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Hemp oil

Material Safety Data Sheet

Hemp oil
Material Safety Data Sheet

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Hemp oil
Material Safety Data Sheet

Material Safety Data Sheet of Hemp oil

1) Supplier identification
Naturallythin ing Unit !" The Tram#he$# %oom&er 'ay %roy$on Surrey %R( )T* Phone: (+), -+. --,/ mail: te0hni0al1naturallythin ing2eu

pre##ure #elf50ontaine$ &reathing apparatu# ? prote0ti:e 0lothing2 6;tingui#hing pro0e$ure#3 %lo#e$ 0ontainer# may &uil$ up pre##ure >hen e;po#e$ to heat an$ #houl$ &e 0oole$ >ith >ater #pray2

() Accidental release measures

Per#onal pre0aution#3 A:oi$ inhalation ? $ire0t 0onta0t >ith # in ? eye#2 U#e in$i:i$ual prote0ti:e eDuipment @#afety gla##e#" >aterproof5&oot#" #uita&le prote0ti:e 0lothingA in 0a#e of maCor #pillage#2 6n:ironment pre0aution#3 Keep a>ay from $rain#" #oil#" #urfa0e ? groun$ >ater#2 %leaning up metho$# Remo:e all potential ignition #our0e#2 %ontain #pille$ material2 %o:er for #pillage#3 'ith an inert or non50om&u#ti&le inorgani0 a&#or&ent material" #>eep up an$ remo:e to an appro:e$ $i#po#al 0ontainer2 <&#er:e #tate" fe$eral ? lo0al $i#po#al regulation#2

!) Product identification " information of in#redients

Pro$u0t Name3 Hemp oil Refine$ The pro$u0t $oe# not &elong to any li#t of #u&#tan0e# #uppo#e$ly ha4ar$ou# to human or animal health a05 0or$ing to 6U gui$eline !)+789 an$ further amen$5 ment#" nor to tho#e ha:ing re0ogni#e$ e;po#ition limit#2 IN%I Name3 %anna&i# #ati:a See$ <il

)) Handlin# and stora#e

Pre0aution# in han$ling3 Apply goo$ manufa0turing pra0ti0e ? in$u#trial hygiene pra0ti0e#" en#uring proper :entilation2 <&#er:e goo$ per#onal hygiene" an$ $o not eat" $rin or #mo e >hil#t han$ling2 Storage 0on$ition#3 Store in tightly 0lo#e$ original 0ontainer" in a 0ool" $ry ? :entilate$ area a>ay from heat #our0e# ? prote0te$ from light2 Keep air 0onta0t to a minimum2 Bire prote0tion3 Keep a>ay from ignition #our0e# ? na e$ flame#2 Ta e pre0aution# to a:oi$ #tati0 $i#0harge# in >or ing area2

%hemi0al 0ompo#ition3 The Hemp oil refine$ i# 0ol$5pre##e$ an$ refine$ from the #ee$# of the %anna&i# #ati:a" %anna&i$a0eae2 %AS No3 6IN6%S5%AS No3 +..!+5-/5) -+.58))5,

3) Ha$ards identification
It=# 0on0entrate$ pro$u0t2 <&#er:e goo$ hou#e eeping pro0e$ure#2

%) &irst aid measures

*) +posure control , Personal protection

Re#piratory prote0tion3 A:oi$ &reathing pro$u0t :apour2 Apply lo0al :entilation >here po##i&le2 Eentilation3 >or ing area2 6n#ure goo$ :entilation of

Inhalation3 Remo:e from e;po#ure #ite to fre#h air2 Keep at re#t2 <&tain me$i0al attention2 6ye 0onta0t3 Rin#e imme$iately >ith plenty of >ater for at lea#t /! minute#2 %onta0t a $o0tor if #ymptom# per#i#t2 S in 0onta0t3 Remo:e 0ontaminate$ 0lothe#2 'a#h thoroughly >ith #oap ? >ater" flu#h >ith plenty of >ater2 If irritation per#i#t#" #ee me$i0al a$:i0e2 Inge#tion3 Rin#e mouth out >ith >ater2 See me$i0al a$:i0e imme$iately2 <ther3 'hen a##e##ing a0tion ta e Ri# ? Safety Phra#e# into a00ount @Se0tion /!A

Han$ prote0tion3 A:oi$ all # in 0onta0t2 U#e 0hemi0ally re#i#tant glo:e# if reDuire$2 6ye prote0tion3 'or 7Hygiene pra0ti0e#3 >ater after han$ling22 U#e #afety gla##e#2 'a#h han$# >ith #oap ?

-) Physical " .hemical properties

Borm3 <$our3 LiDui$ at room temperature Natural Eery pale yello>" 0lear oily liDui$ Neutral

') &ire fi#htin# measures

6;tingui#hing me$ia U#e %<-" Dry Po>$er or Boam type 6;tingui#her#" #praying re0ommen$e$3 e;tingui#hing me$ia to &a#e of flame#2 Do not u#e $ire0t >ater Cet on &urning material2 Spe0ial mea#ure#3 A:oi$ :apour inhalation2 Keep a>ay from #our0e# of ignition2 Do not #mo e2 'ear po#iti:e
Page ! of 3

%olour3 pH3

Foiling point @G%A3 H/(( Den#ity at )( G%3 Hy$ro#olu&ility3 Lipo#olu&ility3 (2./( 5 (2.-( In#olu&le Solu&le in :egeta&le oil#

Hemp oil
Material Safety Data Sheet

1/) Sta0ility " Reactivity

Rea0ti:ity3 It pre#ent# no #ignifi0ant rea0ti:ity ha4ar$#" &y it#elf or in 0onta0t >ith >ater2 A:oi$ 0onta0t >ith #trong a0i$#" al ali or o;i$i#ing agent#2 De0ompo#ition3 Lia&le to 0au#e #mo e ? a0ri$ fume# $uring 0om&u#tion3 0ar&on mono;i$e" 0ar&on $io;i$e ? other non5i$entifie$ organi0 0ompoun$# may &e forme$2

$e#igne$ only a# gui$an0e to u#er# of po##i&le ri# #2 Thi# #afety #heet 0annot 0o:er all po##i&le #ituation# >hi0h the u#er may e;perien0e $uring pro0e##ing2 'e $o not a##ume any re#pon#i&ility an$ e;pre##ly $i#0laim any lia&ility for any u#e of thi# pro$u0t2

11) 1o+icolo#ical information

Non5to;i0 pro$u0t

1!) colo#ical consideration

Rea$ily &io$egra$a&le

13) Disposal consideration

A:oi$ $i#po#ing to $rainage #y#tem# an$ into the en:ironment2 See e;pert a$:i0e2

1%) 1ransport information

Not $angerou# pro$u0t %la##ifi0ation3 Not 0la##ifie$ in RID7ADR7IMDG

1') Re#ulatory information

In 0omplian0e >ith the reDuirement# in the 0urrent %o#meti0 Dire0ti:e# 897!)+ 66% et /...7)!7%6

1() 2ther information

%o#meti0# Dire0ti:e I 9th Amen$ment I Not Re#tri0te$ SH L& L3& 'hen #tore$ >ithin a$:i#e$ 0on$ition#" re5te#t after /month# then at 8 monthly inter:al# up to a ma;imum #helf life of -) month#2


1ype Gla## La0Duer line$ #teel7tin Aluminium HPP6 B7HDP6 <ther pla#ti0

Suita0ility Ye# Ye# Ye# Ye# Ye# Ye#

The 0u#tomer #houl$ #ati#fy them#el:e# that the pro$u0t i# #uita&le for the inten$e$ purpo#e" an$ that a #uita&le an$ #uffi0ient a##e##ment of any ri# # 0reate$ &y any a0ti:ity u#ing thi# pro$u0t i# un$erta en &efore u#e2 The information a&o:e i# &a#e$ upon our 0urrent #tate of no>le$ge a&out the pro$u0t at the time of pu&li0ation2 The $ata i# gi:en in goo$ faith an$ i#
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