Lunar Eclipse

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HOROSCOPE FOR 17-8-2008 Sunday Effects of Lunar Eclipse Chandra Grahan in 16/17August 2008

A partial lunar eclipse, Chandra Grahan, will be visible in India from 0106 hrs to 0415 hrs (Indian Standard Time) on August 17, 2008 (Sunday night to early mor ning). It must be noted here that the Chandra Grahanam takes place during night and therefore it is being referred in some Hindu calendars and panchangam as tak ing place on August 16. According to NASA, the eclipse will be visible in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. A lunar eclipse occurs when Sun, Earth and Moon are in a single line with Earth in the middle. If this occurs, the Moon does not receive light from the Sun beca use it is in the shadow of the Earth, and thus the Moon becomes invisible. In Vedis Astrology, the reason for the Surya Grahan and Chandra Grahan (Solar an d Lunar Eclipse) is the myth associated with Rahu gobbling up Sun (Surya) and Mo on (Chandra). This Lunar Eclipse will occur as the Moon passes through the constellation Srava na and Dhanistha in Capricorn and Aquarius signs respectively. Grahana Sparsh will be at 23:53 on August 16, 2008 and Grahana Madhya will be at 02:40 on August 17, 2008 and Grahana Moksha will be at 05:27 on August 17, 2008 . Fasting (Upvaas) is done by certain communities in Hindu religion during Chandra Grahanam. The fast begins about 9 hours before the beginning of Chandra Grahan. People also take a bath in cold and chant mantras dedicated to Lord Vishnu or S hiva like the Ashtakshara Mantra or Mrityunjaya Mantra. This is done whenever Su rya and Chandra are under the influence of Rahu. As per Indian Vedic Scriptures any POOJA or JAPA performed and HOLY BATH taken during the GRAHANA will give one thousand times greater rewards. A Lunar Eclipse is characterised by its impact on emotional reactions. Psychic s ensitivity and spiritual instincts are aroused during a Lunar eclipse due to uns table environment. The change in the electro-magnetic energy during Lunar Eclips e may affect us mentally. But, if people take this change positively, they can d iscover the creative and artistic qualities in themselves. Effects on various Moon Signs: Aries Lunar eclipse will be favorable and develop harmony with subordinates or juniors . Financial and other gains are likely for few. It's the time to make new connec tions with intellectual people. It will bring mental stress along with discomfor t from superiors. Goals, hopes and dreams will have a setback. Taurus This eclipse will consolidate your relationships with superiors as well as subor dinates. This period is most suitable to launch new business or to search for a better job. You may also develop an interest in philosophy and religious activit ies. Gemini This lunar eclipse will adversely affect your future prospects. Plans for progre ss/expansion must be postponed or delayed as the lunar eclipse will intensify te nsions and discontent. You may desire to pursue higher education. If you are rel igiously inclined, then your views and ideas about religion may change.

Cancer You must guard yourselves as the lunar eclipse is likely to cause ill-health and injury to them and their family members. Avoid circumstances wherein you are in a dilemma because wrong decisions might be taken in haste, which might be a cau se of humiliation for you. It will affect your image and personality. Leo Lunar eclipse is not favorable for you. You need to be very careful while spendi ng as a wasteful expenditure is on the cards. Full moon eclipse will highlight t he emotional part of your character and will show significant changes in your re lationships. Take some time to review your feelings before making a move on care er affairs. Virgo Lunar Eclipse will bring monetary gains and will bring happiness, prosperity and gains of all sorts. Sometimes you may get disturbed by secrets and thoughts. Ba lance your work and personal life. Your emotions are intense and your enemies can mislead you. This is the right ti me to take decisions regarding your ongoing job. Libra Lunar eclipse will bring some benefits for you. Prolonged illness will have a sp eedy recovery; pending cases will be settled amicably, financial benefits are li kely for few. This eclipse will adversely affect relationships with elders parti cularly father like persons. If you are a creative person, a major project may e nd successfully with the effect of this eclipse. Scorpio You will have to suffer disrespect and pains due to sufferings of dear ones. Som eone in the family may need your attention to resolve a serious issue. Keep your promises with family and friends. You will be learning about yourself through n ew friendships. This is the right time to finalise deals about house/land or any other immovable asset. Sagittarius You need to be very careful as the Lunar eclipse will affect your personal finan ces and increase your expenses on love and relationships. You will have to be th e victim of the anger of seniors and might be accused of certain activities that you have not done. Health will not be good for the next 40 days. There can be short distance travels which may prove beneficial to you. Capricorn Your financial planning needs revision. You will try to put extra cash in your p ocket but the conditions are adverse and any hasty steps for financial gain may lead you to a loss. Investing time in training and mastering new skills will be a better option than investing money in new ventures.This is the right time for clearing off all debts, says Ganesha. Aquarius You need to be very careful as the Lunar eclipse will affect your personal finan ces and increase your expenses on relationships. You will have to be the victim of the anger of seniors and might be accused of certain activities that you hav e not done. Health will not be good for the next 40 days. Those in relationship will decide whether to go ahead or separate. Pisces You will be surrounded with worries related to the home and family but nothing n egative will occur. This eclipse will bring material gains in business or a prom

otional move if you are in a job. Financial condition shall remain more or less on same plank. It's a good time for spiritual development.

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