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July 20, 2011

TRAN THE HIEP No 8, 16/11, 10 Alley, Kim Ma Thuong Street Ba Dinh Distri t, !anoi, "ietnam

Dear Mr# !$%&, OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT 'e are (lease) to sele t you *or an a((ointment +ith "eolia 'ater Solutions an) Te hnologies "ietnam ,ne Mem-er ../ 01the /om(any23 as a *ull time Project Engineer on the *ollo+ing on)itions# $* you +ish to a e(t the /om(any4s o**er o* em(loyment, (lease sign an) return the en lose) o(y o* this letter to me as an a 5no+le)gement that you ha6e rea) an) a e(t these terms an) on)itions# ,n e a e(te), this letter +ill onstitute your entire ontra t o* em(loyment +ith the /om(any an) su(erse)es all (rior re(resentations an) agreements in onne tion +ith your em(loyment#

1. COMMENCEMENT DATE 7our em(loyment shall ta5e e**e t *rom 25th Aug 2 11 u! to 2"th Aug 2 12. 7our one 013 year em(loyment ontra t term may-e rene+e) )e(en)ing on the re8uirement o* the om(any an) on your (er*orman e# Any e9tension or rene+al o* ontra t shall ha6e a +ritten a e(tan e o* -oth (arties#

2. PRO#ATION The *irst t+o 023 months o* your em(loyment +ill -e treate) as a (ro-ationary (erio)# Su h (ro-ationary (erio) may -e shortene) or e9ten)e) )e(en)ing on your (er*orman e )uring the (ro-ationary (erio)#

$. D%TIE& 0a3 7ou shall -e re(orting to the a((ointe) :eneral Manager o* "'S "ietnam ../# 7our )uties shall in lu)e the )uties o* your a((ointment an) you may -e alle) u(on at any time to arry out, +ithout e9tra remuneration, any )uties )eeme) a((ro(riate -y the /om(any at its sole )is retion# 0-3 At all times, you shall *aith*ully an) ons ientiously o-ser6e an) e9e ute your assigne) )uties an) res(onsi-ilities# 7ou +ill also on)u t yoursel* to re)it not yoursel* -ut also the om(any# ". 'OR(IN) HO%R& 'ith the e9 e(tion o* sta** mem-ers engaging in s(e ial )uties an) su-;e t to any hanges +hi h may -e im(lemente) -y the /om(any, the +or5ing hours are as *ollo+s< Mon)ay to =ri)ay < 8<00 am to ><00 (m

7ou may -e re8uire) -y your manager to e9 ee) the o**i ial +or5ing hours hereo* an) to +or5 on a rest )ay or (u-li holi)ays +ithout a))itional remuneration# All o6ertime are in lusi6e in your *i9e) salary as o**ere)# 5. &ALARY 7ou shall -e (ai) a gro** *+,+r- o. %& Do,,+r* /5 . !er 0onth#

7our salary shall -e (ai) in the e8ui6alent o* "ietnam Dong -ase) on the rele6ant rate o* e9 hange (u-lishe) -y the /ommer ial Ban5s at the time o* su h (ayment is )ue# Su-;e t to any a((li a-le regulations, the /om(any shall -e entitle) at any time to )e)u t *rom your remuneration any monies )ue *rom you to the /om(any in lu)ing, -ut not limite) to, em(loyee4s so ial ontri-ution, any outstan)ing a)6an es, the ost o* re(airing any )amage to or loss o* the /om(any4s (ro(erty, lease) or o+ne) -y the /om(any, ause) -y you 0an) o* re o6ering the same3 an) any other monies o+e) -y you to the /om(any# 1. INCOME TA2 The /om(any shall )e)u t the amount o* ta9 a((li a-le to your (re6ailing in ome *rom your monthly salary# ie# 7ou shall -e (ai) +ith a net salary a*ter the 6arious authori?e) )e)u tion in lu)ing in ome ta9# The ta9 +ithhel) -y the /om(any +ill -e re(orte) to the res(e ti6e authorities a or)ing to the regulations in "ietnam# 7ou shall su-se8uently (re(are your (ersonal ta9 return annually a or)ing to the ta9 regulations#

3. 1$TH MONTH &ALARY ,ne month4s salary +ill -e (ai) in De em-er ea h year at the )is retion o* the management su-;e t to the (er*orman e o* the /om(any# 'here a((li a-le, (ro@ rate) to the (erio) o* ser6i e, su-;e t to the on*irmation o* your em(loyment +ith the /om(any# $n the e6ent that you lea6e the om(any -e*ore A1 De em-er, you +ill not re ei6e this (ayment *or the year#

4. ANN%AL &ALARY RE5IE' The /om(any +ill re6ie+ your (er*orman e ea h year# Arising *rom su h re6ie+, the /om(any may in its )is retion grant you salary in reases# /. ANN%AL LEA5E 7our lea6e entitlement is 1B +or5ing )ays in ea h om(lete alen)ar year o* em(loyment an) shall -e (ro@rate) a or)ingly i* you are not in ontinuous em(loyment throughout any alen)ar year# 7ou an a umulate your lea6e u( to a ma9imum o* one time your annual entitlement# 7ou are entitle) to the annual lea6e u(on ser6i e# 1 . MEDICAL LEA5E 0a3 &ai) me)i al lea6e shall -e grante) u(on (resentation o* a Me)i al /erti*i ate issue) -y the /om(anyCs a((ro6e) (anel o* me)i al (ra titioners# &ai) Me)i al .ea6e shall not e9 ee) an aggregate o* thirty 0A03 )ays in a year# 0-3 The /om(any reser6es the right to re8uest you to un)ergo a me)i al (ra titioner nominate) -y the om(any as an) +hen it )eems ne essary# on*irmation o* your em(loyment

11. IN&%RANCE The om(any shall -ear an em(loyee -ene*it insuran e 0in lieu o* +or5men4s om(ensation insuran e3 *or yoursel* an) one 013 mem-er o* your *amily nominate) -y you# %9(enses not o6ere) -y the (oli y shall -e -orne -y you#

12. CONFIDENTIALITY 03a 7ou un)erta5e to use lassi*ie) in*ormation only *or the (ur(ose o* your em(loyment +ith the /om(any an) +ill not )is lose su h in*ormation to any (arty in any *orm e9 e(t +ith (ro(er authority an) in the ourse o* your o**i ial )uties# 0-3 'ithout limiting the generality o* the *oregoing, lassi*ie) in*ormation in lu)es all in6estment, sales, leasing an) other materials or arti les or in*ormation, in lu)ing )ata (ro essing re(orts, o(erating an) e9(enses statements, internal an) e9ternal au)it re(orts, e9(ense an) re6enue analysis, list o* 6en)ors, tenants, (ros(e t, (ri es or similar in*ormation, or any materials, in*ormation or )ata o* any 5in) regar)ing the /om(any4s -usiness metho)s, (oli ies or (ro e)ures# 0 3 /lassi*ie) in*ormation is an) shall remain the sole (ro(erty o* the /om(any# 7ou un)erta5e to ontinue to -e -oun) -y this lause not+ithstan)ing the om(letion or termination o* your ser6i e +ith the /om(any# 0)3 7ou a 5no+le)ge that the *oregoing lauses are, in 6ie+ o* the om(etiti6e nature o* the /om(anyCs -usiness, reasona-le an) ne essary to (rote t the /om(anyCs legitimate interests an) that any 6iolation +oul) result in irre(ara-le in;ury to the /om(any# 7ou there*ore a 5no+le)ge that i* you 6iolate any o* these lauses, the /om(any shall -e entitle) to o-tain *rom any ourt o* om(etent ;uris)i tion (reliminary an) (ermanent in;un ti6e relie* as +ell as )amages an) e8uita-le a ounting o* all earnings, (ro*its an) other -ene*its arising *rom su h 6iolation, +hi h rights shall -e umulati6e an) in a))ition to any other rights or reme)ies +hi h the /om(any may -e entitle)#

1$. TRAN&FER The om(any may at its )is retion trans*er you to another su-si)iary or asso iate) om(any, (ro;e t, lo ation, se tion, )e(artment, )i6ision, -ran h +here your ser6i es are re8uire)#

1". RE&TRICTION ON OTHER EMPLOYMENT 7ou shall not at any time )uring your ser6i e +ith the /om(any, either )ire tly or in)ire tly, engage in any other gain*ul o u(ation +ithout (rior +ritten onsent o* the /om(any#

(a) %ither (arty terminates your ser6i e +ith the /om(any -y gi6ing *orty@*i6e

0B>3 )ays4 noti e in +riting or *orty@*i6e 0B>3 )ays4 salary in lieu o* noti e i* you are a on*irme) em(loyee, or one +ee54s noti e or one +ee54s salary in lieu o* noti es i* you are un)er (ro-ation#
(b) Noti e to terminate your ser6i e may -e gi6en on the /om(anyCs -ehal* -y

the !uman Desour e Manager# Noti e to terminate your ser6i e must -e ser6e) -y you to your )e(artmental hea)#
(c) Do uments su((orting your a((li ation *or em(loyment are su-;e t to

6eri*i ation -y the /om(any, +hi h reser6es the right to 6eri*y their authenti ity +ith the issuers o* the original )o uments# Not+ithstan)ing anything to the ontrary in this agreement, the /om(any may e9er ise its )is retion to terminate your ser6i e imme)iately +ithout (ay in lieu o* noti e shoul) you -e *oun) to ha6e su((lie) *alse in*ormation in your a((li ation *or em(loyment#
(d) $*, at any time, a 8uali*ie) Me)i al ,**i er erti*ies that you are not a(a-le o*

ren)ering *urther e**i ient ser6i e to the /om(any )ue to any in*irmity o* min) or -o)y, the /om(any may terminate your ser6i e in the manner set out in su-@/lause 0a3 a-o6e#
(e) The /om(any may -ut is not o-lige) to terminate your em(loyment +ithout

noti e i* you are in -rea h o* ontra t or i* in the /om(any4s reasona-le o(inion you are guilty o* mis on)u t an)/or illegal a ti6ities +hi h may em-arrass the /om(any# $* you a e(t our o**er o* em(loyment on the a-o6e terms an) on)itions, (lease sign an) return the )u(li ate o(y o* this letter to us in on*irmation o* your a e(tan e# 'e +el ome you to the om(any an) loo5 *or+ar) to your ;oining us an) -e oming a 6alua-le mem-er o* the /om(any# 7ours *aith*ully

Ngu-en (ho+ Ho+ng MAI )ener+, M+n+ger

To< 5eo,i+ '+ter &o,ution* +n6 Techno,ogie* 5ietn+0 One Me07er LLC


$, E ____ F here-y agree to the terms an) on)itions o* this letter an) here-y a e(t the a((ointment an) shall re(ort to +or5 on EGGGG F# $ also agree to om(ly +ith all rules an) regulations o* the /om(any +hi h are in *or e *rom time to time# $ *urther agree that shoul) $ *ail to om(ly +ith any rules an) regulations o* the /om(any en*or e) *rom time to time, $ +ill -e su-;e t to su h )is i(linary a tion as the /om(any thin5s *it#

Signature of candidate


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