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Sustained End-user Adoption and Learning (SEAL)


Sustained End-user Adoption and Learning (SEAL)

Studies conducted internally and externally suggest that a majority of the process change programs and upgrades made by our customers fail to deliver the expected business benefits because of poor end-user adoption. We believe that process change investments are a Use it or Lose it proposition. Sustained end-user learning is the only way to realize any business benefit from process change programs and upgrades. When banks undertake transformation programs to replace their existing banking systems with Finacle, thousands of their distributed workforces experience significant change in the way they do business, both overall and on a day-to-day basis. Infosys approach to sustained end-user learning will help the bank in rolling out the change successfully and beyond.

Finacle Sustained End-user Adoption and Learning (SEAL)

Infosyss approach, called Sustained End-user Adoption and Learning (SEAL), is an efficient way to drive end-user adoption using smart learning interventions that deliver the right amount of information at the right point on the learning and acceptance curve, significantly reducing the need for expensive in-person classroom training. Classroom training has limited impact if it is the only means to impart training in large-scale programs. In our experience, traditional classroom training does not justify the expenses associated with lost time and travel. These sessions tend to be one-size fits all and give too much information in too short a time. This usually leaves the end-user overwhelmed by the content, and only marginally prepared for the actual systems and processes.

Infosys approach of learning at the screen will help users win at the screen

Solution Approach

The first step of implementing Infosys SEAL solution is to understand and analyze the banks priorities for adoption and ground realities. The next step is to craft the banks adoption strategy and identify the right set of learning interventions. There are many different lear ning interventions available for end-user training, each with its own pros and cons. There is a need to deploy the right set of learning interventions at the right point in time to extract maximum mileage out of each. Our

approach packages the identified set of learning interventions into a learning bundle. A learning bundle is an effective combination of learning interventions that: specifically addresses the unique needs of a user segment has well-established linkages between interventions is deployed in a phased manner to maximize knowledge assimilation and retention

Infosys solution is customized and flexible

Solution Approach

After designing the learning bundle, it is important to time it to a banks Finacle rollout strategy. The SEAL solution uses the ALEC model, which involves rolling out a series of carefully planned learning interventions that are part of the learning bundle, at the appropriate time to ensure optimum end-user adoption and sustainability of the new implementation. ALEC stands for: Awareness Make users aware and a part of the change through communication interventions.

Learning Roll out effective and efficient learning interventions to cater to all sets of users and their needs. Efficiency Enable users to become efficient on the new system through on the job learning, sharing and collaboration. Continuity Continuously motivate and encourage users to share knowledge.

The ALEC model ensures that lessons learnt from the previous waves flow into the subsequent ones to bring about continuous improvement of the learning solution.

Finacle Sustained End-user Adoption and Learning (SEAL)

Key Modules

Infosys SEAL solution is customized and completely flexible. It works effectively in a Finacle upgrade as well as in a fresh Finacle implementation. The learning bundle is always aligned to the banks end-user adoption needs and contains learning interventions that meet them. The diagram below depicts different learning interventions in a typical learning bundle recommended or deployed as a learning solution for end-user adoption of a Finacle implementation.

The learning bundle is aligned to the ALEC Model

Business Benefits

Infosys SEAL solution effectively addresses the learning needs of a large multi-role end-user base both during and beyond rollout. It aligns the delivery of learning interventions to the rollout timeframe to extract optimum mileage from each learning intervention. The following section highlights the benefits of the SEAL approach: Knowledge retention is high because SEAL leverages technology to make training content available exactly when it is needed, in the right amount and in a manner suited to the end-user to avoid cognitive overload. Knowledge is available at all times, and not only during training events. Best of all, the quality of training is always the same, unlike in traditional training, where it is linked to the skills of the instructor. SEAL supports assorted learning styles visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc. of a distributed work force. SEAL learning interventions are designed as modular and reusable learning objects. SEAL enables formal, informal and collaborative learning to improve sustainability and stickiness. The total cost of training delivery is low, as it needs fewer instructors, less infrastructure, and entails lower logistics and training management expenses compared to the traditional training approach. For a user base of over 2000 and a training class size of 20, training and delivery costs can be reduced by up to 50%. On-boarding new users costs less because the blended and modular training content can be reused without adding effort related to training management and classroom training delivery. SEAL is less disruptive to business as users spend less time away from their desks. Most blended interventions, including e-learning courses, can be accessed from workstations, enabling on the job learning. Also, the overall classroom time is shorter. A reduction of 2 days in total training time for a user base of over 2000 implies a saving of more than 4000 business days for the bank.

Finacle Sustained End-user Adoption and Learning (SEAL)

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2011 Infosys Limited, Bangalore, India. Finacle is a registered trademark of Infosys and Infosys acknowledges the proprietary rights of the trademarks and product names of other companies mentioned in this document. Infosys believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice.

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