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Religion, Gods, Mythology

Learning Goals

Identify forces that tended to reinforce stability in the world before the sixteenth century Organize and record information gathered through research

Egyptian Religion

The Ancient Egyptians had a polytheistic religion Through archaeology, it has been discovered that there were hundreds of gods or simple deities The Pharaoh served as the chief intermediary between gods and men Priests served the Pharaohs and catered to the needs of the population


Priests were primarily keepers of the temples

In temples they held ceremonies to honour the gods, yet the public was not welcome They oversaw funerals, taught students, supervised artisans and advised the public on godly matters


Religious temples served to worship a god Most temples were dedicated to one god

Each city had a temple for god whom is believed to have created the city Temples were also built in honour of Pharaohs

Ceremonies & Festivals

Religious Festival

Ancestor Worship
Great care in tomb maintenance

Public event

Statue of god or goddess paraded

People celebrate and honour the gods Festival of Osiris at Abydos lasted for day with crowds

Often represented in home


Most important ceremony of all

We will return to funerals

Spiritual Beliefs

Spiritual double 'ka' Another element 'ba personality The two would reunite in the preserved body Importance of burial practices

Creation Story

Before Egypt was created, there was only water The god of this watery chaos was Nun (Knum)

From Nun rose Ra and the first mound of land

Nun holds a ship filled with the chief gods

Sacred Symbols

The Ankh Symbol of life

The Cat Known as guardians of the underworld Cats were so important were often mummified

Amulet to ward off evil

Egyptian Mythology


Giving human qualities to non human entities Many gods have heads of animals Pharaohs sculpt heads onto lions

Religious Cults

Groups of worshippers who were devout to one god over the rest

Shrines were made to honour these deities

Some were gods, others were Pharaohs, both had followings

Gods and Deities Scavenger Hunt

To learn about the gods, we will be using the computers

Each student is to work on a chart


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