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Report on Field Placement Setting

Report on Field Placement Setting Victoria Schwager Wayne State University SW 4441: Field Seminar 1

Report on Field Placement Setting Mission/Purpose: The agency in which I was placed with this year is Turning Point in the Support Services department. Turning Point is located in Mt. Clemens but the address is not given out for safety purposes. Turning Points mission statement is to provide programs and resources that enable victims/survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to regain control of their lives. Turning Point does this by allowing different forms of services to the victims/survivors. There are many different departments in which this is possible. Overview of Population: At the agency we deal with a wide variety of people. We provide services to women, children and some men. The population is diverse in their backgrounds, ages and race. An example of a typical client that we have at Turning Point is a women with children who is normally single and may be struggling financially. We services the rich, the poor, the single, the married, and women with children. We help advocate for first hand and second hand victim/survivors. At Turning Point we offer services to men who have been a victim/survivor or a second hand victim/survivor but we dont have many clients in this category. We refer to our survivors as victim/survivor because many of the survivors cannot yet identify themselves as a survivor. Your Role with Agency:

At Turning Point, I have a few different roles. I help lead a group of domestic violence moms that are survivors. I have gone to different departments within Turning Point to shadow and observe what they do. So far, I have been able to shadow the legal advocacy department, the shelter department and the prevention department. Coming up, Ill be shadowing the PPO department. The major thing I do at Turning Point is the group of domestic violence moms on Tuesday nights. I prepare the information for

Report on Field Placement Setting the night with the other facilitator. When Im not preparing the material or shadowing different departments, Im working on obtaining my goals from my learning plan. Other Disciplines Represented within the Organization: Turning Point has many different departments within the non-profit organization. To start we have a shelter which is where women and children can come for safety and to regain control of their

lives. At our shelter we specifically accept women who have been a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault. If we have a male that needs shelter we do offer help but do not allow them in the same shelter as the women since it is communal living. Most of the time we will find a different shelter for the men to stay at or we put them up in a hotel. The next department we have is the crisis line, which is located in our shelter. The crisis line is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. The crisis line gets all sorts of calls, from people searching shelter to people in crisis looking for someone to talk to. The crisis line offers immediate help whereas our support services department offers long term counseling. In support services they offer counseling, as well as group sessions. CAP is another department within Turning Point. CAP is made up of all interns in which they are given two clients to advocate for. The interns in this department are more so thrown into their role whereas interning in support services you are gradually entering your role. The childrens department is the childrens services. This department offers childcare for parents during their sessions, counseling for children who have witness domestic violence or sexual assault or who have been a victim themselves. Next, we have the prevention department. In prevention, they travel to different middle schools and high schools to give presentations to educated teens on domestic violence and sexual assault so they can stop the cycle of violence. We also have our legal advocacy department which advocates for clients who are going through the court systems. Legal is located in the first floor of the Mt. Clemens Courthouse. Support services, CAP, childrens department and prevention are all located in our admin building. Finally, Turning point offers the forensic nurse examiner program. The Forensic nurse examiner program allows for sexual assault survivors to come

Report on Field Placement Setting

and receive a comprehensive medical examination. This program is open 24 hours 7 days a week. Within this program there are first response advocates who are available at the scene. The advocates are able to assistance the families in understanding the sexual assault and helping them cope with trauma that had been experienced. Since Turning Point is a non-profit organization, all of our services are free. How Clients access/enter the system: When clients enter our system they are added into our computer system called ALICE. But first, clients normally call our crisis line for help, if the services they need are directed towards our admin building and the services they offer like our CAP program or our support services department they get transferred to our main line at admin. From there they share the type of services they need and whether it is related to domestic violence or sexual assault. Then the client is referred to one of our therapists in which they fill out an intake form and begin their services. When looking at our shelter the process is slightly different. Clients will call and seek shelter, however depending on our availability and their situations is if they get accepted into shelter. Since Turning Point deals with domestic violence and sexual assault, we tend to only take those who are in trouble with such. Some of the times we do take the homeless. If the client gets accept into shelter they have 24 hours to move in with one bag per person. Once they are in shelter they also fill out an intake form. However, in shelter the women that enter are required to do chores. How Clients leave/terminate the system: Once clients have regained control of their lives they begin the termination process. Within the CAP, support services, and children department once the client has been able to work through their situation and has regained control of their lives they are able to finish their services. I havent personally encountered a termination within support services but have heard about it. Normally within our group sessions at the end of the program we have a night where all the mothers and children come for dinner

Report on Field Placement Setting

and make shirts, quilts and other projects to end their services. While shadowing at shelter I had learned that when a family, or women is ready to leave they take an exit evaluation form. Many of the women are offered to write in the exit journal and are allowed to share whatever they would like to the staff. I personally got to read of some of the womens entries and they were heartfelt and appreciative. Agencys Commitment to the Community: Turning Point is a big advocator for community outreach. So far I have had the opportunity to help in two major outreach programs. Turning Point is always spreading awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault into the community. Two examples of this would be the Tara Grant 5K Walk and Run and Turning Points Trunk or Treat. First we have the Tara Grant 5K. In September, the Tara Grant 5k walk and run took place. Tara Grants family had contacted Turning Point after the tragic murder of Tara. They wanted an organization that would advocate and help them spread awareness to the community about domestic violence. Turning Point hosts the event in downtown Mt.Clemens where runners and walkers gather to support the cause. The night before the run at the check in, is the runners eve event which was a lead in to the next morning when the run/walk began. During the event there is a raffle and speeches that are given. Taras family attends and runs the event and gives their thanks to everyone for their support. At this years event channel 7 news came to report on the kickoff of domestic violence awareness month which was the month of October. The next example would be Turning Points Trunk or Treat event which takes place that the end of October. This event is offered to everyone in the community. Its a safe and friendly way to enjoy Halloween. Children of all ages come and trick or treat at the decorated trunks. This is a great way for the children who are currently in or have previously been in shelter to get the opportunity to show off their costumes and receive goodies. As each family finishes their trunk or treating experience they get to sign our peace pledge.

Report on Field Placement Setting Conclusion: In conclusion, Turning Point helps survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and the homeless regain control of their lives. Within Turning Point I have had the opportunity to shadow most

of the departments and learn what each one offers the agency. I have gotten to experience my first ever group sessions and even help in facilitating the survivors of domestic violence who all happen to be mothers. I have been able to work on obtaining my goals that have been determined in my learning plan and I have been out in the community getting the opportunity to helping with the Tara Grant 5k and Turning Points Trunk or Treat. Finally I have been able to make connections and have experiences that I wouldnt have thought possible.

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