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Reflective Practice Guidance Logs Part 1 Objective Observation

(Clearly identify the problem !"amine the #conte"t$ of the problem%

&ate' Nov 11.2013 While in the sleep room the children walk over to their beds and lay down on them. M.W walks over to his bed and kneels down on the edge. I walk around and cover all the children with their blankets. We turn on some lullaby music so the children can rela and go to sleep. M.W gets o!! his bed and picks it up with both hands and tries to place the string !rom the bed sheet underneath" he slams the bed back down on the !loor. #e picks up the blanket and whips it on the !loor and picks up the bed sheet" li!ts up the bed and takes o!! the bed sheet. I say M.W it$s time !or naptime and all our !riends are sleeping around us. #e giggles and says" %No" my !riends aren$t sleeping.& #e rolls on his bed and gets up again. #e walks over to the 'homas engine car and begins to play with it. 'he other children are slowly looking towards him. I say M.W can you get on your bed please" It$s not time !or playing with cars its naptime. #e rolls onto his bed and smiles. I don(t want to go to sleep. )kay M.W but I need you to be *uiet so our !riends can sleep. #e continued on. Part ( &ecision
(Clearly identify the guidance strategy and state )hy the chosen strategy is appropriate for this child and the situation%

'he strategy that I used !or this situation was ignoring behavior and setting limits. I used these strategies because i! I paid attention to him !lipping o!! his bed and calling my name" he would have giggled and continued on with his behavior I set a limit !irst and told him that we have to have respect !or our !riends and also" he doesn(t have to sleep but he has to stay on his bed during naptime. 'his strategy works the best !or this child because once he has your attention he wants to talk to you and that would disrupt the children trying to sleep. )nce he has these down pat he will sleep every day no disruptions" right now he has his days o! not wanting to sleep until awhile into sleep time.

Part * +ctions
(Clearly discuss your actions ()hat you did and said%, the child-s response and the results of the guidance strategy%

'he actions that I did were I set limits and told him that he needs to have respect !or his !riend sleeping. +lso that he needs to stay on his bed during sleep time. #e giggled and started to !lip o!! his bed he would roll to the bottom and stand up look at me and when I turned his direction he would ,ump on his bed. -o I implemented ignoring his behavior. I started to help other children that needed help sleeping by patting their backs" he would call my name" %Miss .llishya" look.& and I would ,ust say M.W it$s time !or nap time tell me when you wake up. #e continued and I continued helping the children soon he would start to lay on his bed and he would make sounds and I would ignore his sounds and ,ust peep at him !rom time to time. .ventually I turned and he was sleeping on his own. I went over to him and covered him up with his blanket and let him sleep peace!ully. I learned that when he is going to sleep now the best thing to do is to remind him that he has to stay on his bed and be respect!ul to his !riends" but once I ignore the behavior he eventually goes to sleep with no trouble and is able to sleep !aster i! I ignore his behavior earlier. 'hese strategies may work !or him but not !or all children. Part . Reflection
(Clearly discuss your strengths and needs and the changes that you )ould ma/e if needed% 0trengths 1eeds

-ome strengths that I had !or this e perience that I had was the ability to stay string while implementing he strategy" now I have !ound ways to do certain thing s and guide a child at the same time. -ome other strengths that I !ound out about mysel! are that I am easily attracted to behavior that is disruptive I learned that there are ways to avoid acknowledging that behavior I ,ust need to !ind di!!erent ways to implement the strategies. When putting the children to sleep many o! them ,ust re*uire a little tlc !rom the care giver and then they !all asleep" others are very di!!erent" due to every child being di!!erent there are di!!erent strategies that I now know how to use to help the individual child.

-ome needs that I have are ignoring behavior that re*uires attention. I have a hard time ignoring that behavior but I know over time it will become a lot easier !or me to manage. I need ignore that behavior and set limits that are understandable !or the children. I get to practice this every day while I$m at placement because I !ace the same issues while I$m there at naptime. /y time I !inish placement this semester I should have even more con!idence then I did last semester. 'his will be good !or me get better at my implementation. I hope to get more knowledge about strategies and ways to implement them. I am hoping to get better by the end o! placement and heighten my learning and abilities.

&iscuss the changes that you )ould ma/e and )hy you )ould ma/e them

-ome changes that I would make are giving them some di!!erent strategies and setting limits !or them to understand. I need to change the way I say things so the children understand me by doing this they may need a slight reminder but this I can practice everyday and in my semester to come. I$m learning about many things and ways to use them. 0upervising !C! 0ignature
&ear !C! 0upervising 2eacher' Please read and revie) the guidance log 0elect the appropriate bo" belo) 2his log is accurate based on your observations 2his log is some)hat accurate Please e"plain ' 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 o 2his log is not accurate based on your observations +gency 1ame' 3333333333333333333333333333333333333 Phone 1umber' 3333333333333333333333333333333333333 1ame of !C!' (Please Print% 3333333333333333333333333333333333333 !C! 0ignature' 3333333333333333333333333333333333333 &ate of 0ignature' 3333333_________________________ Thank-you! o o

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