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Translation Tools Financial Statements of Banks

May 2009 Fixed Income Research Department


The Japanese Bankers Association produces an analysis of financial statements of all banks. The following summarizes the terminology appearing in those reports. The terminology is separated into 1. General Terminology 2. Balance Sheet 3. Statement of Income
1. GENERAL TERMINOLOGY In alphabetical order by Reading Japanese Reading !"#$% soneki keisansho &'()* taishaku taishou hyou +,-* 2. BALANCE SHEET Japanese ./01" ./2341" 56756 89:;<# 89=>?@:;<# ABCD EFGHF IJKLMNF OPQGF KLRSTUVF zaimu shohyou In alphabetical order by Reading Reading chuukan junrieki chuukan mishobun rieki dousan fudousan fusai no bu goukei fusai oyobi shihon no bu goukei gaikoku kawase genkin azukekin jiko kabushiki haraikomikin joutosei yokin kabushiki tou hyouka sagakukin English Statement of Income Balance Sheet Financial Statements

WEXYZ W[F\9] W[^_ &`F &abcF F\:de fghijklmhnh fhkgoh fhkphq rstF89 rstF?6 uvwxF 1"yzF 1"{|F }ST~rstF89 }ST~rstF?6 9

kaigensaki kanjou kaiire kinsen saiken kaiire tegata kashi dashikin kashidaore hikiatekin kinsen no shintaku komaasharu peepaa kooru manee kooru roon kurinobe zeikin fusai kurinobe zeikin shisan nini tsumitatekin rieki jouyokin rieki junbikin saihyouka ni kakawaru kurinobe zeikin fusai saihyouka ni kakawaru kurinobezeikin shisan saiken

English interim net income unappropriated profits at the interim of the term premises and real estate total liabilities total liabilities and stockholders equity foreign exchanges cash and due from banks treasury stock subscription negotiable certificates of deposit net unrealized gains (losses) on non-trading securities available for sale, net of taxes receivables under resale agreement monetary claims bought bills bought loans and bills discounted reserve for possible loan losses money held in trust commercial papers call money call loans deferred tax liabilities deferred tax assets voluntary reserves retained earnings earned surplus reserves deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation deferred tax assets for land revaluation debentures

Please refer to the end of this research report for important analyst certification and disclosure information.

May 2009
9rs?6 9&'bMF 9&'b[F 'F 9 M M ?@yzF ?@{|F ?@:; ?@:;<# ?@F Q89 K]9 KLMNF deYZ' ?6:; ?6:;:<# T bcF :89 ::bcF :?@yzF :?6 bcF 9 }STUVF :bcF Zb89 Zb?6 ?!bcF ?!bcF EXYZ P^_ GF T 3. STATEMENT OF INCOME Japanese ./01" ./2341" ,bR- ,bR" <F ?~r!V tRV tt=>t saiken kurinobe shisan saiken taishaku torihiki shiharai hoshoukin saiken taishaku torihiki ukeire tanpokin shakuyoukin shasai shiharai shoudaku shiharai shoudaku mikaeshi shihon jouyokin shihon junbikin shihon no bu shihon no bu goukei shihonkin shijousei fusai shinkabu yoyakuken fu shasai shinkabushiki haraikomikin shintaku kanjou shaku shisan no bu shisan no bu no goukei shouhin yuuka shouken shouyo hikiatekin sonota fusai sonota no hikiatekin sonota shihon jouyokin sonota shisan taishoku kyuufu hikiatekin tanki shasai tochi saihyouka sagakukin tokubetsu hou ue no hikiatekin tokutei torihiki fusai tokutei torihiki shisan toushi sonshitsu hikiatekin toushi sonshitsu hikiatekin urigensaki kanjou uriwatashi tegata yokin yuuka shouken n alphabetical order by Reading Reading chuukan junrieki chuukan mishobun rieki eigyou keihi ekimu torihiki tou hiyou ekimu torihiki tou shueki gappei koufukin genson ni yoru kurikoshi sonshitsu ten hogaku houjinzei tou chouseigaku houjinzei, juuminzei oyobi jigyouzei deferred debenture discounts receivables under securities borrowing transactions payables under securities lending transactions borrowed money straight bonds acceptances and guarantees customers liabilities for acceptances and guarantees capital surplus capital surplus reserve stockholders equity total stockholders equity common stock market-funded liabilities convertible bonds new stock subscription due to trust accounts assets total assets trading account securities reserve for bonus other liabilities other reserves other capital surplus other assets reserve for employee retirement benefits short-term corporate bonds revaluation reserve for land, net of taxes reserves under special laws trading liabilities trading assets reserve for possible investment securities losses reserve for possible investment securities losses payables under repurchase agreements bills sold deposits investment securities

English interim net income unappropriated profits at the interim of the term general and administrative expenses fees and commissions fees and commissions delivered money due to merger transfer from capital stock for disposal of undisposed deficit adjustment to income taxes and others provision for income taxes and others

Translation Tools

May 2009
IJKL34UV IJKLV ,0" jiko kabushiki shobun sagaku jiko kabushiki shoukyaku gaku jisshitsu gyoumu juneki loss on dispositions of treasury stock retirement of treasury stock net business profits (before provision for general reserve for possible losses on loans) yield on loans lending margin interest on loans and discounts expense ratio operating expenses operating profits operating income core operating ROA core operating ROE transfer from earned surplus reserve interest on debentures funding cost interest expenses yield on investments interest income commissions on trust account other operating expenses other operating income other expenses other income overall gross margin overall profit margin overall profit margin transfer from land revaluation excess extraordinary profits extraordinary losses trading expenses trading income transfer from voluntary reserves interest on deposits cost of deposits securities-deposit ratio loan-deposit margin loan-deposit ratio interest and dividends on securities interim net income before income taxes and others unappropriated profits at the beginning of the term

&`F1 &`1 &`F1 - - 1" " f0 ROA f0 ROE 1"{|FV 91 ?FT ?F- ?F1 ?F" de :,- :," :- :" ?F1 ?F1 ?61 }STUVFV 1" ! Zb- Zb" wxFV GF1 GF9RT G G&F1 G& T1cF tb./01" r1"

kashidashi kinri mawari kashidashi rizaya kashidashikin risoku keihi ritsu keijou hiyou keijou rieki keijou shueki koa gyoujun ROA koa gyoujun ROE rieki junbikin torikuzusugaku saiken risoku shikin choutatsu genka shikin choutatsu hiyou shikin unyou rimawari shikin unyou shueki Shintaku houshuu sonota gyoumu hiyou sonota gyoumu shueki sonota keijou hiyou sonota keijou shueki soukashikin sourizaya soukashikinrizaya soushisan rizaya tochi saihyouka sagakukin torikuzusugaku tokubetsu rieki tokubetsu sonshitsu tokutei torihiki hiyou tokutei torihiki shueki tsumitatekin torikuzusugaku yokin risoku yokinsaikentou genka yoshouritsu yotaikinrizaya yotairitsu yuuka shouken risoku haitoukin zeibikimae chuukan junrieki zenki kurikoshi rieki

Source: Japanese Bankers Association reports. Additional terms in italics

This report is available online at

Translation Tools

May 2009

Analyst Certification
The research analyst(s) listed on this report certifies(y) that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the analyst's(s') personal views about the subject security(ies) and issuer(s) and that no part of his/her/their compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendation(s) or views expressed in this research report.

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Financial instruments are susceptible to price fluctuations and owners may suffer losses on their investment(s).
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