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16.1 Important concepts 6.1.1 The an !e o" e!e#at$on of a point A from a lower point O is the acute angle measured up from the horizontal line OB through point O to the line of sight, OA.

A "ob$ect#
eo ig h fs t


Angle of ele ation O !orizontal line

E%ers$ce: For each of the following situations, complete the diagram by stating i. Line of sight ii. Angle of ele ation iii. !orizontal line



"ii# "ii# O "a# i. ii. iii. "iii# "b# i. ii. iii. B O "iii#

Angles of Elevation and Depression



B "c# i. ii. iii. "ii# "iii# O

"ii# O
"d# i. ii. iii.


6.1.% The an !e o" &epress$on of a point & from a higher point ' is the acute angle measured down from the horizontal line, '( through point ' to the line of sight, '&

E%erc$se: For each of the following situations, complete the diagram by stating i. Line of sight ii. Angle of depression iii. !orizontal line

"i# O
"i i i#


"ii i

"i# "ii#

"a# i. ii.

"b# i. ii. iii.

Angles of Elevation and Depression


"i# "ii#

"i# "ii#
"iii #

# "iii
"c# i. ii. iii. "d# i. ii. iii.

16.' Teach$n an& Learn$n (Pro ress$#e Pract$ces) 16.'.1 I&ent$"* the hor$+onta! !$ne, the an !e o" e!e#at$on an& the an !e o" &epress$on 1. For each of the following situations, identify "i# the horizontal line "ii# the angle of ele ation "iii# the angle of depression
*+ample Q



"i# !orizontal line )

"i# !orizontal line ) PR "ii# Angle of ele ation ) QPR "iii# Angle of depression ) RPS

"ii# Angle of ele ation ) "iii# Angle of depression )

Angles of Elevation and Depression





" # S

"i# "ii# "iii# !orizontal line ) Angle of ele ation ) Angle of depression )

"i# !orizontal line ) "ii# Angle of ele ation ) "iii# Angle of depression )

16.'.' Dra- a &$a ram to represent each o" the "o!!o-$n s$$ons. E%a&ple E%a&ple

,urul is watching a plane in the s-y. The plane *ffendi is standing at the balcony of his house. !e is 1.//m abo e the ground. ,urul is 1.0. m obser es that the angle of depression of a car, tall and the angle of ele ation of the plane from which is 0 m away, is .1/. / her eye le el is %0 .

%0 1.0.m


"a# A car is 12m away from a .3le el building. The angle of ele ation of the top of the building from the car is .%/. "b# 4ainab is standing in the middle of two trees which are 1/ m apart. 4ainab is 1..0m tall and the angles of ele ation of the tops of trees are 52/ and 5%/ respecti ely.

"c# Azizah is 1.. m tall. The angle of depression of a cat from her eye le el is
Angles of Elevation and Depression

"d# !assan and 6anesh stay at different floors of a building. Their friend, 7ohn is 11.. m



away from the building. The angles of depression of 7ohn from !assan8s flat and 6anesh8s flat are 19/ and 52/ respecti ely.

16.'./ So!#e each o" the "o!!o-$n pro0!ems :ol ing:

E%a&ple' (ashid is 1.0 m tall and :yarif is 1./. m tall They are standing . m apart. ;alculate the angle of depression of :yarif from (ashid. / / 1./. m .m 1.0 m

(T ) 1.0 < 1./. ) /.6. m tan = /.6. . o.6. .

= tan 1

= 0.11/

The angle of depression of :yarif

from (ashid is 0.11 /


Angles of Elevation and Depression


"a# 4ainal is sitting at his des-. !is form teacher, =r. 6an, who sits in front of 4ainal is 1.62m tall and 1..m away from 4ainal. 6i en that the height from the ground le el to 4ainal8s eye le el when he is sitting down is 1 m, find the angle of ele ation of the top of =r. 6an8s head from 4ainal8s eye le el.

"b# >ased on the diagram, calculate the height of the flagpole if the angle of ele ation of the top of the flagpole from the lady?s eye le el is %//.

1.6m %/ m

%.2m /.0m p
"c# >ased on the diagram, calculate the alue of p if the angle of ele ation of the top of the traffic light from Ali8s eye le el is 2/.


"d# @n the diagram, P) Q and R are three points on a horizontal ground. 6i en that MQ ) 5 m, (R ) . m and the angle of depression of R from M is %%/, find "i# the length of QR "ii# the angle of ele ation of ( from M

Angles of Elevation and Depression


1.. m

1/ m "e# @n the diagram, PQ is a ertical pole. The angle of ele ation of P from Azmi8s eye le el is 19/.

"f# (a$ and Aumar stay at the and the 12th floor of a building respecti ely. The angles of depression of a car from (a$8s flat and Aumar8s flat are 12/ and 61.%/ respecti ely. 6i en that (a$8s flat is .. m high from the horizontal ground. ;alculate "i# "ii# the distance between the building and the car the height between the floor and the 12th of the building

"i# ;alculate the angle of depression of Q from Azmi8s eye le el. "ii# Find the height of the pole

Angles of Elevation and Depression


1.est$ons Accor&$n to E%am$nat$on Format

1// m

.. m
%. >ased on the diagram, find the angle of depression of the ball from the top of the building. A %1.%/ C 61.%/ 2 %2.2/ D 6..2/

1. @n the diagram, ,Q is a ertical flagpole standing on a horizontal ground. 6i en that PQ ) %/ m and ,Q ) 6 m, the angle of ele ation of , and P is A 2 16.0/ 10../ C 0%../ D 05.5/

R 6.% m P E 5/ m " 1. @n the diagram, angle of depression of point P from point R is 1./. Find the alue of A 2 16.6 m 12.9 m C %1.. m D %5.1 m 5. @n the diagram, the angle of ele ation of the top of the tree from " is %%/. The height of the tree in metres is A 11.%1 2 1%.1% C %1./2 D %0.2%

P R %m



16 m

.. @n the diagram, SQ is a ertical pole standing on a horizontal ground. 6i en that the angle of ele ation of S from P is 5//, find the angle of ele ation of S from R A 2 15/ 51/ 158 C ../108 D 00/

6. @n the diagram, PQ and RS are two ertical poles standing on a horizontal ground. 6i en that the angle of depression of R from P is 1//, the height of PQ in metres is A 2 5.96 1.69 C 1.2% D 1.92

Angles of Elevation and Depression


B M %.. m ( /

1.2 m

E 2m "

1/ m # 9m

0. @n the diagram, M( and 0/ are two ertical poles standing on a horizontal ground. 6i en that the angle of depression of M from 0 is 19../ (/ in metres is A 2 6.% 6.. C 0.1 D 0.5

2. @n the diagram, E) " and # are three points on a horizontal ground. PE is a ertical pole and the angle of ele ation of P from " is 1.../. Find the angle of depression of # from P A 2 1%../ 15.2/ C 11../ D 11.2

P 6m Q

Q R 1.% m , 5.5 m S " P 5.2 m %m #

9. @n the diagram, PQ and ,S are two ertical poles on a horizontal plane QRS. 6i en that the angle of ele ation of P from R is 52/ ) the angle of ele ation of P from , is A 2 12.%/ 12.2/ C 19.1/ D 19.2

1/. An !e o" e!e#at$on o"... P from " Q from # R from E

Va!.e o" an !e %% / %2 / 1/ /

@n the diagram, E, " and # are three points on a horizontal ground. PE, Q" and R# are three ertical poles. >ased on the information in the table, calculate the perimeter of the triangle E"# A 2 %..2 m %6.0 m C %0.6 m D %2.6 m

Angles of Elevation and Depression


R 6m

1. m

11. @n the diagram, QR is a ertical pole on a horizontal ground. The angle of ele ation of R from P is %2/. ;alculate the height, in m, of the pole QR A 0./1 C 15.%1 2 0.92 D %2.%1

1%. @n the diagram, PR is a ertical wall 6m high. The angle of depression of Q from R is %./. ;alculate the distance, in m, from P to Q A 2 %.2/ 2..0 C 1%.20 D %%.59

S R 12 m

1/ m

%. m

15. @n the diagram, M( represents a tower standing on horizontal ground. The angle of depression of L from ( is .%/. ;alculate the height) in m, of the tower M( A 0.22 C 1%.2/ 2 9.// D 12.21

11. @n the diagram, QRS represents a ertical wall of height 12 m. The angle of ele ation of R from P is %6/. ;alculate the height, in m, from R to S A 2 1.10 ..21 C 6.21 D 1%.19

S R Q .m P P %/ m Q 1.. @n the diagram, QRS represents a building. The angle of ele ation of R from P is %// while the angle of depression of P from S is 5//. ;alculate the distance, in m, from R to S A 5..5 C 12.25 2 1.%0 D %0.56

S 2m R

16. @n the diagram, PQ and RS are two ertical poles. The angle of ele ation of Q from R is %%/. ;alculate the distance PR in metres A 2.6/ 2 1%.52 C 1/.22 D %%.9/

Angles of Elevation and Depression


S , 1/ m 1m P

12. A man, 1.0 m tall, is standing %/ m from a monument. The angle of ele ation of the top of the monument from the eyes of the man is %5/. The height, in m, of the monument is A 2 2.19 1/./5 C 1/.19 D 1..1%

10. @n the diagram, P , Q and R are three points on horizontal ground. P, and R: are two ertical poles. The angle of ele ation of , / from Q is 1. whereas the angle of / depression of Q from S is 5. . Find the distance, in m, between the two poles A 2.19 2 9.01 C 11.// D 1%.19

1/ m

%/ m

R .m


19. @n the diagram, PQ is a ertical pole. The angle of ele ation of P from S is 1./. ;alculate the angle of depression of R from P A 2 11/%8 56/.%8 C 11/%.8 D .5/28

%/. @n the diagram, PS is a ertical pillar. The angle of depression of R from S is %//. ;alculate the distance, in m, from Q to R A 2 ..1/ 0.1% C 0.61 D 9.1/

Angles of Elevation and Depression


SP3 Past 4ear 1.est$ons SP3 '55/ 1. @n Ciagram, T: and BD are two ertical poles standing on horizontal ground. The angle of ele ation of D from : is 1% /.

D : 5m T ;alculate the alue of h. A 1/.1 > 1%./ SP3 '556 (7.!*) %. @n Ciagram , S) M and , are collinear points on a horizontal plane. SM 3 M, and ,0 is a ; 11.1 C 10.9 hm B

0 %. m

1/ m

ertical pole.

, M C@A6(A= 1/

Angles of Elevation and Depression


A wire is tied from the erte+ 0 to the point S. ;alculate the angle of ele ation of erte+ 0 from the point M A C

%%50 ? 5912?

2 D

./1% ? 60%5?

SP3 '556 5. @n Ciagram , =, and &E( are two ertical poles on a horizontal plane. & = , ( E

The angle of ele ation of point & from point = is

A > ; C


1. @n Ciagram, &E and (: are two ertical poles on a horizontal plane. ( & E %/ m : %. m

The angle of depression of pea- & from pea- ( is 51 / . ;alculate the height, in m, of the pole &E.

A > ; C

1.6. 2.1% 11..1 15.2%

Angles of Elevation and Depression


P 7*>AT >L';A , Q R TBA! >L';A

C@A6(A= 10 8. SP3 '558 (7.!*) Ciagram 10 shows two flats ad$acent to each other on a horizontal plane. Four friends are seating at balconies P, Q, R and , respecti ely. Fhich of the following is the angle of ele ation of P from RG

A > ; C



6. @n Ciagram 2, , K, L and M are four points on a horizontal ground. M( is a ertical pole with the height of %/ m, M 3 ML ) KL = 9/ (

Angles of Elevation and Depression

2/ m


6/ m K

C@A6(A= 2

;alculate the angle of ele ation of erte+ ( fro& the point L

A > ; C
SP3 '558

66%.? %651 ? 5511? %112?

0. Ciagram below shows two ertical poles, &: and E(, on a horizontal plane. & E %. m :
1/ m

The angle of depression of erte+ E from erte+ & is 1% / . ;alculate the angle of ele ation of erte+ E from :.

A > ; C

5% / 11 / .9 ? .0 / .9 ? 62 / 11 ?

2. SP3 4ear '556 (7.!*) Ciagram below shows the position of a rescuer and the position of an occupant who is trapped on the 5rd floor of a tower. Tower

Angles of Elevation and Depression


'ccupant (escuer

1% m

Te angle of ele ation of the occupant from the rescuer is 5.. ;alculate the distance, in m, of the rescuer from the bottom of the tower. 11.2. A 10.11 > 12.15 ; %/.9% C

Angles of Elevation and Depression


9. SP3 No# '556, 116

@n Ciagram 9, K is a ertical flag pole. KL is horizontal.

5. m
C@A6(A= 9

The angle of ele ation of 7 from L is 1% o . The height, in m, of the flag pole is A > ; C
%5 1% %6 /1 51 .1 52 20

15. SP3 7.n '55:, 11:

Ciagram 1/ shows two towers on a horizontal plane. Q R

6/ m
C@A6(A= 1/

P and Q are two points on the top of the towers as shown. R is a point ertically below Q. The angle of ele ation of Q from P is .. o and the angle of ele ation of R from P is 1/ o . ;alculate the distance, in m, from Q to R. A > ; C
5. 51 %9 ./ 1. .5 1/ .2

Angles of Elevation and Depression


11. SP3 No# '55:, 118 @n Ciagram 9, &E and (: are two ertical poles on a horizontal plane. The height of (: is twice the height of &E. The angle of depression of & from erte+ ( is .5 . R

1 ;alculate the height, in m, of (:. A > ; C 1../0 %6..1 5/.11 .5./2

'5 m

1'. SP3 '55;, 116 @n Ciagram H, E and : are two points on a horizontal. ( is the top of a ertical flagpole R

S The angle of ele ation of ( from E is .% o. The distance between E and : is 11 m. ;alculate the height, in m, of the flagpole :(. A > ; C 1/. 91 11./5 1...9 10.9%

Angles of Elevation and Depression


1/. SP3 No# '55;, 116 Ciagram 9 shows a tower &E. The points &, ( and : lie on a horizontal plane. 1


The angle of depression of ( from E is 1. . Find the angle of ele ation of E from :. %%50 ? A 5.15? > .110 ? ; 60%5? C

Angles of Elevation and Depression


Chapter 16: An !es o" E!e#at$on an& Depress$on 16.1.1
a# i. Line of sight ii Angle of ele ation iii.!orizontal line b# i. Line of sight ii Angle of ele ation iii.!orizontal line c# i. Line of sight ii Angle of ele ation iii.!orizontal line

a# i. !orizontal line ii Angle of depression iii.Line of sight b# !orizontal line ii Angle of depression iii.Line of sight c# !orizontal line ii Angle of depression iii.Line of sight

16.%.1 "a# i. 7A ii. 7A iii. 7= 16.%.% "a#

"b# i. E: ii. &: iii. (: "b#

"c# i. *6 ii. *F iii. *!




12 m
"c# "d#

1/ m

1..0 m 1/ m

56 / 1...m

Angles of Elevation and Depression







11.. m

"a# "b# "c# "d# "e# "f#

2.22 m 11.9 m "i# 0.15 m "i# 2..5/ "i# 19..% m "ii# 1..1/ "ii# 1.91 m "ii# 5../2 m

1.est$ons Accor&$n to E%am$nat$on Format 1. %. 5. 1. .. 6. 0. 2. 9. 1/. 11. 1%. 15. 11. 1.. 16. 10. 12. 19. A ; > C ; ; > A ; C > ; ; > > > C ; C

Past 4ear 1.est$ons 1. > %. > 5. > 1. ; .. A 6. C 0. ; 2. > 9. ; 1/. A 11. > 1%. C 15. >

%/. A

Angles of Elevation and Depression


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