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5 Simple Paleo Recipes

Paleo Limitless, LLC

1hanks for grabblng our speclal reclpe book sample - 3 Slmple
aleo 8eclpes!"
1hls ls [usL an excerpL from our upcomlng reclpe book - 1he
aleohacks Cmclal 8eclpe 8ook. We should have lL released Lo
Lhe publlc by early Aprll, 2013.
ln Lhe meanume, en[oy 3 of our dellclous sample reclpes!
And make sure Lo check ouL more on our slLe,
1alk soon!
Spicy Almonds
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1 cup almonds
1 Lsp ground cumln
1 Lsp ground corlander seeds
1 Lsp sesame seeds
x Lsp salL *+,-+./0)
1 egg whlLe
reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace egg whlLe lnLo a bowl and beaL unul sllghLly froLhy.
Add almonds, cumln, corlander, sesame seeds and salL and comblne well.
Spread almond mlxLure onLo an oven Lray llned wlLh baklng paper.
lace Lray ln oven and bake for 10 mlnuLes unul almonds are llghLly browned and egg has seL.
8emove from oven and cool.
1o serve, break up baked mlxLure Lo separaLe almonds.
Chicken and Bacon Salad
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1 chlcken breasL
2 cups waLer
!ulce of half a lemon
1 Lbs oll
8 rashers of bacon, faL removed
and cuL lnLo sLrlps
3 medlum LomaLoes, cuL
lnLo quarLers
x avocado, dlced
2 cups fresh rockeL
1 Lbs oll
2 Lbs balsamlc vlnegar
ln a saucepan brlng waLer and lemon [ulce Lo Lhe boll. 8educe heaL, Lhen add chlcken breasL,
cover and slmmer on low heaL for 13-20 mlnuLes, or unul chlcken ls rm and cooked. 8emove
from heaL and leave chlcken ln llquld Lo cool. When cold remove chlcken from pan and shred
meaL, Learlng along Lhe graln.
PeaL oll ln a frylng pan on hlgh heaL, add bacon and fry unul bacon sLrlps are llghLly crlsp.
8emove bacon from pan and add LomaLo quarLers, sur on hlgh heaL for 2 mlnuLes, or unul
LomaLoes soen sllghLly.
1o make Lhe dresslng, mlx oll and vlnegar unul well comblned.
lace dlced chlcken breasL, bacon, LomaLoes, avocado and rockeL and dresslng ln a salad bowl
and mlx unul well comblned. Serve.
Spicy Meatballs in Tomato Sauce
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1omaLo sauce
1 onlon, peeled and dlced
3 garllc cloves nely chopped
1 chllll nely chopped
1 Lsp ground clnnamon
2 Lsp ground cumln
x Lsp ground cloves
800g canned dlced LomaLoes +#
4 cups freshly dlced LomaLoes
410g mlnced beef
2 garllc cloves, nely chopped
2 Lsp ground cumln
1 Lsp ground clnnamon
1 Lsp ground Lurmerlc
1 Lsp chllll powder
1 egg
Cround pepper
reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
1o make Lhe meaLballs - ln a bowl mlx Lhe garllc, clnnamon, Lurmerlc, chllll powder, egg,
pepper and mlnced meaL unul well comblned. neaLly shape Lhe meaL mlxLure lnLo 12 balls.
lace meaLballs on an oven Lray and bake ln Lhe oven for 20-30 mlnuLes or unul cooked.
1o make Lhe LomaLo sauce - fry onlon, garllc and chllll ln a pan on medlum heaL unul Lhey begln
Lo soen and llghLly brown. Add clnnamon, cumln and cloves and conunue Lo cook for a few
mlnuLes Lo release avours.
Add Lhe LomaLoes and slmmer for 10 mlnuLes. When meaLballs are cooked add Lhem Lo Lhe
LomaLo sauce. Slmmer on low heaL for a furLher 13 mlnuLes.
Serve wlLh fresh corlander.
Lamb and Bacon Dumplings
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6 rashers bacon, meaL only
nely dlced
1 small onlon, nely chopped
1 Lbs oll
2 Lsp sage, nely chopped
1 Lsp ground paprlka
lnch of salL *+,-+./0)
lnch of pepper
300g mlnced lamb
1 egg
800g canned dlced LomaLoes +#
4 cups freshly dlced LomaLoes
1 Lsp basll, nely chopped
lnch of salL *+,-+./0)
lnch of pepper
reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
ln a medlum slzed pan on medlum/hlgh heaL fry onlon and bacon ln oll for 3 mlnuLes or unul
onlon ls Lender. Add Lhe sage, paprlka, salL and pepper and cook for a furLher 2 mlnuLes.
8emove pan from heaL and allow Lo cool.
ln a large mlxlng bowl comblne cooled bacon mlxLure, egg and mlnced lamb well.
8oll Lhe lamb mlxLure lnLo 12 balls and place onLo a baklng Lray llned wlLh baklng paper. 8ake ln
Lhe oven for 30-40 mlnuLes unul well cooked.
1o make Lhe sauce, place dlced LomaLoes, basll, salL and pepper ln a medlum slzed pan and
slmmer for 2-3 mlnuLes. Add Lhe cooked meaLballs and slmmer genLly for a furLher 10 mlnuLes.
Blueberry and Pear Crumble
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3 pears
1 Lbs mlxed splce
4 Lbs lemon [ulce
1 Lbs honey
300g packeL frozen blueberrles
2 Lbs arrowrooL
x cup almond meal
10 daLes
1 Lbs waLer
Z cup walnuLs, chopped
reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
eel, core and sllce Lhe pears. PeaL a medlum slzed pan Lo low-medlum heaL. Add pear sllces,
mlxed splce, lemon [ulce and honey. Cover and cook for 10 mlnuLes surrlng regularly.
Add arrowrooL and waLer Lo Lhe pears and sur unul pears are coaLed. Add blueberrles and sur
conunuously for 3 mlnuLes or unul Lhe blueberrles have defrosLed and Lhe sauce has Lhlckened.
8emove from heaL.
lace almond meal, daLes and waLer ln a food processor and blend unul well comblned.
1ransfer mlxLure Lo a bowl and sur ln Lhe walnuLs.
lace pears and blueberrles ln an ovenproof dlsh and Lop wlLh almond crumble mlxLure. 8ake
Lhe crumble ln Lhe oven for 13-20 mlnuLes or unul Lhe Lop ls golden brown. Serve.

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