually System-generated problemscritical errors generated internallyare automatically added to the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR). You can gather additional diagnostic data on these problems, upload diagnostic data to Oracle Support, and in some cases, resolve the problems, all with the workflow that is explained in Section 13.4. Consider creating an incident manually when you encounter an issue, such as software failure or performance problem and you want to gather more diagnostic data, but the Diagnostic Framework has not automatically created an incident. You use the WLST command createIncident to create an incident manually. You can specify an incident based on time, a message ID, an impact area, or an ECID. Then, you can inspect the content of the incident or send it to Oracle Support for further analysis. The following describes how to manually create an incident based on a message ID: Search the log files, as described in Section 12.3.2. If you find a message that you suspect is related to the issue you are seeing, you can use the message ID when you create the incident. Use the following commands to invoke WLST, connect to the Managed Server and navigate to the Managed Server instance: java weblogic.WLST connect('weblogic', 'password', 'localhost:7001') cd('servers/server_name') Create the incident, using the createIncident command, with the following format: createIncident([adrHome] [,incidentTime] [,messageId] [,ecid] [,appName] [,description] [,server]) For example, to create an incident based on the error with the message ID MDS-50500, use the following command, specifying the message ID, and provide a description of the incident to help you and Oracle support track the incident: createIncident(messageId='MDS-50500', description='sample incident') Incident Id: 55 Problem Id: 4 Problem Key: MDS-50500 [MANUAL] Incident Time: 23rd February 2010 11:55:45 GMT Error Message Id: MDS-50500 Flood Controlled: false If you do not specify a server, the incident collects information from the server to which you are connected. To specify a server, use the server option, as shown in the following example: createIncident(messageId='MDS-50500', description='sample incident', server='soa_server1') ) If you do not specify the adrHome option, the incident is created in the server to which you are connected. For example, if you are connected to the Administration Server, the incident is created in the adrHome for the Administration Server. The Diagnostic Framework evaluates the command and invokes the appropriate diagnostic dumps. The incident and the diagnostic dumps are written to the ADR. Each diagnostic dump writes its output to the incident. You can view the information about the incident, as described in Section You can view the information in the dumps, as described in Section 13.4.4.

2012 Oracle Corporation

DMS (Dynamic Monitoring Service/System) is an AS component that is used to collect system performance metrics. System components (OBIS, OBIPS, Javahost etc) push system performance metrics to DMS

! !

DMS running in WLS accessing Metrics in OPMN managed processes The OPMN MBean mentiond above also provides an MBean operation for process discovery. DMS calls the OPMN process discovery MBean operation every 3 minutes to discover the running OPMN managed processes, including OHS. You can tune the discovery from 3 minutes to some other value if you wish, e.g. 10 seconds. The discovery interval is configured in dms_config.xml which is located under server configuration directory. ! Metric rows reported by DMS can come from different processes. When a process goes down its metric rows will be removed from all relevant metric tables. Note that there is a time delay for removing metric rows because the same mechanism that discovers new processes (previous paragraph) is also responsible for discovering that processes have terminated.

The Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) provides a set of Java and C APIs that measure and report performance metrics, trace performance and provide a context correlation service for Fusion Middleware and other Oracle products. As well as the API's DMS provides interfaces to enable application developers, support analysts, system administrators, and others to measure application-specific performance information. ! It started life back in Application Server days with the instrumentation API, and has since evolved and incorporated many more features along the way to provide an integrated performance measurement and tracing solution, as well as integrating with other key Oracle software. ! DMS is split into three main areas: Performance Metrics - This area of DMS consists of a Java and C API for instrumenting code with performance measurements and other useful state metrics, an aggregation language for computing derived metrics, and tooling for accessing the metrics. Using DMS provides Oracle developers with an Oracle-standard mechanism of reporting 2012 Oracle Corporation on the runtime state of their product or component to interested parties such as server administrators or application developers. ! Execution Context - Execution context is a feature of DMS whose goal is to support the maintenance and !

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