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ASCT/EEE/LAB/BEE-09 (Superposition Theorem)

AIM: To Verify Superposition Theorem INSTR MENTS RE! IRE":
S. No. 1. %& "& )& Instruments Regulated Po er Suppl! Ammeter ('C) #oltmeter ('C) Conne*ting Leads Range 0-"0# 0-(A 0-"0# -Quantity $ $ % --

A**ording to this theorem+ i, there are a num-er o, e&m&,& a*ting simultaneousl! in an! linear -ilateral net or.+ then ea*h e&m&,& a*ts independentl! o, the other i&e& as i, the other e&m&,& did not e/ist &The 0alue o, *urrent in an! *ondu*tor is the sum o, the *urrent due to ea*h e m, similarl!+ 0oltage a*ross an! *ondu*tor is the alge-rai* sum o, the 0oltages it*h ea*h e&m&,& ould ha0e produ*ed hile a*ting singl!& 1n other ords+ *urrent in or 0oltage a*ross an! *ondu*tor o, the net or. is o-tained -! superposition the *urrent and 0oltages due to ea*h e m , in the net or.& 2en*e this theorem ma! -e stated as ,ollo s3In a network of linear resistances containing more than one generator (or source of e.m.f. ) the current witch flows at any point is the sum of all the currents which would flow at that point if each generator where considered separately any and all the other generators replaced for the time being by resistances equal to their internal resistances.

$& E1 & E2 both in circuit : 'a.e *onne*tion as sho n in *ir*uit diagram ith E$ 4 E% in *ir*uit& 'a.e po er on& 5ote the ammeter reading 1$&

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ASCT/EEE/LAB/BEE-09 (Superposition Theorem) Note: - While measuring current I1 through resistance R1 the value of current should be taken as positive if it flows from to ! " negative if it flows from ! to in steps 1# $# " %. %& E1 in circuit : 5o ma.e *onne*tion as sho n ith E% omitted& 5ote *urrent 16$ 4 its polarit! (16$ is positi0e i, ,lo s ,rom C to A 4 negati0e i, ,lo s ,rom A to C&)

"& E2 in circuit : 'a.e *onne*tion as sho n ith E$ omitted& 5ote the *urrent 17$ ith polarit!&

As per superposition theorem+ I&' I(& ) I*& Su-stitute the 0alue in a-o0e e8uation 4 0eri,! the result& )& As R& I& ' R& I(& ) R& I*& i&e& 0oltage a*ross resistan*e *an also -e o-tained using superposition theorem& 9ith E$ 4 E% in *ir*uit (,or step $)+ ma.e *onne*tion as sho n in *ir*uit diagram& (& 'easure the 0oltage #CA a*ross resistor R$ ith E$ 4 E% in *ir*uit& The polarit! o, #CA should -e *onsidered as positi0e i, C is positi0e &r&t& A+ other ise # CA is to -e noted as negati0e& :& 'easure the 0oltage #$ a*ross R$ ith E% omitted& 5ote the reading ith proper polarit!& ;& 'easure the 0oltage #% a*ross R$ ith E$ omitted& <& Ta-ulate the result& 9& As per superposition theorem V%A ' V& ) V++ 0eri,! the result&

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ASCT/EEE/LAB/BEE-09 (Superposition Theorem)

For Current: S. No. &. %& "& For Vo tage VC!: S. No. &. %& "& Vo0t12e V%A V& V+ .in Vo0ts/ %urrent I& I(& I*& .in Amperes/

%A-% -ATION:
Cal*ulate the *urrents 16$ ,or step % 4 17$,or step " using =hm la 0alues ith o-ser0ed 0alues& >or Step %3 I(& ? 4 *ompare the

&$ R) + R$ + R: + [ R% + R( + R; ]

>or Step "3

I*& ?

&% R% + R( + R; + [ R" + ( R$ + R) + R: ) ]

The Theorem has -een 0eri,ied ithin pra*ti*al limitations&

$& A0oid an! loose *onne*tions& %& @se instruments o, proper range&

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