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Instructor: Shoaib Ul-Haq Email:

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Organizations are all around us in society: e study in them! or" #or them! de$end on them #or goods and ser%ices! and e are o#ten regulated or highly in#luenced by them. &here#ore! e should aim to better understand them. Understanding organizations is essential #or students to become more e##ecti%e analysts! managers and leaders. 'n e(tensi%e body o# research and theory has de%elo$ed o%er time regarding hat ma"es #or an e##ecti%e organization. '$$lied to business! this theory largely concerns ho di##erent organizational design choices #acilitate or hinder the achie%ement o# organizational goals )e.g.! $ro#it! sur%i%al* in com$etiti%e mar"et$laces. +e ill e($lore organization theory ith an em$hasis on understanding organizations as systems! and on the $ractical a$$lications o# these theories #or organization management. In this course! the organization itsel# ill be the $rimary #ocus o# our reading! analysis and discussion. 's such! organization theory o##ers a unique $ers$ecti%e #or those interested in business studies. COURSE OBJECTIVES: &he main ob,ecti%e o# the course is to introduce the basic conce$ts! techniques! models and limits o# the main theoretical #rame or"s o# management o# organizations. &his ill hel$ the students to de%elo$ the ca$ability o# re#lection and o# understanding! designing! and managing organizations. &he course em$hasizes both the macro characteristics o# organizations such as their structures! technology and their en%ironment! and internal $rocesses such as organizational culture! managerial decision ma"ing! $olitical games and con#licts. -ost o# the classes ill #eature case studies that $resent either a success#ul or struggling organization! su$$lemented by readings that su$$ly conce$ts and theoretical #rame or"s. &he case ill $ro%ide an o$$ortunity to a$$ly the conce$tual material. &o assist you ith $re$aration! study questions are included #or each case. COURSE MATERIALS: ' bul" course $ac" o# assigned readings is a%ailable #rom the $hotoco$ier. &hese readings include short articles #rom $ro#essional ,ournals! cha$ters #rom boo"s! and case

studies. &here may be additional handouts throughout the course in the #orm o# e(ercises or other su$$lementary material. I ha%e listed other re#erence te(tboo"s! in case you co%erage o# the sub,ect. ant to del%e dee$er in a more broad

REFERENCE TEXTBOOKS: /a#t! 0. 1. 2334. Organization Theory and Design. -ason! OH: &homson5South+estern. 'ncona! /. 6.! 7ochan! &. '.! Scully! -. '.! %an -aanen! 8.! 9 +estney! /. E. .:::. Managing for the Future: Organizational Behavior and Processes . -ason! OH: South estern. ;ar$enter! -. '.! <auer! &. =.! 9 Erdogan! <. 23.3. Principles of Management: >lat +orld 7no ledge. =adler! /. '.! 9 &ushman! -. 1. .::?. Competing by Design: The Po er of Organizational !rchitecture. =e @or": O(#ord Uni%ersity Aress. Ury! +. .::2. "etting Past #o: #egotiating ith Difficult People : <antam. 7anter! 0. -. .::2. The Challenge of Organizational Change: $o Companies %&perience it and 'eaders "uide it. =e @or": >ree Aress. PREREQUISITES: -inimum ; grade is required in any introductory course on -anagement. GRADING & EVALUATION: @our #inal grade in the course ill be com$uted using the #ollo ing eights: Assi !"#!$ ;lass Aartici$ation 9 'ttendance Cuizzes -id E(am &erm Aro,ect >inal E(am I!%i&i%'()*G+,'Indi%idual Indi%idual Indi%idual 6rou$ Indi%idual P#+.#!$ .3B .3B 2DB 23B EDB

CLASS PARTICIPATION: ;lass attendance is a requirement. I# youFre not in class! you canFt $artici$ate. @ou should noti#y me in ad%ance %ia email i# you cannot attend a class. -issing multi$le classes can seriously ,eo$ardize e%en the best studentFs chance o# success in this class. Aartici$ation is e%aluated by the quantity and quality o# your in$ut. Cuality is ,udged based on your ability to add substanti%ely to class discussions and your ability to lin" to othersF comments in the class or to ad%ance the class discussion. &hus! students are e($ected to adequately $re$are #or all classes. O%erall! letFs try to create discussions around interesting! creati%e and insight#ul comments that stimulate the minds o# all students. E%eryone is e($ected 9 encouraged to $artici$ate in class discussion during the semester.

QUIZZES: Indi%idual Cuizzes ill ta"e $lace at the beginning o# class on the sessions mentioned in this syllabus. I# you miss a quiz a 3B ill be recorded #or that quiz G there are no ma"eu$ quizzes. Cuizzes ill al ays contain conce$tual questions. TERM PROJECT: Students should organize themsel%es into grou$s o# not more than E in order to do this grou$ $ro,ect. &he ob,ecti%e o# the $ro,ect is to $ro%ide you ith some e($erience in a$$lying the conce$ts and methods that you ha%e learned during the course. I suggest that you consider the #ollo ing "ey questions G this is not meant as strait-,ac"et! but as a set o# issues to thin" about: 'nalyze the managerial and organizational challenges #acing any Aa"istani business #irm 'nalyze their managerial as ell as organizational architectureG their culture and the $olicies that su$$ort it ;an you de%elo$ any general rules5 a$$roaches #rom your e($erience o# the #irmH

&he term $ro,ect must include a #ield research strategy #or gathering $rimary data. 'll other things being equal! a $ro,ect concerned ith a realistic organizational $roblem! currently being #aced by Aa"istani businesses! ill be loo"ed u$on more #a%orably than one that deals ith a tri%ial or contri%ed $roblem. Aurely e($loratory ty$e o# $ro,ects ill be discouraged. Aro,ects ill ha%e to be o# a descri$ti%e %ariety here the research questions are ell #ormulated. &he #ollo ing are some im$ortant deadlines to hel$ you monitor $rogress in the $ro,ect. Session E: Session D: Submission o# names o# grou$ members and the name o# the #irm ' E-$age $ro$osal. &his $ro$osal should ha%e a brie# descri$tion o# the client bac"ground! the business $roblem! research question and ob,ecti%es! and ho they #ollo #rom the business $roblem. Aresentation o# your research $ro,ect to the class and to e(ternal #aculty members #or .3-minutes. @our $resentation must include the com$any that you are researching on and its business $roblem. ' D-$age $rogress re$ort. &his re$ort should contain a brie# descri$tion o# the $ro,ect including the research design! sam$ling a$$roach! and data collection method! and here you are in terms o# the sequence o# ste$s you are ta"ing. 'll grou$s ill ma"e a 23-minute $resentation o# their $ro,ect in class. @ou ha%e to s$eci#y your target audience! #indings o# your literature

Session .3:

Session .4:

Session 23:

re%ie ! sam$ling method! sam$le size! "ey #indings and your recommendations. Session 2D: &he #inal re$ort is due at the start o# the class. Alease also submit a so#t co$y o# your research re$ort and an E(cel #ile that contains your data.

&he #inal re$ort must include the #ollo ing: .. 2. E. 4. D. I. ?. J. :. 'n e(ecuti%e summary ;lient5<usiness5Industry bac"ground 1iterature re%ie )i# a$$licable* &he research strategy. /e#ine the $o$ulation! sam$ling #rame! and sam$ling method. I# secondary data are used! s$eci#y the sources. /escribe the #indings o# your qualitati%e research. +hat did you learn #rom the inter%ie sH /escribe the #indings o# your quantitati%e research. &he #inal %ersion o# your questionnaire should be submitted as a so#t co$y. /iscuss the im$lications o# these #indings #or your client. >inally! indicate ho the results o# the research can be used G hat should the client do no H &echnical a$$endi( should include: the #inal %ersion o# your questionnaire! statistical methods and #ormula used in your research! all e(hibits! and any #urther data coding issues5schemes a$$lied.

FINAL EXAM: &here ill be a com$rehensi%e #inal e(am at the end o# the semester on hich students ill be e($ected to e(hibit their "no ledge o# all materials $resented in the course. &his e(am ill be closed boo"! closed notes. E(ecuting and #ully understanding the $roblem sets and $re$aring the material #or each class ill be critical to $er#ormance on the #inal e(am. DETAILED COURSE SC/EDULE: SESSION 1: Introduction to the course Aresentation o# the course outline 'SSI6=-E=&: 0ead the course outline care#ullyK Arocure the course $ac"et.

SESSION 2: Organizations: Definitions, evolution, and current developments - 1 0E'/: 4

;lass =ote: L;hanging organizational modelsM

SESSION 0: Organizations: Definitions, evolution, and current developments - 2 0E'/: /ruc"er! A. >. .:JJ. &he coming o# the ne (evie . organization. $arvard Business

SESSION 1: Organizations: Definitions, evolution, and current developments - 3 0E'/: H<S ;ase: L&he strategy that ouldnFt tra%elM! by -ichael <eers. CUIN: ;urrent de%elo$ments in organizations SESSION 2: Organizations and their environments - 1 0E'/: ;lass =otes: LOrganizations and their en%ironments: Sets! sta"eholders and organizational #ieldsM

SESSION 3: Organizations and their environments 2 0E'/: 6hoshal! S.! 9 Has$eslagh! A. .::3. &he acquisition and integration o# Nanussi by Electrolu( : ' case study. %uropean Management )ournal! J)4*: 4.4-4EE.

CUIN: >rom the case SESSION 4: Organizational structure - 1 0E'/: ;lass =ote: L&he organization as strategic designM

SESSION 5: Organizational structure - 2 0E'/: ;ha$ter .: L' blue$rint #or changeM! by =adler 9 &ushman. ;ha$ter 2: L-a$$ing the organizational terrainM! by =adler 9 &ushman.

SESSION 6: Organizational structure - 3 0E'/: H<S ;ase: L'$$e( ;or$orationM.

CUIN: >rom the case. SESSION 10: Setting organizational goals 0E'/: ;H'A&E0 - I L6oals and ob,ecti%esM! ;ar$enter! -. '.! <auer! &. =.! 9 Erdogan! <. 23.3. Principles of Management: >lat +orld 7no ledge SESSION 11: ontrol and information 0E'/: ;H'A&E0 - .D L&he essentials o# controlM! ;ar$enter! -. '.! <auer! &. =.! 9 Erdogan! <. 23.3. Principles of Management: >lat +orld 7no ledge CUIN: Organizational goals SESSION 12: Decision !a"ing - 1 0E'/: ;lass =ote: L/i%erse cogniti%e styles in teamsM.

SESSION 10: Decision !a"ing - 2 0E'/: Hammond! 8. S.! 7eeney! 0. 1.! 9 0ai##a! H. 233I. &he hidden tra$s in decision ma"ing. $arvard Business (evie ! J4).*: ..J.

SESSION 11: Decision !a"ing - 3 0E'/: Cureshi! N. I. 233J. 0ecra#ting IucnO'sia 0egional Organization !sian )ournal of Management Cases! D).*: 2.-43.

CUIN: >rom the case. SESSION 12: Decision !a"ing # $%emaining portion of the case& 0E'/: Cureshi! N. I. 233J. 0ecra#ting IucnO'sia 0egional Organization !sian )ournal of Management Cases! D).*: 2.-43.

SESSION 13: 'andling onflict - 1 0E'/: ;lass =ote: LHandling con#lictsM.

SESSION 14: 'andling onflict - 2 0E'/: O%er%ie and ste$s . -E! Ury! +. .::2. "etting Past #o: #egotiating Difficult People: <antam. ith

SESSION 15: 'andling onflict - 3 0E'/: Ste$ 4 and D! Ury! +. .::2. "etting Past #o: #egotiating People: <antam. ith Difficult

SESSION 16: 'andling onflict - # 0E'/: '8-; ;ase: L6lobal $o er com$anyM CUIN: >rom the case. SESSION 20: 'andling onflict ( $%emaining portion of the case& 0E'/: '8-; ;ase: L6lobal $o er com$anyM

SESSION 21: Organizational change - 1 0E'/: ;lass =ote: L'n introduction to models o# organizational changeM. SESSION 22: Organizational change - 2 ;'SE: '8-; ;ase: LEngro ;hemical Aa"istan 1imited G 0estructuring the -ar"eting /i%isionM.

CUIN: >rom the case SESSION 20: Organizational change 3 $%emaining portion of the case& ;'SE: '8-; ;ase: LEngro ;hemical Aa"istan 1imited G 0estructuring the -ar"eting /i%isionM. J

SESSION 21: Organizational ulture 1 0E'/: ;lass =ote: L&he cultural lensM.

SESSION 22: Organizational ulture 2 0E'/: <eer! -.! 9 =ohria! =. 2333. ;rac"ing the code o# change. $arvard Business (evie . SESSION 23: )o*er and politics - 1 0E'/: ;lass =ote: L&he $olitical lensM. SESSION 24: )o*er and politics - 2 0E'/: ;H'A&E0 2: L&he social structure o# managerial or"M! 8ac"all! 0. .:JJ. Moral Mazes* The +orld of Corporate Managers. O(#ord: O(#ord Uni%ersity Aress. SESSION 25: +echnolog, in the *or"place 0E'/: Aisano! 6. A.! 9 +heel right! S. ;. .::D. &he ne $arvard Business (evie ! ?E: :E-.3D. CUIN: Aolitical lens SESSION 26: +eams in organizations 0E'/: logic o# high-tech 09/.

;lass =otes: LOut ard bound: 1in"ing teams to their organizationM. ;lass =otes: L' summary o# the tyranny o# a team ideologyM.

SESSION 00: ourse %evision 0e%ision o# the hole course and #inal integrati%e discussion >I='1 EP'-


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