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by: creepyhollows ( 10551055 ) 96 out of 139 people found this guide helpful. Guide viewed: 4712 times Tags: d inn ! genie ! inn ! islam ! arabic " inn Guide #ased on information compiled from over $0 reputable e#ay sellers " inn are probably the most e%citing& diverse and misunderstood of all astral creatures. This is most li'ely due to the fact that they(ve received relatively little public attention& other than what has been depicted in science fiction& fantasy or cartoon conte%ts. #ut over the past few years those who have an appreciation for the metaphysical world have begun to recogni)e the magnitude of possibilities that " inn bring to both the magic'al practitioner& and the layperson loo'ing to improve his or her life. " inn energy can lend power to virtually every conceivable area of our physical and non*physical realms. +nly the Gods and Goddesses themselves rival their power. ,o what are " innThis sounds li'e a simple .uestion& but even their definition is met with a wide range of answers& depending on whom you as'. /ost can agree that " inn are astral energies made of subtle or smo'eless fire long before man wal'ed the earth. This is& after all& how they are described in the 0ur(an (15:12). #ut beyond this basic fact lies an endless sea of confusing and conflicting information. " inn were created with free will& ust li'e humans. Therefore& some will choose to be good and others will choose to be bad. 3owever& 455 will be accountable to the great creator one day for their actions. 4ppearance The word inn translates as anything that is concealed or invisible. The " inn are a race that have no defined physical form of their own& so they are therefore invisible to the na'ed eye. 3owever& they are shape shifters who can ta'e on the physical form of ust about anything they want. /any say that they wal' among us every day. 6ou will often see smo'e when your " inn appears& not because the smo'e 7, the " inn& but because it accompanies him8her. 7t is simply a sign that your " inn is nearby and ready to communicate& and signifies the presence of energy.

" inn can also appear with orbs& strea's of light& mists or other 'inds of phenomenon. 7t can be a big& awe*inspiring appearance& or a subtle almost*not*noticed 'ind of appearance. 9ith " inn& li'e people& no two are e%actly ali'e and there are countless ways they may manifest. ,ome " inn will never manifest in any 'ind of physical form& but that doesn(t mean that they aren(t there and watching you. These " inn will generally communicate with you only during dreams or meditation. They aren(t any more or less powerful than other " inn& they ust choose to present themselves differently. General :haracteristics 7t(s important not to impose your own feelings and emotions on the " inn. ,ometimes we want to thin' of them li'e warm and fu))y pets. 7f you want a warm and fu))y astral creature then you(re better off ac.uiring a faerie& mermaid or unicorn. " inn mean business. Their destiny is to serve humans without emotional attachment. This doesn(t mean that they(re not loyal. 7t ust means that they don(t generally ma'e decisions based on their feelings. " inn were created before man& which dates them bac' before the time of 4dam and ;ve who lived <&000 years ago. These original " inn are =readamites& meaning they e%isted before 4dam. " inn become more powerful as they age& and can live for thousands of years. 4n ;lder is one who has reached the highest levels of energy and is somewhat harder to find. 6ounger " inn are much more common& and are perfectly appropriate for the average person. /ost " inn have permanent residence on the astral plane in the mountains of >af (0af). This is a large emerald*li'e realm surrounding the physical world. 7t is generally agreed that " inn eat& drin'& marry and procreate& but this is not done in the same manner as humans& and very little is 'nown on this sub ect. " inn can have se%ual relations with humans& although this has never resulted in a documented pregnancy. 7n fact& most female " inn are .uite seductive and will not be shy about coming to men while they sleep. #inding The only way to control " inn& either good or bad& is to magic'ally bind them to a vessel. This is a very advanced s'ill and should be left to the e%perts. " inn are notoriously difficult to wor' with and e%tremely powerful& and many are highly dangerous if not properly bound. The other danger in attempting to bind " inn yourself is that you will inevitably also capture a few other spirits who could potentially be very evil. This is not a hobby for amateurs. There are only a few reputable con urers in the world& and we would not recommend ac.uiring " inn from anyone else.

,electing 6our " inn 7f you are viewing an e#ay listing& reading the te%t and loo'ing at the pictures& you can get a sense of whether or not that particular energy is right for you. 7f it doesn(t spea' to you& then it doesn(t mean that it(s not real. 7t ust means that it(s not meant for you& and you(ll see nothing more than a pretty picture and words. 7t is always recommended that you follow this procedure prior to any metaphysical purchase to be sure that you are a good match. #ut ?+ +?; can loo' at the listing for you& and tell you if it(s right or wrong for you. 6ou are the only one who can determine this because the connection of energy is a personal one. 5evels and Types of " inn " inn& @inn and Genie are all interchangeable words for the same thing. " inni or @inni is the singular tense. 9e(ve listed the standard classifications of " inn below& and they appear by highest level of power first. There are some " inn who don(t fall under these categories because they were created by the immortals. 4lthough smaller in numbers& there is .uite a wide range of these so we won(t attempt to list them in this guide. =lease 'eep in mind that there are countless tribes who have been identified as members of the various classifications& and many more are still being discovered today. The ma ority of " inn will be classified in one of the following areas: /arid * They are associated with the element of water. They are the most powerful& but some can be dangerous. They can offer you the highest level of energy but be sure to only purchase from a reputable seller to ensure you are getting a safe entity. 7frit * These are associated with the element of fire. These are generally malicious& rebellious& evil " inn. They are considered to be very difficult to wor' with because they will try to sabotage the human whenever they can. This is recommended for the e%perienced practitioner only. ,haitan * These are described as malicious and evil& as well as full of deception (0ur(an <:111& $5:<& A$:<1& A$:<1). /any believe that ,atan was ,haitan. 9e don(t advise wor'ing with this type of " inn. Ghul * Ghuls are associated with dar' magic' and e%treme caution should be used in wor'ing with them. They only appear after the sun sets and they disappear before the sun rises. @ann * They are considered to be among the wea'est of the " inn& but still powerful. They are among the first " inn created. Bor many people& this will wor' ust fine.

7nvocations 6ou don(t necessarily need an invocation ritual in order to summon " inn and begin wor'ing with them. "epending on the type of " inn and the way they were bound& an invocation may or may not be re.uired. ,ometimes a ritual is simply a symbolic way of engaging the human in the process& and if it helps you raise energy& then it should be done for that reason. 7f you are purchasing from a reputable dealer& you can trust their recommendations and instructions. 7nvocations do not necessarily have to be done at night. They can be done at any time of the day. /any sellers recommend a nighttime invocation and meditation because it is much easier to get into the proper frame of mind when it(s dar'& and many " inn are most active at that time. Getting into the proper frame of mind is essential when raising energy& so if it wor's for you& then do it. #onding 7f you have a " inn enchanted piece of ewelry& it is best to 'eep it close to your s'in during the initial bonding process. This greatly enhances the energy*to*energy connection. 7t is not necessary to 'eep the " inn vessel hidden or away from prying eyes. ?o one will 'now that it is anything more than a nice piece of ewelry& unless you tell them. =robably the best method for enhancing your connection to any energy is through meditation. This really doesn(t have to be anything complicated. Birst& find a .uiet room that is free of all distractions. 0uiet instrumental music is fine if it helps you to rela%. ,it cross*legged on the floor if it(s comfortable for you& or otherwise sit comfortably in a chair. /a'e sure to 'eep your bac' straight and your eyes closed& but facing straight ahead. Ta'e several slow& deep breaths and concentrate your attention on the area of your third eye. This is the area between your eyes and a few centimeters higher. Bocus both eyes on it until you feel a C;D6 ,57G3T strain. 7t shouldn(t hurt. 6ou(ll 'now that you(re in the right spot when both eyes seem to loc' into position. ?ow count bac' from 100. #y the time you reach one you will feel a strange sensation in the area of your third eye. 6ou should see vivid pictures and words& almost li'e your mind is playing a video. 3old this for about 10 or 15 minutes and ust allow the images to naturally appear. This is your opportunity to begin communicating with your " inn. Beel free to as' .uestions and then listen politely for a response. #e sure to than' them when you(re done. This method is not only effective for connecting with specific astral entities& but it will also help you to greatly strengthen your third eye for many psychic pursuits.

9hen you(re ready to reenter the physical realm& open your eyes and ta'e several more deep breaths as you slowly allow yourself to come bac'. That(s all there is to itE =ractice this every day and you(ll soon be able to use this vision without the meditative state. Demember that " inn /F,T obey their masters. 7t is how it is written to be. 3owever& the difficult part of the whole process is in ma'ing that initial connection. +nce that(s accomplished& you(re well on your way to becoming a strong master. 9hen can 7 see results5i'e accessing any form of magic'& wor'ing with the " inn does usually ta'e time. 6ou(ll receive the best results by launching a oint effort * the energy of your " inn with your efforts in reaching your goals. Bor instance& if you want a great paying ob& you(ll be much more successful if you both wor' with your " inn 4?" go out and actively submit applications and resumes& as well as go on interviews. 7f you sit at home and wait for the ob to come to you& most li'ely you(ll be sorely disappointed. " inn /F,T obey their masters. This is a universal given. 3owever& sometimes it will seem as though your wish isn(t being answered. This doesn(t mean that your " inn are disobeying you. 7t ust means that because of their ability to 'now the past and future& they have a much more ob ective and broader perspective than you can possibly have. They still /F,T fulfill your wish& but it may not be in the way that you intended. This is usually not to be mean (although there are some " inn who find this to be a fun game)& but rather a variation of your wish so that it is more aligned with your best interests. " inn Cessel 6ou can spell or bless a " inn vessel without harm to the " inn * you(re spelling the vessel& not the " inn. 7t(s +> to get a vessel wet but we don(t advise using harsh chemicals to clean it& only because it could potentially interrupt the flow of energy. " inn can be bound to 4?6 vessel made of 4?6 material. This is because " inn are bound to the energy of the vessel& and not the vessel itself. ;verything is comprised of energy& therefore 4?6T37?G is capable of a binding. :ompatibility * 3aving /ore Than +ne " inn ,ometimes energies are compatible& and sometimes they aren(t. Generally the worst thing that will happen is that your piece won(t wor' as it should. 9hen this happens& simply choose ust one piece on which to focus at a time& and put the others away. /any people try to humani)e these entities by picturing their spirits fighting and arguing li'e children. 4lthough this is an interesting analogy& it simply isn(t the nature of how they wor'. ,pirits aren(t li'e people& so please don(t feel that you must pay for some 'ind of binding ritual so they(ll all Gplay niceG together. 7t would simply be a waste of your time and money.

4ccidentally Deleasing 6our " inn +nce bound& you cannot accidentally release your " innE There(s a misconception that there is a pre*set .uestion that if as'ed& will release your " inn. This is simply not trueE +thers say that iron can release your " inn. This is also not true. This perhaps originated from the days of ,olomon who was able to bring the " inn under control by using his copper and iron ring. #ut his control didn(t really have anything to do with the iron in the ring. 7t was the magic' of the ring that allowed this to wor'. There is nothing that you can do that will release your " inn. This can only be done by a trained professional.

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