EST 201 - Exam Package

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uploaded by user mcheung15 Class: Lecture/Exam: School: Semester: Professor: EST 201 Full Semester (Exam 2 and later) SBU Fall 2012 Edwin Tjoe

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Does Improved Technology Mean Progress? Marx uses a historical perspective and divides development into stages: Enlightenment Belief in progress suggests that new technologies are not ends in themselves, but instruments for carrying out comprehensive transformation of society.

While technology is often described as the most important influence upon society, it remains a subject which has undergone little study.
Technocratic: concept of progress- the machine is the supreme example of social progress. Technological improvement is the primary basis of universal progress Technological Determinism: Situation is gradually changing. Politicians, sociologists, industrialists and educationalists alike recognize that technology lies at the very heart of society. Technological Determinism: opposite of social determinism- a theory which points to technology as being the force which shapes society. Technological Determinism- determinists hold that 1. Technology is independent. 2. Causes social change.

For Marx, Technology is a tool that can be useful in achieving social progress if the goals of progress are identified. Technology is only progress in quality of life as defined by enlightenment topics developed by people, not those developed by tech itself. Examples where technological change may be seen as literally outside a society- primitive people may come into contact with more advanced people and be affected by their more advanced technology. Times when technology may be seen as only metaphorically outside society- although, literally they are members of society, scientists/technologists work independent of society in making discoveries and creating new devices which when introduced, society have profound effects.

Technology = outcomes See it as the cause of one problem or another Different people see different problems WWII- scientists have seen technology as moral dilemma where their work had a profound effect of the human race on the planet. Sociologists see the problems as increasing complexity and the rate of change which technology is brought about in society. Technology changes, argues, allows the ability of individuals and societies to adapt. Technology is seen as a dominating force over society, posing threat to human freedom. For Marx, technology is tools that can be useful in achieving social progress are identified. Technology is only a progress in quality.

What is Ethics? Study of what it means to do the right thing Assumes people are rational and make free choices
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Rules to follow in our interactions and our actions that affect others Ethical Views: Deontological Utilitarianism Natural rights No simple answers Do organizations (businesses) have ethics?


Important Distinctions: Right, wrong and okay Negative rights (liberties) The right to act without interference Positive rights (claim-rights) An obligation of some people to provide certain things for others Difference between wrong and harm Personal preference and ethics Law and Ethics

Science, Technology, and Society Founded in 1971, STS is a program of teaching and research devoted to a study of science and technology in society, in both historical and contemporary perspectives. Program faculty often uses the expression STS as a convenient way of referring to the general area of scholarly activity in which they share an interest. Intellectual Rationale for STS Programs Understanding the nature, causes and social consequences of scientific and technological developments, how science and technology function in different societies and how social forces attempt to shape and control these forces to serve diverse, often conflicting interests is, in opinion of program faculty, socially important and intellectually challenging. Since adequately understanding this subject matter requires study beyond the preview of any style conventional academic discipline. STS is constituted as a multi and inter disciplinary program.

Cross-cutting issues: Globally, energy use is on the rise and energy in any form is being sought after like never before. Yet, some types of energy are far more problematic than others. In 2000, 50% of the global population lived in cities. By 2025, city dwellers are projected to reach 5 billion in number across the world. Food, security, and clean water are becoming ever more difficult to ensure particularly in many pooper parts of the world.

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Doctors and medical specialists are developing new techniques at the edge of our understanding of biological processes, yet many of these promising solutions pose social tradeoffs and ethical questions never before faced. We exist in a web of technology a set of tools, machines, and human infrastructure to a large extent based on the products of scientific research and developments. As a result we now have means both to control our destinies to a greater extent than ever before and to destroy ourselves and most of the life on our planet.

Emergence of computers has revolutionized modern society. One wonders how life was conducted priors to computers and their peripherals. Like other fields of human endeavor, there is no respect of library activities that digital processing is not applicable. Digital technology is of particular importance when info is to be gathered, retrieved, and evaluated.

The Web is not only an icon for todays technology (as well as an icon, literally, on millions of computer screens); it is an apt metaphor for the pervasiveness and interconnectedness of technology and human life.

My aim over these years has been to present a balanced set of readings on technology and society -- to give students from both technical and nontechnical backgrounds an opportunity to explore the nuances and subtleties of the many differing views on this subject. At the same time, I have sought to relate these views to policy perspectives, suggesting avenues of public action that might influence the future in positive ways.

The emergence of computers has revolutionized modern society.

Arising from global trend, librarians are now poised for training and re-training to enable them be part of the bridging tools in the digital-divide.

One of the noticeable trends in the digital age today is the ever-increasing demand for ICT facilities in the organization and provision of library and information services in libraries.

Digitization is the new wave of air blowing many libraries globally simply because there is increasing amounts of information now available in digital form and this is likely to have significant consequences for information retrieval.

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Research shows that patrons use library computers to conduct research, write resumes, keep in touch with family and friends and complete assignments for school or work.

Despite these benefits, libraries face serious challenges as they continue to provide access to digital information.

The reality is that the digital divide still exists.

Librarians: They are ready to play a more affective role using the internet, email, CD rom and other peripheral facilities as tools for generating, obtaining, processing, storing, and retrieving as well as disseminating info in libraries. Demand ICTThe use of technology has provided the capability of turning digitalized libraries into credible and functions into resource centers. With digital libraries, abstracts and indexes are available online and there is easy access to computer-held info together with the possibility of including sound and video. Meaning that, for many other reference tools, digital format has notable advantages over print. According to a recent Marxist Institute study, Americans believe that providing computers for public use is one of the three most important things a library can do. Beyond high patron satisfaction and demand, the technology has revitalized libraries. Nationwide, total visits to the library have increased by more than 17% between 1996-2001.

In keeping peace with ever-evolving technology, libraries often lack sufficient resources and technical support to upgrade computer hardware, software and internet connections. Librarians and staff members also seek continued technology training to assist patrons and troubleshoot equipment. Severe budget outs nationwide have caused some librarians to cut operating hours laid off staff members of close them altogether. 60% of users in America have access to home-based broadband connections and energy lowincome. Black and Latino households lack asses. While many black and Latino users have used smart phones to help bridge the digital divide among the wireless market. And in any homebased case, broadband connections allowed users to fully participate in democracy, particularly in more jobs, classes, and government services. Covering a wide range of distinct political, economic, and cultural tends, the term globalization has quickly become one of the most fashionable buzzwords of contemporary political and academic debate.

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In popular discourse, globalization often functions as little more than synonym for one or more of the following phenomena: the pursuit of classical liberal (or free market) policies in the world economy (economic liberalization), the growing dominance of western (or even American) forms of political, economic, and cultural life (westernization or Americanization), the proliferation of new information technologies (the internet revolution), as well as the notion that humanity stands at the threshold of realizing one single unified community in which major sources of social conflict have vanished (global integration) Geographical distance is typically measure in time. As the time necessary to connect distinct geographical locations is reduced, distance or space undergoes compression or annihilation The human experience of space is intimately connected to the temporal structure of those activities by means of which we experience space. Changes in the temporality of human activity inevitably generate altered experiences of space or territory. Theorists of globalization disagree about the precise sources of recent shifts in the spatial and temporal contours of human life. Nonetheless, they generally agree that alternations in humanitys experience of space and time are working to undermine the importance of local and even national boundaries in many arenas of human endeavor. Social gaming has a come a long way from the days when a dozen student would squint at a 10-inch screen of Oregon Trail. At the same time, researchers are finding that, for all the bad press, video games make exceptional teaching machines. The past few years have seen a flurry of titlesmany of them playable for free online that teach a huge array of skills and content. The president has been critical of parents who dont set limits on children screen time, but he is also coming around to the benefits of well-designed games. In a speech last March at TechBoston Academy, a public middle and high school, Obama told students he wanted to create educational software thats as compelling as the best video game He added I want you guys to be stuck on a video game thats teaching you something other than just blowing something up Industrialization & Distance Education Rationalization - teacher's knowledge and Skills are delivered to unlimited numbers of students at a distance and with uniform quality

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Division of Labor - a fundamental prerequisite for D.E. to be effective (Course developers are not course evaluators). Mechanization - conventional education operates at a pre-industrial level. D.E. applies technologies Assembly Line - D.E. staff remain at their posts but materials are passed on. Mass Production - Many learners at many locations learning concurrently.

Mass Production - Many learners at many locations learning concurrently. Planning and Preparation - D.E. is characterized by extensive planning by senior staff. Standardization - D.E. teaching is constant for all learners. Functional Changes and Objectification - The functional role of the teacher is split into: 1. provider of knowledge (unit author) 2. evaluator (tutor) 3. counselor (advisor) Monopolization - Concentration and centralization within state or nation are common.
Redefinition of Distance Education Institution based formal education where the learning group is separated geographically, and where interactive telecommunications systems are used to connect learners, resources and instructors. Theory - Defined A system for explaining a set of phenomena by specifying rules that relate the phenomena to each other.

"Finally, the most fundamental and most important characteristic of a profession is that the skills involved are founded upon a body of intellectual theory and research. Furthermore, this systematic theory is constantly being expanded by research." theories of Distance Education Independence and autonomy Industrialization Interaction Equivalency Theory of Distance Education "The more equivalent the learning situation of the distant learner is to the learning situation of the traditional learner, the more equivalent are the learning outcomes." Purpose of Research about Distance Education One purpose of research in distance education is to determine effective practices.

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The best current evidence is that... media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers our groceries causes changes in nutrition. Distance Education Research Characteristics anecdotal comparison studies lack of generalizability adult learners practitioner oriented Research Conclusions Students value distance education but prefer traditional education. Distant learners learn as well as traditional learners Teaching effectiveness improves if it: is carefully planned uses structured note taking uses visuals is taught by trained teachers What Works Distance Education Carefully planned instruction Structured note taking - interactive study guides Visualizations of concepts Less than 4 remote sites Almost anything that works in a regular classroom - if it is planned Robotics Boston Dynamics builds advanced robots with remarkable behavior: mobility, agility, dexterity and speed. We use sensor-based controls and computation to unlock the capabilities of complex mechanisms. Our world-class development teams take projects from initial concept to proof-of-principle prototyping to build-test-build engineering, to field testing and low-rate production.

Robot wardens are about to join the ranks of South Korea's prison service. A jail in the eastern city of Pohang plans to run a month-long trial with three of the automatons in March. The machines will monitor inmates for abnormal behavior. Researchers say they will help reduce the workload for other guards. South Korea aims to be a world leader in robotics. Business leaders believe the field has the potential to become a major export industry.

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South Korea is testing robots that could help foreigners to reach out and teach someone. 29 robots were recently deployed in 21 schools in the city of Daegu to help human children learn English. The bots, named EngKey, can be used as telepresence platforms to bring experienced educators from the Philippines into the classroom via a small screen at the head of the robot. The Filipino teachers communicate using embedded microphones and speakers. These bots were developed by the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and are part of a larger scale automation of English education.

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