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High Volume Fly ASH Concrete - A Sustainable Solution by Making Better Concrete BY DR. WILBERT LANGLEY, P.

Ecuador , January 2012

What is Fly Ash?

When pulverized coal is burned to generate electrical power, extremely large quantities of fly ash and bottom ash are produced. Fine grade fly ash has acquired considerable importance in the building materials sector.

Fly Ash Characteristics

Coal is formed in the earth over periods of 300 to 400 million years. Over this period, the different plant material from which coal is formed undergoes complex transformation so that the nature and properties of the variety of coals are dependent on the nature of plants in their makeup.

Properties of Fly Ash

Fly ash is a solid fine grained material resulting from the combustion of pulverized coal in power station boilers. The material is collected in mechanical or electrostatic separators. Fly ashes capable of reacting with Ca(OH)2 at room temperature can act as pozzolanic materials. This activity is attributable to the presence of SiO2 and Al2O3 in amorphous form.

Fly Ash Classification

Fly ashes in Canada are classified by their lime content (calcium oxide). Pozzolanic fly ashes are of low lime content produced by the combustion of anthacite (hard coal) or bituminous coal. The combustion of lignite or sub-bituminous coal results in fly ash with some cementing properties by themselves and tend to be high in lime content.

Fly Ash Chemical Composition

Fly ashes from coal combustion contain particularly high percentages of SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3, and also contain other oxides such as CaO, MgO, TiO2, Na2O, K2O, SO3, etc. Trace metals such as Cr, Cd, Pb, Mo, Hg, etc. may also be present which has recently caused some concern and will be addressed later in this presentation.

Beneficial Chemical and Physical Properties of Fly Ash for Concrete

Concrete properties affected by the use of fly ash replacement for Portland cement include: Strength (compressive, tensile, flexural) Permeability Sulphate resistance Amelioration of alkali-aggregate reactivity Time of setting and heat generation

Concrete Strength Development

50 Compressive Strength, MPa 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7 Days 28 Days 60 Days 90 Days W/C+F = 0.45 Air Entrained 100% PC 80% PC+20% FA 70% PC+30% FA 60% PC+40% FA

Drying Shrinkage
Fly ash is approximately a similar particle size as portland cement, however, portland cement is composed of rough and flat like particles, whereas fly ash particles are smooth and more rounded. This more favorable particle shape permits lower unit water content in concrete containing fly ash and a proportionate reduction in shrinkage and improvement in concrete placing and workability.

Durable Concrete

Low diffusion coefficient ~ 10 -13 m2/sec Low unit water content < 150 l/m3 Low adiabatic heat <300 kJ/kg Low placement temperature of concrete Stable, non-reactive aggregates Proper air void spacing factors Use of low calcium fly ash or other supplementary cementing materials

HVFA Concrete Structural Properties

Creep less than conventional concrete; Fatique strength equivalent to conventional concrete; Modulus of Elasticity similar to conventional concrete; Drying shrinkage is less; Strength gain continues over a longer period; Adequate early stripping strength; and Superior quality of formed surfaces.

Typical Concrete Mixture Proportions - Low Calcium Ash

W/C+F 0.35 0.28 0.39* Mixture Proportions, kg/m3 Cement 150 180 340 Fly Ash 190 220 0 Sand 750 660 860 Stone 1100 1110 1020

*Denotes control mixture

Compressive Strength Data Laboratory Tests

W C+F 0.35 0.28 0.39 Compressive Strength, MPa 3D 15.5 22.4 33.2 7D 20.5 34.2 40.4 28D 37.5 57.1 50.7 91D 53.0 75.2 57.3 365D 69.0 86.0 60.6

Large Blocks


Compressive Strength Development of Cores (56 % fly ash)

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 10 100 1000 10000

Compressive Strength, MPa

Test Age, days

Control HVFA HVFA (lean)

Up to 23 years

Parklane Beams and Slabs

Parklane Developments Complex Concrete Mixture Proportions

Component Portland Cement Class F Fly Ash Fine Aggregate 20 mm Coarse Aggregate Water Superplasticizer Quantity 180 kg/m 3 220 kg/m 3 800 kg/m 3 1100 kg/m 3 110 l/m 3 3.5 l/m

Parklane Developments Project Field Test Results

80 Compressive Strength, MPa 60 40 20 0 7 28 120 Age in Days

Windsor Casino Project Concrete Mixture Proportions

Type 20 Cement 130 kg/m3 Type F fly ash 130 kg/m3 40 mm aggregate 430 kg/m3 20 mm aggregate 640 kg/m3 Concrete sand 945 kg/m3 Water (including ice) 130 l/m3

San Marga Iraivan Temple 1000 Year Design Life

San Marga Iraivan Temple

Concrete Mix Proportions Temple Dome

Type 1 Cement 106 kg/m3 Class F Fly Ash 142 kg/m3 Concrete Sand 945 kg/m3 1" Stone 682 kg/m3 3/8 Stone 445 kg/m3 Water 95 kg/m3 Air Entraining 110 ml/m3 HRWR 3330 ml/m3

Strength Testing on Site

30 Compressive Strength, MPa 25 20 15 10 5 0 3 7 28 Test Age, days 90

Bottom Top

Strength and Durability

We as engineers seem to be obsessed with concrete strength, and what experience has shown us is that the concept/philosophy of Durability through Strength is simply not valid and attainable. There is no simple or unique relationship between Strength and Durability; we should design for Durability and check to ensure design strength is met.

Concrete Durability

Common physical tests conducted on concrete to assess quality are conducted between cracks or on non-cracked concrete at least. Most forms of concrete deterioration will likely occur at cracks first. We do not adequately address this issue in concrete assessment for durability. High volume fly ash concrete with low unit water content and very low heat of hydration will have minimal cracking from either drying shrinkage or thermal volume change.

Sustainability Strategy
In 1992, the UN Conference on Environment and Development (the Earth Summit) was held, and the importance of sustainable development to achieve a balance between environmental conservation and economic growth was reconfirmed. The concept of sustainability was developed in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development.

In simple terms, Sustainability implies development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Concrete meets the definition in that it is environmentally friendly; it uses no hazardous materials; does not pollute waterways; recycled materials can be used; and it conserves petroleum products.

Development at the cost of the environment, is no longer acceptable. Economic growth must be achieved without the cost to future generations. Sustainability is a global issue and only by embracing sustainability at the global level can we be sure that the environment will be protected, the natural resources used wisely and maintain stable economic development.

Portland cement plants have made major strides in reducing CO2 emissions. The reduction of limestone alone produces approximately 0.7 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of cement; thus, this limits just how much further the industry can practically go in this direction. Blending or intergrinding other materials such as limestone will provide further emission reduction. Replacement of high percentages of cement with supplementary cementing materials can also provide attractive alternatives.

The environmental impact of material usage requires: - better design - less waste - more reclamation - more recycling

Sustainability LEED
environmental design)

(leadership in energy &

The LEED mission is to promote the design and construction of buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to work. LEED promotes green design design and construction practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment and occupants in various areas as: Sustainable site planning; safeguarding water; energy efficiency; conservation of materials; and indoor environmental quality.

Concrete to Meet LEED Certification

There is currently a building under construction that is to achieve LEED certification with a specified greater than normal amounts of fly ash. At the same time the specifications state that the more than normal quantity of fly ash does not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to meet the 28day strength requirement. This is not the correct approach to achieve sustainability.

Durability & Sustainability

High volume fly ash concrete and extended life structures keeps material impacts on the environment to a minimum; Structure durability means that the structure is rarely out of service for maintenance and thus have minimal social disruption; and Extended life structures are stable and durable and thus, maintenance costs are reduced to provide economic advantages.

Reduction of CO2 by Concrete Industry

Use less portland cement Use more supplementary cementing materials Use less unit water with superplastizers Incorporate recycled aggregates in concrete Use stainless steel reinforcement in long life structures Specify later age strength Design for durability instead of strength

High Volume Fly Ash Concrete Benefits

Utilization of under-utilized resource; Reduction in CO2 emissions; Reduction in concrete costs; Elimination of thermal cracking; and Improvement of architectural surfaces.

TVA Kingston Ash Disaster

In December 2008, a large ash lagoon was breached at the Kingston Tennessee Power Station and released some 5.4 million cubic yards of fly ash sludge over an approximately 300 acre area and into the Emory River. The ash flowed through a residential area and demolished a dozen homes along with contamination of acres of land.

Kingston, Tennessee Ash Spill

Site Prior to the Spill Site After the Spill

12 Homes were covered with fly ash

Ash Flow Through Town

25 foot wall of ash 1-mile downstream

Is fly ash a hazard?

Is Fly Ash a Toxic Waste?

With the breach of the lagoon in Tennessee, pressure was put on the EPA of the US to categorize fly ash as a hazardous waste in order to remove responsibility for fly ash impoundments from state control to Federal control. Under Federal control, all dams and lagoons would require rigid guidelines and annual inspections similar to dams for water supply.

EPA Response to Fly Ash Spill

EPA has been a long-time supporter of the beneficial use of fly as a construction material. This is not likely to change, however it is likely that fly ash will be treated as a special waste and exempt from many restrictions on wastes in landfills. It is anticipated that new guidelines will be put in place as to how retention ponds are constructed and the frequency of inspection.

What Has Been the Affect of the Kingston Spill on the Fly Ash Industry?
The impact of the fly ash issue in Tennessee has had a far reaching affect on fly ash and the concrete industry in North America. If the EPA bent to the pressures of the uninformed it would have a very negative impact on the concrete industry. Nova Scotia fly ash cannot be used in water containment structures by order of NSE (following the Kingston impoundment failure).

Is Fly Ash a Hazardous Waste?

It has always been my contention that regardless of the nature of fly ash with respect to undesirable elements, it would be better tied up in concrete than placed in a landfill. Fly ash, as well as portland cement does not contain any elements or compounds not found in the earth from which they originate.

Summary of Typical Data to Date

Element Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Thallium Vanadium Water Standard 6 g/L 10 g/L 1000 g/L 5000 g/L 5 g/L 50 g/L 10 g/L 1 g/L 10 g/L 2 g/L 1-day 1.3 3.5 89.3 ND 4.3 36.1* ND ND ND 60.3 4-day 1.2 3.7 1370 ND ND 13.8 ND ND 2.0 ND 17.0 9-day 1.4 4.6 1390 ND ND 10.1 1.16 ND 2.4 ND 20.1 16-day 1.8 4.4 1450* ND ND 87.5* ND 0.03 4.3 ND 25.7

Woodrow Wilson Bridge

Confederation Bridge

Colorado Bridge (Hoover Dam)

Otay River Bridge

Four Bears Bridge, North Dakota

Sixth Street Viaduct, Wisconsin

This structure in downtown Milwaukee is unique in that the specifications required a minimum of 46 percent recycled material in the overall project. The concrete contained 35 percent fly ash, the highest percentage used to date (2002) by WisDOT.


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