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Unit 5 ~ History of Europe Vocabulary Terms with Definitions # 1.

Vocabulary Term Prince Henry the Navigator Definition A Portuguese prince and naval commander who founded a school of navigation for sailors in 1450. He also paid for expeditions to the west coast of Africa and employed mapma!ers to create detailed maps of new explorations. A Portuguese navigator. %n 1&4' he sailed around the (ape of $ood Hope at the southern tipoff Africa and continued on to %ndia. He and his crew were the first )uropeans to reach %ndia *y sea. ,panish explorer. %n 14&" he reached the (ari**ean %slands in an effort to reach Asia *y a new route. Portuguese explorer. %n 151& ,pain financed his voyage. He headed south and west rounding the tip of ,outh America and finally reaching the Philippine %slands after 1/ months at sea. .agellan died in the Philippines *ut his crew returned home after sailing around the entire world and proving that the earth was round0 -rench explorer. -ounded the colony of 1ue*ec as a trading post in 120/. A 4ritish lieutenant that explored Australia in 1''0. 5he policy of o*taining and occupying colonies to form an empire. A union of countries to achieve a particular goal. 6uring 7orld 7ar % the countries of $reat 4ritain -rance 8ussia ,er*ia and 4elgium. 6uring 77% the countries of $ermany Austria9 Hungary 4ulgaria and the :ttoman )mpire.


#asco da $ama


(hristopher (olum*us


-erdinand .agellan

5. 2. '. /. &. 10.

,amuel de (hamplain 3ames (oo! %mperialism alliance 5he Allies (entral Powers






Archdu!e -rancis -erdinand



(iti;ens felt fierce pride in their countries. .any groups wanted to *e free from the control of other nations. (ountries had *uilt strong armies and navies to defend their own countries and their colonies. 5ensions *uilt as countries watched each other *uild up military power. His assassination in 1&14 was the event that spar!ed 77%. He was heir to the Austrian9 Hungarian throne. -erdinand was !illed *y a 4osnian ,er* who wanted to free 4osnia from the Austro9Hungarian )mpire and unite it with ,er*ia. Payment *y a government to a group of people for loss or damage. 5he treaty that ended 77%. ,igned in #ersailles -rance in 1&1&. -orced $ermany to accept *lame for the war. A group of nations that vowed to wor! together to ensure that a world war would never occur again. 5sar of 8ussia. Assassinated during the 8ussian 8evolution. 4y 1&1' 8ussians were tired of food shortages shivering from coal shortages and exhausted *y war. 7or!ers united against the 8ussian ruler overthrew the monarchy and !illed Nicholas and his family. A revolutionary group of (ommunists that sei;ed power and esta*lished the ,oviet =nion. New leader of the ,oviet =nion. A time where *usiness is *ad and people lose their >o*s. A condition where prices rise and money loses purchasing power?where you cannot *uy as much with a dollar tomorrow as you could *uy with it today. 5he new democratic government that too! over $ermany after 77%. A political party that gained strength after 77%.


5reaty of #ersailles


<eague of Nations

1'. 1/.

5sar Nicholas %% 8ussian 8evolution

1&. "0. "1. "".

4olshevi!s #ladimir <enin depression inflation

"+. "4.

7eimar 8epu*lic Na;i Party

"5. "2.

Adolf Hitler fascism

"'. "/. "&. +0.

4enito .ussolini )mperor Hirohito Axis Powers Allied Powers

+1. +". ++. +4. +5.

5he Holocaust space race %ron (urtain .i!hail $or*achev 4erlin 7all

<eader of the Na;i Party. (ame to power in $ermany in 1&++. 4ecame a dictator. 5he Na;is *elieved in this where a strong central government is controlled *y the military and run *y a dictator. 6ictator of %taly during 77%%. )mperor of 3apan during 77%%. Alliance of the countries of $ermany %taly and 3apan during 77%%. Alliance of the countries of $reat 4ritain -rance the ,oviet =nion and the =nited ,tates. :pposed the Axis Powers. 5he persecution and murder of 2 million 3ews from 1&++91&45. <ed *y Hitler. (ompetition *etween the =.,. and the ,oviet =nion to launch satellites and land on the moon. A dividing line that existed *etween )astern and 7estern )urope. (ame to power in the ,oviet =nion in 1&/5. 7anted to moderni;e the economy. 7all that separated )ast $ermany from 7est $ermany. 4uilt in 1&21 *y the ,oviet controlled )ast $ermany. 5orn down in 1&/&.

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