Shiwangi: ISBS Galaxy Hostel 89/2-A New Pune Highway Tathwade Pune-Maharashtra-411033, E-Mail

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ISBS galaxy hostel 89/2-A New pune highway tathwade Pune-Maharashtra-4 !""# $-%ail& shiwangi' 2"(indirais)s'a*'in Shiwangigupta"!(g%ail'*o%
Contact number_8446222483

Specialization: Marketing

Career Objective: +o *ontri)ute to the organisation,s goals )y *onsistently ex*eeding sales targets through the e--e*ti.e utilisation o- negotiation# spin selling and pro)le% s/ills and )y networ/ing and %aintaining *lient relations' E ucation: !"#$M %Marketing& $$' IN0I1A S23445 46 B7SIN$SS S+70I$S ASBM INS+I+7+$ 46 BBA 0A8 P7B5I2 S23445 BI8 S23445 P7N$ 7NI8$1SI+9 7+>A5 7NI8$1SI+9 2! 2- 4 2!!9- 2 Pursuing :;;<= ?!';<

(SC SSC !roject #etail): Compan*: !roject +itle: #uration: #etail):

2BS$ 2BS$

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MS! S+EE, '-# !O.E/ ,+#0 COM!'-123O,3'+' 4Market anal*)i) 5or t6e +M+ bar) in 3olkata7 +8o mont6)

Ao) entailed wor/ing under the senior Manager in league with %ar/eting exe* this in.ol.ed outlet de.elop%ent Betting the daily orders# -ro% the existing and new dealers# *o%%uni*ating s*he%es to the distri)utors# introdu*ing C i%ple%enting the +M+ +he progra% was ai%ed at sales pro%otion through $npeDay 0aily Newsletter in the enrolled popular and pre%iu% )ars' Mar/et sur.ey to -ind out the %ar/et share o- MSP gold +M1 Bars and studied the sales C distri)ution syste% whi*h is the )a*/)one o- its su**ess' ProDe*t in.ol.ed understanding the o.erall %ar/eting a*ti.ities o- B450 +M+ BA1S'

Computer Skill): Operating S*)tem): !ackage) 3no8n: ,anguage: #$MS:

Eindows MS 4--i*e :Eord# PowerPoint# $x*el= 2# 2FF#' Aa.a#tally' SG5# 4ra*le

' itional 9uali5ication #one a )ip in m* gra uation on 4CS/ :- #;C COM!'-17 5or 3< a*)0 !rogramme )y Stratecent Con)ulting# and ha.e a*Huired the -ollowing s/ills& Negotiation S/ills SPIN Selling Pro)le% S/ills Strategy Syste%s +hin/ing E=tra Curricular 'ctivitie) Me%)er o- the Einning +ea% -or Inter 2ollege Bas/et)all 2ha%pionships in 2!!9 Einner in de)ate *o%petition whi*h is *ondu*ted )y the Arohan *ell in the year 2! "' An a*ti.e %e%)er o- the allu%ini 2o%%ittee at Indira S*hool o- Business Studies#Pune' Parti*ipated in .arious +heatre A*ti.ities at s*hool le.el' Parti*ipated in .arious Inter-*ollege e.ents'

!er)onal #etail): #ate o5 $irt6: "!/!8/ 99 Marital Statu)& Single Strengt6): $x*ellent Interpersonal S/ills Sel- 0is*iplined 3ighly 0iligent and 2o%%itted +ea% player ,anguage)& $nglish and 3indi

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