Five Magazine, Issue 1, HST Article Excerpt

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Tara King is Five’s Art Director. Lenny Foster’s photographs
She lives in Taos, New Mexico honor and reveal the healing
with her husband Harvey and power of the spirit. “The common
six-year-old son Canyon. theme in my work is the presence
of Spirit, be it in a place, a person
or an event. Most importantly, I
am drawn to the beauty that sur-
rounds me. Part of the blessing of
being a photographer is that I’m
always focused on that beauty,”
Laura Bell is the former says Foster.
editor of Vail Valley Magazine
and her work has appeared in Jeff Berg is based in Las Cruces,
dozens of national publications. New Mexico. A former U.S. Postal
Service employee, he knew it
was time to move on when they
Michael Ferrara lives in Taos started suggesting that workers
where he was blissfully working learn how to duck and cover.
part-time and procrastinating
on a novel until coming to work
as Five’s Content Editor. He was
an editor for Venus Envy Maga- Will Hollingsworth is a second-
zine, and his work has appeared year student at St. John’s College
in various publications. in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Cathy Kingsley travels to satisfy

a passion for the Rolling Stones.
She worships the blues and
craves a bottle of cheap wine,
mellow friends & a good rap Mike Delano represents Plym-
session every once in awhile. outh, Massachusetts via Los An-
geles and traces his love of film,
from the non-stop libidinous as-
Jessica Lussenhop is a native of sault of Russ Meyer to the cheery
St. Paul, Minnesota and a freelance depravity of Charles Bronson,
writer in Philadelphia. She is a along the crimson trails of way
2005 Academy for Alternative too many slasher flicks.
Journalism fellow and a 2005
Keystone Press award winner. If Peter W. Knox is a Senior at
she could be one of the X-Men, she Washington College in Maryland.
would want to be Mystique. He is the present Editor-In-Chief
of the monthly student-run fea-
tures magazine and a staff writer
for the weekly newsletter. He
hopes to pursue a career in jour-
nalism upon graduation.

John Biscello, a Brooklyn, New

York native, is actually a gov-
ernment-sponsored scribe who
covertly specializes in radical
anti-semanticism. He also writes
plays; his latest is Zeitgeist, USA.

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