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Evaluability Assessment FRIT 7237 Fall 2013 Kelly Meeks Kevin Scheiwe ShaWanda Williams

Steps Step 1 Question Yes No X

Is there a contractual requirement to evaluate? (If yes, initiate the evaluation; if no, go to step 2.)

There are currently no contractual obligations mandating the evaluation. Step 2

Does the object of the evaluation have enough impact or importance to warrant formal evaluation? (If yes, go to step 3; if no, formal evaluation is unnecessary, and you should discontinue further use of this checklist.)

The object of the evaluation is to determine the need of teacher training for effectively implementing BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) in the classroom. Professional development would better equip teachers to use the program to foster student achievement. Step 3

Is there sufficient consensus among stakeholders on the model for the program? Its goals and objectives? (If yes, go to step 4; if no, consider a needs assessment study.)

The program is being implemented and the stakeholders believe that the program will increase student achievement. Before the implementation of the BYOT program, all stakeholders including district leaders, school leadership teams, the school board, parents, and students met to agree on the guidelines of BYOT. Students and parents must sign a contractual agreement for acceptable use of student devices. Step 4

If the program has begun, are its actions consistent with the program model? Is achievement of goal(s) feasible? (If yes, go to step 5; if no consider a needs assessment or monitoring evaluation to study program modifications.)

The BYOT program was implemented in August of 2012. The actions are consistent with the program model because of the acceptable use contract. If the contract is not signed, students are not allowed to use their devices at school. The contract outlines the goals and objectives of the program, as well as, the restrictions of the program such as students must be connected to the school WiFi; no mobile data connections. Teachers are able to monitor whether students have returned their BYOT contracts through the use of Infinite Campus. The achievement of the BYOT goals is feasible because

students already own their technological devices and demonstrate that they understand its school usage and restrictions through the BYOT contract. Step 5

Is the proposed evaluation feasible given existing human and fiscal resources and data availability? (If yes, go to step 6; if no, find more resources before proceeding or revise the scope of your plan.)

Human resources are feasible because the evaluation can be done as an internal evaluation, using those who have received training, and are considered the experts on the programs, its objectives, and intended use. Teacher training can take place via online training sessions such as Google Drive, Google Sites, etc. Fiscal resources are not an issue because of Title I funding available to provide network improvements and expansion and additional WiFi hotspots in the schools. Step 6

Do the major stakeholders agree on the intended use of the evaluation? (If yes, go to step 7; if no, discontinue or focus on those stakeholders who can use the information effectively.)

Stakeholders agree that the evaluation is needed to evaluate the programs usefulness and the need for teacher training. Many teachers indicate that they have received little or no training on using the BYOT program effectively in their classrooms. All stakeholders agree on the focus and need of the evaluation. Step 7

Are the stakeholders in a position to use the information productively? (If yes, go to step 8; if no, discontinue or focus on other stakeholders who can use the information to make decisions or take action).

The stakeholders are in a position to continue or discontinue the program based on the evaluation results. The stakeholders are in a position to provide all training deemed necessary through the evaluation. The training/professional development can be provided internally, through district instructional coaches, online, etc. Training is able to be funded through the use of Title I funding. The Literacy Coordinator at the local school can also provide training for teachers to help them to integrate technology and reading/writing/literacy on a daily basis. She provides training for teachers in using Best Practices throughout the year. Our Local School Technology Coordinator provides instruction for students during Specials. She will be able to help train the students and teachers on this access during the regularly scheduled Specials rotation. A classroom teacher will create a Model Classroom for the integration of technology. Step 8

Will the decisions of your primary stakeholders be made exclusively on other bases and be uninfluenced by the evaluation data? (If yes, evaluation is superfluous- discontinue; if no, go to

step 9.)
No, the evaluation will be the primary tool in decision about the program and needed teacher training. The stakeholders and decision makers will use the collected data including interviews, surveys, and other forms of data to make the necessary decisions about BYOT and teacher training. Step 9

Is it likely that the evaluation will provide dependable information? (If yes, go to step 10; if no, discontinue.)

It is likely that the evaluation will provide dependable information through the use of the proper data analysis, formal interviews, surveys, and other evaluation tools. The evaluation tools used will be research based using qualitative and quantitative data to improve the BYOT program through effective teacher training which will lead to the effective use of BYOT in the classroom to foster student achievement and provide students the necessary skills to prepare them for college and career readiness. Step 10

Is the evaluation likely to meet acceptable standards of propriety? (If yes, go to summary. If not, consider other means of data collection or discontinue.)

Every measure and effort will be taken to obtain unbiased and accurate information. This evaluation was requested based upon the needs of teachers to effectively educate their students. Teachers voiced their request for BYOT training through the staff survey issued by the district and all school-wide staff surveys.

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