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Technical Design Form Personalization for Payables

Elaboration DateKey CodePage NumberMonth & DayYearMay 02nd

t2012Rev: 1 of 4

1. General Information Functional Design Project 2. Definitions

%se Form Personalizations in order to change the defa$lt list of &al$es 'L !( of Tax Clasificacion Code field for Payables mod$le ')P(* Form Personalization main ob+ecti&e is, 1* -e.lace Tax_Classification_Code L ! at #n&oice Line Le&el in order to dis.lay only Taxes that corres.ond to the #n&oice "eader Legal /ntity selected on the Flexfield field* Forms Personalization for Payables Tax_Classification_Code L ! "igh Priority #ss$es 2012

3. Plan Information elease Date De!elo"ment Priority es"onsi#le $ser %&""ro!er' Installation (n!ironment 4. )"ecific Information *y"e )oft+are Factory %),F' Mo-ule .. )etu" Information es"onsi#ility e/uest )et &""lication 0oncurrent Program

May 2nd0 2012 "igh P- D

Technical 1.ecification Ceteris Cons$ltores Payables ')P(

-)C M2 )P 22222 Payables ')P(

1. *echnical Information of )olution Forms Personalization De!elo"ment *ool )..s &""lication 1creen &ccess Metho1tandard 1creen Personalization De!elo"ment 0lassification Medi$m 0om"le2ity

3. Prere/uisites Descri.ti&e Flexfield 'DFF( that defines Legal /ntity at #n&oice header m$st ha&e been enabled and in $se* '1tored on )TT-#3%T/2 Data3ase field(

Technical Design Form Personalization for Payables

Elaboration DateKey CodePage NumberMonth & DayYearMay 02nd

t2012Rev: 1 of 4

M$lti.le Tax -ates ha&e been created as .art of the sol$tion for the Deferred -eco&erable Tax #ss$e that exists 4hen creating .ayments* )s first ste. it is necessary to follo4 the set$. Doc$ment 53-100 6 racle /63$siness Tax7 and create and all the corres.onding taxes for each of the com.anies*

4. )olution Descri"tion Form .ersonalization is done on /ntry #n&oice screen on Payables mod$le* 3elo4 the detail and the re8$ired set$.* Function 5ame6 AP_APXINWKB Form 5ame6 APXINWKB
5ote6 This Form Personalization a..lies only for 5-)C M27

.erating %nit as condition al4ays

re8$ests for org_id 9 :; -)C M2 9 :; 'org_id(

717 0ustom 89: on *a2 0lassification 0o-e accor-ing to 8(

)e/ 99

Descri"tion Custom LOV on Tax Classification Code according to LE

8e!el Function


*rigger (!ent WHENNEWITE IN!T"NC E *rigger 9#ject LINE#!$ #FOL% E&'T"(#CL"!!IF IC"TION#CO%E 0on-ition )INV#!$ #FOL%E&'O&*#I% + ,- and )INV#!$ #FOL%E&'"TT&I.$TE/ I! NOT N$LL

Processing Mo-e Not in Enter-0uer1


8e!el !ite


)e/ 23 *y"e .uiltin Descri"tion T"(#CO%E#LOV 8anguage "ll (na#leYes

Technical Design Form Personalization for Payables

Elaboration DateKey CodePage NumberMonth & DayYearMay 02nd

t2012Rev: 1 of 4

;uiltin *y"e Create &ecord *rou4 from 0uer1

&rgument !ELECT loo5u4#code6 meaning6 descri4tion F&O 7x#in4ut#classifications#8 WHE&E loo5u4#t14e IN 9:;(#IN<$T#CL"!!IFIC"TION!:6 :;(#WE.#E(<#T"(#CL"!!IFIC"TION!:= "N% org#id IN 9)in8#sum#folder'org#id6 -99= "N% ena>led#flag + :Y: "N% n8l9)in8#sum#folder'in8oice#date6 s1sdate= >et?een start#date#acti8e and n8l9end#date#acti8e6 )in8#sum#folder'in8oice#date= "N% LOO@$<#CO%E IN 9!ELECT sco'T"(#&"TE#CO%E F&O 7x#sco#rates#8 sco6 7x#accounts 7a6 gl#code#com>inations gcc WHE&E 2+2 "N% sco'source#id + 7a'T"(#"CCO$NT#ENTITY#I% "N% gcc'CO%E#CO .IN"TION#I% + 7a'T"(#"CCO$NT#CCI% "N% internal#organi7ation#id + ,"N% ledger#id + /3/A "N% 7a'interim#tax#ccid I! NOT N$LL "N% gcc'segment2 + )INV#!$ #FOL%E&'"TT&I.$TE/ *&O$< .Y sco'T"(#&"TE#CO%E=

Grou" 5ame T"(#CO%E#LOV

)e/ /3

*y"e <ro4ert1

Descri"tion T"(#CO%E#LOV

8anguage "ll


9#ject *y"e LOV

*arget 9#ject T"(#CL"!!IFIC"TION#CO%E

Pro"erty 5ame *&O$<#N" E

:alue T"(#CO%E#LOV

Mo-ule 8ist
Data ;ase 9#jects <=) 0oncurrent Program <=) 8ist of :alues riginal L ! -ecord >ro$. 9 T)2_CL)11#F#C)T# <_C D/

0om"onent Definition
8ist of :alues -e.laced L ! -ecord >ro$. 9 T)2_C D/_L !

Technical Design Form Personalization for Payables

Elaboration DateKey CodePage NumberMonth & DayYearMay 02nd

t2012Rev: 1 of 4

e/uests <=) e/uest )ets <=)

Data ;ase 9#jects <=)

<. 9"en an- 0lose- *o"ics

1=. 0hange 0ontrol

Date May 2nd0 2012 e!. 1 0hange Form Personalization e/uestor Payables and Taxes Teams

11. 0reation
Date May 2nd0 2012 e!. 1 0reate- #y Carlos ?$intanilla "errera 0om"any C/T/-i1 Cons$ltores

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