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Canada/South Korea - Culture


Canada The name Canada comes from the Iroquoian (Indian) word kanata, which means village, Its land area totals 3, !", #$ square miles ($,$%&," ! square 'ilometers)( .o*ulation - -## - 33,!#&,/-" Body Language It is customar, to sha'e hands when 1eing introduced( 2ost Canadians do not often 'iss or hug when greeting friends( Meeting and Greeting In Canada, *eo*le use their given name first and their surname (famil, name) last( If ,ou meet someone older than ,ou for the first time, ,ou should *ro1a1l, not use the *erson)s first name( It is safer to use the surname, *receded 1, a courtes, title such as0 2s(, 2rs(, 2r(, or 3r( The most common greeting is the handsha'e( It should 1e firm and accom*anied 1, direct e,e contact and a sincere smile( Gift Giving In general, Canadians give gifts for 1irthda,s and Christmas( If invited to someone)s home for dinner, ta'e a 1o+ of good chocolates, flowers or a 1ottle of wine( 3o not give white lilies as the, are used at funerals( 3o not give cash or mone, as a *resent( 4ifts are usuall, o*ened when received(

South Korea

South Korea)s area is a**ro+imatel, "##,#3square 'ilometers .o*ulation (-## )0 /$,-3-, //(

Canada/South Korea - Culture Dining Etiquette Ta1le manners are generall, Continental, i(e( the for' is held in the left hand and the 'nife in the right while eating( 5ait to 1e shown to ,our seat( 3o not 1egin eating until the hostess starts( 3o not rest ,our el1ows on the ta1le( 6eel free to refuse individual foods or drin' without offering an e+*lanation( 7eaving a small amount at the end of the meal is generall, acce*ta1le( Canadian Communication Styles 8nglo*hones do not generall, interru*t someone who is s*ea'ing( The, consider it rude not to let a *erson com*lete their thought 1efore entering the discussion( 6ranco*hones are more li'el, to interru*t another s*ea'er( Canadians li'e their s*ace and *refer to 1e at an arm9s length when s*ea'ing to someone( Symbols of Canada :o,al Crown ; <ueen of =ngland

6lag ; Canadian and >ritish flags used

.rovinces ; each with one flag

Canada/South Korea - Culture Coat of 8rms

?fficial Colors ; :ed and 5hite The 2a*le Tree

The >eaver

@ational S*orts ; Ice Aoc'e, and 7acrosse

:C2. ; :o,al Canadian 2ounted .olice

.arliament >uildings

Canada/South Korea - Culture Canadian Coins

"# .rovinces and 3 Territories Holidays 200 !e" #ear$s Day Good %riday Easter Monday Ban( " 8*ril "# 8*ril "3

&ictoria Day 'Monday (receding 2a, " May 2)* Canada Day + Labour Day 'first Monday of Se(tember* Bul, " Se*t( %

,-an.sgiving Day 'second Monday ?ct( "of /ctober* 0emembrance Day @ov( "" C-ristmas Bo1ing Day 3ec( -! 3ec( -&

* The Holidays Act provides that July 2 is Canada Day when July 1 is a Sunday.

Canada/South Korea - Culture Sc-ool Sc-edule Daily Timetable 0egistration 03! .eriod " .eriod .eriod 3 0ecess .eriod / .eriod ! Lunc.eriod & .eriod % .eriod 0ecess .eriod $ .eriod "# 0/# $0"$0// "#0-

- 0/# - $0"- $0// - "#0"& - ""0##

"#0"& - "#0""0## - ""03""03- - "-0-& "-0-& - "-0! "-0! "03# -0#-0"/ -0/& - "03# - -0#- -0"/ - -0/& - 30"

Sc-ool #ear 7ast wee' of 8ugust to 7ast wee' of Bune Summer Aolida,s ; Bul, and 8ugust Christmas Aolida,s ; - wee's =aster Aolida,s ; " wee' 0egionalism 2ost Canadians have a strong allegiance to their *rovince or region, sometimes more so than to the countr,( There are some 1road differences 1etween regions, which can generall, 1e summed u* as follows0 8tlantic .rovinces (@ova Scotia, @ew >runswic', .rince =dward Island and @ewfoundland)0 The *eo*le are somewhat reserved and *rovincial, to the *oint that the, are seen as old-fashioned( ?ntario0 This is the 1usiness hu1 and the *eo*le tend to 1e 1usiness-li'e and conservative( 5estern Canada (8l1erta, 2anito1a and Sas'atchewan)0 The *eo*le are o*en, friendl, and rela+ed( >ritish Colom1ia0 The *eo*le are less conventional( This *rovince is often viewed as the Canada of the future( <ue1ec0 The 6rench region, has a distinct cultural identit,( The *eo*le are e+tremel, regionalistic/inde*endent( @orth0 The *eo*le have a strong *ioneer s*irit(

Canada/South Korea - Culture


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