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Control system1

EC 2255 CONTROL SYSTEMS 3003 AIM To familiarize the students with concepts related to the operation analysis and stabilization of control systems OBJECTIVES To understand the open loop and closed loop (feedback ) systems To understand time domain and frequency domain analysis of control systems required for stability analysis. To understand the compensation technique that can be used to stabilize control systems 1. CONTROL SYSTEM MODELING 9 Basic Elements of Control System !pen loop and Closed loop systems " #ifferential equation " Transfer function$ %odelin& of Electric systems$ Translational and rotational mechanical systems " Block dia&ram reduction Techniques " Si&nal flow &raph 2. TIME RESPONSE ANALYSIS 9 Time response analysis " 'irst !rder Systems " (mpulse and Step )esponse analysis of second order systems " Steady state errors *$ *($ *# and *(# Compensation$ +nalysis usin& %+T,+B 3. FREQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS 9 'requency )esponse " Bode *lot$ *olar *lot$ -yquist *lot " 'requency #omain specifications from the plots " Constant % and - Circles " -ichol.s Chart " /se of -ichol.s Chart in Control System +nalysis. Series$ *arallel$ series"parallel Compensators " ,ead$ ,a&$ and ,ead ,a& Compensators$ +nalysis usin& %+T,+B. 4. STABILITY ANALYSIS 9 Stability$ )outh"0urwitz Criterion$ )oot ,ocus Technique$ Construction of )oot ,ocus$ Stability$ #ominant *oles$ +pplication of )oot ,ocus #ia&ram " -yquist Stability Criterion " )elati1e Stability$ +nalysis usin& %+T,+B 5. STATE VARIABLE ANALYSIS & DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 9 State space representation of Continuous Time systems State equations Transfer function from State 2ariable )epresentation Solutions of the state equations " Concepts of Controllability and !bser1ability State space representation for #iscrete time systems. Sampled #ata control systems Samplin& Theorem Sample 3 0old !pen loop 3 Closed loop sampled data systems. TOTAL 45 PERIODS TE!TBOO" 4. 5.-a&rath and %.6opal$7 Control System En&ineerin&7$ -ew +&e (nternational *ublishers$ 8th Edition$ 9::;. 9. %.6opal$ <Control System *rinciples and #esi&n7$ Tata %c6raw 0ill$ 9nd Edition$ 9::9. REFERENCES 4. Ben=amin.C.>uo$ <+utomatic control systems7$ *rentice 0all of (ndia$ ;th Edition$4??8. 9. %.6opal$ #i&ital Control and State 2ariable %ethods$ 9nd Edition$ T%0$ 9::;. @. Schaum.s !utline Series$.'eedback and Control Systems. Tata %c6raw" 0ill$ 9::;. A. 5ohn 5.#.azzo 3 Constantine 0.0oupis$ .,inear control system analysis and desi&n.$ Tata %c6row"0ill$ (nc.$ 4??8. 8. )ichard C. #orf 3 )obert 0. Bishop$ < %odern Control Systems7$ +ddidon

Besley$ 4???.

Control system modelling

Control system2

1. What is control system?

A system consists of a number of components connected together to perform a specific function . In a system when the output quantity is controlled by varying the input quantity then the system is called control system.

the two major types of control system are open loop and closed loop

3. Define open loop control system.

The control system in which the output quantity has no effect upon the input quantity are called open loop control system. This means that the output is not feedbac to the input for correction.

4. Define closed loop control system.

The control system in which the output has an effect upon the input quantity so as to maintain the desired output value are called closed loop control system.

5. What are the components of feedback control system?

the components of feedbac control system are plant ! feedbac path elements! error detector and controller.

6. Define transfer f nction.

The T." of a system is defined as the ratio of the laplace transform of output to laplace transform of input with #ero initial conditions.

!. What are the basic elements translational system.

sed for modelin" mechanical

$ass $! spring % and dashpot or damper &

#. What are the basic elements system?

sed for modelin" mechanical rotational

Control system modelling

2. What are the two major types of control system?

Control system'

$oment of inertia (!dashpot or damper & and spring %

$. %ame two types of electrical analo"o s for mechanical system.

The two types of analogies for the mechanical system are "orce voltage and force current analogy

1&. What is block dia"ram? Control system modelling '

A bloc diagram of a system is a pictorial representation of the functions performed by each component of the system and shows the flow of signals.The basic elements of bloc diagram arew bloc ! branch point and summing point.

11. What is the basis for framin" the r les of block dia"ram red ction techni' e?
The rules for bloc diagram reduction technique are framed such that any modification made on the diagram does not alter the input output relation.

12. What is a si"nal flow "raph?

A signal flow graph is a diagram that represents a set of simultaneous algebraic equations .&y ta ing ).T the time domain differential equations governing a control system can be transferred to a set of algebraic equations in s*domain.

13. What is transmittance?

The transmittance is the gain acquired by the signal when it travels from one node to another node in signal flow graph.

14. What is sink and so rce?

+ource is the input node in the signal fow graph and it has only outgoing branches. +in is a output node in the signal flow graph and it has only incoming branches.

15. Define nonto chin" loop.

Control system,

The loops are said to be non touching if they do not have common nodes.

16. Distin" ish between open loop and closed loop system
(pen loop )losed loop



2.+imple and economical

Comple- and costlier

'.The changes in output due to e-ternal disturbance are not corrected automatically

The changes in output due to e-ternal disturbances are corrected

,.They are generally stable

.reat efforts are needed to design a stable system

1!. Why is ne"ati*e feedback in*ariably preferred in closed loop system?

The negative feedbac results in better stability in steady state and rejects any disturbance signals.

Control system modelling

Control system/

+,-. / , 1. 2. '. ,. /. 3. 4. 5. 0hat is system and control system1 0hat are the types of control system and e-plain it1 0rite the application for open loop and closed loop control system. 2istinguish the open loop and closed loop control systems. 0hat are the components of control system1 2efine transfer function. 0hat is differential equation1 0hat are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical translational system1 6. 0rite the force balance equation for a. Ideal mass element b. Ideal 2ash*pot c. Ideal spring 17. 0hat are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical rotational system1 11. 0rite the torque balance equations for a. Ideal rotational mass element b. Ideal rotational 2ash*pot c. Ideal rotational spring 12. 0hat are all the two types of electrical analogous of mechanical system1 1'. 0hat is &loc diagram1 1,. 0hat are all the components of &loc diagram1 1/. 0hat is a signal flow graph1 13. 0hat is transmittance1 14. 2efine non*touching loops. 15. 0rite the properties of signal flow graph. 16. 0rite the mason8s gain formula. 27. Compare the bloc diagram representation and signal flow graph.

Control system modelling

Control system3

0,12) 34353%.1 (6 53)7,%2),4 181.35 ELEMENT SYMBOL FORCE




Control system modelling

Control system4

9:;&)<$+ ;= $<C>A=ICA) +?+T<$+ 1. 0rite the differential equation and find out the transfer function for given mechanical system

+olution@ +T<91@ "ree hand drawing

.o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law!

A1B Ta e laplace transform for A1B

Control system modelling

Control system5

2.0rite the differential equation and find out the transfer function for given mechanical system

+oln@ +T<91@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$1B

.o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law!

A1B Ta e laplace transform for A1B


Control system modelling

Control system6

+T<92@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$2B

.o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law! Control system modelling 6

A'B Ta e laplace transform for A'B

A,B +C&D@ A,B in A2B

Control system17

'.0rite the differential equation and find out the transfer function for given mechanical system

+T<91@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$1B

>ere applied force E7 .o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law!

A1B Ta e laplace transform for A1B



Control system modelling


Control system11

+T<92@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$2B

&y newton8s law!

A'B Ta e laplace transform for A'B

A,B +C&D@ A2B in A,B


Control system modelling

.o find differential e' ation9

Control system12

,.0rite the differential equation and find out the transfer function for given mechanical system

+oln@ +T<91@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$1B

.o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law!

A1B Ta e laplace transform for A1B


+T<92@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$2B

.o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law! 12

Control system modelling

Control system1'

A'B Ta e laplace transform for A'B Control system modelling FORCE 1'

A,B +C&D@ A2B in A,B

0,12) 34353%.1 (6 -(.,.2(%,4 181.35



Control system1,



1B0rite the differential equation and find out the transfer function for given rotational system


Control system modelling


Control system1/

+oln@ +T<91@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$1B

.o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law!

:1; Ta e laplace transform for A1B :2;

+T<92@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$2B


Control system modelling

Control system13

:3; Ta e laplace transform for A'B

:4; +C&D@ A2B in A,B


Control system modelling

Control system14

343).-2),4 ,%,4,<(=1 (6 53)7,%2),4 181.35 6orce *olta"e analo"y9 5echanical system "orce !fAtB 3lectrical system Foltage source F Inductance ) Control system modelling 14


2amper !& +pring ! 7ints

:esistance! : Capacitance !C

iB if there is one displacement put the elements in series iiB if there is Change in displacement put the elements in parallel 6orce c rrent analo"y9 5echanical system "orce !fAtB 3lectrical system Current source I Capacitance!C


2amper !& +pring ! 7ints

:esistance! : Inductance )

iB if there is one displacement put the elements in parallel iiB iiB if there is Change in displacement put the elements in series

Control system15

343).-2),4 ,%,4,<(=1 (6 -(.,.2(%,4 181.35 .or' e *olta"e analo"y9 5echanical system Torque 3lectrical system Foltage source F Inductance ) Control system modelling 15


2amper !& +pring ! 7ints

:esistance! : Capacitance !C

iB if there is one displacement put the elements in series iiB if there is Change in displacement put the elements in parallel .or' e c rrent analo"y9 5echanical system Torque 3lectrical system Current source I Capacitance!C


2amper !& +pring ! 7int

:esistance! : Inductance )

iB if there is one displacement put the elements in parallel iiB if there is Change in displacement put the elements in series

Control system16

1. 0rite the differential equation and 2raw force*current and force*voltage analogy

+olution@ +T<91@ "ree hand drawing Control system modelling 16

.o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law!

6orce>?olta"e ,nalo"y

6orce>) rrent ,nalo"y

2. 0rite the differential equation and 2raw force*current and force*voltage analogy

Control system27

+oln@ +T<91@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$1B Control system modelling 27

.o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law!

+T<92@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$2B

.o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law!

Differential 3' ation are

Control system21

6orce>?olta"e ,nalo"y

6orce>) rrent ,nalo"y

R2 L1 C1 I )4 C2 R2 ,9

'.0rite the differential equation and 2raw force*current and force*voltage analogy


Control system modelling

Control system22

+oln@ +T<91@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$1B Control system modelling 22

>ere applied force E7 .o find differential e' ation9 &y newton8s law!

+T<92@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$2B

.o find differential e' ation9

Control system2'

&y newton8s law!

Differential 3' ation are

6orce>?olta"e ,nalo"y

6orce>) rrent ,nalo"y

C2 R2 R1 ,9 ,4 I R3



Control system modelling

Control system2,

,. 0rite the differential equation and 2raw force*current and force*voltage analogy

+oln@ +T<91@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$1B

+T<92@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$2B 2,

Control system modelling

Control system2/

+T<9'@ "ree hand drawing from $ass A$'B

Differential 3' ation are

6orce>?olta"e ,nalo"y


Control system modelling

Control system23


Control system modelling

6orce>) rrent ,nalo"y

Control system24


Control system modelling

Control system25


Control system modelling

Control system26


Control system modelling

Control system'7


Control system modelling

Control system'1


Control system modelling

Control system'2


Control system modelling

Control system''


Control system modelling

Control system',


Control system modelling

Control system'/


Control system modelling

Control system'3


Control system modelling

Control system'4


Control system modelling

Control system'5


Control system modelling

Control system'6


Control system modelling

Control system,7


Control system modelling

Control system,1


Control system modelling

Control system,2


Control system modelling

Control system,'


Control system modelling

Control system,,


Control system modelling

Control system,/


Control system modelling

Control system,3


Control system modelling

Control system,4


Control system modelling

Control system,5


Control system modelling

Control system,6


Control system modelling

Control system/7


Control system modelling

Control system/1


Control system modelling

Control system/2


Control system modelling

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