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A scheme of Electricity billing system called PREPAID ENERGY METER WITH TARIFF INDICATOR can facilitate in improved cash flow management in energy utilities and can reduces problem associated with billing consumer living in isolated area and reduces deployment of manpower for taking meter readings. Power utilities in different countries especially in the developing ones are incurring huge losses due to electricity theft. This report proposes a prepaid energy metering system to control electricity theft. In this system a smart energy meter is installed in every consumer unit and a server is maintained at the service provider side. Both the meter and the server are equipped with GSM module which facilitates bidirectional communication between the two ends using the existing GSM infrastructure. Consumers can easily recharge their energy meter by sending a PIN number hidden in a scratch card to the server using SMS. The bidirectional GSM communication using SMS ensures the effectiveness of these measures. Pilferage of electricity can be substantially reduced by incorporating the proposed measures along with the prepaid metering scheme. Legal actions against dishonest consumers can also be taken in this system.




This paper presents a new advanced technology, prepaid energy meter, these meter became an innovative solution for the cost utilities and in this system the users should pay before the use, the main objective of this project is to provide an energy meter that generate pulses in accordance with the varying load this can be used for tariff calculations and it is also known as smart card energy meter, now a days the measurement of electrical energy and billing according with the usage became a prime feature in the electrical boards, the conventional methods used in these days are in effective in terms of accuracy. So we provided a new concept, by using these energy meters at the consumer locations made very easy to access power to the each consumer comfortably with reduced man power, and the consumption rates are determined accurately, this is the advanced technology in automatic reading meters, which calculates not the consumption rates but also calculates the amount in currency, it has three interfacing one is metering interface, the other is monitoring interface, and the third one is communication interface. This metering has an LED facility which shows information on credits available with an alarm which the utilization of these credits in decremented form. The communication interface is provided with infra red interface for credits transfer, relay control. This modern prepaid meter is robust, flexible, multi tariff billing, power factor detecting and imparting, easily upgraded, high reliable with maximum accuracy at low power consumption. The design with individual component representation with their characteristics and features are elaborated in this paper and verification results are tabulated. This energy meter is rectifying the conventional billing strategies by the concept pay before use; the only thing needed for this implementation is social acceptability, and for proper execution regular management in load, demand aspects.


When it comes to power theft, India loses billions of rupees because of unbilled consumption and unlawful usage of electricity. If you add unpaid bills to this loss, then the electricity supply companies and boards losses are huge. Some estimates say that only half the revenue is realized. According to a World Bank report, there are two components to the losses: technical and non-technical. Technical losses consist mainly of power supply dissipation because of faulty transmission and distribution lines, transformers and measurement systems. There are other losses incurred as a result of actions that are outside the control of the power supply system comprising electricity theft, non-payment by customers, and errors in accounting and recordkeeping. Power theft losses, also referred to as commercial losses, are difficult to estimate but run into huge amounts. India and Brazil rank high on the list. Countries such as the U.S. and the U.K. also experience these losses but they are not as significant. The Indian experience has also shown that electricity thieves come from across segments: domestic users, commercial and industrial establishments, rural areas and large cities. Most of the time, this theft happens through tapping of electricity from live wires, which also poses risks to peoples lives. Electricity theft is at the center of focus all over the world but electricity theft in INDIA has a significant effect on the indian economy, as this figure is considerably high. Out of the whole power generated Technical losses CONSTITUTE 4-5% Commercial losses constitute 8% But practically total losses constitute around 40% Thus thefts lead to increase price of an unit of energy by distribution companies to maintain overall profits.Thus common man is the final victim.

There are various types of electrical power theft done in all over the world. Huge amounts of theft of power is done by tapping from line or bypassing the energy meter. According to a study], 80% of total theft detected all over the world is from dwelling places and 20% from commercial and industrial premises. The various types of electrical power theft are as follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. Direct Hooking From Line Bypassing the Energy Meter Injecting Foreign Elements into the Energy Meter Drilling Holes in Electromechanical Meter

Direct Hooking from Line

It is the most used method for theft of power. 80% of total power theft all over the world is done by direct tapping from line. The consumer taps into a direct power line from a point ahead of the energy meter. This energy source therefore is unmeasured in its consumption and procured with or without switches.

Bypassing the Energy Meter

In this method the input terminal and output terminal of the energy meter has been shorted by a wire. So energy cannot be registered in the energy meter.

Injecting Foreign Element into the Energy Meter

Sometimes skilled individuals inject foreign elements such as transistors, resistors or IC chips into the electrical meter which causes a lower consumption of electricity. Also some meters are manipulated with a remote control circuit by installing the circuit inside the meter which can be operated remotely and the meter can be slowed down at any time consumer desires. If someone tests the meter for its accuracy by external inspection,it always found correct unless the remote is turned on.

Drilling Holes in Electromechanical Meter

Drilling holes is a visible type of manipulating an electrical meter. This type of tampering is done to Electromechanical types meters. The individual inserts foreign material inside the meter to obstruct the free movement of the rotating disc.


The use of smart meters thus becomes extremely relevant in developing countries such as India. So what is a smart meter? It is used to measure electricity, remotely switch the customers power supply off and/or individual appliances based on demand response. It can remotely control electricity consumption to maximize energy efficiency and load balancing. Smart meters consist of two units: the metering device, which is in the custody of the distribution or utility company and a display unit that is at the consumers place. Typical smart meters being deployed in India are capable of one way communication only as those with enhanced features cost more and it is a sensitive subject for consumers in this market. For the distribution firms, the meters can detect unusually heavy demand, which may point to tapping of wires. This is particularly relevant in certain parts of India where petty theft of power is rampant and manual detection is difficult. Smart meters can also be used to shut off service to households and commercial establishments that dont pay their bills. Initial indications from deployments globally indicate that putting in place monitoring systems such as smart meters prevents loss due to electricity theft. It can also lead to lower power consumption as consumers who were earlier using free power reduce it and resort to using only as much as they can pay for legally. Also smart meters ease the burden on customers who regularly pay bills by billing them very accurately and often less. In India, though power theft is one of the strongest incentives to install smart meters, there are other compelling factors such as the need to reduce technical power losses and peak power deficit and bringing in more efficient transmission of electricity to rewarding consumers who help in reducing peak power demand. Currently, governments in Puducherry, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and New Delhi have initiated the process of installing smart meters.


Smart meters offer a large number of new services and opportunities that conventional meters can not provide.

5.1.No more estimated bills

Tests have shown that smart meters are more accurate than old analogue meters. More accurate, remote readings of your electricity consumption means no more estimated bills when a meter reader is unable to access your property. In fact, they also mean that we no longer need to come onto your property regularly to read your meter at alI.

5.2.Electricity information now not much later on

past power bills told you how much electricity you used over last month-but not when or how you used it. Smart meter record your electricity consumption by half hour, so you can get access to your much more quickly even in real time if you have a suitable in home display.

5.3.If you can measure it, you can manage it

Over time, youll find lots of new services and products based on smart meter information becoming available which will help you to understand and control how and when you use electricity. You can decide when its best to run appliances, try different behaviours, and make effective decisions. Your smart meter can be a powerful tool you decide how you want to use it.

5.4.Choosing a tariff that suits you

From 2013, electricity retailers will begin to offer new electricity tariffs with different prices at different times or days. These are known as time of use tariffs, or flexible pricing. So if you think you could change the times you use electricity, you could save money

5.5.Responding to climate change

Most of the energy produced in Victoria comes from cheap but environmentally dirty brown coal. If you want to use less energy, your smart meter coupled with a suitable in-home display will provide timely information to help you make decisions, and measure your achievements.

5.6.Solar panels
Many people have or are considering installing solar panels to save money and help the environment. Smart meters allow people with solar panels to sell electricity back into the grid at various feed-in tariffs.

5.7.Switching the power on

Smart meters can switch your electricity supply on or off remotely, for example when you move house. These services are much cheaper and more convenient than having to pay the cost of a truck visit.

5.8.Detecting faults
Traditionally, we depend on you or other customers to ring and tell us when you have an electricity outage. In the future, smart meters will be able to tell us immediately and automatically if you lose supply. They can also help us work out where the problem is, so we can restore your electricity supply more quickly.And if you dont know whether the problem is in your wiring or on our network, we can detect through your smart meter if we need to undertake repairs, or advise you if you need to call a licensed electrician.

5.9.Voltage levels
Smart meters can measure voltage levels, and help us identify and respond to issues affecting the quality of your electricity supply

5.10.Managing the electricity network

As well as improving service to customers, smart meters are also a big step forward in managing the electricity network itself. They can measure and communicate the status of any point on the network, allowing CitiPower and Powercor to be aware of changing conditions, identify problems before they turn into faults, and respond as efficiently as possible.


An hourly record of your electricity consumption, securely stored Throughout the day, the smart meter records your electricity use on an hourly basis. It stores this information securely until it receives a request to send it back to BC Hydro. This information is sent three times per day. In total, BC Hydros smart meters communicate for less than a minute per day.

Smart meters work together to create a communications network Electricity-use information from the smart meter is securely relayed from meter-to-meter until it's received by a collector. The collector then sends the aggregated information back to BC Hydro.Collectors are mounted on existing BC Hydro poles, 18 to 24 feet above the ground.If the smart meter signal is interrupted, for example by a truck parked in front of the meter, the selfhealing network automatically redirects the data through nearby meters. Information is sent do BC Hydro through existing infrastructure The fully protected data is sent from the collector to BC Hydro using existing communication infrastructure, such as DSL landline, cellular or satellite. A Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a family of technologies that provides digital transmission over the wires of a local telephone network. This design ensures that data is sent in the most cost-effective way.



7. Smart Meter Security

Since the inception of advanced meters with communications capabilities in the last 1015 years, utilities and vendors have recognized the need for robust security provisions to protect the integrity of data and billing information. As meters evolved with optical ports, RS232/RS485 connections, as well as power line and wireless communications modules concerns have been raised about uncontrolled access to the revenue meters. With the evolution to AMR and AMI system deployments, the stakes have been raised to protect data and data privacy. These security efforts have extended beyond endpoint security to the collector and head-end system level access control, data validation, and error checking as well as the encryption of data. The use of utility backhaul communications and increase usage of public wireless networks has increased the exposure to potential security intrusions. The proliferation of using the internet and provocative media reports about computer network hacking has raised concerns around the world about the integrity and security of the Smart Grid. The 9/11 Commission report in 2002 outlined key business continuity expectations and also raised concerns about security of critical infrastructure. Furthermore, the passage by Congress of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA 2007) also raised the bar on cyber security of the energy delivery systems and the Smart Grid. Though not directly applicable, NERC CIP requirements for critical infrastructure cyber security at the bulk transmission level has influenced the perspective of cyber security for the entire electrical grid. While specifically intended to address the generation plants, control centers, and major transmission assets/systems, these security concepts have been used as a template to evaluate current Smart Meter systems as well. With the advent of the EISA 2007 directives that named NIST as the national coordinator for Smart Grid standards, specific efforts has been made to address Smart Grid Cyber Security including Advanced Metering systems. Groups such as the Utility Communications Architecture International Users Group (UCAIug) and their AMI-SEC task force have developed security guidelines, recommendations, and best practices for AMI system elements to lead the industry forward. In 2009, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA or Stimulus Package) which allocated over $3B in federal funding from the Department of Energy (DOE) for Smart Grid Investment Grants (SGIG), including AMI and Smart Grid systems. This placed additional federal scrutiny of the cyber security of systems being specified and deployed. Ultimately, the formation by NIST of the SGIP in 2009 led to the creation of the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel Cyber Security Working Group (CSWG).


Elimination of connection and disconnection costs Improved cash flow Electricity paid for before use. Consumer can budget and manage his electricity more effectively. No re-connection fees No deposit required No meter reading necessary Reduced billing cost (Printing & mailing) Convenience of electricity purchases No more billing estimates Will pay for used power only Improved security of buildings

Looking at the benefits the system provides, there is a need to give it a policy support and implement it on a large scale all across. A simplified tariff structure will make life much easier for the utilities, the supplier and the consumer


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