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Hexagonal Dihexagonal Dipyramidal Class

Axial Configuration

Hexagonal - Dihexagonal Dipyramidal Class (6/m 2/m 2/m)

System Class Name HermannPlanes Center Maugin 2-Fold 3-Fold 4-Fold 6-Fold Symbols 6 1 7 yes 6/m 2/m 2/m AXES

Hexagonal Dihexagonal Dipyramidal

Kelas : ke-20, Simetri : 6/m 2/m 2/m Elemen Simetri : terdapat 1 sumbu putar enam, 6 sumbu putar dua, 7 bidang simetri masingmasing berpotongan tegak lurus terhadap salah satu sumbu rotasi dan satu pusat. Sumbu Kristal : terdapat tiga sumbu dalam satu bidang, disebut a1, a2, dan a3 sama panjang satu sama lain, sumbu a bisa lebih panjang atau pendek dari sumbu c. Sudut : sumua sudut antar sumbu positif a sebesar 120o. Sudut antara semua sumbu a dan sumbu c sebesar 90o. Bentuk Umum : diheksagonal piramida, heksagonal dipiramid, diheksagonal prisma, heksagonal prisma dan dasar pinakoid. Mineral yang Umum : beryl, molibdenit, pyrhotit, nikelin, grafit kakohenit, seng, fluoserit dan lain-lain

Example of the Hexagonal - dihexagonal dipyramidal class symmetry

Contoh Mineral dan Rumus Kimia BERYL : Be3Al2Si6O18


: MoS2


: (Na,K)2(Mg,Fe++)5Si12O30


The monoclinic crystal system class names, examples, Schnflies notation, Hermann-Mauguin notation, point groups, International Tables for Crystallography space group number,orbifold, type, and space groups are listed in the table below.
# Name 3-5 Point group Schnflie Intl s Example orbi fold 22 Coxe ter [2]+ Type Space groups



Sphenoid C2 al Domatic C1h (=C1v = Cs) Prismatic C2h

halotrichi te hilgardite

enantiomor phic polar polar






centrosym metric

Sphenoidal is also monoclinic hemimorphic; Domatic is also monoclinic hemihedral; Prismatic is also monoclinic normal. The three monoclinic hemimorphic space groups are as follows:

a prism with as cross-section ditto with screw axes instead of axes ditto with screw axes as well as axes, parallel, in between; in this case an additional translation vector is one half of a translation vector in the base plane plus one half of a perpendicular vector between the base planes.

The four monoclinic hemihedral space groups include

those with pure reflection at the base of the prism and halfway those with glide planes instead of pure reflection planes; the glide is one half of a translation vector in the base plane those with both in between each other; in this case an additional translation vector is this glide plus one half of a perpendicular vector between the base planes.

Contoh Mineral dan Rumus Kimia Gypsum : CaSO42H2O


: Al2Si2O5(OH)42(H2O)


: FeAl2(SO4)422H2O.


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