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MUF®N Mutual UFO Network

September 2003
UFO Journal Number 425


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Sighting of an anomaly over ancient Egypt 3,200 years ago. The article begins on page 3.
UFO Journal September 2003 Number 425
(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822)
Post Office Box 369
Morrison, CO 80465-0369
Tel: 303-932-7709
In this issue
Fax: 303-932-9279 Anomaly in ancient Egypt by Edward McBride 3
Missing crop circle by JoAnne Scarpellini 7
International Director
John F. Schuessler, M.S.
Memory discrimination by Karin Hoppe Holloway 9
Ufology Profile: Dan Aykroyd by Reed Hall 10
Editor: Bigfoot close encounter by Stan Gordon 11
Dwight Connelly, M.S. Filer's Files by George A Filer. 12
14026 Ridgelawn Road
Martinsviile, IL 62442 UFO Press by Wilson & Connelly 15
Tel: (217) 382-4502 Perceptions by Stanton T. Friedman 18
e-mail: View from Britain by Jenny Randies 20
The Night Sky by Walter N. Webb 22
Columnists: Calendar 22
Walter N. Webb, B.S. UFO Marketplace 23
George Filer, M.B.A. Director's Message by John Schuessler 24
Jenny Randies
Stanton Friedman, M.S.
Change of address and subscription inquiries should be sent to
MUFON, P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369.

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Historical ufology

Strange anomaly in ancient Egypt

By Edward McBride
A fter fifteen years of studying
/\ and translating ancient Egyp-
A. \Jian hieratic writing, I have lo-
cated two reports of a very strange
anomaly that manifested in the skies over
southern Egypt 3,200 years ago.
These reports
appeared on
slices of lime-
stone, utilizing
red and black ink.
These limestone
writing bases are
called ostraca.
App r o x i -
mately 1203 BC, 7OURWEY OF
on the 29th of
July, at the capi- THE OEMOM
tal city of Uast McBride
(Thebes) an ob-
ject appeared concurrent with the annual
"coming forth of the star Sept (Sirius).
The arrival of the star Sept marked the
New Year season of Shemut and the in-
undation of the Nile. Due to the Nile flood-
ing, all work stopped, and a 20-day holi-
day was observed as the festival of Apt
of Amon Ra.
Approximately 600,000 Egyptians
would participate. As the gilded boats of
pharaoh and the god Amon Ra passed
down the river from Karnak to Luxor, the
crowds cheered, enjoying the pomp, free
food, and beer courtesy of Amon Ra.
Suddenly an intense bright object was
spotted low in the night sky. Thousands
witnessed it. Named S-hakk the Demon,
the anomaly with two piercing lights
moved about, reached out and carried off
people, cut tongues, left and returned,
and silenced mouths, according to the
There was a possibility that it traveled
four hundred miles to northern cities dur-
ing its journey.
The first report (Ostraca I) by a young
scribe and a temple servant showed
puzzlement and fear. The second report
(Ostraca II—thirty-five statements) by a
group of scribes and priests of affiliated
temples of Horus/Osiris left no doubt as
to its purpose; they called it evil and
wanted it gone.
Egyptologists who categorized it as
"magic" have largely ignored this event.
The Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Mu-
seum in Oxford, England, has accepted
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 3
my paper, "Journey of a Demon," as I
used some ostraca belonging to the mu-
seum in my paper.
As an independent researcher, I con-
sider these two examples of this ancient
writing to be unique in their recording of
a most unusual event. Every means has
been pursued to correctly time frame this
occurrence. It did, please note, happen
3,200 years ago—not fifty.
By the compilation of all relative
events, one can come quite close in dat-
ing the phenomenon, however, and there-
fore I choose 1203 BC as the target year,
based on available information relative to
the scribes, one of whom is linked to the
reign of Seti II, and the other to Ramessus
HI a short time later.
These two records of an astral hap-
pening approximately 1203 BC have been
seemingly ignored, as they were cata-
logued under "Magical" in the index of
Hieratic Ostraca Volume I, the source
book for this report, and considered a pro-
jection of a sky-based religion.
They depict through the eyes of sev-
eral individuals-who lacked technology as his name implied. hieratic script all that had been recorded
of any sort-what was considered a physi- Like two glowering eyes, the lights so carefully thirty years earlier: a demon
cal manifestation of a god/demon in the were like no other; hovering unmoving in the heavens above the holy cities of
heavens on a rampage-^the form of hu- and menacingly low just above the hori- Annu and Uast, the two centers 400 miles
man, animal or anthropomorphic being the zon. One could.feel its presence, its hot apart.
only consideration applicable to what was stare like a lion in wait. There were other cities mentioned....
witnessed at the time. For half an hour the unknown entity Things cited it had done...what did it
This was reinforced by, but not lim- sat, then unhurriedly began to move away mean, this thing of evil? And why was
ited to, their religion. into the distance. this piece of limestone so well hidden?
Scenario, Ostraca I The following morning, Kaii took the Ostraca I (recto):
South in the land of Kam-T, City of information he recorded to the temple Line by Line Interpretation
Uast, the rumors had been surfacing for priests, who hastily convened a service 1. Hail to thee S-hakk coming forth
two days. Whispers from cracked lips, an at the rear of the temple, near the sy- from Sept.
uneasiness in the scorching winds. Fi- camores. Initially greeted with awe as a god. The
nally on the evening of the ascent of the They placed incense, symbolic arrows, name S-hakk implies: to destroy; to pierce;
star Sept, heralding in Shemut the sea- and weaponry on the linen-covered table a being having the personification of tor-
son of inundation, it happened. of offerings, the meaning of which was ment; the embodiment of evil. Coming
Scribe Kaii, a student at the House of totally lost to the scribe. By mid-morn- forth from Set is a clever way of saying
Life, Temple of Horus Son of Isis, saw it. ing, people of the city began to arrive, appearing at or near the helical ascent of
Almost at the same time temple servant the other witnesses to that event in the Set, or Sirius, in the heavens (approxi-
Set did too: two intense piercing lights heavens with their "Ta" cakes as offer- mately 29 July).
hanging motionless in the clear night sky. ings in hopes to placate the demon 2. With his front he seeist.
The two young men climbed to the roof S-hakk. The entity has an eye or eyes at front
to get a better look, but not before Kaii Scenario Ostraca II end. Since the sighting was at night, the
grabbed his scribe kit, and Set an oil lamp. Thirty years later and 60 miles to the eyes would be lights. The word ar-t (to
Filling the thirsty ink cakes, drawing forth south of Uast, in the Hespt of Thes Hertu see) is a restoration.
two papyrus pens while Set lit the lamp, and east of the city called Teb, lay the 3. With his jaw (singular) he eats Ta
the scribe began to document on a small temple of Horus of Behutet-the place cakes from the west.
piece of limestone (ostraca) all that was known for centuries as Netchem' Tchem In Kam-t, human jaw was depicted as
before him. Ankh (PleasantLife). being in two pieces. An appendage, ex-
Set was trembling'"in fear, his arms In the hidden chamber known as tending below front of entity, described
raised in fright as if to blanket away the Mesnet, just behind the sanctuary, a as a tongue in Ostraca II, was responsible
glare from the heavens (see drawing stone carver turned novice scribe by the for the acquisition of Ta cakes. Ta cakes
above right). Kaii recorded this in red ink. name of Behent found something new to signified round flattened bread or cake,
Switching pens, he wrote skillfully with copy. Deep at the bottom of a large-necked at times oval in form, and were the ob-
his left hand all that he knew and what he jar lay a piece of limestone with writing. jects perceived at a distance being drawn
saw of what the people were calling Wiping the dust from its neglected sur- up into the "mouth" of the demon. Cakes
S-hakk, new usurper of the ordered heav- face, he slowly began to duplicate the denotes multiple objects. In actuality
ens, the "Super Disrupter" or "Destroyer" message onto another stone in intricate what was taken would have been larger,

Page 4 MUFON UFO Journal September 2003

of course. From the west almost specifies power, ret-f (his legs) also signifies pro-
other aerial objects. pulsion at rear, perceived in a horizontal
4. By stretching out he gives the evil position. .Face with eyes (lights); rear with
eye. legs (power). A horizontal configuration
The nighttime view of the very bright is proven with following statement #4.
lights (see Ostraca II regarding eyes, sin- (The word art is misspelled).
gular or plural) would, coupled with the 4. He eats Ta cakes from under him.
fear of the unknown, qualify as evil eye. Only by being perceived as lying
Stretching out seems to indicate a light prone can .the entity "eat Ta cakes" be-
beam, but could simply mean brightness. low him. In order to "eat" he would have
5. They are doomed, the star gods. to have a tongue. In order to "zap" the Ta
Compared with S-hakk and his over- cakes up (ref. item #25) in the fashion of a
whelming appearance, the other estab- lizard, the "food source" had to travel from
lished stars seem dwarfed. This also im- the ground or air to the bottom of the
plies a presence. demon to be "eaten" (ref. Ostraca I, eat-
6. See him live with his front ing Ta cakes from the west.) Passing in
(broken) front of stars does not count-the scribes
Lit: How can one deny his presence, were not ignorant.
his reality? 5. His power (kepesh, i.e. animal leg,
7. (broken) mysteries in propulsion) of the west is in his travel-
the southern sky ling.
Note plural mysteries. Can the Ta cakes This statement and following estab-
be something else? Southern sky signi- lish a west to east movement. His eastern
fies Kam-t of the south; northern sky, power is in .his reaching out (extending
Kam-t of the north. authority).. Contrast this with eating Ta
He is fear. cakes from the west, i.e., east to west
Exactly as it says. with spears" also meant, "done with ar- movement.
8. (broken) (the) moun- mor." Either a ceremony or armed pres- 6. His eastern power is in his reach-
tains, the roaming lions meet (but) like, ence at the ceremony. ing out (extending authority)
who? What? ' 3. (against/by?) the people. He was give Contrast this with Ostraca I, item #2,
Trying to equate the demon with feral Ta cakes from eating Ta cakes from the west, i.e., east to
behavior. Lit: (As in the) mountains, the The word er means either by or against. west movement.
roaming lions gather (but) like, what who? Coupled with the previous statement it 7. He is fear to the gods of Neterkhert
(is this?). Note equating demon with lion, either means: (A) Ceremony done with Neterkhert would be the home of the
as in Ostraca II. spears against the people, or (B) Cer- gods equated to heaven. Literally he was
9. (broken) not the soul emony done with spears by the people. a definite threat to all established religions
Shata, the name of. "He was given Ta cakes from " refers ofKam-t. . . . .
Ba Shata translates genuine or plau- to S-hakk. A reenactment of S-hakk eat- 8. To snare (or net) is thy power.
sible soul. The name of. , a refer- ing Ta cakes. I tend to think (B) is correct People or animals were taken,
ence to some religious entity or explana- meaning. 9. When thou leaves thou returns.
tion. To sum up: He is not the soul Shata. Ostraca II . Proof entity, moved around "sky, was
10. (broken) so and so. Line by Line Interpretation witnessed subsequent times. .
This was double-checked in both Ger- 1. Get thee back S-hakk coming forth 10. Thou snatches or grabs ears.
man, and English. Clearly the scribe was in the sky! Another way of saying capturing, tak-
running out of candidates to identify. Hardly a greeting as in Ostraca I. This ing. • • . ..•••••.
S-hakk with. So and so, of course, means shows awareness of demon's deportment. 11. Thou sealest mouths.
unnamed and unspecified-unknown. "Get out of here!" would be a current To cause victims to go into shock?
11. (broken) Thou art leaving. equivalent. "Coming forth in the sky" Perhaps abject fear, or inability to discuss
Signifies movement and travelling. shows this is not scribe Kaii in Ostraca 1, incident.
Ostraca I. (verso) as he said "coming forth from Sept." 12. Thou cut tongues.
2. He seeist with his front. Exactly what it says-specifically what
Line by Line Interpretation was done with the "victims" or the rea-
1. (The people gave) on account of me.. The use of tebt, a physical applica-
tion, signifies the furthest extension of son for these actions has disturbing im-
I, they gave, behind the sanctuary, plications.
words.... the face; nose, eye area, but not, how-
ever, the brow to any degree. The two 13. A Holy Father of the temple, a holy
Partially broken message. A meeting one among those of Annu.
between scribe Kaii and what appears to scribes (Ostraca I and Ostraca 11) used this
tebt in the same sense-the frontal area This statement is curious. It is obvi-
be witnesses to the "demon." The .wit- ous that S-hakk was considered as dan-
nesses gave an account of their observa- with eyes. The use of two eyes is rare.
Most depictions of "eyes of the Gods" gerous and unwanted and shows that
tions. The meeting would have been with multiple sources were passed on as input
the people as well as the priests because of Kam-t were singular; witness eye of
Horus, eye of Ra as singular units. The to temple Horus of Behutet. This could
it occurred behind the sanctuary. also be a slap at gods Re and Amon-Re
2. (placed) upon the linen for flowers anomaly must have had two points of il-
lumination, or more. of Annu and Uast as declaring, "This is
(offerings). It was done with spears your demon not ours;" or "you caused
An obvious offering to S-hakk, or cer- 3. His two legs are at tail end.
As kepesh (animal hind leg) signifies this."
emony pertaining to said demon.. "Done
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 5
14. Thou shalt not fall from thy ex- may be a partial key of Ari-Hes.) west
alted hand. 21. Thou changes thy skin.... (!?) This could be tied to the following item.
Lit: Like it or not, you are an uncon- Again this strange action. Another 30. "Reaching out to carry off who
trollable force and presence. We do not attribute to possible shape/shifting. This thou art
know what to do with you, and you cer- would tend to be noticeable during day- Another reference to abduction.
tainly seem to do what you want, so we time. 31. "Departer" thy name by (the abil-
will have to learn to live with you if you Before these Lords of Annu. ity of) expelling thy body.
stay. A daytime appearance in front of key Another reference to physical action,
15. Born at night, in daytime often (or witnesses of authority. fleeing the area; the word used for expel,
all hours) 22. Thou cuts, cause destruction in tr, also means to drive out or destroy, but
First appeared at night, but observed coming forth in the sky. outside of becoming invisible (destroy),
at various times of the day. The descrip- Damage attributed to the demon. The the correct usage should be "expelling"
tion of daytime can be interpreted sev- cutting refers to physical damage, not an (thy body) from the vicinity. Still, the idea
eral ways; suffice to say it was observed astral maneuver. of destroying its presence is intribuing,
during daytime at different hours. 23. Thine eyes! Behold thee (with) thy as its very name S-hakk (destruction in-
16. It was he in god form of (a) son of front! ternalized) signifies one of its salient fea-
Isis (sa ast). The use of plural eyes, as mentioned tures.
A reference to Ostraca I, "coming forth before, is rare. The perception of a "face 32. (broken) (poss) thy soul....
from Sept; making an appearance on heli- like front" with two eyes (lights) held (poss) thy soul...To give thee a name
cal ascent of Sept, which is identified with obvious fascination to the observers. The of evil. Enough said. Obvious reference
goddess Isis. This equated to "being use of plural lights places the demon in a to actions of demon.
born" of Isis. Helical ascent of Sept was distinct category and negates the possi- 33. Do not thou travel to (the city of)
approximately 29 July. bility of stars, planets, and the like being Tettu.
17. A blood relation of Asar Unnefer mistaken for the entity. The accent is on Fear of religious turmoil in this holy
(Osiris Unnefer) brightness. city north of Annu upon its appearance.
Continuation of item #16. Another ex- 24. The tongue of thee (allows one to 34. Not (may be seen) thy front to (the
ample attempting to affix a religious cor- grasp) who thou art. cityoQAbtu.
relation to the demon. This blood rela- 25. Thou eats Ta cakes from under Concern also over this appearance four
tion of Osiris, which refers back to item thy body. hundred miles to the south in an obvious
#16, son of Isis could also be construed "Eating Ta cakes" again. The tongue, return trip to area of original sighting.
as the evildoer Set, brother of Osiris. or one-half human jaw bone (see Ostraca Abtu is north of Uast. The same preoccu-
Personally I feel this is nothing more I, item #3), this "tongue" is some means pations and worries about upsetting reli-
than offering up a series of possible ex- of lifting objects from the ground to the gious precepts.
planations to an enigma; another example demon and may be visible, semi-visible, 35. (Because) you caused flooding at
of multiple input. I fail to see how the or simply perceived. A light beam would Thairr (Tharr?)
priests of Osiris/Horus/Isis would have fit nicely. Again, the only way for the In this case I fail to see how this could
been willing to embrace this presence, scribes to justify what was happening was be. It does, however, raise the possible
except, of course 'as identifying it with to think of the entity in human, animal, or presence of demon S-hakk over either
Set, the negative force-something, how- anthropomorphic form. Tharr north near Tettu and the marshy
ever, they did not specifically do. Two references of eating Ta cakes (with area of Sma Behiit or to the south near
18. Repeating "Hail to thee" bring a tongue) are in Ostraca II; one reference the city of Teb (home of Horus of Behutet),
him back. of the same food procurement is in Ostraca which also has area called Sma Behut,
Another reference of secondary I with tongue or "jaw bone" as sole means though not marshy.
sightings. of attainment. Note that Ta cakes are lo- (signed) Behest Metet, Staff of the
19. Thou showest thyself as the (lion cated below entity. Unseen Horus.
type fierce-eyed god) Hesa son of Bast. 26. Hesmimi the name of thy mother. (Name) (Title)
Hesa equals Ari-Hes. Ari-Hes was Unable to match name Hesmimi on
known as having a fierce penetrating evil record. The name implies fierce-eyed li-
eye (note Ostraca I reference to evil eye). oness or feline. There is no deity symbol
This reference, however, is coupled with used. What is apparent is that this is yet MUFON shirts and caps
the following item, and pertains to another opinion of S-hakk's origin. Wear official MUFON T-shirts
Ari-Hes having other attributes. 27. Rebel the name of thy father. (royal blue printing on white cot-
20. With his wrecking overturning, The name rebel at that time had a much , ton), sizes S, M, L & XL. Two
casting out with thy body (!?). more severe connotation than current styles of baseball caps (royal blue
Again an action not quite known. The usage. "Hell raiser" would be more ap- with white logo or dark blue with
most likely answer is a disturbance in propriate.
appearance, shape shifting, or radical 28. When thou appears before man in
blue logo on white front).
color shift. A blurring could account also the west, east, north, and south (of the T-shirt price is $12.00 and base-
for such a description, much as a car ap- sky) the gods ball caps are $8.00. S/H for each
proaching in the distance on a road on a Unfortunately the remainder is broken. is $3.00, or if both are ordered to-
very hot day under certain conditions It demonstrates the ability of the demon gether is only $3.00. MUFON,
appears to shape/shift hi a mirage fash- to appear at random, in multiple places P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO
ion; optical phenomena. Refer this theory and cardinal points; and again concern 80465-0369. (Check, MO, or
to item #21: the following (note: the abil- about the gods. cash, U.S. dollars.)
ity of a lion to camouflage its appearance 29. (broken) thy power in the

Page 6 MUFON UFO Journal September 2003

Dealing with limited evidence

Investigating a missing crop circle

By JoAnne Scarpellini

Editor's Note: Last month's Journal

included a summary of the investigation
of the crop circle near Knobel, AR, by -* i At tk • « TO
* iMnt. -JU**'JL V I &. ' <« • at * • »J

veteran Missouri investigator JoAnne
Scarpellini for BLT Research, Inc., as
reported by Nancy Talbott ("Arkansas
>V',V-W.-V .•^TrWV'fctf
crop circle probably genuine"). This
month the challenging investigation of
this anomaly is recounted by Scarpellini. t • iv
HaS?'iV>t;?i •-. ' •'*<•!• "& <
W^>f *i^ •- •••=•' *•/;"%£"•'
First trip
aturday morning, June 7, 2003,
Bruce Catt, a farmer from Knobel,
AR, flew his ultralight aircraft
*^W%^ Jfvw»' M$^
/v '{"$"«$^/-Mi •y&ii'i^
over a wheat field at the intersection of
AR Hwy. 90 and Clay County Road 250
and saw a formation of circles that was
not there Friday, June 6, when he had
flown'over the same field.
He immediately informed the man farm-
ing the field, Todd Young. Bruce Catt
steadfastly maintains that this had to be
made by humans, "Doug & Dave style" A reporter for the Clay County Cou- on three sides by the field and CR 250 on
and made fun of it. I personally doubt rier. Fred Martin, saw the formation first- the west.
this theory. hand, going to the site with Todd Young. I walked over a good portion of the
The day I was there, there were He (Martin (stated that the exact cen- field in that general area, having some
enough mosquitos to bleed you dry, plus ter of the swirls was very easy to see and aerial photos to help locate the spot and
squadrons of other flying insects and he had actually pinpointed the center by using a compass, EM field meter, and su-
assorted creepy-crawlies in abundance. sticking a pencil into the soil which was per magnet, trying to find where the for-
And this was high noon on a'sunny day. bare at that point. He described the mation had been. No success. The field
At night, bug time, the insect population "swirled" center as looking like the swirl was thoroughly chopped up and stirred
must be truly awe-inspiring. .1 can't see of hair on a hound dog's neck. and surprisingly dry.
rope-and-board circle inakers working to From what 1 was able to determine a I found some areas where very little
make a beautiful formation in such a thinly week later, the whole area then became a stubble was visible and, hoping that these
populated area. They'd want an audi- media circus with an army of local visi- were areas where the wheat was fiat to
ence! tors, newspaper reporters, radio inter- the ground, I tried to locate magnetic par-
This was a formation often circles, a viewers, and representatives of TV sta- ticles in those spots. All my efforts were
central circle approximately 47 feet in di- tions from Memphis, TN, Jonesboro, AR, unsuccessful, and I did not find with any
ameter and three slightly curved "arms" and Kansas City, MO, putting in appear- certainty where the formation had been.
consisting of three circles each, the larg- ances, along with CNN and MSNBC At the Courier office I talked to a
est of the "arm" circles being closest to I intended to visit Knobel Thursday, newspaper employee, Marylee Vines, a
the central circle and measuring approxi- June 12, five days after the formation was tiny, elderly woman. She had been to the
mately 27 feet. found. I didn't go that day because I formation Sunday night and walked
The next "arm" circle was approxi- was informed that the field had already through only three of the circles in one
mately 17 feet and the last and smallest been cut and burned. When I did get arm. She didn't go into the central circle
circle approximately 9 feet in diameter: there Monday, June 16, the field had been or any of the other arms.
Each circle in each arm was separated from disced over and planted with soybeans. She repeatedly said it was "spooky,"
the others and from the central circle by An adjacent field to the north had al- but was unable to describe the cause of
about 9 feet. The crop (wheat) was laid ready been planted with soybeans which this "spookiness." It's possible she was
down flat in a clpckwise direction with no had germinated and were about 4 inches feeling some residual energy, or it may
stalks at all left standing. high. A field to the east was well grown have been simply that a beautiful geo-
Pictures show that the crop appears rice. The field is bordered on the west by metric pattern of perfectly flat wheat was
to be down in more than one layer, all CR 250 and on the south by AR Hwy. 90. so unusual that it spooked her.
clockwise. The formation closely re- The formation was described to me as She found in the largest of the circles
sembles the famous "Julia Set" that was being about 500 feet east and a little south she entered a bird's nest, with eggs in it,
found in England. of the Bond Cemetery, which is bordered on the ground on top of the downed
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page?
wheat. It was slightly off center of the The sudden storm did not occur- that had to be done anyway and 2) the media,
swirl, undamaged and intact. was embellishment. And so a legend is neighbors, and strangers were driving him
No adult bird was seen, and she didn't born. crazy. He did not take any samples of
know what kind of bird's nest it may have The area around Knobel, AR, popula- wheat. I believe he was the first person
been. It was the common cup-shaped nest tion about 350, is rural, sparsely popu- to walk into the formation.
seen in trees, which means that it wasn't lated farmland. JustNW of Knobel is a The field was quickly planted (June 11
the nest of a ground-nesting bird. large low-lying swampy area and nearby or 12) with soybeans. I was there June 16
Being on top of the downed wheat is the Black River. and the beans had not yet germinated.
makes one think it was deposited there The area grows rice, cotton, com, soy- The soil was rather dry at that time. When
after the wheat went down. She said she beans, and wheat. I didn't see much I returned June 25 the beans had germi-
didn't pick it up or touch it, saying that wheat, though. Mostly rice, and soy- nated and were about 2-1/2 inches tall
she was afraid of getting mites from it, beans or cotton. I didn't see any cattle at with 3 or 4 leaves.
then admitted being afraid that the nest all. Farming seems to be the only busi- There had been a very light rain 3 or 4
might be "affected" in some unknown ness around here. There's a lot of irriga- days earlier (about June 21), but not
way that could be detrimental to anyone tion-ditch, pump and valve variety. No enough to wash away tire tracks or any-
touching it. (This was while she was al- rolling spray arm type at all, probably be- thing on the surface. The germination
ready in the middle of an unexplained cause rice doesn't get sprayed-it sits in time of the seed in the formation and the
circle.) water. rest of the field must have been the same,
I scanned nine photos of the area, since the growth was quite uniform over
some aerial and some at ground level, pro- Trip two the whole field.
vided by Fred Martin of the Courier. Sev- On June 25 I made a return trip to Since the soil was quite dry, most of
eral of them show unusual features, such Knobel for the purpose of picking up the small bean plants showed slight yel-
as fog, mist, and "black squiggles." negatives from Joe and Doris Sellmeyer lowish mottling on the leaves (due to dry
Another employee of the Courier, a and getting soil samples from the area of conditions), but Mr. Young commented
middle-aged woman who did not give her the crop formation. that where we were standing looked
name, asked me if I had heard the legend - The negatives were given to me for greener to him.
of the crop circle. I asked her if there had scanning, etc., including the entire film In fact it was greener. The leaves on
been a previous circle with a legend at- strip taken at the funeral of Landis Smith, those plants had almost no yellowish
tached and she said no, the legend was the man mentioned earlier as the man who mottling. We were standing where he said
about this circle. A legend, full blown, in said he would be taken away by aliens the formation had been. This caused him
a week! The story she told is as follows: after his death. considerable surprise, and he said he'd
There was an old man who had lived Neither of the Sellmeyers collected any watch the field carefully to see if that area
all his life around Knobel. He had in- wheat from the formation. The pictures looked any different as the crop matured.
sisted all his life that he was an alien and taken at ground level of a circle are not He was in a hurry to get back'to work
"knew things." Upon his death he would the largest, central circle. They are of the and had to cut short our conversation,
be claimed by, and taken away by, aliens. largest of the circles in one of the arms of so I stayed and took soil samples in the
He was generally considered to be the formation. There are no photos of area (I had marked the location he indi-
slightly demented, but harmless, and had the largest circle taken from the ground. cated with a GPS.)
been a productive citizen. He died the Joe Sellmeyer said he did not hear or I took samples in what I hoped was
first week of June, 2003, and was buried see anything unusual the night the circles the area of the largest circle; then, using
Friday, June 6,2003, in Bond Cemetery. were formed, nor did he hear of anyone a photo as a guide, took more samples
Included as part of the funeral services else seeing anything unusual. from what I hoped were the circles in one
was a Masonic ritual. The day was warm However, he did state that two weeks of the arms-a total of 10 Ib. of soil. There
and sunny, a beautiful day. When t h e prior (weekend of May 24) at about 10:30 were magnetic particles on or near the
Masonic ritual was begun the sky clouded PM he had gone to bed and was looking surface where I sampled, as noted in the
over, the wind rose, and there was some out a bedroom window. He saw a very report last month, indicating the circle was
lightning and thunder, but no rain. This bright white light/object go from north to not hoaxed. Another 3 Ib. of soil samples
was within 5 minutes. south, watching it for some seconds un- taken about 500 feet from the formation
When the ritual was finished, the sky til it went out of sight. as controls showed no magnetic particles.
cleared and the wind died, again in just a It was large (quarter size at arm's
few minutes time. This was taken as a length?) and somewhere between round Two New Products
sign, but no one seemed to know a sign and football shape. It made no sound The new MUFON logo has been
ofwhat. whatsoever and followed a straight line. reproduced in light blue on white T--
Then Saturday morning, the next day, He could make no estimate of altitude. shirts, now available to MUFON
the crop formation was found about 400 The following day a man who works for members for a limited time at the spe-
feet from the cemetery. This was seen as Sellmeyer said he had seen the same thing. cial price of $ 10 + $2.50 shipping for
a sure sign that aliens had indeed taken Todd Young walked with me into the sizes small through extra large. 2XL
the man away, and left the circles as a ex-wheat field to show me where the for- shirts are also available for $12 +
marker that they had been there. mation had been. He must have remem- $2.50 shipping.
I talked to several people who knew bered very well, because this area yielded MUFON has a limited supply of
the man and had attended the funeral. a lot of magnetic particles, while none were crop circle T-shirts designed by
They all gave me basically the same story. found in other areas of the field! Connie Isele of Divide, CO. Sizes
The man had claimed to be an alien, and He had not seen or heard anything are limited to large and extra large.
he said they would take him away upon unusual, either. He said he cut and These are available while supplies
his death. burned the field so quickly because 1) it last for $ 10 + $2.50 shipping.

PageS MUFON UFO Journal September 2003

Techniques for CE-IVs investigations
Memory discrimination
By Karin Hoppe Holloway "normal" life, happy images are best. In the recall of a memory the details
CEA, CMHt One at a time, look at each image very can't easily be altered; they'll become
There are therapeutic techniques for closely and see what happens as you (in- more detailed or they'll bring in associ-
the modern, non-therapist, investigator wardly) stare at it. Do this to the whole, ated memories the longer they're concen-
that will help in both collecting reliable entire image .... and then focus on just trated on. In imagination, details are eas-
data and in helping the Close Encounter individual aspects or parts of each im- ily changed, and the more changes that
Experiencer (CEE) regain his/her emotional age. happen, the more you realize that this is
and cognitive balance. Usually, if what is stared at changes made up.
You need not know how to hypnotize as though it doesn't have a set character SPONTANEOUS SENSE IMPRES-
anyone, nor how to counsel therapeuti- to begin with it's fantasy. If the thing SIONS
cally; you only need some very simple stared at stays the same during the star- Memory is often a whole recording,
"tools" you can share with the CEE. ing, it's memory. i.e., it has associated sensory parts such
Tools such as a Comparison of CE-IV, The memory image will remind you of as sounds and smells which come with it.
ASP, OBE and Negative Entities, a Time many other associations, prodding you There may be spontaneous physical ex-
Line, Pie Charts, a complete bibliotherapy, to recall other images, but it will not eas- periences involved in memory.
advice for journaling, and exercises for ily melt or transform under your gaze. A For instance, when remembering a first
discerning memory from fantasy are in- well-rehearsed fantasy, such as a visual- love you may automatically also remem-
valuable aids for both the investigator and ization made from pieces of memory, i.e. a ber the smell of their leather jacket or the
the CEE. beach scene or a meadow scene used sound of the music you listened to with
As in any other investigation, you often for relaxing or comforting, will eas- them. In imagination the sensory details
must remain open-minded and non-com- ily alter when you choose to alter an ele- aren't spontaneous, although they'll be
mitted about the data you collect. You ment, but a real memory will not; try it! produced if suggested.
must record all of it, even if you doubt its Below are a number of other TIMING
reality or truth. The Truth of a report is discernable attributes of real memory and Memory's REAL TIME review is un-
not your call to make; your business is to of fantasy. Notice each while inspecting like imagination's faster pace.
make sure you get it all and that you get it your dual images. Go through this dis- A simple memory exercise is to recall a
ethically. crimination of dual images exercise again childhood pet. Put that memory aside, and
Dan Wright's booklet, "Interviewing and again until you're sure of the differ- imagine another animal in that scene.
the UFO Witness," is unparalleled for ences between your memory and your Switch between the memory and the fan-
advice on how to do the investigative fantasy images. tasy. Stare at both animals. Touch, smell
intake, or interview. It tells you how to Some Attributes Of Memory and listen to them. See which one brings
avoid making value judgments, how to NO DECISIONS up other sensory memories. Notice how
ask non-leading questions, and how to The sequencing of memory is effort- you know one image is the "real" memory
remain objective. less, whilst the sequencing of imagina- and the other is fantasy.
Dan writes, "We are neither cynics nor tion requires making choices and using Past Life therapist Bettye Binder has
apologists concerning the reality of alien will. created wonderful exercises for differen-
visitations. The desire on the part of each EMOTIONAL DEPTH tiating fantasy from memory. Her Past Life
of us to improve our interviewing meth- The emotional content of memory has Regression Guidebook is very helpful
ods underscores the search for truth." depth whilst the memory stirred by imagi- guidance for self-exploration.
The most important area a CEE needs nation has little or no emotional content. You've begun the exploration of your
help in is in telling what is "real" for them- LOCATION OF SENSATIONS AND own past. You are now prepared to tell for
selves. You cannot possibly tell them EMOTIONS yourself if something you recall is "real."
what's "real," although if you are very Personal emotions are felt in the body, It's best that you, the investigator, try
well versed in CE phenomenon you may usually in our stomach or heart. They are this exercise for yourself first. It's best to
be able to tell them that others have expe- swiftly felt, sometimes acutely, and are be alone in a quiet spot, but it's not nec-
rienced similar events. familiar. Emotions that we feel for others essary.
Unfortunately, this information is hard will feel differently; they are thought Keep in mind that everyone will have
to come by. Optimally, the CEE needs to about before being felt, and their impact a different set of sensory abilities: most
be able to tell for themselves if their memo- won't be as powerful. are visually minded, some are more kines-
ries are "real." You can help them im- If you are an empathic person, if you thetic, and a few will have trouble being
mensely by sharing the Discrimination of are very psychic or intuitive, especially if able to "see" anything and will rely on an
Dual Images exercise with them. you too easily lose your emotional interior "knowing."
Discrimination Of dual images boundaries, you may find this a difficult All sensory sets are fine and will re-
Chose a fantasy image, such as a scene discernment to make. You'll have to no- trieve valuable, "real" information when
from a daydream, and a real memory im- tice what the differences are between feel- the interviewee is able to tell, for them-
age from your own past that you're sure ing something in your own body and feel- selves, whether they are recalling fanta-
is your own. Neither of them should be ing someone else's feelings first. sies or memories.
traumatic nor about Close Encounters; CAN'T CHANGE DETAILS
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 9
Ufology Profile

Dan Aykroyd explains

long-time interest in UFOs
Interviewed by Reed Hall photography, automatic writing, trance- thousand of their cases. The first year of
Knowing of media celebrity Dan medium revelations, levitation of objects the show was great, because the files were
Aykroyd's serious interest in the UFO during seances and ectoplasmic materi- strictly adhered to.
phenomenon, MUFON International Di- alization, the Fox sisters, and the nexus Then the machine of TV took over, and
rector John Schuessler and Membership force study at the time-Lilydale, New the stuff got diluted. I loved our cast,
Director Lin Simpson recently contacted York. though. The writers, when freed from
Dan, offering him the position of My grandfather Morris was a Bell Tele- sticking to case facts, did come up with
MUFON's "Hollywood Consultant." phone engineer. He passed the interest some cool ideas. But for me, the first year
Dan accepted, and on to my father, who became a subscriber was the best.
expressed a desire to to the Journal of the American Society RH: I understand that you
help MUFON cultivate for Psychical Research. I read these jour- are interested in the work of David
membership within Hol- nals as a boy. An article on quantum Sereda. Can you tell us a little about your
lywood. Dan is a life- physics and parapsychology, plus the interest in his work, and about your own
time MUFON member, Bowery Boys ghost movies of the 1940s, views on what he brings to the
and graciously con- was the origin for our project UFOlogical table?
sented to the following Ghostbusters. DA: David Sereda's insight into the
interview: RH: What was it that really, deeply Martyn Stubbs footage is very compel-
RH: The general Avkrovd sparked your ongoing interest in this ling. David's a thinker-very spiritual,
public thinks of Dan Aykroyd primarily as field? That most got you interested in linked to a positive shamanic energy.
a comedian, as an actor and writer in films the paranormal (and UFOlogy) at a He puts the Sirius dog star, the chipped
and television; audiences worldwide level more than just than that of a sort of life-saver bogeys which were photo-
know you for your work on TV's Satur- "passing interest"? Anything in particu- graphed in England and also seen on the
day Night Live,.and in such films such as lar? Was there a specific case, or event, STS space shuttle tapes, together with
Ghostbusters, The Blues Brothers, and that piqued your interest, or "hooked" the theory that there are benign beings •
many others. you? Was it just the cumulative effect of who are sentient and sensitive to Earth's
Most people are unaware, however, the mass of material? Or something else? environmental problems. They have a
that you have a serious and long-stand- DA: As to UFOlogy, The Day the past link to our planet's history, and are
ing interest in the paranormal. What is it Earth Stood Still (1951), This Island Earth healing the ozone layers with huge trans-
that draws and holds your attention to (1954), Earth vs. the Flying Saucers lucent bags of water.
the paranormal in general, and to the UFO (1956), the 1950s Life magazine cover de- I don't think this is material from the
phenomenon in particular? picting the photograph from the July, toilet on the windshield of the space
DA: Actually, my primary interest in 1952, Washington, D.C, sightings were shuttle, which Martyn Stubbs has pho-
paranormal subjects and UFOlogy comes in the culture when I grew up in Hull, Que- tographed and isolated. It's very con-
through the filter of an entertainer. These bec, Canada. vincing. You can argue with David all
events are enormously stimulating to the Then, in the 1980s, my wife and I had a day long; he has held his own with
creative community. The folklore of it is high-altitude, high-speed sighting. See NASA's best scientists.
intriguing. Whether one believes or not, David Sereda's book, and my forward RH: Given your knowledge of and fa-
everyone has a perception and awareness therein. We have a friend who is an as- miliarity with the field, your own hunches,
that supernatural elements are a part of trophysicist, very highly placed in the your own insights, your private specula-
living on this planet, real or not. community; he says they were meteoric tions and personal theorizing and so
RH: I understand that your father, your bolides, traveling in tandem. Maybe he's forth... what is Dan
grandfather, and even your great-grand- right. Aykroyd's perspective on the nature, the
father were all followers of paranormal RH: You're the host of the syndicated meaning, and the ultimate significance of
research; your great-grandfather was, in television program (currently on cable's the UFO phenomenon?
fact, a member of the Society for Psychi- TNT) Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paran- DA: UFOs are material objects. They
cal Research. Can you tell us a little about ormal. How did that series come about? are technology, alloys; they have a spark
the "roots", of your interest in things Do (did) you have any input into the pro- that keeps them going. They're extra-di-
which are considered, for lack of a better gram, beyond the role of host? What, if mensional; they wink in and pop out,
term, "paranormal"? Is this something of anything, would you change about that coming and going like so many taxis, in
a family tradition? Did your interest in show-or incorporate into some hypo- places like Rome, New York; the Sangre
the field begin early, or develop later? thetical new program related to the field? de Cristo Mountains; all over the world.
DA: My great-grandfather Dr. Samuel DA: Psi Factor grew from my brother Time and space are nothing to these
A. Aykroyd, a practicing dentist, was a Peter's contacts with a group similar to machines, with a billion years of devel-
chronicler who wrote extensively about NIDS (National Institute for Discovery opment on us. It's all Einstein-Rosen
the spiritualist pursuits of his time: spirit Science). We acquired the rights to two interstates to them!
Page 10 MUFON UFO Journal September 2003
Other encounters reported:
Bigfoot close encounter April 13, 2003-About 5 miles from
the previous location, I had received a
report of another possible Bigfoot en-
reported in Pennsylvania counter that was reported by three wit-
These people reported seeing a tall
By Stan Gordon creature with its arms swinging, as it
PA UFO/Fortean Hotline (24 hours) walked into a cornfield, and then ran off.
724-838-7768 The PA Bigfoot Society is investigating
http://www.westoLcom/~paufo the incident as well.
Late on the evening of Aug. 15,2003, April or May, 2003-Scottdale,
I received a report from a witness who Fayette County-I interviewed a man in
sounded quite shaken as she provided July, who-told me how he and his young
me with the details of what she had expe- daughter were riding a motor bike in a
rienced in the early morning hours of that rural area when suddenly a figure emerged
day. from the right and stopped directly in front
I conducted a detailed interview with of them at'a distance of about 75 feet.
the woman over the phone, and was able What they saw was described as "a
to go to the scene to conduct an inter- hairy man" that was estimated to stand
view and investigation on Aug. 17. about 6 1/2 feet tall, had long arms, ap-
The following is a brief summary of peared to be stooped over, and was cov-
the information I was able to obtain: ered with black hair. The creature looked
The woman was making sandwiches at the two people for just seconds, then
for her husband's lunch when she real- ran off into the woods.
ized that she had no lettuce in the refrig- The witnesses returned home to tell
erator. The family has their own vegetable the family about what they had seen.
garden, which was close to their home, , The Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society is
so the woman decided to go outside at This general sketch of a Bigfoot- also investigating some other possible
about 12:30 A.M. to gather some fresh like creature does not necessarily Bigfoot activity in the state.
lettuce.. represent the reports in this article.
The garden is off to the right side of
the residence, and there is some illumina- Several crop circle
tion in the area from a light that shines that the height and body size of the crea-
from the rear of their home. The woman ture stuck in her mind. The witness stated reports tied to UFO
picked the lettuce that she needed, then to me that after the encounter she cried
stood up and turned when her attention all night and was terrified. sightings in Italy
was drawn towards a tree about 8 feet While I looked over the area for any The Italian Center for UFO Studies re-
away. possible evidence, about 50 feet away in ports the month of June featured the
Under the tree, with it's back leaning another garden area I found two possible bursting onto the scene of numerous "cir-
against the trunk, was a massive hair cov- footprints that had apparently been there cular traces" or crop circles in fields, and
ered man-like creature whose head was for awhile. There has been a lot of rain in that 16 out of 47 were directly correlated
just touching an overhanging branch. the area, and the weather had indeed af- with UFO reports.
The branch when measured was 96 inches fected the condition of these prints. June had more UFO reports than any
off the ground. The tracks were about 15 inches long, previous month this year, and the first
The creature was described as cov- but no toes could be discerned. There half of 2003 is on a level with the year
ered with long black hair, arms down to was a distance of about 42 inches be- 2000, when there were 224 reports, but
the knees, and very broad shouldered. tween the two possible prints. this year trails 2001 and 2002.
The woman, only seconds after seeing it, This is the same property where a The crop circles have also influenced
walked swiftly back into the house where Bigfoot was reported on two separate the regional statistics, with Tuscany hav-
she awakened two other family members, occasions last September. The family ing 10 cases, followed by Piedmont and
who responded within minutes with guns. wishes to remain anonymous, and has Marche with 6 cases each.
When they went outside, the creature asked me not to identify the location of A disc-shaped object was observed
was gone. The grass under the tree ap- these occurrences, other than to state that at close-range over Florence on 7 June; a
peared to have been freshly matted down. this is in Derry Township in triangular object was seen the same day
The family noticed that their dog, Westmoreland County. in the province of Verbania; and a pilot
whose house was about 50 feet away from This is a very wooded area with a large who was flying over Benevento on 24
the garden, was not barking,and was hid- deer population. The area is not far from June observed a sort of "missile."
ing in the back of its pen-which was not the Chestnut Ridge, a mountain range
normal. where numerous Bigfoot encounters have Check your label
No sounds or smells were reported. been reported for years. This woman has Please check your mailing label pe-
The woman was so shocked to see the now had two encounters with a similar riodically for the expiration date of your
creature that she didn't watch it long Bigfoot creature, and she has indicated MUFON membership and MUFON
enough to notice many details. She was to me that this last experience had really UFO Journal subscription.
quite upset by the experience and said scared her.
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 11
FILER'S FILES By George A. Filer
Director, MUFON Eastern Region

Unless noted, these reports have not was flattened; and perfectly disc shaped. "At the time I was working in the RT
been verified by official investigations. It was wobbling and rolling side to side, recording area. As soon as the Meteor
and up and down. As it flew a little closer NF11 s interceptors we were controlling
Craft spotted over DC to us, the disc reflected the sunlight as it were sent to investigate, I started record-
RESTRICTED AIRSPACE - On July turned. It was positively metallic, smooth, ing the intercept. This is the normal pro-
22,2003, the witness states, "I turned off and"We disc shaped. cedure.
the lights in my apartment about 9:30 PM and got watched
it for awhile, and I ran in
camcorder and digital cam-
"As the interceptors approached and
on my way to bed, and was startled to got visual contact with the target they
see out my window what looked at first era. I have about five minutes of abso- reported that it was a stationary object
to be a large passenger jet passing low the digital camera failed miserably. but
lutely fantastic footage on the tape, (confirmed by radar) and "saucer like" in
over the apartment building." shape. On being ordered to approach
"I live in the middle of Washington, it was"The object slowly moved NNW until closer, the target shot off at high speed
out of sight. I am ex-military (13 and then hovered again.
DC, and this is re- years) and proficient in aircraft identifi-
stricted airspace, so "The second time the fighters neared,
passenger jets never cation and this one was not in the books! the target went straight up at very high
fly over this building. All I can say is I got proof! speed until it disappeared off the Type
I raced to the window (NUFORC Note: We have spoken with 13 height RADAR. I, like many others in
and pulled out the the witness by telephone, and he sounds the "hole," had gone into a control cabin
screen, and saw what adamant as to having captured a UFO on that wasn't in use to see this phenom-
looked like a giant video. We have looked at still images taken ena.
from the video, and they indicate a round, . "The chief controller that night (either
boomerang, w i t h dark object against a daylight sky-Peter
several flashing Fit Lt Jack Smith or Fit Lt Clifford) asked
lights around its Davenport) to hear the recording of the interception,
George Filer but for the first time we could remember,
edge, flying low,
slow, and silently toward the west. When Plane hit in Washington State? there was no recording. It was a simple
it reached the Potomac River, it turned PORT ANGELES - On July 21,2003, system of a continuous loop of clear film
south and continued until it was out of the first plane, possibly an F-16 fighter, on which the voices and a time signal were
sight." came from the south and passed over- 'scratched' and supposedly fool proof.
Thanks to Peter Davenport, National head at 9:10 PM, and turned east towards The following morning we were not
UFO Reporting Service (NUFORC). Seattle. The witness began filming be- allowed to sleep in, but had to parade for
cause the fighter was making a pink con- the CO to remind us that the Official Se-
trail in the sunset. He then videotaped a crets Act applied to events of the previ-
Daylight saucer in Kansas second aircraft, heading north, crossing ous night. Later that day, the CC tried to
ELSMORE - The witness reports driv- the Straights into Canada. get in contact with the two pilots con-
ing along the highway between the cities The witness states, "As I watched cerned at their airfield, but were told they
of Moran and Elsmore on July 21,2003, through my viewfinder, I saw a round had gone on leave!
when an object in the shape of a flying unidentified object fly from the east to "There was an unconfirmed rumor that
saucer appeared to lift off from a rural the west towards a second jet plane, and the aircraft were contaminated by radia-
farm and move across a field at 2:06 PM. appeared to hit it. Just before the round tion. It was confirmed that there were no
The object was a pure and brilliant object hit the belly of the jet plane the weather balloons being launched in the
white with no visible lights, and was fly- lights on both wings and the tail flashed vicinity. That was the last we heard of it.
ing very low and very slow. It was 20 feet on together. The round object went un- "This is not the same incident as has
off the ground and flying west, then it der the facing wing and out the back." been reported in the same area in, I think
made a sharp turn north with no sound. He reports, "What looks like spray can 1956, involving Mildenhall and
Then it ascended slowly, accelerated be seen on the videotape, and the round Woodbridge. My wife, who was the CC's
quickly, and then disappeared. object can again be seen leaving the tail assistant at the time, confirms this inci-
Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC of the aircraft and continuing west." dent, but from a different viewpoint.
Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC "It was such a vivid experience that I
Tennessee disc videotaped can still picture it after (heaven forbid) 50
BRISTOL - On Aug. 2,2003, the ob- UK interceptors chase UFO? years!" Thanks to 2590718 SAC John
server reported, "My son and myself were RAF B AWDSEY - John Cotton writes, Cotton
standing in our driveway talking at 7:45 "I was a National Service fighter plotter
PM, and we both saw a disc in the north- stationed at RAF Bawdsey, a GCI site, and Light ball charges in Croatia
ern sky. At first, 1 thought it was a bal- one night in late 1954, we were in the MLJET, SOLINE - The witnesses
loon and called my wife to bring the bin- middle of an exercise when over the inter- went for a walk after dinner on July 17,
oculars. com came the radar sighting of an uni- 2003, and saw a bright tiny light hovering
"Through the binoculars, the object dentified flying object. above the shore at 9:15 PM. They re-
Page 12 MUFON UFO Journal September 2003
ported, "We couldn't figure out what it "I watched the star move vertically, hori- them what we had seen, and some other
was, but it started flying towards us at zontally, diagonally, and in squiggles at people reported seeing the same thing as
high speed, faster than I have ever seen very high rates of speed. well. This object was fairly large, and the
before. "I broke out my telescope, and was night was very clear and the stars were
"The light became about the size of a shocked to see that it wasn't a star, but a visible. We never saw it again."
volleyball, but didn't look like an electri- glowing, neon-green cylindrical shape. It Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC
cal light. It was very solid and bright. My was almost worm-like. My wife, my son
friend and I were frozen to the ground, and I observed the object-both with the Wisconsin crop circle unusual
and all, we could think was, 'Go away.' naked eye and using the telescope-as it MAYVBLLE - A farmer, Arthur Rantala,
We were scared, because the object was continued to move in this manner for over
an hour and a half; so's still out claims to have witnessed the formation
completely silent, no wind, and just so of a crop circle in a barley field from the
different from anything else we have ever there." safety of his work shed during a violent
seen. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC morning storm on July 4.
"After the light became the size of a "It looked like a lake, Rantala explained.
volleyball, it started to move away from Black triangle in Pennsylvania "The waves, the wind blowing, and then
us to about the size of a prune, and then it NEW BRIGHTON - The witnesses all of a sudden this dark hole appears,
vanished. We ran back to the hotel and were taking an evening walk on June 30, like a black hole. And then immediately,
asked the locals if they knew anything 2003, and noticed someone in a nearby one to the right, then another to the cen-
about strange lights at night. Nobody car point up to the sky at 9 PM. The wit- ter of it." Rantala said.
knew about this light." Thanks to Peter ness reports, "I saw a black triangle that Thanks to
Davenport, NUFORC was standing upright at an altitude of 10 news/
to 12,000 feet.
Speeding light in Connecticut "This black triangle in the western sky Massachusetts flying triangle
NIANTIC - On July 6,2003, two fish- puzzled me for several reasons. As it was SALEM - The witness reported, "I
ermen were in their anchored boat four in the direction of a setting sun on a clear
evening it did not reflect any sunlight as was over at a friend's house on Aug. 1,
miles offshore, and about 500 yards from 2003, looking for shooting stars at 12:20
Bartlets Light, at about 1 AM. They were I have seen airliners do thousands of AM, and said, 'Look at that one, its
planning on fishing all night, so it didn't times. The strangest thing about the bright.' I was convinced it was a shoot-
matter that there was a heavy fog. One whole event was that other objects were
flying with the black triangle. ing star, until it made a random course
fisherman lay down to take a nap, and the change.
other was still fishing. "On each side of this triangle appeared "The object looked about the size of
The witness states, "I happened to 3 or 4 silvery spheres lined up at 45-de- an airplane flying high. However, the light-
look up towards the sky and saw a green gree angles for about 5 to 10 minutes. ing was too bright, indicating that it was
flashing light. My first thought was that My girlfriend-also saw the triangle, but
not the smaller spheres. They flew south close. It flew from the center of the sky to
the fog was just thick at low-level and I the horizon in about five seconds, and
could see an airplane, so I began to look following the Beaver River towards Pitts- made a hard turn to the right through a
for stars or clouds, but could see nothing burgh.
"I grabbed my binoculars, but could set of clouds flying south towards
else but this green flashing light. Marblehead.
"After about ten seconds this flash- not find the object again. I'm an airplane "The object had three lights on the
ing light began to zigzag back and forth. enthusiast, and I can identify almost any
civilian/military craft with just a glance, front in a triangle shape, and the lighting
I've never seen anything move like that, was orange. It definitely traveled through
or so fast, and I called my partner, who and it was neither a civilian nor military
craft. the clouds, because the clouds were illu-
got up immediately. He saw it head minated as it passed through. It moved
straight down towards the water, again, They emitted no sound, lights, or trail.
CNN the following night at around 1 AM way too fast to be a plane."
very fast. Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC
"I thought it was going into the water, reported that strange lights were seen
but it stopped at water level, and the light over the city of Pittsburgh."
Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORCObject over San Francisco
was stationary as to be in a hover. After a SAN FRANCISCO - The witness re-
few seconds it began to move slowly by ports, "My husband and I were sitting
us, still at water level. Then it flew straight
Michigan campers spot object on a bench at a marina in Berkeley, CA,
up, in only 3 blinks of the light, and it was ST. IGNACE - Two campers were com- looking across the Bay at the skyline of
gone. ing back from the showers at midnight San Francisco on about June 30,2003, at
"My partner said, 'What the hell was on July 2,2003, and happened to look up 2 PM. There was some generalized fog,
that?' I have no explanation as the way and noticed a V-shaped object with lights and there was a cover of clouds above
and the speed at which it darted; it had toall along both edges. the city.
be within 100 yards of us, and neither of The witness states, "My sister and I "We observed a very dark cigar-
us heard a sound. I am now a believer." saw the round and luminous lights, and shaped object move repetitively back and
Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC there was no sound and it seemed to be forth from one end of the city to the other,
descending at an angle. occasionally dipping into the clouds, but
Spheres in Pennsylvania "The shape looked like a stealth plane, never descending below the cloud cover.
PITTSBURGH - While looking at the and in two minutes it vanished. We both The object did not appear to be moving
night sky on June 27,2003, at 11 PM, the could not believe it, and a woman near us fast, but it was covering considerable dis-
witness, who has a considerable degree said she wondered what that was as well. tances in a short amount of time.
of technical training, noticed that one of The next day our husbands talked to "It flew back and forth across the city
the "stars" was moving around. He states, other people in the campground and told in 45 seconds. The object was signifi-
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 13
cantly larger than a plane and was longer watched. There were five other adult wit- "The other red light, now 65 feet high,
than the width of two buildings. The nesses. The craft were disc-shaped and stopped dead. The red light then turned
movement, shape and speed were not peculiar in appearance. They were illumi- on three banks of white and red lights,
consistent with any modes of aircraft with nated with a strange color. with six lights in the top row, eight lights
which I am familiar. We observed the ob- The witness took several photos of in the middle row, and six lights in the
ject for ten minutes." the objects, and stated that he would for- bottom row.
thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC ward them. He reported the sighting to "The UFO was above a farm house
the local newspaper, The Key West Citi- and moved 300 feet to the north and
Triangle lands in California zen. Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC stopped. The object turned a pale shade
of lime, and I could make out the distinct
KETTLEMAN CITY - It was a pitch-
shape of a black saucer with some sort of
black night at 1 AM as the witnesses Strange object in Michican
'stem.' The saucer turned on a multitude
drove along Highway 1-5 on June 30,2003. ^ LANSING —The witness was travel-
of lights with lime green beams that lit up
Suddenly, three bright equidistant white ing about 1.5 miles west of downtown
the grove of the farmhouse.
discs of light turned on a heading toward Lansing at 1:20 PM, when he saw some-
"You could see the black of night in
them, flying lower than 1,000 feet altitude thing traveling southbound over the trees
between the shafts,.and it lit up the whole
at their 10 o 'clock position. on July 31,2003.
grove. I parked and watched this display
As they got closer they could see a He states, "I would estimate that it was
1/8 of a mile away from it. To the west, I
slow moving triangular craft traveling just east of downtown, and looked very
saw the night sky light up from saucer
northwest across the highway. The fly- long and short like a rectangle, but could
#2.1 watched for a couple of minutes, and
ing triangle made an aircraft-like landing have been any shape as I was viewing it
a few other cars slowed down, but did
2,000 feet west and parallel to the high- from the side. Lansing has an airport, but
not stop.
way." this was unlike any plane.
"I then turned south and headed for
Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC The craft had a rectangular-shaped
work with saucer #1 still blazing light lime
structure, like a triangular framework with
green, while saucer #2 was throbbing with
Disc with windows in New York steel beams or something. It looked like it
orange light.
JFK AIRPORT - At 11:30 PM, four was flying on a downward angle, but go-
"Later, I left work to get parts to fix the
witnesses were going into the Howard ing away from the airport. It traveled very well. The passing saucers, who could
Beach Subway Station on June 28,2003, flat and quickly for its size. have been pinching electricity, probably
when they saw a saucer-shaped object The 747 commercial aircraft float along,
fried the solid state-switching unit in my
with the usual half sphere middle part with and this UFO was moving 4 or 5 times well. When I came back, my wife said she
three rows of 8 to 10 windows. faster than that. The UFO was flying lower
had heard a noise similar to a gunshot
•'. The witness reports, "It was emitting than commercial aircrafland disappeared and the electricity had gone out.
a gloomy white light/haze all over, and behind the treeline. "The local electrical provider came out
there was a blinking sharp white light from Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC
and found a problem with a transformer
the bottom. It was hovering-low in the and had to replace a section of under-
horizon near the airport. It stayed in one Objects affect electricity? ground cable on the road where I saw the
position about 300 meters high, then MINNESOTA, NEAR THE IOWA two saucers." e-mail report.
moved slowly to the right while lowering BORDER - The witness reports, "On
itself. Aug. 5, 2003, at 5:08 AM, we woke up
"Then it came back to its original po- and had no water. The circuit breaker was Disc with dome in California
sition, but much closer to the ground and OK, so it had to be something going on GLENDORA - The witness reports a
went out of sight, because it was lower in the well house. I left the house at 5 hovering, tilted, silvery oval with a dome
than a building. It might have landed. AM, driving west in heavy rain on a ontoponJuly30,2003,at!2:50PM. The
Other people also saw it, but did not pay gravel road lined with cornfields. observer states, "It was tilted from left to
attention. It was not an airplane. Several right and had a series of rings on the ob-
"The cloud ceiling was about 9,000
airplanes flew by paying no attention to feet, with a temperature of 62 degrees. As ject with a dome-like structure on top.
the UFO. Suddenly, it kind of pitched and shot off
I rounded a curve I saw two red lights in
"I followed its movements and saw it between a band of white light. I got a little to the west and was gone! The whole epi-
from time to time covered by the trees. closer to these lights and decided to turn sode lasted a couple seconds."
We all knew we had never seen anything on my high beams to see better. Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC
like that before, and somehow I had a very "Immediately, the white light in be-
nice relaxing feeling over the excitement tween the two red lights went off, and the Disc photographed in Ohio
of the unusual sight." two red lights started to move at a faster FOSTORIA - George Ritter writes, "I
Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC speed over the next hill. I could make out photographed a dark disc in the gray over-
two red lights at about 25 feet altitude cast sky at about 4 PM on Aug. 2,2003. It
Discs photographed in Florida moving west parallel to the road! This was moving at high speed just above the
KEY WEST - A professional photog- placed the lights ten feet above the elec- trees. It appears to be about 25 feet in
rapher called to report a sighting of six tric wires. diameter. Thanks to George Ritter. See
peculiar objects in the daytime sky over "I saw an occasional beam of white views at
Key West on July 29,2003, at 1 PM. light come from the craft directed at farm-
The objects appeared to him to be flip- houses as it passed. The red lights then Attention Investigators
ping and maneuvering in the sky, giving went over the hill, and I sped up to see, Please send a copy of your reports
off different colors, and turning dark or and one of the red lights zoomed off to directly to the MUFON UFO Journal, in-
black, during the fifteen 15 minutes he the west. cluding photos and drawings.

Page 14 MUFON UFO Journal September 2003

Casteel over the years and he shares
parts of those interviews with the reader.
His focus in this set of interviews was
nr yj^ «f-~r -iffirpf^ °"r^»r^-^ fl'"^',
to determine what their moral and reli-
gious perspectives are concerning their
research and/or experiences. Partial in-
terviews are provided with Raymond
UFOs, Prophecy and The End of knowledge of what was being planned. Fowler, Betty Andreasson Luca; Whit-
Time by Sean Casteel, 2003, Global Com- As with much of what the American me- ley Strieber, Linda Cortile, Budd Hopkins,
munications/lnner Light Publications, dia refuses to report on, 1 found their lack Dr. Leo Sprinkle and myself.
Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903,140 of interest disappointing, but typical. Dr. Leo Sprinkle discusses how he
pages, 8-112 x 11 format w/ photographs, Do people have dreams and visions of became involved in the study of the UFO
$ 16.95+$5.00 s/h future events? Are people abducted by phenomenon, his meeting with Arthur C.
Reviewed by Katharina Wilson alien beings? Do people see angels? Do Clarke, his perspectives on "positive" ETs
Journalist Sean people see God? Can versus "negative" ETs, and what his feel-
Casteel, whose book people act as a chan- ings are relating to prophecy.
reviews we often nel for another being The tragedy of Heaven's Gate is re-
read in various media or consciousness? Is visited by way of a revealing interview
such as UFO Maga- there really prophecy with Rio DiAngelo, the survivor of the
zine, the MUFON in the Bible? These cult and the man who led the police to
UFO Journal, FATE, are just a few of the the cult members' bodies. Sean explores
American UFO complex questions whether the cult's doctrine was sound or
Magazine, etc., has that are addressed in not in a discussion with " of the
w r i t t e n a book in this book. most often read and innovative scholars
which he takes three Sean provides an- of the early Christian church," Elaine
controversial sub- swers to e x p l a i n Pagels, Ph.D. who has written several
jects and makes a these topics by giv- books on Gnostic Christianity.
plausible and very ing the reader ex- Gnostic Christianity involves a sys-
interesting case for a amples of prophecy tem of belief of early Christian groups
relationship between through dreams, that valued inquiry into spiritual truth
them. prophecy in the above faith. Gnostic Christians believed
UFOs. Prophecy Bible, and the possi- that salvation was only attainable by the
and The End of Time b i l i t y that there is few whose faith enabled them to tran-
is the culmination of interviews con- mention of alien beings in scripture. He scend matter. They also viewed Christ as
ducted over several years with leading builds a credible argument for the rela- non-corporeal.
researchers, authors, and some well- tionship between the gods and angels of Sean interviewed Budd Hopkins the
known experiencers of the UFO abduc- ancient times and the aliens of our own same year of the Heaven's Gate tragedy
tion phenomenon, as well as leaders in time. to determine what his opinions were on
the field of prophecy and authors of reli- Sean writes, "My own belief is that the suicides, and for people who know
gious studies. both the Bible and the UFO phenomenon Budd, it is not surprising that his ap-
Sean begins by sharing his personal are inseparably related and represent a proach would be a pragmatic one. Impor-
turmoil related to the attacks on the World form of divine revelation from the Heav- tantly, Budd brought out the true "UFO
Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001 and the enly Ones On High, who themselves de- relationship" to the Heaven's Gate cult:
disbelief and shock that he and the entire termine the moment they make the truth there was no relationship.
country experienced. What follows is a of their existence and presence known to Quoting Hopkins, "I pointed out how
partial transcript of the now well-known the world in general. An unplanned, seem- the UFO cults such as this one, that has
video showing Osama Bin Laden meet- ingly accidental "discovery" of the truth no knowledge of the UFO phenomenon
ing with fellow terrorists in Afghanistan is not possible without them. There is no whatsoever, and no personal experience,
discussing a topic that certainly got my proof of God in the most objective terms is essentially a situation of'all beliefs and
attention when I heard it: the dreams and unless he himself makes that truth evi- no miracles.' Whereas, we investigators
visions that his so-called "brothers" had dent through his own divine revelation are looking at a phenomenon that is in
about the attack they were planning. of himself. Seeing is believing, but only effect 'all miracles and no beliefs.'"
According to the tape, no one except when God is ready for us to see." An excellent chapter is dedicated to
those planning the attack knew anything Sean shares a very interesting excerpt an interview with Gary Stearman, a re-
about the operation, and according to Bin published in Joseph Campbell's Occiden- searcher and writer for Prophecy In The
Laden, none of the "brothers" who had tal Mythology, The Masks of God from News. Stearman says he has collected a
dreams or visions about that upcoming "The Acts of John," an alleged book of library of two or three thousand volumes
fateful day knew about it either. Bin Laden the Bible that was left out because the on the Bible and has spent the last 30
even told one of his "brothers" that if he Council of Nicaea condemned it. years of his life totally immersed in the
had another dream, not to tell anybody This is an excerpt you will want to read subject.
"...because people will be upset with in its entirety to see the similarities be- According to Stearman, events proph-
him." tween an event that was written about esied long ago in the Bible are now be-
I did not hear much in the media con- almost two thousand years ago and coming our reality. It seems that the proph-
cerning Bin Laden mentioning these events that abductees report today. ecy of the past is the present.
dreams and visions his "brothers" had Many abductees and abduction re- Not to get the reader lost in prophecy
prior to the attack, and without their searchers have been interviewed by Sean and things unseen, UFOs, Prophecy and
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 15
The End of Time keeps its focus. The now his abductions and visitations by alien if other readers will recognize what I did
referred to 1967 "Incident in Montana" is beings. Whitley discusses his latest book while reading it.Everyone interviewed in
discussed. For those individuals new to The Key, which is about a visit from a this book seems to have experienced what
the field, this was an incident where Min- mysterious being. they consider an incredible life-changing
uteman Missiles shut down when lights Strieber is not sure if this was a very event in their lives, which in turn led them
were observed to be flying over the facil- unusual human or an alien, but this being on their present life path.
ity from which they were controlled. allegedly gave Strieber a "blueprint" for Interestingly, it seems that the two
The reader will find himself or herself mankind's future, including information common themes everyone has touched
corning full circle back to Raymond concerning coming changes in the on as being life changing involved either
Fowler. I was amazed to read about the makeup of mankind. He writes, "One re- seeing a UFO, accepting God (or the Cre-
life this man has lived and what he has sult of those changes will be in the way ative Force) into their lives, or both.
accomplished, as if he had a destiny to we relate to the world of the dead, which Portions of many interviews Sean has
fulfill, but I will leave the rest of those we will come to access as easily as walk- conducted since 1989 make up this book,
details for the reader to discover. ing across the street." and they all seem to come together with
What is a study of UFOs, Prophecy My first thought when I read this is Sean's insightful logic.
and the End Time if one does not look that is seems reminiscent of the coming To quote the .author, "The similarities
into the phenomenon of channeling? Here time the Bible speaks of when we (those to what Diane Tessman and Judith Blue-
Sean dedicates a chapter to his interviews of us who are lucky) will walk with God. stone Polich and others in this book have
with Diane Tessman. Diane channels an Not that this means death, but rather that had to- say are obvious, and therein may
entity named Tibus whom she met on her the barriers between our existence and lie a testimony to the truthfulness of their
family's farm in Iowa when she was a little other dimensions and the creative force message: even though they all draw their
girl- will no longer exist as we perceive it. Per- information from different sources, the
The encounter involved what she per- haps because of a future change in the consistency of their predictions is noth-
ceived as a light coming down from the physical and spiritual makeup of mankind, ing short of remarkable."
sky. She had no fear, but years later, while we will be able to achieve this. Prior to writing this review, I was not
under hypnosis with abduction re- . A later chapter of the book covers in- sure if I was knowledgeable enough about
searcher Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, she recalled terviews Sean conducted with Dr. Joe the subjects of UFOs, prophecies and the
".. .being taken on board a craft and en- Lewels, author of The God Hypothesis. end of time to adequately review this
countering a man who looked human and Dr. Lewels' belief is that we are not really book, and I am not even sure if I have
had tawny or gold colored hair." Tessman seeing a type of invasion by large-eyed done a good job.
believes her soul was ".. .a soul that was hostile aliens, but a new relationship with However, I can say this, I am very glad
always intended to be part of the change the beings who created us and have pro- I read UFOs, Prophecy and The End of
times or to ring alarms about the condi- tected us since our creation. Time. When I finished this book, I real-
tion of the planet." One of the tenets of The God Hypoth- ized there is a common thread running
Ancient prophecies from other cul- esis is that there is ".. .a huge difference through the lives of many people in our
tures are also explored in an interview between the God of the Old Testament world, and I am glad that some of us real-
with Judith Bluestone Polich, author of and the later God who brought Jesus ize it-better still, I am glad we know about
Return of the Children of Light: Incan Christ into the world." Lewels believes each other. Thanks Sean!
and Mayan Prophecies For a New World. the basic experiences that abductees de- About Sean Casteel
This is a look at prophecies that are hun- scribe are not much different from Sean Casteel received his BA in Jour-
dreds of years old, but seem to be for the ".. .what was described in the past by the nalism from the University of Oklahoma
present day. ancients." in 1985. He has been writing about UFOs,
Interestingly, Ms. Polich has also had When Sean asked Lewels for his opin- alien abductions and related phenomena
a powerful experience during a medita- ion on the prophecies given to abductees, since 1989, including the review of sev-
tion which,".. .filled me with deep love, a Lewels responded by saying, "In my re- eral books for the MUFON UFO Jour-
sense of well-being, .and a penetrating search, I have found that the people we nal.
clarity." call abductees have uniformly been given His first book was titled Nikola Tesla,
.- Astrological forecasts of Dr. Louis some kin'd of message that the world is in Journey to Mars, Are We Already There?
Turi are explored in relationship to the trouble...They have been shown Sean has recently contributed chapters
theory of End Times. I must admit I have visions....of the things that we're doing to such books as Flying Saucers in The
absolutely no knowledge of anything wrong on Earth...They're aware'of the Holy Bible and MJ-12 and the Riddle of
astrological, other than I know what my bad things that .we do to animals and other Hangar 18. He is currently a contribut-
astrological sign is. species. They're cognizant of all this, and ing editor to the American UFO Maga-
Even so, it seems to me that if there is it comes to them from their experiences." zine.
not a "science" to it all, there is certainly One of the last two chapters of the
an art to it, in that it takes a special per- book covers another interview with Gary
son to be able to truly understand and Stearman. I found this interview very in- Beyond UFO Secrecy: the Story of the
apply astrology to events of our time. teresting-there is so much information he Black Vault's Search for Truth by John
Interestingly, Turi says he became inter- shares with Sean relating to his specific Greenewald, Jr., 2002, The Black Vault,
ested in the study of astrology " a area of study that I cannot give it justice 8707-D Lindley Ave. #105, Northridge,
series of encounters with UFOs that be- hi a book review. It really is something CA 91325,, SVi X
gan in his childhood." you will want to read in the context of the 8Vt, soft cover, 252 pages, $17.95.
Probably the most famous abductee line of reasoning that Sean puts forth in Reviewed by Dwight Connelly
who has "come out" to date is Whitley UFOs, Prophecy and The End of Time. This is a story of the Black Vault, an
Strieber, author of several books about When I finished this book, I wondered internet site providing well over 100,000

Page 16 MUFON UFO Journal September 2003

government documents related to UFOs. was difficult to discern because of its the FOIA," and sent off as many as 40
The fact that someone was able to put brightness-a flashing strobe arranged in requests at a time, initially finding no
such a site together is itself incredible, a rectangular pattern, and alternating blue, documents as exciting as the one about
but more incredible is the fact that it was green, red, and orange in a sequence so Iran. But he later found an interesting
started by a 15-year-old high school stu- rapid that all four colors could be seen at addition to the Iran report, which he in-
dent. Now, some seven years later, John once. cludes in the book.
Greenewald, Jr. is a veteran researcher at A second bright object one-half to one- However, he quickly discovered that
the ripe old age of 22. third the apparent size of the moon sud- "the story these documents were telling
This book is a rich combination of denly came out of the original object and me about the conspiracy was undeniable,
topics that will keep you reading, begin- headed rapidly toward the F-4. The pilot and I knew this was going to be an inter-
ning with how the Black Vault was started attempted to fire an AIM-9 missile at the esting ride. Unknown to me, I would not
and developed, and ending with exten- object, but his weapons control panel shut find the truth as easily as I thought."
sive instructions on off, and he lost all com- His next step was to create a site on
how to use the Free- munications. The pilot the internet so that he could share what
dom of Information
Act (FOIA).
y o n d turned and initiated a
negative G dive, fol-
he found. Since much of the material on
the documents was blacked out, and since
In between are fas- lowed by the second he was building a vault of information, he
cinating examples of object about 2 to 4 nau- decided to call his site the Black Vault.
documents which c y tical miles behind. Then While there has been fun and excite-
Greenewald has ob- the second object re- ment in filling the Black Vault, there has
tained over the past turned to the initial ob- been a great deal of frustration, including
seven years from such ject. long delays and even misinformation.
agencies as the De- Shortly after the sec- Among the interesting documents
fense Intelligence ond object joined up was one from the National Security
Agency, the National with the primary object, Agency (NSA) which discussed one of
Security Agency, The another object appeared its agents attending the MUFON Inter-
Central Intelligence to come out of the other national Symposium in Dayton, OH, and
Agency, and, of side of the primary ob- talking with Len Stringfield about two let-
course, even the Air ject, moving straight ters which Stringfield had discussed, and
Force. There is also a down and coming to rest which the agent thought were fraudulent,
helpful index. gently on the earth, cast- offering to have them "checked out."
The young re- ing a bright light over an Another document worth looking at
searcher was fascinated with UFOs and area of 2-3 kilometers. was the CIA translation of a Russian ar-
science fiction, but quickly became frus- The F-4 crew, which had now regained ticle about the MIR space station, which
trated with "the same stories, the same communications, descended from 26,000 reported that on May 21,1991, a Russian
lies, the same unanswered questions" feet to 15,000 feet to observe the object cosmonaut filmed a UFO that came up to
when he went on the internet to find reli- on the ground and mark its location. the space station.
able information. After experiencing some additional in- The report ends with: "Well, we will
One story surfaced, however, that terference on UHF and the interphone, the have to wait for further reports. The fact
was different-it actually provided docu- F-4 landed, but on the final approach ob- is quite interesting indeed, and perhaps,
mentation as to its source, which was served a cylinder-shaped object with fairly alarming." Greenewald notes that
said to be the Defense Intelligence steady lights on each end and a flasher in "translated articles such as these proved
Agency (DIA). the center at 10,000 feet. The object passed only one thing: the fact that the CIA still,
The report, which came through the over the F-4. The tower said there was no after all of these years, actively collected
Department of Defense Joint Chiefs of other traffic in the area, but tower person- UFO reports, records, and newspaper ar-
Staff Message Center, was exciting. It nel observed the object after it had ticles, but for what reason?"
stated that the Imperial Iranian Air Force passed over the F-4. There is much, much more in this very
scrambled an F-4 from Shahrokhi AFB During daylight the F-4 crew was taken interesting book, including key docu-
near Tehran, Iran, at 0130 hours (1:30 a.m.) by helicopter to where they thought the ments, a list of 112 government agencies
on Sept. 19, 1976, to check out a bright object had landed, but observed nothing. and how to contact them, 160 acronyms
object. However, as they circled to the west of that researchers may encounter, and even
As the F-4 approached to within 25 the area they picked up a beeper signal the full text of the CIA's Robertson Panel
nautical miles of the object, the aircraft near a small house. The residents of the Report and conclusions.
lost all instrumentation and communica- house reported a loud noise and bright Greenewald has created an outstand-
tions. The pilot turned away from the light during the night. ing web site ( of
object, and soon all instrumentation and After reading this report, Greenewald more than 100,000 documents, and it has
communications returned. was determined to see if it was legitimate, received a great deal of use-the record
A second F-4 was launched at 0140, using the FOIA. Four weeks after request- being more than 6,000,000 hits in a 24-
and the backseater acquired a radar lock ing the information, it was received from hour period (after an NBC documentary).
on the object at 28 nautical miles. As the theDIA. Excited at what he had found, he He has done all this, beginning at age
plane got within 25 nautical miles the frantically searched the internet for simi- 15, with his own limited and donated
object moved away at a speed visible on lar documents, but found nothing else that funds in order to make the information
the radar scope, and stayed 25 nautical appeared to be legitimate. available to researchers at no cost.
miles from the approaching aircraft. "Not one website focused on these Not many of us will make such a con-
The size of the radar return was the nuggets of truth," he explains. tribution to ufology in our lifetimes-and
that of a 767 tanker, but the visual size Greenewald began to learn "the art of certainly not by age 22.
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 17
PERCEPTIONS By Stanton T. Friedman

It's Impossible, isn't it? is unreasonable to expect that an entirely mitter operated at a power of 8 watts
new concept will be fully developed to (roughly a Xmas tree light bulb) and sent
I have often said that I wish all Uni- back signals from several billion miles
compete with ideas having had millions
versity Professors who teach courses in away. Of course the signal was sent only
spent on their development over many
engineering would have to spend a couple towards Earth, not in all directions, and a
of years out in the real world, say in in- ;huge antenna was used (250') to receive
Some bad concepts include the follow-
dustry, before teaching at a university the signal. The equipment was optimized
after getting their PhDs. for the special situation of a small satel-
1. If it can't be seen using the naked
The real world of problem solving is lite launched on a rocket and communi-
eye, it isn't real. .
often very different cating to home base from a great distance.
Consider how bacteria and viruses
from the artificial 3. Having a PhD in one field somehow
wreaked havoc before the development,
world of the class- of ever more powerful microscopes. How makes one an expert in other areas.
room and textbook. Pronouncements about the impossi-
many women died because leading doc-
Equally useful, I
tors of the 19th century honestly believed bility of space travel have often been
am convinced, made by bright people who had no idea
there was no need to wash their hands
would be forcing that there was already a large body of
between doing autopsies and delivering,
those who get good work done prior to their making
their PhDs in sci- their pronouncements-and which invali-
It is interesting that it took many years
ences like physics dated their assumptions.
between the discovery that eating liver
and chemistry and A Nobel prize-winning physicist from
could help cure pernicious anemia (based,
geology to take a Harvard, Dr. Edward Purcell, was quite
on experiments with dogs) and the even-
course possibly Stanton Friedman willing to publish a foolish claim about
tual discovery that it was the Vitamin B-
entitled "It's im- the impossibility of star travel, assuming
12 in the liver (in minuscule amounts) that.
possible, isn't it?" an acceleration of one g for 5 years and
was the active factor.
They would study a host of claims of then a deceleration at one g to reach a
It took years of hard work to identify
impossibility from the past that we now star 10 light years away-and then repeat-
and isolate vitamins. At least the British
know, with the benefit of hindsight, were ing the process on the return.
navy found out that scurvy could be re-
wrong, and then look at similar claims He assumed that all fuel (using matter
duced in sailors by making sure they had
current in today's academic worlds. antimatter annihilation) for the trip had to
enough citrus fruit. This was long before
I n i t i a l assumptions would be re- be included at the start. A simple calcula-
Vitamin C was discovered. We sometimes
viewed, as would the supposed basis for tion shows that it takes only one year at
act as though distant galaxies weren't
them, as would counter information then 1G to reach close to the speed of light
created until we had powerful telescopes
available that would have allowed for the and that there is no point in accelerating
to observe them.
impossibility to be possible. after that, as opposed to coasting, since
2. Systems evolved for use in one situ-
Why was it claimed that flight was all one accomplishes is increasing ones
ation can be evaluated for another, as-
impossible, that speeds greater than the mass and wasting energy.
suming the same circumstances.
speed of sound were impossible for an Would Dr. Purcell have had a 747 ac-
The use of the gas turbine in aviation
airplane, that space travel was impossible, celerating for half the distance to its tar-
(jet engines) was long delayed because it
that there could be no water on Mars, get city as opposed to reaching a reason-
was presumed that a gas turbine would
that only chemical processes could pro- able constant velocity arid cruising in-
have to be heavy, since all earth-bound
duce the energy of the sun, etc, etc?. stead for most of the trip.?
ones were. But they had been designed
I am sure that one major precept that 4. The essence of science is repro-
on the basis of low cost and high effi-
would be discovered is that the assump- ducibility, so that there is no scientific
ciency, rather than for light weight and
tions being made by the advanced aca- work on flying saucers.
high temperatures as would be required
demics were flat out wrong-and often un- There is a great deal of science that
in aircraft. New alloys had to be devel-
spoken.- can be done without reproducibility. For
oped, and new manufacturing tech-
Another would be that rarely has the example, careful observation and descrip-
niques, but certainly jets have justified
academic studied the literature, poor as it tion can be very important, as can prepa-
their development.
might be, relevant to the problem at hand, ration for the study of events that can't,
In the space program one argument
but rather assumed that, if there had been by their nature, be reproduced by the ex-
against man in space was that it would be
any, he would have known about it. Still perimenter.
necessary to communicate with the as-
another is that in every age we have dis- Eclipses can be predicted, but they
tronauts, and the weight of the radio
covered that there are totally new con- cannot be controlled by the experimental
equipment.and the amount of power re-
cepts that need to be expected rather than observer-nor can the weather be con-
quired for it would be prohibitive. After
assuming we know all the basic science trolled. They can be studied scientifically.
all, radio stations broadcast over short
we need to. Earthquakes and solar storms cannot be
distances at power levels as high as
Think of radioactivity, quantum me- predicted very accurately, but we can
100,000 watts.
chanics, lasers, sonar, radar, etc. Surely it have instruments ready to observe them
On the Pioneer spacecraft, the trans-
Page 18 MUFON UFO Journal September 2003
when they occur, such as seismographs out they are sulphuric acid, the tempera-
and detectors for paniculate radiation tures are not just very warm, but often CIA Robertson Panel
from the sun. hot enough to melt lead. Absence of evi-
Finally, there are all those events in- dence often means loudly shouted claims. Report given to
volving intelligence (good or bad) which Similarly in the past few years many
can't be rejected, controlled, or easily be dozens of stars would seem to have large psychological expert
reproduced, but can be scientifically stud- planets revolving around them. Some will
ied after the event has occurred. These say that the more planets we discover, By Brian Parks
include rapes, murders, automobile acci- the more likely there is an earth-like planet Documents uncovered in the GAO
dents, airplane crashes-and observations around some other star. Roswell records under FOIA reveal that
of flying saucers. Again, finding large planets in our lo- the February 1953 Report on UFOs by
Rape kits can produce samples for cal neighborhood, using techniques in- the Robertson Panel of the CIA was
DNA determination for later comparison sufficiently accurate to directly observe passed on to President Eisenhower's
with the DNA of a suspect. Fingerprints, earth-sized planets, tells us absolutely Psychological Warfare Expert.
ballistic data, clothing samples, and other nothing about whether such planets ex- A March 2,1953, memo, stamped SE-
forensically testable items can be care- ist or whether there is intelligent life there. CRET SECURITY INFORMATION, was
fully collected and evaluated. Skid marks It is or it isn't. sent to James Lay of the NSC by Hugh D.
and blood alcohol levels can be measured. None of the academic discussions Farley of the NSC staff.
Careful review and replaying of an ob- about where intelligent life is consider the The Memorandum states, "It seems to
servation can produce information about possibility of migration, colonization, or me that the enclosed IAC report on fly-
apparent size, apparent speed, apparent terraforming to make suitable places ing saucers might be of interest to Mr. C.
color, effects in physical trace cases, etc. where there were no indigenous ones D. Jackson. Its recommendations in para-
One can learn a great deal by careful wit- before. graphs 4a and b concern psychological
ness interrogation, by carefully dpne po- As a matter of fact, all these high level matters, but provide no assurance that
lice lineups, and by cross comparisons academic discussions about these mat- anybody will do anything about them."
with various shapes of other flying sau- ters supposedly by people very interested ,, Paragraphs 4a and b of the report rec-
cers that have been observed. in extraterrestrial life, intelligent or bacte- ommend debunking, intelligence training,
It is the approach to the problem that rial, never refer in a serious way to the and public education on the UFO matter.
needs to be scientific. This does not nec- fact that there is overwhelming evidence According to records of the
essarily involve reproducibility. That is that intelligent extraterrestrials are com- Eisenhower Library, C. D. Jackson served
why big-time trials can take so long, be- ing here. The emperors have no clothes. as Special Assistant to the President from
cause there are rules of evidence and We who are seriously interested in fly- Feb. 16,1953, to March 31,1954.
loads of testimony to be evaluated. There ing saucers need to demand rigor in our "His responsibility was loosely de-
are many civilian matters as well as the thinking, and in^that of those who make fined as international affairs, cold war
obvious criminal situations that require inappropriate judgements based on non- planning, and psychological warfare."
careful review of testimony and evalua- existent data. Jackson also worked closely with the
tion of data. Science is a process much abused by Psychological Strategy Board, which still
Whose fault was it when the aircraft the nasty noisy negativists. maintains classified records at the
landing gear collapsed? The maker of the Stanton Friedman can be contacted at Eisenhower Library. No further documents
metal, the builder of the plane, the pilot, www.v-j-enter- related to- the Robertson Report were
the control tower? Rarely can the acci- found in the Jackson or Lay general files.
dent be reproduced in view of the cam-
eras and with instrumentation in place.
5. Our increasing knowledge cer-
Newly-released documents reveal
tainly makes certain events more likely.
Right now there are serious academic UFO chases in the 1950's
discussions about whether or not there Newly-released military documents picked up on radar screens on Aug. 13,
is life on Mars and how many earthlike show that fighter aircraft were scrambled 1956, and tracked for more than 50 miles.
planets there are in the universe. We are to intercept strange shapes in Britain's One object was reportedly logged trav-
told that, if we do indeed find water on skies in the 1950's. The formerly secret eling at 4,000 mph. "Operators making
Mars, that increases the probability of papers obtained from the US military give these radar sightings are of the opinion
there being life there. How? It is there or an insight into a chain of events sparked that malfunctions of equipment did not
it isn't. by sightings over East Anglia in 1956. cause these radar sightings," the docu-
What we know matters not at all, much Dave Clarke, an author researching the ment said. The radar logs describe white
as we would like to think it does. There is subject, secured the classified documents lights darting across the skies. At times,
a whole long history of false proclama- under the U.S. Freedom of Information the objects traveled in formation and per-
tions about what the surface of both Act (FOIA). formed sharp turns.
Mars and Venus are like. These were based After receiving numerous calls report- One document describes how an ob-
on theoretical constructs having nothing ing bright lights darting.across the sky, ject was tracked by radar for 26 miles be-
to do with what the real surfaces were fighters from RAF Lakenheath reportedly fore it hovered for five minutes then flew
like. spent more than seven hours trying to away again. A cable was sent from US
Venus was thought to be a sort of shoot down the objects, which were Air Force Headquarters in Washington
tropical paradise. Apparently primarily picked up on army radar screens. noting the "considerable interest and
because there were thick clouds, and what One US Air Force intelligence report concern" with the sightings and demand-
else could clouds be but water.? Turns described how "12 to 15" objects were ing an immediate inquiry.
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 19
By Jenny Randies

likely to trample all over the field each or any degree of concentrated hoaxing
Crop Circles summer on the lookout. I do not blame was dreamt up. There are plenty of cases
Every few years the subject of crop any who decide to give the cropwatchers in early UFO records (saucer nests they
circles re-excites the public interest and, what they want-although they are rela- were often termed).
whilst research into them has never gone tively few in number and most farmers Examples occur in Victorian science
away, revives the are genuinely puzzled when a circle forms journals. Even folk tales from hundreds
UFO movement's on their land. of years ago feature evidence that these
fascination with Also it should never be forgotten that marks were being seen in fields and dei-
this field. It is a crop circles are now a tourist attraction, fied according to the legends of the time.
topic that has al- and the only way to ensure that tourists UFO landing marks are only the space
ways grabbed my (and their money) return next summer is age equivalent of the handmark of the
attention-! was to give a good circle harvest for them to devil or some supernatural entity as was
looking into them look at. once believed the case.
before the media Whilst I do not suggest that tourist Secondly, there are some strong eye-
discovered them, boards are routinely faking circles to at- witness stories of circles under formation.
and in the booklet tract visitors I would be amazed if they These involve both light phenomena and
"Mystery of the do not relax any efforts to catch or pros- vortex forces descending from the sky to
Circles" (co-written Jennv Randies ecute those who do, just as I doubt the suggest that some physical phenomenon
with Paul Fuller for politicians in and around Loch Ness are is creating them.
BUFORA in 1986) actually produced what too bothered about dubious or hoax Rarely do such cases even hint at some
is arguably the first ever book about them. sightings of the monster. kind of alien sculptor, but seem better to
For a long time it seemed that the an- Another factor is that circles have to fit some kind of atmospheric process; col-
tics of two artists-come-hoaxers (the in- some extent entered the public conscious- lectively they tend to rule out the idea
famous Doug and Dave) had killed off ness like UFOs did in the 1950s. Indeed to that all are the result of hoaxing:
the subject. However, they are not an is- some extent they have taken over the zeit- Thirdly, circles do not form only in
sue to be demolished that easily, and the geist from UFOlogy. As such they are a crop fields. They are most obvious in that
recent movie (Signs) ensured that a new useful tool for promotion, and some of medium because the deformed crop stays
generation has come to consider them in the circles being created are being made bent and leaves the mark for weeks or
the context of alien UFOs. to promote things- from movies to news- months to become a center of attention.
So is there any sign (pardon the pun!) papers to records to TV shows. Hoaxers are obviously going to fake marks
that the circles are going to provide hard Every sample of crop circles contains somewhere thatmaxmizes the chances of
evidence of an alien origin? A few ba- such a high degree of fakes created for their handiwork being seen.
sics: whatever reason that I have long been But any actual phenomenon not the
Firstly, it is important to state what we refraining from investigating new pat- result of human engineering would have
know with reasonable assurance (al- terns. It is a pointless exercise in my view a more random selection of environments
though I am positive that some readers . because so many of them will be of doubt- in which to appear. This is a key test of
will disgree with me). Crop circles can be ful provenance. the natural versus intelligent design theo-
hoaxed, often have been hoaxed, and are •And, of course, fake circles are more ries. Circles do appear in many places
the subject of an intensive campaign to likely to be those creating a pattern, rather where they are visible for only short peri-
do just that. than simple crude circles. They need to ods.
Bands of fakers, artists, showmen, and look stunning to do their job as a hoax. I have investigated cases (involving
simply people who love playing jokes Consequently I have huge reservations eyewitness sightings) where what clearly
have adopted these marks in crop fields about the credibility of any of the com- looks like a crop circle turned up in grass
as a cause celebre and have honed their plex pictorial designs that fill magazines, (where it is almost immediately blown
skills over many years. They see the fool- newspapers, and TV shows these days. out), reeds (equally unstable), even on a
ing of the circle community as their duty, If you can never be sure that your evi- wet road surface (where its currency was
and also seek to outdo one another in dence is worth a bean, then why investi- measured in minutes, not weeks).
ever more daring locations. gate? Yet all of these were simple circles-
Whilst it is often argued that many Real circles not complex patterns-as are virtually all
circles are too complex to be faked, those So are there any real circles, or is at all well-documented eyewitness cases of
responsible have from time to time proven a gigantic circus? I do think there are a circles seen forming. These are further
that they can do it. Moreover, there are few marks created by something, yes. reasons to doubt the veracity of the com-
lots of'other incentives. Some fanners There are strong reasons for believing plex pictorial designs seen today.
make more out of crop circles on their land that. Is there a UFO component?
than they do from farming the crop, espe- Firstly, there have always been circles, Are crop circles, assuming some are a
cially in areas where circle hunters are long before the media gave them a name real phenomenon, of historical nature, rel-
Page 20 MUFON UFO Journal September 2003
evant to UFOs? Indeed they are, because
they seem to involve atmospheric forces,
glowing lights, even physiological effects
NASA experimenting with
on witnesses in rarer instances.
These are all features of the UFO mys-
tery and cement this bond. It is my view
that there are things of value to be learned
gravity-reducing device
about the UFO phenomenon through the By Jim Wilson standing policy of openness, NASA did
crop circles that have some likely exist- What goes up must come down. Well, not invite the press to the conference.
ence beyond the realms of an artistic cre- maybe not. NASA researchers hope to However, after interviews with attendees,
ation. conduct an experiment that could deter- Popular Mechanics has learned that a
Of course, it is always possible that mine if the force of gravity might some- group of researchers at NASA's Marshall
an alien intelligence is guiding these marks day be adjusted, like the volume of a ra- Manned Space Flight Center in Hunts-
and trying to tell us something thereby dio. ville, AL, has nearly completed building
(although, if so, it is about time they The space agency says that turning a device that could make it possible to
changed tactics, as the earth is proving down the gravity in the immediate vicin- reduce gravitational attractions in its im-
exceedingly dumb at reading their inten- ity of a rocket would enable future space- mediate vicinity.
tions!). craft to roam the galaxy by using the tug Part of the reason for the secrecy is
However, this is a hypothesis that re- of distant planets and stars. that the very thought of such a machine
quires much more consideration than it Scientists have historically dismissed defies conventional scientific wisdom. To
gets, because it would have to explain talk of antigravity machines as utter non- understand why, it's helpful to know there
the long history of such marks and their sense. But at a rare, closed-door confer- are two complementary but not entirely
formation in mediums where no intelligent ence at NASA's Lewis Research Center compatible explanations for gravity.
intent would expect them to be seen and in Cleveland, OH, scientists representing Isaac Newton, the first physicist, de-
studied by humanity. major universities, national weapons labo- scribed gravity as an attraction between
For me, all the signs point away from ratories, defense contractors and the cor- two masses. Albert Einstein's general
an intelligent design and towards some porate research and development com- theory of relativity suggests mass actu-
kind of energy phenomenon that could munity gathered to hear a detailed ac- ally causes space-time to warp around it.
teach us useful things about the atmo- count of the space agency's progress in Imagine, for instance, the indentation cre-
sphere. Those signs of intelligence that attempting to build a machine that once ated by placing a bowling ball on a soft
do exist concern the complex patterns, seemed beyond the bounds of possibil- bed.
and in my opinion reflect a human (not an ity. Both theories explain why apples fall
alien) intelligence at work. In a surprising departure from its long- from trees. Scientists consider Einstein's
Indeed they even once proved that by theory superior because it explains also
spelling out the message, "We are not why light-which has no mass-appears
alone"...Only a human could have writ-
ten that, because an alien would have had
Hopkins, Rainey to bend in strong gravitational fields.
Light, as the theory goes, follows the
to say, "You are not alone." presentation set mass-induced curve in space-time.
Viewing gravity this way makes it more
"Sight Unseen," featuring Budd of a feature of the universe.
MUFONOhio Hopkins, Carol Rainey, and other guests,
is scheduled for Oct. 11,1 to 4 p.m., at the Italian book claims Aviano
to feature Talbott Planetarium, Wagner College, Long Is-
land, NY. A wine & cheese reception/ underground base
A MUFON of Ohio state meeting is book signing is set for 4 to 5 p.m. Italian Center for UFO Studies reports
scheduled for Nov. 1, featuring Nancy The conference will explore the latest that a new book called An Alien Base At
Talbott of BLT Research, who will be findings of Budd's work, and "how cut- Aviano? is sparking the interest and a
speaking on credible scientific research ting-edge scientific discoveries are com- little incredulity in the Italian mass media.
into crop circles and other anomalous pelling mainstream scientists to seriously Ufologist Antonio Chiumiento claims that
events. reconsider what was once perceived as a an underground alien base is located in
The room is booked from 12 noon un- fringe topic." the region of Aviano, not far from the
til 5 PM, and Nancy's talk is scheduled After the conference, Budd and Carol busy US Air Force Base.
for 2PM. will meet the audience and autograph His conclusion was reportedly
The meeting will be held at the Eagle copies of their latest book (available for reached after a six-year study of the ex-
Creek Garden Center, 18548 Chillicothe purchase at the event) at a free wine and periences of a young factory worker sup-
Road, Route 306, Bainbridge, Ohio 44023. cheese reception. posedly abducted several times, and
This is in the northwestern part of the Space is limited to the first 100 paid taken inside the alien base, as well as into
state. The telephone number of the Cen- registrants. outer space. He allegedly took photo-
ter is 440-708-0177. Advance registration for IF members, graphs of the aliens, and became a sort of
Questions about the meeting should seniors & students: $25.00 each. Non- "spokesperson" for the extraterrestrials.
be directed to Phyllis Budinger, MUFON members: $30.00 each. Day-of-event reg- The book reveals the results of
State Section Director for Ohio, at istration (if available) will be $40 per per- Chiumiento's investigations and analy-, or to Bill Jones, ' son. Send reservationsto IF, "Sight Un- ses. Thanks to UFOTEL, Edoardo Russo
MUFON State Director for Ohio, at 614- seen Conference, P.O. Box 30233, NY, NY the Italian Center for UFO Studies (Centre
424-7089 or 614-424-3557 (fax), or email: 10011-0112. Information: Ted Davis at Italiano Studi Ufologici), http://,
September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 21
Director's Message...
(Continued from page 24)
Position Announcements
We are pleased to announce that
October 2003 and neck) traces eastward to Markab, Anastasia Wietrzychowska has returned
one of the 4 stars in the Great Square to the position of State Director for the
Bright Planets (Evening Sky): (horse's body). state of Connecticut. I hope you will all
Venus (magnitude -3.9) remains very The other 3 stars, moving clockwise, welcome Anastasia back.
low in the WSW at dusk and still sets are Algenib, Alpheratz, and Scheat. The After a long run as State Director for
less than an hour after sunset at month's sides of the square measure roughly 15 Massachusetts, Reinhard H.
end. The gleaming planet can be seen with degrees each. Alpheratz actually belongs Bartelmann, D.C. worked with the state
difficulty very near the thin lunar cres- to the Chained Princess Andromeda, a team and selected Greg S. Berghorn as
cent on Oct. 26. (That morning in Hawaii twin row of stars curving NE from the his replacement as their new State Direc-
the Moon rises with Venus behind it. The square. tor. We thank them both for this smooth
planet reappears about 8:30 AM at Ho- The 2 types of star clusters are present transition of leadership.
nolulu. Direction is low in the ESE.) at the same time during mid-evening Oklahoma State Director Charles L.
Mars, in Aquarius, decreases in hours. Low in the ENE is the Pleiades, Pine has requested to be moved to the
brightness and apparent diameter as Earth while higher in the NE is the Double Clus- position of Assistant State Director. The
increases its distance from our neighbor ter of Perseus. Both are fine examples of current ASD, Susan E. Hill, has been ap-
planet. (The magnitude is -1.7 at mid- open or galactic clusters. pointed as the new State Director for Okla-
month.) At dusk the red planet hangs in Binoculars and telescopes show them homa. This is another good example of a
the SE, then advances westward during as rather widely separated groups of smooth transition of leadership.
the night. Mars can be found near the stars. Globular clusters, on the other hand, Southern California State Director
gibbous Moon on the 5th and 6th. are very compact assemblages of hun- Georgeanne Cifarelli has appointed
Saturn (0.0), in Gemini, rises in the NE dreds of thousands of stars. Steven R. Murillo to the position of As-
about 10:30 in mid-October. The ringed Ml5, just off Pegasus's nose, and sistant State Section Director for Los
giant begins retrograde (westward) mo- M13, the famous Hercules Cluster located Angeles County, assisting Mark
tion on the 25th. in the "Keystone" of the constellation Hunziger.
Hercules, are examples of this 2nd class
Bright Planets (Morning Sky): of star clusters. Distance in light-years to
each of the above objects: Pleiades, 410; New Field Investigators
Mercury stays low in the E before Kathleen Marden, Director for Field
sunrise early in October. Double Cluster, 7,000 and 8,100; Ml3,
21,000; Ml 5,34,000. Investigator Training, has announced the
Mars sets in the WSW about 2:45 in following Field Investigator Trainees
mid-month. have successfully completed the Field
Jupiter (-1.8), in Leo, rises in the E soon Investigator's Exam and are now MUFON
after 3 AM in mid-October and stands in ,£ALEND Field Investigators: Robert J. Higgins,
the ESE at twilight. The gas giant lies neai Davie, Florida and Carl Webster,
the quarter Moon on the 17th. Sugarland, Texas.
Oct. ll-"Sight Unseen," Budd
Moon Phases: Hopkins, wife Carol Rainey, and guests,
First quarter-Oct. 2 talks and book signing. Planetarium, MUFON field investigator
Full moon-Oct. 10 Wagner College, Staten Island, NY, 1 PM, t-shirt & cap
Last quarter—Oct. 18 The field investigator t-shirt
New moon—Oct. 25 Oct. 11-12-Halifax, Nova Scotia, In- has the MUFON logo over the
First quarter-Oct. 31 ternational UFO Symposium and crash left chest pocket and "MUFON
site tour. 902-463-4728 or info@ufohalifax Field Investigator" on the back.
Meteor Shower: Oct 12-13-PatMarcatillio's UFO Con-
The Orionid meteor shower peaks on ference, Bordentown, NJ, featuring Rick It comes in S, M, L and XL in
the morning of Oct. 22, with only slight Fisher, Delores Cannon, T. Peter Park, white with a blue logo ($12 + $3
Moon interference after 3 or 4 AM. These Frank Joseph, S&H) or black with a white logo
meteors are swift and faint for the most Nov. 1-Ohio MUFON, featuring Nancy ($15 + $3S&H).
part, but also display some brighter Talbott, Eagle Creek Garden Center (440- MUFON has a black cap
train-leaving fireballs. 708-0177), Route 306, Bainbridge, OH with white MUFON logo to
About 20 to 25 meteors per hour might (Chagrin Falls area, northwest Ohio). match the field investigator black
be spotted before dawn. The shower may t-shirts (The caps also look great
also be glimpsed in lesser numbers be- Nov. 14-16-Majestic Documents/UFO with the white t-shirts). Screen
fore and after the maximum, from about Crash Retrieval Conference, Las Vegas, printed is $8 + $3 S&H. Embroi-
October 16-26. NV. featuring Dr. Robert Wood, Ryan
Wood, Greg Bishop, Grant Cameron, Art dered is $15 + $3 S&H.
The Stars; Campbell, Jonathon Downs, Stan Fried- MUFON, P.O. Box 369,
At 9 PM in mid-October the nose of man, Stan Gordon, Linda Moulton Howe, Morrison, CO 80465-0369.
Pegasus, the upside-down flying horse, Richard Miller, Nick Redfern, Kenn Tho- (Check, MO, or cash, U.S. dol-
touches the celestial meridian. From the mas, Mathew Williams, www.- lars.)
nose star Enif, a bent row of stars (head or 720-887-8171
Page: MUFON UFO Journal September 2003
Caves, duckweed and colonizing Mars
By PETER ZUCKERMAN and research labs on Mars. by a solar panel outside the cave pro-
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)- A little bit of The project began with an experiment vided light for plant growth.
duckweed and some inflatable houses to see whether the air on Mars could be The mice exhaled carbon dioxide,
could help turn the caves of Mars into a modified into something people can which the plants turned back into oxy-
home for any future human visitors to the breathe. The Martian atmosphere is very gen. After two days in the cave, the mice
red planet. thin, but has a higher concentration of came out healthy, but short of breath be-
The Martian caves would protect hu- argon than Earth. cause the plants didn't produce enough
mans from radiation and the severe A mixture of oxygen, argon, and other oxygen, said Gus Frederick, one of the
weather, and may hold minerals, water, gases was pumped into a container hold- experiment's designers.
and ice the colonists could use for life ing two crickets. The insects didn't seem A follow-up experiment, scheduled for
support. to be affected by the processed air. this month, will include more plants and a
"They're a safe place on a dangerous Similar tests were done on mice in a mechanism to control humidity. The re-
planet, an ideal refuge for research," said sealed cage, and the argon again did not searchers may fill the mouse habitat with
Penelope Boston, lead investigator for appear to have any short-term health ef- a gas mixture similar to the one Mars colo-
"The Caves of Mars," a series of experi- fects. Still, scientists can't be sure until nists would breathe, and in later trials the
ments partly funded by the NASA Insti- they try the test on humans. mice will eat duckweed.
tute for Advanced Concepts. For a later experiment, scientists cre- Frederick calls duckweed the ideal
"Caves can serve as the foundation to ated a habitat for two mice in a volcanic Martian food. The plant has more protein
advance our civilization on Mars," said lava tube in central Oregon-an environ- per gram than soybeans and can double
Boston, who also is director of cave stud- ment that resembles the caves research- its mass in a day.
ies at the New Mexico Institute of Min- ers expect to find on Mars. Although the mouse trials aren't fin-
ing and Technology. Trays filled with water were wedged ished, researchers have designed a larger
Boston and other researchers attend- between the walls of the mouse habitat. biosphere for humans that should be
ing the recent Mars Society convention Two aquatic plants—duckweed and water completed by November, made out of the
are conducting experiments in caves on fern-floated on top of the water like pieces same kind of plastic and nylon material
Earth to develop models for homes, farms of confetti. Fluorescent lights powered used for hot air balloons, Boston said.

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September 2003 MUFON UFO Journal Page 23

By John f . Schuessler control nightspots. His first word of ad- and white and green lights were in a ver-
MUFON International Director vice to the 'bouncer' crew was, 'Don't tical formation, not horizontal. I noticed
take anything personally.' that the speed of this object was relatively
Membership fee increase "We cannot be responsible for the slow. 1 listened and heard a muffled sound
Effective Dec. 1. 2003, the cost of speculation of others, whether sincere but much like a jet aircraft makes.
MUFON membership in the United States uninformed, or motivated by something "The object got closer, and 1 estimated
will be $45 per year and $55 per year out- else. You cannot argue with speculation it to be about 1.000 feel in the air. It was
side of the United States. Members will as it has no facts to prove or disprove, just light enough to make out a silhou-
be allowed to renew early, before the De- and invents new "what ifs?" faster than ette. The object was longer from top to
cember 1 deadline, at the current rate for real science can research the old ones. bottom that it was front to back. It had
one, two or three years. "Our research must stand on its own depth to it. and if I were to associate a
merits to be perceived by those who rec- shape to it, I would say it was diamond-
No need to ognize them. Therefore, we must include shaped.
duck and cover our research methodology, photographic "The craft had two small lights on the
In a statement proof, and, at least, the numerical aver- front of it and two small red lights on the
i n t r o d u c i n g the ages and statistical results. Soon, our rear about in the center of it. When it got
MUFON >/<?/<•/ reports will include scans of the actual closer I noticed several windows that pro-
nodes measured along with an included jected light from inside the craft. There
Investigator 's ruler for verification.
Manual, Raymond were three larger red and green lights run-
E. Fowler said the "At that point, our real critics will have ning vertically along the front edge of the
following: " the evidence before them and will have craft.
as an investigator the means to prove us wrong. If we've "I was trying to pay attention to as
Ju/in Sclntesxler covered all bases, that won't be possible.
necessarily become many details as I could, and the one thing
an integral part of every UFO sighting We've done our work, and done it well, that stands out in my mind is that the
personally investigated. It is you that and shown others the right way. When speed was so slow, the muffled jet sound
compiles a report on the data extracted you a
rise up and take a stand, you become did not match, and the sound was further
target. The quality of your work be- behind the craft. I also estimate this craft
from UFO sighting witnesses. Your preju-
dices, preconceived t h o u g h t s about comes your 'bullet-proof 'Pope-mobile.' to be around 100 feet long and 200 feet
UFOs; the responsibilities of family, ca- No need to duck and cover." high. It was moving too slow for its size."
reer and other social pressures: and. your The craft left the area in a highly un-
relationship with the witnesses are all apt High-strangeness, usual manner. He said: "...the craft
to color your written report on any given high-credibility stopped, the red lights went out. the jet
UFO incident. Many believe that the real break- engine sound stopped, there was a soft
"You most be both dedicated and ob- throughs in UFO investigations will come white glow around the back of the craft,
jective, scrutinizing all available evidence from high-strangeness cases made by and the craft shot straight up and disap-
in an honest effort to identify the reported highly credible witnesses because they peared."
flying object or phenomenon in terms of are willing and able to use their observa- The point of my sharing a synopsis of
something known." tional expertise to describe the strange this report in my message is to provide
Too often we see UFO sightings ex- characteristics of such cases. an illustrated answer to some of the ques-
plained through speculation, not objec- Recently, a North Dakota sheri IT called tions I have been receiving by telephone
tivity. Some of the excellent investiga- me about an incident observed by him and email. Yes, UFOs are still being re-
tors are attacked for documenting their and his wife on July 10,2003. Before be- ported. The number of reports seems to
findings. The attacks may come in the coming involved in law enforcement, the be increasing.
form of speculation, not facts; disbelief, sheriff spent 14 years in high performance Some of the reports are strange indeed,
not objectivity: and personal attacks, not jet aircraft operations, and considers him- making them difficult to investigate and
respectful interchanges. self thoroughly indoctrinated on aircraft suggest possible explanations. Highly
Often the Internet.becomes a tool in characteristics. trained people are seeing and reporting
the hands of the culprits to influence His involvement started when his wife UFOs. Some of these people are report-
opinions and garner support for these at- called him from their back deck when she ing highly unconventional flying objects.
tacks. This is a sickness that needs to be saw something unusual in the sky, as fol- Public interest in UFO reports is still high,
recognized for what it is and should not lows: so this is a good time to get involved in
deter the investigator from doing honest, "While she was looking up into the UFO investigations.
high-quality work. southeastern sky, she noticed a small for-
MUFON Science C o n s u l t a n t Dr. mation of three or four stars. One of the New Lifetime Member
Charles Lietzau summed the situation up stars shot straight down and stopped. A It is a pleasure to announce that
pretty well in a recent email as follows: series of red lights came on and the ob- Sheldon Gunnerson is MUFON's latest
"I've learned a lot from Patrick Swayze ject started moving in a northwest direc- lifetime member. We are extremely grate-
over the years. In 'Roadhouse," he was a tion. She yelled for me to get out there, ful for this vote of confidence and out-
traveling consultant (read as "Samurai"), and when I got outside I saw what I first standing level of support.
who was hired to bring 'order' to out-of- believed to be an aircraft, except the red (Continued on Page 22)

Page 24 MUFON UFO Journal September 2003

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