Experiment 2

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0.05 mol dm-3 solution of ethanedioic acid (COOH)2 and use it to determine the concentration of a solution of sodium hydroxide. Write an equation showing the reaction between sodium hydroxide and ethanedioic acid Equation (COOH)2 + 2NaOH (COO)2Na2 + 2 H2O Calculate the mass of ethanedioic crystals, (COOH)22H2O, required to prepare 250 cm3 of 0.05 mol dm-3 aqueous ethanedioic acid solution. Calculation 1 Mass of (COOH)2.2H2O(g) = 0.05 mol dm-3 x 126 g mol-1 0.250 dm3 = 1.575 g

Procedure 1. Weigh accurately the required mass of ethanedioic acid crystals, (COOH)22H2O in a 100 cm3 beaker. Dissolve it in some deionised water and make up the solution to 250 cm 3 in a standard flask. Shake well. Pipette 25.0 cm3 of ethanedioic acid solution from step 1 into a conical flask. Add a drop or two of phenolphthalein and titrate the solution with sodium hydroxide in the burette until the first permanent pink colour is observed. Repeat for accurate readings.


In the space below record all the data collected in a suitable format, including the mass of the beaker the mass of ethanedioic acid weighed out and the volumes of the solutions used in the titrations Results 1 f i n a l I n i t i a l V o l u m e b u r e t t e b u r e t t e o f N a O H r e a d i n g r e a d i n g ( a q ) u s e d / / / c m c m c m

2 25.80 0.00 25.80

3 26.05 0. 00 26.05

25.45 0.00 25.45

Mass of beaker + ethanedioic acid / g Mass of beaker / g Mass of ethanedioic acid used / g

62.55 60.87 1.68

Summary _____25___ cm3 of the ethanedioic acid solution required __25.77____ cm3 of the sodium hydroxide solution for complete reaction.

Skill Assessment Analysis 1. Calculate the number of moles of ethanedioic acid crystals, (COOH)22H2O, in 1 dm3 of solution. Mol of ethanedioic acid used = 1.68 g = 0.013 mol 126 g mol-1 Concentration (mol dm-3) = 0.0130 mol 0.25 dm3 2. = 0.052 mol dm-3

Calculate the mass of the ethanedioate ions, (COO)22, in 1 dm3 of solution. Concentration (g dm-3) = 0.05 mol dm-3 88 g mol-1 = 4.4 g dm-3 Calculate the number of moles of ethanedioic acid crystals, (COOH)22H2O, used during the titration. Mol of (COOH)2.2H2O = 0.05 mol dm-3 0.250 dm3 = 0.00125 10-3 mol



Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide used in the titration. 2 mol of NaOH reacts with 1 mol of (COOH)2.2H2O So, mol of NaOH used in titration = (0.00125) mol 2 = 0.00250 mol


Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide in 1 dm3 of the solution and its concentration in g dm3.

Concentration of NaOH (mol dm-3)

= 2.50 10-3 mol 25.77 10-3 dm3 = 0.0970 mol dm-3 = 0.0970 mol dm-3 40 g mol-1 = 3.88 g dm-3

Cocentration of NaOH (g dm-3)


Calculate the mass of the sodium ions, Na+, in 1 dm3 of solution. Concentration of Na+ (g dm-3) = 0.0970 mol dm-3 23 g mol-1 = 2.231 g dm-3

Skill Assessment Evaluation Considering the titration procedure (a) What precautions did you take to reduce errors? Give the reasons for the precautions that you took 1 Rinsed the burettes and pipettes with the appropriate solutions so that contaminants do not affect the titration and give false values. Ensure that the ethanedioic crystals dissolved completely and all of the solution was transferred into the volumetric flask so that the calculated molarity is correct


How can you improve this experiment? Use a balance that can weigh up to 3 decimal places


For the same experiment, in another class, the NaOH was pipetted into the conical flask and titrated with the ethanedioic acid solution from a burette. Would the students have obtained different results when calculating the concentration of the NaOH solution? Why? No. In both experiments end point is reached when mole ratio of NaOH to ethanedioic acid is 2 : 1. In this case the end point is detected when the colour of phenolpthalein disappears

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