LTP Lesson Plan

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Subject Class Level of proficiency Number of pupils Date Time Topic Theme Focused skill Integrated skill(s) Curriculum


: English Language : 5 Dengki : Intermediate : 30 : 28/2/2014 (Friday) : 8.00am 8.30am : Take One! Action : World of Knowledge : Listening & Speaking : Writing : Learning outcomes 1.5 Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, and sequence. Curriculum specifications 1.5.1 Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and simple factual texts and give details. 1.5.3 Listen to simple decriptions, recounts and factual texts and talk about them.

2.6 Express thoughts and feelings and give opinions on things read, seen, heard and viewed in simple language. 4.7 Give accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports, and when filling out forms. Specific objectives : By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to: i. ii.

2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard, read or viewed. 4.7.1 Write simple instructions, directions, messages for a purpose.

List at least five WH-questions based on the audio interview. Use at least 5 types of WH-questions.

Educational emphases

: CCTS Identifying main ideas and supporting details Multiple intelligence Interpersonal

Prior knowledge

: Pupils have been taught to answer questions using Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense.

Language contents

: Vocabulary production, filming, company WH questions What , Why, Where, When, Who

Values and citizenship

: Pupils learn that one will have achievement if he or she works hard for their future.

Teaching aids

: Video clip An interview with Jackie Chan Laptop Speakers Foolscap papers

Set Induction (2 minutes)

Movie Experiences Questions: i. What is the best movie you have watched so far? Who is your favourite actor/actr ess in that movie?

Teacher-pupils activity
1. Teacher talks about different genres of movies. 2. Teacher asks pupils the best movie they have watched. -

To activate the pupils schemata. To arouse pupils interest.



Presentation (7minutes)

WH questions: i. What movie will be shown this Saturday ? ii. When is the showing time for the movie?

1. Teacher introduces the five types of WH-questions. 2. Teacher explains to the pupils how to use the WHquestions form. 3. Teacher shows a movie time schedule in Powerpoint to the pupils. 4. Teacher constructs some examples of WH-questions based on the movie time schedule. 1. Pupils watch a 5-minutevideo interview. 2. Teacher asks the pupils to list the number of WHquestions they heard from the interview verbally. 3. In pairs, pupils are asked to write a dialogue based on the interview. 4. In the dialogue, pupils are free to choose their favourite actor or actress to be interviewed.

To guide pupils Powerpoint: on how to use Movie time WH-questions. schedule (Appendix 1)

Practice (13 minutes)

Listen and Identify! Video clip: An interview with Jackie Chan Questions & Answers: Q: How long has Jackie Chan been in movie industry? A: 52 years. Tasksheet: Writing an interview

To make sure Video clip: An every pupil interview with participate in the Jackie Chan learning (Appendix 2) To improve Task sheet : pupils listening Writing a and speaking dialogue script skills. (Appendix 3) To improve pupils creativity in writing

dialogue. Production (6 minutes) Role-play: Presenting the interview dialogue 1. Teacher places two seats in front of the class. 2. A pair of pupils is randomly chosen to present the interview script they have written in front of the class. 3. Pupils take turn to be interviewer and interviewee. 4. Activity continues by choosing another pair of pupils to present their interview script. Closure (2 minutes) Moral values 1. Teacher talks about the hardship of life of being an actor or actress. 2. Teacher infuses the moral values of the lesson to the pupils. To inculcate moral values in pupils. To consolidate what they have learnt previously.

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