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MRTG - The Multi Router Traffic Grapher

Tabla de Contenidos 1. 2. 3. . !. Introduction Notes Prerequisites Installation Confi"uration 1. MRTG #. Third $ection %. $ee &lso '. ()ternal *in+s ,ou ha-e a router. /ou 0ant to +no0 0hat it does all da/ lon"1 Then MRTG is for /ou. It 0ill 2onitor $NMP net0or+ de-ices and dra0 prett/ pictures sho0in" ho0 2uch traffic has passed throu"h each interface.

This docu2entation is accurate as of &pril #. 2312. These steps ha-e been perfor2ed on 4buntu 13.3 . $er-er s/ste2s and confir2ed to 0or+ as described here.

It5s "enerall/ a "ood idea to start 0ith a health/. full/ functionin". up-to-date s/ste2. This 2eans that so2e co2bination of sudo apt-get update. sudo apt-get upgrade. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. and sudo apt-get autoremove should ha-e been recentl/ run. Please understand 0hat the co22ands do before blindl/ runnin" the2 as an/ s/ste2 update has the potential to render a s/ste2 inoperable. $pecificall/ apache and sn2pd needs to be installed. &pache is the 0eb ser-er and sn2pd is used to poll de-ices for infor2ation that 2rt" can use to create "raphs. This can be acco2plished b/ runnin"6
sudo apt-get install apache2

sudo apt-get install snmpd

To install MRTG. si2pl/ run6
sudo apt-get install mrtg

No0 that 2rt" is installed. 0e 2ust create a ho2e 0here 0eb pa"es related to the pro"ra2 can reside.
sudo mkdir /var/www/mrtg

7ac+up the ori"inal" file6

sudo cp /etc/mrtg.cfg /etc/mrtg.cfg.ORIGINA

Create a confi"uration file for MRTG6

cfgmaker !snmp"communit#"string$%!ip"address"of"device"to"&e"monitored$ $ /etc/mrtg.cfg

Create and inde) file for the 0ebser-er 6

inde'maker /etc/mrtg.cfg $ /var/www/mrtg/inde'.html

Reboot /our ser-er and 0ait about ! 2inutes before bro0sin" to6

Third Section
$o2e sections 2a/ 9ust contain a list of lin+s. It is so2eti2es useful to include a short e)planation of 0hat the lin+s are for. :or e)a2ple6 54buntu includes the follo0in" Internet applications b/ default.5 ;*in+< - *ists of lin+s should ha-e bullets. *in+ te)t should not be in bold. (ach lin+ should be follo0ed b/ a short e)planation of the lin+. ;*in+< - ()planations of lin+s should be 0ritten as full sentences.

See Also
& see also section can be used to point users to0ards other trusted 4buntu resources. :or e)a2ple. if a pa"e e)ists in the official docu2entation on http688help.ubuntu.co2. /ou can lin+ to such a pa"e. This section is optional. ;*in+< - ()planation of lin+. ;*in+< - ()planation of lin+.

;*in+< - ()planation of lin+.

!ternal "in#s
&n e)ternal lin+s section can be used to point users to0ards "eneral infor2ation about the sub9ect 2atter of the pa"e. such as a 0i+ipedia entr/ or pro9ect ho2epa"e. This section is optional. MRTG =o2e Pa"e - Tobi >eti+er5s MRTG - The Multi Router Traffic Grapher MRTG Installation and Confi"uration in ?ebian based ?istributions - This article is focusin" installin" and confi"ure MRTG 0ith CP4.Me2or/ and ?is+ 4sa"e Graphs e)a2ples for ?ebian 4buntu and @ubuntu 4sers and 2a/ be 0or+ for so2e debian based distributions. ;*in+< - ()planation of lin+. ;*in+< - ()planation of lin+.

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