Union Pacific

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Union Pacific Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP) is one of America's leading transportation companies.

Its principal operating company Union Pacific !ailroad is Nort" America's premier railroad franc"ise co#ering $% states across t"e &estern t&o' t"irds of t"e United States.

Company Vision/Mission Statement

VISION: Building America. ()r #ision sym*oli+es t"e Union Pacific e,perience for all t"e people &"ose li#es &e to)c". It connects t"e importance of UP-s rail transportation to America's economy "onors t"e generations t"at preceded )s and is t"e promise for t"e generations t"at &ill follo& )s. MISSION: The Men and omen o! "nion #aci!ic Are $edicated to Ser%e. Union Pacific &or.s for t"e good of o)r c)stomers o)r s"are"olders and one anot"er. ()r commitment defines )s and dri#es t"e economic strengt" of o)r company and o)r co)ntry. VA&"'S: (ocus on #er!ormance. ()r concentration and determination &ill dri#e o)r safety c)stomer satisfaction and /)ality res)lts. 'nsure )igh 'thical Standards. ()r rep)tation &ill al&ays *e a so)rce of pride for o)r employees and a *ond &it" o)r c)stomers s"are"olders and comm)nity partners. or* as a Team. 0e are all part of t"e same team and &or.ing toget"er to reac" o)r common goals is one of o)r strengt"s. Comm)nication and respect are t"e fo)ndation of great team&or.. "nion #aci!ic+s trademar*s :

Alton 1 So)t"ern American !efrigerator 2ransit C"icago and Nort" 0estern 3en#er 1 !io 4rande 5isso)ri'6ansas'2e,as (6aty) 5isso)ri Pacific Pacific 7r)it E,press So)t"ern Pacific

St. 8o)is So)t"&estern (Cotton 9elt) 2e,as 1 Pacific Union Pacific Union Pacific 7r)it E,press 0estern Pacific

0elcome in 2raining !oom :!;<snac.s &as pro#ided= >arriman 3ispatc" Center to)r Union Pacific >arriman 3ispatc" Center (ma"a NE (riginally a freig"t depot for t"e Union Pacific !ail&ay 2"e >arriman 3ispatc" Center &as constr)cted in ?@A? and sold at a)ction in ?@AB. A gro)p of in#estors led *y financier Ed&ard >. >arriman paid a record CD@ million for t"e railroad. Nearly AE years later reno#ation &or. *egan to con#ert t"e *)ilding into t"e Union Pacific >arriman 3ispatc" Center &"ic" no& "o)ses BDE'@EE Union Pacific employees incl)ding: administrati#e and e,ec)ti#e officesF dispatc"ers and railroad s)pportF comp)ter operations and t"e *)ilding's central plantF and a *)n.er &it" &alls and ceiling made from ?@'$G'inc" steel reinforced concrete. 2"e >arriman 3ispatc" Center "as *een compared to an airport control to&er for t"e railroad )sing micro&a#es fi*er optics and leased telep"one circ)its to comm)nicate information. 2oday t"e Union Pacific !ailroad "as a*o)t %H EEE miles of rail trac. ma.ing it t"e largest railroad in t"e &orld. 2"e facility "as recei#ed se#eral arc"itect)ral and soft&are a&ards.

'lm,ood #ar*
2"e 'lm,ood #ar* neig"*or"ood in (ma"a Ne*ras.a is a "istorically significant area t"at &as de#eloped in t"e late ?At" and early $Et" cent)ry. It e,tends from 8ea#en&ort" Street on t"e nort" to Center Street on t"e so)t"F from So)t" DEt" Street on t"e east to So)t" B$nd Street on t"e &est. >ome to et"nic S&ede cele*rations t"ro)g" t"e ?ADEs today t"e neig"*or"ood's par. "osts t"e city's IS"a.espeare on t"e 4reenI festi#al. In ?@@A >.0.S. Cle#eland recommended t"at (ma"a ac/)ire a par. large eno)g" to s")t o)t city sig"ts and so)nds in order to refres" t"e senses. Elm&ood Par. fo)nded in ?@@A at @E$ So)t" HEt" Street &as one of (ma"a's largest par.s t"ro)g" t"e ?ADEs. Soon after t"e city ac/)ired an initial DD'acre ($$E EEE m$) donation of land for t"e par. t"e (ma"a 9ee descri*ed it as a I&ild and romantic place... containing a &ooded ra#ine t"at follo&ed t"e co)rse of a small stream.I 2"ey contin)ed I2"ere are all manner of s"ady noo.s in t"is dell and some of t"e largest forest trees in t"is section of t"e co)ntry are to *e seen in it.I 2"e par. along &it" >appy >ollo& 9o)le#ard &as part of

Cle#eland's par.s and *o)le#ard plan for (ma"a. 2oday t"e *o)le#ard r)ns nort" from Elm&ood Par. past t"e Uni#ersity of Ne*ras.a at (ma"a camp)s and 5emorial Par. on&ard to 9enson. A 5ooris" Castle'style pa#ilion &as *)ilt in ?@AE for CD D@H. (riginally an open air str)ct)re it &as condemned in ?A%A as )nsafe and closed leading to its enclos)re sometime later. In ?A?$ a local *)sinessman donated a totem pole to t"e par. t"at stood t"ere t"ro)g" t"e ?A%Es and t"e par. &as t"e site of camping gro)nds t"ro)g" t"e ?ADEs. 2"e Elm&ood Par. 4olf Co)rse &as opened in ?A?H and feat)red ra#ines grassy fields and road&ays t"ro)g"o)t. 9y ?A?B t"e par. "ad gro&n to $E@.?% acres (E.@G$% .m$) and it &as t"e second largest in t"e city. 7rom t"e late ?At" cent)ry t"ro)g" t"e ?A%Es an ann)al par. &as "eld for (ma"a's African American comm)nity at t"e par. &it" as many as ?E EEE people attending. 2"e Uni#ersity of Ne*ras.a at (ma"a relocated from its Nort" (ma"a camp)s to a %E'acre (?$E EEE m$) parcel ne,t to t"e par. in ?A%B sealing t"e par.'s si+e permanently. In t"e ?AGEs nati#e (ma"a *illionaire 0arren 9)ffett set )p a golf *all stand at t"e golf co)rse in t"e par.. !eno#ated again in ?A@B t"e city spent C?EE EEE from a *ond iss)e to replace &indo&s and repair restrooms at t"e pa#ilion. 2"e par. recei#ed a C? million reno#ation in ?AA% and in $EEE t"e Peter 6ie&it 7o)ndation made a significant grant to t"e city t"at allo&ed t"e city to reno#ate t"e par.-s "istoric spring area impro#e t"e s&imming pool and create ne& entrance signage. 2oday Elm&ood Par. incl)des t"e ?@'"ole golf co)rse t&o *ase*all fields and a s&imming pool. 2"ere are also pat"s and trails for *i.ing and &al.ingF a lagoon picnic areas restrooms t"e "istoric pa#ilion open spaces and a "istoric mar.er.

4all)p Inc. is primarily a researc"'*ased glo*al performance'management cons)lting company. (riginally fo)nded *y 4eorge 4all)p in ?A%D t"e company *ecame famo)s for its p)*lic opinion polls &"ic" &ere cond)cted in t"e United States and ot"er co)ntries. 4all)p &or.s &it" maJor *)sinesses and organi+ations aro)nd t"e &orld. In ?A@@ G years after 4all)p died Selection !esearc" (S!I) p)rc"ased it from its "eirs. S!I &anted t"e 4all)p name to )se on its polls &"ic" ga#e t"em more credi*ility and "ig"er response rates. 2oday t"e poll is )sed to gain #isi*ility. Some of 4all)p's .ey practice areas are employee engagement c)stomer engagement talent management and &ell'*eing. 4all)p "as nearly GE offices in more t"an $E co)ntries.<$=<%= 0orld "ead/)arters are in 0as"ington 3.C. (perational "ead/)arters are in (ma"a Ne*ras.a. Its c)rrent C"airman and CE( is Kim Clifton.

2"ere are a*o)t $ EEE employees in t"e pri#ately "eld company &or.ing in fo)r di#isions: 4all)p Poll 4all)p Cons)lting 4all)p Uni#ersity and 4all)p Press.<G= 4all)p Inc. pro#ides researc" and cons)lting ser#ices ed)cational programs and print and online p)*lications. It offers daily ne&s reports a*o)t political economic and social iss)esF cons)ltancy ser#ices for employee and c)stomer managementF degree and non'degree programs in management ed)cation and leaders"ip de#elopmentF and c)rric)l)m on managing employee. 2"e company also p)*lis"es *oo.s on management social and political researc". Its prod)ct incl)des 4all)p 5anagement Ko)rnal a mont"ly online *)siness p)*lication for *)siness leaders and management t"in.ers. In addition it offers city and co)ntry trac.ingF c)stom inde,esF on'site analystsF data transfer ser#icesF and c)stom

Key Executives for Gallup, Inc.

5r. Kim Clifton
C"airman and C"ief E,ec)ti#e (fficer

3r. 3ennis Kaco*e

C"ief Economist

5r. 7ran. 5. Ne&port

Editor'in'C"ief of 2"e 4all)p Poll

3r. !o*ert 3. 2ortora

Principal Scientist

5r. Kames 6. >arter

C"ief Scientist of 0or.place 5anagement

>enry 3oorly Loo and A/)ari)m 2"e (ma"a's >enry 3oorly Loo and A/)ari)m is a +oo in (ma"a Ne*ras.a located at %BE? So)t" ?Et" Street. It is accredited *y t"e Association of Loos and A/)ari)ms and a mem*er of t"e 0orld Association of Loos and A/)ari)ms 2"e Omaha+s )enry $oorly .oo and A/uarium is a +oo in (ma"a Ne*ras.a located at %BE? So)t" ?Et" Street. It is accredited *y t"e Association of Loos and A/)ari)ms and a mem*er of t"e 0orld Association of Loos and A/)ari)ms. Its mission is conser#ation researc" recreation and ed)cation. <G= (ma"a's >enry 3oorly Loo and A/)ari)m is nationally reno&ned for its leaders"ip in animal conser#ation and researc". E#ol#ing from t"e p)*lic !i#er#ie& Par. Loo esta*lis"ed in ?@AG today t"e Loo incl)des se#eral nota*le e,"i*its. It feat)res t"e largest cat comple, in Nort" AmericaF<D= I6ingdoms of t"e Nig"tI is t"e &orld's largest noct)rnal e,"i*it and indoor s&ampF <H= t"e 8ied K)ngle is one of t"e &orld's largest indoor rainforests and t"e I3esert 3omeI is t"e &orld's largest indoor desert <B= as &ell as t"e largest gla+ed geodesic dome in t"e &orld.<@=<A= 2"e Loo is Ne*ras.a-s n)m*er one paid attendance attraction and "as &elcomed more t"an $D million #isitors o#er t"e past GE years.

&ied 0ungle

Nota1le points
Scott 2ingdom o! the Seas A/uarium -arden o! the Senses $esert $ome 2ingdoms o! the Night )u11ard -orilla Valley )u11ard Orangutan (orest Cat Comple3 $urham (amily Bear Canyon '3ploration Station at the Tree o! &earning Mutual o! Omaha+s ild 2ingdom #a%ilion Original (acility ild 2ingdom #a%ilion

Small Animal Collection Butter!ly and Insect #a%ilion Butter!ly Conser%atory Conser%ation #romenade Chrysalis )atching 4oom Insect .oo &o,er &e%el

Valmont Inc. 5Valmont.com6

Malmont Ind)stries Inc. is a large p)*licly "eld American man)fact)rer of Malley center pi#ot and linear irrigation e/)ipment &indmill s)pport str)ct)res lig"ting 1 traffic poles and steel )tility poles Malmont Ind)stries is a leading producer and distri1utor of prod)cts for t"e infrastr)ct)re and agric)lt)re mar.ets. Malmont Ind)stries *egan in ?AGH &"en o)r fo)nder !o*ert 9. 3a)g"erty com*ined "is CD EEE sa#ings and &"ole"earted *elief t"at *)siness co)ld and s"o)ld *e done *etter. Since t"at modest start more t"an "alf a cent)ry ago o)r company "as gro&n to *e an international leader in engineered prod)cts and ser#ices for infrastr)ct)re and &ater'conser#ing irrigation e/)ipment for agric)lt)re. 7rom t"e lig"ting and traffic str)ct)res t"at g)ide yo)r &ay to comm)nication to&ers and )tility str)ct)res t"at po&er yo)r "ome and *)siness to irrigation e/)ipment t"at &aters t"e croplands on &"ic" yo)r food is gro&n Malmont prod)cts impro#e li#es &orld&ide. Malmont Ind)stries operates in fo)r primary *)siness segments: Engineered Infrastr)ct)re Prod)cts Utility S)pport Str)ct)res Irrigation and CoatingsF as &ell as in t"e t)*ing grinding media and electrolytic manganese dio,ide *)sinesses. Malmont (M5I) is p)*licly traded on t"e NYSE. 0e foc)s on t&o glo*al mar.ets: infrastr)ct)re and agric)lt)re. Malmont Ind)stries is present in $% de#eloped and de#eloping co)ntries offering $B *rands from more t"an AE facilities. International sales represent a significant portion of o)r re#en)es. Malmont-s employees are passionate a*o)t t"e prod)cts &e ma.e. Along &it" o)r c)stomers t"ey are t"e cornerstone of o)r s)ccess. 0e pride o)rsel#es on *eing people of integrity &"o e,cel at deli#ering optimal res)lts. 0e p)rs)e opport)nities for gro&t" *y ta.ing o)r prod)cts and processes to ne& mar.ets introd)cing ne& prod)cts to regions &"ere &e "a#e a presence and contin)ally impro#ing o)r ser#ices to ens)re t"at Malmont sol)tions are second'to'none.

Valmont's Vision Statement

Valmont is recognized throughout the world as an industry leader in engineered products and services for infrastructure, and water conserving irrigation equipment for agriculture. We grow our businesses by leveraging our existing products, markets and processes. We recognize that our growth will only create shareholder value if, at the same time, we exceed our cost of capital. Essential to our success is a company wide commitment to customer service and innovation, and the ability to be the best cost producer for all products and services we provide. !ecognizing that our employees are the cornerstone of

our accomplishments, we pride ourselves on being people of passion and integrity who excel and deliver results.

Net&or.ing !eception at 4reater (ma"a C"am*er of Commerce C)lt)ral Acti#ity: S"oping 3inner and 5o#ie at 0estroads 5all

ConAgra (oods5conagra!oods.com6 C)lt)ral Acti#ity:9ase*all 4ame<c&ssoma"a.com=

Bosheims51osheims.com6 A78data1ases.com 7are&ell 3inner<S!>=

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