A Tale of Two Brothers

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They were born of a powerful Father. He knew that they had been borne in perfection, truly an image of all creation. Tieg, the taller of the two, was a fine looking man, tall, broad shoulders, a mane of blonde hair and clear in his thoughts. He spoke well, with a good understanding of his native language. Seff, similarly, was of ideal size, but sterner than Tieg. He had a resolve that was not to be taken lightly. When he spoke, which was rare, most people just listened with amazement. Their Father possessed all of these attributes but was even more of a hermit than his two Brothers. He was rarely seen. They lived in a faraway place, inaccessible to most. But this suited them all as they could have their peace and serenity without outside interference. You may wonder why I call them Brothers when most would call them sons. But they came from the same mould as the Father, not sons but Brothers. Tieg sat to his Fathers left, Seff to the right. Sons can be subservient, Brothers not so. Although the Father came first in precedent, the Brothers were his equal. Whenever they came to town, they did so very quietly, like a tunnel through the air. No one saw them as being different so they could mingle as any other. But their work was of great importance although only a few knew what they did. They are due back in town in April 2014. No one will be expecting them, nor will they be recognized. But they will do what they always do; create change and leave. To understand what they do and when they do it, one needs to understand their origin. They are not like you and I as they were borne with eternal life and had been so borne 3,300 years before Christ. The architect of their birth had demonstrated his ability in ancient Egypt, where they were borne, by designing the Great Pyramid. As he had built a monument to eternal life in stone; it was easy for him to then design the same pattern in an eternal, living being and he so designed the Father and the two Brothers.


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He designed the Father first and then created, in perfect symmetry with the Father, the two Brothers. He did so in a manner in which they were in perfect harmony with each other and yet each possessed its own character enabling them to be different but nevertheless, when it was important for them, to also be the same. They had lived together in Ancient Egypt in harmony for thousands of years. Their main purpose in Egypt during those millennia was to assist the Kings and to give them the understanding that is necessary for a King to oversee and bring harmony to the people. When the King thought that he was God, they left. They journeyed to Babylon, Greece, Turkey and the Far East over the next millennium and then disappeared. They disappeared as they cannot exist in darkness. They seemed to be dead, just skull and bones. At the end of the dark period, their presence was next observed in late 1896 in the USA, 5196 years from their birth, as was to be expected. As before, they came quietly, conducted their business, and left. They returned in 1932 as it was the anniversary of their birth, stayed for a while but left, unseen, on 9th July, having completed their work. A return journey, in 1974 was unheralded but by Christmas, people again asked the question Have they been here again? They appeared again in 1997, just 111 years after their first visit, and 4 revolutions since their last. A brief stay over saw them leave on 8th August. But, why come now? When fools are present?


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