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No reform talks until high-level meet: CNRP


Hello, cellphone age, Bhutan is calling

WorlD PaGe 15

ONE FC sets its sights on Cambodia


TUESDAY, MaRCH 25, 2014

Successful People Read The Post

4000 RIEL

MH370 is lost with all aboard

The last faint hopes of finding survivors from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane were extinguished last night when the Malaysian prime minister announced that flight MH370 had been lost in the southern Indian Ocean. Najib Razaks statement followed more than two weeks of anguish for the families of the 239 on board and a massive international hunt for any trace of the plane. He said that new analysis of satellite data showed that the last known position of the Boeing 777 was over a remote area of the southern Indian Ocean, far from any possible landing sites. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that according to new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean, he told reporters in a late-night news conference. Malaysia Airlines added in a statement to relatives of the passengers and crew: We deeply regret that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board have survived ... We must now accept all evidence suggests the plane went down in the southern Indian Ocean. Najib said: For [families] the past few weeks have been heartbreaking. I know this must be the most heartbreaking of all, he added. He said the conclusions were based on new analysis by UK aviation investigators and satellite company Inmarsat. Many family members were informed by text message before the formal briefing began. In Beijing, paramedics rushed to help relatives of Chinese passengers, who had been waiting at a hotel for the last two weeks. Wailing was heard as the families were informed of the news. Malaysias defence and acting transport minister Hishammuddin Hussein said via Twitter that words could not describe how he felt, and Continues on page 12

Areng Valley mining may unseat dam

Daniel Pye

A relative of passengers on Malaysia Airlines ight MH370 weeps at a hotel in Beijing after hearing the news that the plane plunged into the Indian Ocean with no survivors. AFP

A HIGHLY controversial, Chinesebacked hydropower project in the Areng Valley could be delayed in favour of mining, should research for the dam approved by Phnom Penh in February uncover precious metals or gems. Sinohydro Resources Ltd, a holding company for Sinohydro Group, was granted approval on February 19 for six months of extensive drilling, geological mapping and prospecting in the dam concession in a letter signed by Minister of Mines and Energy Suy Sem Set and obtained by the Post last week. Pich Siyun, Koh Kong provincial director of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, said yesterday that he did not know whether the firm would discover any minerals in the dam concession. If they find minerals [in the dam concession] and know what kind of minerals, they can ask permission from the government to invest in mines, Siyun said. The former operator, China Guodian, scrapped the project after it found it could not make enough profit to warrant investment. Leung Ping, a governor of Sinohydro United, a local affiliate of Sinohydro Group, declined to comment, adding Continues on page 4

Banking on a break-up
Daniel de Carteret

USTRALIA and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) is looking to sever its ties with local partner Royal Group, chief executive officer Mike Smith said yesterday in Hong Kong in remarks that could signal the break-up of one of Cambodias biggest banks. The comments about the two firms joint venture in Cambodia,

ANZ, Royal Group could part ways

ANZ Royal Bank, come months after audits revealed that the bank had financed ruling party Senator Ly Yong Phats controversial Phnom Penh Sugar Company, and more than a year after Post reporters found child labour occurring on the sugar plantation. Smiths statement first appeared in the The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday evening, in reference to a split from ANZs holdings in Vietnams Sacombank in 2012. We would like to do the same in Cambodia. I would much rather have a wholly owned business in these places, Smith was quoted as saying. Smith did not mention child labour or the sugar plantation, though he

has said in the past that stakes in Asian banks could be problematic as ANZ receives a portion of the profits while risking its entire reputation, The Sydney Morning Herald reported. ANZ Royal Banks CEO Grant Knuckey said that it has always been a long-term strategy for ANZ to be fully owned in any of its locations. He denied that Smiths comments Continues on page 7




IDEA activist denied bail

Chhay Channyda and Sean Teehan

A man conducts power line maintenance in Phnom Penhs Russey Keo district.


Rolling blackouts not in the works: official

Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Sean Teehan

HNOM PENH residents should experience blackouts less frequently this dry season, as state-run Electricite Du Cambodge (EDC) now has enough power to avoid a repeat of last years rolling blackouts, a senior company ofcial said yesterday. The amount of electricity Cambodia will receive from several hydropower plants, along with power purchased from Thailand and Vietnam and repairs made to electrical infrastructure in the capital should ensure enough electricity to make intentional power outages unnecessary, the ofcial, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said. Reported blackouts so far this year can be chalked up to technical problems caused by the way Phnom Penhs electric grid is set up, he added.

[The grid] looks like blood vessels in our body, he said. If any one of our vessels is cut off, another part is affected; if a wire is disconnected from one household, it will affect others. My Sovann, media project manager for Urban Voice Cambodia, which tracks and maps blackouts on their website based on reports from individuals who notify them, said the group received reports of about 700 separate blackouts last year. Although the EDC employee said scheduled blackouts will not happen this year, Sovann pointed to comments made last year by Ty Thany, executive director of the Electricity Authority of Cambodia, that the public should not be notied of EDCs intentional blackouts. Cambodian citizens should have certain rights to information about blackouts, when and why, Sovann said, adding that EDC operates with

limited transparency and accountability. EDC is very powerful in making decisions and charging electric fees, Sovann said. The government should check the agreement and license of EDC, and see how they have been ... trying to improve the electric situation in Cambodia. Furthermore, planned blackouts in the past have occurred frequently in Phnom Penhs poorer areas, but rarely happen in more wealthy parts, such as Phnom Penhs Boeung Keng Kang I commune, said Ou Virak, chairman of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights. Virak said he was unaware of any EDC efforts to eliminate intentional blackouts, he said, but if made public the time and place they occurred, people would see the disparity. If it was actually informed publicly, you would know how blackouts were being allocated, Virak said. 

MOMENTS after Prak Sovannary heard the Court of Appeal denied her husbands request for bail, she sobbed over a speaker affixed to the top of a tuk-tuk, condemning the decision to about 150 supporters. Release him! Release him! said Sovannary, the wife of Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA) president Vorn Pov, who was arrested at a garment worker demonstration in January. He was detained as a criminal, but he is a patriot and a peace lover, she said. Presiding Judge Seng Sivutha said in court he denied bail because it could affect judicial procedures, said Kim Socheat, one of Povs attorneys. Sivutha also upheld a Phnom Penh Municipal Court decision that ruled against IDEA members seeking the return of equipment confiscated during the January 2 demonstration at the Yakjin garment factory. The Appeal Court last month denied a bail request for Pov and 20 other detainees arrested during the Yakjin protest and a demonstration the next day on Veng Sreng Boulevard, where

Prak Sovannary, wife of detained IDEA president Vorn Pov, talks over a loud speaker yesterday at Phnom Penhs Appeals Court. VIREAK MAI

authorities shot at least four people dead. Charges for Pov and three others in the group have been reduced to two counts of inciting violence, which holds a maximum prison sentence of two years, said Sam Sokong, another of Povs attorneys. Previous charges against Pov held a maximum sentence of five years. I think these charges are minor if compared with prior charges, said Sokong, who added that he was unhappy Pov could not attend yesterdays proceedings. The car at Kampong Chams

Correctional Centre 3, where Pov and 20 other detainees are being held, was at the mechanic, preventing officials to bring Pov to Phnom Penh, CC3 director Kea Sovanna said. IDEA members, land rights activists and representatives of several unions were among those gathered outside the court complex gates during yesterdays hearing. The group held banners and shouted slogans in support of Povs release. The Supreme Court has received but not set a hearing date for an appeal filed after the Appeal Courts decision last month.

Child labourers found: police

Phak Seangly

POLICE discovered children as young as 12 working at a Chinese rms sugarcane plantation in Preah Vihears Tbeng Meanchey district yesterday following a tip-off, an ofcial said. Our ofcers visited the plantation this morning, seeing only three boys and two girls aged 12, 13 and 16, said Praing Thida, director of the provincial anti-human trafcking and juvenile protection bureau. The visit followed a complaint that more than 20 children had been working at Lan Feng Internationals plantation since January. We do not want them to work like that, because they will not have time to go to school, Thida said. Children aged 12 are allowed to work, provided the tasks are light and do not prevent them from getting an education. Children aged 15

to 17 can work full-time so long as the work is considered non-hazardous. In this case, Thida said, the children were not working every day and were in the company of their mothers. The children received about $5 per day more than the minimum wage in the garment sector. Weve spoken to the company about this [work] rather than taken any serious action. We are making a report for the provincial police chief, she said. Lor Chan, provincial coordinator for rights group Adhoc, said the complainant, an employee of the company, had also alerted the NGO to the situation. That employee claims she has since been red and physically threatened by someone who works for the company. Y Heng, a representative of Lan Feng, could not be reached for comment yesterday.



CNRP calls for top-level meeting

Vong Sokheng

HE opposition party yesterday called for a postponement of election reform talks with the ruling Cambodian Peoples Party in favour of a meeting between top party leaders, citing the continuing failure of a lower-level joint committee to agree on National Election Committee overhaul. The discord was such that following more than two hours behind closed doors at the Senate though CPP ofcials later said talks had only lasted 30 minutes before the opposition cancelled the meeting the two parties not only failed to issue a joint statement, but also wanted to hold separate, but simultaneous, press briengs. After complaints from reporters, they agreed to hold them one after the other. Son Chhay, the CNRPs head delegate to the committee, said his party wished to postpone talks because CPP delegates were refusing to focus discussions on NEC reform. Our delegation to the committee reached the limit of decision-making [possibilities] in todays meeting, [so] we could not make any deci-

Members of the CPP (left) and CNRP talk during a meeting over National Election Committee reform at the Senate Building in Phnom Penh yesterday. hENG CHIVOAN

sion on a joint statement or agreement, he said. I would like to stress that our delegation . . . will not stop negotiations. But [further talks] depend on discussing NEC reform. For that to happen, CNRP leader Sam Rainsy and Prime Minister Hun Sen must rst meet, he said.

If the CPP will put the national interest beyond the interest of their political party, they have to prepare a top meeting between the leaders. The reform of the NEC must come through a political agreement between the CNRP and CPP . But Deputy Prime Minister Bin Chhin, head of the CPPs

delegation, said his party had refused to sign a joint statement proposed by the CNRP that would ofcially postpone negotiations because it is not the political will of the CPP to do so. An election reform framework agreed to at last weeks committee meeting listed the reform of election institu-

tions as one of 14-points that would be taken to a public seminar for consultation. However, Chhin said yesterday that specic CNRP requests, such as the NEC being replaced by a new, constitutionally-mandated body and for committee members to then require approval by twothirds of parliament, were outside of that framework. Requiring two-thirds of parliament to vote on the formation of an election body is impossible, because it will tie up the nation, he said. Koul Panha, director at elections watchdog Comfrel, said he was disappointed by the outcome of the meeting. There is too much centralised decision-making [by the parties]. They have not really delegated decision-making [power] to the joint committee because they need their top leaders decision on particular issues . . . and thats the reason they are unable to produce any outcome, he said. Another meeting remains scheduled at this point for next Monday. ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY KEVIN PONNIAH

Visiting EU MPs have full agenda

Meas Sokchea
cHecK THe pOsT WebsITe FOr breAKInG neWs

A GROUP of European Union parliamentarians will arrive in the Kingdom today to study and research the organisation of elections, the resolution of land disputes, democratic development and EU development projects, according to a statement issued by the National Assembly yesterday. The three-day trip will see the seven lawmakers meet with Interior Minister Sar Kheng and Deputy Prime Minister Sok An, among others. Important points that [they] can discuss with us and have been discussed [with us] before are the political situation, upholding human rights and people being affected by projects supported by the EU, Vun said. Mu Sochua, public affairs head at the opposition CNRP , said her party was meeting the EU lawmakers on Thursday. The EU, which recently held a high-level policy dialogue with Cambodia, has been under increasing pressure to address land grabbing by sugar rms taking advantage of the blocs trade preference programs.



Interfaith prayer for children

Mom Kunthear and Maria Wirth

UNICEF and government officials yesterday called on religious leaders to help combat violence against children by educating their followers about consequences of violent child discipline common in Cambodias homes. To commemorate National Day of Prayer and Action for Children, the minister of cults and religion, Min Khin, asked Buddhist, Muslim and Christian leaders to conduct a prayer to promote understanding of childrens rights and protection from violence, discrimination and neglect by their parents or at school. This years event focused on preventing violence against children, encouraging religious leaders to use texts and teachings to guide their followers towards non-violent forms of child discipline. A study by UNICEF on violence against children in Cambodia, which will be released in April, found that more than 75 per cent of all children had experienced at least one incident of physical violence before the age of 12, often committed by those they trust and love, UNICEF deputy representative Sunah Kim Suh said. Violent forms of discipline,

Xayaburi dam 30% finished, says Laos

Shane Worrell

Muslim leaders listen to speeches through headphones on National Day of Prayer and Action for Children yesterday in Phnom Penh. phA LINA

... including those that may be considered mild, such as hitting, insulting, making demeaning comments on them [can cause] immediate to longterm damage, she said. In Cambodia, violence against children in the homes is quite regular. Parents find it difficult to change their behaviour, because the [social] norms that prepare violent behaviour in their community remain unchanged, Kim Suh said. Religious leaders, she added, have the ability to influence individual behaviour and social norms that underlie violence

against children, because of their positions of respect. Christian representative Oung Vibol appealed to Cambodian pastors yesterday to preach the tenets of love and peaceful conduct. Pay attention, listen to the children and explain or talk to [them] with sweet words and reason, he said. Meanwhile, Khim Sorn, the capitals chief monk, urged all monks in every pagoda across the country [to] preach the laws and principles of Buddhism to the parents ... about feeding children with love, and non-violence.

AOSS controversial Xayaburi dam is 30 per cent built, its government has told the Post. Deputy Energy and Mines Minister Viraponh Viravong said the project which Laos began work on without regional approval in November 2012 remains on track to be functioning in 2019. The project is currently 30 percent complete, and proceeding on time and on budget, Viravong said in an email. The $3.8 billion dam, on the Mekong mainstream in the countrys north, is the rst of about 10 dams Laos has planned for the river and which conservation groups warn will decimate Cambodias sh stocks. But Viravong defended the damn, saying hydropower is a natural choice for Laos. Its sustainable and can continue to bring benets to our people for decades to come. Laos, Viravong added, has over the past 50 years built an enviable record of achievement in developing environmentally

and socially sustainable hydropower projects in accordance with our laws, decrees and globally accepted standards. But its government has been accused of being a law unto itself. When Laos broke ground on Xayaburi, fellow Mekong River Commission member states Cambodia and Vietnam were still asking it to assess potential trans-boundary effects. Under the 1995 Mekong Agreement, Laos must have the blessing of its co-members before it can build on the mainstream. Thailand, the fourth MRC member and the country set to buy most of Xayaburis electricity, has remained relatively quiet about the 1,285-megawatt dam which is being built by Thai developer CH. Karnchang. Viravong said Laos would continue with its hydropower vision out of duty to overcome poverty and said it had the World Bank on its side. The World Bank has recently underscored the wisdom of using large-scale hydropower projects to create renewable energy, spur economic growth and social progress, and alle-

viate poverty in the least developed countries. But a World Bank spokesperson in Cambodia yesterday said the bank did not support the Xayaburi dam. In 2010, the World Bank said it would not invest in or nance projects on Mekongs mainstream. Last May, the bank said it was recommitting to largescale hydropower development in Southeast Asia, without mentioning the Mekong. Ame Trandem, Southeast Asia program director for conservation group International Rivers, said steps could still be taken to prevent Xayaburi from causing irreparable damage, but time is running out. There is still essentially one year left to stop the dam, as construction on the Xayaburi Dams nal dam across the Mekong River will begin in February 2015, she said. With the Mekong Summit approaching [next month], its critical that the Mekong countries rise up to their commitments and demand that Laos stop all further construction until ... mitigation measures can be proven to work.

Areng Valley mining may unseat dam

Request for Expressions of Interest Responding to the Scope of Work to Design and Implement Activities Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project in Cambodia through its Small Grants
The USAID Supporting Forestry and Biodiversity Project is being funded by USAID and implemented by Winrock International and a consortium of partners. The Project is being implemented in close partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries through the Forestry Administration and the Ministry of Environment through the General Department of Administration for Natural Conservation and Protection. The Projects goal is to improve conservation and governance of the Eastern Plains and Prey Lang landscapes to reduce deforestation, mitigate climate change and conserve biodiversity. Project objectives include a) Enhancing effectiveness of government and key natural resource managers to sustainably manage forests and conserve biodiversity; b) Improving constructive dialogue on forest management and economic development; and c) Increasing equitable economic benets from the sustainable management of forests. The USAID Supporting Forestry and Biodiversity (SFB) Project is seeking Expression of Interest with submission of the Proposals from registered, highly-experienced and qualied Cambodian Organizations to design and implement complementing activities to contribute towards achieving its goal and objectives. The eligible applicants must: i) have applicable and technical knowledge, skills, expertise, experiences, structures and network in forest and biodiversity conservation in Cambodia; ii) have a good track records of managing donor funds in an effective and transparent manner; iii) be able to work in the Project target landscapes of Eastern Plains or Prey Lang; iv) have practical experiences in mainstreaming gender and under-represented groups such as women, youth, indigenous people in their project interventions and to ensure at least 30% of these groups are the project beneciaries; and v) be able to contribute at least 10% of the total proposal budget as a cost-sharing, in cash or in kind. The Grants amount will range up to $50,000 for a one year period and up to $150,000 for a maximum of three year period. Grant Proposals are expected to contribute to one or more of the identied main areas and activities as stated in the scope of work in the Request for Applications (RFAs) which are available upon request. Proposals with a complete package, including applications form(s) and its necessary attachments in soft or hard copy should be emailed to or handed over to the USAID Supporting Forests and Biodiversitys ofce at Phnom Penh Center, Building F, Room 588, Sothearos Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 855 23 220 714. Deadline for receiving Proposals is before close of business on 10 April 2014. Only shortlisted organizations will be contacted.

Continued from page 1

that he was meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Mines and Energy yesterday about the project. The letter from Sem Set, which was sent to Siyun, authorises Sinohydro to conduct research and collect further data at the site of the Chaey Areng dam. Alex Gonzalez-Davidson of NGO Mother Nature Cambodia said the situation was something that weve feared. They are allowed to go ahead with this project, as they are doing already, conduct research on dams, logging, but also mining, he said. China Guodian, the previous lease-holder of the Areng concession, said in an annual report in February that it had backed out of the project because its own research had shown building and running the dam was terminated because it was not economically viable. Ame Trandem, Southeast Asia program director at International Rivers, said yesterday that news that China Guodian has pulled out of the Cheay Areng Dam should trigger new warnings that this is a project that clearly should not be built. Its ethically dubious that Sinohydro would even consider investing in the project, which has been earmarked by previous dam developers as being environmentally and economically unsound, she added. With the dam still being considered, one can only wonder whether the project is simply a front for illegal logging and the future demise of the Central

A section of grassland in Koh Kongs Areng Valley in 2012 that will be ooded if a proposed dam project is completed. RIVERS INTERNATIONAL

Cardamons Protected Forest. The letter obtained by the Post also said that, despite official denials, some level of construction of the dam had been approved. The Ministry of Mines and Energy has authorized Sinohydro Resources Ltd. to invest in the construction of Chaey

Villagers are rightly concerned that this may be the start of the dams construction
Areng dam in Koh Kong province, it reads. Its certainly not research, Marcus Hardke of conservation group ARA said yesterday. Theyll probably have to research something about the rock formations, some drilling you can expect, but not that much. I have to assume they [China Guodian] did all the research before. They just

have to tick the box and pay something to the Ministry of Environment. The government approved 60 Sinohydro employees to do the prospecting and construction. This work, importantly, includes the use of explosives, the letter continued. Siyun, however, denied that explosives would be used. Explosions will never be used in the process of studying at Areng, he said, adding that the company planned only to drill into the ground to study both the layers of earth and mining prospects. Sinohydro Resources website states that it is endeavored to promote the development and investment of power and mineral resources projects in countries such as [the] Kingdom of Cambodia. When asked about Siyuns comments and the letter from Sem Set yesterday, Ith Praing,

secretary of state at the Ministry of Mines and Energy, said I do not know anything about that. Affected villagers have rallied to put a stop to the project, peacefully manning the access road and blocking Sinohydro from transporting machinery into the concession area since last week. With more than 60 workers and heavy machinery coming into the area, the villagers are rightly concerned that this may be the start of the dams construction, Trandem added. Given the areas biodiversity significance, its also rather questionable that the use of explosives has been permitted during the research. By using explosives in their research, its clear Sinohydro has thrown caution to the wind and has little respect for the biodiversity and environmental importance of the Areng Valley. ADDITIONAL



DVD stores pledge to go legal

Stuart White and Sen David

ITH one successful raid under its belt, the Motion Picture Association of Cambodia continued its push to eradicate the unlicensed DVD trade yesterday, presenting vendors at Phnom Penhs Russian Market and City Mall with the opportunity to join the MPAC effectively a promise to stop selling bootleg DVDs. According to MPAC president Nareth Ung, 15 vendors agreed to join, though some said they were holding off on signing the paperwork until they had enough cash on hand to cover the organisations yearly membership fees, which vary from $50 for small vendors to $500 for large production companies. Shipments of properly licensed DVDs should begin arriving in the near future, Ung continued, and [Cambodian distributor] CD World is trying to nd a way to negotiate for a cost thats not too much for people to afford, but vendors yesterday were nonetheless concerned about their bottom line. When we buy the original

Motion Picture Association of Cambodia president Nareth Ung visits a CD and DVD stall at Russian Market yesterday to ask the vendor to join the MPAC. VIREAK MAI

discs in the future, we will have bad business. Right now, we sell [illegal] copies for a dollar, but its still expensive for the customer, said Ly Bon Neth, a vendor at Russian Market who

said she was signing up with the MPAC because the studios it represents comprise practically the entire market. If we were not allowed to sell these, we would have to

shut down the shop, she said, noting that obtaining original discs used to be impossible, something that would change with MPAC membership. City Mall vendor Ar Na, who

signed up for MPAC membership yesterday, said that she too was concerned about making enough money under the new rules, but noted that selling illegal copies had cost her $1,000 in nes last year, and a $400 ne to the MPAC in last weeks raid. The MPACs Ung yesterday maintained that vendors would succeed under the new framework, and reiterated his contention that properly licensing DVDs would create jobs in the long run. Theyre doing the illegal stuff for so cheap for so long, so theyre afraid they cant afford it, but [either] they cant afford one disc, or the whole country cant afford a job, he said. Everybodys afraid of change, but if you do the right things, change is good, he added. City Mall vendor Na, however, said she would reserve judgment until she knew how much the licensed discs would cost. If my stall becomes legal and I can earn enough for my rent, OK, Ill be very happy, she said. But if I cant earn enough for my rent, I wont be happy about being legal.

Two years for British pedophile

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

PHNOM Penh Municipal Court yesterday sentenced a British former school teacher to two years in prison for sexually assaulting three minors. Judge Kim Rathnarin found 36-year-old Richard William Fruin guilty of committing indecent acts against brothers aged eight, 10 and 11. As well as the prison sentence, he will be fined 4 million riel [$1,000] and is ordered to pay 10 million riel [$2,500] to the victims family, Rathnarin said yesterday afternoon. After his imprisonment, Fruin will be deported from Cambodia, he added. Fruin, a former English teacher at Phnom Penhs Universal English School, was arrested in October at a guesthouse in Phnom Penhs Daun Penh district, where anti-human trafficking police found him with the eight-yearold boy. He denies all charges against him. In 2005, Fruin was convicted by a court in England of 15 counts of producing indecent images of children.


National Tycoons robbers convicted

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Families make plea for justice

Phak Seangly and Amelia Woodside

Wreck just too gritty Tardy phone buyer in for driver truck dire need of sand a calendar
IN A hit and on Friday,got it ONE man inrun Battambang wasnt the drunken moto a lesson on timeliness ondrivSater whowhen fled. According urday, putting offto mobile police Kampong Thoms phone in payments landed him Stung Sen town, aThe 32-year old in police custody. suspect speeding, drunk promised a cold,driver hard cash crashed into ofwhen a exchange forthe his back phone truck transporting sand. The he made the purchase, but man damaged his motorcycle failed to produce by pay day. and sustained serious injuries When he asked to delay the to both his head and body. The payment by a week, the seller moto driver was taken to hossaw red. An argument pital, while the truck driver between the pair caught the fled, abandoning his load of attention of police, who broke sand, which will remain in up the spat and arrested them police custody until claimed. both. DEUM AMPil KaMPUCHEa THMEY

THREE armed robbers convicted yesterday of stealing from a tycoon and injuring his bodyguard face five years in prison and $18,000 in compensation fees. Meoun Em, also known as Krabei (Mr Buffalo), 34, Lim Try, 33, and Seng Sokun, 29, were convicted of the 2012 robbery of Oknha Lork Hour, according to Sin Visal, a Phnom Penh Municipal Court judge. On September 2, 2012, the tycoon and his bodyguard were driving through the capitals Dangkor district on their way to pay for a new Lexus. The robbers pointed pistols at the victims and threatened to kill them. And when the tycoons bodyguard tried to protect his boss, the robbers shot and seriously wounded his right leg, said Keo Savuth, a district police officer. The robbers collected the tycoons $15,000 and pocketed his gold watch. The three were arrested in March last year. Meoun Em claimed he was a scapegoat and had no knowledge of the incident.

OR grieving mother Keo Sok Meng, 50, its a question that will never be answered in any way that makes sense. How can you shoot my son dead over a $160 salary? she said tearfully yesterday as she spoke of 23-year-old Pheng Kosal, who was shot dead during a clash between security forces and protesting garment workers on Veng Sreng Boulevard on January 3. I will nd justice for my son, even if it kills me. Why do Khmer kill Khmer like this? Sok Mengs words came at the launch of a Cambodia Center for Human Rights (CCHR) campaign titled Where Is My Justice?, which calls on the government to conduct independent public investigations into the deadly force used by security guards since Julys national election. At least six people have been shot dead, while 16-year-old Khim Saphath, who vanished during the deadly crackdown on January 3, remains missing. Khat Samneang, a 24-yearold garment worker, bounced her baby girl on one knee as she spoke of how her husband

Two thieves Blood thicker thought than water, they had ittrumps in the bag but money blood
Keo Sok Meng (right) and Khat Samneang (centre) wipe away tears as they talk at the Cambodian Center for Human Rights ofce for a campaign launched in Phnom Penh yesterday. HENG CHIVOAN

Kim Phalleap, a 25-year-old garment worker, was killed on January 3 when security forces red live ammunition into the crowd, injuring dozens and killing at least four. My husband died when my daughter was just two months old. No husband is like having a disabled leg and hand I could not do anything [to support myself] because I had just given birth, she said. I appeal to NGOs and the government to help us nd justice.

Months later, Sok Meng and Samneang continue to wait for compensation and an independent investigation into why their family members were killed. Ou Virak, CCHR chairman, said the police-led commissions established to investigate the inciters of the January 3 killings were biased towards security forces. Impunity is prevalent in the Kingdom, and we can try and counter that by continuing to

call for independent investigations and proper compensation for the families of the victims. [They] have the right to know the truth, he said. Khiu Sopheak, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, said the government had been nothing but responsive to questions about the investigations. We are investigating these issues and have come to some results, but they will remain internal, he said.

A NOT-so-sMootH A WOMAN in Phnomcriminal Penhs found himself in got handcuffs Sen Sok district a rude rather than enjoying the spoils introduction to the old adage of his thievery when his plan neither a borrower nor a to pinch abe students bag The last week lender on Friday. went awry. The and a his woman, 22, didsuspect her relative partnerlending in crime pursued the favour, him her motorgirlsto bag asa she drove along bike visit friend. According Tok Koh district. But when they to police, the male relative, 25, tried to grab the goods, the stupawned the bike for $250 and spent all the their money, hoping dent pushed moto to the his relative wouldnt her ground, according to need police. wheels back. The woman While his accomplice managed turned herthe fibbing relation to escape, suspect was over to the police KoH when she nabbed by police. SantEPHEaP spotted him walking near his Stars kaMPUCHEa fail to align tHMEY for home.

looting treasure hunter Lazy man executes lazy A THIEF in Kampong Cham scam, too lazy it to flee must have thought was his
A 27-YEAR-OLD Dangkor dislucky day on Saturday when he trict cona artist took the money, spotted laptop and camera but forgot to runcar, last but week. inside an empty he A construction company driver, found out too late the goods the man delivered materials to werent up for grabs. To get at customers who paid him the loot, the 32-year-old sus$2,000. On returning to the pect smashed the window of company, the driver reported the empty car, which was that he hadnt received payparked in front of a local marment, but his suspicious boss ket, police said. But with maruncovered the botched ploy ket security guards on the with a few phone calls. On Frilookout, a clean getaway was day, police nabbed the suspect impossible. Police quickly who said hed already spent all nabbed the kaMPUCHEa thief, leaving him tHMEY the money. with no choice but to confess.
KoH santEPHEaP Man masters jealousy, adds wrath to repertoire Cocksure gambler gets PAILIN town police are on the on neighbours nerves lookout for a 34-year-old con-

Mam Sonando, owner of Beehive Radio, talks during International Womens Day in Phnom Penh earlier this month. HENG CHIVOAN

Sonando vows to go ahead with protest

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

BEEHIVE Radio owner Mam Sonando yesterday promised to once again defy Phnom Penh Municipal Hall and go ahead with an unsanctioned March 31 protest against the Ministry of Informations refusal to give him a television licence and more relay frequencies to extend the reach of his radio network. City Hall spokesman Long Dimanche said yesterday that permission for the protest had been denied because authorities were still looking into the cause of violence breaking out at recent demonstrations, a rationale that Sonando dismissed as pure pretext. The authorities use the same pretext to refuse us our rights, including the right to get real information about the goings-on in society and the world, Sonando said. Will we keep living without our rights like this?

Sonando went on to say that he would go ahead with a March 31 demonstration for [peoples] rights and freedom since they do not want to live under the dictatorial government pressure anymore. However, City Halls Dimanche said that Sonando and his supporters would face administrative measures if they went ahead with the protest. We asked them to wait until the investigation procedures on the incidents in the previous demonstrations is nished and the results are released, then we will let them gather and set up a demonstration at the Freedom Park, he said. Sonandos last rally against the Ministry of Information in January was ended when a column of military police and untrained Daun Penh district security guards charged peaceful protesters, beating participants and observers with batons.

A RESIDENTIAL area in Kamstruction worker who allegedly ponghis Speu is not thepoint best place beat wife to the of to open up an illegal cockfightunconsciousness on Friday. Police said the man found was jealing ring, as one out ous after spotting his wife with on Saturday. Daily cockfights at another man inmans the village. the 40-year-old home in The husband got drunk at a Somrong Tong district riled up wedding, and on returning his neighbour, whose desire for home, beat his wife with a belt some peace and quiet from the and wooden stick to badly angry birds led him tip off injuring her head, shoulder, police. Six men arrested in the eye, thigh and back before subsequent bust were released, Nokorwat fleeing. but the homeowner and one other cockfighting enthusiast Stab-happy lover picks are awaiting trial. DEUM APil funny way of apologising A 25-YEAR-OLD man was Motorcycle theft comes apprehended in Kampong between friends forever Speus Oral district Saturday POLICE were called in to settle after stabbing his girlfriend. a dispute between feuding The woman, 18, lived with her friends in Kandal province on boyfriend in Phnom Penh, but Sunday case a misswent to over stay the with her of parents ing moto. A woman claimed in Kampong Speu after the she had leant her moto to her couple had an argument. A friend of five years so followed that she week later, the man could visit herher mother in to her, begging to return Phnom Penh, but the lender Phnom Penh. When the womwas left slighted when there a an refused, the man grabbed was no sign of the moto or the knife and stabbed her in the friend armpit days later. Feeling conback, and arm. She siderably less friendly, was hospitalised, and she her parcalled on police the whoman arrested ents prevented from the suspect. KaMPUCHEa THMEY Nokorwat escaping arrest.
Translated by Phak Translated by SenSeangly David


Indicative Exchange Rates as of 24/3/2014. Please contact ANZ Royal Global Markets on 023 999 910 for real time rates.





















Relaxed rules help Myanmar

Zaw Htike

EVENUES in Myanmars garment sector are expected to grow by as much as 50 per cent to reach $1.5 billion in the 2013-14 scal year, experts say. Daw Khaing Khaing Nwe, secretary of the Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association, said the sector has continued to benet from relaxed trade rules from abroad, while the country has seen a distinct rise in foreign interest. After we ofcially got GSP [Generalised System of Preferences] status from the EU in mid-2013, exports began to substantially increase, she said. With revenues growing and international brands such as Tesco, UK-based Dewhirst and US apparel giant Gap Inc looking to invest in Myanmar in the near future, growth would likely continue in the coming years, she said. This will give the local garment industry the ability to develop even further, she said. [Representatives from US-based retailer] Guess came to speak with me just this morning. Before the US and the EU imposed sanctions during military rule, the Myanmar garment industry earned more than $800 million from exports, with the gure increasing to just over $1 billion in 2013 after sanctions were lifted. With a US GSP yet to be reinstated, however, exports to the US remain small.

ANZ, Royal Group may split apart, CEO states

Continued from page 1

Myanmar labourers work at a garment factory on the outskirt of Yangon.


Still, the number of garment factories has grown to more than 200, up from 181 in November 2012, according to MGMA data. The sector has been plagued by a number of issues, including labour shortages, logistics and lack of infrastructure. Electricity supply problems continue to hamper prots. Weve started providing

training and were planning to launch mobile training sessions and encouraging owners to start in-house training in their factories, Daw Khaing Khaing Nwe said. Daw Aye Aye Han, managing director of Shweyi Zabe garment factory in Shwe Pyi Thar township, Yangon, said additional problems have also arisen with the tide of new investment, including

inadequate sewing fees being offered by European companies, while other foreign retailers have been reluctant to follow through on investment promises. Only 30 per cent of the EU businesses that have discussed working with local factories have actually worked with us, she said. Most EU businesses are still offering the same prices they

paid before sanctions. In their countries, prices have not increased much over the past decade, but in Myanmar prices are increasing all the time. So are wages. She said that with the expansion of factories also comes a growing need for workers, a need that has grown from 80,000 to about 250,000 over the past three or four years. THE

were related to the Phnom Penh Sugar case. There is nothing currently in train in terms of the local business, but the preference for 100 per cent is there as stated, Knuckey said, referring to the lack of any immediate deal on the table to part ways. Started in 2005, ANZ Royal Bank is 55 per cent owned by ANZ and 45 per cent owned by Royal Group. Royal Group chairman and CEO Kith Meng did not immediately respond to a phone call or a text message. Phnom Penh Sugar Company has been at the centre of a years-long dispute following the forced eviction of hundreds of families from an 8,343-hectare land concession in Kampong Speu province. ANZ Royals involvement in the firm was revealed in two audits instigated by the bank. The second audit in 2013 showed that the company had obtained financing from ANZ Royal, while ignoring 60 per cent of recommendations made in the initial audit. In January last year, a Post investigation revealed that children as young as seven were being employed to cut sugar cane on the plantation. In response, Phnom Penh Sugar announced a zero-tolerance policy for the practice.

THE PHNOM PENH POST march 25, 2014


Tigerair purchasing 37 new Airbus craft

Kyunghee Park

IGER Airways Holdings Ltd, the budget carrier partly owned by Singapore Airlines Ltd, has ordered 37 new Airbus Group NV planes, canceling some existing orders as it opted for more fuel-efcient models. The order for single-aisle A320neo planes is valued at $3.8 billion and is for delivery between 2018 and 2025, the airline said in a statement to the Singapore stock exchange yesterday. Manufacturers typically give discounts on list prices. The carrier has the option to increase the order by up to 13 aircraft and also to convert the model to a bigger variant. As part of the new purchase agreement, Tiger Air canceled existing orders for nine A320s as the new model, powered by Pratt & Whitney engines, will help the company save about S$40 million ($31 million) a year on fuel. An economic boom and a surge in travel demand

across Southeast Asia have prompted budget airlines in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam to place orders for new aircraft, stoking concerns about whether the industry is building more capacity than it needs. Combination of high number of people and fast-growing middle class, thats rocket fuel for the airline industry in the long term, Mohshin Aziz, an analyst at Kuala Lumpurbased Maybank Investment Bank Bhd, said. This year, airlines are saying, Weve grown too fast and need to pace down, Aziz said. The planes that Tiger Air cancelled were for delivery between 2014 and 2015, according to the statement. The company operates its airline under the brand name Tigerair. Shares of Tiger Air rose 1.2 per cent to 41 Singapore cents as of 11:30am in the city yesterday. The airlines stock price has fallen by 20 per cent this year, compared with a 2.1 per cent decline in Sin-

gapores benchmark Straits Times Index. The Neo is an updated version of Airbuss most popular single-aisle A320. It comes with two choices of more fuel-efcient engines, and the rst Neos are set to enter service late next year. While the Asia-Pacic region remains the most promising for travel growth, with a third of Airbus and Boeing Co orders, a ve-year jet-buying frenzy may give way to a more sober approach as carriers adjust to the challenges of intense competition and inadequate infrastructure. Tiger Air will see ve aircraft return to its eet after selling its entire stake in a Philippine operator earlier this year, according to Brendan Sobie, a Singapore-based analyst at the Capa Centre for Aviation. Tony Fernandes, the chief executive ofcer of Asias biggest budget carrier AirAsia Group, said last month hes ready to take a back seat, deferring seven deliveries this year and 12 next year. Qantas Airways Ltd said

A sign for Tiger Airways Holdings is displayed at the Budget Terminal of Changi Airport in Singapore. Tiger Airways has ordered 37 new, more fuel-efcient planes for its eet. BLOOMBERG

last month that its Singaporebased low-cost arm Jetstar Asia had suspended growth. While major opportunities remain in the region, current market circumstances have forced a halt, the Australian carrier said. The moves by Tiger Air and AirAsia are expected to help reduce eet growth in Southeast Asia to about 16 per cent this year from an earlier estimate of a little more than 20

per cent, Sobie said. Discount carriers account for 25 per cent of total seats in Asia, versus 2 per cent a decade ago, according to Airbus. Some 10 new airlines may join the 50 budget carriers already operating across the region, according to Capa. France-based Airbus, which delivered a record 626 planes last year, will step up production of its single-aisle aircraft to 46 a month in 2016 from

42 now as airlines seek more fuel-efcient models. Airbuss orders last year were dominated by the A320, with 1,253 contracts that included 876 of the A320neo. The new aircraft has more than 2,600 orders from 50 customers, its website showed. It is competing against Boeings 737 Max, which has more than 1,700 orders and rst delivery expected in 2017, according to its website. BLOOMBERG


Markets Business



Shopping drop

INOPEC, Asias biggest rener, said it will push ahead this year with a government-driven agenda to open up state-controlled industries, as Chinas energy companies search for private capital. The company and domestic peer PetroChina are seeking private investors for some units. Sinopec, ofcially known as China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, will sell as much as 30 per cent of its oil retail business in a sale Barclays estimates could raise more than $20 billion. PetroChina and its parent China National Petroleum Corp, are considering opening up areas including pipelines, oil and gas exploration and rening to private capital. In 2014, the company expects to make signicant advances in its development by fully embracing reform, leading to corporate transformation, organizational vigor and stronger corporate values, Sinopec chairman Fu Chengyu said in a statement. The same day, the Beijing-based company reported that 2013 net income rose 3.4 per cent to 66.1 billion yuan ($10.6 billion), missing the 67.8 billion yuan mean of 12 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Sinopec is the most tied to the Chinese economy of the major oil companies and the economy might be grinding a bit slower this year, said Simon Powell, head of oil and gas research at CLSA Ltd. All the talk of reform is great, restructuring the marketing

in Sinopec embraces reforms Russians UK spending a little less S R

We will continue to promote transformation and upgrades with a focus on improving development quality and efciency, Fu said. The company set a capital expenditure target of 161.6 billion yuan for this year, 4.2 per cent lower than a year ago. Sinopec will focus spending mainly on exploration and production, according to Fu. We will strengthen our exploration effort in shale gas resources in Fuling to achieve signicant development of Chinas shale gas industry, he said. China Petrochemical Corp, the stateowned parent of Sinopec, has said it will build shale gas capacity at its Fuling site to 5 billion cubic metres a year by 2015, suggesting a national target of 6.5 billion cubic metres will be met or surpassed. PetroChina, the countrys largest oil producer, is also cutting expenditure. It said last week its spending target for 2014 was 7.1 per cent lower than the previous year. The company reported net income rose 12 per cent to 129.6 billion yuan last year, beating the 125.7 billion yuan mean of 13 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Sinopec dropped 0.2 per cent to HK$6.64 as of 10:39am in Hong Kong yesterday compared with a 1.1 per cent gain in the citys benchmark Hang Seng Index. Sinopec has declined 4 per cent in the past year, compared with the Hang Sengs 2.6 per cent fall. BLOOMBERG

The China Petroleum & Chemical Corp logo is displayed at one of the companys petrol stations in Hong Kong last week. BLOOMBERG

business is great, but the bottom line is ultimately driven by the domestic economy. The rener said oil and natural gas production rose 3.5 per cent to 442.8 million barrels of oil equivalent last year. Gas output increased 10 per cent on 2012 levels. Sinopec forecast production of 363.8 million barrels of crude oil in 2014 and 706.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas. China is pushing the most aggressive reforms in more than a decade as

President Xi Jinping works to increase market forces in the economy. The nation set a 7.5 per cent target for growth in 2014, matching last years goal, Premier Li Keqiang told the annual legislature meeting in Beijing this month. Chinas economy actually grew 7.7 per cent in 2013. Sinopec approved last month the plan to seek private investors for its oil retail unit, which operates the nations largest network of more than 30,000 fuel stations.

USSIAN spending in British shops fell by 17 per cent last month compared to February 2013, according to tax-free shopping statistics yesterday. Visitors from Russia spent an average 669 ($1,103) per transaction, according to firm Global Blue, seeing them overtaken in third place by those from Nigeria compared to 12 months ago. Spending by Russian visitors was up 16 per cent for the year in 2013 but fell in February this year. The unstable situation in Russia has shown its effect on tourism spend this year as the weakening economy leaves shoppers disinclined to travel, said Gordon Clark, Global Blues UK country manager. However, Russia is still one of the top globe shopper markets in the UK as high net worth individuals are drawn to the UKs extensive offer of luxury brands, so businesses should renew their emphasis on strategies to entice these individuals and encourage high level spend. AFP


Markets Business


Sanctions on Russia sting W

EsTERN sanctions are pushing Russia toward recession and the pain could intensify if US and European leaders turn the screw over tensions in Ukraine. Banks including state-run VTB Capital say the worlds ninth-biggest economy will shrink for at least two quarters as penalties for annexing Crimea rattle markets, curb investment and raise the cost of borrowing. Sanctions that have so far focused on individuals via visa bans and asset freezes may be expanded to target specic areas of the economy. President Vladimir Putin sent his popularity surging to a ve-year high by making Crimea a part of Russia again after 60 years and says he wont be swayed by foreign retaliation. Even so, the costs of the decision are starting to unfold, with Russian stocks this years worst performers and the economy set to suffer more than the West, Mircea Geoana, Romanias government representative for diplomacy and economic, projects. Were witnessing the start of a new geopolitical and economic Cold War and I think it will take at least two to three years to establish some sort of equilibrium, he said. The ones wholl pay the bill for this aggression, no matter how popular and patriotic it looks, will be the Russian people because theres a huge difference between the economic force of the EU and the US and that of Russia. Russias Micex stock index has plunged 13.1 per cent this year compared with a 5.8 per cent decline for the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.

Thai Set 50 Index, Mar 21 1100

Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Mar 21 700

1025 950 875 800

650 600 550 500

An employee assists a visitor at the reception desk in the headquarters of the MicexRTS Moscow Exchange earlier this month. BLOOMBERG

The ruble is the second-worst performer against the dollar behind Argentina among 24 developing-market currencies tracked by Bloomberg, weakening 9.3 per cent. After the US expanded sanctions on March 20 to include businessmen linked to Putin, such as billionaires Gennady Timchenko and Arkady Rotenberg, Standard & Poors and Fitch Ratings cut their outlook on Russias credit grade to negative from stable, suggesting a downgrade is likely next. Even before the stand-off with the West, the worst since the Cold War, Russias economy was facing the weakest growth since a 2009 recession as consumer demand failed to

make up for sagging investment. The current situation in the economy bears clear signs of a crisis, Deputy Economy Minister Sergei Belyakov said on March 17 after the rst European Union and US sanctions. Russia will probably dip into a recession in the second and third quarters of this year as domestic demand is set to halt on the uncertainty shock and tighter nancial conditions, according to Moscow-based VTB. Russias central bank unexpectedly raised its benchmark interest rate by 150 basis points after the armed takeover of Crimea triggered a rout in the ruble. Putin completed his annexation of the Black Sea

peninsula on March 21. Russia may shun foreign debt markets in 2014 because of higher borrowing costs, according to Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. He expressed frustration at disruptions to MasterCard and Visa services for cards issued by banks on or linked to persons on the US sanctions list. Some people say these sanctions wont affect Russias nancial system but they already are, he said on March 21. Even so, the measures may not have much effect on the individuals targeted or on Putins thinking on Ukraine, whose government accuses the Russian leader of stirring up unrest elsewhere and planning an invasion of the countrys east. The sanctions represent a mosquito bite because most ofcials on the list arent permitted to travel abroad privately and have most of their business in Russia, said Konstantin Kostin, a Kremlin adviser who heads the Civil Society Development Fund. Government members featured in a new EU list on March 21 include Putin aides Sergei Glazyev and Vladislav Surkov. Putin, meanwhile, would require stiffer penalties to budge, according to Ariel Cohen, senior fellow at the Republican-leaning Heritage Foundation in Washington. Youre dealing with an individual who wont be easily intimidated, he said on March 21. The West is escalating sanctions but Russia isnt going to back off on Crimea and Ukraine that easily. It will take more than pinpointed individual sanctions to start rolling this back. BLOOMBERG



South Korea

KOSPI Index, Mar 21 2100 1975 1850 1725 1600


PSEI- Philippine Se Idx, Mar 21 7000 6625 6250 5875 5500



FTSE Straits Times Index, Mar 21 4000

FTSEBursa Malaysia KLCI, Mar 21 1900

3500 3000 2500 2000

1800 1700 1600 1500



Hong Kong
Hang Seng Index, Mar 21 25000

CSI 300 Index, Mar 21 3000

23250 21500 19750 18000

2750 2500 2250 2000




Nikkei 225, Mar 21 16000


Taiwan Taiex Index, Mar 21 9000

15500 15000 14500 14000

8500 8000 7500 7000


Jakarta Composite Index, Mar 21 5000 4625 4250 3875 3500


Laos Composite Index, Mar 21 1500 1350 1200 1050 900




International commodities

Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012) (%) -0.71 % 3.64 % 2.22 % 1.25 % 4.00 % 5.50 % -40.00 % 1.82 % 7.06 % 3.33 % 15.56 % 0.77 %

BSE Sensex 30 Index, Mar 21 22000 21000

Karachi 100 Index, Mar 21 28000 27250 26500 25750 25000

Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits

Item Rice 1 Rice 2 Paddy Peanuts Maize 2 Cashew nut Pepper Beef Pork Mud Fish Chicken Duck Unit
R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg

Construction equipment
Average 2780 2280 1840 8100 2080 4220 24000 33600 18200 12400 20800 13100 Item Steel 12 Cement Unit R/Kg R/Sac Base 3000 19000 Average 3100 19500 (%) 3.33 % 2.63 %

Crude Oil (WTI) Crude Oil (Brent) RBOB Gasoline NYMEX Heating Oil ICE Gasoil

USD/bbl. USD/bbl. USd/gal. USd/gal. USD/MT

99.34 106.77 4.34 290.22 291.51 893.75

-0.12 -0.15 0.03 -0.57 -0.5 -7.25

-0.12% -0.14% 0.72% -0.20% -0.17% -0.80%

3:33:25 3:34:08 3:34:00 3:31:56 2:31:41 3:33:12

2800 2200 1800 8000 2000 4000 40000 33000 17000 12000 18000 13000

20000 19000 18000

NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu



Item Gasoline Diesel Petroleum Gas Charcoal Unit
R R R Chi Baht

5250 5100 5500 86000 1200

5450 5200 5500 76000 1300

3.81 % 1.96 % 0.00 % -11.63 % 8.33 %

S&P/ASX 200 Index, Mar 21 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500

New Zealand
NZX 50 Index, Mar 21 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500


CBOT Rough Rice CME Lumber

USD/cwt USD/tbf

15.44 335

0.01 -5.4

0.06% -1.59%

1:40:40 16:08:19





Kiev orders withdrawal of its Crimean troops
kRAinE yesterday ordered its outnumbered troops to withdraw from Crimea after Russias lightning annexation of the peninsula as world leaders met for emergency talks on the worst East-West standoff since the Cold War. The dramatic announcement came after Ukraine lost yet another base in Crimea and as world leaders gathered in The Hague for a security summit set to be dominated by concerns over the Ukraine crisis. Europe and America are united in our support of the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people, were united in imposing a cost on Russia for its actions so far, US President Barack Obama told reporters shortly after landing in the Netherlands. A top commander in NATO had warned on Sunday that the Western military alliance was carefully watching massive Russian troop formations on the eastern border of Ukraine that could theoretically make a push across the vast former Soviet country at any point. Moscow has denied any

A Ukrainian marine carries his belongings as he leaves his military unit in the eastern Crimeas port city of Feodosiya yesterday. AFP

such plans despite President Vladimir Putins open ambition to resurrect vestiges of the Soviet empire and stamp his authority over eastern European nations that sought protection from the West following the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall. But the Kremlin has made it clear that it intends to

protect compatriots in the Russies southeastern swaths of Ukraine that it says have been victimised by violent nationalists since last months rise to power of a pro-European team. Ukraines acting president Oleksandr Turchynov sombrely told top lawmakers that both servicemen and their

families would now be relocated to the mainland. The national security and defence council has reached a decision, under instructions from the defence ministry, to conduct a redeployment of military units stationed in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Turchynov said in nationally televised remarks. The cabinet of ministers has instructions to resettle the families of soldiers as well as everyone else who today is forced to leave their homes under the pressure and aggression of the Russian armys occupying forces. Crimeas pro-Kremlin deputy premier Rustam Temirgaliyev told Russias RIA Novosti state news agency that all Ukrainian soldiers have either switched to the Russian side or are leaving the territory of the Crimea. Turchynovs announcement came less than a month after Putin won authorisation to use force in response to the February 22 ouster of pro-Kremlin president Viktor Yanukovych regime by more nationalist leaders who are seeking a closer alliance with Europe. Ukraines increasingly de-

moralised forces had been steadily losing ground on the Black Sea peninsula and saw their main airbase outside the regional capital Simferopol stormed on Saturday. The assault by Russian troops and pro-Kremlin militias continued on Monday with the fall of a Ukrainian naval base in the east Crimean port of Feodosia. Turchynov praised his countrys soldiers despite heavy criticism by some Crimean commanders of confusion and indecision reigning among the army and naval brass in Kiev over the past month. Despite the enormous losses, the Ukrainian soldiers in Crimea did their duty, said Turchynov. Most importantly, they gave the Ukrainian armed forces the opportunity to prepare their defences, to put the military on full combat alert, and to launch a partial mobilisation. Several top ofcials had warned on Sunday that they feared an attack by Kremlin forces on the heavily Russied regions of southeastern Ukraine was now imminent. The Kremlin stamped its

claim on Crimea yesterday with a symbolic visit by Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu the rst top Moscow ofcial to visit the mostly Russianspeaking region of two million people since its March 16 independence referendum. In the last days, a group of ofcers has been checking and making sure there is no interim stage or anarchy, making sure that the military hardware does not fall into not the best hands, Shoigu said in comments broadcast on Russian state television. Russias latest surprise assault in the rugged region the size of Belgium came in the pre-dawn hours on Monday and involved both armoured personnel carriers and stun grenades. The Ukrainian defence ministry said Russian paratroopers were lowered onto the Feodosia naval base from four helicopters in a commando-style operation in which guns were red in the air and stun grenades strewn across the facility. Several military trucks were seen leaving the base less than two hours later with some Ukrainian marines whose hands had been tied. AFP

MH370 is lost with all aboard, says Malaysian PM

Continued from page 1

promised the families in particular that the search continue[d]. Najib, whose government has been criticised by China for its handling of the search and investigation, said he called a late night press briefing to release the information out of a commitment to openness and respect for the families, two principles which have guided this investigation. Hours earlier, Chinese and Australian planes had reported new sightings of items that could be linked to the plane. The Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, said earlier yesterday that the crew of an Australian P-3 Orion had located two objects: the first grey or green and circular; the second orange and rectangular. An Australian navy supply ship, the HMAS Success, was on its way to attempt to recover the objects, with Malaysian officials suggesting the vessel should reach them by this morning if not before. Xinhua said the Chinese icebreaker Xuelong or Snow Dragon had also

changed course towards the area. Six more Chinese ships are on their way to the wider search location, about 1,553 miles south-west of Perth. Beijing-bound MH370 disappeared in the early hours of 8 March, not long after taking off from Kuala Lumpur. About two-thirds of the 239 people on board were Chinese. Investigators have indicated that the flight was deliberately diverted just as it prepared to leave Malaysian airspace, turning west and recrossing the Malay peninsula. Communications systems were disabled or stopped working at about the same time. No words to ease pain The airline, in a statement sent to families, said we have to assume the plane was lost. Our prayers go out to all the loved ones of the 226 passengers and of our 13 friends and colleagues at this enormously painful time, it said. We know there are no words that we or anyone else can say which can ease your pain. The airline said the multinational

search, which is scouring a stretch of the forbidding Indian Ocean to find any debris, would continue as we seek answers to the questions which remain. Malaysia believes the plane was deliberately diverted by someone on board. But the absence of firm evidence has fuelled intense speculation and conspiracy theories, and tormented the families of the missing. Leading theories include a hijacking, pilot sabotage, or a sudden midair crisis that incapacitated the flight crew and left the plane to fly on autopilot until it ran out of fuel. MH370 last made contact over the South China Sea halfway between Malaysia and Vietnam. For reasons unknown, it backtracked over the Malaysian peninsula and then flew on for hours. The search swung deep into the Indian Ocean last week after initial satellite images depicted large floating objects there. Hopes of a resolution to the mystery rose after a weekend in which an Australian aircraft spotted a wooden pallet, strapping and other debris, and

French and Chinese satellite information indicated more floating objects. Crew members of an Australian P-3 Orion plane reported on Saturday seeing two objects, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told parliament. Australian officials said they were different to pieces seen by a Chinese plane earlier in the day. The Australian naval ship HMAS Success , equipped with a crane, was in the area, about 2,500 kilometres (1,562 miles) southwest of Perth, and will attempt to recover the objects. Abbott cautioned that it was not known whether the objects came from the missing Boeing 777. Nevertheless we are hopeful that we can recover these objects soon and they will take us a step closer to resolving this tragic mystery, he said. The US Navy has added to the sense of an approaching denouement, ordering a specialised device to the region to help find the black box flight and cockpit voice data crucial in determining what happened to the aeroplane. The high-tech device can locate

black boxes as deep as 20,000 feet (6,060 metres), the US Seventh Fleet said in a statement. The search area ranges from 3,000-4,000 metres deep. The 30-day signal from the black box is due to fail in less than two weeks. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority said that the search grew to 10 aircraft yesterday with the inclusion of two Chinese military aircraft joining Australian, US, and Japanese planes. China has also dispatched seven ships, adding to British and Australian naval vessels involved. If a crash is confirmed, recovering the black box will be even more difficult than the case of the Air France jet that went down in the Atlantic in 2009, said Charitha Pattiaratchi, an oceanographer at the University of Western Australia. We have to remember that Air France 447 took two years to find and this is a more challenging region where the environment is much, much harsher. There are bigger waves and its windier, he said. THE GUARDIAN/


UK teen and boyfriend take own lives after US policeman shot dead
A BRITISH teenager and her American boyfriend are suspected of having shot dead a policeman before killing themselves in Florida, US police have said. Alex Hollinghurst, 17, and Brandon Goode, 18, were both found dead on Saturday having apparently taken their own lives, according to the Orange County sheriffs ofce. Their bodies were discovered after a 31-year-old police ofcer, Robert German, was shot dead nearby by a man and a woman. Sheriff Jerry Demings said that German stopped the pair in the early hours of the morning and called for backup. When colleagues arrived, they found German, who had been shot, and was pronounced dead soon afterwards. Both Goode and Hollinghurst were later found dead in brush, the Orlando Sentinel reported. The incident happened in the town of Windermere, near Orlando. In a statement on its website, the police department paid tribute to German: The entire law enforcement community and the town of Windermere are mourning the loss of Ofcer Robert German. Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers are with Ofcer Germans family during this difcult time. We ask that you give the Windermere Police Department, our ofcers and the family time to get through this tragedy. The mayor, Gary Bruhn, asked residents of the small town to display blue ribbons on their homes for the next month in mourning. While we honour Ofcer German, it is our hope that this display of respect will also send a strong message of support to the entire town of Windermere Police Department as they resume their ofcial duties early next week. While this tragedy has shocked all of us, we are privileged to live in a great town that will never forget the sacrice of Ofcer German and his fellow law enforcement ofcers, he said. THE GUARDIAN judgE in southern Egypt has taken just two court sessions to sentence to death 529 supporters of Mohamed Morsi for the murder of a single police ofcer. Sixteen people were acquitted after lawyers said they had not been allowed to present a proper defence before the judgement was made. The defendants were arrested last August during a wave of unrest in which supporters of the former president reacted violently to the clearance of a pro-Morsi sit-in in Cairo during which more than 900 people were killed. In addition to the murder, the 529 were accused of attempting to kill two other police ofcers and attacking a police station. The death sentences are not nal and appeals are likely; similar sentences have often been commuted in Egypt. But families of the accused and rights lawyers described the process as a miscarriage of justice. Waleed Sultan, whose father was among those sentenced to death, said: He added: The session last[ed] for ve minutes, [and] during those ve minutes none of the lawyers or the defendants


Death for 529 Morsi supporters

Relatives of supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi cry sitting outside the courthouse yesterday. AFP

were listened to not even the prosecution. The judge just came in to acquit [the 16] and sentence to death the others. Mohamed Zaree, head of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, a prominent rights group, said: This verdict is a disaster. To rule in the second session of a trial it means the judge didnt hear the defence or look at the evidence. Even someone from second grade of law faculty would never have issued this verdict it goes against the basic principles of criminology. The same court was to try 683 more Brotherhood sup-

porters yesterday including leader of the group, Mohamed Badie, and the head of its political wing, Saad al-Katatny. The defendants are among at least 16,000 political dissidents arrested since the overthrow of Morsi last July, according to police gures. Some rights groups say the real gure may be as high as 23,000, and many of those imprisoned have been tortured by the authorities. One of the most high-prole detainees Alaa Abd El Fatah, a secular activist investigated by every regime since Hosni Mubarak was released on

bail on Sunday in a rare instance of judicial clemency. Also yesterday, al-Jazeera journalists Australian Peter Greste, Canadian-Egyptian Mohamed Fahmy and local journalist Baher Mohamed faced the third hearing of their trial on charges of smearing Egypt and aiding terrorism charges they see as absurd. A fourth al-Jazeera journalist, Abdullah Elshamy, is jailed on separate charges. Grestes family received a letter from Egypts interim president, Adly Mansour, last week that sympathised with their predicament, and expressed a desire for a reunion of the family in the near future. Mansour told Fahmys family in a Sunday night letter that as a father, I sympathise with your familys concern for your son. The wording was similar to a letter received by Grestes parents, though the latter were also told that Mansour hoped the family would be reunited a sentiment not explicitly repeated to Fahmys family. The letters indicate a shift in approach from the Egyptian authorities, who have previously often sought to portray al-Jazeera and its journalists as accessories to terrorism.




Lake Albert shipwreck claims 98 lives, says UN

AT LEaST 98 people died when a boat capsized at the weekend on Lake Albert, which lies between Uganda and the DR Congo, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said yesterday. Based on information so far . . . 41 people were rescued and 98 bodies recovered after Saturdays disaster, the refugee agency said. As many as 250 people may have been aboard, added the UNHCR, which said the vessel had been transporting Congolese refugees returning from Uganda. The UN agency said staff were shocked and saddened by the tragedy . . . in which a large number of refugees, including children, were drowned. AFP

Police retake Taiwan govt HQ

Amber Wang

Vatican delivery

GUNMEN have killed 13 people in an attack on a farming community in central Nigeria in the latest deadly violence to rip through the region, police said yesterday. Ten people were also injured in the shooting in the village of Gbajimba on Sunday morning, which Benue state police spokesman Daniel Ezeala blamed on Hausa-speaking Fulani herdsmen. Thirteen people lost their lives, while 10 were injured and several houses were burnt by the attackers, he said AFP

Central Nigeria village attack: 13 people dead

AIWAN riot police unleashed water cannon yesterday to dislodge hundreds of demonstrators who had stormed government headquarters in violent scenes that dramatically escalated a days-old protest against a trade pact with China. After nearly a week-long occupation of Taiwans parliament, the protesters late on Sunday also inltrated the Executive Yuan where the cabinet ofces are located, pulling down barbed-wire barricades outside and using ladders to break into ofces on the second oor. The assault came after President Ma Ying-jeou refused to back down on the trade pact, rejecting opposition claims that he is effectively handing Taiwans economy over to Chinese control after six decades of political separation. Premier Jiang Yi-huah, whose ofce is in the Executive Yuan building, said at least 110 people were injured, including 52 police ofcers, while 61 arrests were made. Some protesters damaged windows and doors of ministerial ofces and tried to re-

Protesters are sprayed with a water cannon during a demonstration outside the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday. AFP

move government documents before they were stopped, but the premiers ofce was not breached, ofcials said. Riot police early yesterday dragged up people sitting on the ground, and used riot shields to push the crowds back while some of the demonstrators tried to grab their batons and pelted them with plastic bottles. Two water cannon trucks were then deployed, eventually subduing the crowd and clearing the building. Suddenly water was spraying at us and it was very pow-

erful. My glasses ew off and I was very dizzy, protester Frank Hsieh, a former premier from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), told reporters. One injured male protester lay on the ground receiving medical care, while another was led away with blood streaming down his face. The government denounces violence and dispersed the crowd according to the law. We will not tolerate actions designed to paralyse the government, the presidential ofce said. But the DPP , which

historically has favoured formal independence for Taiwan, called on Ma to respond to the protesters demands and scrap the pact. Forcible dispersals will only cause more students and police to get hurt and are likely to trigger more outrage and protests, the party said in a released statement. Since coming to power in 2008, Ma has overseen a marked cross-strait thaw through stronger trade and tourism links with mainland China which still considers Taiwan as part of its territory awaiting reunication. The two sides split in 1949 after a civil war. Some 200 protesters mainly college students stormed the parliament last Tuesday and took over its main chamber to stop Mas ruling Kuomintang (KMT) party from ratifying the agreement. Police showed no sign of intervening yesterday to retake control of the chamber, where the protesters remain holed up, following the unruly scenes at the Executive Yuan a short walk away. Parliamentary speaker Wang Jin-pyng, who is from the KMT party, has called for a peaceful resolution to the sit-in. AFP

Coke-lled condoms are intercepted

ERMAN customs officials intercepted a package addressed to the Vatican containing 14 condoms filled with cocaine, a newspaper reported on Sunday. The Bild am Sonntag said a box packed with 340 grams of cocaine valued at $55,200 were seized at Leipzig international airport in January. The drugs, posted from an unnamed South American country, were in a liquid form poured into the condoms and addressed to the Vatican. The newspaper, citing a German customs report, said authorities handed the package with the drugs to a police officer at the Vatican with the aim of laying a trap for a culprit who might try to claim it. But Bild said the parcel had remained there since January. German investigators believe the intended recipient, who remains unknown, was likely tipped off that the package had been intercepted, the newspaper said. The Vatican office of Interpol is now working on the investigation with German police, according to the report. AFP

The Kingdom of Cambodia National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS) REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST
Short-term National and International Consultants to Develop a Compliance Inspection Strategy/Manual The Royal Government of Cambodias local reform agenda is being implemented through its rst three-year Implementation Plan (IP3: 20112013). The reforms aim to develop autonomous, locally accountable SNAs, as institutions of political representation that promote sub-national democratic development. The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) is mandated as the overall program authority and through its Secretariat (NCDDS) is responsible for policy formulation and program coordination. Implementation of the IP3 is assigned to seven (7) national institutions, 6 of which have their subprogram, including the NCDD-S, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Planning the Ministry of Civil Service, the Ministry of Womens Affairs and the National League of Council Associations. The NCDDS wishes to hire two short term consultants (national and international) to develop a compliance inspection STRATEGY/ STRATEGIC MANUAL for sub program 2/ ministry of interior. The following consultants are needed: A. One international Consultant for 20 working days At least a Masters Degree or equivalent in Social Sciences, Law, Finance/Audit, Public Policy or related studies At least 5 years experience working as an inspector, manager of inspection processes, or in a related and relevant oversight capacity OR at least 3 examples of developing compliance inspection or oversight processes in other countries Experience in undertaking local government inspection, especially in cases where reforms are moving from a deconcentrated/ centralized system to a delegated one Experience in South East Asia or Cambodia is considered useful

B. One national Consultant for 50 working days Qualication and Experience Required At least a Masters Degree or equivalent in Social Sciences, Law, Finance/Audit, Public Policy or related studies Proven experience in writing manuals or guidelines; excellent writing skills in English and Khmer Good quantitative reasoning skills and logical thinking 2 years experience in M&E or compliance inspection or oversight or legal analysis Knowledge or clear ability to learn the legal framework for local government in Cambodia Experience as a trainer. Interested individuals must provide (i) updated CVs (including references / referees), (ii) a cover letter demonstrating how they are qualied to provide the required services, and (iii) a copy of one past assignment / report on a similar topic. Complete TORs can be found at media-center/jobs-procurement. All submissions should be made (by either email or express mail) to: Mr. Nop Novy or Ms. Ung Chandany at NCDDS, Ministry of Interior, Norodom Blvd., Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA from 08:00am to 17:00pm, Monday to Friday or through e-mail at or The closing date/time is 17:00 hours, April 11th 2014. Women are strongly encouraged to apply; only shortlist candidates will be contacted.




Vandalised Jerusalem cars hint at hate crime

SuSpeCTeD Jewish extremists punctured the tyres of dozens of Palestinian cars in annexed east Jerusalem yesterday in the latest so-called price tag hate crime, police have said. The attack took place in Beit Hanina, a Palestinian neighbourhood in the northern sector of east Jerusalem, with Hebrew grafti on a nearby bus reading Gentiles in the land are enemies. Police said the tyres of 34 cars were punctured, but a correspondent at the scene placed the number at 45, noting all four wheels of each car had been slashed. Local residents said that security cameras at the site showed that a group of men perpetrated the crime, which bore the hallmarks of a price tag attack, a euphemism for hate crimes that generally target Palestinians. Initially carried out against Palestinians in retaliation for state moves to dismantle unauthorised settler outposts, the attacks have since become a much broader phenomenon with racist and xenophobic overtones. In June, 21 cars were vandalised in a similar attack in Beit Hanina not far from yesterdays attack. Last month, the tyres of 31 cars were slashed in a Palestinian neighbourhood in the southern sector of east Jerusalem. AFP

Talks on Internet future hear plea for freedom

Getting the point

A Kosovo dervish, an adept of Susm, a mystical form of Islam that preaches tolerance and a search for understanding, pierces himself as he takes part in a ceremony marking Newruz, the rst day of spring on Friday. The Kosovo dervish community carries on centuries-old mystical practices, such as self-piercing with needles and knives as a way to earn salvation. AFP

ITTInG in his ofce in Bhutans sleepy capital, newspaper editor Tenzing Lamsang muses on the dramatic impact of cell phone technology on a remote Himalayan kingdom known as the last Shangri-La. Bhutan is jumping from the feudal age to the modern age, said Lamsang, editor of The Bhutanese bi-weekly and online journal. Its bypassing the industrial age. As the last country in the world to get television and one which measures its performance with a Gross National Happiness yardstick, Bhutan might have been expected to be a hold-out against mobile technology. While monks clad in traditional saffron robes remain a common sight on the streets of the capital Thimpu, they now have to dodge cell phone users whose eyes are glued to their screens. It has a largely rural population of just 750,000, but Bhutans two cellular

Bhutan enters modern age with cellphones

networks have 550,000 subscribers. And the last ofcial gures in 2012 showed more than 120,000 Bhutanese had some kind of mobile internet connectivity. Wedged between China and India, the Land of the Thunder Dragon only got its rst TV sets in 1999, at a time when less than a quarter of households had electricity. Thanks to a massive investment in hydropower in the following decade and a half, nearly every household is now hooked up to the electricity grid. The radical change in lifestyle has coincided with an equally dramatic transformation of the political system, with the monarchy ceding absolute power and allowing democratic elections in 2008. The second nationwide elections took place last year, bringing charismatic former civil servant Tshering Tobgay into ofce. Tobgay underlined how he saw technology as a force for good and not to be resisted. Technology is not destructive. Its good and can contribute to prosperity for Bhutan, the prime minister said. Cellular phones became a reality 10 years ago. We adopted it very well, almost everybody has a cellular phone, thats the reality. The prime ministers own Facebook page has more than 25,000 followers who can get updates on everything from his talks with Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi to photos of police recruits in training. Lamsang says social media had a largely positive role to play in the edgling democracy as a way of raising awareness in government circles about a range of issues. He said there were now 80,000 Facebook users and the number was rising by the day. That gives you an idea of how popular the Internet has become in such a short time, he explained. As the number of households with internet connections remain limited, Bhutan has seen a proliferation of cybercafes. Jigme Tamang, an employee at Norling Cyber World in Thimpu, says the best time of year for business comes when students need to check their exam results and then register online for courses. We are a little bit worried about the rise of smartphones, because if people can connect through them they will not come here to use our system, he said. Eighteen-year-old Suraj Biswa said his smartphone was a fundamental part of his life. With my smartphone linked to the Internet, I can use Facebook and various software for editing photos, said Biswa, a high school student from Samtse in southern Bhutan. I use Facebook to exchange with friends or relatives abroad. For example I have cousins in Nepal without Internet and Facebook I cannot communicate with them. AFP

CONTROL of the Internet should be handed from US supervision to a diverse group of stakeholders, and not to governments that could limit freedoms, a meeting on the webs future heard yesterday. Organisers also said that a US decision to relinquish control was not the result of any one event after speculation it came under pressure from snooping disclosures from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. The talks are the first global consultation since the US announced this month it will hand control of the internets technical operations to multistakeholders including IT organisations, businesses, governments, civil society groups and academia. The fourday Singapore meeting was convened by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which the US has tasked with guiding the transition. ICANN, a US-based non-profit group, controls domain names and internet addresses under a contract that expires in September 2015, by which time back-end operations of the Internet are expected to be under new administration. AFP

Prison for Tiananmen protest man: lawyer

Colossal pharaoh statues unveiled in Egypt

ARCHAeOLOGISTS on Sunday unveiled two colossal statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III in Egypts famed temple city of Luxor, adding to an existing pair of world-renowned tourist attractions. The two monoliths in red quartzite were raised at what European and Egyptian archaeologists said were their original sites in the funerary temple of the king, on the west bank of the Nile. The temple is already famous for its existing 3,400-year-old Memnon colossi twin statues of Amenhotep III whose reign archaeologists say marked the political and cultural zenith of ancient Egyptian civilisation. The world until now knew two Memnon colossi, but from today it will know four colossi of Amenhotep III, said German-Armenian archaeologist Hourig Sourouzian, who heads the project to conserve the Amenhotep III temple. The two existing statues, showing the pharaoh seated, are world renowned. The two restored additions have weathered severe damage for centuries, Sourouzian said. The statues had lain in pieces for centuries in the fields, damaged by destructive forces like earthquake, and later by irrigation water, salt, encroachment and vandalism, she said, as excavators and local villagers washed pieces of artefacts and statues unearthed over the past months. This beautiful temple still has enough for us to study and conserve. One of the new statues its body weighing 250 tonnes again depicts the pharaoh seated, hands resting on his knees. It is 11.5 metres (38 feet) tall, with a base 1.5 metres high and 3.6 metres wide. Archaeologists said with its now missing double crown, the original statue would have reached a height of 13.5 metres and weighed 450 tonnes. The king is depicted wearing a royal pleated kilt held at the waist by a large belt decorated with zigzag lines. Beside his right leg stands nearly a complete figure of Amenhotep IIIs wife Tiye, wearing a large wig and a long tight-fitting dress. A statue of queen mother Mutemwya, originally beside his left leg, is missing, archaeologists said. The throne itself is decorated on each side with scenes from that era, showing the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. The second statue, of Amenhotep III standing, has been installed at the north gate of the temple. The team also showed several other ancient pieces of what they said were parts of other statues of the ancient ruler and his relatives, including a well-preserved alabaster head from another Amenhotep III statue. This piece is unique, it is rare, because there are not many alabaster statues in the world, Sourouzian said. The head has also weathered centuries of damage. Its nose, eyes and ears are intact, and some signs of restoration centuries ago are evident, archaeologists said. Close to the head lies a statue of Princess Iset, Amenhotep IIIs daughter. Sourouzian said the aim of her teams work was to preserve these monuments and the temple itself, which according to her had suffered at the hands of nature and mankind. Every ruin, every monument has its right to be treated decently, said Sourouzian, whose dream as a student was to conserve the Amenhotep III temple. The idea is to stop the dismantling of monuments and keep them at their sites, she said, adding that what was required was steady international funding to conserve such world heritage sites. The ongoing work to conserve the Amenhotep III temple is entirely funded through what she said were private and international donations. Pharaoh Amenhotep III inherited an empire that spanned from the Euphrates to Sudan, archaeologists say, and he was able to maintain Egypts position mainly through diplomacy. The 18th dynasty ruler became king at the age of about 12, with his mother as regent. Amenhotep III died around 1354 BC and was succeeded by his son Amenhotep IV, widely known as Akhenaten. Luxor, a city of some 500,000 people on the banks of the Nile in southern Egypt, is an open-air museum of intricate temples a nd pha raon ic tombs. AFP

A CHiNese court yesterday jailed for 18 months a man who applied to hold a protest on the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square killings, his lawyer said. Gu Yimin was found guilty of inciting state subversion for posting pictures of the 1989 crackdown online and applying for permission to stage a protest on its anniversary last year, his lawyer Liu Weiguo said. This judgement violates the constitution, Liu said, adding that Gu would appeal the verdict, handed down by a court in Changshu in the eastern province of Jiangsu. We maintain that Gu Yimin was exercising his right to freedom of speech. Liu added that men he believed to be state security officers had assaulted him and another lawyer outside the courthouse. AFP

Indian minister asks people to vote twice

Egyptian archaeological workers stand next to a newly displayed statue of pharaoh Amenhotep III in Luxor on Sunday. AFP

AN INDiaN cabinet minister found himself at the centre of a vote-rigging row yesterday, after he asked supporters to vote twice for his party in elections which begin next month. Speaking at a rally on Sunday, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar urged voters to wash off the ink which would be daubed on their fingers after they cast their ballots and then go to a different constituency and vote again for his National Congress Party. After pointing out that voting in two neighbouring parts of Maharashtra was taking place on different days, Pawar told supporters in the state: Vote for the clock [his partys symbol] there and come back to vote for the Clock here as well, he said to loud laughter. Pawar, currently an ally of the main ruling Congress party but who has been flirting with the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, later tried to laugh off his remarks, saying they were meant as a joke. AFP



Letters to editor

EDITORIAL PERSONNEL Publisher Chris Dawe Editor-in-Chief Alan Parkhouse Managing Editor Chad Williams Editor-in-Chief Post Khmer Kay Kimsong Managing Editor Post Khmer Sam Rith Chief of Staff Cheang Sokha Deputy Chief of Staff Chhay Channyda National News Editor Shane Worrell Digital Media Director David Boyle Deputy News Editor Vong Sokheng Group Business Editor May Kunmakara Deputy Business Editor Joe Freeman Property Editor Pisei Hin Foreign News Editor Joe Curtin Sports Editor Dan Riley Picture Editor Scott Howes Lifestyle and 7Days Editor Poppy McPherson Deputy Head of Lifestyle Desk Pan Simala Chief Sub-editor Michael Philips Sub-editors Shane Rothery, Daniel de Carteret, Amelia Woodside, Laignee Barron, Kevin Ponniah, Stuart White, Sean Teehan, Bennett Murray, Will Jackson, Daniel Pye Reporters Meas Sokchea, Mom Kunthear, Khouth Sophak Chakrya, May Titthara, Khoun Leakhana, Sen David, Phak Seangly, Buth Reaksmey Kongkea, Chhim Sreyneang, Kim Sarom, Lieng Sarith, Hor Kimsay Photographers Heng Chivoan, Pha Lina, Hong Menea, Sreng Meng Srun, Vireak Mai Web Editor Leang Phannara Webmasters Uong Ratana, Horng Pengly SIEM REAP BUREAU

A resident of Borei Keila sits among the debris from levelled buildings as a police ofcer dismantles her makeshift shelter in 2012.


Bureau Chief Peter Olszewski Ofce Manager Thik Skaline Distribution Manager Seng Sech Reporters Thik Kaliyann, Miranda Glasser Marketing Executive Sophearith Blondeel

ICC case is no laughing matter

Dear Editor, Reference is made to your article entitled ICC case May Have a Chance, published March 20, 2014. This article relates to my investigation into crimes committed by state security forces since 2002 and the related ling of a Communication before the International Criminal Court (ICC). In this article Mr Phay Siphan, Council of Ministers Spokesman, expressed the view that the investigation was a political ploy by the CNRP, and stated: They [the CNRP] try to manipulate the political situation. His comments expose a misunderstanding as to the role of the CNRP in this investigation and I would like to offer some clarication. Whilst it was the CNRP who engaged Global Diligence LLP to investigate crimes committed by state security forces, our mandate is to investigate on behalf of victims, not on behalf of the CNRP . Our Communication will be led

Head of Desktop Publishing Nhim Sokphyrak Desktop Publishing Suon Savatdy, Chum Sokunthy, Aim Valinda, Danh Borath

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on behalf of victims, not on behalf of any political party. The CNRP has made no attempt to inuence our legal analysis nor has it interfered with our decision to engage the ICC. The CNRP has acted as a facilitator for this process, not as a client dictating instructions. The fact that the CNRP seeks to facilitate justice for Cambodian victims through an international judicial process should come as no surprise. As democratically elected representatives of the Cambodian people, CNRP parliamentarians not only have the right, but also the obligation to help victims nd justice where serious international crimes have been committed. This assistance becomes particularly important when the vast majority of victims lack the resources to engage lawyers themselves and where the Cambodian courts have consistently failed to protect citizens from the arbitrary use of state power. Ensuring that such victims have access to credible legal remedies whether national or international is a legitimate role for political representatives in any democratic country. Our ICC Communication will consider the forcible transfer of hundreds of thousands of desperately poor Cambodians; the murder, rape, torture and false imprisonment of

those who try to protect their homes in the face of overwhelming military power; the persecution of indigenous people and the destruction of their way of life; and the multiple crimes committed against all those human rights defenders who try to resist the illegal and destructive land policies. The right to property a home is crucial to an individuals security as well as societal stability. When property rights are denied en masse, individual wellbeing and societal order are replaced by poverty and conict, sometimes resulting in war. This is precisely why the State Parties to the ICC were so keen to protect fundamental property rights by making forcible transfer a distinct crime against humanity when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack. Human rights groups estimate that up to 700,000 people have been affected by the land grabbing in Cambodia since 2001. If true, this amounts to around 4.7 per cent of the entire population. To give a sense of scale, if this magnitude (as a percentage of population) had been affected in the USA, it would be the equivalent to the total population of New England, namely, the states of Maine, Massachusetts New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. In the United Kingdom, it would be

the equivalent to the total population of Wales. Last week Mr Phay Siphan referred to our investigation as a joke. He may nd that the ICC prosecutor does not share his sense of humour. Richard J Rogers, Global Diligence LLP .

Dear Editor, I do not know the plans for disposing of the old but still deadly 250kg US bomb found in Kandal (Post, March 18). However, I would like to suggest that, once rendered safe, the bomb be returned to the US government. Perhaps the US government would then reduce by the cost of the bomb the $300 million it claims Cambodia still has to pay in return for the USs seless intervention in Cambodian affairs in the 1970s. Allen Myers Phnom Penh

Would the US like its bomb back?

Circulation Director Sophea Kalvin Heng Circulation Supervisor Chally, Rithy Distribution Manager Meas Thy

Send letters to: or POBox 146, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The Post reserves the right to edit letters to a shorter length. The views expressed above are solely the authors and do not reflect any positions taken by The Phnom Penh Post.

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N A land of simpering karaoke stars, Vietnams rst female rappers are foul-mouthed queens of the lyrical underground, battling government censorship and rampant piracy to spit ow and make dough. Hip-hop is a new import to the communist country of some 90 million, where society is still dominated by conservative values. Young women producing profanity-laced rap about partying and getting high raises eyebrows. But having shot to fame at 14 as Vietnams rst mainstream rap act, Kimmese SpaceSpeakers who discovered the genre through a single Bone Thugs-n-Harmony song on a karaoke VCD is nonchalant about her notoriety. I do what I want, said the singer, 23, who has given up on Vietnamese record labels and is releasing her second studio album independently. None of them can produce me now ... they dont understand my music, she said. Kimmese took a four-year career break at 17, a hiatus she says was spent mostly drunk and partying, and then reemerged as a powerful R&B vocalist straddling Vietnams musical underground and mainstream. She cuts an unusual gure in her native Hanoi, Vietnams conservative communist capital: strikingly beautiful, she is covered in tattoos with waistlength green hair. Its an image that chimes with her broader message, she said. In Vietnam, if men have tattoos, its cool. But if a woman has tattoos they call you a bad

Good girls are boring: meet Vietnams female rap heroes I

Cat Barton

In brief
THE Wu-Tang Clan are divided. Despite the announcement of a 20th-anniversary album, A Better Tomorrow, Raekwon and Ghostface Killah appear to be keeping their distance from the comeback, sitting out the groups new single, Keep Watch. Keep dreaming, Raekwon tweeted on Tuesday. Its a message that could be interpreted as either hopeful or ominous. But although Wu-Tang have revealed the album is in the works and almost ready to ship, a Grantland profile indicates a schism between Raekwon and the groups de facto frontman, RZA. Its like getting the United Nations to all agree on one [expletive] thing, Raekwon told Grantland. the guardian

Wu-Tang Clan divided over album release

Rapper Kimmese ashes the peace sign during a session at a recording studio in Hanoi.


girl. Its ne to be a bad girl! Man good girls are boring, she told AFP . Shes not interested in politics and so doesnt rap about it, but her profanity-strewn lyrics are groundbreaking in the authoritarian country where standard mainstream pop fare is about patriotism, love and being a good girl. Traditional social attitudes still dominate in Vietnam and women fall under considerable pressure to marry, have children and then cook for their husbands. Kimmese gives short shrift to those expectations. I wanna be equal! And I

want to tell them (Vietnamese women) that if I can do it, then you all can do it, said the singer, who makes little money from her songs due to rampant piracy but has lucrative advertising deals with Pepsi and KFC. Women! You can do it, get out of the shadow of men and do whatever you want to do ... Nobody has the right to judge you, Kimmese said, in her near-awless American-accent, learned from rap songs. She has recently come out, and thrown her support behind the campaign to legalise gay marriage in Vietnam. Seeing Kimmese perform

was what inspired Ho Chi Minh City-based Suboi to start rapping. She joined a school friends rock band which performed Linkin Park covers, learning her profanity-laced English along the way. Her style and lyrics have evolved: she started out wearing baggy clothes and scored her rst hit rewriting a popular childrens song in English. Now, she dresses more elegantly. I dont want to be stereotyped like youre a rapper youve gotta look like this but if you wanna battle me I can freestyle, she said. As one of the few female rappers in a male-dominated

industry she is always trying to prove herself but she also has little time for the egodriven competitiveness of the underground scene. Other rappers, theyre more underground, they think theyre like superstars ... But Im sorry, I can talk about the truth without swearing. I can go another way. After a bad experience with a possessive, violent boyfriend, she also wants to send a message to young Vietnamese women in a country where domestic violence is widespread and remains taboo that they do not have to accept it. afP

TEN weeks before the city expects to welcome throngs of World Cup fans, Hollywood star Russell Crowe slammed Rios chaotic traffic during a visit to promote biblical epic Noah. Although happy to visit Brazil, Crowe admitted he found the traffic a challenge not least as he braved the cars for a bicycle ride around the metropolis. What I found was chaos, he told Broadcaster Globos Fantastico program in an interview broadcast on Sunday, adding that coming out of the airport the surrounding area was none too scenic. The bit I came in, to be honest ... needed a bit of cleaning up, he reflected in a pre-recorded interview. afP

Russell Crowe wades in to Rios traffic chaos

Stones to play Paris gig after delaying Oz tour

Kim Jong-Un lookalike mans the BBQ in China

NORTH Korean leader Kim Jong-Un strikes fear into some hearts, but photos of a Chinese street food vendor with a distinct resemblance to the Pyongyang strongman have fuelled online mirth. Chubby with a round face and sporting Kims trademark side-shaved haircut, the vendor was pictured cooking skewered meat on a rusty barbecue. Though his identity remains unknown, he works in the northeastern Chinese city of Shenyang, not far from the border with North Korea. Like Kim, the vendor has a penchant for high-buttoned jackets, and a smoking habit. But he appears to lead a simpler existence than his powerful doppelganger who is reported to enjoy a luxury lifestyle and was seen at the weekend sitting on a small plastic stool, tending to his meaty wares. Thousands of Chinese web users commented on the images, with many calling Kim Fatty the Third, a reference to his weight as well as his inheritance of his position from his father and grandfather. Beijing has long been Pyongyangs closest ally, but the Norths continued nuclear program is said to have chilled ties, and Chinese social media users often skewer the young leader with irreverent criticism. This has got to be Fatty the Thirds brother quick, bring him back! wrote one user of Sina Weibo, a social media service similar to Twitter. afP

THE Rolling Stones have said they will play Paris Stade de France in June for the first time since 2007, after postponing a tour Down Under due to the death of Mick Jaggers girlfriend. The band will play a single gig in Frances national stadium in Paris on June 13 as part of their 14 On Fire tour, according to their French promoter. The Stones already have a string of dates planned across Europe for June, including in Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and Italy. The news comes after the Stones postponed their tour of Australia and New Zealand on Tuesday after the shock death of Jaggers girlfriend LWren Scott. afP

A Chinese street food vendor with a resemblance to North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un sits by his barbecue stall in Shenyang, China. afP

SCI-FI thriller Divergent pulled apart from rivals at the North American box office in its first weekend, as Muppets Most Wanted went in at number two, industry estimates showed on Sunday. Raking in an estimated $56 million, Divergent, the dystopian tale of a young woman in a futuristic society, is based on the popular young adult novel. afP

Divergent pulls away from box-office rivals



MH 765 5J 258
Arrival 03:30 09:05 09:05 14:40 16:20 18:40 19:40 21:50 20:50 14:30 20:50 13:45 20:50 13:00 14:30 20:50 16:30 18:45 10:25 16:05 17:00 17:25

3.5.7 2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 5 7 3, 2 5

1. 5
Days 1-3-5

14:15 22:30 16:35 10:40 12:25 12:45 18:30 18:35 10:05

Dep 12:55

17:25 02:11 22:15 15:20 15:40 16:05 21:35 21:55 13:00

Arrival 13:55

MH 764 5J 257 MI 633 MI 622 MI 616 MI 636 MI 630 MI 618 QV 512

8M 401
Flighs K6 131

3.5.7 2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 7 3, 2 5 5

1. 5
Days 1-3-5

12:10 19:45 14:35 08:40 10:40 13:55 07:55 16:35 06:30

Dep 11:20

13:15 21:30 15:45 09:50 11:50 17:40 11:35 17:45 09:25

Arrival 12:20


Flighs K6 720 PG 938 PG 932 TG 581 PG 934 FD 3617 PG 936 TG 585 CZ 324 QR 965 QR 967 CZ 324 CZ 6060 VN 840 QR 965 QR 967 VN 841 VN 3856 KA 207 KA 207 KA 209 KA 209 KA 205 KE 690 OZ 740 AK 1473 MH 755 MH 763 AF 273 FM 833 MI 601 MI 622 3K 594 3K 592 3K 598 MI 607 2817 2817 2817 2817 BR 266 VN 840 QV 920
8M 402 8M 401

Arrival 01:10 08:15 11:10 11:10 16:40 18:15 20:40 21:45 16:05 22:45

8M 402


Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily 2.4.7 Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily 6 1 3.5.7 2 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 2.4 .2.4..7 .2.4..7 Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 1.3.6

Dep 12:05 06:40 09:55 10:05 15:30 17:05 19:30 20:40 08:00 16:10 22:40 08:00 14:45 17:30 16:10 22:40 14:00 19:20 11:25 11:45 18:30 17:25 19:00 23:40 23:50 08:35 11:10 17:10 20:05 19:50

Flighs K6 721 PG 931 TG 580 PG 933 FD 3616 PG 935 TG 584 PG 937 CZ 323 QR 964 QR 966 CZ 6059 CZ 323 VN 841 QR 604 QR 966 VN 920 VN 3857 KA 208 KA 206 KA 206 KA 206

Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. 2.4.7 Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily

Dep 02:25 07:55 07:55 13:30 15:15 17:30 18:25 20:15 14:30 01:05 07:25 12:00 19:05 09:40 13:30 19:50 15:50 18:00









PHNOM PENH - GUANGZHOU 11:40 18:10 20:35 17:10 23:40 14:45 20:05 15:05 22:25 22:05 21:00 22:35




A bus stop for local buses and for the ADAC Postbus long distance buses is seen at the Deutsche Post HQ in Bonn, western Germany.



HONG KONG - PHNOM PENH 08:50 3.5.7 1 2 14:30 15:25 15:50

2817 - 16 Tigerairways 5J - CEBU Airways. AK - Air Asia BR - EVA Airways CI - China Airlines CZ - China Southern FD - Thai Air Asia FM - Shanghai Air K6- Cambodia Angkor Air KA - Dragon Air MH - Malaysia Airlines MI - SilkAir OZ - Asiana Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways QR - Qatar Airways QV - Lao Airlines SQ - Singapore Airlines

1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday

PHNOM PENH - INCHEON 06:40 06:50 11:20 14:00 20:00 06:05 23:05

INCHEON - PHNOM PENH KE 689 OZ 739 AK 1474 MH 754 MH 762 AF 273 FM 833 MI 602 MI 622 3K 593 3K 591 *3K 597 MI 608 2816 2816 2816 2816 BR 265 VN 841 QV 921 8M 401 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 18:30 19:10 15:15 09:30 3:20 20:05 22:20 22:50 16:00 10:20 4:10 06:05 22:40 08:40 11:25 14:25 20:20 15:15 17:15 15:50 08:10 14:00 12:30 11:35 13:00 13:15 10:45



TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines

This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information, please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.

Race heats up in Germanys bus market

Estelle Peard

PHNOM PENH- PARIS PHNOM PENH - SHANGHAI PHNOM PENH - SINGAPORE 09:30 12:30 12:20 15:10 21:05 16:00 18:10 16:40 09:10 14:50 13:20 12:45 17:30 17:50 13:30 11:45 15:20 18:10 0:05 19:25 21:10 19:40 12:00 17:50 16:10 17:05 18:50 19:10 14:55 12:30

PHNOM PENH - PARIS SHANGHAI - PHNOM PENH 19:30 07:40 2.4 .2.4..7 .2.4..7 Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 08:40 13:20 19:15 13:50 16:20 15:00 07:20 13:00 11:30 09:10 11:30 11:45 08:20 SINGAPORE - PHNOM PENH - SIEM REAP *
Air Asia (AK) Room T6, PP International Airport. Tel: 023 6666 555 Fax: 023 890 071

Koreanair (KE) Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce Myanmar Airways International Center, Monivong Blvd,PP Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9 #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677 Cebu Pacic (5J) Phnom Penh: No. 333B Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161 Siem Reap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd. Tel: 063 965487 E-mail:

Cambodia Angkor Air (K6) PP Ofce, #90+92+94Eo, St.217, Sk.Orussey4, Kh. 7Makara, 023 881 178 /77718-333. Fax:+855 23-886-677 E:

Dragon Air (KA) #168, Monireth, PP Tel: 023 424 300 Fax: 023 424 304



Tiger airways G. oor, Regency square, Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205, Sk Chamkarmorn, PP Tel: (855) 95 969 888 (855) 23 5515 888/5525888 E:



Qatar Airways No. 296 Blvd. Mao Tse Toung (St. 245), Ground oor, Intercontinental Hotel PP Tel: +23 42 40 12/13/14

SilkAir (MI) Regency C,Unit 2-4,Tumnorb Teuk, Chamkarmorn Phnom Penh Tel:023 988 629


LINE CALLING SCHEDULES 1 Wed, 08:00 - Thu 16:00 RCL (12calls/moth) 2 Thu, 14:00 - Fri 22:00 3 Fri, 20:00 - Sat 23:59 MEARSK (MCC) (4 calls/moth) SITC (BEN LINE (4 calls/onth) ITL (ACL) (4 calls/month) APL (4 calls/month) COTS (2 calls/month) 1 Th, 08:00 - 20:00 2 Fri, 22:00- Sun 00:01 Sun 09:00-23:00 Sat 06:00 - Sun 08:00 Fri, 08:00 - Sun, 06:00 Irregula FREEQUENCY ROTATION PORTS 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN HKG-SHV-SGZ-HKG (HPH-TXGKEL) SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN SGN-SHV-LZP-SGN - HKG-OSA-TYO-KOB - BUS-SGH-YAT-SGN - SIN-SHV-TPP-SIN HCM-SHV-LZP-HCMNBO-SGH-OSA-KOBBUS-SGH-HGK-CHM SGZ-SHV-SIN-SGZ SIN-SHV-SIN


K6 700





K6 701




PG 924 PG 906 PG 914 PG 908 PG 910 CZ 3054 CZ 3054

K6 850

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


09:45 13:15 15:20 18:50 20:30 11:25 19:25


11:10 14:40 16:45 20:15 21:55 15:35 23:20


PG 903 PG 905 PG 913 PG 907 PG 909 CZ 3053 CZ 3053

K6 851

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


08:00 11:35 13:35 17:00 18:45 08:45 16:35


09:00 12:45 14:35 18:10 19:55 10:30 18:30




SIEM REAP -HANOI VN 868 VN 842 VN 844 VN 800 VN 3818 VN 826 VN 3820 VN 828 VN 3822 KE 688 OZ 738 AK 281 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 12:40 18:05 19:45 21:00 11:10 13:30 17:45 18:20 21:35 23:15 23:40 08:35 15:35 19:45 21:25 22:40 12:30 14:40 18:45 19:20 22:35 06:10 07:10 11:35

HANOI - SIEM REAP VN 843 VN 845 VN 845 VN 801 VN 3809 VN 827 VN 3821 VN 829 VN 3823 KE 687 OZ 737 AK 280 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 15:25 17:05 17:45 18:20 09:15 11:35 15:55 16:20 19:45 18:30 19:20 06:50 17:10 18:50 19:30 20:00 10:35 12:35 16:55 17:40 20:45 22:15 22:40 07:50

2 calls/month BBK-SHV-BKK-(LZP)

34 call/month
SGZ= Songkhla, Thailand SHV= Sihanoukville Port Cambodia SIN= Singapore TPP= TanjungPelapas, Malaysia TYO= Tokyo, Japan TXG= Taichung, Taiwan YAT= Yantian, China YOK= Yokohama, Japan



BUS= Busan, Korea HKG= HongKong kao=Kaoshiung, Taiwan ROC Kob= Kebe, Japan KUN= Kuantan, Malaysia LZP= Leam Chabang, Thailand NBO= Ningbo, China OSA= Osaka, Japan SGN= Saigon, Vietnam





FLY DIRECT TO SIEM REAP MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel 023 881 178 | Fax 023 886 677 |



HEAPER than taking a train or a plane and more relaxing than driving, the longdistance bus is becoming the travel mode of choice for many Germans after the market opened up last year. Since the regional coach market was liberalised in January 2013, a plethora of operators has hit the road in an attempt to win a slice of the hotly-contested sector. Bright yellow, apple green or electric blue, shiny new coaches in garish colours now compete for attention and market share as they criss-cross Europes most populous country. The newcomers try to lure passengers with comfortable seats, Wi-Fi Internet connections and sometimes even free coffee. Until last January 2013, coach services were limited to protect railway company Deutsche Bahn (DB). Previously only a few longdistance bus services were allowed, some of them DB subsidiaries, mainly on routes that connected West Berlin with the rest of the former West Germany since before national reunication in 1990. Now any company can enter the regional coach market for distances of at least 50 kilometres (31 miles) and routes with at least one hour between stops. Within one year, these intercity bus links have almost tripled to 221, according to transport ministry gures. Christoph Gipp of the IGES research institute said there are now 10 to 15 additional players in this very dynamic market. Some smaller players have disappeared and some have merged with larger ones, for example MeinFernbus [my long distance bus], he said.

This Berlin start-up, founded by two partners who had met as students, has taken the pole position with a market share of nearly 40 per cent, according to an IGES study. Demand is strong, our buses are booked out regularly, one of its founders, Torben Greve, said. Last year, his company transported 2.7 million people. Deutsche Bahn is the second largest player, ahead of newcomers like ADAC Postbus, formed jointly by the automobile club ADAC and logistics group Deutsche Post. New smaller operators are Flixbus and DeinBus, while British operator National Express has also stepped in under the name City2City. The buses are usually sleek and comfortable, but the main attraction is price. Great city. Small price. From eight euros ($11), City2City proclaims on its website. MeinFernbus lets passengers cross the country from north to south. A trip from Hamburg to Stuttgart, from 28 euros about half the cost of a train fare. New routes also connect medium-sized cities such as Marburg, in the centre, Regensburg in Bavaria and Luebeck on the Baltic Sea. The long-distance bus is above all a competitor to the car, said Greve. Its used by people who want to escape the stress of driving or those who see it as an alternative to carpooling. The buses attract lots of students, but also appeal to the elderly, who appreciate the convenience of direct connections compared with having to change trains en route. The bus companies also highlight the environmental aspect, with a lower per-passenger fuel consumption and carbon footprint than travelling by car. AFP



POMPEII A slave-turned-gladiator finds himself in a race against time to save his true love, who has been betrothed to a corrupt Roman senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts, he must fight. City Mall: 7:55pm Toul Kork: 5:50pm NEED FOR SPEED Fresh from prison, a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate joins a cross-country race with revenge in mind. His expartner, learning of the plan, places a massive bounty on his head as the race begins. With Aaron Paul, best known for his role as one of two drug producers in the US drama Breaking Bad. City Mall: 9:15am, 1:10pm, 4:20pm, 9:10pm Toul Kork: 11:30am, 1:25pm, 6:50pm, 9:25pm 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE Greek general Themistokles leads the charge against invading Persian forces led by mortalturned-god Xerxes and Artemisia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy. Starring Sullivan Stapleton and Eva Green, as well as Lena Headey. Citymall: 2:20pm, 3:55pm, 10pm Toul Kork: 9:25am, 2pm, 7:50pm, 9:55pm MR PEABODY AND SHERMAN The time-travelling adventures of an advanced canine and his adopted son, as they endeavour to fix a time rift they created. Stars: Ty Burrell, Max Charles, Stephen Colbert. Citymall: 9:15am, 11:20am, 6pm Toul Kork: 11:30am, 4pm

Eat the Sun @ Meta House

Mason is a modern day sungazer and the subject of Peter Sorchers awardwinning documentary Eat the Sun. It follows Mason into the little-known world of sungazing an ancient practice of looking directly at the sun for a range of physical and spiritual benets.

Meta House, #37 Sothearos Blvd. 9pm

Meditation classes
Meditation classes aimed at those who are new to it. Comfortable or loosetting clothes recommended. Register on 0889 235 306 or email info@ Price: $12 per lesson or $100 for 10.

Essence of Health, #8A Street 112. 11am

Tonights lm at Meta House features modern day sungazers, who stare directly into the sun in the hopes of receiving physical and spiritual benets. BLOOMBERG

Quiz @ Gym Sports Bar

Teams can accumulate points just for playing and win prizes at the end of the season. Weekly prizes are featured as well. $1 per person, with winning team taking all.


10:55am - FANTASTIC FOUR: A group of astronauts gain superpowers after a cosmic radiation exposure and must use them to oppose the plans of their enemy, Doctor Victor Von Doo. FOX MOVIES 12:45pm - THE HUNGER GAMES: Katniss Everdeen voluntarily takes her younger sisters place in the Hunger Games, a televised fight to the death in which two teenagers from each of the twelve Districts of Panem are chosen at random to compete. FOX MOVIES 4:40pm - SALT: A CIA agent goes on the run after a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy. FOX MOVIES 8pm - SCARY MOVIE 4: Cindy finds out the house she lives in is haunted by a little boy and goes on a quest to find out who killed him and why. Also, Alien TriPods are invading the world and she has to uncover the secret in order to stop them. FOX MOVIES

The Gym Sports Bar, #42 Street 178. 5:30pm

PLaTinUm cinepleX
300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (See above.) 8:40pm 3AM Thai horror. 9:30am, 11:20am

Creative writing @ Cafe

Join a creative writing course designed for aspiring writers and editors. Each writer will produce weekly or fortnightly work for the group to critique. Cost is $8 per class.

Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth star in The Hunger Games. bloomBERG

9:25pm - THE WALKING DEAD: Police officer Rick Grimes leads a group of survivors in a world overrun by zombies. FOX MOVIES

Feel Good Cafe, #79, Street 136. 3pm

Thinking caps
1 5 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 29 30 33 34 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Milky-white gem Current measures Abnormal breathing sounds Baby dolls word Empty trucks weight Leave out in pronunciation Skillet material Put a lid ___! Icy forecast Consider carefully Pricey Unconscious Tries to buy time Brown brew Speed, to a DJ Attractive one Agra garment Like desert growth Makeup swab Ball-___ hammer They may be wild or sown Had the nerve Stat that concerns pitchers Shipboard direction Old computer accessories Keebler character College exam type Have birthdays pile up Insects final stage Casa kitchen crock Oratorio piece Stable female Flow gradually through cracks Honeycomb compartment Classic Kilmer poem In ___ (actually) Visibly healthy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 38 39 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Give off Introduction to psych-ology? Crazed way to run Country road Redeems wrongs Tropical ray Earlier in time (with to) Words before fire or price Come to ones aid Divvy up In ___ of (replacing) Paradise lost Paving block Good-for-nothing Babys complaint Land or sea ending Edible root Not docked MGM mascot Fine and liberal things Vintage Introduction or preface Uses a darning egg Airline availability Aardvarks quarry Galaxy component Variety headline In an unconventional manner Metallic mixtures Cheese on a cracker Aerie inhabitant Gawks at Makes angry Package under the Christmas tree Arabian chieftain Account of incidents Victory margin, at times Made for ___ other Vicinity Junior brook Store event

Mondays solution

Mondays solution



NEW 2 Apartments 2 bedrooms in Quai Sisowath PP. Rooftop View. ~ 6059m2
1 Apartment is USD $89,900

For coming Khmer New Year, VTRUST serviced apartments has special offers till end of Apr-2014:1) Discount up to 20%, 2) Free entrance to Sokhah Fitness club, 3) 10% Off at Park Cafe. For details 012569832|012912651|012944191

Client Focus, Quality First. Best Service, Prime Integrity. Design and construction.

possibility to buy 1 or 2. Renovation will finish 15/06/2014. Contact 078 589 776 or 012 214 798

H/P: () 088 8180099 (English) 012936653

Offers Khmer language classes for Expats * All classes are taught by qualied English speaking Khmer teachers * Lessons include conversation, reading and writing Tel: 096 60 70 284 Email: TOEFL iBT Review classes learn w/a Cambridge-qualied teacher whose TOEFL iBT is 104. Tel: 096 60 70 284 Email:


NiCE ApARtmENt fOR RENt near National Museum & Palace $300/Month 1Bedroom, 1Bath $500/Month 2Bedroom, 2Bath 1Living room, Kitchen, Furnished Contact Tel: 012 939 958 BKK1 ApARtmENt fOR RENt Fully Furnished, and Balcony $400/Month 1Bedroom, 1Bath $550/Month 2Bedroom, 2Bath 1Living room, Nice Kitchen Contact Tel: 012 939 958 3BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent Fully Furnished, Located in BKK3 $750/M 3Bedroom, 3Bath 1Living room, Kitchen, 1Car Park Contact Tel: 012 939 958 1BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent Loc: near Independent Monument $500/Month with Full Furniture 1Living room, 1Bed, 1Bath Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent Location near Central Market $450/M 1Bed 1Bath $550/M 2Bed 2Bath 1Living room, Kitchen,Furnished Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 SwimmiNG POOL ApARtmENt Rent Loc: near Independent Monument $1700/M 3Bedroom & 3Baths Big Living room, Western Kitchen New Full Furniture, 1Car Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent $550/Mon near Olympic Stadium 1Living room, 2Bed, 1Bath Western Style, Motor Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 1 For RENT at monthly price $275-$700, fully furnished, 24-hour receptionists, security guards, backup power, elevator, safe environment and security camera Location: #37, ST. 111, Boeung Brolit. 012 569 832 |012 944 191 | 012 912 651

BRANd NEw ApARtmENt fOR RentTonle Basac Ar, near IndependentMonument, All new Furniture -$1100/m 2Bedroom, 2Bath -$1800/month 3Bed, 3Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

USA THICK STEAK SPECIAL Tenderloin 325g (12oz) @ $33 Rib-eye 325g (12oz) @ $24 Or Big 450g T-Bones @ $25! All Choice. For real Steak lovers only! @ Steves #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 2 For RENT at monthly price $620-$900, Fully furnished 1&2 bedrooms, living room,kitchen, dining room, elevator, balcony & free entrance to Sokhah Fitness Club. Location: #31, ST. 113, Boeung Brolit. 012 569 832 | 012 944 191 | 012 912 651

5BEdROOm NiCE ViLLA fOR Rent $4000/M Good Location BKK1 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Some Furnished, Big Terrace Good for Resident or Ofce Com Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

TRY THE CIGAR SHOP At Steves Steakhouse Arent you tired of inated prices for single malt whisky and cigars?! As always at Steves: Quality at Reasonable Price. #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415

FoR Rent
Save 60,000$
Save 60,000$ on De Castle Royal 3 Bedroom Call: 095 611 333 For Sale Urgent

Home Maintenance,
Repairs& Construction! We fix & install it all, no matter how big or how small. 090 678 333, 097 856 2838, 077 389 935
for Phnom Penh Bar/Restaurant. Culinary Experience a Plus! Please phone 097 49 08065 or

TRY THE KINGDOM RESORT for your next Meeting, Conference, Party, or Retreat. Reasonable rates Beautiful surroundings, Full Facilities! Only 20min from town. call: 023 721 514 or

De Castle Royal
De Castle Royal 1 Bedroom For Sale Urgent by Owner Call: 095 611 333

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 3 For RENT, a fully furnished 1 bedroom, nice river view from your balcony, monthly price $500 with free cleaning, internet, water, cable TV, maintenance Location: #112, St. Tonle Sap (peninsular) 012 569 832 | 012 944 191 | 012 912 651

1BEdROOm ApARtmENt iN BKK1 for Rent: $750/M Incl Cleaning Service, Internet, TV Cable, Views 1Living room, 1Bedrooms, 2Bath Fully Furnished, and Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent $700/M South Russian Market 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 3Bath 1Car Parking, 24h Security Guard Fully Furnished, and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

SieM ReaP

LAO-Z- RESTAURANT SPECIAL Grilled Chicken, Sticky Rice and Papaya Salad just for $5. Lao beer for just a buck! #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415 (Inside Steves Steakhouse)

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 4 For RENT, a luxurious BRANd NEw ROOf tOp 2bedrooms, living room, kitchen, ROOf TOp SwimmiNGPHARMACEUTICAL POOL swimming Apartment dining room, monthly price 1,040$, DISTRIBUTORS / MARKETEERS Apartment for rent Located near for rent located in Toul Kork, 1-2free for internet, cleaning, water Independent monument 1-2BR 3BR:$$550-$700-$800-$1200/m & Entrance to was Sokhah Fitnessin Club. Euro Generics Internati onal Inc., established 1996 as an importer and wholesaler pharmaceuti cal products in360, the Philippines. Presently, :$900-$1000-$1700/m, nice Living ofLocation: convenient living room,European #247, ST.51 St. our company markets portf olio of branded registeredkitchen prescriptiTel:089 on room European kitchen, 36 32 06, BKK1a012 569 832| 012 944 191 drug products in Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. Tel:089 36 32 06 | 012 912 651

SHOP HOUSE FOR SALE IN S.R Location: Old Market, The lane (Behind Pub Street) 2 Storey Building (4m x 14.5m ) Prime Location Commercial Area With High Potential Price 195,000 US$ Tel : 012 547 932



Euro Generics International Inc., was established in 1996 as an importer and wholesaler of pharmaceutical products in the Philippines. Presently, our company markets a portfolio of branded registered prescription drug products in Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. We are looking for Distributors and/or Independent marketers nationwide for our FDA licensed (prescription drug) products in Cambodia. For a complete overview of our products and services please visit our website: We look forward to the prospect of working with you! Please contact our oce in Cambodia at number 023 69 24 406 / 012 334 569 or send us an email: or

I JUST CANT BRING MYSELF tocharge so much money for a burger, a steak, glass of wine or a good cigar! Maybe Im not a good businessman -Steve #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415

We are looking for Distributors and/or Independent marketers nationwide for our FDA licensed (prescription drug) products in Cambodia. For a complete overview of our products and services please visit our website: We look forward to the prospect of working with you! Please contact our oce in Cambodia at number 023 69 24 406 / 012 334 569 or send us an email: or

ESCAPE FROM PHNOM PENH at Nearby Kingdom Resort (20min) Fri or Sat night specials 1 Dinner + 1 Night + 1 Breakfast From $39 for 2 people. Get away this weekend! Tel: 023 72 15 14 | 012 528 534 Email:

SUBLEASE OPPORTUNITY Large Villa in Central location of PP for opening restaurant, shop, living, ofce, or other business, Existing restaurant and guesthouse now at this location. Many possibilities. Interested parties please email to



Dealers or private buyers welcome! We have 2 new 2014 Range Rovers currently in stock. Autobiography: Black exterior, Ivory/Cherry interior, 3.0L Diesel V6, 19-speaker surround audio, leather heated steering wheel, privacy glass, blind-spot monitor w/reverse, rear seat entertainment. Vogue: Blue exterior, Espresso/Almond interior, touch-screen dual view, adaptive xenon headlamps, 19-speaker surround audio, blind-spot monitor w/reverse, fog lamps. More stock coming in! We do custom orders. Enquire today for more info! or phone +65-9855-9476

Smoke Jonh F, Kennedys Cigar Now available at Steves Cigar shop only $9.50 #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415



3BEdROOm PENtHOUsE fOR RentLocated 10 minute from BKK1 Ar Brand New, Swimming Pool, Gym 3Bedroom, 3Bath, Roof Terrace Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 COLONiAL ApARtmENt fOR rent 02 bed with bath face to river, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big balcony, and safe Rent: $2100 /m Location: Riverside Tel: 012 879 231 NiCE ApARtmENt fOR rent 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big parking, and safe Rent: $750 /m Location: BKKI Tel: 012 503 356

LUXURy ApARtmENt fOR rent, located near Russian market,1-2-3BR:$500-$800$1700/m convenient Living room, European Kitchen Tel: 089 36 32 06

Nice Residence Villa for Rent $2700/M Located in BKK3 Area 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Some Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

BRANd NEw biG SwimmiNG Pool apartment for rent , Located near Olym Pich stadium, 1-2-3BR:$700-$1000-$1200$2500/m nice big living room, European Kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06

LUXURy GARdEN ViLLA FOR RENt In Daun Penh area (close to Independent Monument), 05 bed, large & open living room, basic furniture, western kitchen, garden & trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safety. Price: $4,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

NiCE ViLLA FOR RENt At Tonle Bassak area, near Independent Monument, 04 bed, open living room, big playground &trees , western kitchen, parking, good for residence and ofce, very quiet and safety area.Price: $1,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

MOdERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located in south of Russian Market, 01-02 bed, large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, Price: US$650-US$850/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR rent 01-02 bed with bath, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big parking, and safe Rent: $900-1300 /m Location: BKKI Tel: 012 879 231 4BEdROOm NiCE ViLLA fOR Rent $1900/M Tonle Basac Area 1Living room, 4Bedroom, 4Bath Fully Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR rent 01-02 bed with bath, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big parking, brand new, and safe Rent: $500-800 /m Location: Near Russian Market Tel: 012 503 356

NiCE ApARtmENt fOR RENt Top oor 1 bed apt available located in BKKI area, feather a large living room lead to thekitchen & balcony there a huge balcony size 8 by 10 m2. $600/m, Tel: 012 490 104 FOREst swimmiNG pOOL and Gym Apartment For rent located near Independent monument, 1-2-3BR:$900-$1200$2000/m, nice Living room, European Kitchen,Tel: 089 36 32 06 NiCE ApARtmENt fOR RENt 2 beds complete refurbished consist open kitchen, lounge area with hard wood oor located in Doun Penh area. basic furnitures $650 per month, Tel: 012 490 104 fOREst SwimmiNG POOL Appt for rent Located in Toul Kork, 1-2BR:$500-$600- $900/m , big Living room, big Kitchen Tel: 089 36 32 06

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt In BKKI area 06 bedrooms, large & open living room, basic furniture, western kitchen, garden & trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safety. the best location for residence and ofce. Price: $3,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt At Toul Kork area, 05 bedrooms, big living room, very nice garden and trees, western kitchen, big parking, very for good for residence & ofce, very quiet and safety area. Price: US$2,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

WEstERN ROOftOp POOL Apartment For Rent Located in BKKI, 01&02&03 beds, roof top pool & gym, open living room, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, Price: $1,200-$1,800-$2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

SERviCEs ApARtmENt fOR Rent Brand New, Swimming Pool, Gym Located 10 minute from BKK1 Ar-$750/month 1Bedroom, 1Bath -$1050/month 2Bedroom, 2Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt In Bassak Garden City, 04 beds, large living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, big parking & playground, quiet & safe. the best location for residence. Price: $2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

TRAditiONAL 1st FLOOR ViLLA For Rent At Beoung Trobek area (close to Monivong BLVD), 03bed, big balcony and terrace, fully furnished, very lights, very nice & clean kitchen , very safety & quite, many trees around, very good condition for living. Price: $800/m Tel: 092 23 26 23

2Nd FLOOR ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located near Phsar Chas Market (St. 108), 02 bed, lots of light , very big and open living room, basic furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, good condition for living, big parking lot. Price: $450/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent $550/Mon near Olympic Stadium 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 1Bath Western Style, Motor Parking Fully Furnished and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

MOdERN DEsiGN ApARtmENt For Rent Located in Rose Condo, 20th oor, 05 beds, open and large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, very nice pool and gym, very good condition for living Price: $3,000 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

1st FLOOR WOOdEN HOUsE For Rent North of Russian Market area, 02 bedrooms, very big balcony, basic furnisher, very nice and clean kitchen, very safety and quite, many trees around, very good condition for living. Price: US$600/month. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

biG SwimmiNG POOL Apartment for rent located near Royal Palace, 1-2-3BR:$1200$1700- $2000/m,big Living room,European Kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06,

MOdERN SwimmiNG POOL ViLLA For Rent In North bridge area, 05 bedr plus 01 ofce room, large living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, very nice pool & garden, western kitchen, nice balcony , big parking.Price: US$3,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

BRANd NEw ApARtmENt FOR Rent BKK1, 01-02 Bedrooms, very nice interior designed, large living room, very light, fully and modern furniture, western Kitchen, very good condition for living, quiet & safe. Price: $800-1,400/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

NiCE ApARtmENt FOR RENt Located in BKKI, 02 bed, nice living room, fully and nice furnished, lots of light, very nice kitchen, nice balcony, very good condition for living, very quiet and safety. Price: US$600/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

2BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent $650/M Good location BKK1 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 2Bath Big Window, Sunlight, Motor Park Fully Furnished and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958
777 697

wEstERN swimmiNG POOL, Gym Apartment for rent Located in Touk Kork,quiet,sfae,no ooding 2-3BR:$900-$1200/m free all services Big living room and western kitchen, Modern fully furnished, big Balcony Tel: 089 36 32 06/097 744 3007 BRANd NEw wEstERN
Apartmentfor rent Located near PPRU Univer sity on Russian BVLD 1-2BR:$500-$800/m free wi,cable TV..etc big Living room,western ,kitchen,moder fully furnished big Balcony,security guard 24 hrs,

WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent Location near Central Market $450/Month 1Bedroom 1Bath $550/Month 2Bedroom 2Bath 1Living room, Kitchen, Furnished Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

SUNNy Appt fOR RENt , located in BKK3 1-2BR:$400$600/m nice Living room, big Kitchen, Tel: 089 36 32 06,

BiG ViLLA FOR RENt Near Russian Market, 04 bed, nice living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen , nice balcony, big parking & playground, quiet & safe. the best location for residence. $2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

MOdERN DEsiGN ApARtmENt For Rent Located in Rose Condo, 12th oor, 03 bed, open and large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, very nice pool and gym, good condition for living $1,800 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23

MOdERN POOL ApARtmENt For Rent Located at Daun Penh Area, 01-02-03 bed, modern design & lots of light, open living room, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, nice pool and gym, Price: $1,300-1,800-2,300/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

ROOf TERRACE ApARtmENt Rent $1100/Month Good location BKK1 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 3Bath Big Window, Sunlight, Motor Park Fully Furnished and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

Tel: 089 36 32 06/097 744 3007

BRANd NEw ROOf tOp Swimming Pool Apartment For rent,Located near Russian market ,1-2BR:$650-$850-$1200/month Nice living room, European kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06,

TRAditiONAL WOOdEN HOUsE For Rent In Tonle Bassak area, 02 bed, real wooden design, big & open living room, western kitchen, nice garden, big parking. $2,200/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

WEstERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located in BKKI, 02 bed, big living room, fully & modern furnished , western kitchen, big balcony, lots of light, quiet & safety, .US$1,200/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

OffiCE BUiLdiNG FOR RENt located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00




Scott blows bid for PGA title, golfs top spot as Every wins

ADaM Scott stumbled with a chance to all-but ensure himself of becoming world No.1, leaving Matt Every to claim his first PGA title on Sunday at the Arnold Palmer Invitational. Reigning Masters champion Scott, who led by a record seven strokes through 36 holes and by three when the day began, struggled to a final-round four-over-par 76 and settled for third. Instead, tearful Every secured his first-ever berth at the Masters with an emotional comeback triumph by firing a final-round 70. AFP

Kristoff beats Cancellara, Swift to Milan-San Remo win

NOrWegian Alexander Kristoff outsprinted former champion Fabian Cancellara and Ben Swift to win a rain-lashed 105th edition of the Italian classic Milan-San Remo on Sunday. Kristoff, taking his first victory in one of cyclings five monument one-day races, benefited from the good work of teammate Luca Paolini in a 20-up dash for the finish to leave Cancellara frustrated in second with Swift in third place. AFP

Pistorius murder trial to last weeks longer than planned

THe murder trial of Paralympian Oscar Pistorius for shooting dead his model girlfriend will extend weeks longer than expected, with a long list of prosecution and defence witnesses yet to take the stand. The trial was supposed to have wrapped up by now, but a court statement on Sunday said the highly publicised hearings could extend as late as May 16. AFP

NDiAS spinners wreaked havoc on the West Indies batting to rout the defending champions by seven wickets in the World Twenty20 Super-10 group two match in Dhaka on Sunday. The West Indies, sent in to bat, managed only 129-7 as leg-spinner Amit Mishra claimed two for 18 in four overs, Ravindra Jadeja took three wickets and Ravichandran Ashwin picked up one. India strolled past the modest target with two deliveries to spare as Virat Kohli made 54 off 41 balls and Rohit Sharma remained unbeaten on a uent 62. The pair put on 106 for the second wicket after left-hander Shikhar Dhawan was trapped leg-before by spinner Samuel Badree off the fth ball of the innings. Mahendra Singh Dhonis men, who beat arch-rivals Pakistan on Friday, now need one more win from their remaining two matches against Australia and hosts Bangladesh to advance to the semi-nals. Dhoni said his team was not looking at the semi-nals yet and still needed to work on some weak areas. Lets take it one game at a time, he said. There is no point thinking too far ahead. We could have nished it

Ruthless India whip Windies

an over earlier but that was up to the batsmen in the middle. We are playing well, but we still dont have a bowler who can bowl the 18th and the 20th overs. We are trying out various combinations to see who is better suited to the job. Dhoni said he was happy to see Sharma get runs under his belt. It was important for Rohit to bat through the innings. He will take plenty of condence from this game. West Indies captain Darren Sammy said India deserved to win, but remained condent his defending champions would make the knockout rounds. We just did not respond well enough to their spinners, it took us a long time to settle down, he said. But credit to India, they executed their plans well. It was good to see our bowlers take the game to the last over, because run-rate could come into play later. We did not have enough runs on the board but was happy with the way the bowlers came back. We know what our top order can do. Its just one game down, we have three more to go. We are not pressing panic buttons, we will regroup and come back strongly. The Indian bowlers kept the nor-

Indian batsman Virat Kohli plays a shot during a ICC World Twenty20 match against the West Indies at the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Dhaka on Sunday. AFP

mally free-stroking West Indies batsmen in check, allowing them just 74 runs by the 15th over for the loss of four wickets. The hard-hitting Chris Gayle, dropped before he had scored and then again on 19, made a 33-ball 34 with two sixes and a four before he was run out in the 13th over. Mishra had Marlon Samuels stumped by Dhoni and claimed Dwayne Bravo leg-before off successive balls in the 15th over to open up the lower order. Lendl Simmons, who was caught off a Jadeja no-ball in the 18th over,

celebrated the let-off by smashing the next ball for a six. Simmons made 27 off 22 balls as Jadeja conceded three sixes in the nal over. Earlier on Sunday, Pakistan bounced back from their loss to India to defeat Australia by 16 runs. Two teams from the group will advance to the semi-nals. The other group comprises Sri Lanka, South Africa, England, New Zealand and the Netherlands. Bangladesh play the West Indies in todays only group stage game from 8:30pm. AFP




Referee not up to Clasico standard, rages Ronaldo

WO-tIME World Player of the Year Cristiano Ronaldo slammed referee Alberto Undiano Mallenco after Real Madrid were beaten for the rst time in 32 games 4-3 by Barcelona on Sunday at the Bernabeu. Mallenco awarded three penalties on the night with Ronaldo scoring the rst one for Madrid to put them 3-2 up 10 minutes after half-time. However, Sergio Ramos was then sent-off for denying a clear goalscoring opportunity for a foul on Neymar inside the area before Xabi Alonso was adjudged to have tripped Andres Iniesta seven minutes from time. Lionel Messi converted both spotkicks to complete a hat-trick after cancelling out Karim Benzemas double at the end of the rst-half to become the all-time leading scorer in games between the two sides. There were a lot of mistakes for just one game. A match between Real and Barca ought to have a high level of referee, said Ronaldo. You cant make correct decisions when you are nervous. It makes me think that it is not just on the eld that you win games, a little help from outside helps too. My penalty might have been just outside the area, but there are many things that went on. It is difcult when many people didnt want us to win today. Ronaldos coach Carlo Ancelotti was more level-headed about Mallencos decisions, but did agree that Ramos red card swung the game in Barcas favour. I havent seen it again and it is difcult for me to comment on the decisions of the referee because there were many. However, it was the key moment. We were winning 3-2 and controlling the game well, but it is much more difcult to control the game with a player less. Defeat leaves Madrid still joint top of the table on 70 points alongside Atletico Madrid, but in second place due to their inferior head-to-head against their local rivals with Barca

Sherwood elated after Tottenhams revival

TOttENHAM coach Tim Sherwood praised his teams resilience after they came from 2-0 down to beat Southampton 3-2 in the Premier League. Spurs made a terrible start in front of their home crowd at White Hart Lane on Sunday as the Saints went two-up inside half an hour thanks to goals from England internationals Jay Rodriguez and Adam Lallana. But the north London side, without a win in four matches, drew level thanks to goals either side of half-time from Christian Eriksen. And just when it seemed a draw was assured, substitute Gylfi Sigurdssons 20-yard shot in stoppage time saw Spurs secure a victory that had Sherwood sprinting down the touchline in celebration. AFP

Leverkusen slump to 8th defeat in 9 games

BAYEr Leverkusens horror run of results continued on Sunday as they suffered their eighth defeat in nine games after losing 3-2 at home to Hoffenheim in the Bundesliga. Sami Hyypia-coached Leverkusen last won at the start of February and have since dropped from second to fourth in the league, crashing out of both the Champions League and German Cup in the process. AFP

English officials block Cellino bid for Leeds

Barcelonas Lionel Messi (left) celebrates next to Real Madrids Cristiano Ronaldo after scoring during their Spanish league match.


a point further back in third. Ancelotti is seeking an immediate response from his side with a difcult looking away game against in-form Sevilla to come on Wednesday.

Obviously we are not happy because we have lost a big opportunity, but we will continue ghting until the end. There are nine games left and it will be an intense race. The

league is open for all three teams and any game could be decisive. We need a good reaction on Wednesday because that could be the key game of the season. AFP

ItAliAN businessman Massimo Cellino has been barred from taking over fallen giants Leeds United, the English Football League announced yesterday. The league said Cellinos recent conviction for a tax offence in an Italian court was a disqualifying condition under its owners and directors test. However, the ruling by the Football League, the governing body for the three English divisions below the elite Premier League, leaves secondtier Leeds facing an uncertain future given Cellino has already put more than 2 million (US$3.3 million) into the Yorkshire club. AFP

SUNDaYs ResUlts
English Premier League
Aston Villa 1 Stoke 4

Upbeat Man United plot Man City derailment

EnCOuRAGEd by a tentative upturn in fortunes, Manchester United will be aiming to derail Manchester Citys Premier League title surge when the sides meet at Old Trafford in tonights derby. United gave their flatlining season an injection of life by beating Olympiakos last week to reach the Champions League quarter-finals and followed up by winning 2-0 at West Ham United in the league on Saturday. Wayne Rooney scored both goals at West Ham the first an astonishing lob from near the halfway line and he says that the 3-0 win over Olympiakos has helped to lift the mood around the club. I thought we played some really good stuff, moved the ball well and counter-attacked really well, so were really pleased with the win, he said of the success at Upton Park. The Olympiakos game gave us a big lift in confidence and belief as well in ourselves. This was a good result for us going into the derby, so were looking forward to an exciting game and hopefully well get a good result. United are 11 points adrift of the Champions League qualifying places, but the consolation of a Europa League berth remains well within their reach. The prospect of a Champions League quarter-final against holders Bayern Munich, meanwhile, has added spice to a season that had appeared to be drifting into oblivion. Rooneys form over the campaigns closing weeks will be vital, with strike partner Robin van Persie having been ruled out for up to six weeks after spraining his knee against Olympiakos. The England strikers performance against West Ham suggested he is ready to step in for Van Persie at the tip of the United attack, but he was keen to highlight the contribution of attacking midfielder Juan Mata. The Spaniard played alongside Shinji Kagawa in support of Rooney, who is hopeful that the configuration will bear further fruit in the weeks ahead. I think it is the first time weve probably both played in a more advanced role, together with him up behind, Rooney said of Mata. It worked well. Obviously Juan is a very talented footballer, got a good footballing brain and when he gets in positions, you know as a forward you can make runs and he can see you. Trafford is the first of their three games in hand on Jose Mourinhos side. Citys 5-0 demolition of Fulham on Saturday left them six points behind the London club in third place, with Liverpool two points above them having played two games more. The League Cup winners therefore remain in control of their own destiny and goalkeeper Joe Hart says the players are not afraid to admit that the title is within their grasp. The fans, players, and staff everyone needs to pull each other through if we want to get over the line first, he said. I do think we have the squad to win the league. We cant get too wrapped up in the away games we still have to play. We still have the chance to do something really special and do something this club hasnt done for 44 years by winning two trophies in one season. So we need to press on and try and create a bit of history. United are hoping that Rio Ferdinand will be fit to face City after a back problem forced him to the trip to his former club West Ham, obliging Michael Carrick to fill in as an auxiliary centre-back. City remain without leading scorer Sergio Aguero due to a hamstring complaint, but captain Vincent Kompany is back in contention after missing the Fulham game through suspension. City have won their last two visits to Old Trafford and inf licted a 4-1 defeat upon United when the teams last met at the Etihad Stadium in September. AFP

Spanish La Liga

Osasuna 1 Sevilla 2 Real Betis 0 Atletico Madrid 2 Valencia 2 Villarreal 1 Real Madrid 3 Barcelona 4 Nrnberg 2 E Frankfurt 5 Parma 1 Genoa 1 Bologna 1 Cagliari 0 Inter Milan 1 Atalanta 2 Sampdoria 5 Verona 0 Udinese 1 Sassuolo 0 Napoli 0 Fiorentina 1 Catania 0 Juventus 1 Lazio 1 Milan 1 St Etienne 3 Sochaux 1 Guingamp 0 Lyon 1 Monaco 1 Lille 1

German Bundesliga Italian Serie A

French Ligue 1

TONigHts FiXtUres
Spanish La Liga
Malaga v Espanyol 2am Elche v Athletic Bilbao 4am

German Bundesliga

Chelsea in Citys sights

Manuel Pellegrinis City remain the side most likely to depose Chelsea at the top of the table and the trip to Old

Tonights Fixtures

Arsenal v Swansea 2:45am Man United v Man City 2:45am Newcastle v Everton 2:45am

B Dortmund v Schalke 2am E Braunschweig v Mainz 2am H Berlin v B Munich 2am W Bremen v Wolfsburg 2am Roma v Torino 2:45am

Italian Serie A




Movistar Yamaha rider Valentino Rossi (centre) and Repsol Honda Team rider Marc Marquez (left) race in the Qatar Grand Prix as a fellow MotoGP rider crashes in the background at the Losail International Circuit in Doha.


Marquez edges Rossi in Qatar GP W

ORLD champion Marc Marquez won the seasonopening Qatar Grand Prix on Sunday just a month after breaking his leg. The Honda rider fought off a thrilling, wheel-to-wheel challenge from nine-time champion Valentino Rossi on a Yamaha to win by just 0.259 seconds. Dani Pedrosa, on the second factory Honda, took third. Marquez, who broke his right leg in a dirt-bike accident in his native Spain at the end of February, came into the new season having become the youngest ever world champion in 2013. I enjoyed the race a lot, I did not expect the result but yesterday I had a good feeling ghting with Valentino, 21year-old Marquez said. Rossi, seeking what would have been his 81st win in the elite MotoGP class, said he could take a lot out of the race, having been written off last season as a spent force. At the beginning I was a little not clear in my mind, do I attack? Then I said I go, I try, but after Marc was stronger. I had the potential to try at the end but unfortunately he was a little too far. But anyway its a great result and I hope to continue like this. In a thrilling race beneath the Losail circuit oodlights, 2010 and 2012 world champion Jorge Lorenzo was done and dusted inside the rst lap. The Spaniard, the runner-up to Marquez in the 2013 world championship, had started in fth place but snatched the lead on the rst bend. However, he suffered a dramatic race-ending crash at the end of the opening lap on his factory Yamaha which must have been painful for a man who twice broke his collarbone last year. It was a high speed crash but not on the dangerous side, Lorenzo said. I made the mistake of a junior. The tyres are different from last year and the temperatures are colder than they were in qualifying. I didnt take these things into account. Germanys Stefan Bradl, on a Honda, soon found himself in the front but his evening also ended prematurely when he came off the track on the ninth lap. Rossi, who had started in 10th place on the grid, then took the lead from Marquez and held it for ve laps as the 35-year-old Italian sensed a rst win since Assen last year.

However, Marquez, on the faster Honda, slipped by him on the 13th lap. They swapped the lead twice in a nail-biting penultimate lap, but Marquez had too much power for the Italian great. Pedrosa was happy to nish in third at a track he dislikes. All the time we had tyre issues, the track is very slippery and I felt like the grip wasnt there, he said. I dont like this track so I am happy with third. AFP

High-ying ONE FC looking towards Cambodia

Dan Riley

ONE Fighting Championship, Asias leading mixed martial arts promotion, is experiencing incredible growth with an ever-expanding fan base, substantial coverage in the local media and major corporations queuing up for endorsements, ONE FC director of public relations Loren Mack told Cambodian press officials during a meeting yesterday at the offices of Post Media. During his presentation, Mack said that MMA was the worlds fastest growing sport, and cited charts and graphics detailing ONE FCs exponential increase in publicity, viewership, television ratings and social media interest over the past two years. He also noted that ONE FC was holding 12 events this calendar year, with numerous Asian countries in consideration as future host destinations. Big things would be announced soon regarding the Kingdoms burgeoning MMA scene, according to the ONE FC official. Some of worlds biggest names have

already signed up to the Singaporebased organisation, and five more additions to its roster have recently been confirmed. Englands Chi Lewis Parry, Ji Xian of China, Ukraines Igor Subora, Filipino Cary Bullos and Indonesias Yohan Mulia Legowo have all agreed to exclusive contracts and are set to make their respective debuts in upcoming tournaments. Parry, who has a 5-0 pro MMA record, is the current UK heavyweight champion. Standing a towering two metres, he was previously a professional player in the British Basketball League and boasts the longest reach in the ONE FC heavyweight division. Ji Xian has demonstrated that he can defeat most of the bantamweight fighters in Asia, having earned a championship belt while competing in the now-defunct Legend FC. All 11 of his wins have come via submission, a testament to the Chinese fighters grappling prowess. Subora is the former URCC heavyweight champion, and his training in the combat sport of sambo has made

him unstoppable since coming to Asia. Riding a five-fight winning streak, he takes a step up in competition and faces the best heavyweights in the world. Bullos is one of the top mixed martial artists in the Philippines and the URCC bantamweight champion. He has been involved in martial arts since he was eight, and has competed in Muay Thai and judo. He began his professional MMA career in 2006 and has won seven of his eight professional bouts, with all of his wins coming by stoppage. Legowo grew up in Magelang, central Java, and was exposed to all forms of martial arts from a young age. He has earned accolades in kickboxing, sanda and submission grappling, and like many Indonesian cage fighters has had a sustained run in the now-defunct TPIFC from 2002 to 2004, which included a contest against Fransino Tirta, another recent signing by ONE FC. A broken arm in 2007 almost ended Legowos career, but he resiliently fought back, recuperating intensely

before finally being able to return to MMA action in 2010. ONE FCs next event, titled ONE FC: Rise of Heroes, will take place at the 20,000-capacity Mall of Asia Arena in Manila on May 2, and will feature a

ONE FC bantamweight world championship title bout between reigning champion Bibiano The Flash Fernandes of Brazil and Japanese contender and ONE FC bantamweight Grand Prix winner Masakatsu Ueda.

ONE FCs director of public relations, Loren Mack, speaks to the media during a presentation yesterday at Post Medias ofces. PHOTO SUPPLIED

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