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Risch algorithm

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to:navigation, search The Risch algorithm, named after Robert H. Risch, is an algorithm for the calculus operation of indefinite integration (i.e., finding antiderivatives). The algorithm transforms the problem of integration into a problem in algebra. It is based on the form of the function being integrated and on methods for integrating rational functions, radicals, logarithms, and exponential functions. Risch, ho developed the algorithm in !"#$, called it a decision procedure, because it is a method for deciding if a function has an elementar% function as an indefinite integral& and also, if it does, determining it. The Risch algorithm is described (in more than !'' pages) in ()lgorithms for *omputer )lgebra( b% +eith ,. -eddes, .tephen R. */apor and -eorge 0abahn. The Risch1 2orman algorithm, a faster but less po erful techni3ue, as developed in !"4#.


! 7escription 8 9roblem examples : Implementation ; 7ecidabilit% < .ee also # References 4 2otes

[edit] Description
The Risch algorithm is used to integrate elementar% functions. These are functions obtained b% composing exponentials, logarithms, radicals, trigonometr%, and the four operations (= > ? @). 0aplace solved this problem for the case of rational functions, as he sho ed that the indefinite integral of a rational function is a rational function and a finite number of constant multiples of logarithms of rational functions. The algorithm suggested b% 0aplace is usuall% described in calculus textbooAs but as onl% implemented in the !"#'s. 0iouville formulated the problem solved b% the Risch algorithm. 0iouville proved b% anal%tical means that if there is an elementar% solution g to the e3uation g B C f then for constants Di and elementar% functions ui and v the solution is of the form gCv=

E D ln(u )
i i

iFn Risch developed a method that allo s one to onl% consider a finite set of elementar% functions of 0iouvilleGs form. The intuition for the Risch algorithm comes from the behavior of the exponential and logarithm functions under differentiation. Hor the function f eg, here f and g are differentiable functions, e have

so if eg ere in the result of an indefinite integration, it should be expected to be inside the integral. )lso, as

then if lnng ere in the result of an integration, then onl% a fe po ers of the logarithm should be expected. )n important conse3uence of RischGs result is that the -aussian integral has no elementar% antiderivative.

[edit] Problem examples

Hinding an elementar% antiderivative is ver% sensitive to details. Hor instance, the follo ing function has an elementar% antiderivative:

Iut if 4! is changed to 48, it is not possible to represent the antiderivative using elementar% functions. The reason is that the -alois group of

is D(;), e.g. generated b% permutations (! 8 : ;) and (! :), and contains $ elements (same as in x; > 8), hile the -alois group of

is S(;), e.g. generated b% permutations (! 8), (! :), (! ;), and contains 8; elements.

[edit] Implementation
Transforming the Risch decision procedure into an algorithm that can be executed b% a computer is a complex tasA that re3uires the use of heuristics and man% refinements. 2o soft are (as of Jarch 8''$) is Ano n to implement the full Risch algorithm, although several computer algebra s%stems have partial implementations. The onl% soft are that claims it has implemented in full the negative part is )xiom (e.g. if )xiom sa%s (no( this means that antiderivative cannot be represented using elementar% functions, but in man% cases )xiom sa%s (error(). Hor example, of all Ano n programs, onl% )xiom5citation needed6 can find an elementar% antiderivative for the follo ing:

)xiom can solve the above case, the result being:

Jan% programs (including Japle and Jathematica) can find the antiderivative for the above function using nonKelementar% functions ( hich is not the topic for Risch algorithm). The follo ing is a more complex example, hich most soft are cannot find an elementar% antiderivative for,5!6

hile the antiderivative for the above has a short form

[edit] Decidability
The Risch algorithm is not an algorithm but a semiKalgorithm because it needs as a part to checA if some expression is e3uivalent to /ero (constant problem). )nd for a common meaning of an elementar% function it is not Ano n hether such an algorithm exists or not (current computer algebra s%stems use heuristics)& moreover, if one adds the absolute value function to the list of elementar% functions, it is Ano n that no such algorithm exists& see RichardsonGs theorem.

ymbolic integration
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to:navigation, search In calculus, a branch of mathematics, symbolic integration is the problem of finding a formula for the antiderivative, or indefinite integral, of a given function f(x), i.e. to find the differentiable function F(x) such that

This is also denoted

The term symbolic is used to distinguish this problem from that of numerical integration, here the value of F at a particular input or set of inputs, rather than a general formula for F, is sought. Ioth problems ere held to be of practical and theoretical importance long before the time of digital computers, but the% are no generall% considered the domain of computer science, as computers are most often used currentl% to tacAle individual instances. Hinding the derivative of an expression is a straightfor ard process for hich it is eas% to construct an algorithm. The reverse 3uestion of finding the integral is much more difficult. Jan% expressions hich are relativel% simple do not have integrals that can be expressed in closed form. .ee antiderivative for more details. ) procedure called the Risch algorithm exists hich is capable of determining if an integral exists and returning it if it does, for man% classes of expressions. .uch algorithms are still being expanded.


! Lxample 8 .ee also : References ; Lxternal linAs

[edit] !xample
Hor example:

is a s%mbolic result for an indefinite integral (here * is a constant of integration),

is a s%mbolic result for a definite integral, and

is a numerical result for the same definite integral.

[edit] ee also

)ntiderivative Llementar% function Risch algorithm

[edit] References

.%mbolic Integration ! (transcendental functions) b% Januel Ironstein, !""4 b% .pringerKMerlag, I.I2 :K<;'K#'<8!K< Joel Joses, .%mbolic integration: the storm% decade, 9roceedings of the second )*J s%mposium on .%mbolic and algebraic manipulation, p.;84K;;', Jarch 8:K8<, !"4!, 0os )ngeles, *alifornia, Nnited .tates

Risch Algorithm

The Risch algorithm is a decision procedure for indefinite integration that determines whether a given inte

and if so, returns a closed-form result for the integral. It builds a tower of logarithmic, exponential, and alge

The case of algebraic extensions is quite complicated and is therefore not completely implemented in any extensions to the Risch algorithm, notably by $herry, to be able to handle some special functions.
SEE ALSO: %lementary &unction, 'orowit( Reduction, Indefinite Integral, Liouville s )rinciple

system. Liouville s principle, which dates bac! to the "#th century, is an important part of the Risch algorith

This entry contributed by Bhuvanesh Bhatt

*ronstein, +. Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental Functions. ,ew -or!. /pringer-0erlag, "##1.

$herry, 2. 3. Algorithms for Integrating Elementary Functions in Terms of Logarithmic Integrals and Error Functions. )h.4 4elaware, "#67. $herry, 2. 3. 8Integration in &inite Terms with /pecial &unctions. The Logarithmic Integral.8 SIAM J. Com uting 15, "-"9, $herry, 2. 3. 8;n ;nalysis of the Rational %xponential Integral.8 SIAM J. Com uting 18, 6#7-#<=, "#6#. 4avenport, >. '. !n the Integration of Algebraic Functions. *erlin. /pringer-0erlag, "#6".

2eddes, ?. @.A $(apor, /. R.A and Labahn, 2. 8The Risch Integration ;lgorithm.8 $h. "9 in Algorithms for Com uter Algeb ,etherlands. ?luwer, pp. =""-=17, "##9.

Risch, R. 8@n the Integration of %lementary &unctions 3hich are *uilt 5p using ;lgebraic @perations.8 Report /)-96<"B<< $;. /ys. 4ev. $orp., "#:6. Risch, R. 8The )roblem of Integration in &inite Terms.8 Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 139, ":1-"6#, "#:#. Risch, R. 8The /olution of the )roblem of Integration in &inite Terms.8 "ull. Amer. Math. Soc., "-1:, :<=-:<6, "#1<. Risch, R. 8;lgebraic )roperties of %lementary &unctions of ;nalysis.8 Amer. J. Math. 101, 1C7-1=#, "#1#.

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