Delhi School Karachi

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Delhis 300-year old Muslim institution.

As an institution of learning, Anglo Arabic School has survived over three centuries.

Opened by Ghaziuddin Khan, an influential courtier and brave general of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, the seminary has been serving the cause of education under the labels of Madrasa Ghaziuddin Khan, Anglo Arabic School, Anglo Arabic College, elhi College and !a"ir #ussain College for centuries. $his school imparts education to the children of the %alled city of elhi. &As an institution of learning, Anglo Arabic School has been a mute %itness to the che'uered history of the city including the t%o famous %ars of independence of ()*+ and (+*). $he building remained unscathed and the imposing Kota sandstone structure successfully evolved into a centre of secular as %ell as theological learning,, remar"s a nostalgic -an"a. /ohra, an old boy of the institution and the associate editor of #industan $imes. 0ntil (+1), this Madrasa %as a religious seminary but after the interference of the 2ast 3ndia Company, it %as Sir Charles Metcalfe %ho also started the education of 2nglish, Mathematics and natural sciences. As an institution of learning, Anglo Arabic School has survived over three centuries. $he most important literary activity in the history of the school %as the formation of the /ernacular $ranslation Society in (+41. As 0rdu %as the medium of instruction, the students could not avail of the variety found in 2nglish, German, 5rench, Algebra, social and natural sciences etc. $hese %ere translated in 0rdu. it has generations of students %ho have made their mar" as leaders in various %al"s of life.

Age has not been able to %ither the alma mater of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the eminent educationist and the founder of Aligarh Muslim 0niversity.

Liaquat Ali Khan, -a"istan6s first -rime Minister,

Maulana Mohammed Hussain Azad, the father of 0rdu prose,

Deputy Nazir Ahmed, the 0rdu essayist and 3CS, A"htarul73man, agreat poet,, Mirza M. 8 Masood, an 3ndian hoc"ey Olympian and many more, i.e., elhi6s 4997 year old Anglo Arabic School: elhi College ;!a"ir #ussain College< that began in (=>= as Madrasa Ghaziuddin Khan. $he most important literary activity in the history of the school %as the formation of the /ernacular $ranslation Society in (+41. As 0rdu %as the medium of instruction, the students could not avail of the variety found in 2nglish, German, 5rench, Algebra, social and natural sciences etc. $hese %ere translated in 0rdu. Some of the scholars on .ob included literary luminaries of the time li"e Master -yarey ?al, 3mam @a"sh Suhbai, ?ala haram 8arain and brother -rem 8arain, Maulana !a"aullah, Mr $aylor, Mr @utros etc. uring the (+49s and A9s, the College had really been at the pinnacle of its pristine glory and %as considered to be the centre of Asian &renaissance, as not only the 3ndians but even some of the 2nglish too %ere its students according to its present -rincipal and -hysics teacher Mr Abdul Mali".. uring the Bar of 3ndependence of (+*), it remained closed for ) years and reopened only in (+>). At that time the 2nglish christened it as &Anglo Arabic College, that later turned into & elhi College,. $he school suffered loss during the (+*)7>), %hen the science laboratories and the library %ere burnt and along %ith that umpteen priceless manuscripts turned to ashes. @ut that did not mar the pristine glory of the institution. Be are the legacy of the same institution %ith same spirit.

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