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MS EPM: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

User Manual
Step-by-Step guide to manage projects and operational activities
Pakistan Petroleum Limited Business Systems-ITD 75530 Karachi Pakistan Version 1.1 English December 2011

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Icon Meaning Warning Example

Note or Tip Recommendation Syntax

Typographic Conventions
Type Style Example text Description Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as ENTER key.

Example text


or the

Example text <Example text>

Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.

Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Management Summary ............................................................................................................... 6 Project Management as Defined by MSProjectExperts ............................................................... 6 MODULE 01: Introducing Microsoft Project Server....................................................................... 7 1.1 Understanding Project Management Theory as Defined by MS EPM 2010 ................... 7 1.2 Understanding Project Server Terminology .................................................................. 7 1.3 Understanding the Communication Life Cycle .............................................................. 8 1.4 Understanding Tracking Methods ................................................................................. 8 MODULE 02: Preparing to Use Project Server ............................................................................. 9 2.1 Using the Project Web Access User Interface............................................................... 9 2.2 Printing the Data Grid................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Exporting the Data Grid to Excel ................................................................................ 10 2.4 Using the Project Professional 2010 User Interface .................................................... 11 2.5 Creating a Login Account in Project Professional 2010 ............................................... 12 2.5.1 Logging into Project Server from Project Professional 2010 .................................... 15 MODULE 03: Creating New Proposed Projects ......................................................................... 16 3.1 Creating a New Project .............................................................................................. 16 3.1.1 Saving, Pulishing and Closing a Project.................................................................. 20 3.1.2 Editing an existing Project ...................................................................................... 21 3.2 Creating a Resource Plan .......................................................................................... 22 3.2.1 Building a Team on a Resource Plan...................................................................... 22 3.2.2 Adding Resources to the Team on a Resource Plan ............................................... 24 3.2.3 Modeling Resource Demand in a Resource Plan .................................................... 25 3.2.4 Importing Resources from a Resource Plan............................................................ 25 MODULE 04: Creating Enterprise Projects ................................................................................ 28 4.1 Creating an Enterprise Project Using Project Professional 2010 ................................. 28 4.2 Importing a Local Project into Project Server 2010 ..................................................... 28 4.2.1 Open the project..................................................................................................... 28 4.2.2 Set the project start date and enterprise field values. .............................................. 30 4.2.3 Enter the project properties .................................................................................... 31 4.2.4 Display the Project Summary Task ......................................................................... 32 4.2.5 Set the Project Calendar ........................................................................................ 32 4.2.6 Assign/Match Resources ........................................................................................ 33 4.2.7 Set project options unique to this project ................................................................ 34 Set the Task Mode option ............................................................................... 34 Setting Options in the Projet Options dialog .................................................... 35 4.2.8 Save the project. .................................................................................................... 36 4.3 Opening and Closing Projects .................................................................................... 37 MODULE 05: Task Planning...................................................................................................... 40 5.1 User controlled scheduling ......................................................................................... 40 5.2 Planning Project Tasks............................................................................................... 40 5.2.1 Entering and Editing Tasks ..................................................................................... 40 5.2.2 Entering Manually Scheduled Tasks ....................................................................... 40 5.2.3 Moving Tasks ......................................................................................................... 41 5.2.4 Inserting Tasks ....................................................................................................... 41 5.2.5 Deleting Tasks ....................................................................................................... 42 5.2.6 Creating the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)...................................................... 42 Inserting Summary Tasks ............................................................................... 43
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5.2.7 Creating Milestones................................................................................................ 44 5.2.8 Adding Task Notes and Cell Background Formatting .............................................. 45 5.3 Using Task Dependencies.......................................................................................... 47 5.3.1 Setting Task Dependencies .................................................................................... 48 5.3.2 Linking Manually Scheduled Tasks ......................................................................... 48 5.3.3 Removing a Task Dependency ............................................................................... 49 5.3.4 Using Lag Time with Dependencies........................................................................ 49 5.3.5 Using Lead Time with Dependencies ...................................................................... 50 5.3.6 Understanding Scheule Warnings and Suggestions ................................................ 50 5.3.7 Using the Respect Links Feature ............................................................................ 51 5.4 Setting Task Constraints and Deadline Dates ............................................................. 52 5.4.1 Setting Constraints ................................................................................................. 52 5.4.2 Adding Notes on Tasks with Constraints ................................................................. 52 5.4.3 Setting Deadline Dates ........................................................................................... 53 5.5 Assigning Task Calendars .......................................................................................... 54 5.6 Estimating Task Durations.......................................................................................... 54 MODULE 06: Resource and Assignment Planning .................................................................... 55 6.1 Building a Project Team ............................................................................................. 55 6.1.1 Using Local Resources in a Project Team .............................................................. 56 6.2 Assigning Resources to Tasks ................................................................................... 56 6.3 Using the Team Planner View .................................................................................... 58 6.3.1 Dragging Tasks in the Team Planner view .............................................................. 59 6.3.2 Changing Schedule Information in the Team Planner View ..................................... 59 MODULE 07: Project Execution................................................................................................. 60 7.1 Analyzing the Critical Path.......................................................................................... 60 7.2 Working with Project Baselines .................................................................................. 60 7.3 Publishing Project ...................................................................................................... 61 7.4 Delegating a Project to a Fellow Manager .................................................................. 62 7.5 Acting as a Delegate for another Project Manager ...................................................... 66 Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 69 Project Management Lifecycle ............................................................................................... 69 Axioms for Success with Tracking Progress ........................................................................... 77

Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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This document is a step-by-step guide for a standard procedure for managing projects and operational activities in an integrated environment provided by MS EPM 2010. This step-by-step guide has been developed based on best practices proposed by MSProjectExperts.

Management Summary
Microsoft Office Project Server 2010 is an enterprise-capable project management automation system. Microsoft designed Project Server to support business and industry-specific project management and tracking requirements. Project Server 2010 is an out-of-the-box project and assignment tracking system, as well as a platform for business-specific configuration and customization. Project Server 2010 is Microsofts fifth-generation, server-based project management solution. The combination of Microsoft Office Project Professional 2010 and Project Server 2010 provides a powerful enterprise portfolio management system that is rich in features but fraught with complexity and challenges. The goal of this document is to help you maximize the feature benefits and minimize the frustrations Microsoft Project Server 2010 is built on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, bringing together powerful business collaboration platform services with structured execution capabilities to provide flexible work management solutions. Project Server 2010 unifies project and portfolio management to help organizations align resources and investments with business priorities, gain control across all types of work, and visualize performance using powerful dashboards.

Project Management as Defined by MSProjectExperts

The following sections of Project Management best practices have been finalized as per the MSProjectExperts recommendation: a. Module 01: Introduction to Micorsoft Project Server b. Module 02: Preparing to use Project Server c. Module 03: Creating New Proposed Projects

d. Module 04: Creating Enterprise Projects e. Module 05: Task Planning f. Module 06: Resource and Assignment Planning

g. Module 07: Project Execution

This SOP covers the processes defined in Managing Enterprise Projects using Microsoft Project Server 2010.
Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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MODULE 01: Introducing Microsoft Project Server

1.1 Understanding Project Management Theory as Defined by MS EPM 2007
According to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK 4) from the Project Management Institute (PMI), a project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. According to this definition, a project is: Temporary Every project has a definite beginning and end. Unique Every project is something your organization has not done before, or has not done in this manner. For simplification, a Program is a collection of related projects and a Portfolio is a collection of programs and/ or projects within a business unit or across an entire enterprise.

1.2 Understanding Project Server Terminology

A project is an Enterprise Project when it is stored in the Project Server database using one of the following methods: You create the project using the Project Professional 2010 client while connected to Project Server 2010 and save the project in the Project Server database. You import the project to the enterprise using the Import Project Wizard in Project Professional 2010. You create a proposed project using the demand management process from Project Center page in Project Web App. A resource is an Enterprise Resource when it is stored in Enterprise Resource Pool in the Project Server database using one of the following methods: The Project Server Administrator creates the resource in the Enterprise Resource Pool using the Project Professional 2010 client while connected to Project Server 2010. The Project Server Administrator imports the resource into the Enterprise Resource Pool using the Import Resources Wizard in Project Professional 2010. The Project Server Administrator creates the resource using Project Web App. The terms Check In and Check Out apply to enterprise objects. As project manager, when you open an enterprise project for editing, the system checks out the project to you exclusively. While you have the project open, no other user can edit your project. When you close the enterprise project, the system checks in the project so that other users can edit the project, if they have permission to do so.

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1.3 Understanding the Communication Life Cycle

1, 2, 6

Project Manager

Project Server Database

1. Create and save the project 2. Publish the project 3. Recieve and view task assignments 4. Report time and task progress

4 7

5. Recieve and approve task updates 6. Save and publish shcedule changes

Project Executive

Team Member

7. View published project information only

1.4 Understanding Tracking Methods

Project Server 2010 offers four methods for tracking task progress: Percent of Work Complete allows team members to enter % Work Complete and a Remaining Work estimate on each task assignment. Actual Work Done and Work Remaining allows team members to enter the cumulative amount of Actual Work value and to adjust the Remaining Work estimate on each task assignment . Hours of Work Done per Period allows resources to enter the hours of Actual Work completed for the current period and to adjust the Remaining Work estimate on each task assignment. Free Form tracking allows the user to enter progress using any of the three previous methods.

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MODULE 02: Preparing to Use Project Server

2.1 Using the Project Web Access User Interface
Ribbon Menu

Reminders section

Quick Launch menu

2.2 Printing the Data Grid

To print a data grid, click the Print option in the Share section of the ribbon on the page containing a data grid such as on the Project Center page. 1. Open Project Web App and goto Project Center. On Project Center screen, click the Print option in the Share section of the ribbon.

If you attempt to print a data grid that exceeds 100 lines of information in the grid. Project Server 2010 does not allow you to print the data grid. Instead, the system forces you to export the data grid to Microsoft Excel. From Excel, you can then print the data grid.
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2.3 Exporting the Data Grid to Excel

1. Click the Export to Excel option in the Share section of the ribbon on a page containing data grid.

2. When you select this option, the system displays the File Download dialog as shown:

3. Click the Open button in the File Download dialog. The system may display the confirmation dialog as shown. If so, click Yes.

4. The system opens Microsoft Excel and exports the grid into a blank workbook.

The default security settings for your Internet Explorer may prevent you from exporting a data grid to Microsoft Excel. If this is the case, add the URL of the Project Web App home page to the Trusted Site section of the Internet Options dialog in your Internet Explorer, and then set the Security Level setting for the Trusted Sites zone to Low.
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2.4 Using the Project Professional 2010 User Interface

Quick Access Toolbar Ribbon

File Tab


Select All button


Zoom slider

Dafault Task Mode selector

Quick View Selector

Backstage View:

You can also Collapse or Customize the Ribbon as per your requirement.
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2.5 Creating a Login Account in Project Professional 2010

1. Open Project Professional 2010. Click File -> Info-> Project Server Accounts. Select Configure Accounts item:

2. The system displays Project Server Account dialog. Click the Add button:

3. The system displays the Account Properties dialog as shown below. Select the Set as default account option. The completed Account Properties dialog should look like:
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4. Click the OK button. If you enter a URL using the http:// protocol rather than the secure https:// protocol, the system displays the warning dialog shown below:

5. Click the Yes button to continue. 6. The system redisplays Project Server Accounts dialog with your new account as shown below:

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A Project gets a year late one day at a time 7. In the Project Server Accounts, select the Choose an account option.


8. Click OK button to close the Project Server Accounts dialog.

It is recommended that you always select the Choose an account option. This provides better control for users.
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2.5.1 Logging into Project Server from Project Professional 2010

After you create your Project Server login account in Project Professional 2010, exit and then relaunch the software. The system displays the Login dialog as shown below:

Because you selected the Choose an account option in the Project Server Accounts dialog, the system allows you to select the Project Server instance for connection. The Login dialog pre-selects the account you set as the Default account in the Project Server Accounts dialog. If you want to connect using a different login account, click the Profile pick list and select your desired profile.

Click the OK button to connect to your desired Project Server instance.

Select the Computer profile to use Project Professional 2010 without connecting to a Project Server instance. This causes the software to function in desktop only mode and disables all enterprise features.
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MODULE 03: Creating New Proposed Projects

Project Server 2010 provides a sophisticated demand, decision-making and lifecycle management system. This system allows your organization to capture project requests and work thorugh a manual or automated procedure to collect information about proposed projects. Project Server 2010 provides you with the tools for very basic demand management without using workflows by providing ability to display multiple Project Detail Pages in the project drilldown window in Project Web App.

3.1 Creating a New Project

1. To create a new Project, launch the Internet Explorer software and navigate to the URL for your organizations Project Web App Home Page.

2. In the Quick Launch menu on the left side of the page, click the Project Center link in the Projects section.

3. Click the New menu in the upper left corner of the Projects ribbon and select the New PPL Project item from the pick list shown:

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4. Project Server 2010 displays the Project Information Project Detail Page.

5. In the Basic Information section, enter a name for the Project in the Name field, select Location and Project Departments from the available options in lookup table. 6. In the Financial Information section, select the Asset Class from the options available in lookup table, enter the SAP Job No. corresponding to your project. 7. In the Strategic Information section, select values in every field from the options available in lookup table.
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8. In the Miscelleneous Information section, select values in the applicable field(s) (if any) from the options available in lookup table. 9. After providing the required necessary information, click the Save option in the upper left corner of the Project ribbon.

Note that after clicking the button, the system displays a series of messages in the upper right hand corner of the screen to indicate that it is working on your request as shown below:

10. When the processing will complete, the system displays the Project Information page with your saved entries indicating the status of the project.

11. Click the Next button in the Page section of the Project ribbon.

You can save your information at any time except for the mandatory fields which are required to save a project.
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12. This will redirect you to the Schedule page of the project where you can define the project plan for your project as shown below:

13. Check the Project Summary task in the Show/Hide section of the Options tab in the Schedule Tools ribbon to show the Project Summary task in the plan.

14. Plan your project accordingly.

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3.1.1 Saving, Pulishing and Closing a Project

15. Click the Save button in the Project section of the Task tab in Schedule Tools ribbon.

Note that after clicking the button, the system displays a series of mesages in the upper right hand corner of the screen to indicate that it is working on your request as shown below:

16. Click the Publish button in the Project section of the Task tab in Schedule Tools ribbon.

Youll see Publish completed successfully message in the upper right hand corner after the series of messages indicating that the project is published successfully as shown below:

17. Click the Close button the Project section of the Project ribbon close the project.

18. Click the Yes button to check-in the project.

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19. The system rediects you to the Project Center page where you can see the your newly created project.

3.1.2 Editing an existing Project

To edit an existing project or plan goto the Project Center page in the Projects section of the Quick launch and click the project which you want to edit. You can either edit the Project Information or Schedule by selecting the desired page from Quick launch menu under your projects section as shown below:

Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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3.2 Creating a Resource Plan

A Resource Plan is a way to reserve a resource for specific periods of time without assigning the resource to tasks. To create a Resource Plan, navigate to the Project Center page in Project Web App. Select your Project by clicking the row header to the left of its name and then click the Resource Plan button from the Navigate section of the Project ribbon.

Project Server 2010 displays the Resource Plan page for the selected project proposal as shown below:

3.2.1 Building a Team on a Resource Plan

1. The first step in creating a Resource Plan is to add resources to the Resource Plan. Click the Build Team button from the Resources section of the Plan ribbon.

Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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A Project gets a year late one day at a time 2. The system displays the Build Resource Plan Team page as shown below:


3. On the Build Resource Plan Team page select the desired resources (by clicking the check mark on the left of each resource) and click the Add button to add them to your Resource Plan.

You may also use Generic resources to define the Resource plan. Generic resources are a special type of work resource that you use to represent resources by role or capability type. You use these to show generic demand for resources.

It is recommended that you design your process to always use generic resources for early phase resource demand modeling rather than actual resources. This allows you to easily differentiate between actual loading and proposed resource loading.
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3.2.2 Adding Resources to the Team on a Resource Plan

4. To add generic resources to your plan, select the option checkboxes to the left of each resource name and then click the Add button. The system shows the list of selected resources in the upper right corner of the Build Resource Plan Team page as shown below:

5. Click the Save and Close button from the Team section of the Team ribbon to add the selected resources to the team for the project proposal. Project Server 2010 redisplays the Resource Plan page with new team members, as shown below:

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3.2.3 Modeling Resource Demand in a Resource Plan

6. To model demand for each resources time, enter amount of time you need for each period. To set the date range for the plan , click the Date range button from the Date Range section of the Plan ribbon.

7. The system opens the Set Date Range dialog, as shown below. Enter dates in the From and To field and click the OK button to save your selections.

8. Click the Save and then Close button from the Plan section of the Plan ribbon to save and close your new resource plan.

3.2.4 Importing Resources from a Resource Plan

Resources in a Resource plan are not eligible for assignments in project unless you copy them from your resource plan into your project. To do this, 9. Open your project from Project Center page and then use Build Team tool to accomplish this. Select your Project by clicking the row header to the left of its name and then click the Build Team button from the Navigate section of the Project ribbon.

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10. The system dsiplays the Build Team page as shown below:

11. Click the Resource Plan button from the Copy From section of the Team ribbon.

12. The system redisplays with the resources selected in the Selected Resources section on the right as shown below:

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13. Use the Build Team tool the same way you did with the Resource plan tool. You can add or remove resources at this point and use the Match tool to replace your generic resources with human workers.

14. Click Save and Close button from the Team section of the Team ribbon when you complete your resource selections.

15. The system returns to your Project Center page.

From Build Team page, you can also determine the availabiilty for one or more selected resources by clicking the Resource Assignments button or the Resource Availabilty button.
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MODULE 04: Creating Enterprise Projects

4.1 Creating an Enterprise Project Using Project Professional 2010
As indicated in the previous module, you can create a new enterprise project as a proposed project from the Project Center page in Project Web App using the demand management process. You can also create a new enterprise project in Project Professional 2010 using either of the following methods. You import the project into the Project Server database using the Import Project Wizard in the Project Professional 2010 client while connected to Project Server 2010. You create the project in the Project Professional 2010 client while connected to Project Server 2010and you save the project in the Project Server database.

4.2 Importing a Local Project into Project Server 2010

To import an existing project , complete the following steps:

4.2.1 Open the project.

1. Open MS Project Professional 2010 and login with your server Profile account to connect to the server.

2. Go to Backstage view by clicking the File tab and then click Open.

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3. On the resulting screen, navigate to the folder containing the non-enterprise project you want to import.

4. Select the project and then click the Open button. The system opens the project in Project Professional 2010.

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4.2.2 Set the project start date and enterprise field values.
5. Click the Project Information button from the Properties section in Project ribbon to provide the Project information.

6. On the resulting screen (displayed below), enter your desired project Start date in the Start date field.

7. Enter values in any required (marked by *) or optional enterprise custom field values in the Enterprise Custom Fields section of the dialog.

8. Click the OK button (as displayed above).

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4.2.3 Enter the project properties

9. Click the File tab to display the Backstage. Click the Info tab in backstage menu. In the upper right hand corner of the information page, click the Project Information pick list and select Advanced Properties item.

10. Select the Summary tab and enter values in each of the fields (as displayed below).

11. Click OK to save the information (as displayed above).

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4.2.4 Display the Project Summary Task

12. Click the Format tab to view the Format ribbon. Check the Project Summary Task option in the Show/Hide section of the ribbon.

4.2.5 Set the Project Calendar

13. Click the Project Information button from the Properties section in Project ribbon to set the project calendar.

14. On the resulting screen (displayed below), click the Calendar pick list and select any calendar.

15. Click OK to save the information (as displayed above).

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4.2.6 Assign/Match Resources

16. If your project contains resources, choose the Build Team from Enterprise option by clicking the Add Resources button from the Insert section of the Resource ribbon tab.

17. The system will show the following warning. Click the Yes button on the dialog.

18. The system then displays the Build Team dialog box containing the enterprise resources as shown below:

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19. Select the resources required for your project from the Enterprise Resource section and Add, Match or Replace them as required and then Click OK.

You may now use the selected resources to assign tasks in your project.

If you named the local resource with exactly the same name as the enterprise resource, the system maps the local resource onto the enterprise resource automatically. If the name of the local resource does not match, then system leaves the local resource unmatched.

4.2.7 Set project options unique to this project

You need to specify two types of options for your project. Set the Task Mode option. Set the Project Options dialog. Set the Task Mode option

20. In the Tasks section of the Task ribbon, click the Mode pick list and choose Auto Schedule item as shown.

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USER MANUAL Setting Options in the Projet Options dialog

21. Click the File tab to display the Backstage. Click the Options tab in backstage menu to display the Project Options dialog.

22. In the resulting dialog, click the Schedule tab and Uncheck the Scheduling options: Show that tasks have estimated durations and New tasks have estimated durations

23. Click OK to save the changes (as displayed above).

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4.2.8 Save the project.

24. Now save the project using the Backstage view by clicking the Save As option available in File ribbon as shown below:

25. On the resulting dialog, provide the name of your project. Also, verify the values in enterprise custom fields and then click Save.

26. After that publish the project using the Backstage view by selecting the Publish option from File ribbon.

27. Click Publish button on the resulting dialog.

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In order to save a local file of Project Professional 2010 (on your computer), follow the two step procedure: (1) Login to Computer profile when accessing Project Professional 2010; (2) On the Save dialog choose Save as File... button instead of Save.

4.3 Opening and Closing Projects

1. Click File tab to display the Backstage view. Click Open item in the menu to display the Open dialog.

You may also display the Open dialog by clicking the Open button in Quick Access Toolbar as shown.

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A Project gets a year late one day at a time 2. On the Open dialog, double click Retrieve the list of all projects from Project Server.


3. Select the desired project and ensure that the Checked out ? is displaying a value of No against the relevant project. And then click Open.

4. Once the project has been opened and at a later stage you wish to close your project, simple close the project by clicking on the Close item from the backstage view by selecting the File tab.

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5. On the resulting dialog click Yes.

Do not close the enterprise project by clicking either the Close Window button ( x) or the Close button (big X) in the upper right corner of the Project Professional 2010 application window. Using either of these buttons to close your enterprise project is the primary cause of projects getting stuck in a checked-out state in the Cache.
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MODULE 05: Task Planning

Whenever you create a new project manually, it is a good idea to follow this methodology: Create the task list. Create summary tasks to generate the projects Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Create project milestones. Set task dependencies and document unusual task dependencies with a task note. Set task constraints and Deadline dates, and document all task constraints with a task Note. Set task Calendars for any task with an alternate working schedule and document the task Calendars with a task Note. Estimate task effort or Durations using your preferred or required methodologies.

5.1 User controlled scheduling

User-controlled scheduling enables you to develop project schedules with or without Microsoft Projects scheduling engine. In the manual scheduling mode, tasks can be entered with or without durations, start dates, or end dates. Durations and dates are entered as free-form text, and summary tasks do not inherit dates and task data from sub-tasks. If sub-tasks are linked, the start and finish dates are not calculated unless you choose to enforce the links using the Respect Links button.

5.2 Planning Project Tasks

5.2.1 Entering and Editing Tasks
1. Select a blank cell in the Task Name column of the Task Sheet. 2. Type the task name. 3. Press the ENTER key or DOWN-ARROW key on the keyboard.

5.2.2 Entering Manually Scheduled Tasks

1. Click the Task tab to display the Task ribbon. 2. Select the task(s) whose Task Mode setting you want to change. 3. Click the Manually Schedule button or Auto Schedule button on the Task ribbon.

Manually Scheduled Tasks

Auto-Scheduled Task(s)

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5.2.3 Moving Tasks

1. Click the task ID number (row header) on the far left end of the task and then release the mouse button. 2. Click and hold the task ID number to grab the task. 3. Move the mouse pointer up or down on the screen to move the task.

4. Drag the task until you position the gray I-beam indicator where you want to place the task. 5. Release the mouse button to complete the move and drop the task in its new location.

5.2.4 Inserting Tasks

1. On the Task ribbon, click the Task button in the Insert section of the ribbon. 2. Press the INSERT key on the keyboard or Right-click in the row and then select the Insert Task item on the shortcut menu.

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5.2.5 Deleting Tasks

1. Click to select the ID number of the task you want to delete. 2. Press the DELETE key on the keybpard or Right-click in the row and then select the Delete Task item on the shortcut menu.

5.2.6 Creating the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

To create a Work Breakdown Structure with Phases and Deliverables, you must create a series of summary tasks and subtasks. The purpose of summary tasks is to summarize or roll up the data contained in the Subtasks. To create a Summary Task, complete the following steps: 1. Type the name of a summary task and its subtasks. 2. Select the tasks that you want to make subtasks of the summary task. 3. Click the Indent button in the Schedule section of the Task ribbon.

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4. The revised structure looks as follows: Inserting Summary Tasks

1. Select the Task before which you want to add a Summary Task and click the Insert Summary Task button in the Insert section of the Task ribbon.

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Promoting or demoting a task to summary task may cause surprising schedule changes so it is recommended that you create all your summary tasks from new tasks rather than repurposing tasks in which you previously entered work or duration values.

5.2.7 Creating Milestones

We define a Milestone as a significant point in time in a project that most typically indicates a point of completion. 1. To convert any task to a Milestone, simple change its Duration to 0 Days or Select the Task before which you want to add a Milestone and click the Milestone button in the Insert section of the Task ribbon

2. The structure now looks as follows.

Project professional 2010 allows you to create a milestone for a task with a Duration value greator than 0 days by completing the following steps: Double click the task to open the Task Information Dialog. Click the Advanced tab. Select the Mark Task as milestone option and then click the OK button.
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5.2.8 Adding Task Notes and Cell Background Formatting

To add a Note to a task, Double-click the task and then click the Notes tab, or Select the task and then click the Task Notes button in the Properties section of the Task ribbon, or Right-click the task and then select the Notes item on the shortcut menu. 1. Using any of the preceding methods, the system displays the Notes tab in the Task Information dialog as shown below.

. 2. After you add a note to a task, Project professional 2010 displays a note indicator in the Indicators column to the left of the task, as shown below.

MSProjectExperts recommends that you use bulleted text for your text Notes (shown in the above figure). This makes the individual notes easier to read.
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A Project gets a year late one day at a time To manually set cell background formatting on any task:


1. Select the ID number(s) of the task(s) whose cell background color you want to format, and then use one ofthe following methods. Click the Background Color button in the Font section of the Task ribbon to format the cell background using the default yellow color.

Click the Background Color pick list button in the Font section of the Task ribbon and select a color. Click the Font Dialog Launcher icon in the lower right corner of the Font section of the Task ribbon.

The system displays the Font dialog as shown.

In the Font dialog, click the Background Color pick list and select the color of your background formatting.
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5.3 Using Task Dependencies

After completing your WBS task list, your next step in the task planning process is to determine the order in which tasks occur. This process requires you to determine and set task dependencies between tasks in the project. When you set a dependency relationship between two tasks, Project Professional 2010 designates the first task as the Predecessor task and designates the second task as the Successor task in the dependency relationship. The software offers you the following four default task dependency types: Finish-to-Start (abbreviated as FS) Start-to-Start (SS) Finish-to-Finish (FF) Start-to-Finish (SF)

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5.3.1 Setting Task Dependencies

1. Select one or more tasks that are dependent on each other. 2. Click the Link Tasks button in the Schedule section of the Task ribbon.

3. Double-click the link line between the dependent tasks.

4. On the Task Dependency dialog, click the Type pick list and select the desired dependency type.

5. Click the OK button.

Do not set dependencies on summary tasks to avoid circular reference errors.

5.3.2 Linking Manually Scheduled Tasks

Project Professional 2010 initially schedules each manually Scheduled task as follows: If you do not enter duration, start or finish values for a Manually Scheduled task, the software sets the duration of the task to default value of 1d. If you enter an approximate duration on a Manually Scheduled task (such as About 5 days), the software maintains the approximate duration, but treats the task as if it has a duration value of 1 day. If you enter numerical duration value on a Manually Scheduled task, the software maintains the valid duration. If you enter approximate start and/or finish date on a Manually Scheduled task (such as Early October), the software replaces the approximate date values for calculated dates in the Start and Finish columns.
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If you enter a valid start date on a Manually Scheduled task, the software ignores the start date and calculates the start date based on its dependency relationship with its predecessor task. If you enter a valid finish date on a Manually Scheduled task, the software honors the finish date, calculates the duration of the task based on the scheduled start date and valid finish date. Some Manually Scheduled tasks before setting task dependencies are as follows:

Linking the tasks with Finish-to-Start (FS) dependencies leads us to following scenario as mentioned in the bulleted points above.

5.3.3 Removing a Task Dependency

1 2 Select the tasks from which you wish to remove the dependencies. Click the Unlink Tasks button in the Schedule section of the Task ribbon.

5.3.4 Using Lag Time with Dependencies

Lag time is a delay in the Start or Finish date of a successor task. You can enter Lag time as a time value (such as 5 days) or as a percentage of the Duration of the predecessor task (such as 50%). To enter Lag time on a dependency, complete the following steps: 1. Double-click the link line between two dependent tasks. 2. In the Task Dependency dialog, enter a positive value in the Lag field.

3. Click the OK button (as shown above).

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5.3.5 Using Lead Time with Dependencies

Lead time is the opposite of Lag time, and creates an overlap between two linked tasks. To enter Lead time on a task dependency, complete the following steps: 1. Double-click the link line between two dependent tasks. 2. In the Task Dependency dialog, enter a negative value in the Lag field.

3. Click the OK button (as shown above).

5.3.6 Understanding Scheule Warnings and Suggestions

When you link Manually Scheduled tasks and later change the project schedule, Project Professional 2010 recalculates the schedule for only Auto Scheduled tasks.If there is a schedule discrepancy, the software displays a Warning on the task by applying a red wavy underline to the date in the Finish column and by formating the Gantt bar with a dotted outline as shown.

You can enable Suggestions optimization to remove the Warnings about discrepancies. To enable the feature, click the Inspect button in the Tasks section of the Task ribbon and select Show Suggestions from the pick list as shown.

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The system displays the suggestion(s) by applying a green wavy underline to the date as shown.

When you float your mouse pointer over an optimization Suggestion, the system displays a tool tip as shown.

When you right-click the suggestion, the shortcut menu provides three options for acting on suggestion as shown.

5.3.7 Using the Respect Links Feature

Project Professional 2010 allows you to respond to schedule Warnings and optimization Suggestions using the new Respect Links feature. Clicking on the Respect Links item on the shortcut menu shown above. You may also click the Respect Links button in the Schedule section of the Task ribbon as shown.

Project Professional 2010 changes the start and finish dates of the task to the calculated start and finish dates, and then removes the Schedule Warning or Suggestion as shown.

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5.4 Setting Task Constraints and Deadline Dates

Project Professional 2010 offers you two options to constrain tasks in the project schedule: Constraints Deadline dates A Constraint is a restriction that you set on the Start date or Finish date of a task. When you set a constraint on a task in Project Professional 2010, you limit the softwares ability to reschedule the tasks Start date or Finish date when the schedule changes on predecessor tasks. Using a Deadline date is a way to set a soft target date for the completion of a task. Unlike Constraints, Deadline dates do not limit the Project Professional 2010 scheduling engine, but the system does show an indicator if the tasks Finish date slips past the Deadline date.

5.4.1 Setting Constraints

To set a Constraint on a task, complete the following steps: 1. Double-click the task you wish to constrain. 2. In the Task Information dialog, click the Advanced tab. 3. Click the Constraint Type pick list and select a constraint. 4. Click the Constraint date pick list and select a date for the constraint from the date picker.

5. Click the OK button (as shown above).

5.4.2 Adding Notes on Tasks with Constraints

To add a Note to a task constraint, complete the following steps: 1. Double-click the task with the constraint. 2. In the Task Information dialog, click the Notes tab. 3. Click the Bulleted List button. 4. Click in the Notes text field and enter your Note. 5. Click the OK button.

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A good shorthand method for documenting a constraint is to include the following information in the Note text: 1. Abbreviation for the constraint type (such as SNET). 2. The constraint date (such as 03/12/11). 3. The reason for setting the constraint.

5.4.3 Setting Deadline Dates

To set a Deadline date for any task, complete the following steps: 1. Double-click the task. 2. In the Task Information dialog, click the Advanced tab. 3. Click the Deadline pick list and select a date from the date picker.

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5.5 Assigning Task Calendars

To apply a Task Calendar to any task, complete the following steps: 1. Double-click the task you wish to manually schedule. 2. In the Task Information dialog, click the Advanced tab. 3. Click the Calendar pick list and select a base calendar from the list. 4. Optionally, select the Scheduling ignores resource calendars option.

5. Click the OK button (as shown above). The Scheduling ignores resource calendars option forces the system to ignore resource calendars in the scheduling process. This is a useful option when you need to schedule resources for what is otherwise non-working time, such as weekends and holidays.

5.6 Estimating Task Durations

There are several ways to determine a task Duration estimate: Get the estimate from the team member who will actually perform the work on the task. This allows you to tap the skills, knowledge, and experience of the team member, and this is a Project Management Institute best practice. If you cannot get the Duration estimate from a team member, then get an estimate from a team leader who has experience in this type of work. If you cannot get a Duration estimate from a team leader, study your organizations repository of completed projects and get an estimate based on historical data from similar tasks. If you cannot use any of the previous methods, the set your own reasonable estimate, but validate your Duration estimate later against the actual completion data for the task.
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MODULE 06: Resource and Assignment Planning

6.1 Building a Project Team
1. To build a team, open Project Professional 2010 and log into Project Server and open your project. 2. Open the Build Team dialog by clicking selecting the Build Team from Enterprise item from the Add Resources pick list in the Insert section of the Resource ribbon .

3. Select resources from the Enterprise Resource section (on the left) and press the Add button to add them to your project team (displayed on the right in the Project Resources section).

4. Click the OK button (as shown above).

If you want to replace a Generic resource with a Human resource on completed tasks, you must use the Replace feature in the Assign Resources dialog.
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6.1.1 Using Local Resources in a Project Team

To add a local resource to an enterprise project, complete these steps: 1. Click the View tab to display the View ribbon. 2. In the Resource Views section of the View ribbon, click the Resource Sheet pick list button and select the Resource Sheet view.

3. Type name of the local resource and press the ENTER key.

4. Enter general information for the local resource, as needed. 5. Save the project

6.2 Assigning Resources to Tasks

The most powerful method for assigning resources to tasks is the Task Entry view. To display the Task Entry view, complete the following steps: 1. Click the Task tab and then click the Gantt Chart button. 2. Click theView tab to apply the View ribbon. 3. Select the Details checkbox in the Split View section of the View ribbon. Project Professional displays the Task Entry view as shown below.

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To assign a resource to a task using the Task Entry view, take the following steps: 1. Select a single task in the Gantt Chart pane. 2. In the Task Form pane, select the first blank cell in the Resource Name column and then click the pick list button in that cell.

3. Select a resource from the Resource Name pick list. 4. On successive lines in the Task Form, repeat steps # 2-3 for each additional resource you want to assign to the task. 5. Click the OK button. 6. Click the Next button to select the next task in the project and to continue assigning resources to tasks.

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You can also assign resources to tasks by selecting the desired resource from the pick list in the Resource Names column against the tasks.

Do not click the OK button in the task Form pane until you finish selecting all of the resources you need. Assign resources to individual tasks. Do not assign resources to summary tasks.

6.3 Using the Team Planner View

To apply the Team Planner view, click the Resource tab and then click the Team Planner view in the View section of the Resource ribbon.

The system displays the Team Planner view for your project as shown below.

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6.3.1 Dragging Tasks in the Team Planner view

You can use drag and drop functionality of the Team Planner view to do any of the following: Drag an assigned task to a different time period to reschedule the task. Drag and unassigned task to a different resource. Drag an unassigned task to a resource.

6.3.2 Changing Schedule Information in the Team Planner View

Project Professional allows you to revise your project as follows in the Team Planner view: You can change the Task Mode option for a task by right-clicking on the Gantt bar for the task and choosing either the Auto-Schedule or Manually Schedule item on the shortcut menu. You can set a task to Inactive status by right-clicking on the Gantt bar for the task and choosing Inactivate task item on the shortcut menu. You can change the information of any task by double-clicking the Gantt bar for the task and entering the information in the Task Information dialog. You can apply the Task Details Form in a split view arrangement with the Team Planner view by clicking the Task tab and then clicking the Display Task Details button in the Properties section of the Task ribbon. When you select the Gantt bar for any assigned task in the top pane, the Task Details Form in the bottom pane displays relevant information about the task and its assigned resources.

To reassign or reschedule multiple tasks simultaneously, press and hold the CTRL key to select multiple tasks, and then drag and drop the block of selected tasks.
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MODULE 07: Project Execution

7.1 Analyzing the Critical Path
Project Professional 2010 defines the Critical Path as The series of tasks that must be completed on schedule for a project to finish on schedule. Every task on the Critical Path is a Critical task with a Total Slack of 0 days. To identify the Critical Path, format the Gantt Chart view by completing the following steps: 1. Click the View tab and then click the Gantt Chart button in the Task Views section of the View ribbon. 2. Click the Format tab to display the Format ribbon. 3. Select the Critical Tasks checkbox in the Bar Styles section of the Format ribbon. 4. Optinally select the Slack checkbox as well.

Critical Path

Slack Red bars represent Critical tasks on the Critical Path. Blue bars represent non-Critical tasks. A black stripe to the right of any Gantt bar represents the amount of total Slack for the task.

7.2 Working with Project Baselines

A baseline represents a snapshot of the work, cost, and schedule estimates as represented in your initial project plan. To save a baseline for the entire project in Project Professional 2010, complete the following steps: 1. Click the Project tab to display the Project ribbon. 2. In the Schedule section of the Project ribbon, click the Set Baseline pick list button and select the Set Baseline item on the list.

3. The system displays the Set Baseline dialog as shown.

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4. 5. 6. 7.

Select Set Baseline option. Leave the Baseline item selected in the Set Baseline pick list. In the For: section, leave the Entire project option selected. Click the OK button (as shown above).

In order to save baselines for newly added tasks, select the newly added tasks and repeat steps # 15. In step # 6 instead of Entire project option, select Selected tasks option.

7.3 Publishing Project

To publish an enterprise project, perform the following steps. 1. Click the File tab, then click Publish item in the Backstage menu.

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7.4 Delegating a Project to a Fellow Manager

The default permissions in Project Server 2010 do not allow you yo delegate your work to another project manager. You should contact the administrator to set the desired properties before you start using the feature. To use this feature, log in to Project Web App for your organizations Project Server 2010 i nstance. 1. Click the Personal Settings link in the Quick Launch menu and then click the Manage Delegates link on the Personal Settings page.

2. The system displays the Manage Delegates page as shown:

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3. On the above page, click the New button in the Delegate section of the Delegations ribbon.

4. The system displays the Add Delegate page as shown below:

5. To add a new delegate, begin by setting a date range during which the delegation is effective using the From and To fields. Next, click the Browse button in the Set Delegate section of the page.

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6. The system displays the Choose Name dialog as shown below.

7. Select the name of the fellow manager and then click the OK button (as shown above). 8. Now, use the Browse button in the Working on Behalf of section of the page. The system displays the Choose User dialog as shown previously. Select your own name in the Choose User dialog and then click the OK button. Click the Save button to complete the temporary delegation to a fellow manager.

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9. The system displays the temporary delegation setting on the Manage Delegates page as shown below:

10. To remove a temporary delegation, select the delgation item on the Manage Delegates page and then click the Delete button on the Delegation ribbon.

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11. The system displays a warning dialog as shown below.

12. Click the OK button to delete the delegation (as shown above).

7.5 Acting as a Delegate for another Project Manager

To act as a delegate, perform the following steps. 1. Navigate to the Personal Settings page in Project Web App and click the Act as a Delegate link.

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3. To begin acting as a delegate for a fellow manager, select the delegation item in the Acting For column on the Act as a Delegate page, and then click the Start Delegate Session button on the Delegations ribbon.

4. The system refreshes the top of the Act as a Delegate page to show that you are acting as a delegate on behalf of your fellow manager as shown below.

5. After you complete your work on behalf of the other user, you stop your delegate session by returning to the Act as a Delegate page by clicking the Click here link in the yellow band (as shown above). 6. Click the Stop Delegate Session button in the Delegations ribbon.
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A Project gets a year late one day at a time


7. The system exits the delegate session and the page displays the You are not currently acting as anyones delegate message as shown below.

Project Server 2010 allows you to work as a delegate on behalf of a fellow project manager for the specified period of time only. After that time period expires, the system prevents you from working as a delegate.

Delegation does not apply to all features.

Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Project Management Lifecycle

Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

Page 72 of 77

Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

Page 73 of 77

Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

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Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

Page 76 of 77

Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

A Project gets a year late one day at a time


Axioms for Success with Tracking Progress

Everyone in your organization who is responsible for reporting progress should enter their time and send their updates on a standard day and time whether this is daily, weekly, semi weekly or other predictable and appropriate reporting standard. Project Managers should process task updates on a standard day each reporting period. Managers should deal appropriately with anyone who is responsible for reporting progress, but who fails to cooperate or participate fully in the process. You must take all necessary steps to ensure the full participation of everyone in your organization in order to validate the project data in the system. Your organization should track and manage the absence of resources during each update cycle. If necessary, you can create surrogate Timesheets for absent resources. Your organization should also track and manage the absence of managers during each update cycle. For updating purposes, other managers can take over tasks owned by absent managers and process the updates. Stay current with progress reporting and updates to make sure that you are managing your projects with current data.

Prepared by: Syed Ammar Zaheer (Assistant Business Analyst), PMP Version: 1.1 Issued on: 1 Dec, 2011

Page 77 of 77

Revised by: Yasmeen Arshad (Trainee Systems Officer)

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