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b) 'Celebrity culture is a prominent and unwelcome feature of contemporary society'. Discuss.

Our globalized western world has become progressively obsessed with famous people's lives. Singers, actors, ! show hosts, rich people. hese are all lives we are constantly being his is the issue which will be overwhelmed with information about. Should a person, or a group, really be pointed out as a role model and have their life portrayed as perfect and desirable" discussed in the present essay. Social anthropologist #amie ehrani has researched the sub$ect and found that our obsession has a lot to do with our evolutionary past. ehrani believes that this celebrity mania may be the result of our brains not being able to catch up with modern times. %is research led him to thin& that this celebrity interest is apparently caused by our ancient brains thin&ing we needed to respect the leader ' or those seen as being creative innovators. (hile this anthropologist's thesis this gives some of an 'scientific' e)planation to the celebrity comple), it's not very wise to feel reasoned and $ust move on &nowing that it is wired into our brains to be interested in whether *rad +itt has decided to have his hair trimmed, and why ,im ,ardashian has decided to call her young daughter -.orth (est/. 0any famous people act and do things $ust for the media attention, they seem to live by the motto1 2there's no such thing as bad publicity.3 his alone should be a sign that celebrities don/t seem to be the most evolved in the human race. 4fter all, taking a monkey on a plane, getting
paid a million dollars for filming themselves having sex or having a doctor give them general anesthetic to get to sleep (all real examples of celebrities' eccentricities) don't seem to be characteristic of leaders or creative innovators.

0aybe it/s time we found new role models. hese not'so'bright idols have a bigger impact on teens, for they are the most common people trying to copy their idols. his happens because they are so vulnerable. eenagers are in search for self'esteem, their identity, and a 2cool3 self'image. 4ll of these aspects of a teenager/s life contribute to who they will become. (hen teenagers are struggling with the troubles of adolescence they will be predisposed to listen to someone they idolize, so they loo& up to their favorite stars. 5n light of these different aspects, it would be wise for each one to rethin& their own habits. 5t is always easy to blame the media or the government, such theoretic sub$ects. he truth is that we're all responsible for our actions. 0aybe it/s the time to give appraisal to 'real' people. 4fter all, anyone can name their top 6 favorite teachers, but much harder it is to name the top 6 0iss 7niverse winners, or even one. 8urthermore, without the help of parents, peers and their own good sense teens and will continue to be overcome by the negative frea& that is celebrity culture.

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