Isspsummer School Template

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Summer School

June 2009 NUI Galway


Title Forename Surname Position Institution Abstract Abstract text Maximum 300 words. Template for ISSP Summer Sc ool papers All papers must be submitted online. Please use this template to prepare your paper which is a!ailable to download on the ISSP Summer School website at www.con" "ollowin# the lin$ to Irish Social Science Plat"orm Summer School then clic$ on the side bar to Assi#nment Template. I" you experience any di""iculty submittin# your paper please contact An#ela Sice or &alerie Par$er !alerie.par$ The len#th o" papers should be between 3 000 and ' 000 words usin# this template and obser!in# the "ollowin# instructions( Please do not chan#e the basic structure mar#ins o" the document or alter the layout o" the )eader and Footer. Font( All papers will be in Arial. Font Si*e( The body text should be in +0 pt. ,old and italic are to be used at the author-s discretion. A!oid underlinin#. The body o" the text should be .usti"ied. )eadin#s( +0 pt and bold. They may be numbered as indicated i" pre"erred. Please a!oid subheadin#s. Footnotes and endnotes are at the authors- discretion. /e"erences should be in the )ar!ard style. 0ia#rams #raphs e1uations charts and photo#raphs etc. should be inserted into the "ile. 2e cannot accept these separately. It would be most use"ul i" would amend the header to insert the authors- names and a brie" title o" the paper 3you may not li$e our attempt at abbre!iatin# your title45. This would be particularly help"ul i" the paper has a lon# title. Please do not use more than two lines in the space pro!ided. 2e reser!e the ri#ht to re"ormat documents. I" attempts ha!e been made to reduce line spacin# "ont si*e etc to meet the '000 words limit on papers you may "ind the ori#inal "ormat restored and the excess trimmed without warnin#4 Any printed proceedin#s will be monochrome. Please ensure that any dia#rams etc. print satis"actorily without the use o" colour. 0i#ital copies o" proceedin#s 3usin# pd" "ormat5 will enable colour to be used. I" you wish to send two copies o" your paper one monochrome the other colour please indicate this clearly in the "ilenames. The deadline "or submission o" "ull papers is !e"#es"a$ %&t September '&&(. This is the latest possible date which will allow the papers to be re!iewed.

This paper is produced and circulated privately and its submission to the ISSP Summer School or anisin committee does not constitute publication!

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