Terrorism Report

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Group Members:
Anila Naseer Armanan Javaid Navishta Sultan Syed Faizan Nabeeda Rauf 100154010 12046005032

Report Submitted to: Sir Shahid Habib

March 22, 2014

University of Management and Technology

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the possibility to complete this report. A special gratitude we give to our instructor Mr. Shahid Habib, whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped us in writing this report. We are highly indebted to our instructor for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the report writing & also for his support in completing the report. He has taken the pain to go through the report and make necessary corrections as and when needed. Our special thanks and appreciations to anyone else who helped us in writing this report.

Executive Summary:
This report has been written for the wide range of audience and for purpose of highlighting what the terrorism is? This report is for the submission to our Instructor and it is also of interest to anyone who is involved in the area of practice or work-based learning.

This report was also commissioned to examine the reason and causes of terrorism. And the research draws attention to the fact that poverty, illiteracy, injustice and corruption are the root causes of terrorism. And terrorists are those people who dont care for their lives but they take the lives of innocent people who have dreams in their life. Further our investigation reveals that threat of terrorism increased very rapidly after 2000s and now terrorism spread like the virus in the world body and it is keep on increasing. The report also shows the top 10 worst terror attacks in the world and the terrorism in Pakistan. The report also shows the impact of terrorism on Pakistani economy and what losses we bear because of this virus. In the last part of the report we presented the conclusion and recommendation about how to eradicate this major problem. The first and foremost way to prevent this problem is that we need to build our knowledge about terrorism and we need to overcome our fears regarding to terrorism and need to educate and aware our generation about how to cope with this issue.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement: ......................................................................................................................... 3 Executive Summary: ....................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 6 No terrorism in Islam: ..................................................................................................................... 6 Facts and Figures of Global Terrorism: .......................................................................................... 8 Objectives of Terrorism: ............................................................................................................... 11 Causes of Terrorism: ..................................................................................................................... 11 10 Top Terror Attacks in world: ................................................................................................... 13 Terrorism in Pakistan: ................................................................................................................... 14 Impacts of terrorism in Pakistan: .................................................................................................. 14 Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................... 16 Recommendation: ......................................................................................................................... 17 References: .................................................................................................................................... 18

The threat of terrorism has steadily increased over the last 30 years. With advances in technology, terrorist acts have become much more destructive and the committers of those act more elusive. Few parts of the world have remained untouched by the current wave of terrorism that began in the late 1960's.

"Terrorism is the unlawful use or threat of violence against persons or property to further political or social objectives. It is usually intended to intimidate or coerce a government, individuals or groups, or to modify their behavior or politics." --Vice-President's Task Force, 1986

"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."--FBI Definition Terrorism is different from other forms of conflict in that the violent tactics are not meant to lead to a military victory. Terrorist insurgent groups are fairly small with limited resources. Consequently they would have no chance against a national security force in a military confrontation. Instead terrorist acts are meant as catalysts to political change. The most common goal is to turn a nation's citizens against the government in order to facilitate a political change.

No terrorism in Islam:
The religion of Islam (Submission), advocates freedom, peace and mutual agreement and admonishes aggression. The following verses make it very clear. And do not aggress; GOD dislikes the aggressors. (Quran 5:87) You shall resort to pardon, advocate tolerance, and disregard the ignorant. (Quran: 7:199)

The relations of Muslims (Submitters) with others are based primarily on peace, mutual respect and trust. The theme in the Quran is peace, unless there is oppression or injustice that cannot be resolved by all the peaceful means available. The true religion of Islam forbids the killing of innocent people, irrespective of the cause, religious, political or social beliefs. ...You shall not kill * GOD has made life sacred * except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you that you may understand. (Quran 6:151) You shall not kill any person * for GOD has made life sacred except in the course of justice. (Quran17:33)

In Islam, an amazingly powerful emphasis is laid on developing love for mankind and on the vital importance of showing mercy and sympathy towards every creature of Allah Almighty, including human beings and animals. For indeed, love and true sympathy is the very antidote of terrorism.

Facts and Figures of Global Terrorism:

If we look at the rest of the world, one of the best sources for statistics on terrorism is the Global Terrorism Database:


http://www.economist.com/node/13726320 And then theres also the Global Terrorism Index established by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). Of the 158 countries covered by the index, only 31 have had no attacks in the ten years to 2011. However, the majority of attacks are concentrated in just a handful of countries. Iraq ranks first based on a five-year weighted average of the number of incidents, deaths, injuries and estimated property damage. It has suffered from the most attacks, including 11 of the worlds worst 20. Indeed, Iraqis comprised one third of deaths from terrorism between 2002 and 2011. But while the number of incidents there has climbed since 2007, deaths have actually declined. Other terrorist hotspots include Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. The worst attack over the period was in Nepal, where 518 people died and 216 were injured. If there is any small cause for comfort, it is that terrorist incidents have plateaued since their peak in 2008.


http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/12/04/report_iraq_and_afghanistan_account_for_35_of _last_decades_terrorist_attacks


Objectives of Terrorism:
Terrorist primary objective is to hit political message, violence and destruction is secondary. The first goal is morale-building within the terrorist group. The second goal is advertising, in which the group attempts to announce its existence and place its concerns before the target audience. Terrorists have traditionally used this "propaganda of the deed" to force debate on their goals. When attempting to change the government through an insurgency, becomes grave to the terrorist: Disorientation is the objective par excellence of the terrorist, removing the underpinnings of the order in which his targets live out their everyday lives. The primary responsibility of any incumbent group is to guarantee order to its population, and the terrorist will attempt to disorient the population by demonstrating that the incumbent's structure cannot give adequate support.

The demonstration is, however, but one feature of the disorientation process. On a much deeper level, the goal is the isolation of the individual from his social context. A final objective of a terrorist organization is provoking a response by the incumbent group. Terrorists cannot directly control the government response to an act of symbolic aggression.

Causes of Terrorism:
Injustice: Injustice is one of the foremost factors that breed terrorism. When the grievances of the people are not redressed they resort to violent actions. So this is the case with Pakistan where timely justice has always been a far cry. Hence, the delayed justice is working as incentive for victims and dragging them to the swamp of terrorist organizations.


Illiteracy: Illiteracy is the root cause of extremism and terrorism. More than one in five men aged 15 to 24 unable to read or write, and only one in 20 is in tertiary education. Such a high illiteracy rate has made Pakistan vulnerable to terrorism. Furthermore, technical and vocational education, and adult literacy, are especially important but unfortunately have been neglected the most in Baluchistan, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and the Tribal Areas. Illiteracy and lack of skills provide fertile ground for those who wish to recruit young men and women to their cause, especially when significant monetary payments are attached.

Poverty: Poverty it is also an incubating cause of terrorism. And it is said that a hungry man is an angry man. Notably, majority of people in Pakistan are living below poverty line. While especially for the youngsters, unemployment has made the matter worse. In these adverse circumstances, some people go to the level of extremism and even commit suicide. These are the people whose services are hired by the terrorist groups and they become easy prey to terrorism. Food insecurity: Food insecurity is also linked with militancy and violence. When people remain unable to afford food and cannot meet their basic needs civil strife grows. A report by the Islamabad-based Sustainable Development Policy Institute the highest levels of food insecurity, for instance, exist in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, according to the report, where 67.7 per cent of the people are insecure. The next highest level is in Baluchistan, with food insecurity at 61.2 per cent, and then in Khyber-


Pukhtunkhwa, 56.2 per cent. In Pakistan some extremist forces are exploiting the feelings of lower and lower middle class food insecure people. They are motivating their unemployed youth to commit heinous crimes such as suicide attacks against innocent people.

Another reason of terrorism is dissatisfaction. When a person is dissatisfied with the rulers and thinks that his rights are being humiliated or exiled, his living of life has not been compensated, he is deprived of rightful inheritance to office, wrongly imprisoned and property confiscated then he joins some religious parties. It does not matter which organization it would be. None of the organizations has any importance for him. Adopting an organization would only save him from the critical situation he is in and leaves him to play in the hands of his so-called leaders who destroy his public sense of security. Religious Madrassah is not something new for the Islam or our country. But after Russian attack on Afghanistan it took a new dimension. They were being used as recruitment centers for jihadis. Thousands of Mujahedeen were trained and sent to Afghanistan for so-called jihad. After the fall of Russia, a sizeable number of the jihadis who returned to Pakistan got involved in terrorist activities.

10 Top Terror Attacks in world:

1. Wall Street Bombing/United States (16th September, 1920) 2. British Mandate for Palestine (1937-1948) 3. The Mad Bomber/United Stated (1940-1956) 4. Menarsha Synagogue Attack/Syria (5th August, 1949) 5. Airliner Explosion/Philippines (7th May, 1949) 6. Male Akrabim massacre/Israel (17th March, 1954) 7. . Beirut Barracks Bombing/ Lebanon (23rd Oct, 1989) 8. Dubrovka Theater Siege/Russia (23rd Oct, 2002) 9. Piazza Fontana Bombing/Italy (12th Dec, 1969) 10. 911 Attacks/United States (11th Sept, 2001)


Terrorism in Pakistan:
At present the gravest problem that Pakistan is faces is terrorism. Though, it is a global issue but Pakistan has to bear the brunt of it. This frightening situation is caused due to several factors. These factors include social injustice, economic disparity, political instability, religious intolerance and also external hands or international conspiracies. A handful of people who have their vicious interests to fulfill have not only taken countless innocent lives but also distorted the real image of Islam before the world through their heinous acts. Terrorist acts like suicide bombings have become a norm of the day. On account of these attacks Pakistan is suffering from ineffaceable loss ranging from civilian to economic. People have become numerical figures, blown up in numbers every now and then. Terrorists have not spared any place. Bazars, mosques, educational institutes, offices, hotels, no place is safe anymore.

Impacts of terrorism in Pakistan:

Civilian Loss: Pakistan is paying a huge human cost including no of deaths, injuries, conflict affectees, IDPs and refugees which are increasing day by day. Since September 11, 2001, 21,672 Pakistani civilians have lost their lives or have been seriously injured in an ongoing fight against terrorism. The Pakistan Army has lost 2,795 soldiers in the war and 8,671 have been injured. There have been 3,486 bomb blasts in the country, including 283 major suicide attacks. More than 3.5 million have been displaced. The damage to the Pakistani economy is estimated at $68 billion over the last ten years. Over 200,000 Pakistani troops were deployed at the frontline and 90,000 soldiers are fighting against militants on the Afghan border. Maintaining law and order: Situation of law and order is worsening day by day and costs in order to maintain the law and order are increasing rapidly.


Fiscal costs: Our revenue is falling constantly, foreign exchange resources are vanishing and we lack resources for the programs of growth and to rebuild society. Economic costs: Our economy is in crisis due to reduced investment, flight of capital and lower growth rate. Social costs: Our living standards including health, education and infrastructure have damaged. This conflict often harms the poor most. Sectoral distribution: Shift from tradable to non-tradable sectors increases, due to, e.g., the undermining of banks and failure of transport system.


Terrorism is a complex problem with many diverse causes. Consequently no single effective method to counter it exists. To combat terrorism, one must first understand the underlying motivations for each particular group's actions. Then a strategy needs to be developed based on those findings. Regardless, it is difficult to fight terrorism without endangering civil liberties, such as is the case in Northern Ireland. Many innocent people get caught in the cross-fire. Ending terrorist threats requires imaginative and fluid thinking, whether to attack the roots of terrorism or neutralize a particular group. According to terrorism expert Paul Wilkinson the general principles which have the best track record in reducing terrorism include:

"No surrender to the terrorists, and an absolute determination to defeat terrorism within the framework of the rule of law and the democratic process;"

"No deals and no concessions, even in the face of the most severe intimidation and blackmail;"

"An intensified effort to bring terrorists to justice by prosecution and conviction before courts of law;"

"Tough measures to penalize the state sponsors who give terrorist movements safe haven, explosives, cash and moral and diplomatic support;"

"A determination never to allow terrorist intimidation to block or overturn international diplomatic efforts to resolve major political conflicts in strife-torn regions, such as the Middle East. In many such areas terrorism has become a major threat to peace and stability, and its suppression therefore is in the common interests of international society." (Canadian Security Intelligence Service)


1. Enhance domestic and international information-sharing efforts. Efforts to increase information sharing between different cities and countries this will ultimately reduce the crime rate. The terror attacks are successful because lack of sufficient information sharing between entities across the government. At home, Pakistan should improve

interagency communications and ensure that information is better shared throughout all levels of governmentfederal, state, and local. 2. Improve the prevention of terrorist travel. Of course, security at the airport and on airplanes is also important because it is the last line of defense, and suspicious travelers should be subject to greater but appropriate levels of scrutiny, inspection, and surveillance. In order to plug the gaps in preventing terrorist travel, Pakistan should improve visa security coordination between the Departments of State and Homeland Security. 3. Need to overcome the fear of terrorism by getting the knowledge and awareness about the issue. According to the famous proverb: Fear always spring from ignorance When we start ignoring something then by default fear spring in ourselves and we get scared and we dont know how to face and deal with the issue.


http://www.cssforum.com.pk/css-compulsory-subjects/essay/essays/54746-essay-terrorismpakistan-its-causes-impacts-remedies.html http://www.scribd.com/doc/135153509/Impacts-of-Terrorism-on-Pakistan-Economy http://www.towson.edu/polsci/ppp/sp97/terror/incident.html http://www.elist10.com/top-10-horrifying-terrorist-attacks/ http://terrorism-news-blog.blogspot.com/2010/09/objectives-of-terrorism.html

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